Ragout of fresh vegetables with meat. Variants of cooking stew with vegetables

6 servings

1 hour 25 minutes

76 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

I suggest you cook a delicious, satisfying and, at the same time, low-calorie vegetable stew with meat and potatoes. This dish has long been one of our family's favorites. I make it with what I currently have in the fridge. And if you don’t want to stand at the stove for a long time, then a frozen vegetable mixture helps out wonderfully, which you can now buy without any problems in any supermarket.

Quick, tasty vegetable stew with meat

Kitchen tools: cutting board, knife, deep frying pan.


Step by step cooking

First of all, we decide what we will cook the stew in. It can be a cauldron, a frying pan with high sides or a pan with a thick bottom.

  1. We take 700-800 g of any meat and cut into medium pieces. Pork, beef, chicken or turkey are suitable here. But, in my opinion, the most delicious stew obtained with pork because it is tender and juicy. Especially if there are slits of fat.

  2. We put a dish on the stove in which we will cook. We warm up well and pour a little vegetable oil on the bottom. We spread the meat and cook for about 15 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the liquid that the meat releases has evaporated.

  3. We chop in half rings or cut into cubes two medium onions and send to the meat. Fry until transparent.

  4. Peel 4-5 medium potatoes. Cut into medium-sized cubes, add to our bowl and cook for about 10 minutes.

  5. Cut into cubes or chop 300-350 g of white cabbage. We also fry. If necessary, add a little more oil.

  6. Cut the package with vegetable mixture, pour out all the contents without defrosting. The composition of the mixture can be completely different. It may include carrots, mushrooms, asparagus, cauliflower, bell pepper and other components.

  7. Add 200-250 ml tomato juice or dilute a couple of tablespoons of pasta in a glass of water.

  8. Add salt and spices to taste. Stir, reduce heat, cover and simmer until the meat and vegetables are fully cooked.

  9. Grind with a knife or squeeze 3-4 cloves of garlic through a special press and finely chop a bunch of fresh herbs. We put all this in a stew, mix and turn it off after a couple of minutes.

    You can not add greens during the cooking process, but sprinkle the stew with it when serving.

Video recipe for quick vegetable stew with meat

The video recipe will tell you how to cook stew with meat and vegetables.

You can cook the same way. And even faster than this dish is preparing.

Vegetable stew with meat and potatoes

Cooking time: 95 minutes.
Calories: 86 kcal per 100 g
Quantity: 6 portions.
Kitchenware: cauldron or pan, knife, bowl, frying pan, spoon, cutting board, grater or garlic press, colander, spatula.


Potato medium4-5 pcs.
Eggplant2 pcs.
Regular squash or zucchini2 pcs.
Onion2 pcs.
Sunflower oilfor frying
Meat750-800 g
Garlic3-4 cloves
Salt, spicestaste
tomato paste200-250 g
Carrot2 pcs.
Bell pepper2-3 pcs.
Drinking water1 stack
Hot peppers½ pod
Sugar1 tsp

Step by step cooking

  1. We take two medium eggplants, cut off the edges and cut into medium cubes. Put in a bowl, mix with a tablespoon of salt and leave for 20 minutes. This is necessary in order for bitterness to come out of them. After that, we transfer them to a colander and rinse under the tap. I use eggplant along with the skin, and you can trim it off if you like.

  2. Similarly to eggplant, we cut 4-5 peeled potatoes, 2 medium onions, 2 carrots and 2-3 sweet peppers.

  3. We cut ordinary zucchini or zucchini into the same cubes.

    If there are large seeds, then they need to be cut out, leaving only dense pulp.

  4. So that we have everything at hand, we immediately prepare the sauce. To do this, put in a bowl 3 tablespoons tomato paste. We rub on a fine grater or pass 3-4 cloves of garlic through a press and send them to the paste.

  5. Very finely chop one small pod hot pepper"light" type. It always grows on my windowsill. Instead, you can cut off a small part from the usual long pepper. We also put it in a bowl.

  6. Add half a teaspoon of salt and a spoonful of sugar. It will shade the acidity and sharpness.

  7. Pour a glass of warm water and mix well.

  8. Heat the pan well, lightly cover the bottom vegetable oil and fry the onion until golden brown. We shift it into a cauldron or pan with a thick bottom, trying to leave the oil in the pan as much as possible.

  9. Now quickly fry until golden brown carrot cubes and also transfer to the pan.

    It is not necessary to achieve full readiness so that the vegetables do not turn into porridge during stewing. From quick frying, they will retain their shape.

  10. If necessary, add oil to the pan and fry the eggplant. When they are almost browned, add Bell pepper.

  11. We also fry the zucchini and potatoes separately.

  12. Cut into medium pieces 750-800 g of any meat. Place in the skillet and brown quickly on all sides.

  13. Pour into a saucepan with meat and vegetables our tomato sauce. Salt to taste, season with spices if desired.

  14. Mix well and leave to simmer over low heat until fully cooked.

  15. We lay out the finished stew on plates, sprinkle with chopped herbs and invite everyone to the table.

Video recipe for cooking vegetable stew with meat and potatoes

From detailed recipe in the video you will learn how to cook vegetable stew with meat.

Try to cook this. In the same place, from a similar set of ingredients, you can make and.

Potato stew with meat and beans

Cooking time: 95 minutes.
Servings: 4-6.
Calories: 98 kcal per 100 g
Kitchen tools: bowl, knife, cutting board, frying pan, pan.


Potato medium4-5 pcs.
Eggplant2 pcs.
young squash2 pcs.
Onion2 pcs.
Vegetable oilfor frying
Pork or bacon700-800 g
Salt, spicestaste
Garlic3-4 cloves
Tomatoes600-700 g
Carrot2 pcs.
bell pepper1-2 pcs.
Water3 stack.
Any bean1 stack
tomato paste2 tbsp. l.

Step by step cooking

  1. Before you start cooking, soak a glass of beans for several hours. It is best to do this in the evening. The exception is thin red beans, for which 40 minutes or an hour is enough.

  2. We put the swollen beans in a saucepan or saucepan, pour 3 cups of water and boil for about an hour until tender.

  3. Two eggplants and two young zucchini are peeled and cut into medium cubes.

  4. We cut 2 medium carrots, 4-5 potatoes and 1-2 peppers with the same cubes. We chop the onion in half rings.

  5. We take 600-700 g of tomatoes. We make small cross-shaped incisions on top. Put in a bowl and completely cover with boiling water for two minutes. After that, remove the skin and also cut into cubes.

  6. Cut into medium pieces pork goulash or bacon. The main thing is that the meat was with fat.

  7. In a well-heated pan with oil, quickly fry the meat on all sides until golden.

  8. Add onions and carrots to the meat and fry everything together a little. At the very end, put finely chopped 3-4 cloves of garlic.

  9. While the meat is fried, in parallel we put a pan or cauldron on the stove. Pour a couple of tablespoons of oil and spread the tomatoes, eggplant, peppers and zucchini. We mix.

  10. When the contents of the pan are slightly reduced in volume, add the potatoes and beans. If desired, the potatoes can be separately lightly fried over high heat.

  11. After 10 minutes, transfer the contents of the pan to the pan. Salt, season with spices, add 2 tablespoons of tomato paste and mix.

  12. Simmer everything together over low heat until fully cooked.

Video recipe for cooking vegetable stew with meat and beans

A detailed recipe for making stew with beans and meat can be viewed on the video.

Try to cook hearty and tasty with a variety of vegetables.

  • The stew turns out much tastier if you separately fry all the vegetables that make up its composition.
  • The composition of the ingredients depends on the season and what is in your refrigerator. It can be beets, cauliflower, pumpkin, asparagus and other vegetables.
  • The meat is fried the longest. This takes about 20 minutes. The remaining ingredients are laid with an interval of 10 minutes.
  • First, the stew is cooked over a slightly above-average fire. And 10 minutes after adding the last component, the fire is reduced to a minimum, and everything is stewed until cooked.
  • Salt and spices are added at the moment when all the ingredients are in the bowl. If this is done earlier, then you can not guess with the final volume of vegetables and incorrectly calculate the amount of salt and seasonings.
  • Garlic and herbs are put in the stew 5 minutes before readiness.
  • All vegetables should be cut equally. Then they will cook evenly. The exception is onions. In any case, it cooks quickly. But it is put first of all, so that it conveys the aroma to the rest of the contents.

I will be pleased if you leave comments with reviews or additions to my stew recipes. And bon appetit!

Vegetable stew is popular all over the world, although everywhere it is prepared from different vegetables giving preference different ways. This is not surprising, because vegetable stew is very tasty, healthy and hearty meal, which can replace not only a side dish, but also a whole dinner. Vegetable stew with meat is especially satisfying. It is dominated by a mixture of various vegetables, which makes the dish not too heavy, but there is also meat, thanks to which the stew becomes even tastier and more satisfying.

Cooking features

If you just cut the included vegetable stew ingredients and stew them, you should not expect that you will get a really tasty and appetizing dish. In order for the stew of vegetables with meat to come out appetizing and tasty, you need to know and follow a few simple, but no less important rules.

  • Vegetables cook faster than meat, so stews always start with a bookmark. meat products. Don't cut the meat too much large pieces. Before combining with vegetables, the meat must be fried. This will allow him to cook at the same time with them and not lose juiciness during the cooking process.
  • To prepare vegetable stew, you can use any meat, it is only important that it be fresh and of high quality. In this case, preference should be given to the meat of young animals, as it turns out to be more tender and soft.
  • If you want to cook vegetable stew with frozen meat, you need to defrost it correctly, that is, let it thaw on the top shelf of the refrigerator. If you defrost meat in the microwave or warm water, it will lose its juiciness, become dry, hard and tasteless, it will be difficult to chew and swallow even with juicy vegetables.
  • When preparing the stew, it is important to observe the order of laying the vegetables themselves, as they have a different structure and, accordingly, are cooked at different times.
  • Try to cut the vegetables for the stew into even medium-sized pieces of approximately the same size and the same shape. In this case, the dish will look much more appetizing.

The rest of the preparation of vegetable stew with meat will depend on the chosen recipe. However, regardless of the method of preparation of the dish, it does not hurt to sprinkle it with fresh herbs before serving. It will not only decorate the stew and give it a pleasant aroma, but also make it healthier.

Vegetable stew with pork

  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • white cabbage - 1 kg;
  • zucchini - 0.8 kg;
  • carrots - 0.3 kg;
  • tomatoes - 0.3 kg;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • pork - 0.7 kg;
  • vegetable oil- how much is required;
  • salt, seasonings - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the pork, remove the films, cut excess fat. Dry the meat with paper towels and cut into small cubes (no more than 1.5 cm).
  • Cut the tomatoes into small cubes, after washing. It is not necessary to peel them, but if you remove the skin from the tomatoes before chopping, it will be even better. Peeling tomatoes will be easy if you pour boiling water over them.
  • Peel and cut carrots small cubes, about three times smaller than pieces of meat.
  • Wash the zucchini, remove the skin from it with a vegetable peeler. Cut in half lengthwise and scoop out the seeds with a spoon. If your zucchini is very young, these manipulations are superfluous. Cut the zucchini into pieces of about 1 cm.
  • Peel the potatoes, cut them in the same way as zucchini.
  • Wash the cabbage. After removing sluggish or spoiled leaves, chop it coarsely.
  • In a large thick-walled saucepan or a capacious cauldron, heat the vegetable oil. Put in it the onion, cut into medium-sized pieces or thin half rings. Fry it until golden brown.
  • Add meat. Fry it on all sides so that all the pieces are completely covered. golden brown.
  • Reduce heat slightly and add carrots and cabbage. Fry them together with the meat for 10 minutes, stirring constantly.
  • Put the remaining vegetables in the pot. Pour in some water. Add salt and seasonings.
  • Cook vegetable stew with meat over low heat for 40 minutes. If the meat is finely chopped and the vegetables are young, then the cooking time can be reduced by 10 minutes.

To prepare the amount of ingredients indicated in the recipe, you will need a sufficiently capacious container. If you do not have a large cauldron or a large-sized thick-bottomed pan in your house, the amount of ingredients can be halved.

Vegetable stew with beef

  • beef - 0.4 kg;
  • tomatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • zucchini - 0.4 kg;
  • green beans - 0.2 kg;
  • eggplant - 0.2 kg;
  • bell pepper - 0.4 kg;
  • onions - 0.4 kg;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • beef broth or vegetable broth - 0.25 l;
  • vegetable oil - 60 ml;
  • salt, black ground pepper- taste.

Cooking method:

  • Rinse the beef well, remove the film. Cut into strips, as for beef stroganoff. Dry the meat before slicing.
  • Wash, pat dry the eggplant with a towel and cut it lengthwise into plates about 1 cm thick. Sprinkle the plates with salt and put them in a colander. After half an hour, rinse the eggplants in running water, dry with napkins and cut into cubes.
  • Cut the zucchini into the same pieces, after washing and drying it. If necessary, peel the zucchini with a vegetable peeler, remove the seeds with a spoon, cutting the fruit in half.
  • Remove the husk from the onion and cut it into thin half rings.
  • Cut each pepper in half. Remove the seeds, cut off the stem. Cut the pepper into half rings. To make the stew more appetizing, it is better to take peppers of different colors.
  • Make cross cuts on the tomatoes. Dip the vegetables for 2 minutes in boiling water. Take them out, cool, clean. Rub the tomato pulp through a sieve or grind it with a blender.
  • Pass the garlic through a press and mix it with tomato puree. Add salt and spices to this.
  • Combine tomato puree with a glass of broth, mix well. If you don't have broth or vegetable broth you can use plain water.
  • Heat oil in a deep frying pan or cauldron. Dip the onion in it and fry it lightly until golden brown.
  • Add meat. Fry it, stirring, until it is well browned.
  • Put the remaining vegetables in the pan, including green beans, fry them all together for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. You can use frozen green beans for the stew. In this case, it should be put in the pan without defrosting.
  • Pour in the tomato puree mixed with the broth. Cover the pan or cauldron with a lid, reduce the heat.
  • Stew vegetables with beef for 30-40 minutes.

When laying out the stew on plates, do not spare the sauce: it is delicious, and it will be very pleasant to eat the dish with it.

Vegetable stew with meat and mushrooms

  • meat (pork or veal) - 0.35 kg;
  • fresh champignons - 100 g;
  • carrots - 0.3 kg;
  • onions - 0.2 kg;
  • sweet pepper - 0.2 kg;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • soy sauce - 30 ml;
  • ground paprika - a pinch;
  • tomato paste - 10 ml;
  • water or broth - 100 ml;
  • vegetable oil - as needed;
  • spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the meat. Dry, cut into strips.
  • Wash vegetables. Peel onions and carrots. Remove stems and seeds from peppers.
  • Cut the pepper into 4 parts, cut it into quarters of the rings.
  • Onion cut into half rings.
  • Cut carrots into strips or grate for Korean salads.
  • Cut mushrooms into slices.
  • Brown the beef in hot oil in a pan.
  • Add onion and pepper, fry for 5 minutes.
  • Put in carrots and garlic. Cook for 5 more minutes.
  • Add mushrooms. Pour everything with sauce made from broth, soy sauce, tomato paste and spices.
  • Cover with a lid and simmer for half an hour over low heat.

Despite the simple composition, vegetable stew with meat and mushrooms turns out to be very tasty, juicy and fragrant. It can be eaten as independent dish, and can be served with a side dish of rice or pasta.

Vegetable stew with meat - hearty and tasty dish. It alone will replace a full meal. At the same time, even an inexperienced cook can cope with its preparation.

Vegetable stew is truly delicious and healthy dish, but it turns out more satisfying and fragrant if you add any meat to it. You can use both chicken meat and beef, pork, lamb. In vegetables with meat, you can include tenderloin, fillet or ribs. But whatever meat is used, it should be flavored with a good portion of all kinds of herbs, spices and seasonings.

The recipe for vegetable stew with meat can also include mushrooms and absolutely any vegetables, depending on the season. Usually the composition of the dish includes zucchini, potatoes, cabbage, eggplant, peppers, carrots. And, of course, as much as possible onion and greenery. Cooking stew in the oven, on the stove, in microwave oven, slow cooker and even at the stake. This is an independent dish that does not require any addition in the form of a side dish.

Food preparation

To make a delicious stew, you need to choose the right products, they must be of high quality and fresh. For this dish, you can use not only excellent tenderloin, from meat on cartilage the food turns out to be no less tasty and rich.

It can be anything - frozen, chilled, fresh. The frozen piece will need to be thawed first. If you want the meat to turn out with a golden crust, you will first need to fry it separately, and then add all the necessary components that make up the dish. If the presence of a crust is not important, you can start stewing vegetables at the same time.

As for vegetables, it all depends on the gastronomic preferences of the cook. The recipe for vegetable stew with meat can include both fresh and therefore this dish can be enjoyed at any time of the year. Before proceeding with the preparation of the stew, the vegetables are washed and peeled, grains, and husks.

The main thing to remember is that all ingredients should be cut into fairly large pieces, small cuts in stews are unacceptable.

Preparing dishes

You don't need any special utensils to make the stew. When pre-frying, you will need a deep one. A stewpan is suitable for stewing; in the absence of this utensil, you can use a thick-walled pan.

You can also cook stew in the oven. In this case, you will need any heat-resistant deep form. No less tasty is a dish cooked in pots - clay or ceramic.

Easy and delicious stew recipes

So, the most important preparatory moments have been completed, it remains to go directly to the preparation of the dish. We offer you three best recipe: stew with beans and vegetables, with mushrooms, eggplant. Choose the one that appeals to you the most and start the process of creating a hearty and delicious culinary masterpiece.

Ragout with mushrooms

Any dish, which includes mushrooms and meat, turns out to be hearty and fragrant.


  • 300 grams of beef;
  • 300 grams of champignons;
  • three medium potatoes;
  • two onions;
  • one carrot;
  • two tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • half a lemon;
  • herbs, salt, vegetable oil, spices - to taste.


  1. Rinse the meat, pat dry and cut into medium-sized cubes.
  2. Peel the vegetables, cut the onions into half rings, carrots into rings, and potatoes into cubes.
  3. Wash the mushrooms, cut into slices.
  4. Heat a little vegetable oil in a frying pan, fry the chopped meat until a delicious crust.
  5. Add carrots to beef, cook, stirring, for 10 minutes, then put onions and mushrooms. Roast for another 7-10 minutes.
  6. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon to the prepared foods, add spices and half a glass boiled water. Cover the saucepan with a lid, simmer for half an hour.
  7. When almost everything is ready, put the potatoes in the stew and add the tomato paste diluted in 100 ml of water, mix, simmer until the potatoes are ready.

Put the finished stew in plates, sprinkle with herbs. Serve with sour cream.

Meat stew with eggplant and beans

Basically, potatoes are used in the preparation of this dish, but if instead of given ingredient add eggplant and beans, then the stew will sparkle with new colors and taste.


  • 300 grams of any meat;
  • three young medium eggplants;
  • a can of canned beans;
  • onion;
  • bell pepper;
  • carrot;
  • three tomatoes;
  • vegetable oil, herbs, spices;
  • greenery.


  1. Rinse the meat and cut into pieces with a diameter of 3-4 cm.
  2. Peel the vegetables, cut the eggplants and tomatoes into cubes, cut the pepper into rings, onion into half rings, and grate the carrots into coarse grater or cut into sticks.
  3. Fry the meat in vegetable oil in a saucepan, add half a glass of water, simmer until half cooked.
  4. Then lay out all the prepared vegetables, beans, salt the stew, add spices and dry herbs, pour a glass of boiled water, cover the dish with a lid, simmer for 40 minutes.

Serve garnished with fresh herbs and vegetable salad.

Recipe for stew with vegetables

And another way to cook. It is notable for the fact that the ingredients can be added, replaced, removed depending on your taste preferences.


  • 600 grams of meat;
  • six medium potatoes;
  • two young small zucchini;
  • three onions;
  • 300 grams of green beans;
  • three tomatoes;
  • bell pepper;
  • greens and garlic - optional;
  • vegetable oil.
  • salt, spices, pepper.


  1. Defrost the meat, wash, dry and cut into medium cubes. Fry it in oil until crispy.
  2. Peel the onion from the husk, cut into quarter rings, fry until golden brown in another container. Then put it on the browned meat.
  3. Peel the potatoes and cut into pieces with the same size as the meat, put in a neat layer on the onion.
  4. A little green beans in the same pan where the onions were fried before, put the beans on the potatoes.
  5. Rinse the zucchini, cut into cubes, put on the beans.
  6. Wash the tomatoes and pour boiling water for a couple of minutes, remove the skin, chop with a fork and put on zucchini.
  7. Peel the Bulgarian pepper from seeds and stalk, cut into rings, put on tomatoes.
  8. Rinse the garlic and greens, cut and sprinkle the prepared ingredients with them, now add salt, spices and seasonings.
  9. Pour boiled water over everything so that the vegetables are covered by about half. Set the heat to medium, cover the pan with a lid, cook for 30-40 minutes.

These are so simple and delicious recipes stew. To prepare them, you do not need any special knowledge and skills, everything is quite easy, it is only important to follow the instructions.

  1. Any recipe for vegetable stew with meat involves adding as much as possible more various spices, seasonings, dried herbs.
  2. If all the components are pre-fried, the stew will acquire a richer taste.
  3. If you use meat water instead of boiled water, or the dish will turn out tastier.
  4. If you do not have all the ingredients in stock, do not be upset. Cook with what you have. Stew - universal dish, fantasy, creativity and experiments are only welcome.

Bon Appetit!

Ragout - a dish that can be cooked different ways and use whatever vegetables the season has to offer. Vegetables can be replaced or others can be added - bell peppers, zucchini, cabbage, etc. Ragout turns out delicious if it is cooked with meat or just vegetables. If you want to make the dish more dietary, you can put all the ingredients in a saucepan or cauldron and simmer, without frying anything, on fire or in the oven until cooked.


  1. Meat (beef or pork) 400 g
  2. Carrot 1 pc.
  3. Onion 1 pc.
  4. Potatoes 3 pcs.
  5. Eggplant 2 pcs.
  6. Tomatoes 3 pcs.
  7. Garlic 1 clove
  8. Vegetable oil
  9. Ground black pepper
  10. Bay leaf

I use a cast iron skillet for this dish. Stew can also be cooked in a cauldron or saucepan. If you cook in a saucepan, then the meat and vegetables will first need to be fried, then put into a saucepan and then stewed as indicated in the recipe.

Recipe for vegetable stew with meat:

1. Rinse the meat, dry a little and cut into cubes. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil well, then put the prepared meat on it and fry for several minutes, until golden brown.

2. Peel onions and carrots. Finely chop the onion, and grate the carrots.

4. Add onions and carrots to the meat, fry all together a little more, add salt and black pepper. Pour the meat and vegetables with water so that the meat is not completely covered. Cover and simmer for 10-15 minutes over low heat.

6. In the meantime, wash the eggplant. Peel potatoes.

Cut potatoes and eggplant into cubes.

7. Add potatoes to the meat, mix and simmer until almost cooked, covered with a lid.

Give preference to vegetables that are not similar in color, density and taste. Then "rich" meat stew with potatoes and without tomato paste will be transformed by paints. In winter, use frozen semi-finished mixes - without thawing, add to fried meat. And when the shelves are beckoning with new crops from greenhouses and orchards, make your own adjustments and create a new mix every time.

As you might guess, the basis of meat stew with potatoes is pork, beef or other meat and potatoes. Then compose on your own. Peas, corn, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower or white cabbage, zucchini, squash ... The list is long, but one rule applies: vegetables are laid in turn, from the hardest to the most tender and juicy.

Cooking time: 40-60 minutes / Number of servings: 4-5


  • pork ham 600 g
  • potatoes 5-7 pcs.
  • onion 2 pcs.
  • carrot 1 pc.
  • zucchini 1 pc.
  • bell pepper 1 pc.
  • white cabbage 1/3 pc.
  • cherry 10-15 pcs.
  • garlic 1 pc.
  • chili 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • salt pepper. Bay leaf taste
  • greens for serving

How to cook meat stew with potatoes

In addition to pork, they take the loin of beef, lamb, even chicken and turkey. Wash the meat before cutting cold water and dry, divide into identical and fairly large bars.

We heat up a spacious container (cauldron) for several minutes on the upper fire, pour in the refined vegetable oil any variety - after about a minute, when crackles of hot deep fat are heard, we lower the pork slices. From time to time we turn the pieces of pork over, first completely evaporate the released moisture, then fry until a golden shell. We lay coarsely chopped onions, whole garlic cloves, red chili rings (we clean the burning seeds first). Continue frying for 3-4 minutes to thoroughly saturate each piece with fat.

Remove the top layer from large carrots, cut first in circles, then in quarters. Carrots can be replaced with pumpkin, fresh or frozen. But be sure to add orange vegetables to lean or meat stew with potatoes. Sweet, juicy, bright. Again, mix the still dense components and sauté for another couple of minutes, saturate the carrots with fat-oil.

Now we add halves or quarters of potato tubers, again we work with a spatula, lifting all the layers. When the potatoes are pre-oiled, the dish is tastier, more appetizing and more aromatic. Let me remind you that we do not pour in any water or other liquid. In this form, we hold the next five minutes.

From the next step we load more tender vegetables. If you cook from young cabbage and zucchini, then in too long heat treatment there is no need, so quickly early vegetables are steamed and softened. So, white cabbage chop into wide fragments (if desired, chop into strips), and the zucchini into large cubes. Throw in a pinch of salt. We set the lid for 5-6 minutes to extract the juice. Just zucchini and cabbage provide a lot of moisture, sufficient for the whole platter.

Remove the lid, mix the mix that has already softened and sank to the bottom. We enhance the aroma with spicy laurel, hot peppercorns (favorite herbs). Cover with a small gap for steam to escape and simmer the meat stew with potatoes until tender (as a rule, 30-40 minutes is more than enough). Try.

At the very end of the process, when both hard root crops and pork are stewed, we put tomatoes peeled from hard skins and thick-walled bell peppers (red, yellow, orange). Miniature cherry tomatoes are left whole, sweet peppers are cut into square plates. Pepper to taste. Turn off the fire and insist 10-15 minutes. That is, tomatoes and bell peppers are warmed up, pass the smells of the brew, but retain freshness. Everything.

We crumble dill, cilantro or parsley directly on the meat stew with potatoes and serve immediately, hot. Bon Appetit!