Cookies in brine and mayonnaise recipe. You will need the following ingredients to make this lean cookie

Brine cookies are prepared from a minimum set of products, it turns out lush and tasty.

Once upon a time in childhood, my sister and I cooked crispy biscuits in brine. Many years have passed since then. And recently, looking at the pickle in a jar of tomatoes, I suddenly remembered those thin cookies that crunched so nicely. Would love to make these cookies. I couldn't remember the recipe. Therefore, thanks to the hostesses who share recipes on the Internet. I quickly found it and just as quickly repeated it.

I immediately remembered my childhood. My daughter made brine cookies with me, asking how and with whom, we made them before. This is my childhood journey with this recipe. I think many of you have also prepared such a delicacy before.

If you want to repeat the brine cookie recipe, you definitely need to open a jar of cucumbers or tomatoes. By the way, we also baked cookies on tomato juice. I think it's the same. So if there is any of the above in the house, you can start making crispy cookies.

A set of products for making biscuits in brine:

  • - vegetable oil - 15 tablespoons;
  • - brine - 15 tablespoons;
  • - granulated sugar - 15 table. spoons;
  • - baking powder - 2 teaspoons;
  • - flour - about 400 grams.

Step-by-step instructions for the dish "Cookies in brine"

Brine Cookie Recipe:

Pour the indicated amount of brine into the bowl. I think the cucumber brine cookies will be the same as those made from tomato brine.

Add 15 tablespoons of vegetable oil to it.

We put the same amount of granulated sugar. We mix. It must dissolve.

Pour flour through a sieve, add baking powder to it. Knead a tight dough.

This is how the dough turned out. By the way, this number is quite a lot. Therefore, if you want to make not too many cookies, 10 tablespoons of each ingredient, or even seven, will be enough. You understand the principle, so now you can reduce the proportions yourself.

We wrap the dough for cookies in a film and send it to the refrigerator for half an hour. Then the dough will become more pliable. Will not spread over the work surface. It is easy to roll out when it is cold. It is also convenient to work with him, cutting out molds.

We take out the cold dough from the refrigerator and begin to roll it into a thin layer. Cut out the shapes using cookie cutters or a glass. The surface of the table must be sprinkled with flour so that the dough does not stick. The thinner we roll the dough, the better the cookies will crunch.

Just make sure that the thickness of all products is the same for even cooking. It happens that one part of the cookie is already burning, and the other is completely light. It is best to make all cookies thin. It will brown quickly and taste better.

Put all the figures on a baking sheet. For convenience, we cover the baking sheet with parchment. Ready from him homemade cookies easy to take off. Yes, and the pan will subsequently be clean. We put the blanks for cookies in a preheated oven. If desired, sprinkle with sesame seeds on top. We bake at a temperature of 180 degrees. The baking time depends on the thickness of the products. On average it is 15 minutes. Next, follow the process of making cookies yourself.

As soon as the cookies are browned, you can take them out of the oven. If desired, you can make some kind of icing for cookies in order to slightly ennoble it. You can melt the chocolate and grease the surface of the cookies. Can do icing sugar and add different colors.

Here, your imagination will help you decorate cookies in brine. And you can eat it without glaze. The kids love this treat. It is not too greasy, unlike shortbread cookies. Cucumber brine cookies are ready.

Lenten biscuits in brine

These brine cookies are absolutely lean, suitable even for vegetarians. It is prepared very simply and quickly. And most importantly, no one will ever guess that these are brine cookies. If you and your loved ones are fasting, then this pastry will come in handy. Put the cookies in a beautiful box and present as a gift, or just cook for your household. And if you add less sugar to the brine cookie recipe and include various seasonings in the list of ingredients, you get an excellent salty pastry for beer. Husband will be happy for sure.

A set of products for making lean cookies:

  • cucumber pickle - 100 ml;
  • sunflower oil- 100 ml;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • flour - 1-2 cups;
  • soda - ¼ tsp;
  • coconut flakes, sesame seeds for decoration.

Step-by-step instructions for the dish "Lenten biscuits in brine"

Mix liquid ingredients in a deep bowl. Cucumber pickle can be replaced with any other. For example, delicious cookies made with tomato brine. The main thing is to strain it well. Add sugar and soda.

Mix thoroughly. The soda will extinguish with brine and the mass will bubble.

Add flour and knead the dough. It should be thick, but not hard. From the "clogged" dough, the cookies will turn out not so tasty.

Roll out the dough. The layer should be 3 mm thick. If rolled out thinner, the cookies will burn on the baking sheet, and if thicker, they may not bake well.

Cut out cookies with cookie cutters and place them on a baking sheet. To make the cookies easy to remove, you can use baking paper, a baking sheet, or simply grease the baking sheet with oil. It is best to use paper, then the baking sheet does not even have to be washed.

Decorate the cookies coconut flakes, sesame.

Bake cookies in cucumber brine at 180 degrees.

After 20 minutes, homemade cookies will turn golden. This means it's ready.

If you still have a pickle from cucumbers or tomatoes, in no case do not pour it out. By adding a minimum of products, according to this recipe with a photo, you can always cook very tasty and economical cookies on cucumber or tomato pickle at home.

My grandmother taught me that a good housewife uses all the products. Therefore, the recipe for very tasty brine cookies in my childhood was used quite often. I then could not understand how such delicious sweet cookies are obtained from salty brine?

For me it was some kind of magic. I suggest you solve this mystery and find out how you can quickly and tasty cook cookies on cucumber pickle.

Grandma's brine cookie recipe

Kitchen appliances and inventory: bowl, spoon, baking sheet, sieve, whisk, molds.


How to choose the right products

  • Pickle can be taken as a tomato and cucumber. Be sure to pass it on.
  • Sunflower oil can be replaced with olive oil.
  • To extinguish soda, instead of vinegar, you can take a tablespoon of lemon or lime juice.

Step by step cooking

  1. Mix 2 eggs in a bowl and a glass of brine, sugar, sunflower oil and flour.
  2. Mix, add a teaspoon of soda, quenched with a tablespoon of vinegar and a pinch of salt.

  3. Gradually add 2-3 more cups of flour, achieving a thick consistency. The dough should be dense, elastic, like dumplings.

    After kneading, leave the dough for 10 minutes, wrapped in a bag or covered with a towel.

  4. We divide the dough into several parts, each roll out to a thickness of about 10 millimeters.
  5. Using molds, we stamp various figures. If you do not have molds, you can take a glass or a glass.

  6. Lay them out on a baking sheet. The dough on the brine for cookies increases during the baking process, so you need to lay out the workpieces at a sufficient distance between them.

  7. We bake in the oven, which must be preheated in advance, at a temperature of approximately 185 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Once browned, turn off the oven. Do not overdry the cookies, otherwise they will become very hard.
  8. Cooled cookies can be lightly sprinkled powdered sugar and serve with coffee, cocoa, juice, tea and other drinks.

Recipe video

I invite you to watch a short video on making brine cookies.

  • If you want a crunchier cookie, roll the dough out to about 0.5 cm thick.
  • So that the dough does not stick to the molds, you need to dip them in flour from time to time.
  • If you brush the cookies with a lightly beaten egg before baking, they will be more golden.

Other possible cooking and filling options

  • In the finished cookies, the aroma of brine is not felt at all. But if you want to diversify its taste, add a teaspoon of ginger or cinnamon to the dough. You can also add a little vanilla, but do not overdo it, otherwise the cookies will be bitter. Do not add more than the tip of a knife.
  • If you like experiments, add pieces of nuts, dried apricots, raisins to the dough. These cookies can be prepared every time with a new filler.
  • Want a savory cookie option? Add just a few tablespoons of sugar to the dough and sprinkle the hot biscuits with grated cheese. Put it in the oven for a couple more minutes. It will turn out very tasty!
  • Thinking about what else would be so interesting to bake for children? I propose to prepare for tea or for milk and cocoa.
  • All adults, and especially men, will certainly like it.
  • If you like surprises, cook. It will please everyone without exception.
  • For those who are fasting, I suggest baking lean cookies. Also, this option will appeal to those who like to cook "from nothing", while a lot, tasty and fast.
Optionally, instead of cucumber, you can take pickle from tomatoes or sauerkraut. It does not matter. The main thing is to knead the dough well, then the cookies will turn out very tasty.


Cucumber pickle - 1 tbsp.;
vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.;
sugar - 150 g;
flour - 4 tbsp.;
soda - 1 tsp


1. First, mix the brine with sugar until the grains are completely dissolved. Then add soda and pour in vegetable oil, mix everything well again.

2. The last ingredient remains - flour. We also pour it in parts into the total mass, after sifting through a sieve to avoid the appearance of lumps. At the end you should have a thick dough.

3. Ready dough we wrap cling film and send it to the refrigerator for 20 minutes to make it easier to roll out. After the time has passed, we take out the dough and divide it into several parts, after which we roll each of them.

4. The ideal dough thickness is 5-8 mm. When it is rolled out to such an extent, we begin to give it a shape. You can just take a glass and make round cookies, or you can take baking molds and use them to make curly cookies. And you can make long cookies, as shown in the photo below.

5. Cover the baking sheet parchment paper, put the future cookies on it and send it to the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for 15 minutes.

6. Delicious cucumber brine cookies are ready.

Note! It is not necessary to extinguish the soda, since the brine can perfectly cope with this task.

Biscuits in brine with semolina

If you add semolina to all the ingredients listed in the previous recipe, then the cookies will be even more tender and tasty. In addition, with the appearance of semolina in the list of ingredients, cookies become less harmful.


Cucumber pickle - 1 tbsp.;
granulated sugar - 4 tbsp. l.;
Wheat flour- 2 tbsp.;
semolina- 1 tbsp.;
sunflower oil - 0.5 tbsp.;
baking soda- 1 tsp;
vanilla sugar- optional.


1. First of all, mix cucumber pickle with sunflower oil, add sugar there and mix everything. Then add in turn semolina, sifted flour and, if desired, a little vanilla sugar. In conclusion, add quick soda.

2. Mix all the ingredients well together, and the dough is ready. Now he needs to be allowed to cool in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes and can be rolled out. Sprinkle the table and rolling pin with flour or simply roll out the dough through cling film.

3. Cut out cookies of different shapes using special molds or give them a round shape with a glass.

4. Grease a baking sheet with sunflower oil or cover it with parchment paper, put cookies on it. We send it to the oven, heated to 200 degrees, for 20-25 minutes.

5. Transfer the cookies to cool on a special rack. Delicious brine cookies are ready!

Advice! It is best to take refined vegetable oil, as it is less greasy and most suitable for delicate baking.

Healthy brine cookies

If you stick proper nutrition but want to treat yourself to something delicious, this recipe with a photo will help you. It contains all the harmful ingredients from classic recipe replaced by their useful alternatives so you can try this recipe without worrying about your health.


Cucumber pickle - 100 ml;
olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
oat bran - 150 g;
soda - 0.5 tsp;
wheat flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
brown sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
Apple vinegar- 1 tsp;
raisins, goji berries and sesame - 2 tbsp. l. (optional);
vegetable oil.


1. At first glance, cooking seems complicated due to a large number different ingredients, but actually bake this healthy cookies pretty easy. First, mix the brine with olive oil.

2. We measure right amount bran and pour them with brine mixed with olive oil, let it brew for 5 minutes.

3. Add brown sugar to the bran (you can do without it).

4. We extinguish the soda and add it to the dough. Add sesame seeds, raisins or goji berries if desired. They will give the cookies a brighter and more interesting taste.

5. Add flour. If the amount indicated in the ingredients is not enough, and the dough sticks to your hands, add a little more flour. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

6. We roll balls from the dough, flatten them and we can assume that the cookies are almost ready.

7. We cover the baking sheet with parchment, grease it a small amount vegetable oil and spread cookies on it.

8. We send a baking sheet with cookies to the oven for 25 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

9. Cool and serve cookies on the table. It turns out very similar to the classic oatmeal cookies, but in this version the dough is more tender and light. Enjoy your meal!

Each of the recipes described above is delicious and special in its own way. But we recommend that you try exactly the dietary version of brine cookies, as it will forever dispel doubts that healthy food can't be delicious.

Brine cookies are another ingenious culinary idea, which allows you to use seemingly completely useless products. Despite the salty taste of the main ingredient, it can be easily done with its participation. sweet pastries. The texture of the cookies in brine is soft and slightly crumbly. You can add a variety of ingredients to the dough, changing the taste and calorie content of the dish. So there is a lean liver in brine, salty, shortbread, biscuits in brine with filling, etc.

Brine cookies are made from marinade, which remains from canned vegetables . In particular, cucumber, cabbage and tomato pickle is suitable. Also, the composition of the dough necessarily includes flour, sugar or salt, depending on the chosen recipe. To bring all the ingredients together, you need to add vegetable or animal fat to them, so recipes often contain butter and sunflower oil, spread or margarine.

Softer and tender cookies in brine is obtained with the addition of dairy products - milk itself, sour cream, condensed milk, etc.. You can also supplement it with oatmeal, fillers in the form of raisins and dried apricots, nuts, chocolate or poppy seeds. You can put inside the biscuits in brine delicious stuffing from cream or condensed milk.

Cookies are baked in brine in the oven at a high temperature. Usually this process takes only a few minutes, after which you can serve delicious ruddy pastries to the table. You can decorate the dessert with powdered sugar or chocolate chips, and salty cookies- sesame seeds, cheese or dried herbs.

The secrets to making perfect brine cookies

Brine cookies should definitely get into the cookbook of a thrifty hostess. With these recipes, you can make a delicious and beautiful dessert for the whole family from the most simple products. If you haven't heard before, how to cook liver in brine try to remember the following tips:

Secret number 1. The amount of flour in brine cookie recipes is approximate. You may need a little less or a little more. It depends on the quality of the product and the percentage of gluten.

Secret number 2. To make brine cookies brown, brush each piece of dough before baking. butter, black tea, protein or yolk. The most convenient way to do this is with a special culinary brush, but you can replace it with a paper napkin.

Secret number 3. Before preparing cookies, be sure to strain the brine through a fine strainer or cheesecloth. So you get rid of small pieces spices or vegetables that you definitely won’t need to make a dessert.

Lenten biscuits in brine will surely please all the sweet tooth, and the hostess will certainly appreciate this dish, because it is prepared extremely simply and from the most affordable products. Properly prepared dough will not stick to your hands, it will be very easy to roll out to the desired thickness. It will be possible to give it any shape, so you can experiment with appearance brine cookies for your pleasure. To keep the cookies soft, take them out of the oven as soon as the bottom starts to brown.


  • 10 st. l. cucumber pickle;
  • 500 g flour;
  • 7 art. l. Sahara;
  • 7 art. l. vegetable oil;
  • ½ tsp soda;
  • ½ tsp vinegar;
  • 2 g vanillin.

Cooking method:

  1. In a deep bowl, mix cucumber brine and sugar.
  2. Pour vegetable oil into the same bowl, extinguish soda with vinegar and add to the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Pour vanilla into a bowl, mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Gradually add flour and knead a smooth elastic dough.
  5. Sprinkle a work surface and a rolling pin with flour, roll out the dough into a thin layer about half a centimeter wide.
  6. Using a glass, cup or special molds, cut the dough into portioned cookies.
  7. The remaining trimmings are again molded into a ball and rolled out, cut out the molds again.
  8. Continue the process until the dough runs out.
  9. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil, put the cookies on the brine in one layer.
  10. Bake dessert for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.

Interesting from the network

Amazingly tasty, sweet and appetizing-looking cookies that can be cooked in the most ordinary brine! The dough from the proposed ingredients rises well, it is easy to work with. Each raw cookie should be no larger than a child's fist. In the process of baking, the recesses will become much smaller, so initially they need to be made deeper. As a filling, you can use any other cream, jam or jam.


  • 270 ml of tomato brine;
  • 370 g flour;
  • 150 g sour cream;
  • 125 g margarine;
  • 6 eggs;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 5 g vanillin;
  • 120 g walnuts;
  • 250 g boiled condensed milk.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine eggs with sugar, beat until fluffy white foam.
  2. Add sour cream and vanilla to the egg mass, mix until smooth.
  3. Heat margarine to room temperature and add to the rest of the ingredients, beat the dough with a blender.
  4. Gradually introduce the brine and flour, adding them to the dough in turn in small portions.
  5. Cover the plate with the dough with cling film and leave at room temperature for 30 minutes.
  6. Sprinkle flour on a work surface and place the dough on it, knead it well with your hands.
  7. Transfer the dough to a plastic bag and keep in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  8. Divide the chilled dough into small pieces, roll each into a ball.
  9. Make a deep hole in the top of each ball with your fingers so that the cookies look like a cup.
  10. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees, grease a baking sheet with oil and put cookies on it.
  11. Bake cookies in brine for 30-35 minutes, then remove from oven and let cool.
  12. Mix condensed milk with crushed nuts and fill the indentations with filling.

Oatmeal cookies are considered very healthy and diet dish. It turns out moderately sweet, fragrant and crumbly. Instead of raisins, you can add nuts to the filling or chocolate chips. After adding all the ingredients, the dough will stick a little to your hands - this is how it should be, so you should not increase the amount of flour or cereal. To make it easy to make cookies out of it, just wet your hands in cool water. Oatmeal brine cookies cook very quickly, so it's best not to go far from the oven while watching the baking process.


  • 350 ml of brine;
  • 3 cups of oatmeal;
  • 4 cups flour;
  • 3 art. l. honey;
  • 180 g of sugar;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 1 tsp vinegar;
  • 350 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 100 g raisins.

Cooking method:

  1. In a deep bowl, mix vegetable oil and cucumber pickle.
  2. Add sugar, honey and cereals, mix.
  3. Pour soda quenched with vinegar into the dough, then gradually introduce the sifted flour.
  4. Soak raisins for 10 minutes warm water then pat dry with paper towels.
  5. Pour dried fruits into a common plate, mix again.
  6. Form balls from the resulting mass, then flatten them a little.
  7. Grease a baking sheet with oil and place cookies on it.
  8. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees and bake the cookies in brine for 10 minutes.

This brine dough turns out to be especially tasty, because crushed walnuts. The aroma of cookies is simply amazing, and the texture is very soft and crumbly, which is facilitated by the use of a meat grinder. Ready-made brine cookies according to this recipe are baked at 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes.


  • 250 ml of brine;
  • 700 g flour;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 100 g walnuts;
  • 250 ml vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Strain the brine, pour it into a saucepan and add sugar.
  2. Heat the liquid, but do not boil, then pour vegetable oil into the same saucepan and mix.
  3. Ceiling walnuts and mix them with sifted flour and soda.
  4. Gradually add the contents of the saucepan to the dry ingredients, stirring the dough constantly.
  5. Knead the dough until it no longer sticks to your hands, adding a little flour if necessary.
  6. Cover the plate with brine dough with cling film and let it brew for 20 minutes at room temperature.
  7. Divide the dough into 4 equal parts and roll sausages out of them.
  8. Pass each sausage through a meat grinder with a large grill and without a knife.
  9. Cut off 5-6 cm from the strips, scrolled in a meat grinder, and form cookies from them.

Now you know how to make brine cookies according to the recipe with a photo. Enjoy your meal!

Do you pour cucumber (tomato, cabbage) pickle? If yes, then it's wrong. In everyday cooking, on holidays, pickles are used. The remaining brine can be used.

Here are some ways to use brine

The most common is treatment after a stormy feast. Cabbage is especially suitable, as it contains a large vine of vitamin C.

  • You can bake cookies from the brine. The cookies are very tasty. Recipe: 10 tablespoons of brine, 10 tablespoons of sugar, 10 tablespoons of vegetable oil, one tablespoon of quenched soda and a pound of flour. Mix everything, roll out, cut cookies (you can use molds) - and send cookie in hot oven for 20 minutes.
  • In brine, you can cook winter okroshka. To do this, in the brine, cut any prepared meat into cubes, pickles, pickled garlic, eggs, and preferably rub the radish. This soup will also go well for a post-holiday morning or in a beer bath - just a song!
  • You can pickle cabbage in brine. To do this, cut the cabbage into cubes, pour boiled hot brine. Cool down. Put in a cold place and in a day or two the cabbage is ready. Real jam!
  • You can stew meat in brine. It turns out very tasty and fast. In the same way, you can make soft beef from yesterday's harsh beef.
  • Based on the brine, a successful batter for fish or chicken is obtained.
  • The brine can be used as a base for making homemade mustard.
  • With the help of brine, you can remove scale from the kettle by pouring a couple of glasses of brine into it and boiling it for about an hour. After brine boiling, the kettle must be washed first with cold and then with hot water.
  • To improve the complexion in the old days, they washed themselves with cucumber pickle. The Egyptian queen Cleopatra also used it: the beauty drank cucumber pickle in order to moisturize and supply the skin with vitamins and microelements, to keep it in good shape.
  • Cucumber pickle ice cubes are massaged into the face to keep it rosy and clean.
  • Baths with brine are used to rejuvenate the skin on the hands and feet.
  • Foot baths in heated brine will relieve corns and calluses.
  • cabbage pickle indispensable if you want to revive the colors of a faded carpet or upholstery on upholstered furniture. It is necessary to moisten a cloth in a mixture of brine (2 parts) and water (1 part). Then spread over the surface and beat off lightly with a clapperboard. Get rid of dust and at the same time refresh the overall look.

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