How to decorate Napoleon at home photo. Napoleon cake decoration: culinary ideas

Shortbread Cake Prepare the dough in the same way as for the shortbread cake (see page 295). Divide the dough into three parts, roll each part into a round cake or square of the same size, about 1 cm thick. Put the cakes on a sheet and bake in the oven. Let the finished cakes cool down a little, and then place one cake on a dish, put a layer of jam or marmalade on it, spread it.

Recipe - Salmon and Red Caviar Snack Cake

Snack cake of salmon and red caviar Grind the yolks with salt and, continuing to grind, gradually add alternately a salted spoonful of flour - a tablespoon of sour cream until all the flour and sour cream are rubbed. Beat the whites into a dense foam and carefully mix with the finished mass, stirring with a spoon from top to bottom. Put in a tall dish or a low pan, greased with oil (cover the bottom with oiled paper.

Cake "Napoleon" Chop margarine with flour. Separately, stir the egg with a spoon table vinegar and a glass cold water. Continuing to chop the dough, gradually add this liquid mixture to it. Knead the dough well and refrigerate for 30-40 minutes. Then divide the dough into 10 pieces. Roll each part as thin as possible, prick with a fork and bake in the oven. Lubricate the cakes with cream and decorate on top.

Recipe - Lemon Butter Cake

Lemon Cream Cake butter with sugar to light air consistency. Beat in the eggs one at a time. Grind the lemon peel, add it to the mixture, then the eggs one at a time. Grind the lemon peel, add it to the mixture, then add the flour and salt. Divide the mixture evenly between two well-oiled tins. Bake at 180°C for 25-30 minutes. Share.

Recipe - Orange Cream Cake

cream cake with orange Grind butter with sugar until light airy consistency. Beat in the eggs one at a time. Grind the orange peel, add it to the mixture, add flour and salt together. Divide the mixture evenly between two well-oiled tins. Bake at 180°C for 25-30 minutes. Put on a wire rack and cool. Beat butter until light airy.

Recipe - Coffee Cream Pie

Coffee Cream Pie Butter a cake pan and line it with grease paper. Mix sugar and butter, rub until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Gradually beat in the eggs, along with the last egg, add 1 tablespoon of flour. Pour the rest of the flour, mix and put the mixture into the prepared pan. Bake in the oven at a fairly high temperature incl.

Salad - cake 4 boiled eggs, 3 apples, 1 onion, 1 can of sardines in oil (or any other fish), 50g butter, 100g cheese, 200g mayonnaise and 2 tablespoons sour cream for dressing, salt to taste, 1 pomegranate for decoration.

Hercules Cake Dough: 3 eggs, 3/5 cup sugar, 3 tablespoons hot water, 1/2 cup flour, 1 cup butter-fried Hercules flakes, 1 tablespoon cocoa, 1 teaspoon baking powder .

Cake "Raisin" Dough: 1/2 cup sugar, 4 eggs, 100 g raisins, 50 g nuts, 3 tablespoons cocoa.

Decorate "Napoleon" in a special way

Popular for many decades, the Napoleon cake is loved by many for its delicate moisture of cakes, milky taste creams and a good combination of ingredients. The cake is usually not decorated in a special way - they sprinkle it with crumbs from the same cakes that were prepared for the product, and that's it. But what if Napoleon is baked for a birthday or even a wedding? Indeed, in this case, it should be not only tasty, but also solemnly beautiful.

The classic version of the design of the "Napoleon" is sprinkling it with crumbs left over from the cakes. The simplest and fast way. A cake with this design is dry on top, suitable for transportation.

  1. Roll out the last piece of dough when baking cakes, but do not cut a round or square cake out of it. Just put it on a baking sheet and dry it well - stronger than the rest of the cakes, until a dark golden color. Put the cooled piece of dough on the surface (table, board) and roll it out with a rolling pin. You should get crumbs of different sizes. Do not try to turn the cake into powder, even if large enough pieces come across. Both the sides and the top of the cake are sprinkled with this crumb, the excess falls off on its own, and the remaining sprinkle is pressed with your hands. Ideally, there should be no uncovered areas and drops of cream on the surface.
  2. Sprinkle + powder. If there are very few crumbs, you can combine them with powdered sugar. The whole cake is smeared with cream, the top is sprinkled with powdered sugar, and the sides with crumbs. You can also make small borders on top of the cake from the sprinkles.
  3. Stencil. On the surface of the Napoleon cake, using a stencil, you can create almost any pattern - New Year's, birthday greetings, children's, and so on. This will require dark grated chocolate or powdered sugar. On a surface sprinkled with crumbs, a prepared stencil is carefully laid out in the center and sprinkled with grated chocolate or powder.
  4. As a topping, you can also use grated chocolate, both white and dark, finely crushed nuts (hazelnuts, cashews, walnuts, peanuts), coconut flakes or a special confectionery topping.

Cream decoration of the famous "Napoleon" is also used by housewives quite often. Decorated in this way, "Napoleon" looks more festive, elegant. This is especially important if it is baked for a reason, but for a birthday or anniversary.

There are several options for decorating with cream:

  1. The fastest way is to whip the cream and use a bag with a nozzle to squeeze roses, stripes or zigzags onto the surface of the cake. Cream for this is recommended to use with a fat content of at least 33%. Before whipping, both the cream and the dishes into which you will pour them are cooled. It is important not to "kill" the cream so that it does not turn into butter. To do this, set the mixer to medium speed and increase it gradually.
  2. Using a syringe, you can create voluminous jewelry using and oil cream. Purely oily - too oily, for an amateur. But the cream with the addition of condensed milk is what you need to decorate the Napoleon. It is less high-calorie, light, airy. Condensed milk can be used both raw and boiled.
  3. Protein cream is a snow-white mass, from which it is very easy to make even the most bizarre flowers and patterns. It can remain pure white or be tinted with food coloring. Use only liquid dyes, adding them to the cream one drop at a time and constantly whisking it. The secret of a delicious and lush protein cream is the cooling of proteins, high-quality whipping. You can always make the cream thicker by adding a thickener or a little starch. The mass is transferred to a syringe or bag and the patterns and flowers you need are squeezed out on the surface of the Napoleon cake.
  4. Chocolate cream. Chocolate, probably, cannot spoil any cake or dessert. Moreover, you can use both white and bitter in Napoleon. Even white is preferable, because we are all used to the light shade of the classic version of the cake. Chocolate can be added to the cream melted, grated or replaced with cocoa powder. From melted chocolate on the surface of the cake, covered with white icing, you can make a "cobweb" or just chaotic stripes.

Less common options for decorating the Napoleon cake (but you should definitely try them):

  1. Berries and fruits. The dough in the product is quite dense, elastic. It is not customary to decorate a cake with fruits, but you can try it. In this case, the surface of the product must be smeared with a sticky coating - icing, jam or cream - and put on top of the slices of fruit and berries.
  2. Adding colors and flavors. Multi-colored creams are also rarely used in decoration. Most often, if oil is used for decoration or protein cream, the color is left natural - white, yellowish. You can lightly tint it with cocoa powder or brewed instant coffee. These mixtures will give the cream a pleasant beige shade, quite natural.
  3. As flavorings, you can use liqueurs (they should not be too liquid), essences, vanilla sugar, lemon zest.
  4. Topping can also be replaced with store-bought pastries: cookies, waffles, biscuit cakes. It is enough to grind it all into crumbs and cover the surface of the cake so that it has a finished look.
  5. It is also not customary to gel fruits on a cake, although you can try this option as an experiment. First, spread the last cake layer with cream, put it in the cold so that it hardens slightly. After that, put fruit slices on it and pour it with cooled jelly - store-bought or cooked, put it in the refrigerator.
  6. You can cover "Napoleon" with mastic. The surface and sides of the cake are usually very uneven, so they need to be leveled before wrapping. To do this, use a mixture of biscuit crumbs and buttercream. Take a store-bought biscuit (you can even use soft cookies), crumble and mix with cream based on condensed milk and butter. The mixture should be homogeneous, thick, without large crumbs. Spread the whole cake with a thick layer, put it in the cold, take it out and go over the product again with a hot knife. After the “putty” has hardened, it will be possible to cover the cake with mastic.

Napoleon cake decoration

The taste of Napoleon cake is associated with childhood and family celebrations. Gentle cream, soaked cakes and a successful combination of ingredients have kept dessert fans for decades. Often its decoration does not take much time. The cake is sprinkled with crushed leftovers from the cakes. If you think this option is boring, you dream of decorating the Napoleon cake in such a way that its design is memorable and bright.

Napoleon cake decorations with toppings

A cake sprinkled with crumbs is considered classic version. It comes out dry on top, so it's easy to transport. When learning how to decorate a Napoleon cake, take into account the ideas suggested by professional pastry chefs:

  1. Golden topping - do not bake the last portion of the dough in the shape of a cake, but simply dry it strongly in the oven, then roll it out with a rolling pin. Do not strive to give the crumbs the same small size. Pieces can be quite large. Sprinkle the surface thickly smeared with cream with the resulting crumb. Everything superfluous will disappear, and the crumb stuck to the cake is lightly pressed with your hands. Ideally, there should be no areas of open cream.
  2. Powdered Crumbs - If all the portions of the dough have been used for baking cakes, and there are very few remaining crumbs, use a combination with powdered. Decorate the top with powdered sugar, use the crumbs to decorate the sides.
  3. Stencil - using a simple pattern, it is easy to decorate a dessert for a birthday. It can be an inscription, a simple drawing. The material used is grated chocolate, powder, coconut flakes, chopped nuts, candied fruits. Attach to ready cake sprinkled with crumbs, a pre-prepared stencil, fill in the gaps with the prepared decor.

The key to success when decorating a cake at home is the right cream. IN traditional recipes custard is used, sometimes with the addition of condensed milk, sour cream. It is very important to ensure that it has the correct consistency, not to make it too liquid.

Napoleon cake decoration with cream

Usage cream jewelry will make the dessert elegant, refined. The cake will look beautiful, it will not be a shame to serve it for an anniversary, another celebration. Like sprinkles, decorating a Napoleon cake with cream involves several options:

  1. Whipped cream - skilled housewives know that this method is the fastest. It is enough to whip the cream until the density of sour cream and use a pastry bag to put patterns on the surface of the cake. Professionals recommend using cream with more than 33% fat content. Before starting cooking, cool not only the material, but also the dishes that you plan to use to prepare the decor. To prevent the cream from turning into butter, it is worth starting to beat them at medium speed of the mixer, gradually increasing the speed.
  2. Butter cream is also great for decorating a cake. If the composition contains only oil, the cream will turn out to be heavy, too greasy. If condensed milk is used as a filling, decorations will be lighter and more airy. Condensed milk can be added raw, boiled.
  3. Protein cream - a dense, weightless mass of whipped proteins

you can decorate the cake by making an inscription on it, creating fancy flowers. The cream can remain snow-white or be tinted in different colors. Get perfect option easy, adding liquid dyes drop by drop, without ceasing to beat the whites. A little starch and flour will help make the mass thicker. Patterns on the surface of the dessert are laid out using a special syringe.

  • Chocolate is an ingredient that cannot spoil any sweet dish. For decoration, you can use bitter, White chocolate. Moreover, the latter is preferable, since we are used to the light shades of our favorite cake. Chocolate can be melted, grated, combined with nuts, fruits.
  • Decorating a Napoleon cake is too pompous and pompous. Baby remains traditional option, which allows you to focus on the taste of the dessert. If you plan to turn an ordinary dessert into a masterpiece culinary arts, just turn on your imagination and create based on the preferences of your guests.

    Several recipes for decorating the Napoleon cake at home. From a simple dusting of surfaces with powdered sugar to a beautiful sculptural composition. A little imagination, and you get the most popular, beautiful and delicious multi-layered cake.

    Simple and effective - sprinkling

    The most famous version of the decoration of "Napoleon" is sprinkling with crushed scraps of cakes that remain after the sides are leveled. Many housewives, in order not to rely on “maybe”, bake an extra shortbread especially for crumbs. It is better to overcook it a little so that it becomes crispy.

    Then - place in a bag for baking, release the air and tie, after which - roll with a rolling pin. The cake is covered with a layer of cream only from above or from all sides, and crumbs are already pouring onto the cream.

    Other dressing options:

    • Powdered sugar. We add it if there is not enough dough and there are not enough cuts of cakes for work. We let the crumbs on the sides, and decorate the top with powdered sugar. The easiest way to prepare it yourself is in a blender or coffee grinder. The traditional and more complex option is to grind in a mortar.

    • Chopped and whole nuts. Easiest to break roasted peanuts. You will have to tinker with hazelnuts, almonds. Walnuts crumble easily, but they are labor-intensive to free from the shell (therefore, it is better to buy a handful of peeled ones). To obtain large pieces mixed with crumbs - wrap the nuts in paper and crush with a hammer or the flat side of an adjustable wrench. For a uniform crumb - run the nuts into a coffee grinder (if the design of the device allows) or a blender. Idea for a man's cake: sprinkle the edges with nut crumbs, cover the top with cream and put whole hazelnuts around the perimeter.

    • Chocolate chips. Choosing dark, milk or white chocolate is a matter of taste. A combination would be nice different types. We grind the tile on a fine grater (best of all - on the compartment for making baby purees, “asterisks” or “double-edged cells”).

    • Coconut shavings. It is easier to buy it ready-made, but many housewives note that fresh pulp has more pleasant taste. To grind it, you need to split the nut in half, then each half into more sectors. Scoop out the pulp and grind on a grater, in a blender or in another convenient way. The idea is to make long shavings with a vegetable peeler and put on cream or on top of the sprinkles.

    All sprinkling options can be solid or patterned. To do this, we use stencils made of cardboard or thick paper. We fill the background with a continuous layer (or make it from cream), place a stencil on top and make a pattern. It is better to take contrasting colors for the background and pattern. For example, white and dark chocolate, powdered sugar and chocolate. A dark backdrop with a light one (nuts, powder, white chocolate, light cream) also looks spectacular. pattern.

    Additionally, on top of the sprinkling, you can put pieces of soft fruits and berries, thin slices of chocolate left after grinding sweets on a grater, etc. elements.

    Several options using creams

    Needed for decoration thick cream which will not spread. We will lay out patterns, inscriptions and decorations from it. In order not to make a mistake and not spoil the cake, you must first practice handling a pastry syringe or its equivalent.

    Creams for decor:

    • From cream. For its preparation, it is better to use cream with a fat content of 33%. Pre-cool them and a glass of blender in the refrigerator. Then beat, while it is important not to overdo it and not get butter. The speed on the blender is not above average. After the mass thickens, put the cream in a pastry bag and draw a decorative finish on the sprinkled surfaces of the cake. It can be words of congratulations, a kind of ornament - it all depends on your intention and skills in handling a syringe.

    • Oil. It allows you to decorate "Napoleon" with a variety of roses, drawings and congratulations, but contains a lot of calories. To fix this, add condensed milk to the butter. This cream will be lighter. If we introduce boiled condensed milk into the mass, we get a beautiful creamy color.

    • Protein. It works well in various patterns. Idea - bake different shapes meringue and decorate the cake with delicious details. If the figures are made flat, they are suitable for decorating the sides.

    • Chocolate. If you add cocoa (for cooking) or melted tiles to any of the creams listed above, we get a delicious chocolate cream. This decoration will especially appeal to children and will give new taste classic dessert.

    Type in creams food colorings to make the decoration colorful and truly festive.

    A few tricks to create a masterpiece

    If we decide to make Napoleon not just a festive treat, but a whole work of art, we will have to spend more time and effort. By introducing new ingredients, we will not only decorate our Napoleon, but also add flavors:

    • combining whipped cream with fresh fruit: lay them out in their entirety or make curly cuts;
    • glazed fruit: put pieces of fruit on the cream, put small berries whole and fill with glazes of different colors; if desired, we make several fruit-glaze layers; the main thing is to choose fruits that match the main taste of the cake;

    • fruit in jelly: cover the cake with cream on top and put it in the refrigerator so that the base freezes; then we put the fruits and berries, pour the jelly (so that the top does not spread, we limit the cake with a detachable muffin maker or other sides) and put it in the refrigerator until completely solidified;
    • change the taste and color of creams: enter natural dyes and flavorings (chocolate, coffee, cherry juice, currant, some liqueurs and wines, a little cognac, vanilla, cinnamon, cardamom, etc.,); picking the right shades of taste and aroma, keeping the proportions is a real art, but if everything works out, the result will delight guests; example: adding a glass instant coffee into a protein cream and get a creamy shade and a unique aroma;

    • we cover with culinary mastic: it is complex, but beautiful, to apply it on the Napoleon, you will need to prepare a cake. First of all, we align the sides as much as possible. Then we give the cakes to absorb the cream properly so that the cake is not wet and our decor does not “float”. Then we prepare a thick butter cream ( experienced housewives It is recommended to add small crumbs from cookies to it). We coat the top and sides of the Napoleon with a thick layer. We send the plastered dessert to the refrigerator and let it harden. The final stage - we fit the purchased or homemade mastic and install confectionery figurines.

    There should be many ways to decorate the Napoleon cake for every home pastry chef. So we get the opportunity to cook one cake for any family celebrations and add different variants decorations and flavors, making each identical cake different and very tasty. Do not be afraid to experiment, the cost of buying cake ingredients is insignificant, but how warmly the eyes of children and a loved one will look at you. It's worth it!

    • Prepare the ingredients. Sift flour. Put soft butter. Chop everything up to make crumbs. It is advisable to do this with your hands, then the crumb will be more homogeneous. Beat the egg with salt with a fork, pour water to make 250 milliliters of the mixture.
    • Mix butter crumbs with egg mixture. Knead elastic dough not sticky to hands. Cover with a towel or polyethylene, set aside for thirty minutes. It will be even more flexible. Divide the dough into approximately twelve pieces. Roll each part into a ball, cover with a towel. Take one ball at a time and roll it out thinly.
    • Place a round template on the resulting cake, for example, the bottom of a baking dish. Cut out. Make holes with a fork. You can trim the cakes after cooking so that the cake does not lose its shape. The dough is elastic and easy to roll out. Bake for about four minutes, keep the temperature at 200 degrees. The crust should take on a brown hue.
    • While cooking the first cake, roll out the others so that the process is continuous. Cooking cakes takes about forty minutes. When ready, put the shortbreads on top of each other. Prepare cream: combine eggs, flour, sugar. Beat with a whisk until smooth. Slowly pour in warm milk, mix well with a whisk. Cook the cream over medium heat, stirring constantly so that there are no lumps and it does not burn. Ready thick cream to remove from heat, cool.
    • Beat the soft butter, slowly add the custard, beat until the cream is completely combined with the butter. Spread cakes with cream. Each time press the cake to the previous one. Decorate the cake Gentle Napoleon" optional. Can be sprinkled on cake coconut flakes, melted chocolate or just sprinkle with crumbs, chopping one shortbread.


    Thin cakes can be baked from ready-made puff pastry or self-made. Or you can take ready-made cakes bought at the store. We make the cake from cakes, layering them different fillings(instead of the fillings indicated in this recipe, you can take any other fillings to your liking).

    1st cake + 1st filling:
    3 boiled eggs chopped, mixed with mayonnaise (can be mixed with sour cream), sprinkle green onion and put on the first cake.
    2nd cake + 2nd filling:
    Mash 1 jar of fish in oil with a fork and place on a greased sour cream cake.
    3rd cake + 3rd filling:
    grind curd cheese or "VIOLA", add a little mayonnaise, mix with herbs, green onions, 1 finely chopped egg and put on the cake.
    4th cake + 4th filling:
    cheese "Creme Bonjour" mixed with herbs and 150 g of salted salmon cut into small thin pieces and put on the cake.
    5th cake + 5th filling:
    put 3 finely chopped boiled eggs with the addition of green onions and mayonnaise on a cake greased with mayonnaise or sour cream.
    The 6th cake is the last one.
    Lubricate the top with mayonnaise or sour cream. Let soak in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours and serve.
    Sprinkle with shredded or grated cheese before serving. egg white, or daikon radish, or black radish and decorate as you like.

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    Cake "forest berry" in a pan

    Very a delicious cake, which took only 1 hour to cook. With the most delicious curd custard.
    Cakes are baked in a frying pan, they taste very much like puff pastry.
    It turns out like Napoleon, only I added fresh blueberries for a "zest".

    For test:
    drain oil. 200 gr.
    flour 3 stack.
    egg 1 pc.
    salt 1 tbsp.
    vinegar 1 tbsp
    cold water 2/3 cup

    For cream:
    sugar 150 gr.
    cottage cheese 600 gr.
    drain oil. 75 gr.
    yolk 3 pcs.
    vanilla on the tip of a knife

    Blueberries 1 cup

    Cooking dough. Drain oil. soft mix with egg, add salt, vinegar, water. Mix. last turn add flour. Knead the dough, it should turn out like soft plasticine. Put it in the cold while cooking the cream.
    Prepare the cream. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, mix with sugar, yolks, vanilla in a saucepan. Lastly, add soft butter. When it cools down, it will thicken up a little more.
    Divide the dough into 10 pieces. Roll out a cake thinly from each. Bake on DRY! frying pan, over low heat, on both sides. Pierce each side with a fork in several places so that the cakes do not swell. Cut each finished cake by attaching a plate, for example.
    Smear all the cakes with cream (I put blueberries through one cake, not a lot) Sprinkle the sides, decorate. Let the cake soak.
    Bon appetit!

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    3 art. flour
    200g. butter or margagreen
    1/2 st. water
    1 egg
    1 tbsp vodka or cognac (whiskey, brandy) Cooking the dough. To do this, chop margarine or butter with a knife with flour. Beat the egg and add to the water, stir, add vodka. Knead a smooth dough. Wrap in cling film and refrigerate for 1 hour. Divide the dough into 5-6 pieces. Roll out the layers as thinly as possible, carefully, using a rolling pin, transfer the layers to a baking sheet, prick with a fork in several places, sprinkle with water and bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 5-7 minutes each cake.
    FOR PREPARING CREAM. (for layering cakes)
    1 egg
    1 st. Sahara
    1/2 st. milk
    1 sachet (2 g) vanilla
    and 200 g butter
    1/2 lemon, peeled, minced
    zest of 1 lemon
    1 st. walnuts. I chopped it in a special grater, you can twist it through a meat grinder or chop it with a knife.
    Beat the egg with sugar, combine with milk and bring to a boil with continuous stirring. Cool the custard until room temperature. Whip the butter until white and combine with the custard. Introduce custard in small portions. Add lemon zest and twisted lemon pulp, mix well.
    250 g butter
    100 g powdered sugar 100 ml. room temperature milk
    vanillin, 2 g. Beat butter with powdered sugar and gradually add milk, beating until fluffy. We layer the finished cakes with the first cream, sprinkling each layer with nuts. We decorate the top of the cake with roses, cream prepared according to the second method. Bon appetit!

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    Wet Napoleon
    Milk - (1 cup for dough, 1 liter for cream)
    Butter - (100 g for dough, 70 g for cream)
    Granulated sugar (1 tbsp. in the dough, 1 tbsp. in the cream) - 2 stacks.
    Chicken egg - 1 pc.
    Wheat flour - (4.5 tbsp in dough, 2 tbsp in cream)
    Salt - 1 tsp
    Cream - 250 ml
    Egg yolk - 4 pcs
    Vanilla sugar - 2 pack.


    Warm milk, add 100 gr. drain. butter or margarine, melt, mix.
    Beat 1 cup sugar with 1 egg. The milk-butter mixture should be a little hotter than the warm state (this is important, the flour that you add later should be a little brewed), beating it, gradually add the beaten sugar with the egg. Add 1 tsp. salt and 4, 5 tbsp. flour, mix well. The dough will not turn out steep, but it will not be difficult to roll out to the thinnest state.
    We divide the dough into 12 pieces. Sprinkle a work surface with flour (I roll it out immediately on baking paper). Think in advance in what form you will collect the cake, and prepare a stencil (plate, lid, etc.) on which you will cut the dough. Roll out the dough to the thinnest state
    Preheat the oven to 180-200 gr. and start baking. We put baking paper on the table, sprinkle it with flour. We roll out the pieces of dough to the thinnest state, cut the dough according to the stencil, prick the dough with a fork, and send the cake to bake for 2-3 minutes until golden brown. I use 2 sheets of paper, it's faster. While one cake is baking on another sheet of paper, I roll out the cake.

    Milk, cream, yolks, sugar, flour and vanilla - beat and put to boil, stirring constantly. After some time, the cream will begin to thicken, when it becomes like very liquid sour cream, remove from heat. To do this, you need 10 minutes. Allow to cool slightly and add 70 gr. butter, beat. We will coat the cakes with warm cream.

    We cover the form with foil so that the cream does not leak out and leave the edges so that the cake can be wrapped. It is most convenient to take a detachable form. We put the cake and smear it with cream, etc.

    You have a lot of cream and you have to spend it all, because it is a "wet Napoleon".
    Each cake should take at least 6 tbsp. l. cream. Since the cream is liquid, it will flow out a little. Lubricate the last cake with cream and sprinkle with chopped scraps.

    There must be a gap on the sides of the cake, the cake will "swell". Leave some scraps - then, after soaking the cake, you will decorate the sides with them.
    Wrap the cake well in foil and refrigerate.
    It should soak well and become very soft and wet. It is better that he stood for at least 10 hours.

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    Cake "Wet Napoleon"

    Milk - 1 stack.
    Drain. butter / margarine - 100 gr.
    Sugar - 1 stack.
    Egg - 1 pc.
    Flour - 4.5 stack.
    Salt - 1 tsp

    1 liter of milk
    250 ml cream
    4 yolks
    1 cup of sugar
    2 full art. l. flour
    2 sachets vanilla sugar
    70 gr butter.

    This cake is no more difficult to make than any other with big amount lol, it's simple
    a tedious task to roll out these cakes.

    Warm up 1 glass of milk, add 100 gr. drain. butter or margarine, melt
    Beat 1 cup sugar with 1 egg. The milk-butter mixture
    be a little hotter than a warm state (this is important, the flour that you add later should be brewed a little), while whisking it gradually add
    whipped sugar with egg. Add 1 tsp. salt and 4.5 tbsp. flour, mix well.
    The dough will not turn out cool, but it will be quite easy to roll out to the thinnest.
    states. We divide the dough into 14 pieces.
    Sprinkle the work surface with flour.
    Think in advance in what form you will collect the cake and prepare a stencil (plate, lid, etc.) on which you will cut the dough. Roll out the dough to the thinnest state.
    We heat the oven to 180-200C and start baking, after pricking the dough with a fork, I use 2 baking sheets so faster. From
    do not leave the oven, the cakes are baked very quickly.
    Finished cake immediately cut to the stencil, after a minute it will become brittle and may crumble.
    Stack the finished cakes on top of each other on a flat surface.

    Milk, yolks, sugar, flour and vanilla - beat and put to boil, stirring constantly. After a while, the cream will begin to thicken when it becomes very
    remove liquid sour cream from heat. Allow to cool slightly and add 100 gr. butter, beat.
    We will coat the cakes with warm cream. Cover the form with foil
    so that the cream does not leak out and leave the edges so that the cake can be wrapped. We put the cake and smear it with cream, etc.
    Each cake should take at least 6 tbsp. cream. I have
    it took 9-10 tbsp. It is not necessary to press on the cakes, they spread it, carefully put the next one. Since the cream is liquid, it will flow out a little. The last cake is
    Lubricate with cream and sprinkle with chopped scraps.
    On the sides of the cake (there must be a gap, the cake will swell), right into the stacked cream too
    pour the chopped scraps and drown them slightly. Leave some scraps, then, after soaking the cake, you will decorate the sides with them.
    Wrap the cake well in foil and refrigerate.
    It must be well saturated, it will swell a little and become very soft and wet. It is better that he stood for at least 10 hours.

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    Cake "Wet Napoleon" Recipe from an Internet. Very tasty cake. It is very wet, with a lot of cream. Yummy. Attention!!! Do not be afraid of the long text of the recipe, cooking is not as difficult as it might seem, it's just tedious to roll out the cakes, but it's so tasty - it's worth it! Milk - 1 stack. Drain. butter / margarine - 100 gr. Sugar - 1 stack. Egg - 1 pc. Flour - 4.5 stack. Salt - 1 tsp. Cream: 1 liter of milk 250 ml of cream 4 yolks 1 glass of sugar 2 full tablespoons of flour 2 sachets of vanilla sugar 70 gr of butter. Warm milk, add 100 gr. drain. butter or margarine, melt, stir Beat 1 cup sugar with 1 egg. The milk-butter mixture should be a little hotter than the warm state (this is important, the flour that you then add should be brewed a little), while whisking it, gradually add the beaten sugar with the egg. Add 1 tsp. salt and 4.5 tbsp. flour, mix well. The dough will not turn out cool, but it will be quite easy to roll out to the thinnest state. We divide the dough into 12 pieces. Sprinkle a work surface with flour (I roll it out immediately on baking paper). Think in advance in what form you will collect the cake and prepare a stencil (plate, lid, etc.) on which you will cut the dough. Roll out the dough to the thinnest state. Preheat the oven to 180-200 gr. and start baking. We put baking paper on the table, sprinkle it with flour. We roll out the pieces of dough to the thinnest state, cut the dough according to the stencil, prick the dough with a fork, and send the cake to bake for 2-3 minutes until golden brown. I use 2 sheets of paper, it's faster. While one cake is baking, I roll out the cake on another sheet of paper. Cream: Milk, cream, yolks, sugar, flour and vanilla - beat and put to boil, stirring constantly. After some time, the cream will begin to thicken, when it becomes like very liquid sour cream, remove from heat. To do this, you need 10 minutes. Allow to cool slightly and add 70 gr. butter, beat. We will coat the cakes with warm cream. We cover the form with foil so that the cream does not leak out and leave the edges so that the cake can be wrapped. It is most convenient to take a detachable form. We put the cake and smear it with cream, etc. You have a lot of cream and you have to spend it all, because it is a "wet Napoleon". Each cake should take at least 6 tbsp. cream. Since the cream is liquid, it will flow out a little. Lubricate the last cake with cream and sprinkle with chopped scraps. On the sides of the cake (there must be a gap, the cake will swell). Leave some scraps, then, after soaking the cake, you will decorate the sides with them. Wrap the cake well in foil and refrigerate. It must be well saturated, it will swell a little and become very soft and wet. It is better that he stood for at least 10 hours.

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    Instant cake "Napoleon".
    puff pastry 1 pack


    Milk 400 ml
    yolk 2 pcs
    flour 4 tbsp. spoon
    sugar 80 g
    butter 50 g
    vanilla 2 g
    Divide the dough into two equal parts and roll out lightly. Bake each layer on a low grill in convection mode at a temperature of 250 degrees.

    Preparation of the cream: carefully grind the egg yolks with sugar, add flour in small portions. Carefully pour in the milk and mix well. Cook at 100% power level for 5-6 minutes, stirring every minute. In a slightly cooled cream, add butter, vanillin. Divide the finished puff pastry in half. Lubricate each cake with custard and connect with each other, cover the top of the cake with the remaining cream. Decorate with crumbs (leftover from the cakes) on top.

    Note: This cake can also be cooked in the oven.

    Convection - heating mode. The fan ensures constant circulation of hot air throughout the oven, which allows the dish to bake evenly on all sides, while reducing cooking time. With the help of convection, you can cook dishes on several levels at the same time.

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    Napoleon cake"

    For the test: 5 tbsp. flour
    200g margarine
    3/4 cup water
    1 tbsp vinegar
    1/2 tsp soda
    1 egg
    Chop margarine with a knife with flour to butter crumbs. Add water, vinegar, soda, egg and knead the dough. Roll out the dough very thinly parchment paper and cut along the outline of the plate. Bake 12 - 16 cakes (I have 12). Cakes in the oven swell, but I like it more then it seems that there are more layers. You can prick them with a fork before the oven and they do not rise. Bake and mash the scraps.
    For custard: Grind 1 egg with 1.5 tbsp sugar + 2 tbsp. flour and 0.5 tbsp milk, stirring. Separately boil 2 tbsp. milk add our mixture in a thin stream, stirring constantly, and boil until thickened over low heat. Beat 200 gr. butter and add the cooled cream. Whisk. Smear the cakes with cream. Decorate the top with crumbs from scraps, melted chocolate and currant jam (it turns out a sweet and sour taste). I decorated the sides with broken corn sticks.

    It is easier to freeze margarine in the freezer and grate. add alcohol instead of vinegar - the cakes are more tender

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    Honey - 1 tbsp. spoon,
    Soda - 0.5 tsp,
    Sugar - 1/3 cup
    Egg - 1 pc.,
    Flour - 1.5 cups


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    Insanely delicious cake in half an hour. The taste is somewhat similar to "Ryzhik" and "Napoleon" combined. I tried this recipe in different interpretations and combinations. This is the best option, I highly recommend it.


    Butter - 70 gr. (1/3 pack),
    Honey - 1 tbsp. spoon,
    Soda - 0.5 tsp,
    Sugar - 1/3 cup
    Egg - 1 pc.,
    Sour cream / Milk - 1 tbsp. spoon,
    Flour - 1.5 cups
    Nuts, chocolate, cookies - to taste and desire.


    Melt the butter, add honey and soda. The mixture should boil and foam.
    Grind the egg with sugar, add a spoonful of sour cream or milk, add flour.
    Knead the dough. Ready dough divided into 5 parts.
    Roll out each piece according to the diameter of the pan and “fry” in a well-heated dry pan in the same way as pancakes are fried.
    I use a small frying pan, but you can use any. “Fry” the cakes on both sides, on low (thin pan) or medium (thick pan) fire. Cakes are baked very quickly, in two minutes. If the cake is bubbling, you can turn it over. The dough bakes well, so don't worry.
    Ready cakes to cool and grease with cream. Almost any cream is suitable here (butter, custard, sour cream), except for condensed milk cream, which does not soak cakes well and the cake remains hard.

    Decorate the cake smeared with cream as desired (nuts, grated chocolate crushed biscuits) and refrigerate overnight. But best of all, it is soaked only after a day. Although I never managed to keep such a cake safe and sound for longer than 2 hours.

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    Insanely delicious cake in half an hour. The taste is somewhat similar to "Ryzhik" and "Napoleon" combined. I tried this recipe in different interpretations and combinations. This is the best option, I highly recommend it.


    Butter - 70 gr. (1/3 pack),
    Honey - 1 tbsp. spoon,
    Soda - 0.5 tsp,
    Sugar - 1/3 cup
    Egg - 1 pc.,
    Sour cream / Milk - 1 tbsp. spoon,
    Flour - 1.5 cups
    Nuts, chocolate, cookies - to taste and desire.


    Melt the butter, add honey and soda. The mixture should boil and foam.
    Grind the egg with sugar, add a spoonful of sour cream or milk, add flour.
    Knead the dough. Divide the finished dough into 5 parts.
    Roll out each piece according to the diameter of the pan and “fry” in a well-heated dry pan in the same way as pancakes are fried.
    I use a small frying pan, but you can use any. “Fry” the cakes on both sides, on low (thin pan) or medium (thick pan) fire. Cakes are baked very quickly, in two minutes. If the cake is bubbling, you can turn it over. The dough bakes well, so don't worry.
    Ready cakes to cool and grease with cream. Almost any cream is suitable here (butter, custard, sour cream), except for condensed milk cream, which does not soak cakes well and the cake remains hard.

    Decorate the cake smeared with cream as desired (nuts, grated chocolate, crushed cookies) and put in the refrigerator overnight. But best of all, it is soaked only after a day. Although I never managed to keep such a cake safe and sound for longer than 2 hours.
    Recipe author: Pazyna Ekaterina

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    "Napoleon" with condensed milk cream

    For cakes you need:

    80 g butter, room temperature;
    - 100 g of sugar;
    - 2 eggs, room temperature;
    - 300-350 ml. milk;
    - ½ tsp baking powder;
    - about 800-900 g of flour.

    For cream:

    500 g of boiled condensed milk;
    - 700 ml. heavy cream(from 30%);
    - 500 ml. milk;
    - 4 tablespoons starch;
    - 2 eggs;
    - sugar optional, I did not add, because I do not like sugary-sweet cakes.

    For cakes:

    1. Beat butter with sugar until creamy.

    2. Beat eggs, mix with butter.

    3. Add milk, stir.

    4. Approximately 150 g of flour mixed with baking powder, sift and, stirring, add to the mixture of milk and eggs. So gradually add all the flour. We need to ensure that the dough becomes soft and elastic, but not sticky. We focus on the place (a little more flour may be required). Then wrap the dough in cling film and let it rest for 30 minutes.

    5. Now divide the dough into 20 equal parts. It’s easier to first divide by 4, and then each part by another 5. Each part must be rolled out very thinly and pricked with a fork. It seemed to me that it is easier to roll out the dough on an already warm baking sheet. So it “sticks” well to the surface of the baking sheet, but the finished one moves away from it remarkably. Bake at a temperature of 170-180 C. The cakes are baked very quickly, there is only enough time to roll out the next cake. It took me about 4 minutes to make a cake. Cut out a circle of the desired diameter from the finished cake (I took the bottom from a 24 cm mold). It is better to cut immediately after baking, until the cake is dry. We save the trimmings for decoration for our cake.

    6. After baking all 20 cakes (it's not scary if you get a little more or less), the trimmings need to be crumbled and browned in the oven.

    Let's get to the cream:

    1. Beat eggs and starch. It is important that there are no lumps!

    2. Slightly warm the milk and carefully introduce the eggs with starch. We put on a small fire, cook for about 10 minutes, stirring constantly, until thickened.

    3. Cool the mass. Adding boiled condensed milk *.

    4. We take a large container, cool it (either in the refrigerator or under running water). ice water). Whip the cream in it until stiff peaks.

    1. Lubricate each cake with plenty of cream (about 4 tablespoons per cake). Then grease the top and sides of the cake.

    2. Decorate the sides with scraps from the cakes.

    3. Remove the cake overnight in the refrigerator.

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    1. Cake "Napoleon New Year"

    Puff pastry - 600 g, cherry liqueur - 3 tbsp. l., custard cream (concentrate) - 1 sachet, chopped walnuts - 200 g, thick cream - 1 tbsp.

    Roll out the puff pastry thinly and cut out three round cakes. Lightly prick them with a fork, sprinkle with water and bake for 20 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees. Cool down.

    Prepare the custard following the instructions on the package, pour in half of the liqueur, whisk. Add the rest of the liqueur to the cream.

    Lay the cakes one on top of the other, layering with custard, cover the surface with whipped cream. Garnish with nuts, cream and cherries.

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    NewsCake Napoleon


    250 g butter
    3 cups flour
    a pinch of salt
    2/3 cup cold water
    1 tbsp vinegar

    1200ml milk
    5 pieces. egg yolks
    1 tsp vanilla sugar
    400g sugar
    10ml cognac
    150g flour


    Finely chop the butter and flour with a knife, add water with vinegar, knead the dough. Divide into 12 parts. Place in refrigerator for 1 hour. Roll out thin cakes. In order not to stick to the table - sprinkle flour under the bottom of the cake and on top.
    On a rolling pin, transfer to a baking sheet. Prick in several places with a fork, bake at 180c. They bake quickly.
    Pour milk into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Mix flour with sugar and vanilla sugar, add 5 yolks and mix, add cognac, mix. Pour into milk and stir.
    Put on a slow fire.
    Cook until thickened, stirring constantly. The consistency should resemble thick sour cream. Then cool the cream.
    Start lubricating our cakes with cream, leaving one in order to then decorate the cake.
    When the cakes are smeared, crumble the last remaining cake and decorate the cake with it!

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    Appetizer Napoleon
    Composition: cakes for "Napoleon" - 6 pcs,
    mushrooms - 0.5 kg.,
    chicken fillet - 3 pcs,
    eggs - 3-4 pieces,
    mayonnaise - 300 g
    cheese - 100g
    onion - 1 pc,

    Preparation: I’ll say right away that I bought the cakes in the store. They are called "Korzhi for Napoleon". But, of course, you can bake cakes for the traditional Napoleon cake.

    So, fry the mushrooms with onions until tender, boil the chicken fillet in salted water, boil the eggs hard. We cut the chicken fillet finely, three eggs on a coarse grater.

    We coat the cake with mayonnaise and put the chicken fillet on it, cover with another Napoleon cake, coat with mayonnaise and spread the mushrooms, lay the eggs on the next cake. We repeat the procedure until the cakes run out. Top cake appetizers "Napoleon" smear with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese.

    We put our "cake" for 10 minutes in a preheated oven or in the microwave for 5 minutes until the cheese is melted. Before serving, cut into portioned pieces and decorate with greens.

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    For Napoleon cake with almonds and berries you need:

    For test:

    * 600 g flour,
    * 300 g chilled butter,
    * 250 ml of water,
    * 2 eggs,
    * 1/2 tbsp. l. vinegar (6%),
    * 1 tsp without a pile of salt.

    For cream:

    * 400 ml cream (35%),
    * 200 ml milk,
    * 170 g sugar,
    * 5 yolks,
    * 100 g softened butter,
    * 1 vanilla pod,
    * 50 ml of rum or cognac,
    * 2 tsp starch,
    * 6 tbsp. l. petals of almonds or any other nuts,
    * powdered sugar,
    * fresh berries for decoration.

    Cooking Cake "Napoleon" with almonds and berries:

    1 For the dough, grate the butter coarse grater. Add sifted flour and all remaining ingredients. Knead a smooth elastic dough, cover with cling film and leave for 15 minutes
    at room temperature.
    2. Divide the dough into 10-12 equal parts (70-100 g each). Roll out each piece of dough on a floured surface as thinly as you can.
    Transfer to a parchment-lined baking sheet, pierce with a fork in several places and bake in a preheated 200 ° C oven for 8-10 minutes. As soon as you remove the deco from the oven, immediately cut a circle out of it, circling a large flat plate or bottom detachable form. Prepare all the cakes in the same way. Save the cake cuts, they will be useful for the layer
    and cake decorations.
    3. While the cakes are baking, take care of the cream. Pour cream and milk into a saucepan. Cut the vanilla pod in half lengthwise, scrape out the seeds and add them, along with the pod, to the saucepan. Hold
    and medium heat 5-7 minutes. In the meantime, beat the yolks with sugar and starch with a mixer until fluffy mass until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour boiling milk and cream into the yolks, pour the resulting mass back into the saucepan, put on a quiet fire and cook, stirring constantly, until it thickens to the consistency of condensed milk. In no case do not let the cream boil, otherwise it will curdle. Remove the finished custard from the heat, remove the vanilla pod.
    4. Beat the softened butter with a mixer until white and mix into the custard.
    Add rum or cognac and mix well.
    Remove to refrigerator.
    5. Send the nuts to the oven preheated to 200 "C for 7-1 minutes. Cool. Cake cuts
    crush and mix crumbs with nuts.
    6. Assemble the cake: place one cake flat side up on a flat plate, apply a layer of custard on it and sprinkle with nut crumbs. Cover with a second cake, apply cream on it again and sprinkle with crumbs. Thus, collect the cake from the remaining cakes. Above
    sprinkle with nut crumbs and put in the refrigerator for several hours. Decorate the cake before serving. fresh berries and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

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    Snack cake "Napoleon" with smoked salmon, cod liver and herring caviar


    Smoked salmon 300gr.
    Cod liver 1 jar.
    Herring caviar ½ jar.


    We decorate at will.

    Just cook!Napoleon snack cake with smoked salmon, cod liver and herring caviar.

    - Cakes, puff for Napoleon (purchased) 1 pack.
    - Smoked salmon 300gr.
    - Cod liver 1 jar.
    - Herring caviar ½ jar.
    - Cream cheese Creme Bonjour with cottage cheese and pieces of greens 3 jars (200g each)
    For decoration^ shrimp and dill.


    First, let's prepare the fillings: mix one jar of cream cheese with cod liver mashed in puree, the second with herring caviar. Cut the fish into thin slices.
    On a cutting board lined with foil, put some curd cheese(so that the structure does not slip), put the first cake, grease it liberally with a mixture of cream cheese and liver, lay salmon slices over the entire area.
    On top of the salmon, apply a thin layer of a “clean frame” without fish additives. We lay the next cake, it seems to be glued to the cheese and does not slip off, we generously apply a lot of caviar on it, carefully level it. I use a flat iron cake spatula for this.
    Third puff cake and again a mixture of cottage cheese and liver + slices of smoked fish. On the fish, a thin layer of cream cheese without additives and the final cake.
    We cover the top and sides of the cake with the remaining cream cheese, without fish additives, and leave it for a couple of hours so that it is soaked.
    Cutting the cake sharp knife, lengthwise into two halves, we get two long cakes. Lubricate the uncovered slices of the cake with cottage cheese and generously sprinkle the top and sides with crumbs of the remaining cake.
    We decorate at will.
    Bon appetit!

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    Snack cake "Napoleon"

    Very tasty snack, all the guests were delighted, I hope you will like it too!

    Cakes, puff for Napoleon (purchased) 1 pack. Smoked salmon 300gr.
    Cod liver 1 jar.
    Herring caviar ½ jar.
    Cream cheese (can be replaced with mayonnaise) 3 jars (200g each)
    For decoration shrimp and dill.

    First, let's prepare the fillings: mix one jar of cream cheese with cod liver mashed in puree, the second with herring caviar. Cut the fish into thin slices. On a cutting board covered with foil, put a little curd cheese (so that the structure does not slip), put the first cake, grease it liberally with a mixture of cream cheese and liver, lay salmon slices over the entire area. On top of the salmon, apply a thin layer of “Cream cheese or mayonnaise” without fish additives. We lay the next cake, it seems to be glued to the cheese and does not slip off, we generously apply a lot of caviar on it, carefully level it. I use a flat iron cake spatula for this. The third puff cake and again a mixture of cottage cheese and liver + slices of smoked fish. On the fish, a thin layer of cream cheese without additives and the final cake. We cover the top and sides of the cake with the remaining cream cheese, without fish additives, and leave it for a couple of hours so that it is soaked. We cut the cake, with a sharp knife, lengthwise into two halves, we get two long cakes. Lubricate the uncovered slices of the cake with cottage cheese and generously sprinkle the top and sides with crumbs of the remaining cake. Decorate as you wish

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    Snack cake "Napoleon" with smoked salmon, cod liver and herring caviar.. Ingredients:
    Cakes, puff for Napoleon (purchased) 1 pack.
    Smoked salmon 300gr.
    Cod liver 1 jar.
    Herring caviar ½ jar.
    Cream cheese Creme Bonjour with cottage cheese and pieces of greens 3 jars (200g each)
    For decoration shrimp and dill.
    To begin with, let's prepare the fillings: mix one jar of cream cheese with cod liver mashed in puree, the second with herring caviar. Cut the fish into thin slices.
    On a cutting board covered with foil, put a little curd cheese (so that the structure does not slip), put the first cake, grease it liberally with a mixture of cream cheese and liver, lay salmon slices over the entire area.
    On top of the salmon, apply a thin layer of a “clean frame” without fish additives. We lay the next cake, it seems to be glued to the cheese and does not slip off, we generously apply a lot of caviar on it, carefully level it. I use a flat iron cake spatula for this.
    The third puff cake and again a mixture of cottage cheese and liver + slices of smoked fish. On the fish, a thin layer of cream cheese without additives and the final cake.
    We cover the top and sides of the cake with the remaining cream cheese, without fish additives, and leave it for a couple of hours so that it is soaked.
    We cut the cake, with a sharp knife, lengthwise into two halves, we get two long cakes, as in photo2. Lubricate the uncovered slices of the cake with cottage cheese and generously sprinkle the top and sides with crumbs of the remaining cake.
    We decorate at will.

    Cake "Wet Napoleon" For the test: Milk - 1 stack. Drain. butter / margarine - 100 gr. Sugar - 1 stack. Egg - 1 pc. Flour - ()

    Cake "Wet Napoleon" For the test: Milk - 1 stack. Drain. butter / margarine - 100 gr. Sugar - 1 stack. Egg - 1 pc. Flour - 4.5 stacks. Salt - 1 tsp. Cream: Milk - 2 liters Yolks - 6 pcs. 4 tbsp. spoon.Vanilla.Drain. oil - 100 gr. So, we are preparing: 1 tbsp. warm milk, add 100 gr. drain. butter or margarine, melt, mix. Beat 1 glass of sugar with 1 egg. The milk-butter mixture should be a little hotter than the warm state (this is important, the flour that you then add should be brewed a little), while whisking it, gradually add the beaten sugar with the egg. Add 1 tsp. salt and 4.5 tbsp. flour, mix well. the dough will not turn out steep, but it will not be difficult to roll out to the thinnest state. Divide the dough into 14 pieces. Sprinkle the working surface with flour (I roll it out immediately on baking paper). We roll out the dough to the thinnest state. We heat the oven to 180-200 gr. and start baking, after pricking the dough with a fork, I use 2 baking sheets so it's faster. Immediately cut the finished cake according to the stencil, in a minute it will become brittle and may crumble. This photo shows that the cakes themselves are a little exfoliating, this is because we slightly brewed flour. Milk, yolks, sugar, flour and vanilla - beat and put to boil, stirring constantly. After some time, the cream will begin to thicken, when it becomes like very liquid sour cream, remove from heat. Allow to cool slightly and add 100 gr. butter, beat. We will coat the cakes with warm cream. We cover the form with foil so that the cream does not leak out and leave the edges so that the cake can be wrapped. We put the cake and smear it with cream, etc. You have a lot of cream and, in theory, you should spend it all, because it is a “wet Napoleon”, but I still have a little cream left, I pour it into 2 sachets (a little remains) and I freeze. It’s very good to pour pancakes on them afterwards, fruit salads or just ice cream. At least 6 tbsp should go to each cake. cream. It is not necessary to press on the cakes, they spread it, carefully put the next one. On the sides of the cake (there must be a gap, the cake will swell), we also pour chopped trimmings directly into the stacked cream and drown them slightly. Leave some scraps, then, after soaking the cake, you will decorate the sides with them. Pack the cake well with foil and put it in the refrigerator. It must be well soaked, it will swell a little and become very soft and wet. It is better that it stand for at least 10 hours. It is more convenient to make this cake in a round shape with detachable sides, then you just remove the ring, sprinkle the edges with the reserved crumbs, let the crumbs soak a little, cut and transfer to a plate. Cut the cake, carefully remove the pieces and transfer to a plate (the first piece is not very convenient to take out), decorate with crumbs those edges that were in contact with the side, let it soak. As the name implies, the cake should be wet. The taste is somewhat reminiscent of a melted ice cream.

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    The classic "Napoleon" is decorated with crumbs left after leveling the edges of the cake. They are evenly scattered over the top cake. If desired, they can be crushed to a state of powder.

    If there are few crumbs left from the uneven edges of the cake, you can sprinkle the top cake with powdered sugar, and lay out the outline of the cake with crumbs. If you wish, you can complicate the decoration as follows - you need to cut out a drawing from paper, place it on the top cake already sprinkled with powdered sugar, and sprinkle the uncovered areas of the cake with cocoa powder. The cake will turn out exquisite and unusual.

    Cake "Napoleon" can be decorated with grated chocolate. It is recommended to use white grated chocolate. In addition, you can create patterns on the top layer of the cake with two types of chocolate, as described earlier.

    Whipped cream can also be used as a cake garnish. They are applied along the edge with a wavy line or squeezed out in separate curls that look like meringue. If the cake is served to the table in a cut form and on separate saucers, you can squeeze a little whipped cream on each piece of cake, and decorate with a cherry on top.

    The most avant-garde way to decorate a Napoleon cake is to put berries, such as raspberries and blueberries, on top of the last cake of dough. It is not necessary to create some kind of drawing here, the main thing is that the berries fill all the space on the cake. This method of decoration, of course, is far from the classics, and is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, if you want to decorate "Napoleon" with berries, you can cut four strawberries lengthwise, place them in the center of the cake, as if marking sectors, and fill the rest of the space with dough crumbs.