Mustard on cabbage brine at home. Homemade mustard in tomato brine

When buying ready-made mustard in the store, we are quite often disappointed in its quality, especially those who like a more vigorous product, such as my husband. Like it or not, but you think - how to make mustard in brine yourself? Not every housewife will undertake to cook something like this at home. Today I will tell you about such a tasty and easy-to-prepare option as mustard in brine. The recipe for its preparation is simple, like all ingenious.

It is on the brine that we will prepare the sauce. The very one that many men prefer after stormy holidays, and women just pour it out. But in vain! It already has everything you need, sugar, salt and spices, and it’s just a pity to throw it away. Let's give it a second life.

For the recipe, homemade mustard in brine is suitable for both cucumber and tomato, even from assorted vegetables, it's not important.

The main thing is that it should not be cloudy and sour. Most often, of course, among our people, mustard is prepared for cucumber pickle(recipe is the same). Apparently, the men are trying, they supply raw materials for the hostesses after the feast. Although at the same time, in my opinion, mustard on brine from pickles does not differ at all from that made on tomato.

In general, you can of course experiment with various additives. However, I recommend not doing this. Your experiments are likely to fail. Best Taste has exactly the classic, pure mustard in brine at home. It is no coincidence that it is she who, as a rule, is bought in stores.

Such a simple sauce, fits practically and goes well with. Our men are very fond of spreading it on bread, using this with. And of course, what kind, but without mustard! Any foodie will tell you that.

Today I opened a can of tomatoes. They turned out just fabulous and mustard in brine (recipe below) will turn out just as fabulous. Moreover, I have already set the jellied meat to boil. Here with him I will serve to the table.

We will prepare this immediately, in the container in which we will store it. Pour into a jar right amount brine and heat it up a bit. Just don't overdo it!

If you want homemade mustard powder in tomato brine to be thick and vigorous, then the temperature of the mixture should be no higher than 30 degrees.


Pour dry mustard into the warm brine, we need to dilute it well, so mix thoroughly several times so that there are no lumps. It is very important. Quality finished product largely depends on its uniformity. We close the jar with a lid and put it in a warm, dark place for 6-7 hours to ripen.

That's actually all. I am finishing the story on how to prepare mustard from powder in brine. The time is up and it's time to move on. Now the resulting mixture must be mixed again and add vegetable oil. Just in case, once again, mix everything properly. We store such a product in the refrigerator, on the top shelf or on the door.

Let's try it freshly prepared. Just be careful, don't be greedy. Take just a little bit on a spoon so as not to burn yourself. Oh, the mustard turned out to be evil, vigorous. Serve cold on the table. Men will be especially pleased. Bon appetit!


Hello food lovers!

To eat appetizingly, with taste so that it would take your breath away, your eyes climbed onto your forehead. Therefore, now we will talk about such a common seasoning as mustard, without which jelly, aspic, meat and fish dishes, pizza, potatoes, salads and many other dishes.

Everyone has seen and tried mustard as a seasoning, but not everyone knows that they make it from the seeds of the plant of the same name, which, by the way, belongs to the Cabbage family. Three main types of mustard are widespread: white, sarep and black. Each species has its own characteristic qualities. The color and taste of the finished product depends on the type.

Both whole and ground seeds of the plant are eaten. Crushed, dried, sifted seeds are called mustard powder, from which the well-known seasoning is made, as well as mustard plasters. Yes, besides cooking, mustard is also used in medicine and cosmetology.

Now ready-made mustard is sold in almost all grocery stores, you can just buy it and not bother, but we are not looking for easy ways, so we will make the seasoning ourselves. And do it on cucumber or tomato pickle, which usually remains in a jar from pickles or tomatoes. So it turns out tastier, more and without harmful additives. So, I am sharing a way how to cook mustard in brine at home.

For cooking we need:

  • Dry mustard powder. Sold in grocery stores, packaged in packs or sachets.
  • Cucumber or tomato pickle, preferably fresh, homemade, not sour. Usually such a brine already contains salt, sugar, vinegar, extracts of dill, horseradish and garlic, and other spices.
  • Sunflower or olive oil - a few tablespoons.
  • From equipment and fixtures: a glass jar or bowl of suitable size, a tablespoon.

Let's start cooking

To begin with, we filter the brine - we remove all impurities from it: stem leaves, garlic, black peppercorns. Pour the brine into an enameled mug, put on a fire or electric stove. Stirring, heat up to about 60 degrees Celsius. Of course, no one will measure the temperature with a thermometer, everything is intuitive.

Pour a little warmed brine into a jar or bowl and slowly pour mustard powder into it, so that a slide forms. Take a tablespoon and stir until uniform consistency, rub the lumps. If it turns out watery, then add more powder and mix again. If dry - more brine. So gradually bring the mixture to the desired volume and consistency. The mixture should be homogeneous without lumps.

Caution: If you stir with a metal spoon in glass jar, then do it carefully, with care, so as not to accidentally break the jar.

Add a few tablespoons of vegetable oil, mix thoroughly until smooth. If you cooked in a bowl, then transfer the product to a jar (jars) with a lid.

We leave the resulting mustard in closed jar for 12 hours in a warm place, letting it brew well, brew. That's it, you can eat! I hope you managed to cook mustard in brine!

How to use?

Well, what a question! The simplest thing is to spread on bread and put a few slices of lard on top. Instead of bacon, sausage, ham, herring fillet, mackerel, anchovy will go. By the way, a mustard sandwich with bacon is an excellent addition to thick, boiled borscht. You can spread mustard on half boiled egg- also delicious.

Mustard is a seasoning sauce based on white, sarepta and black mustard seeds, which are pre-ground to a powder consistency. Crushed mustard powder is mixed with water, lemon juice or vinegar, wine, or other liquids and salt, granulated sugar or other spices are added to taste. The taste of mustard can be from sweetish to very spicy. The color depends on the seeds used, ranging from pale yellow to yellow-brown.

This sauce goes well with meat dishes. It is added to hamburgers, hot dogs, salads, snacks. Mustard is an ingredient in many sauces and marinades. I propose to prepare mustard for cabbage brine. The recipe is simple, and the result will be appreciated by all lovers of spicy. Mustard turns out vigorous.

For cooking, you will need mustard powder, sunflower oil, cabbage pickle.

Sift mustard powder through a fine strainer into a deep plate. If you want to get good mustard, buy mustard powder good quality. I, for the experiment, used the powder of many manufacturers, most did not give the desired result.

Pour in the cabbage brine. You can take both sauerkraut and pickled cabbage. You can increase or decrease the amount of brine indicated in the recipe, depending on the desired consistency of the finished sauce. First add about half, and then, if necessary, add more to get the desired consistency. The brine does not need to be heated, it will do right from the refrigerator. Pound until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Pour in unscented vegetable oil. Mix well until evenly distributed. If vegetable oil was used for pickling cabbage, then it can be omitted.

Transfer the seasoning to a convenient clean and dry jar. Cover with a lid and leave in the kitchen for 12-24 hours. In my case, the mustard showed off in the kitchen for about a day and only then went to a cool place for storage. Remind yourself of it from time to time and mix it up.

Mustard in cabbage brine is ready for tasting. Serve to your loved ones meat dishes. Especially delicious with homemade jelly. Bon appetit!

Mustard in cucumber pickle is very popular among those who love spicy dishes but prefers not to use shop sauces or seasonings with It is also worth noting that the presented home product surprisingly easy to prepare and requires minimum quantity ingredients.

To taste, mustard on cucumber brine turns vigorous. This property of the sauce will definitely be appreciated by lovers of spicy and fragrant dishes, tasting homemade creation along with hot or cold meat dinners, including jelly and aspic.

Homemade vigorous mustard: a recipe for cucumber pickle

As mentioned above, for the preparation of this product there is no need to purchase outlandish and expensive components. Thus, we will need:

  • granulated sugar - ½ small spoon (add to taste);
  • mustard powder (available at any store) - 3 full large spoons;
  • brine taken from pickled or pickled cucumbers - a full faceted glass;
  • refined sunflower oil or any other vegetable oil - a large spoon.

Required inventory

Cooking mustard in cucumber brine does not take too much time. But to speed up this simple process, it is recommended to prepare in advance all the kitchen tools that will be needed to create a homemade sauce. And this:

  • a small metal bowl;
  • glass jars for ready-made mustard (0.5 l or 750 g);
  • metal lids for jars;
  • microwave oven;
  • ruff for washing cans;
  • waffle kitchen towel;
  • tablespoon and dessert spoon;
  • a bowl designed to sterilize the lids;
  • seaming device;
  • serving plate.

The process of mixing all the necessary ingredients

In brine, it is done quite quickly and easily. But in order for such a sauce to really turn out strong and spicy, it is recommended to take a concentrated liquid from under pickled or pickled cucumbers. If the brine turns out to be not fragrant, then it is recommended to add granulated sugar, salt and (to taste) to it.

To prepare this sauce, pour it into a small enameled bowl, and then gradually add cucumber pickle to it and mix everything well. As a result, you should get a fragrant mass of sour cream consistency. In conclusion, the finished mustard should be added a small amount of sunflower oil and mix everything again.

and lids

After mixing all the ingredients, homemade mustard in cucumber brine will be completely usable. However, such a sauce will turn out to be more fragrant and tasty if it is kept for some time in a cool room (basement, cellar, refrigerator, etc.).

But in order to carry out the plan, all prepared glass jars should be sterilized in advance. We will do this in microwave oven. To do this, you need to wash all the dishes well with a brush, and then pour a little water into them (1/5 cup each) and place them in a kitchen appliance. Next, the microwave should be set to light heating mode (power 700-800 watts) and keep the jars in this state for about 2-3 minutes. At the same time, the water in them should boil and gradually turn into steam, sterilizing all the dishes. By the way, if there is too much of it, then the time can be increased by one and a half times.

As for metal caps, it is advisable to sterilize them in the usual way(on the kitchen stove). To do this, they should be washed well, put in a bowl, pour water so that it covers them by 1-2 centimeters, and boil over high heat for a couple of minutes.

The formation process and proper serving to the table

After all the jars and lids are sterilized, and the mustard in cucumber pickle is completely ready, it must be put in containers, rolled up with special device, put aside, cover with a waffle towel and keep in this state at room temperature exactly one day. After this time homemade sauce should be removed to a cold room and kept there for at least 2-3 weeks.

After such a long exposure, the mustard will become more fragrant and very tasty. It must be placed in a serving plate and served at the table along with meat delicacies. Especially such a homemade sauce is suitable for various cuts, as well as for jelly and aspic. Bon appetit!

To make mustard on cucumber brine more tasty and fragrant, you can use the following tricks:

It is also worth noting that of all the sauces, mustard is prepared as soon as possible, which is quite convenient if you are expecting guests. Even the most unpretentious and nondescript dishes that will be flavored with this homemade creation will become fragrant and tasty. Among other things, mustard has an excellent property - it improves appetite.

This homemade mustard in pickle brine is loved by everyone who tries it.

A more versatile seasoning is hard to find. Step by step recipe cooking with photo more..

Most easy option cooking homemade mustard - in brine.

The process does not take much time, which is easy to see if you repeat this recipe step by step.

The taste of this seasoning is sharp, invigorating, and the smell is honey.

The finished product is completely natural, does not contain preservatives, dyes and other stabilizers.

Homemade mustard in brine from pickles - recipe with photo


  • mustard (seeds) - 75 g;
  • brine (from pickles) - 90 ml;
  • olive oil - 40 ml;
  • honey - 35 g;
  • salt - 2 g.

Cooking sequence

1. On initial stage grind mustard seeds in a mortar. It will take a long time to grind until a powder with coarse particles is obtained.

2. In an ice brine (you can take it from the refrigerator immediately before cooking), put the crushed mustard and mix thoroughly.

3. As a result of kneading, a mushy mass or paste is formed. You need to stir until the seeds swell. At this stage, you can vary the density of the composition, pouring in parts of dry pounded mustard, topping up the brine to the desired consistency. The paste should be like sour cream.

4. Then add a pinch sea ​​salt. But if the brine was originally concentrated, salty, then this step can be skipped.

5. The next component is honey, it is better to take flower or linden honey. We also mix everything thoroughly so that the honey is combined with the mustard paste.

6. Now beat the mustard with a blender at low speed.

7. In last turn enter olive oil slightly reducing the spiciness of the seasoning. This component is added at will, but softens the taste very well.