When can you give your child vegetable oil. Vegetable oil for a child: selection rules

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It is necessary to introduce oil into complementary foods when the baby is 5-6 months old. First - vegetable, and a little later - creamy. The first dose should be scanty and fit on the tip of a knife, that is, it should be about 1 gram (this is a couple of drops). Moreover, vegetable oil is added to vegetable and meat complementary foods (better - olive oil, the first cold pressing), and butter to porridge. It is important that in the second case it is about products made from cream (fat content - at least 82.5%). Less fatty have a different name - spread - and the natural basis in them is replaced by different nutritional supplements. It is also important to remember that in canned food, an oil additive will be superfluous: it is already in it in the form required amount animal and vegetable fats.

You need to add butter to porridge after cooking

If your little one ate canned (purchased) complementary foods, vegetable oil is already well known to him. It is added to store-bought purees in order to be better absorbed. So if you cook vegetable dish- you can safely drop a drop of olive oil into it.

And the cream product goes well with cereal starchy porridge. But you need to add it directly to the plate, because in the process of boiling vitamins are destroyed, and from useful unsaturated fatty acids harmful saturated compounds are formed.

By the year, the daily "oil" norm for the little one will be 3-5 grams. But margarine and other “lightness” (spreads) are contraindicated for babies.

The best vegetable oil for a child is olive

When choosing the first vegetable oil for children, it is best to stop at olive oil. It has almost as many fatty acids as breast milk.

Over time, it can begin to alternate with sunflower and corn. And closer to two years, also give rapeseed and soy. They are part of the store canned puree. But when buying such food, you should always check the composition for the presence of GMOs.

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For the development of infants, including mental, cholesterol is needed

Olive and other oils for children play another important role - it provides the body with cholesterol. IN small quantities it is simply necessary because it is involved in the synthesis of steroid hormones and the production of vitamin D, and is also part of the cell membrane, it is necessary for a number of digestive processes.

That is, without cholesterol, the development of a baby, including intellectual development, can be disturbed. But, we repeat, one should strictly adhere to the established norms, since the “oil blow” to the liver and pancreas can be very noticeable.

It is also necessary to carefully add it to infants with intolerance to cow protein.

Vegetable oil for babies

This product contains vitamin E, as well as unsaturated fatty acids, which human body unable to produce independently.
The child needs to be accustomed to salads from fresh vegetables with vegetable oil

Meanwhile, such compounds are needed for the retina and the functioning of the nervous system. Therefore, the grown-up peanut should be taught as early as possible to salads from fresh vegetables seasoned with olive (sunflower, corn, soy) oil.

It can also be added to vegetable purees and soups.

It is also great for cooking fried foods, because heat treatment he is not afraid and no carcinogens harmful to the body are released.

But, of course, fried will appear on the menu of your child not earlier than he turns one year old.

Adding butter to food

It is necessary to introduce butter made from cream into complementary foods in a timely manner and without fail. Moreover, when the time comes, it should be present in your child's menu daily (of course, in small doses), providing the body with vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K, calcium, phospholipids, amino acids.

If vegetable oil for children is offered at 5-6 months, then a cream product is offered at 6-7. Six-month-olds who eat mixtures - early, and those on breastfeeding- later.

If your child suffers from allergies, be sure to check with your pediatrician before introducing butter into complementary foods.

But, we repeat, giving it to a baby is very useful. After all, it is a source of energy, an indispensable element that ensures the proper functioning of the nervous system, has a beneficial effect on the skin, hormonal system, vision, hair, muscle and bone tissue.

Butter has medicinal properties

The unique property of "creamy" is its ability to heal wounds and sores in the stomach and duodenum.

It also normalizes digestion. Contributes to the treatment of complex diseases of the bronchi, skin ailments, colds, tuberculosis. Protects the young body from infections.

Butter for children is beginning to be introduced along with cereals, that is, cereals. First - 2-4 grams per day. By the year, the norm is 5-6 grams. By the age of three, the carp should consume about 15 grams, and after 4 years - 25.

Finally, we repeat once again: when choosing which oil to give to a child, in no case should you buy a spread. After all, this product contains elements harmful to the baby - flavors, emulsifiers, stabilizers, flavors ...

Already on u-mom: Timing of the introduction of complementary foods, signs of readiness for complementary foods, frequently asked questions - in the article Let's bring food! Part I: preparation

Do I need to accurately calculate the amount of complementary foods? Where to start? Canned or natural? Which scheme to trust? - in the article Let's bring food! Part II: how much to hang in grams?

After the introduction of complementary foods, the main food of the child remains breast milk or formula. Gradually, the child is offered vegetables, porridge, meat, dairy products and fruits… what else?


If you started complementary foods with canned food, it most often already contains vegetable oil. Or - a month after the start of complementary foods - add a drop of oil yourself. Vegetable oil is added to vegetables, it helps their absorption, and butter is combined with starchy dishes - cereals. By the year the child should receive up to 3-5 g of oil per day. The best vegetable oil is olive (cold-pressed), as well as sunflower and corn, they can be alternated. The combination of fatty acids in olive oil is close to the same combination in breast milk. Up to two years, it is desirable to enrich food with oils, in which there are many fatty acids of the Omega-6 and Omega-3 classes. Therefore, canned food contains soybean, corn and rapeseed oil (olive oil is more expensive). There are many complaints about the quality of soybean and corn oils, based on the frequent use of genetically modified raw materials. Some well-known manufacturers (for example, Semper) have abandoned the use of corn oil for these reasons. Therefore, you should study the label: is there an indication “does not contain GMI” on it. Butter is added directly to the plate, because. When boiled, vitamins are destroyed, and unsaturated fatty acids turn into harmful saturated ones.

Margarine and butter spreads (the so-called "light" oils) are not given to children. The amount of butter needed by a child up to a year is 5 g per day.

But what about cholesterol? According to experts of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, cholesterol, on the contrary, is necessary for a child - in the amounts recommended, according to age. Cholesterol is involved in the synthesis of steroid hormones, including sex hormones, enters the cell membrane, and its deficiency can lead to violations of its functions, which in turn will affect the development of the baby. With the introduction of butter into the diet for children suffering from protein intolerance cow's milk you have to be very careful. And, finally, no matter how wonderful properties butter has, you should not overdo it, it thoroughly loads the pancreas and liver.


It is 23% saturated fat, so it puts a strain on the liver. Now it is advised to introduce the yolk not earlier than 8-9 months. How to enter: hard boil the egg, grind the yolk into a pulp, add the milk mixture or breast milk. They begin to give from crumbs, then check the reaction, a day later they give again a crumb of yolk, equal to a quarter of a teaspoon. Gradually, the daily dose is brought to half the yolk, a whole yolk is given out after a year. Up to a year there is no need to give the yolk every day - 2-3 times a week. Egg white administered only after a year, it is less valuable, less digestible and is a strong allergen. The yolk can be added to porridge or vegetable puree.

Chicken yolk contains essential amino acids, iodine, iron, folic acid, lecithin, selenium, vitamins B2, A, D and B12. When boiling an egg, a significant part of the allergens is destroyed, but still the protein - and even the yolk - can cause an allergic reaction. In this case, eggs are removed from the diet up to 1.5 years, then you can gradually try again, starting with the yolk.

Quail eggs will bring more benefit to the child. Especially if the child is allergic to protein chicken egg- and in principle, you can start entering the yolk from quail eggs. Quail yolk contains essential amino acids (tyrosine, threonine, lysine, glycine and histidine), quail eggs surpass chicken eggs in their quantity. They do not contain cholesterol, and quails do not suffer from salmonellosis and infectious diseases. High content B vitamins, phosphorus, potassium, iron. Don't be fooled by the small size of the eggs, they should be introduced just as carefully and not overdone. Up to a year, the child is offered only one quail yolk. In a year, you can give out a whole egg - with protein. Up to three years, the child is given no more than 2-3 quail eggs in a day.


Most modern pediatricians agree that a child who receives breast milk or formula in sufficient volume does not need to be supplemented before the introduction of complementary foods. Breast milk is 90% water, "forward" milk is drink. Many nursing mothers notice that in the heat the child begins to ask for the breast more often, while he sucks for two minutes. The baby drinks foremilk, which is more watery. A stereotype is often cited: they say that adults are thirsty, and the child is also thirsty. Adult food is somewhat different from children's food: what adults eat excites thirst. Nature has not provided any other drink for the child, except for breast milk, it completely satisfies all his needs. Water is an excessive load on the still immature kidneys. Some mothers supplement their baby during colic dill water or tea "Plantex", again on the water. In this case, the child receives completely excess water, which can just cause colic. A child is born with a sterile intestine, and water erodes the flora that has just begun to form.

Another stereotype: "before all the children were given water - and nothing." Previously, mothers tried to feed according to the regimen, and when a child began screaming from hunger an hour after feeding, it was believed that he was thirsty, hence the myth of widespread supplementation was born. The composition of breast milk was not known, so breast milk was referred to as "food" to be washed down. The recommendations of the World Health Organization, as well as the latest recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, suggest not giving additional drink to breastfed children without special medical indications until about six months. Yes, yes, and our Ministry of Health too. A few years ago, it was forbidden to label special teas for children with the mark “from birth”, now all teas are recommended only from 4 months old by decree of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

In what cases do children still need to drink water?

Artificial babies usually need water because formula is heavier than breast milk, it doesn't digest as quickly, and gastrointestinal problems, such as constipation, can develop without supplementation. Also, any child after 4 months can be offered water in hot weather, especially if the child does not tolerate heat well: sweats, worries. The child himself will choose whether he needs water. As a rule, babies refuse water until 8-9 months. If by 9-10 months the child receives complementary foods in sufficient quantities, he must drink water. In any case, you need to look at the child. Signs of dehydration: dry skin, infrequent urination (in the heat, the number of pissing is much less, this is normal, because the body retains water), urine is dark in color and has a strong odor.

What to drink? The best drink for a child is pure water. Compotes, juices are more food than drink. Compote is a concentrate, any concentrate needs to be diluted. It is by no means useful to supplement compote for up to six months - the child will want to drink even more, "eating" the concentrate from dried fruits. After six months, you can give a diluted compote of steamed dried fruits: when cooking, most of the vitamins die, it is better to pour boiling water over the fruits and infuse, the resulting infusion should be generously diluted with water.

What to do if the child does not drink well? If the child does not show signs of dehydration, there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract, healthy skin, then perhaps he gets enough "hidden" water from the main food (from vegetables, fruits, soups). Or he simply lacks water: dehydration is never asymptomatic. Use different "enticements": young children like original mugs and drinkers.

baby biscuits

Cookies in the diet of a child up to a year old are pure pampering. It doesn't have biological value, but manufacturers add far from hypoallergenic additives to the composition. For example, sugar. It is known that sugar prevents many vitamins and minerals from being absorbed - for example, it beats B vitamins. Why add sugar to fortified cookies is a great mystery. Apparently, the child must eat. For some reason. Also keep in mind that all cookies contain gluten, intolerance to it may occur. There are no hypoallergenic cookies.

Allergists often recommend breastfeeding mothers and children with allergies to use cookies such as "Zoological" or "Mary". These two names appear on all lists of hypoallergenic products. In the reviews of children's cookies in the forums, there is the phrase: "We give" Zoological ", it contains only flour and water!" We appreciate the composition.

Biscuits "Zoological": wheat flour of the highest grade, granulated sugar, invert syrup, margarine, egg powder, salt, baking powder - sodium bicarbonate, vanilla powder.

Cookies "Maria": premium flour, granulated sugar, margarine, condensed milk with sugar, melange, invert syrup, vanilla powder, salt, baking powder (soda, ammonium carbonate).

As you can see, flour and water exist in the form of ghosts, crammed with the rest, by no means hypoallergenic additives. Perhaps these types of cookies exist with more simple composition: read what pleases the labels.

Special children's cookies also do not shine with a simple composition. Choose from all the evils:

* hipp. Compound: Wheat flour, wheat starch, cane sugar, vegetable oils and fats, dry skimmed milk, salt, baking powder, vitamin B1.

This is the most sparing composition without eggs and sweets. Hipp biscuits have a rich taste and slightly coconut flavor. The composition of the fragrance is not specified, but the aroma is felt.

* Heinz. Ingredients: wheat flour, sugar, fat-free powdered milk, Palm oil, milk proteins, ammonium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate, malt, mineral salts (calcium carbonate, ferrous fumarate), olive oil, butter, salt, vitamins, vanillin.

Vanillin can be an allergen.

* "Baby". Ingredients: Ingredients: premium wheat flour, granulated sugar, butter, malt extract, whole milk powder, condensed milk, egg powder, natural honey, corn starch, baking powder, iodized salt, vitamins.

Allergy champion. Comments are superfluous.

* "Grow big!". Ingredients: flour, butter, vegetable fat, corn starch, honey, milk powder, baking powder, salt, vanillin, lactose ( milk sugar), vitamins, minerals.

Twin brother "Baby".

* Bondi the Hippo. Ingredients: premium wheat flour, sugar, cow butter, malt extract, whole milk powder, melange, food additives, corn starch, baking powder, baking soda, salt, food concentrate, vitamins C, PP, B1, B2.

The third, lost in childhood brother "Baby". And what are "nutritional supplements"?

None of the listed cookies is suitable for children from 5 months old (this age is indicated on the package). All contain milk (allergen #1), gluten (allergen #2), sugar. Maximum - from 8 months, but many pediatricians warn against eating unhealthy cookies up to a year and a half. Manufacturers baby cookies use a flirty wording: they say, cookies increase the energy of food. But the ingredients contained in it, logically, on the contrary, dull the energy, and sugar also causes fermentation in the digestive tract. Well-known American obstetricians-gynecologists and pediatricians Glade Curtis and Judith Shuler, in their book on the nutrition of young children, argue that a child is able to absorb flour only after a year. If you absolutely want to introduce your child to some kind of cookie (well, I really want to!), Find any cookie with a simple composition. For example, oatmeal (it can also be different, from simple to chemical) - or dietary drying. Once in the forum I came across the phrase: “give a cookie so that the child scratches the gums” - nothing is better for the gums raw carrots No. She is cool, soothes irritation, serves as a teether. Also, cookies are used as nanny cookies: while the child is procrastinating, you can quickly do something ... in this case, also give out drying. At least without honey and condensed milk.

Are "forced" tastes necessary?

Some of the doctors say that a little sugar in kefir will not hurt, someone is categorically against salt, someone advises fructose. Does my child need food supplements? - to begin with, let's figure out why we often want to salt, sweeten or pepper our food.

Not only children's, but also the adult body has a unique ability to recognize what useful substances it needs at the moment. It's just that adults don't always know how to do it. Do you know why? Because some parents from an early age knock down the child - the future adult - taste sensations. Considering that they did nothing wrong - and there really is nothing wrong with a crumb of salt, but listen further - they put a very unpleasant program into the child for the future. It's called "I don't know what I want". When a child is NOT knocked down by taste sensations, he always knows what useful substances his body is missing. This is an innate feeling! When the taste is knocked down to a child, he very quickly loses his unique ability.

Why do parents start adding salt to food, sweeten it? They have a panic. A 9-month-old child drinks kefir only with sugar or fructose. Eat vegetables ONLY with salt. Otherwise, he does not eat or drink ... That's what is important for parents. And the fact that the child will lose his "clairsentience" and in the future will not be able to support his immunity with the help of food, choosing the products that are needed in composition at the moment - this is no longer important ... It's a pity!

Now you understand why sometimes, cleaning the refrigerator to a shine, you remain hungry and confused. Your body ate a lot of things, but did not understand what it needed. Probably, at 6 months you were already fed semolina porridge with sugar. And at 10 months, the whole family proudly looked at the child eating rich broth along with everyone. In the future, this child will demand only a special taste from food. He does not know whether he needs calcium or vitamins at the moment, whether there is a need for protein, fats, carbohydrates ... He was knocked down by the ability to recognize. He only wants fast energy: bright taste. That's why - if possible - do not add sugar, salt, fructose, or anything else to a child under one year old. A child under one year old DOES NOT HAVE to eat all the foods on the list. It is his parents who want to have before their eyes a picture of a healthy baby from a poster, obediently eating everything that is offered to him.


Children from birth lack salt receptors. A person gets used to the salty taste "forcibly". Until the age of one, the child receives a sufficient amount of minerals from food. Daily rate salt for a child up to a year: 0.3 g. You can not add salt to a child up to a year of food so that he eats it faster. The child's kidneys are not yet formed, they are not designed for such a load and do not have time to filter it. An excess of salt in the diet leads to nervous excitability and seriously impairs the functioning of the kidneys and pancreas. Breast milk, for example, contains 25 times less salt than whole cow's milk - calves need much more salt than human babies.

If you do add some salt to your baby's food, try to use only iodized or real sea salt. Its norm is the same as for regular salt, it can not be consumed more to get some fictional benefit. Keep in mind that iodized salt retains its properties for 3-4 months. Therefore, when buying salt, be sure to look at the date of its manufacture. When heated, and even more so when the product is boiled, to which iodized salt is added, iodine will evaporate. You need to salt the dish immediately before serving.

To date, many (unfortunately, not all) baby food manufacturers have already removed or are removing salt from baby products, subject to modern scientific requirements. Similarly, those mothers who prefer to prepare food for young children themselves should do the same. Cereals, dairy, vegetable and other baby foods contain naturally occurring salt (sodium), and there is no need to add table salt (sodium chloride) to them.

Sugar or fructose - which is healthier?

Unlike salt, our acceptance of sugar is innate. This is the energy in pure form, and the biggest fear of the body is to die of hunger, that is, from a lack of energy. But at the same time, it is equally important that the child learns to recognize other tastes, because you definitely won’t go far on clean energy. We need other components to live. Returning to the above: if the child does not clog the taste of the product with sweetness, he will still accept this product - perhaps not the first time. At the same time, he will feel its taste, and know with which element he associates it. For example, sugar prevents calcium from being absorbed. Therefore, kefir with sugar turns into an ordinary white liquid, devoid of benefits. As is cottage cheese.

Children don't need sugar, they need glucose. It gives energy and stimulates appetite, helps all organs to be in good shape and work properly. Glucose is found in sugars, that is, in fruits and vegetables. In order for it to be enough in the body, a child under seven years of age should eat a plate of vegetables and 150 g of fruit per day. Sugar and sweets are also suppliers of glucose, but not only it, so their share in the diet for up to three years is no more than 10%.

IN baby food often contains a mixture of dextrin and maltose (maltodextrin), this substance healthier than sugar and can replace it. Also added to cereals and cookies: glucose (grape sugar), fructose (fruit sugar), dextrose (another name for glucose), maltose (glucose polymer). These sugars do not interfere with the intake of valuable vitamins, minerals and fibers.

Fructose is a fruity, so-called slow sugar. For the absorption of fructose, insulin is not needed, it slowly walks through the body without causing additional stress on the liver, kidneys and hormonal system (unlike regular sugar). The obvious minus of the non-aggressive effect of fructose: the body does not understand that it has received some kind of sweetness, there is no quick burst of energy. A person often wants sweets than when using ordinary sugar. Fructose contains more calories than sugar. Recently, a very persistent myth has emerged about the benefits of fructose for children. Like, it is better than sucrose (sugar), less harmful. This is just a myth! Yes, fructose is natural sugar, but what we buy in boxes is a very concentrated product obtained through complex industrial processing. Fructose consumption has little or no effect on blood glucose levels, but may cause an increase in uric acid and other harmful compounds. This is a product that is difficult to digest, produced for patients or people with a lack of weight (the body partially converts fructose, due to its “slow” behavior, into fat).

Experts warn against fructose in children's diets: it cannot completely replace sugar, it is neither lighter nor simpler. Our pancreas, for example, does not care if sugar or fructose are the same simple carbohydrates for it. For example: pediatrician-dermatologist Natalya Ivanovna Semenova, who is well known to many u-mothers as an adequate specialist, categorically advises her patients to replace sugar with fructose: they say fructose is even worse.

In the next article, we will look at what you can and should feed a child after a year.

On the photos: 1. Lisa (mother Yalu), 2. Vasya (mother Money), 3. Mark (mother Zlata), 4. Ksenia (mother

Man is born! How much this event means in the life of a young family: happiness, pleasant chores, responsibility for the life and well-being of the baby. Properly organized nutrition of the baby is the key to his health. In this regard, the first five months of the life of a small person do not burden the mother with any worries: breast milk is enough to children's body received all the necessary nutrients. From the sixth month, vegetables and fruit purees, as well as porridge. According to the recommendations of pediatricians, from the age of 7 months, the baby's food is enriched by the introduction of vegetable oil into the diet, a month later, his feast is replenished with meat, bread, juice and butter.

As seen, vegetable oils become a necessary attribute of a child's nutrition quite early. Due to what these products are given such important role? This is due to the fact that the intensive development of the body begins to lack the nutrients that make up breast milk, while vegetable oils contain vitamins, fatty acids, while in some cases antibacterial properties.

Even 20 years ago, the question of which vegetable oil to introduce into the diet of newborns was not raised: alternatives sunflower oil did not exist in our country. Now, in the desire to make the right choice for the health of the baby, the mother has to arm herself with a lot of knowledge in order to give preference to one of the many herbal products: oil walnut, sesame, sunflower, rapeseed, corn, pumpkin, linseed, olive or soy.

To make life easier for young mothers, we analyzed the beneficial properties of vegetable oils that are most often introduced into complementary foods.

Sunflower (unrefined)

  • Well absorbed by the child's body;
  • serves as a source of vitamins E, A and D (this vitamin is necessary for the prevention of rickets in children under 2 years old);
  • contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, which has a beneficial effect on the brain, on the metabolic processes of the body, the functioning of the visual and nervous systems.
  • Contains vitamins B1, B2, PP, K3;
  • due to the high concentration of vitamin E normalizes the work thyroid gland, endocrine system and adrenal glands.


  • Contains vitamins E (necessary for good immunity) and D (for the prevention of rickets);
  • the substances that make up the product have antibacterial properties.
In baby food, rapeseed and soybean oils should not be used due to the poor composition of nutrients and possible content they have GMOs. It is also better to forget about the palm product, which, contributing to the emergence of obesity, also has a bad effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels.

It is this product, according to nutritionists and pediatricians, that is ideal for complementary foods. The secret of such unanimity lies in the fact that the product is easily absorbed by the body, because the polyunsaturated fatty acids that make up olive oil are as similar as possible to breast milk. Let's talk about composition useful properties this product.

Composition and properties

The composition of olive oil includes:

  • vitamins (A, D, E, K);
  • mono-unsaturated fatty acids (oleic acid, linoleic, palmitic, peanut);
  • compounds (phenols and polyphenols, tocopherols, sterols, terpene alcohols).

From the point of view of the layman, this information does not give anything to people who are far from knowledge of chemistry. To reveal the value of the product, we present a table that clearly reflects its useful properties.

The name of the body system or organ of the child, which can be affected by olive oil Useful properties and (or) the way the oil works
Skeletal system The intake of the product stimulates the absorption of calcium by the body, due to which the bone skeleton is strengthened
The immune system The phenols included in the product serve as a source of strengthening the immune system
visual system Linoleic acid has a positive effect on vision (in addition, it has a positive effect on the regenerative properties of the body in healing wounds and other injuries)
Endocrine system Acts as a prophylactic, preventing the appearance of diabetes, improves metabolic processes in the body. In addition, including a maximum of healthy fats, the product is able to remove harmful fats from the body.
Digestive system Prevents constipation, has a mild laxative and choleretic effect
Nervous system The complex of fatty acids that make up the product have beneficial effect on nervous system baby and brain function
Skin The cause of many skin diseases in newborns is a lack of linoleic acid. Replenishment of this ingredient, in in large numbers contained in the product, provides significant support in getting rid of skin ailments

Application methods

Outdoor use

For constipation

Olive oil - effective remedy from constipation, it is allowed to use even for newborns. A few drops room temperature applied to the baby's stomach and carefully massage the tummy. With this method of application, the substances responsible for the laxative effect contained in the product are literally absorbed by the baby's skin and delivered to the digestive organs.

For a more even distribution of the active substances of the product, you can use not massage, but another method: in this case, the mother presses the baby's tummy to her body.

With diaper rash

Diaper rash is the most common nuisance of newborns. To get rid of them 3 - 5 times a day, the baby's damaged skin is treated with sterilized olive oil. important temperature regime product - about 20 degrees. Olive oil does not clog baby skin pores, so there is no need to wipe it off.

There is another way to use oil. It is mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 2, then used in the same way as in its pure form.

Sterilizing olive oil is within the power of every mother. original product, poured into a prepared bottle, put on water bath. The bottle must remain open. The boiling point of oil is higher than the boiling point of water, so it will not boil, the procedure takes 20 minutes. After cooling, the bottle with the mixture should be corked with a lid and put away in a dark place.

With diathesis

Olive oil and fir, mixed in a ratio of 3 tablespoons to one, with the addition of vitamin C (2 drops), become a remedy to help get rid of adversity. The mixture is applied to the affected areas of the skin 3 times a day.

For the treatment of the disease, a tincture is also used, which is prepared from 100 ml of oil and crushed St. John's wort flowers (2 handfuls). The mixture is infused for a week in a dark, warm place, after which it is used in the same way as in the previous case.

For the treatment of wounds and scratches

To get rid of scratches as soon as possible, it is enough to apply a napkin dipped in sterilized olive oil to them a couple of times a day. In case of a more serious skin injury (wound), a special ointment is prepared: olive oil (two parts) is brought to a boil over low heat with one part of beeswax. After cooling, the mixture is ready for use.

Internal application

For constipation

There are several ways to solve this problem, the choice of solution depends on the age of the baby. If we are talking about a newborn, the mother lubricates the nipple of the breast with olive oil before feeding. If the child has already celebrated the first half of the year, a drop of funds is dripped onto his tongue. If the baby receives complementary foods and has crossed the line of one year, then the volume of the product used is a quarter of a teaspoon for every 60 grams of food.

In some sources, you can find references to enemas using olive oil. Meanwhile, according to children's doctors, children under the age of 2 years are not recommended to do enemas, especially oil ones. They resort to this method in exceptional cases under the supervision of a doctor, when nothing else helps to get rid of constipation.

For coughs and colds

Children older than a year for coughs (including whooping cough) are given honey mixed with warm olive oil in a 1: 1 ratio. Reception frequency: 3 times a day for a teaspoon.

For colds, a simpler recipe for using oil is practiced: it is taken in its pure form three times a day, one teaspoonful. The effectiveness of the remedy is due to the immuno-strengthening property (and with sore throat or spasmodic cough, the effect of softening an irritated throat is added here).

Supplement your baby's diet with olive oil

Olive oil is introduced into the baby's diet from 7 months of age. At the beginning daily dose is only 1 ml, at the age of 8 months it increases to 3 ml. From 9 months to a year, the daily requirement for the product is estimated at 5 ml.

The product is not given to the child in its pure form, they are diluted with vegetable puree. To flavor porridge, they use not vegetable, but butter.

To introduce olive oil into the diet, vegetable puree must be prepared by the mother with her own hands, since vegetable oils can be added to ready-made canned food initially.

As children grow older, olive oil takes an even stronger place in the diet (after all, food becomes more diverse, for example, raw vegetable salads dressed with olive oil appear).

The introduction of any complementary foods occurs carefully, the baby's parents should monitor whether there is an allergy to a particular product that first appears in the children's diet. Olive oil is no exception in this regard. Studies show that some children are allergic to it, although infrequently, it happens.

Choose and don't go wrong

The quality of olive oil directly depends on the way it is obtained. Best Product extra-class on the label has the designation Extra virgin olive oil, get it without the use of chemicals from olives good quality through the first cold pressing. Such a product is expensive. The second cold pressing is a way to obtain a product of a lower class, respectively, the word Extra disappears on the label, only Virgin olive oil remains. All subsequent manufacturing technologies involve the involvement of chemicals. Oilseed oil resulting from this technology can be labeled as Pureoliveoil, Pomaceoil or Oliveoil.

The product we are interested in is produced in Africa (Tunisia, Libya, Algeria), the Middle East (Syria, Turkey) and in southern Europe (Spain, Italy Greece). Production volumes vary somewhat, but if we are talking about a product for children, you should pay attention to Greece, since it is in this country that 80% of the total production volume corresponds to extra-class quality.

It should be noted that on the shelves of modern stores you can sometimes find bottles of olive oil, on the labeling of which it says: “special for children”, however, an analysis of the composition and method of manufacturing the product shows that these are ordinary unrefined oils first cold pressed (extra quality). For children, it is better to choose organic oils, which means that the olives have not been treated with pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers!

Top 8 proven olive oils:

    , not organic, but cold pressed, can be eaten
  1. Gaea, not organic but cold pressed, can be consumed internally
.:: 24.08.2015

Until the age of four months, the baby's body is not yet ready to accept any food other than milk substitutes due to an incompletely formed enzymatic system. The secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract is also not sufficiently developed. Their development is completed by 4-5 months of the postnatal period and the child is ready to accept and assimilate denser food than milk or formula.

The only thing that can delay the timing of complementary foods is the inability to swallow complementary foods. If the baby keeps the puree in his mouth for a long time, trying to swallow, coughing, choking or spitting out immediately, do not insist, offer food later. If the second attempt is also unsuccessful, postpone attempts to introduce complementary foods for 1-2 weeks, take your time, you still have enough time left. The first feeding in a normally developing baby falls on 5-5.5 months. After 5.5 months, formula alone or mother's milk is malnutrition, the child develops a deficiency of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and lipids for full development and health.

In the nutrition of babies up to a year on any feeding, two concepts are used - complementary foods and supplementary foods. Supplementation does not replace feeding, but is administered as an addition to formula or breast milk if the baby is not full. Complementary foods are introduced to artificers not only as an accustoming to new food for a variety of menus, a complementary food dish replaces one feeding with a milk mixture, and therefore, in its composition and energy value must be complete and nutritious.

Where to start feeding

Traditionally, it is believed that the first food should be vegetable puree, especially if your baby is of average weight or slightly larger, and even more so if there is a tendency to constipation. Vegetable puree contains enough dietary fiber to make the intestines not lazy.

If the baby's weight is below average, or the stool is too liquid, pediatricians advise starting complementary foods with cereals.

  • the first porridge should be from only one type of cereal, and not multi-grain
  • the first porridge should be gluten-free (do not contain gluten), the least allergenic - rice, corn or buckwheat

You do not yet know how well the child will learn a new product, so choose not according to nutritional value, but for the least problematic mess. Buckwheat is healthier than rice, but it is rice that is more easily accepted by children as the very first complementary foods.

You can buy ready-made dairy-free and gluten-free porridges from baby food, or you can cook porridge yourself. Wash the rice thoroughly, drain the first water after boiling. Then pour clean water and cook until thickened. Do not add oil or sugar to the porridge, puree it with a blender and dilute it with the usual mixture.

Porridge consistency:

  • for children 4-6 months - homogeneous consistency (well-mashed, semi-liquid),
  • for children 7-9 months - puree (thickness of sour cream),
  • by 10-12 months - more dense, in small pieces.

The first sample is one teaspoon - give it in small portions. During the day, it will become clear how it is absorbed, observe changes in the stool and skin. If everything is in order, increase to 1.5 teaspoons the next day. Depending on how well the child took the porridge, increase the portion to 150 g in 5 days, that is, 30 g per day. In this case, porridge is first added to one of the feedings, and then completely replaces the mixture. It is up to you, mommy, to decide which of the feedings to replace with complementary foods, when the baby is used to eating more willingly. Some give complementary foods at lunchtime, others eat well after sleep at about 5 pm, others at night. Everyone has their own biorhythms.

If the child does not want to eat rice porridge, offer him buckwheat and only corn remains as a fallback. If the baby is over 6 months old, you can try oatmeal and barley (barley).

Some mothers ask how much exactly in grams to give porridge at a particular age to artificially fed children, is it possible to give two types of porridge in separate feedings in one day. In fact, you yourself must determine the condition of the baby. If the child eats willingly, does not show any signs of allergies and uses diapers beautifully, if he does not growl in his tummy and has no anxiety at all - feed to health and do not bother bringing up to the norm in grams.

A week after accustoming to one type of grain, you can add a second type of porridge to another feeding or add vegetable puree.

Vegetable puree also starts with one vegetable. The most useful, hassle-free and delicious for the baby - cauliflower, pumpkin and zucchini. Babies take broccoli worse, but it's worth offering. If you have successfully mastered these vegetables, we connect carrots, white cabbage if the season coincided - young potatoes.

Features of complementary foods

The consistency of complementary foods should change gradually from semi-liquid to thick. By the age of one, the child is able to eat a thin "slurry" - with well-boiled lumps, flakes.

The temperature of the dishes is 37 degrees, like in breast milk, the most comfortable for the child.

Give the first complementary foods from a small spoon, and not from a bottle, and when sour-milk products are added to porridge and vegetable puree - kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, teach your baby to drink from a cup.

The procedure for the introduction of complementary foods

We have already decided that the first complementary foods are porridge or vegetables, in the order that is more suitable for your baby, and not for the average imaginary one.

Vegetable purees improve intestinal motility, cereals are more nutritious and satisfying. If the baby rejects vegetables, offer porridge, perhaps he will intuitively choose what he likes. If the baby refuses, be patient and do not back down.

After getting used to one product, from about 6-7 months, multi-component feedings can be included.

After accustoming the child to cereals and vegetables, from 6 months you can offer him meat puree. Meat of beef, turkey, rabbit. Fillets only, no fat. If you cook the meat yourself, be sure to drain the water, along with the foam, after boiling. Rub the meat not with the broth in which it was cooked, but with vegetable broth or vegetable puree.

When to give fruit puree

Getting used to a new food occurs gradually over 1 month. And only after that you can offer fruit juices and puree.

Why not before? The fact is that fruits (in any form) cause disorders in babies 3-4 months old. digestive system and very often - allergic reactions. Fruits have a high content of simple carbohydrates (glucose and fructose), a high proportion of organic acids, they can provoke increased formation of gases, colic, regurgitation, and diarrhea. Even if you do not observe such symptoms, it does not mean that everything is in order with the absorption of fruits. There is such a thing as acid-base balance (the osmolarity of a product or dish) - the more this indicator deviates from mother's breast milk, the greater the burden on the kidneys. The osmolarity of fruit juices and purees is almost twice as high as that of breast milk or high-quality formula (for comparison, it is 1.5 times higher in cow's milk). Therefore, modern pediatricians advise starting fruit complementary foods no earlier than from the second half of life, closer to 7 months.

Cottage cheese, meat, fish in complementary foods

You can start giving cottage cheese to artificial people from six months from 10 g, and by 8 months bring it up to 30-40 g. from 50-80 g, gradually increase to 200 g. You can buy a starter for making yogurt or kefir at a pharmacy.

From 7 months, egg yolk appears in the baby's diet. You should start with a quarter of the yolk or one fifth. Boiled yolk should be ground and mixed with already familiar food. By 8 months, increase complementary foods to half the yolk.

From 8 months, a bottle-fed baby can be recommended fish puree. Connect it with half a teaspoon - the fish is a rather strong allergen, and not every fish is safe for the baby in terms of the content of heavy metals in it. No tuna or tilapia! Suitable for the first feeding fish cod, haddock, hake, pollock. The fillet is carefully heat treatment to avoid worm infestation. You can cook fish stew for yourself, pinch off a piece for your baby and grind it thoroughly into a paste. Fish is specific in taste, and although a child already eats solid foods well at this age and meat can be offered in the form of meatballs or meatballs with the addition of cereals (rice or barley), it is easier to taste fish in the form of mashed potatoes, without fibers and lumps. Fish should be alternated with meat (day - fish, day - meat).

Remember, not only the taste is important for the baby, but also the texture of the dish, the sensations on the tongue. If he rejects a new dish, just try cooking the product in a different way.

Bread, which is the head of everything, kids can digest well only in the form of crackers. Bread itself does not have such nutritional value like all other products. And you need to approach the choice of bread from which you will dry the cracker, you need to be very careful. It’s good if you cook homemade bread in a bread machine or slow cooker, and you know exactly what they put in it. Store-bought bread may contain margarine and improvers. This is absolutely unacceptable. Buy bread for complementary foods or crackers buy wheat flour, sunflower oil (not vegetable, but sunflower oil) and without improvers, very preferably without yeast. It is difficult to find bread without yeast, but it is possible. In general, bread and crackers are not a substitute for feeding, but food for a change, a treat, so if you cannot cook yourself good bread or buy it in the store, it is better to refuse it altogether.

What vegetable oil to give the baby

Vegetable oil for complementary foods from 6-7 months, the child needs no more than 3 g, you should start with 1 g - this is 2 drops. There are many conflicting opinions among mothers and pediatricians about the type of oil.

The national strategy for feeding children in the first year of life in the Russian Federation, developed by the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, advises using refined, deodorized oil for complementary foods: sunflower, corn or olive. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that you start adding vegetable oil not in time (6-7-8 months), but at the time when the main feeding of porridge will be 100 g. Then one feeding will be 120-130 g of porridge and ½ hour . spoons of vegetable oil.

Still, mothers argue which is better - olive or sunflower. In fact, the quality of cleaning, the absence of GMOs and the tendency to oxidize are more important. You should not run to buy a bottle of Extra Virgin, not because it is expensive, but because it is impractical and dangerous - the oil quickly oxidizes and goes rancid. Oxidized oil is harmful for an adult, especially for babies. Therefore, the freshness of the oil is important. Unrefined oil begins to oxidize from the moment the jar is opened, after a week it is already stale oil. And if you take into account the need (half a spoon per day), while you use up half the bottle, you will already slowly poison your baby. Therefore, it is recommended to use only refined oil in complementary foods for children. Sunflower oil has more polyunsaturated fatty acids than olive oil, and less monounsaturated fatty acids. But the content of vitamin E differs several times: olive oil - 12 mg, sunflower oil - 40-60 mg. With artificial feeding, a child, compared with a baby, receives significantly less vitamin E, so sunflower oil is still preferable.

Butter - only the highest quality GOST, not sold by weight from the market, is introduced on a par with vegetable oil, the norm from 6-7 months to a year is 4 g from 8 months to a year - 5 g. Butter can be added to porridge, vegetable puree. Moreover, butter improves the taste of the product, if your baby is reluctant to eat any vegetable or cereal, try adding butter to this particular food, perhaps this will affect his addiction.

Man is born! How much this event means in the life of a young family: happiness, pleasant chores, responsibility for the life and well-being of the baby. Properly organized nutrition of the baby is the key to his health. In this regard, the first five months of the life of a small person do not burden the mother with any worries: breast milk is enough for the child's body to receive all the necessary nutrients. From the sixth month, vegetable and fruit purees, as well as cereals, are introduced into the child's diet. According to the recommendations of pediatricians, from the age of 7 months, the baby's food is enriched by the introduction of vegetable oil into the diet, a month later, his feast is replenished with meat, bread, juice and butter.

As seen, vegetable oils become a necessary attribute of a child's nutrition quite early. Why are these products so important? This is due to the fact that the intensive development of the body begins to lack the nutrients that make up breast milk, while vegetable oils contain vitamins, fatty acids, while in some cases antibacterial properties.

Even 20 years ago, the question of what kind of vegetable oil to introduce into the diet of newborns was not raised: there was no alternative to sunflower oil in our country. Now, in the desire to make the right choice for the health of the baby, the mother has to arm herself with a lot of knowledge in order to give preference to one of the many plant products: walnut oil, sesame, sunflower, rapeseed, corn, pumpkin, linseed, olive or soybean.

To make life easier for young mothers, we analyzed the beneficial properties of vegetable oils that are most often introduced into complementary foods.

Sunflower (unrefined)

  • Well absorbed by the child's body;
  • serves as a source of vitamins E, A and D (this vitamin is necessary for the prevention of rickets in children under 2 years old);
  • contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, which has a beneficial effect on the brain, on the metabolic processes of the body, the functioning of the visual and nervous systems.
  • Contains vitamins B1, B2, PP, K3;
  • Due to the high concentration of vitamin E, it normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland, endocrine system and adrenal glands.


  • Contains vitamins E (necessary for good immunity) and D (for the prevention of rickets);
  • the substances that make up the product have antibacterial properties.
In baby food, rapeseed and soybean oils should not be used due to the poor composition of nutrients and the possible content of GMOs in them. It is also better to forget about the palm product, which, contributing to the emergence of obesity, also has a bad effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels.

It is this product, according to nutritionists and pediatricians, that is ideal for complementary foods. The secret of such unanimity lies in the fact that the product is easily absorbed by the body, because the polyunsaturated fatty acids that make up olive oil are as similar as possible to breast milk in percentage terms. Let's talk about the composition and useful properties of this product.

Composition and properties

The composition of olive oil includes:

  • vitamins (A, D, E, K);
  • mono-unsaturated fatty acids (oleic acid, linoleic, palmitic, peanut);
  • compounds (phenols and polyphenols, tocopherols, sterols, terpene alcohols).

From the point of view of the layman, this information does not give anything to people who are far from knowledge of chemistry. To reveal the value of the product, we present a table that clearly reflects its useful properties.

The name of the body system or organ of the child, which can be affected by olive oil Useful properties and (or) the way the oil works
Skeletal system The intake of the product stimulates the absorption of calcium by the body, due to which the bone skeleton is strengthened
The immune system The phenols included in the product serve as a source of strengthening the immune system
visual system Linoleic acid has a positive effect on vision (in addition, it has a positive effect on the regenerative properties of the body in healing wounds and other injuries)
Endocrine system Acts as a prophylactic, preventing the appearance of diabetes, improves metabolic processes in the body. In addition, including a maximum of healthy fats, the product is able to remove harmful fats from the body.
Digestive system Prevents constipation, has a mild laxative and choleretic effect
Nervous system The complex of fatty acids that make up the product have a beneficial effect on the baby's nervous system and brain function.
Skin The cause of many skin diseases in newborns is a lack of linoleic acid. Replenishment of this ingredient, which is contained in a large amount in the product, provides significant support in getting rid of skin ailments.

Application methods

Outdoor use

For constipation

Olive oil is an effective remedy for constipation, it is allowed to be used even for newborns. A few drops of room temperature are applied to the baby's stomach and the tummy is massaged with gentle movements. With this method of application, the substances responsible for the laxative effect contained in the product are literally absorbed by the baby's skin and delivered to the digestive organs.

For a more even distribution of the active substances of the product, you can use not massage, but another method: in this case, the mother presses the baby's tummy to her body.

With diaper rash

Diaper rash is the most common nuisance of newborns. To get rid of them 3 - 5 times a day, the baby's damaged skin is treated with sterilized olive oil. The temperature regime of the product is important - about 20 degrees. Olive oil does not clog baby skin pores, so there is no need to wipe it off.

There is another way to use oil. It is mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 2, then used in the same way as in its pure form.

Sterilizing olive oil is within the power of every mother. The initial product, poured into the prepared bottle, is placed in a water bath. The bottle must remain open. The boiling point of oil is higher than the boiling point of water, so it will not boil, the procedure takes 20 minutes. After cooling, the bottle with the mixture should be corked with a lid and put away in a dark place.

With diathesis

Olive oil and fir, mixed in a ratio of 3 tablespoons to one, with the addition of vitamin C (2 drops), become a remedy to help get rid of adversity. The mixture is applied to the affected areas of the skin 3 times a day.

For the treatment of the disease, a tincture is also used, which is prepared from 100 ml of oil and crushed St. John's wort flowers (2 handfuls). The mixture is infused for a week in a dark, warm place, after which it is used in the same way as in the previous case.

For the treatment of wounds and scratches

To get rid of scratches as soon as possible, it is enough to apply a napkin dipped in sterilized olive oil to them a couple of times a day. In case of a more serious skin injury (wound), a special ointment is prepared: olive oil (two parts) is brought to a boil over low heat with one part of beeswax. After cooling, the mixture is ready for use.

Internal application

For constipation

There are several ways to solve this problem, the choice of solution depends on the age of the baby. If we are talking about a newborn, the mother lubricates the nipple of the breast with olive oil before feeding. If the child has already celebrated the first half of the year, a drop of funds is dripped onto his tongue. If the baby receives complementary foods and has crossed the line of one year, then the volume of the product used is a quarter of a teaspoon for every 60 grams of food.

In some sources, you can find references to enemas using olive oil. Meanwhile, according to children's doctors, children under the age of 2 years are not recommended to do enemas, especially oil ones. They resort to this method in exceptional cases under the supervision of a doctor, when nothing else helps to get rid of constipation.

For coughs and colds

Children older than a year for coughs (including whooping cough) are given honey mixed with warm olive oil in a 1: 1 ratio. Reception frequency: 3 times a day for a teaspoon.

For colds, a simpler recipe for using oil is practiced: it is taken in its pure form three times a day, one teaspoonful. The effectiveness of the remedy is due to the immuno-strengthening property (and with sore throat or spasmodic cough, the effect of softening an irritated throat is added here).

Supplement your baby's diet with olive oil

Olive oil is introduced into the baby's diet from 7 months of age. Initially, the daily dose is only 1 ml, at the age of 8 months it increases to 3 ml. From 9 months to a year, the daily requirement for the product is estimated at 5 ml.

The product is not given to the child in its pure form, they are diluted with vegetable puree. To flavor porridge, they use not vegetable, but butter.

To introduce olive oil into the diet, vegetable puree must be prepared by the mother with her own hands, since vegetable oils can be added to ready-made canned food initially.

As children grow older, olive oil takes an even stronger place in the diet (after all, food becomes more diverse, for example, raw vegetable salads dressed with olive oil appear).

The introduction of any complementary foods occurs carefully, the baby's parents should monitor whether there is an allergy to a particular product that first appears in the children's diet. Olive oil is no exception in this regard. Studies show that some children are allergic to it, although infrequently, it happens.

Choose and don't go wrong

The quality of olive oil directly depends on the way it is obtained. The best extra-class product on the label is labeled Extra virgin olive oil, obtained without the use of chemicals from good quality olives through the first cold pressing. Such a product is expensive. The second cold pressing is a way to obtain a product of a lower class, respectively, the word Extra disappears on the label, only Virgin olive oil remains. All subsequent manufacturing technologies involve the involvement of chemicals. Oilseed oil resulting from this technology can be labeled as Pureoliveoil, Pomaceoil or Oliveoil.

The product we are interested in is produced in Africa (Tunisia, Libya, Algeria), the Middle East (Syria, Turkey) and in southern Europe (Spain, Italy Greece). Production volumes vary somewhat, but if we are talking about a product for children, you should pay attention to Greece, since it is in this country that 80% of the total production volume corresponds to extra-class quality.

It should be noted that on the shelves of modern stores you can sometimes find bottles of olive oil, on the labeling of which it says: “special for children”, however, an analysis of the composition and method of manufacturing the product shows that these are ordinary unrefined oils of the first cold pressing (extra-class quality). For children, it is better to choose organic oils, which means that the olives have not been treated with pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers!

Top 8 proven olive oils:

    , not organic, but cold pressed, can be eaten
  1. Gaea, not organic but cold pressed, can be consumed internally