Fennel for a newborn: harmful or beneficial? We brew tea with fennel for a newborn very carefully, contraindications and side effects. Side effects and possible harm

During the first months of life, almost all babies suffer from digestive problems, which are expressed in periodic colic. Fennel tea for newborns is a real salvation and safe first aid. A product of natural origin is able to cope with unpleasant symptoms and alleviate the condition of the baby within 15–20 minutes after ingestion.

Although fennel does not help to speed up the recovery of intestinal microflora and the entire digestive tract, along with massage, it will quickly calm the child. If the product is brewed in accordance with all the rules, then fennel tea will only benefit the newborn, avoiding allergic consequences and relieving the baby of painful spasms and bloating.

Fennel tea for newborns: description and benefits

Fennel is a relative of dill. All its components, which have a pleasant spicy aroma, can be eaten and used to make medicinal tinctures. Fennel contains a large number of:

  • vitamins,
  • mineral components,
  • glycosides,
  • Essential oils.

Dried seeds, grass and plant roots contain high level these substances. Usually, decoctions, tinctures and teas are prepared from them, which normalize the condition of babies. Together with these decoctions, you can use essential oils or herbs that are diluted in the bathroom when bathing a newborn. Oils or decoctions from marshmallow root, chamomile, oregano or thyme help the child relax and get rid of diaper rash. This bath should be prepared for babies 1-2 times a week.

During therapy using children's fennel tea it turns out:

Along with the above influences fennel decoction contributes to:

  • Normalization of the entire gastrointestinal tract of the newborn;
  • Ensuring better absorption of calcium, which is necessary for growth and strong bone structure;
  • Strengthening immunity;
  • Maintenance of the nervous system.

Fennel has many positive effects on the health of the child, but it is better to first consult with a pediatrician about the use of decoctions from this plant, which is not a prophylactic.


Treatment of colic in a newborn with fennel should be taken seriously. Doctors advise not to use decoctions and teas from this plant for preventive purposes or for a long time, because it can be addictive to the product.

Cases when fennel tea is contraindicated:

  • Allergy to the product;
  • Epilepsy.

Testing for allergic reactions in an infant is to use the minimum dose of decoction from the plant (3-4 ml). In the absence of redness or rashes, the dose is gradually increased, be sure to monitor the reaction of the baby.

Brewing fennel tea

Properly brewed tea will help save the newborn from painful colic. Consider how to brew tea based on different parts of the plant.

Fresh fennel fruits are finely chopped with a knife. One teaspoon of chopped fennel is enough for 1 cup boiled water. Experts recommend making each new brew only from fresh fruits to make the tea more useful. The drink is infused for 30 minutes, then filtered, cooled and given to the child in a volume of 10-15 ml.

  • Fennel herb infusion

To make tea, take one tablespoon of dried or fresh chopped herbs. Fennel is poured with boiling water (200-250 ml). Tea should be infused for half an hour. Then the tea is filtered, brought to room temperature and give to the baby. prepared infusion can be mixed with expressed breast milk or formula for artificial feeding. A newborn should be given no more than 50 ml of this tea per day.

  • fennel seed tea

A teaspoon of seeds is pre-ground in a mortar or coffee grinder. The mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 30-40 minutes. Then the infusion should be filtered and cooled to room temperature. The baby should be given a teaspoon of this tea with every meal. Newborns tolerate this infusion well, which is characterized by quick positive results.

  • "Dill water"

Some people think that this brew is made from dill, but the main ingredient is essential oil fennel. Doctors advise to buy finished product in a pharmacy, so as not to get confused with the transfer of milliliters into drops, because of which the baby may overdose with “dill water”. Pharmaceutical product should be stored in the refrigerator. To prepare a decoction, 0.5 ml of fennel essential oil is enough, which must be diluted in a liter of cooled boiling water.

Sometimes allergic reactions can occur 5-6 days after the start of herbal tea use. Therefore, pediatricians recommend not adding new products to the baby menu for the duration of therapy, so as not to be mistaken with the cause of the allergy.

If after fennel tea no side effects were detected, then the use of tea continues safely.

When a child is naughty and does not want to drink infusion, you can use a syringe without a needle, with which the collected liquid is injected over the baby's cheek.

Prepared fennel tea

For those who do not want to mess with the full process of preparing herbal tea, they specially sell ready-made decoctions in pharmacies. Instructions for the preparation of tinctures are always indicated on the product packaging.

Since the product is in high demand, the market baby food characterized by a large number of types of fennel teas, which are represented by disposable tea bags or instant mixtures. But a young mother needs to seriously approach the choice of a composition suitable for her child. in tea product It should be free of gluten, artificial colors and flavors, and sucrose. It is worth paying attention to the presence of lactose in the mixture or brew, which some people cannot tolerate.

It should be remembered that tea for babies should not be hot; the broth should be served for them in the form of heat.

Fennel for women during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy and lactation, women should carefully use herbal teas so as not to harm the unborn child. Fennel helps relieve morning sickness and is recommended for nausea and vomiting.

With complex flow pregnancy or the threat of miscarriage, fennel tea is prohibited. The plant contains certain substances that are Negative influence on the muscles of the uterus. The components activate the walls of the organ and increase the risk of miscarriage. In order not to cause complications once again, doctors advise pregnant women to give up herbal tea and use proven remedies for toxicosis.

But during lactation, the use of fennel broth will be a good solution. As you know, the properties of the plant contribute to the increase and establishment of lactation. Infusion and decoction of fennel seeds have been consumed by women since ancient times and only a positive effect was observed from this product.

Two teaspoons of seeds are crushed and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Herbal tea is infused for 30 minutes. Then the infusion is filtered and drunk. To increase and maintain lactation, women should drink 3-4 cups of decoction per day. The drink can be consumed warm or hot a few minutes before feeding.

Fennel tea is safer than chemicals and more effective than regular dill water. Therefore, many mothers prefer fennel tea..

Children from birth face a lot of problems related to adaptation to the world around them. The world is big and sometimes quite aggressive, and the child's body is not yet strong and needs support. Infantile colic, restless sleep are replaced by torment from cutting teeth, then a period of stress begins from attending kindergarten and school, numerous viral infections ... In many situations, fennel tea comes to the aid of parents - a natural remedy that is suitable for children of any age from birth.

What it is

plant with beautiful name"Fennel" is a drugstore dill. Not the one that grows in the country, but its close relative, similar, but still a little different. It grows wild in the Caucasus and the Krasnodar Territory, but in other regions it is quite successfully cultivated.

Despite the similarity in appearance, fennel differs from ordinary dill in composition, which determines its widespread use of traditional and traditional medicine. And it is rich in essential oils, fatty saturated acids, flavonoids, vitamin C, carotene, B vitamins, minerals, and this is not a complete list.

Housewives love fennel for its wide use in cooking, women of fashion respect the plant for the use of fennel essential oils in perfumery. Young mothers know that fennel is a real salvation for newborns who suffer from colic.

All parts of the plant, and stems, and roots, and leaves, find their application. However, in medical purposes only fennel fruits and the oil extracted from them are used. Here is just an approximation a list of diseases in which this umbrella plant has an effective effect:

  • ENT diseases(the oil of the fruit is included in the licorice elixir, effective for coughs and in the chest collection).
  • Digestive problems(Fennel is an important component of a laxative collection that can be given to children with constipation. Dill water (this is also a preparation from fennel) helps reduce flatulence, gas formation in the intestines, and therefore is the main medicinal weapon for young mothers with children's colic).
  • Problems with the nervous system(the plant is part of the sedative collections, which are allowed to be given to children with insomnia, sleep disturbance, increased moodiness, neurosis, stress).
  • Skin diseases(Essential oil of fennel fruits is used as a component of external preparations, including home cooking, which relieve irritation, inflammation, soothe the skin and promote rapid healing).

Release form

Fennel tea is a multifaceted concept. It might be ready herbal collection, granulated, in sachets or in the form of dry vegetable raw materials for brewing. In the concept of “tea with fennel”, many parents invest in multi-component recipes, which, in addition to a useful umbrella plant, include others no less useful herbs and fruits.

If you do not want to experiment with medicinal plants, you can buy specially prepared raw materials for making drinks for children - "Grandma's basket", HiPP, Fleur alpine, Bebivita. They differ in price, form of release and only slightly - in composition.

Instructions for use

Grandma's basket

Fennel tea from the Grandmother's basket brand is intended for the smallest - it is given to infants from colic. It will be convenient for parents to prepare such a drink, since it is not Fennel to measure and weigh anything. The raw material is packaged in bags, heavily crushed, resembles a powder, it is only enough to brew it.

In the composition - exclusively fennel seeds and no dyes, flavors, stabilizers and preservatives. In one sachet - 1 g of vegetable raw materials. One sachet requires about 200 ml of water. Do not give too much of this drink. The daily requirement for it is equal to the volume of one feeding. In other words, if a child eats 120 ml at a time, then the amount of drink with fennel should not exceed this figure. The daily amount is divided into several doses.

Children under one year old can drink tea with fennel daily for 2-3 weeks, then you definitely need to take a break for the same period. For children who are already a year old, such a drink is given to improve appetite and digestion, 2-3 tea cups a day.

The price is relatively low - about 90 rubles.

A small excerpt from Dr. Komarovsky's program on the topic of children's colic and whether fennel tea or dill water helps can be viewed below.

Fleur alpine

Fleur alpine tea with fennel contains only fennel fruits, it does not contain sugar or other excipients. The drink is intended for babies from colic and older children for comfortable digestion. One filter bag contains 1.5 g of fennel fruit. Water for this amount requires 200-250 ml. After brewing, the drink is recommended to infuse for 5-10 minutes.

Instructions for use prescribe to give children from 1 month no more than 50 ml of drink per day, six-month-old babies - no more than 100 ml.

The average price of tea in Russia is about 200 rubles per package, which contains 20 filter bags.


As part of the drink "BIO-fennel tea" from HiPP - also only fennel and nothing more. However, manufacturers offer different cooking options. For babies from birth, there is herbal tea bags (30 bags per pack). For children from 1 month and older, manufacturers offer a drink from fennel extract (100 gr packaging). Children aged 4 months and older can buy HiPP-200 gr, a granular tea that is easy to dissolve in water. This version of fennel tea contains sucrose.

Recommended daily dose drink - 100 ml., if the child is from 0 to 3 months. At the age of 3 months to six months, a child can drink 150 ml per day, up to a year - about 200 ml. After a year - 2-4 tea cups per day.

The average cost of tea in the country is about 250 rubles.


Fennel tea from Bebivita can be bought both in bags for brewing and in the form of granules that dissolve easily in hot water. In addition to fennel seeds, the composition includes dextrose. Reviews of parents about this tea are ambiguous.

Some mothers complain that children do not like the taste of the drink. Almost all parents note that the instruction for the use of tea is drawn up incorrectly, without an exact indication of the daily dosage. Pediatric practice implies that the amount of drink per day should not exceed 100 ml for a child under 4 months old, and 200 ml for a child up to a year old.

The price of such tea in pharmacies and specialized children's stores is from 150 rubles.

homemade recipes

To make fennel tea at home, you will need about 2 grams of fennel seeds and 250 ml of water. Boiled water should be cooled to 80-90 degrees, pour the seeds of the plant and let it brew in a container under the lid for about 15 minutes. In another container, separately in the same way, you need to brew lemon balm and thyme. It takes about half an hour to infuse these herbs.

Strain the fennel drink and carefully add decoctions of other herbs to a single serving for the child so that the proportions are as follows: for 1 dose of fennel tea - half the dose of thyme and the dose of lemon balm.

This tea is useful for sleep disorders, anxiety, during teething. The baby will sleep better, eat better, and during wakefulness will behave much calmer. Newborns are given tea with fennel without the addition of decoctions of other herbs.

For children from 2 years old with constipation, fennel tea is prepared with the addition of a spoonful of honey, and the concentration of seeds for brewing can be doubled, so the laxative property of fennel will be revealed more fully and will help to cleanse the intestines as soon as possible.

A video on how to properly brew fennel tea can be viewed in the next issue.

  • The first tea intake should be "trial". The child is given a very small amount of the drink to find out if he has an allergic reaction to herbal ingredients. If within a day an inadequate reaction does not appear, tea can be given.
  • It is not advisable for children under 6 months to give multi-component teas, which include more than two plants. This significantly increases the risk of developing allergies.
  • Drinking tea should not be hot or cold. It is better to give the child warm tea, only in this way fennel and other components of the drink can “reveal” the maximum of their beneficial properties.
  • Herbal teas should not be brewed with boiling water. It is better if the temperature of boiled water is about 80 degrees. Fresh tea should be brewed before each use.
  • Herbal tea does not imply constant consumption. Parents must give the child his courses, with breaks.
  • Before you start brewing such a drink for your child, be sure to consult a pediatrician.

For several years, fennel tea has been very popular with breastfeeding mothers.

This drink is not only good for the body of a woman, but also for babies. Many of our compatriots consider infusion and tea with fennel to be a real elixir of health, since this is the best prophylactic against many ailments.

It is likely that this is just an ordinary desire to wishful thinking, to find a truly unique medicine that could cure all ailments. Scientists say that the plant and tea with it can really fight many diseases.


From this article you will learn:

Today, more and more people are of the opinion that drugs based on chemical compounds are very harmful to human body. There is an opinion that they can cause very serious harm. You should not adhere to the opinion of the majority, but rather rely on your own experience, especially when it comes to herbal medicines.

As for fennel tea for children, its distinguishing feature- the absence of any artificial ingredients, so that the drink can be drunk even by babies. Tea contains a large amount of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, as well as all kinds of extremely useful for a growing organism. Original cast- a refreshing drink.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of fennel tea are achieved only if it is regular use. An extremely important aspect is that it is better to use a plant collected independently, and not its artificial counterparts in the form of finished products.

Fennel seed tea is often used:

  • with regular insomnia;
  • with flatulence;
  • to improve the efficiency of the functioning of the stomach;
  • to activate the production of enzymes in the pancreas;
  • with colic in the intestines;
  • to enhance the lactation of milk in the body.

Fennel tea has always been beneficial as the drink is known for its pain-relieving properties for intestinal spasms. Fennel - effective remedy with gastritis. The plant has always been known for its mild laxative effect. Tea with fennel seeds will help the fair sex, who have irregular and painful periods. Even a small cup of tea can charge the body with vivacity and optimism.

Brewing Features

The recipe and method of brewing tea with fennel is quite simple: you need to take 1 teaspoon of the seeds of the plant and pour them with a glass of boiling water (180-200 ml). It must be infused for at least 10 minutes. After straining, the tea is ready to drink.

However, if you have certain hopes for the drink in terms of treating ailments, then consider the following recommendations:

  • the proper effect can be achieved only if it is used regularly;
  • with bloating, it is better to use an infusion;
  • when coughing, it is better to sweeten the drink with a small amount of honey;
  • the best option is to use by analogy with regular tea.

Fennel tea for weight loss

Tea has a slight diuretic effect, in addition, it helps to reduce appetite, activate digestion. Therefore, if you are on a diet, you can also drink fennel tea.

To get rid of the desire to eat, you just need to chew the seeds of the plant in a small amount. Tea is known for its calming properties. Experts strongly recommend adding a few leaves of lemon balm or to tea.


The main contraindications of fennel tea are quite traditional for drinks with plants:

  • pregnancy;
  • predisposition to epilepsy.
Share your favorite tea recipe with our website readers!

Infants are born with digestive system, at first unadapted to external conditions: undeveloped microflora, unformed peristalsis. Parents of newborns are faced with the problem of intestinal colic, bloating of the tummies of their children. The consequence of this may be restless behavior of the child, crying, sleepless nights. But there is a miracle plant that will become an indispensable assistant to young parents - this is fennel.

Where do colic come from, bloating in a newborn

Before considering how fennel tea works on a newborn, it is necessary to understand the process of formation of a painful condition in the tummies of infants.

After the birth of a child, his food system for the first few months (from two weeks to 3-5 months) begins to adapt to new conditions outside the womb. The intestines of the child are not yet inhabited by the necessary bacteria, so perfectly healthy children begin to experience discomfort in the tummy. Gases released during the digestion of food put pressure on the walls of the intestine, stretch it, causing pain. This manifests itself in the following:

  • the baby begins to show anxiety;
  • presses the legs to the chest, "twist" the legs;
  • screaming, crying;
  • gases may be released;
  • pallor of the skin appears.

Fennel tea for newborns helps to overcome the most difficult first months in a baby's life. More than one generation of children has grown up on this healing drink.

Benefits of fennel for newborns

Fennel is useful for both adults and young children. Fennel for newborns is valuable because it contains the prebiotic inulin, which has a beneficial effect on digestion and allows you to start the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, fennel contains calcium, without which construction is impossible. child's body. Moreover, the calcium contained in fennel is not an artificial additive, but a natural component that is easily absorbed by the child's body, strengthening bones.

Fennel gives newborns another very valuable acquisition - strengthening immunity.
During the hot season, pediatricians recommend giving babies fennel tea. It quenches thirst better than other drinks, reduces bloating, improves metabolic processes.

Recipes for making fennel tea for newborns at home

Here are some recipes moms can use to make their own fennel tea for their little ones.

Recipe #1

You need to take 1 tablespoon of fennel fruit. Boil half a liter of water and pour fennel seeds, then put on fire and let it boil for another five minutes. Give warm tea little by little, not exceeding daily allowance in 50 ml. For a child from 3 months, the dosage can be increased to 80 ml per day. This tea will relieve the unpleasant colic of your baby.

Recipe #2

Pour 1 teaspoon of chopped fennel fruit with boiling water (250 ml). Cover the infusion with a lid, let it brew for 30 minutes, then strain. At each feeding, add to the mixture or expressed breast milk 1 tbsp. spoon.

Pharmacy preparations of fennel tea for newborns

Pharmacies offer a wide range of drugs, herbal teas with fennel. Consider some of them.

Plantex is the most popular herbal preparation containing in its composition an extract of fennel fruits and the essential oil of this plant, which saves from intestinal colic. The manufacturer of Plantex offers the drug in granular form, packaged in sachets of 5 g. (1 dose). Instructions for the use of Plantex recommends dissolving 1-2 sachets of the drug in 100 ml of water and giving to babies to drink 2-3 times a day after meals or between feedings.

Fennel tea for newborns Hipp (Hipp) is a tea from a German manufacturer for children from 1 month old. The package consists of 20 sachets in an individually blister pack. Instruction Hipp recommends using tea for babies to eliminate unpleasant symptoms of impaired digestion: bloating, colic, pain, spasms.

Contraindications when using fennel for newborns

Caring parents should remember that no matter how valuable the plant is, it is necessary to strictly monitor the dosage. Only strict adherence to the instructions will save your wonderful baby from side effects:

  • an allergic reaction in the form of a rash, indigestion;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • possible bleeding.

Fennel is contraindicated for children with individual intolerance to this plant.

Fennel ordinary- one of the first plants, behind which the glory of medicinal was fixed.

It was highly valued by Hippocrates, Avicenna, Pliny, used to treat various diseases.

Due to its pleasant sweetish taste, fennel has found application in cooking. healing drinks and especially tea.

Fennel - what is it and what does it look like

The herbaceous plant fennel belongs to the umbrella family. Among its relatives are dill, anise and cumin.

In terms of its properties, it is still closest to dill; it is no coincidence that other names have been assigned to it among the people: “pharmacy dill” and “Voloshsky dill”. What is the difference between fennel and dill you will learn from ours.

But the ancient Greeks gave him the name "marathon plant" - for the fact that he endowed people with energy, health, strength and guaranteed success where excellent physical form was required.

Fennel can reach a height of two meters, its stem straight, ribbed, with a slight bluish bloom. Small yellow flowers are collected in umbrellas.

The type of fruit (up to 1 cm long, 4 mm wide) is called the "crop" and splits into two halves. The fennel root is fusiform, about 40 cm long.

In the aerial part, a rather large bulb is formed from the petioles (by the way, according to culinary experts, it is the most valuable part of the plant).

Unfortunately, it really ripens only in the hot countries of the Mediterranean - Italy, Greece, Turkey. However, recently "zoned" fennel is also growing in Eastern Europe, China, and India.

The following video will tell about fennel:

The chemical composition of the fruits, seeds, roots of this plant

All parts of the plant are of medical interest.

Its stems are a source of vitamins A, C, B. The leaves contain a lot of carotene, ascorbic acid, and rutin.

Essential oils are concentrated in fennel fruit. In addition, they contain sugar and proteins. The seeds contain many vitamins and various trace elements (copper, iron, manganese, calcium, phosphorus).

rich beneficial substances and root (beauticians especially appreciate it). In general, the plant, with a lot of advantages, also distinguishes low calorie(31 kcal per 100 g), so it is recommended as a means for weight loss.

It is easiest to buy this plant, both for medicinal and culinary needs, in the market or in a large supermarket. How much does fennel cost? In the European part of Russia, the average price is 130 rubles. per kg.

When buying (especially if you care about healing properties plants) you need to choose specimens in which the grass (stem, leaves) is green, juicy, resilient, but by no means sluggish.

You can store fennel in the refrigerator for five days, after which the plant almost completely loses its aroma.

Species and varieties

There are two types of plant: pharmacy and vegetable (Italian). In the first, seeds and greens are especially highly valued, in the second - bulbs (or, as they are also called, heads of cabbage), reaching 10 cm in diameter in the best specimens.

Breeders different countries breed varieties that are most adapted to the local climate and more fully meet the needs of consumers.

In the states of Europe, these are varieties of the Italian selection "Florentine", "Bologna", "Carmo". In Russia - "Udalets", "Casanova", "Rondo", "Corvette".

Historians say: Avicenna owns the aphorism that 4.5 grams of fennel seeds consumed by a person between the beginning of spring and the beginning of summer make it possible to forget about any diseases for the whole coming year.

But what beneficial features tea with fennel is especially appreciated by modern medicine. Thanks to this plant,:

Healing properties for women

Fennel is very useful for the fair sex - we have already talked about how tea with this plant is used by nursing mothers and how important it is for babies.

During menopause, tea can be useful for a woman to overcome internal discomfort, relieve painful syndromes.

There is evidence that fennel can be used “for the breast”, that is, to increase the bust, which will certainly be of interest to ladies who would like to solve the problem without the use of “chemistry” and surgical intervention.

The secret of fennel is that it enhances the production of the female hormone estrogen, which has a positive effect on the development of the mammary glands.

However during pregnancy (especially in the later stages) some restrictions come into force: they either refuse tea with fennel at all, or drink it little by little, otherwise there is a risk of provoking premature birth.

For men

Men would benefit from knowing that fennel is one of the powerful aphrodisiacs. Teas and decoctions of this plant contain substances that enhance the sexual activity of the male body.

For kids

Fennel tea is one of the first herbal drinks with which the child is introduced. It is given to babies to relieve painful colic.(we talked about this in a separate article).

Further use of the plant in the children's wellness menu helps to strengthen the immunity of the child, his nervous system , normalize digestive processes.

Children often refuse medicines because they do not like their taste, on the contrary, the child will definitely like tea with fennel, because it is sweet and has a “confectionery” flavor reminiscent of candies and caramels.

This is medicinal plant provides a young body with a supply of vitamin C, useful for colds (cough). It has antimicrobial, disinfectant properties, there is a prebiotic inulin that helps the intestines recover from any problems.

The use of tea with fennel has a beneficial effect on the formation of the child's bone apparatus.

Indications for use

Here are the cases in which the effectiveness of fennel will be most noticeable:

  • with pancreatitis;
  • flatulence;
  • intestinal spasms;
  • slow metabolism;
  • insomnia;
  • bronchitis;
  • weak appetite.

Sometimes patients have a question: does fennel weaken or strengthen, because it is recommended for both constipation and diarrhea.

Experts more often agree that fennel itself cannot stop diarrhea (the plant has a slight laxative effect), but to restore the intestinal flora, the drink may be useful.

As for constipation, the help of the plant in this case is obvious - you can drink tea with fennel, as well as eat fresh bulbs of the plant.

Making fennel tea is easy. If you purchase its seeds or extract at a pharmacy, the package will definitely contain detailed description or instructions on how and what to do.

If you prepare the “brewing” yourself, do this: pour a teaspoon of medicinal raw materials with a glass of boiling water and leave for ten minutes. After that, the drink must be filtered.

To defeat a cold, you can drink this drink about five glasses a day. Honey goes well with fennel, you can put a little in tea.

And here's how to prepare a decoction: pour a couple of tablespoons of raw materials with boiling water (200 ml), and then keep in a water bath for two minutes. Insist, just like tea, 10 minutes.

If you need to achieve an expectorant effect, you can add other medicinal plants to fennel - mint, coltsfoot, anise.

For the digestive system, tea with the addition of ginger will be useful. The drink is prepared as follows: a piece of fresh ginger and a pinch of fennel seeds are thrown into a glass of boiling water. They insist. You need to drink such tea either directly during meals or before meals.

For men experiencing problems with potency, tincture with fennel seeds (100 g), celery greens (100 g) may be useful. They are poured with alcohol or vodka, put in a dark place for a month, but every day the container with the tincture must be shaken.

Properties, instructions for proper brewing, and are also discussed in detail in this publication.

The medicinal properties and contraindications of lemon balm tea, the benefits and harms of the drink, as well as brewing recipes are presented in the article.

Application in folk medicine, cosmetology

Traditional medicine uses fennel to treat pustular diseases, conjunctivitis (a decoction is prepared from the seeds for washing the eyes), to get rid of nausea.

Gargling helps with sore throats and loss of voice. Lotions promote healing of wounds on the skin.

In cosmetology, fennel-based products are used for the face (to relieve puffiness under the eyes, remove pimples and blackheads), for hair - to restore their health, shine and strength.

Cooking also considers fennel "their" plant. Its seeds are used as a spice in fish sauces, and the onion produces delicious seasoning to meat dishes.

Many people enjoy fennel soups, marinades, and pickles.

What can replace it

We can talk about the full replacement of fennel with some other plant when it comes to cooking (in the healing sphere, fennel still does not have a 100% analogue).

And here in the kitchen instead of a plant bulb, petiole celery is sometimes used, and cumin instead of seeds. Also, dill or anise is taken as a "understudy".

Contraindications and possible harm

There are a number of reasons why fennel tea is contraindicated:

  • pregnancy;
  • tachycardia;
  • epilepsy;
  • allergy.

Even caution is needed healthy people: If you drink too much fennel tea, an overdose may occur, causing an upset stomach or an allergic reaction.