Vegetable puree for babies. How to make vegetable puree at home

When the time comes for complementary foods, a young mother often falls into a stupor - where to start? What foods will benefit the baby, and which can harm? Very often, the revelations of grandmothers or advanced mothers are shocking: “Ours at the age of 5 months already sucked on pickled cucumbers. So what about the vinegar? They are home…”

The opinion of pediatricians is that complementary foods should be introduced from 4 months for formula-fed babies, and from 6 months for breast-fed babies. However, it should be remembered that one cannot be categorical in such a matter, because each baby is individual.

There are a number of signs that tell if a child is ready to expand his diet:

The appearance of the first teeth

Confident seated position on a high chair

Interest in eating adults, trying to taste food,

Insufficient saturation with breast milk, a decrease in the time interval between feedings.

If these signs are present, the question immediately arises - where to start complementary foods? The nutrition of a child at 5 months should be nutritious, especially with a lack of weight, as well as rich in vitamins and minerals. Complementary foods should be started with vegetable puree if the child's weight is normal, or with porridge if the weight does not reach the norm.



Cereals should be chosen dairy-free, gluten-free.

It is still too early to try meat and fish purees and broths at 5 months, since the baby's intestines are not yet ready to digest heavy food.

Meals should be held at intervals of 4 hours, the baby should eat 5-6 times a day.

Sample menu for the day:

6:00-7:00 - breast milk or formula (180-200 g),

10:00-11:00 - vegetable puree (80-100 g),

14:00-15:00 - fruit puree (80-100 g), supplemented with breast milk or formula,

18:00-19:00 - some fruit juice (10-15 g), supplemented with breast milk or formula,

22:00-23:00 - breast milk or formula (180-200 g).

How to choose vegetable or fruit puree?

Shops offer the widest range of fruit, vegetable and berry purees. There are a lot of manufacturing companies, the price range is wide.

You can pick up any puree to feed a child at 5 months and older. Contrary to the opinion of skeptics, these purees are of high quality and absolutely safe for babies (of course, except for those cases when the child is allergic to a particular vegetable or fruit).

It is very convenient to use mashed potatoes in jars, it saves time and effort on making homemade mashed potatoes. But if you have the time and desire to cook mashed potatoes for your baby yourself, that's great!

In this case, the entire cooking process will be under the control of the mother - from choosing a vegetable or fruit to placing the finished puree on the refrigerator shelf.

zucchini puree recipe

Ingredients: zucchini - 1 pc.

You should choose young green zucchini no longer than 18-22 cm. Before buying, carefully examine the vegetable - it should be fresh, without damage and rot. Also, there should not be damaged copies nearby on the counter.


Thoroughly wash the zucchini with soap, cut off the stem and tip, peel off the skin. Cut into rings 1-1.5 cm thick or into cubes. Put in a saucepan, pour water (about a third of the total volume of the saucepan), bring to a boil and simmer for no more than 15 minutes. The next step is to turn the boiled zucchini into puree using a blender. Pass the finished puree through a sieve to remove large pieces. Transfer to a clean glass or ceramic container with a tight lid, cool. Before use, slightly warm up, add a couple of drops of vegetable oil or a few grams of breast milk. This puree can be stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

broccoli puree recipe

Ingredients: broccoli cabbage - 1 pc.

When choosing broccoli, you should pay attention to the head of cabbage - a fresh smell should be felt from it, the inflorescences are painted in a beautiful green color without yellowing, dark blotches, damage and rot.


Thoroughly wash the head of cabbage under running water, disassemble into inflorescences and leave for 2 hours in a container with cold water - this will help get rid of dirt, insects, and harmful substances. Broccoli can be steamed or boiled in lightly salted water. If there is a double boiler, some of the questions disappear, but if it is not there, it does not matter either. It is enough to place a colander or sieve with inflorescences over boiling water so that the vegetable does not touch the water. Cooking time - 8-10 minutes. Grind the finished steamed broccoli with a blender and wipe through a sieve. Before use, you can add a little vegetable oil. Store in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

Similarly, you can make fruit puree from apples or pears. It should be remembered that only one-component purees are initially suitable for feeding a child at 5 months. But as soon as the baby gets acquainted and gets used to this or that taste, you can prepare mashed potatoes from two components.

peach and banana puree recipe

Ingredients: banana - 0.5 pcs, peach - 0.5 pcs.

Banana is considered the only tropical fruit allowed for children under one year old. For puree, you should choose a ripe (not green and not overripe) fruit without damage and rot. Similarly, choose a peach.


Wash the banana and peach thoroughly with soap. Pour boiling water over the peach so that the skin can be easily removed, cut in half, remove the stone. Grind the pulp in a puree with a blender, pass through a sieve to make the puree homogeneous. Peel half of a banana, chop with a blender, add peach puree, bring with a blender until smooth. Fruit puree does not need to be reheated before serving.

When choosing a child's nutrition at 5 months old, it should be remembered that each baby is unique, and not a single pediatrician or familiar experienced mother can predict the baby's reaction to a particular product. After getting acquainted with a new product, the mother should observe the reaction of a small organism, and at the slightest suspicion of an allergy, stop giving this product and contact a pediatrician.

if the child has:


    anemia, rickets,

  • intestinal colic.

    But vegetable complementary foods are fine if the child does not have these problems.

Vegetable food products.

To reduce the risk of allergies, weaning foods start with foods that are low in allergenicity. Among the vegetables are: zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, pumpkin. In addition to these vegetables, it is recommended to use potatoes, carrots, onions, beets, white cabbage in the nutrition of babies. It is recommended to add vegetable oil to the vegetable puree (5 ml per 100 g of the product), and the addition of sugar and salt is not recommended.

What vegetables are suitable as the first product of vegetable complementary foods.


If you prefer to cook mashed potatoes yourself at home, zucchini is most suitable as the first dish of complementary foods in this case. Zucchini is rich in vitamins A and C, potassium and magnesium, it does not irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and intestinal motility, is well digested and absorbed. The zucchini belongs to hypoallergenic products , retains vitamins and other useful properties well during long-term storage, so it can be used not only in summer and autumn, but also in winter. This vegetable is very convenient for making baby puree. It boils quickly and rubs well through a sieve, so any (small) portion of mashed potatoes can be prepared. For baby food, young zucchini, without seeds, are more suitable.


Cauliflower and its variety of broccoli are also products with low degree of allergenicity contains many vitamins and minerals. Compared to white cabbage, it contains significantly less coarse fiber, therefore it does not cause increased gas formation, and acts on the gastrointestinal tract as favorably as zucchini. But it is much more difficult to wash, clean, not stored for a long time, it takes longer to cook and it is more difficult to rub through a sieve. All this makes it not convenient if you want to cook it yourself as a first meal of complementary foods at home. It is better to introduce later, as an additive to the main product (vegetable), when the portion of vegetable puree for your child will already be 150 ml - vegetables will be easy and convenient to chop in a blender.


Potatoes are a very convenient product for home-made mashed potatoes, they are stored for a long time and do not deteriorate. It does not irritate the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), contains many vitamins, potassium and phosphorus and starch, which helps to eliminate toxins from the body. Potatoes are allowed in the diet of children with gastrointestinal disorders, accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea. As the first complementary food product, it can be introduced, but with caution, it can cause allergies . It is also not recommended to make potatoes the main component of vegetable puree. After switching to mashed potatoes from different vegetables, it is necessary that the proportion of potatoes in mashed potatoes is not more than 50%.

Other vegetables in baby food.


Well and long-term storage, easy to use... Contains carotene (about vitamin A) is very useful for growth and vision, contains phytoncides (natural antibiotics) and many trace elements. When boiled, it is easily digested and does not irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa. Sweet, this taste is very popular with children. But can cause allergies , so it must be used with caution. With daily use of puree only from carrots, carotene accumulates in the body, as a result of which the sclera and skin of the child, especially on the palms and soles, acquire a yellowish (carrot) tint. It is called carotene jaundice , this does not harm the child's body, carotene is excreted from the body in a few days, after carrots are excluded from the diet. In addition, carrots are much healthier in the form of fresh juices and mashed raw carrots. Therefore, it is recommended to only add carrots to other vegetable dishes, and not use them separately and daily as a vegetable puree. But for the first time, it is best to give the child a taste of carrots in boiled form, as part of vegetable puree, and only if there is no allergy, switch to fresh juices and purees. Carrots are allowed from 5 months.


A very useful vegetable, rich in vitamin D and carotene, well stored, has a sweet taste, is well absorbed without causing digestive disorders. Refers to low allergenic products . But pumpkin, like carrots, can cause carotene jaundice , therefore, for daily intake as the main component of vegetable puree, it is not recommended. And 2-3 times a week, it is very useful to include pumpkin puree in the child's diet. Or daily add in small amounts to other vegetables. Allowed from 5 months.

White cabbage.

It contains many vitamins and microelements, including the unique vitamin U, but when cooked, a significant part of the vitamins is destroyed, as in other vegetables. Stimulates the secretion of the stomach and intestinal peristalsis, but contains a lot of coarse fiber, which irritates the gastrointestinal mucosa and can cause increased gas formation and upset stools. Enough often causes allergies . Since diversity in baby food is encouraged, white cabbage is also recommended to be included in the diet of children under 1 year old, but later (from 7-8 months) and not as the basis of vegetable puree, but as an additive.


It is recommended to add to vegetable puree in a small amount from 8-9 months, it is used in baby food up to a year only in boiled form. Onion has an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa, may cause allergic reactions.


Beets are also recommended as an integral part of vegetable puree, only in boiled form from 9 months. It has a sweet taste, has a normalizing effect on the child's stool with constipation, but can cause allergies and increased gas production.

Adding to baby food boiled tomatoes, garlic, as well as spices (dill, parsley, fennel) are allowed from 10 months, but there is no particular need for this.

How to make vegetable puree at home.

    Puree should be prepared immediately before use.

    It is best to allocate a separate small enameled saucepan with a lid for the child.

    Select only the best, freshest vegetables for your child.

    Wash vegetables thoroughly under running water.

    Potatoes, carrots, onions, beets - peel; zucchini, pumpkin - peel, remove seeds; cauliflower, broccoli disassemble into inflorescences.

    Wash thoroughly again, pour over with boiling water.

    Coarsely chop, put in a saucepan, pour a small amount of water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat under a lid until soft (20-30 minutes).

    Do not salt.

    Rub the vegetables through a sieve or beat in a blender. (At the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods, when the vegetable is one and the portions are small, a sieve is more convenient, when the portion increases, a blender).

    Add the broth in which the vegetables were boiled to the puree, bringing, if this is the beginning of complementary foods, to a semi-liquid consistency, later you can make a thicker puree, and chop with a fork by 8-9 months.

    In the first week, do not add anything, from the second week from the start of complementary foods, add vegetable (sunflower) oil 5 ml (1 h / l) per 100 g of puree.

    Bring to a boil again.

  • Put in a bowl, cool and give to the child.

Canned food for baby food as vegetable complementary foods.

Currently, most experts recommend canned food for baby food as vegetable complementary foods. According to GOSTs, they must be made only from high-quality, environmentally friendly raw materials, using vitamin-saving technology, according to the degree of grinding of the product, they must correspond to the age of the child indicated on the label, and must not contain preservatives, sugar and salt.

Safety measures when using ready-made purees:

    Be sure to check the expiration date on the cap.

    make sure the lid on the jar is not swollen,

    before feeding, store an unopened jar at room temperature or in the refrigerator (not in the sun and not in the freezer),

    before opening and giving the puree to the child, you need to slightly warm it in hot water,

    when opening the jar, there should be a characteristic cotton,

    do not feed the baby directly from the jar if he does not eat the entire portion at once, but put part of the puree in a cup or plate, otherwise it will not be possible to re-give the child puree from this jar,

    immediately after you put part of the puree from the jar into another dish, the rest must be tightly closed with a lid and stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

When choosing canned food for children, as a vegetable supplement, you first need to choose puree from one vegetable, most often zucchini, cauliflower or broccoli are recommended, and then, as you get used to this product and bring the volume of puree to the age norm, you can try another vegetable puree of this the same company, for example, potatoes with broccoli.

Your baby is already quite an adult and it seems to you that the time has come for him to the first complementary foods? Then you met our article in time. Puree for babies is the best option, which is easily digested by a child's stomach, moreover, almost all children love this particular food consistency. It is also good that pediatricians recommend starting the transition to "adult" food with various purees. To choose the right or prepare the most delicious and healthy puree for the first feeding on your own, just follow our advice.

Purees for babies are adored not only by kids, but also by their parents for their ease of preparation. The process consists of just a few simple steps, which is why it is remarkable for the everyday life of a mother and baby: the daily bustle of the first year of life simply does not allow spending a lot of time on cooking super-complex dishes. But in order to get acquainted with a new type of food with a bang, you need to offer it correctly. We will consider another important aspect: which baby puree will be the best - purchased or made at home.

Why puree?

Puree is the ideal food for breastfeeding, and there are several reasons for this:

  • Soft foods are best absorbed by children's digestion.
  • So that acquaintance with new food is not stressful for the baby, you can add a few drops of the usual breast milk or mixture to the puree: this way the dish will not lose its taste, and it will not be so alien for the child.
  • The puree-like consistency allows the baby not to make serious efforts in order to get his portion of food: he practically does not have to chew (yes, perhaps there is nothing else).
  • You can simply cook the dish yourself or buy a ready-made product: the quality of modern children's food of famous brands is beyond doubt.
  • If you decide to make baby puree at home with your own hands, you can do it for the future. This luxury of saving time and effort is not available with all types of children's meals, because most of them need to be eaten only freshly prepared.

When the time comes

A baby in the first six months or a year of life can safely receive all the necessary substances from breast milk, and the inclusion of other products will be more of an addition than a replacement.

If earlier grandmothers introduced the child to new tastes already at the age of 3 months, today pediatricians strongly recommend starting the first complementary foods no earlier than six months.

Before reaching this age, the baby does not need any other food than their favorite sweet milk. As a rule, his immature digestion is not ready for gastronomic experiments. Another argument against early complementary foods is that the sooner you introduce a new food to your baby, the more likely he is to react to it with an allergy.

For formula-fed babies, the timing for the first complementary foods is usually earlier.

Probably, every mother wonders at what age she can give her baby new food, and almost always doubts whether her child is exactly ripe for such a “revolution” in her diet. Often experiences are in vain: the baby himself will begin to hint to her that he is ready for innovations. You will understand its signs by the following signs:

  • the baby will begin to observe with interest what and how you eat;
  • will ask for food more often;
  • will try to eat on their own;
  • if you give him something to try, he won't protest.

But when it is possible to give a child this or that food for complementary foods is an individual question for each new item on the baby's menu. Types of products are suitable for children's digestion in different ways and are characterized by varying degrees of allergenicity.

Fortunately, the basic rules from pediatricians still exist and have been successfully tested on personal experience by many mothers.

Reminder for mom

Preparing mashed potatoes for babies is quite simple. This dish usually quickly enters the category of a child's favorite. And if you decide that it is time for your child to eat "adult" food, remember some important rules:

  • The ideal option for complementary foods at 6 months of age is a one-ingredient, one-ingredient vegetable puree. A little later, when the baby's menu includes 1 introduced vegetable and more, you can mix the learned ingredients and prepare a monocomponent puree.
  • It is recommended to start acquaintance with new products in the form of puree according to the following scheme: the baby is first offered a teaspoon of treats, then gradually, by slowly increasing the portion, the dosage is adjusted to 50 grams.
  • The first step on the way to adult food often causes bewilderment in the baby, and more often - whims and protests. In this case, mom needs to be patient and not give up her attempts to introduce the stubborn little one to new food. Offer one type of food at least 10 times, and if the reaction to the product is the same negative, try using a different vegetable to mash for babies.
  • No matter how bland and tasteless you may think baby puree for complementary foods tastes, it is forbidden to dilute it with salt, oil and spices. Your child is not yet familiar with other flavors, so the product will seem very edible and incomparable to anything, literally.
  • Even if you've tried baby puree and feel like spitting it out, your baby shouldn't suspect it. The opposite approach is needed here: share a new dish with the baby and eat it with great pleasure: this way you will arouse his curiosity for the product.

It is better to offer mashed potatoes prepared on your own to the crumbs immediately after cooling: the benefits and taste of a fresh dish are always higher.

Careful selection of ingredients

In such an important issue as the introduction of complementary foods to a baby, it is useful for every mother to know which foods are optimal for a child's body at the age of about 6 months.

The first dish for babies is usually vegetable purees and sometimes cereals. Today we are talking about puree. The main criteria when choosing a product for its preparation are hypoallergenicity, benefits, safety and ease of assimilation by children's digestion.

The universal components for complementary foods include zucchini and broccoli: it is from them that most parents prepare the first puree in a baby's life. When he learns these simple vegetables, it will be the turn of pumpkin, potatoes, green peas, carrots, spinach and kohlrabi.

But the question arises: which puree is better, cooked by yourself or purchased?

From mom with love

Many well-meaning mothers prefer to make baby puree at home to provide the baby with the most natural food. This solution has both pros and cons.


  • you cannot be deceived in the naturalness of the process: after all, you do everything yourself;
  • mother in this case is the main expert on storage conditions and compliance with expiration dates;
  • home-made baby purees are always the freshest and healthiest;
  • guaranteed absence of preservatives, dyes and other harmful additives;
  • you can cook treats "wholesale" and store in the freezer;
  • confidence in the sanitary conditions of preparation;
  • saving money, because it’s easier to buy the necessary products for the future than to spend money on a jar of mashed potatoes every time;
  • you yourself determine the portion and, depending on it, select the right amount of ingredients;


Making mashed potatoes at home has its drawbacks:

  • the laboriousness of the process is familiar to every mother of a baby who has chosen complementary foods of her own preparation;
  • making puree yourself is a long time, and this time could be spent on more pleasant activities: for example, playing with a baby;
  • the quality of purchased vegetables and fruits is often questionable, especially if you purchase them out of season;
  • the shelf life of a fresh product is limited to days in the refrigerator, and even this is undesirable;
  • home-made puree is more difficult to take with you;
  • small portions are problematic to prepare: especially in a blender, when the minimum amount has to be literally scraped off the walls.

Jar food

Often, due to lack of time or the presence of any beliefs, parents of a baby decide that making mashed potatoes at home is not practical. Then they come to the aid of purchased products.


Store-bought puree is often a good option as well, as it has significant benefits:

  • its quality is subject to strict state control;
  • manufacturers have thought of everything for convenience: both sealed packaging and a long shelf life;
  • the main advantage for many women is that they do not have to spend time cooking;
  • the food is already completely ready to eat;
  • manufacturers take into account the characteristics of the age of the baby and make the product in accordance with them;
  • many purees mix several ingredients at once: for example, vegetables and cereals;
  • often children's products contain additional vitamins;
  • you can read the entire composition on the jar to be sure of the purchase.


Unfortunately, purchased mashed potatoes for babies also have some disadvantages:

  • The nutritional value of purchased treats is often lower compared to self-prepared ones due to the high water content;
  • the taste is sometimes less intense;
  • sometimes quality control is not the most strict and you can lose sight of the freshness of the components and the correctness of the cooking technology;
  • the high price for one jar is also not encouraging;
  • many purchased purees allow unwanted salt and sugar in their composition.

Parental control

To make the purchase of baby food puree only a joy, you should know what you should pay attention to in the store.

How to choose

In fact, everything is very simple and, given these points, any mother will choose the highest quality product:

  • Evaluate the tightness of the package: the lid must be tightly closed, and the entire jar is wrapped in a film.
  • Don't forget to check the expiration date.
  • The composition deserves special attention: there should not be any extra components.
  • The color of the puree should be the same as that of the main product in the composition.

Rating of the best manufacturers

Many mothers of babies are interested in what brand of baby food purees is the best. Parents make their rating empirically and then share their observations. Among the most popular and high-quality are:

  • "Gerber";
  • "Grandma's basket";
  • "FrutoNyanya";
  • "Topic";
  • "Agusha";
  • "Hipp";
  • "Semper";
  • "Humana";
  • "Haynes";
  • "Nutrition".

Easy cooking

Do you know how to make baby puree at home? Basic recipes for a delicious children's dish will help you navigate the technology:

  • The first puree for babies is often made from zucchini. How to do? Very simple! Boil several rings of peeled vegetables for 10 minutes in a double boiler. Then chop the vegetable in a blender and wipe through a sieve: the dish is ready.
  • Making broccoli puree is just as easy. Boil the washed inflorescences in a double boiler for 20 minutes. In a saucepan, frozen broccoli will cook for 15 minutes after boiling, while fresh broccoli will cook for only 5-7 minutes. Keep in mind that the water should only slightly cover the vegetable. After that, puree the broccoli using a blender or sieve.

Cooking complementary foods at home: video

It is enough to learn how to cook one puree for babies, and the rest of the recipes will already seem simple.

We wish your baby tasty and light pureed foods!

Vegetable puree, as a rule, becomes the first food for the baby. They satisfy the needs of the growing organism of the crumbs in vitamins, vegetable protein, dietary fiber ... In a word, purees are very useful, especially if they are made with love at home :)

Mashed potatoes (from 5 months)

Ingredients: 2 potatoes, 4 tablespoons of milk (breast or mixture), 1 teaspoon of butter.

Cooking: wash the potatoes well. Peel it off. Wash again. Steam the potatoes or bake in the oven until soft. Strain the still hot potatoes through a sieve or puree in a blender. While whisking the potatoes, gradually pour in the hot milk. Put the resulting puree on fire and boil for another 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat and add butter. Cool down.

Cauliflower and courgette puree (from 6 months)

Ingredients: 50 g of cauliflower, 60 g of zucchini, 2 tablespoons of milk (breast or mixture), half a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Cooking: Rinse the vegetables well under running water. Peel the cabbage, divide it into small inflorescences. Cut the zucchini into small pieces. Put the vegetables in an enamel pot. Pour boiling water over everything so that the water completely covers the vegetables.

Close the lid and cook until fully cooked. Rub the still hot vegetables with the broth through a sieve until a homogeneous mass is obtained. You can use a blender. Add hot milk to puree. Boil for 1-2 more minutes. Add vegetable oil to the finished puree and mix.

Carrot-potato puree (from 7 months)

Ingredients: 2 potatoes, 1 carrot, 4 tablespoons of milk (breast or mixture), 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Cooking: wash carrots and potatoes well. Clean and wash again. Cut vegetables into cubes. Put them in an enamel pot. Pour boiling water over so that the water covers the vegetables. Simmer the vegetables over low heat, covered, until tender.

Pass hot vegetables through a sieve until smooth. You can use a blender. Add milk, salt, vegetable oil to the puree. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and set aside.

Carrot puree (from 7 months)

Ingredients: 1 medium carrot, hot water, 2 tablespoons milk (breast milk or formula), 1/2 teaspoon butter.

Cooking: wash the carrots well, peel them, wash them again. Cut the washed carrot into cubes, transfer it to an enamel pan, pour boiling water over it so that the water covers the carrots. Steam or simmer the carrots, covered, until the carrots are soft and the water is boiled away.

Rub hot carrots through a sieve until smooth. You can grind carrots in a blender. Add butter, hot milk and mix everything. Boil for another 2-3 minutes. Refrigerate before serving.

Zucchini and chicken meat puree (from 9 months)

Ingredients: 150 - 200 g of squash pulp, 50 g of boiled white meat of chicken or turkey, 1/2 cup of milk, 1 tablespoon of butter.

Cooking: wash the zucchini well. Remove the skin from it and cut into small pieces. Steam until fully cooked. Hot, grind the zucchini through a sieve until smooth. Mix with chopped poultry meat until smooth. Pour in hot milk, salt and boil for another 2-3 minutes. Add butter to the puree.

Cauliflower puree with milk (from 6 months)

Ingredients: 100 g of cauliflower, 2 tablespoons of milk (breast or mixture), half a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Ingredients: rinse the cauliflower well. Cut it into florets. Remove green leaves. Put the small cauliflower florets in an enamel pot. Pour boiling water over it so that the cabbage is completely in the water. Close the lid and simmer until the cabbage is cooked and the water has completely evaporated.

Rub the hot cabbage through a sieve until smooth. You can use a blender. Add hot milk to the puree and boil for another 1-2 minutes. Add vegetable oil to the finished hot puree.

Apple-pumpkin puree (from 6 months)

Ingredients: 100 g pumpkin pulp, 1 apple, 1 teaspoon butter.

Cooking: rinse the pumpkin and apple well. Peel off the skin, remove the seeds. Cut the fruit into pieces. Fill the pumpkin with water and cook over low heat under a lid until the pulp. Add an apple. Boil for 10 more minutes. Grate the still hot fruits on a fine grater together with the broth until smooth. You can use a blender. Boil puree for another 102 minutes. Cool, add butter and serve.

Puree from potatoes, carrots, cabbage, beets and pumpkin (from 8 months)

Ingredients: 1/5 potatoes, 30 g of carrots, pumpkins, beets, white cabbage, 2 tablespoons of milk (breast or mixture), half a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Cooking: wash vegetables thoroughly. Peel them, cut into small pieces. Put the chopped vegetables in an enamel pan, add water, close the lid and simmer over low heat. Complete evaporation of water must not be allowed. When the vegetables are soft, rub them hot through a sieve until smooth. You can use a blender. Add hot milk to puree and bring everything to a boil. Add vegetable oil.

Enjoy your meal!

And our selection of the best vegetable puree recipes for the first feeding, which you can easily prepare at home.

Most often, the first complementary foods for babies begin with zucchini, cauliflower or broccoli. These are the most hypoallergenic vegetables, that is, those to which children usually do not have an allergic reaction. You should start with a mono-component puree (puree made from one vegetable), and then, when you have already introduced several different vegetables one at a time, and there has not been an allergic reaction to them, you can prepare vegetable purees from two or more tested vegetables.

In our selection, you will find 12 of the best mono- and multi-ingredient vegetable purees for baby's first foods, many of which can be prepared in as little as 15 minutes.

12 best vegetable puree recipes for the first feeding

Vegetable puree from carrots for the first feeding

Vegetable puree from potatoes for the first feeding

Potato has a lot of useful properties: it has a positive effect on the state of the digestive system, stabilizes metabolism and strengthens the cardiovascular system. In addition, it is simply delicious, nutritious and easy to prepare according to our recipe, which you will find at the link:.

3 recipes for vegetable puree from cauliflower for feeding

The best way to prepare cauliflower for baby food is not to boil it, but to steam it. Follow our link to find instructions on how to prepare cauliflower for the first feeding, mashed cauliflower and broccoli, and mashed cauliflower, potatoes and zucchini.

3 recipes for vegetable puree from fresh green peas for complementary foods

By the amount of protein, green peas are comparable to beef, while it is well absorbed. It also contains a large amount of vitamin C and selenium, and it is recommended to introduce it into the children's diet to prevent anemia. Here you will find information on when to introduce green peas to your baby, as well as how to make puree of fresh green peas, a recipe for puree of green peas, spinach and apple, and a recipe for puree of green peas, fennel and peach.

Vegetable puree from carrots and broccoli and cheese for feeding

Combining broccoli with mashed potatoes and cheese is a great vegetable-based recipe because it will help your baby eat more healthy greens. A strong enough aroma of broccoli will well set off the mild taste of mashed potatoes. Moreover, you remember that broccoli is a super vegetable: it is an excellent source of vitamin C, beta-carotene, folic acid, iron and potassium. You can find the full recipe here:.

Pumpkin vegetable puree with prunes and yoghurt for feeding

The main advantage of this pumpkin puree for babies is that it is saturated with vitamin A, beta-carotene, potassium, protein and iron. And by mixing pumpkin with yogurt and prunes, your child will not only receive a large dose of beneficial bacteria that will improve his digestion, but also a lot of fibers that will help to easily cleanse the intestines, which is especially important for children who suffer from constipation. Recipe link:.

Vegetable puree from carrots, sweet potatoes, peppers with chicken for feeding

If the child has already managed to try monocomponent vegetable and meat purees as the first complementary foods, you can offer him this bright, tasty, and most importantly healthy, the recipe of which you will find at the link.