Agave syrup is a natural but unhealthy alternative to sugar. Royal Forest syrup Light agave nectar - «Agave syrup: useful or not? Let's figure it out! Review for those who want to buy, but doubt

agave syrup,which is well known in the west, has recently gained popularity all over the world.

Agave is a plant similar in appearance to aloe. Grows in Latin America. In Russia, it is found on the Crimean coast of the Black Sea. Mexicans use it to make drinks such as tequila, pulque.

Rich, sweet agave syrup has the same flavor as honey. It has a delicate taste with exquisite notes of caramel.

People who cannot refuse sweets, but want to keep a diet and lead a healthy lifestyle, can add a few drops of this delicious nectar to their coffee or tea.

Agave syrup is a good substitute for sugar in many recipes because it has a low- 18-32. And this means that, unlike refined sugar, it is absorbed more slowly and does not cause a strong release of insulin. Therefore, such a syrup is an invaluable discovery for those with a sweet tooth and for people who watch their figure.

What is harmful sugar, we wrote.

Manufacturing process

The treasured sweetener is obtained from the core of the agave. First, the leaves are cut off from the plant, after which the main part (piña) is crushed, soaked,squeezed and evaporated. The result is a sweet, thick mass.

You can find regular agave syrup and natural (live) syrup on the shelves.

Natural, do not heat above 46 degrees, and it evaporates for 4-5 days. so all useful substances are preserved.

Ordinary agave syrup is heated to 60 degrees and evaporated in only 2 days, as a result, the cost of production is much lower.

Benefits of Agave Syrup:

    Agave normalizes material metabolism and digestion.

    Contains inulin (up to 5%). This prebiotic (an indigestible food component) stimulates intestinal flora, lowers cholesterol levels and is therefore beneficial for overweight people.

    Contains vitamins ( A, K, E, B, D ), minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, etc.).

    The Indians of Mexico used this exotic nectar to treat wounds because it has an antibacterial effect.

However, you need to know that it contains up to 80% fructose, so all attention is on a sense of proportion.

If a person cannot live without sweets, then there is no point in replacing sugar with agave syrup. In this case, you need to work with the dependency.

But if all week long, not eating sweets, working for the benefit of yourself and your loved ones, then on weekends, we have every right to relax and enjoy dessert, which will be not only sweet, but also healthy.

Where to buy agave syrup

There are companies that violate production technologies and thereby reduce the quality of goods. But there are conscientious producers who strive for excellence, using the experience of Latin Americans, who have been processing this unique plant since ancient times.

You can choose this product in health food stores, stores with departments for diabetics and pharmacies. Mwe buy it on the iherb website.

And how to order agave syrup on this site, you can read

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30.03.2016 Pelagia Zuykova Save:

Hello dear readers! I think everyone was wondering: what to replace sugar with? Yes, so that it is sweet and without harm to health and figure. Once upon a time, I learned about such a plant as agave, and also tried a product from it - agave syrup.

The benefits and harms of agave syrup, its properties and contraindications - that's what we'll talk about today. Sit down comfortably, because. I have something to tell you.

Agave is a plant that grows in Mexico. It blooms only once, which attracts the eyes of tourists. But the plant itself is useful not only in nutrition, but also in industry.

However, we still know agave as a plant from which tequila is made. But actually they do not only her ... How about a sweet syrup from this plant?

The syrup is made from the soft core of the plant, which is about 7 years old. Juice is squeezed out of it into special containers. Then it is evaporated until it thickens and turns into a viscous liquid with a sweetish taste.

Depending on the duration and temperature (usually 55C), at which the liquid is processed, the nectar has a different consistency and color - from transparent to brown. Therefore, there are light and dark agave syrup on sale.

The recipe for making this "nectar" has existed for several decades, but it has reached widespread use not so long ago. And now the syrup is used as a sweetener by adherents of a healthy diet, being fans of this delicious product.

Chemical composition of agave syrup

The beneficial substances that make up the nectar are very diverse and include:

  • calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus;
  • dozens of essential oils;
  • vitamins E, K, A, groups B and D.

The calorie content of the syrup is 320 kcal per 100 grams. Yes, about the same as that of sugar, but due to the content of a large amount of fructose, which is absorbed more slowly than sucrose, the consumption of sweets is minimized.

That is, the syrup saturates well. This makes the use of syrup more beneficial both for the health of the body and for the figure of the sweet tooth. I think you understand that we are all women and this is normal. So why deny yourself healthy sweets!

Benefits of Agave Syrup

Considering all the above listed useful substances that are contained in this product, its benefits are as follows:

  • it is a natural sugar substitute that can be used for weight loss without harm to the figure;
  • has a low glycemic index (15-17);
  • contains up to 5% inulin.

Thanks to inulin, which is a polysaccharide, beneficial bacteria and probiotics are produced in the gastrointestinal tract, which contributes to the proper functioning of intestinal motility.

And the proper functioning of the intestines affects the skin of the face and body, making us even more healthy and attractive. Therefore, my dears, this should not be forgotten.

Harm and contraindications

1. The main disadvantage of this product is almost 100% fructose content, which in large quantities can provoke rapid weight gain.

Therefore, it is necessary to use no more than a spoon or two of this sweetener in food. Do not worry, this amount is enough to make any drink or dessert sweet without harm to the body. Everything needs moderation, my friends.

2. Agave syrup should be eaten with great care for people who suffer from kidney and liver disease, as well as cystitis.

3. Do not introduce it into the diet of couples who plan to have children in the near future. The plant contains substances that suppress the reproductive functions of the body, due to which products containing agave are a natural contraceptive.

4. There is also an opinion that fructose can cause insulin resistance in the blood when consumed in large quantities. Therefore, people with diabetes should use this sugar substitute with caution.

How to use agave syrup?

This unique product is mainly used in cooking. Personally, I used it that way.

  1. Agave nectar is added to all types of pastries (cookies, cakes, rolls, muffins, gingerbread, etc.).
  2. It is also possible to use the syrup in finished form, pouring it over, for example, pancakes, ready-made pastries, ice cream, giving them a caramel flavor.
  3. You can not ignore tea - herbal, black, green and white. In combination with nectar, their taste is excellent. Try it yourself!

When buying this product, always pay attention to the fact that it is a pure syrup without third-party impurities and especially chemical additives, which many manufacturers sin.

Okay, dear readers. So we figured out the benefits and harms of agave syrup, learned that it is an almost indispensable product in the diet of people who take care of their health and figure, but are terribly fond of sweets.

I hope my article was useful and you learned a lot about a wonderful product that has already captivated the hearts of many.

P.S.S. Tell your friends about the article, and also share your impressions in the comments. And do not forget to subscribe to new articles - there is still a lot of interesting things ahead. Until we meet again, friends!

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In recent years, among people interested in healthy eating, agave syrup has gained great popularity, which is actively promoted as a "healthy" and "natural" alternative to sugar. This syrup is especially popular in vegan and raw food circles, where it is used to prepare various “healthy” desserts. But are the claims for the benefit, or at least lesser harm, of this product justified? Let's figure it out.

What is agave?

Agave is a perennial monocotyledonous plant of the Agave subfamily of the Asparagus family, a "distant relative" of aloe. The Latin name is Agave. It has a short trunk and a large rosette of fleshy and prickly leaves. In the wild, it grows primarily in Mexico, as well as in the regions adjacent to it.

From the leaves of the agave, a fiber is obtained from which ropes, twine, fabrics and paper are made. But above all, agave is used in the production of traditional Mexican alcoholic beverages - pulque, tequila and mezcal. Some types of agave are used to make a sweet syrup similar to honey, which has become a popular sweetener around the world in recent years. In many countries it is called "agave nectar", but syrup and nectar are the same product, the difference is only in marketing.

How is agave syrup made?

For the production of syrup, basically the same variety is used as for the production of tequila - blue agave. First, juice is squeezed out of unopened buds of agave flowers - several thousand flowers can appear on one peduncle, since the peduncle itself can reach a height of several meters.

The extracted juice is filtered and heated, resulting in a thick and viscous liquid. Boiling temperatures vary, but many organic varieties are brewed below 46 degrees and are considered raw food. In addition, there are technologies for the production of syrup without heating, when thickening occurs due to the addition of special enzymes.

Light and dark varieties of syrup are made from the same plant, the only difference is that dark varieties are less filtered or additionally enriched with inulin.

Carbohydrate composition of agave syrup:

Agave syrup is 76% carbohydrates, including:

  • Fructose - 85 - 95%
  • Dextrose - 3 - 10%
  • Sucrose - 1.5-3.0%
  • Inulin - 3-5.0%

Unlike ordinary sugar, which contains an equal amount of glucose and fructose (combined in sucrose molecules), agave syrup consists almost entirely of fructose, so it is about one and a half times sweeter than sugar.

Benefit or harm?

On various sites selling agave syrup, as well as on resources dedicated to healthy eating, you can find many statements that agave syrup is a healthy dietary product recommended for those who monitor their weight and health (, ,). The basis of these claims is the low glycemic index of the syrup, 17. A low GI means that the carbohydrates contained in the syrup do not cause a rapid spike in blood sugar and increased insulin production. This property makes agave syrup a popular choice among diabetics and those on GI-based diets such as the Montignac diet.

Another argument in favor of agave syrup is that its calorie content (310 kcal / 100 g) is 20% less than that of sugar. And since agave syrup is one and a half times sweeter than sugar, then less is required, which means the final calorie content will be even lower.

The low glycemic index of agave syrup is due to the fact that it contains practically no glucose, and fructose, although sweeter, has a very small effect on blood sugar levels. Due to this property, fructose products are often marketed and advertised as "healthy". But studies show the opposite - high fructose intake is detrimental to health and the negative effects of agave syrup far outweigh the supposed benefits of a low glycemic index.

Problems with fructose

Glucose and fructose are the two main carbohydrate molecules that we consume in our diet. Glucose is a vital substance that is present in the cells of all living beings. If the human body does not have enough glucose obtained from food, then it can synthesize it from proteins and fats in the process of glucogenesis. There is practically no biological need for fructose in the body, and our ability to metabolize this substance is quite limited. Unlike glucose, fructose cannot penetrate most cells of the body, it is metabolized only by the liver, excess fructose overloads this organ and is fraught with serious problems ().

The liver converts fructose molecules into fats, which increases the level of triglycerides in the blood, and can also lead to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (, ,).

High fructose intake leads to increased insulin resistance and can lead to long-term elevated blood sugar and elevated insulin levels. All this increases the risk of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes (, ,).

Excess fructose not only leads to weight gain and accumulation of fat in the abdomen, but also increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases: the number of small, dense particles of low-density lipoprotein (LDL, the so-called "bad cholesterol") and oxidized LDL particles () increases .

Once in the intestines, excess fructose contributes to active gas formation during the fermentation process and is possibly one of the main causes of irritable bowel syndrome ().

Recently published studies () link high fructose intake to damage to hundreds of brain genes. These genetic disorders can be the cause of many neurodegenerative and mental illnesses - Alzheimer's disease, depression, bipolar disorder, Parkinson's disease, hyperactivity syndrome, etc.

Fructose, of course, is found in most fruits and in moderation does not cause problems for most people. Its amount can vary - for example, apples contain 7.6% fructose per 100 grams, and apricots - only 0.7 grams. But fruits also contain many other useful substances and, most importantly, a large amount of fiber that contributes to saturation. Getting an unhealthy amount of fructose from fruits is quite difficult, and it takes a lot of effort. But sorting out concentrated fructose syrup is incomparably easier.


Agave syrup is almost entirely fructose. A single dose of a small portion of syrup does not cause a significant increase in blood sugar and an increase in insulin production. But regular consumption of agave syrup is fraught with the same health problems associated with excess fructose in the diet: overweight, insulin resistance, metabolic disease, increased risk of cardiovascular disease, etc.

If we compare the metabolic effects of agave syrup and regular sugar consumption, then sugar is more "healthy" food and this says a lot.

But what about the statements about the “naturalness”, “organicity”, “usefulness” of agave syrup *? These are just marketing gimmicks that exploit our love of all things "natural" and our widespread fear of "chemicals". And in this regard, agave syrup looks very advantageous compared to other sugar substitutes: it can be produced from organic plants, the production process is very simple, as gentle as possible and does not require dangerous chemicals. All this makes agave syrup one of the most popular sweeteners in the world, but does not change its essence - in fact, it is just liquid fructose and the harm from such a “natural product” is much greater than the benefits attributed to it.

Agave syrup is a product made from a plant in the Agave family of the Asparagus subfamily. Distribution area - Mexico, highlands and adjacent regions. Currently, the culture is grown in the Mediterranean countries and the Caucasus. The syrup is made from blue agave, which is at least 10 years old. Nectar has a homogeneous structure, transparent. May be light yellow, mustard or dark brown. The consistency is viscous, reminiscent of fresh honey. The taste of agave syrup largely depends on the processing method and the naturalness of the product. Feelings after use are described in different ways. For some, it is tasteless, like grass, for others, it tastes like molasses and creamy caramel.

Features of the manufacture of agave syrup

The central stem of the succulent is more often used as a feedstock, but sometimes unopened buds are also used. In all cases, the desired part is cut off using a special rounded shovel instead of a cutter - koa. She also removes the leaves. A piña is a part of a plant that, after cutting off the shoots, resembles a large cone.

At the plant, the feedstock is washed, crushed in a special plant resembling a crusher, and filled with water. After a few hours, wood fibers are removed from the swollen mass.

The liquid used to soak the agave pulp contains a high amount of inulin, a complex carbohydrate that is a natural probiotic. The infusion is placed in boilers and subjected to thermal hydrolysis. This process takes up to 5 days. When heated and kept at a constant temperature of 40-45 ° C, inulin is split into simple carbohydrates - fructose and glucose, monosaccharides.

The syrup is filtered. The lighter it is, the more time is devoted to this process and the less useful substances remain in it, since enzymatic agents and chemicals are used to increase transparency. Thickening is carried out in vacuum plants, and for cooling it is pumped through spiral tubes installed in a tank with constantly cooling water. Next, the product is packaged in plastic or glass bottles, corked and delivered to consumers.

The locals do not make syrup from the stem of the agave plant. They cut off unopened buds, wash, dry and squeeze in special crushers resembling meat grinders. The resulting juice is boiled until thickened. Heating temperature - 56°C. If the feedstock is overheated, then fructooligosaccharides break down, and the product will not contain any useful compounds - only 98% fructose.

Composition and calorie content of agave syrup

The properties of this natural product, which has recently gained popularity in the world market, have not yet been fully explored. Even nutritionists still do not agree on whether it is worth using it for weight loss. One explanation for this rejection is that the nutritional value of nectar made using different technologies is different.

In dark brown, for example, it is 344 kcal, almost like sugar. But if you buy only “live”, high-quality agave syrup, you can count on a calorie content of 290 kcal per 100 g, of which:

  • Proteins - 0.09 g;
  • Fats - 0.45 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 76.37 g;
  • Water - 22.94 g;
  • Ash - 0.14 g

Vitamins per 100 g:

  • Vitamin A - 8.0 mcg;
  • Beta-carotene - 94.0 mcg;
  • Vitamin E - 1.0 mg;
  • Vitamin K - 22.5 mcg;
  • Vitamin C - 17.0 mg;
  • Vitamin B1 - 0.1 mg;
  • Vitamin B2 - 0.2 mg;
  • Vitamin B3 - 0.7 mg;
  • Vitamin B4 - 13.3 mg;
  • Vitamin B6 -0.2 mg;
  • Vitamin B9 - 30.0 mcg.

Minerals per 100 g:

  • Calcium - 1.0 mg;
  • Iron - 0.1 mg;
  • Magnesium - 1.0 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 1.0 mg;
  • Potassium - 4.0 mg;
  • Sodium - 4.0 mg;
  • Selenium - 1.7 mcg.

Agave syrup contains 68.0 g of sugars and 0.2 g of dietary fiber per 100 g of the product.

Sugars are represented by such compounds:

  • Fructose (85-95%) - quickly absorbed, improves body tone, accelerates the breakdown of fat.
  • Dextrose (3-10%) is a super-fast carbohydrate that stimulates an immediate release of insulin after consumption, which means it speeds up reactions.
  • Sucrose (1.5-3.0%) - restores the energy reserve, has an antitoxic effect, increases the duration of the existence of hepatocytes.
  • Inulin (3-5.0%) - normalizes metabolic processes, maintains blood sugar levels, stabilizes the function of the pancreas.

The benefits and harms of agave syrup are determined by the ratio of poly- and monosaccharides. If the nectar is overheated during production or if chemicals are used in filtration and clarification instead of enzymes, the nutritional value is reduced. Such a product does not have a beneficial effect and can only be considered as a sweetener. Moreover, its use can cause deterioration in health and weight gain instead of the expected weight loss.

Benefits of Agave Syrup

Not only the food industry, but also the pharmacological industry became interested in the product. The juice of the stems, which contain steroidal saponins, is injected into the nectar prototypes. Studies are already underway on the effect of the new "potion" on the hormonal background of a woman.

Benefits of Agave Syrup:

  1. Increases immunity, allows you to quickly recover from diseases.
  2. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces the temperature during intoxication.
  3. Reduces stress on the pancreas.
  4. It increases the speed of peristalsis, cleanses the intestines of toxins and toxins, creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of bifidobacteria in the small intestine, has a choleretic and laxative effect.
  5. Helps replenish the body's nutrient reserves.
  6. Normalizes metabolic processes.
  7. Prevents the development of osteoporosis, stimulates the production of synovial fluid.
  8. It has a weak diuretic effect, removes excess fluid.

The explanation of why agave syrup is useful for weight loss is as follows. Since it is sweeter than usual sweeteners, the nutritional value of dishes is reduced. You can eat the same size serving as before and get fewer calories.

In addition, when eating is limited, the mood begins to deteriorate. Irritability appears, sleep worsens, depression develops. A drop of nectar quickly muffles the feeling of hunger and stimulates the production of serotonin - the hormone of joy. The condition improves, sad thoughts disappear.

In diabetes, agave syrup is recommended to replace fructose and xylitol. This is explained by the fact that inulin is a light sugar in the nectar. This substance does not affect the level of glucose in the blood and is not excreted by the liver, like other sweet substitutes, but by the kidneys. That is, when an equal amount of regular sugar and a dietary product enter the body, the load on the liver is reduced by approximately 15%. Decreases the chance of developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

The glycemic index of agave syrup is 17 units. For comparison: for beet sugar it is 55 units, and for cane sugar it is 35 units.

In addition, not only empty sweetness enters the body, but useful substances. That is why the product is suitable for people with a history of type 2 diabetes. However, this does not mean that it can be used without restriction. Before introducing nectar into the diet, it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist.

Contraindications and harm of agave syrup

Despite the fact that the product is presented as useful and even healing, you should not experiment with the dosage.

Possible harm of agave syrup when abused:

  • The development of hypertension due to irreversible adverse effects on blood vessels and increased blood pressure;
  • Rapid obesity - due to the content of phytohormones, the fat layer is formed on the waist, buttocks and abdomen;
  • Causes insulin resistance, can provoke hypoglycemic coma in diabetes mellitus.

With caution, the product should be used in patients with a history of liver disease, since it is this organ that breaks down fructose. You should not increase the load.

You can not always use agave syrup instead of sugar. Studies have shown that an excess of a substance in the body damages the structure of the brain at the cellular level and can cause neurodegenerative pathologies. Excess fructose can provoke Parkinson's disease and atherosclerosis.

If, after switching to a new product, instead of raising the mood and increasing the tone of the body, depression and loss of strength are felt, it should be completely abandoned.

Caution should be taken when replacing sugar in people suffering from frequent allergic reactions, bronchial asthma, and diabetic children. You need to start with a small amount, analyzing the general condition. For a complete replacement, at least a week is needed - the allergen can accumulate in the body, and the reaction manifests itself as a slow one.

Recipes of dishes and drinks with agave syrup

The use of the product is not limited to the introduction into the diet as a sweetener or dietary supplement. It is used for making desserts, cold salads and hot dishes.

Recipes with agave syrup:

  1. . 600 g of berries are separated from the branches and washed with cold water. To them add 4 apples, peeled and cut into pieces. Pour 2 liters of water and cook for 15 minutes over low heat. Remove from heat, drain excess liquid - you can drink like any soft drink. The fruit mass is whipped in a food processor along with 2 cups of granulated sugar and 5 tbsp. l. agave syrup. The homogeneous mass is sterilized by decomposing into half-liter jars and covered with lids, in boiling water for 20-30 minutes, rolled up. This jam retains all the useful properties of the original products.
  2. Soup puree. 12-14 almonds are soaked in cold water, a large ripe avocado is cut into small pieces, previously peeled. Carrots are cut into arbitrary pieces. Remove the zest from the lemon, squeeze the juice from half. Put sliced ​​\u200b\u200band nuts into the blender bowl, having previously thrown them into a colander to remove water. Grind everything to a puree state, add 1 tbsp. l. grated ginger and 1 tbsp. l. agave syrup. Everything is mixed again. Cool down. Pour into bowls and sprinkle with paprika to taste.
  3. Sharp sorbent. Ginger (50 g) is grated, pulp is scooped out from mango (3 pcs.). The seeds are removed from the chili pepper. Place all ingredients in the bowl of a chopper or food processor. Add egg white, 75 ml of agave syrup and 2 tbsp. l. lime juice. At high speed, bring to a homogeneous state and, together with the bowl, put it in the refrigerator. Take out every 10 minutes for an hour and repeat the stirring. If this is not done, large crystals form during solidification. After 5-7 stirrings, the sorbent is laid out in molds and frozen for an hour. You can serve with lemon juice or experiment with dark chocolate.
  4. Porridge for raw foodists. Nerone rice and wheat are germinated, for two servings it is necessary to prepare 0.6 cups of sprouts. Grind them in a blender along with a glass of milk, 2 tsp. agave syrup and vanilla sugar. To make it tastier, fresh berries should be added to each serving.
  5. Beetroot ice cream. Small beetroots are baked in foil in culinary parchment or a sleeve at a temperature of 190 ° C. When the root crop becomes soft - to check the readiness they pierce through with a knitting needle - they take it out, cool it, peel it and mash it with a blender. Pour in 0.5 cups of milk, and in another 0.5 tbsp. dissolve 4 tsp. corn starch. Pour 1 tbsp into a saucepan. milk, the same amount of 33% cream, 3/4 cup cane sugar and 1 tbsp. l. agave nectar, add the zest of one orange. Bring to a boil, remove from heat, strain, add diluted starch and cook until thickened. While the mixture is simmering on low heat, break 60 g of cream cheese into small pieces. When the milk sauce thickens, it is poured into the blender bowl. Add cheese pieces, beet puree and beat at high speed. When the mixture has cooled to room temperature, put it in the freezer without removing it from the bowl. Stirring should be repeated every 20 minutes so that ice lumps do not appear. When beetroot ice cream becomes tender, you need to keep it in the refrigerator for another 20 minutes. Served with a little agave syrup.

Drinks with agave syrup:

  • Alcoholic lemon cocktail. Juice is squeezed out of a lime. Moisten the edges of the glass, roll in celery salt, preferably smoked. Pour lime juice, 15 ml of nectar into a shaker, shake everything up and fill the glass. To cool, add 2-3 ice cubes.
  • Melon smoothie. All ingredients are cut into pieces and poured into a blender bowl: a piece of melon, half a yellow mango, the pulp of 4 oranges, half a bunch of sorrel and 4 sprigs of basil. For sweetening use 2 tbsp. l. agave syrup and 1 tbsp. l. flower pollen. Interrupt at the highest speed for 5 minutes. Served in a wide glass.

The use of agave syrup in cooking can improve the taste of ready-made dishes. The yeast rises faster, the texture of the baked goods becomes softer, and, most importantly, the end products are free of off-flavours.

The first beneficial properties of the juice of a plant of the Asparagus subfamily were noticed by the ancient Aztecs. They used it to produce desserts and alcoholic beverages. It was from this raw material that the first versions of tequila were made. Nectar was also used for medical purposes - for the treatment of wounds. Healers noticed anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

Another area of ​​application for thick sweet nectar is catching monkeys and carrying a swarm of wild bees. In both cases, the same method was used. The thickened agave juice was poured onto the bottom of the pumpkin, from which the pulp was removed through a small hole. The monkeys stuck their paw into the pumpkin to scoop up a treat, but they could not pull out their fist. When creating the first apiaries, one had to wait until the swarm descended into the pumpkin, attracted by the sweet aroma. Then the hole was closed and the swarm was moved wherever they wanted.

Agave syrup is most popular among raw foodists, vegans and adherents of a healthy diet. Preference is given to dark nectar - it is enriched with inulin and has not been subjected to long-term processing. Such a product is called "pekmez", it is not only considered healing, but also kosher.

But bartenders prefer light varieties. Such products have been filtered for a long time and do not have many useful properties, but they have a pleasant fruity aroma, a delicate caramel smell and a fruity aftertaste. This product is ideally combined with popular types of tequila - silver and gold, as well as with sweet liquors. The most popular drinks offered in bars are Platinum Berry or Watermelon Margarita.

What is agave syrup - look at the video:

If after tasting only pleasant memories remain and no allergic reactions occur, agave syrup can be safely introduced into the diet. But in the case when symptoms of intoxication appear, they should not be attributed to a hangover. They can be triggered by nectar intolerance.

This is a perennial stemless plant that belongs to the succulent genus, loves the desert or semi-desert. Natural distribution zone - Mexico, Central and North America, the Mediterranean. There are about 400 types of agave. In appearance, it is similar to the aloe plant familiar to all of us.

Thanks to its soothing properties, agave is great for treating various neuralgias. It also improves metabolic processes in the body, removes excess fluid, promotes the speedy regeneration of tissues and enhances lactation in nursing mothers.

Agave has another property - contraceptive - due to the presence of substances that suppress the activity of eggs. These substances are isolated for the preparation of natural contraceptives, which are enough to take several times a month.

Prepared from agave and medicines for external use. They help with sciatica (inflammation of the sciatic nerve), radiculitis, rheumatism, furunculosis, breast diseases, bruises and sprains. Agave root is used to treat sexually transmitted diseases. Juice relieves teenage acne, acne, boils.

Those who want to lose weight should pay attention to this plant. Due to the fact that agave gently cleanses the body, removes excess water and normalizes metabolism, it is an indispensable tool in the fight against extra pounds.

Agave nectar and syrup are the same product, obtained from the juice of the core and leaves of the plant. In terms of its carbohydrate composition, or rather, in terms of the ratio of fructose and glucose, agave nectar is a unique product. It is about 1.5 times sweeter than sugar.

100% amenable to yeast fermentation, which is an advantage for baking.

Around the world, agave nectar/syrup has firmly taken its place as a natural sugar substitute among people who are watching their weight and leading a healthy lifestyle.