Compote from Siberian grapes. We cook compote from homemade grapes

Grape compote for the winter: cooking methods and popular recipes from the site magazine

What could be tastier in winter than homemade grape compote? This unpretentious drink is one of the most beloved among the people. Cooking it is so easy that even an inexperienced hostess will definitely succeed. On a cold winter evening, taking a bunch of grapes out of a jar, you will remember the warm sunny summer. A delicate dessert taste, rich cherry color and amazing aroma will fill your home with a sense of celebration.

How to cook grape compote: tips

Grape compote can be prepared in several ways: individual berries, with twigs or whole bunches, with and without sterilization. Delicious compote can be made from almost any grape, but it is better to use dark varieties - Isabella, Kishmish, Dove, Lydia, Moldova. You can even cook compote for the winter from green grapes; for a beautiful color, you can put cherry leaves or red apple slices in each jar. For a piquant taste, cinnamon, lemon zest, vanilla, cardamom, nutmeg, and cloves are added to the compote. If desired, homemade preparations can be diversified by putting grapes in jars interspersed with peaches, pears, plums, raspberries, apricots, chokeberries - any seasonal fruits and berries: it will be both tastier and healthier. And for devoted fans of grapes, we have selected interesting recipes for harvesting it in the form of compote for the winter.

Grape compote for the winter: recipes

Recipe 1. Grape compote without sterilization

You will need: half or a third of a three-liter can of grapes, water, granulated sugar, citric acid.

Sort out the berry clusters. Remove spoiled and overripe grapes, put in a colander, rinse well under running cold water and leave for a while to drain excess liquid. Then carefully separate each berry and put it on the bottom of a pre-washed and sterilized three-liter jar. Boil about 2 liters of water in a saucepan (it all depends on the number of berries in the jar). Boil syrup from water and granulated sugar (calculated as 350-400 g per 1 liter of liquid), pour berries over it, cover the jar with a sterile lid and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then you need to return the syrup, but without the berries, to the pan. The easiest way to do this is to put a nylon lid on the jar with holes made in it with your own hands. Bring the berry syrup to a boil and boil for a couple of minutes, at the end add a pinch of citric acid, pour the grapes a second time, immediately roll up the jar with a boiled metal lid, turn it upside down, wrap it and leave it to cool completely.

Recipe 2. Sterilized grape compote

You will need: a third or half of a three-liter can of grapes, granulated sugar, citric acid.

As in the previous recipe, the proportions of the ingredients are selected individually. If you want the compote to be more saturated, use more grapes. The amount of sugar can also be adjusted to your liking. Rinse the grapes, free from the stalks, sterilize the jars in advance. Boil water with sugar. With the resulting syrup, pour the grapes laid out on the bottom of the jar to the very neck. After that, place the jar in a container with water heated to 60 ° (just put it on a wooden grate so that the water in the pan reaches the shoulders of the jar), cover with lids and sterilize for 20 minutes. After this time, immediately roll up the jar with a lid, turn it upside down and leave to cool, wrapped in a blanket.

Recipe 3. Grape compote with honey (without sterilization)

You will need: 3 kg of grapes, 4-5 stars of cloves, 1.5 kg of honey, 50 ml of natural grape vinegar, 1 coffee spoon of ground cinnamon, 2 three-liter jars, about 3 liters of water.

Rinse the grapes, separate the berries from the stalks and place them in prepared jars. From water, lemon juice, cinnamon, cloves and honey, boil the syrup. If desired, you can use brown sugar or plain white refined sugar instead of honey, and replace grape vinegar with lemon juice. And then everything is as in the previous recipe: the grapes are poured with syrup, allowed to brew, then the liquid is drained through the lid with holes, boiled for two minutes, returned to the jar again, rolled up, wrapped in a blanket and allowed to cool.

Recipe 4. Compote of white grapes with apples

You will need: 2 kg of white grapes, 1 lemon, 2 kg of sour tart apples, 6 cups of sugar, about 3 liters of water.

Wash all fruits. Squeeze out the juice from the lemon. Remove the core from the apples and chop with the peel into long slices. Sprinkle lightly with lemon juice to prevent browning. Carefully remove the grapes from the brushes and dip for 2 minutes in boiling water in a saucepan, then transfer to a colander and pour cold water over. Put apples with grapes in dry sterilized jars so that they fill them about half way. After that, fill the fruits with hot syrup boiled from water and granulated sugar to the edges of the jars. Leave for 6-7 minutes. Now, as in the previous recipes, you need to return the syrup to the pan again, let it boil, pour it into the jars again to the very top, cork, turn upside down, wrap tightly and leave it like this until it cools completely.

Recipe 5. Whole grape compote

You will need: 4 kg of grapes in brushes, 2 three-liter jars, 2 liters of water, 700 g of sugar.

Rinse grape brushes in several waters. Remove damaged grapes. Make syrup from water and sugar. Put the bunches in jars, pour over the chilled syrup, close tightly and sterilize for 20 minutes at a temperature of 80º or 10 minutes in boiling water. You can put a pinch of citric acid in each jar, it will guarantee that the jars will not explode, and will give the compote an original, pleasant taste. The remnants of twigs will have a positive effect on the taste of the finished drink: their presence in the compote will contribute to the appearance of a tart aftertaste. And to make the blanks beautiful, you can pour boiling water over the clusters at the very beginning of cooking: thanks to this simple technique, the berries will not burst even after cooking.

- a delicacy is very healthy, because it is a natural product, without dyes and preservatives. In summer, it perfectly quenches thirst, and in winter it cheers up with its beautiful pink hue and pleasant sweet taste. Grapes are one of the most useful berries; this delicious drink will definitely not leave its lovers indifferent. Having prepared it at home, you will see for yourself. A variety of grape varieties will allow you to try a new compote every time - with an original taste and unique aroma. Yummy home cooking!

    If you have harvested a rich harvest of grapes or are just looking for the opportunity to use juicy berries, you can cook compote from grapes. The drink turns out to be rich, aromatic and not much different from natural grape juice.

    Also, the resulting compote can be preserved for the winter in order to enjoy a delicious vitamin drink on cold days.

    Children will be especially happy with compote from grapes, because not a single grape juice from the store can be compared with it in taste and useful properties.

    How to make grape compote

    For 3 liters of water you will need 0.5-1 kg of grapes (the more berries there are, the richer the grape compote will turn out), 1 glass of sugar, 1/3 teaspoon of citric acid or 1-2 slices of fresh lemon.

    To prepare compote, it is best to take dark blue sour grapes with dense skins and tart seeds. It is from this grape variety that the most delicious, rich and aromatic drinks are obtained.

    Rinse the grapes well, remove the rotten berries. Fill a saucepan with water and bring the water to a boil, then add a glass of sugar to it. In the resulting sweet syrup, carefully place the grapes and citric acid or lemon slices.

    Let the grape compote boil for 10-15 minutes, then turn off the heat. Cover the pan with a lid and let the resulting drink cool for half an hour. During this time, the grapes give up all their juice, the compote is infused, thickens and acquires a very beautiful color.

    Compote from grapes for the winter

    In the same way, you can make compote from grapes for the winter. To do this, sterilize the jars, put carefully washed grapes, sugar and citric acid on 2/3 of each jar. Fill with boiling water, roll up and wrap for a day.

    The second way to prepare compote for the winter

    Arrange grapes in jars and pour boiling water to the very top of the jar. Cover with a metal lid and let steep for 10-15 minutes.

    Drain the water and boil it again. Add citric acid to jars and re-fill with boiling water. Leave for 10 minutes, then again pour water into the pan, which has already turned red.

    Pour sugar into each jar and fill with boiling compote. Close the lid and roll up immediately. Turn the jars upside down. Wrap and leave until completely cool. The result is a wonderful grape compote for the winter.


Closing grape compote for the winter is one of the many ways to provide your loved ones with a delicious treat. We will tell you the secrets of how to prepare such a fragrant drink and give you some simple recipes. And then it's up to you to decide which method will be more convenient and profitable for you.

The best grape variety for compote is blue, or as it is also called, dark grapes. These are varieties such as Golubok, dark raisins, Moldova. The berries color the syrup dark blue, so this compote will look like real wine, but it can be safely given to children like regular juice.

Of course, you can cook compote for preservation from green, or so-called white grapes. But to enhance the taste and color, you should then put some red apples or washed cherry leaves in each jar.

If you like rich and spicy tastes of compote, you can add cinnamon, vanilla, lemon zest to it. These ingredients will make the grape compote for the winter sparkle with completely new and unusual flavor notes.

Compote of grapes is the easiest recipe. You don't need to waste your energy cleaning the scallops and inspecting each berry. The procedure is extremely simple:

  • Wash the grapes with hot water, inspect the bunches for rotten or unripe berries, and remove them.
  • Place the bunches in clean, unsterilized jars. Berries should take up about a third of the volume.
  • Prepare a sugar syrup based on 1 cup of sugar poured into 2 liters of water.
  • Pour boiled hot syrup into jars where grapes are laid.
  • Put the jars in a pot of heated water or a special container for sterilization and boil until the water in the jars begins to boil.
  • Sterilized (scalded with boiling water) lids are placed on jars and rolled up using a seaming machine.
  • We turn the jars upside down and cover with a blanket. After cooling, you can take it out into the cold or into the basement.

Compote from grape berries is more difficult to make, due to the large labor costs. But the taste of compote is brighter. For these purposes, it is better to choose varieties with large berries, for example, Moldova. But it will take you too much time - its berries are very small. Based on a three-liter jar, you will need 700 grams of grapes, 2 liters of water, 1 cup or 250 ml of sugar.

The process is slightly different from the previous one. The jar should be about a third filled with berries. Prepare boiling water in advance so that the process goes without pauses. Pour boiling water over a jar of grapes and close with an unsterilized lid for the time being. Let stand 10 minutes. Drain the water from the jar into a saucepan and let it boil. Pour a glass of sugar into the jar, and at the same time sterilize the lid in another pot of boiling water. Then put the jar on a plate and pour boiling water into it so that a little water flows out of the jar. It remains only to roll up the jar with a sterilized lid, and put it upside down to cool, wrapped in a blanket.

Do not be alarmed if, after turning over at the neck of the jar, you see foam. This is temporary and will disappear quickly. This usually happens within an hour or two after turning over. You should also know that grape compote prepared for the winter can not only be drunk - it is an excellent basis for making jelly, mousses, fruit cream for cake.

Grape fruits of all varieties in the process of heat treatment willingly and quickly give up their juice, so compotes from them are prepared quickly. This allows the drink to maximally absorb and preserve the taste and aroma inherent in grapes, useful substances.

What varieties to choose?

There are so many varieties of grapes that it is difficult to describe everything separately, but according to its taste, it is customary to distinguish 4 groups:

  1. fruits with an ordinary taste (dark and light) combine sweetness and acidity in various proportions. Their taste notes are gentle and neutral. In compotes, they are good with berries and fruits of a rich flavor range: quince, strawberries, strawberries, black currants.
  2. Muscat-flavoured grapes have playful, piquant flavors that are formed thanks to the essential oils contained in Muscat grape varieties. In compote, such fruits are pleasant in splendid isolation. But if desired, it is quite appropriate to supplement a fragrant bouquet with citrus fruits;
  3. grape berries with a nightshade taste smell of freshness, a little grassy, ​​sour. Such fruits, combined with apples and a minimum amount of sugar, are an excellent basis for creating drinks approved by adherents of a healthy lifestyle.
  4. grapes with an isabelle taste attract with a bit harsh, but still pleasant aromas that combine the smells of strawberries, pineapple, black currants. The fruits of isabelle varieties do not need company. They are considered by many to be the best choice for creating sugary drinks.

Processing before cooking

The best grape compotes are obtained from freshly picked and immediately processed berries. The purchased bunches also need to be prepared as soon as possible and start preparing the drink.

When processing fruits for compote of long-term storage, it is necessary to reject specimens that are crushed, with cracked skins, otherwise it will become moldy. If you brew a drink “for today”, you can close your eyes to slightly crushed fruits.


Compote of white and blue grapes

A drink made from grapes of different varieties gives a completely unexpected taste. Green grapes are acidic, while blue grapes are more tart.

Recipe Information

  • Dish type: blanks, drinks
  • Cooking method: boiling
  • Servings: 3 l
  • 40 min


  • green grapes - 200 g
  • blue grapes - 200 g
  • sugar - 200 g.

Cooking method:

Sort out bunches of grapes - throw away rotten and dry berries. Wash the berries, remove from the branches and put in a clean container to drain the water.

Then send the grapes to the prepared jar.

Boil 1 liter of water in a saucepan and pour the contents of the jar with it. Cover and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Drain the water from the jar back into the pan and add the remaining water and granulated sugar. Dissolve the sugar, stirring, and cook from the moment of boiling for 5 minutes. Pour the grapes in the jar with the resulting syrup and roll up the lid with the conservation key.

Turn the jar over - check for the presence of air in the jar and, if not, leave it wrapped until it cools completely. Subject to all rules and regulations, a canned drink can be stored for up to 2 years.

Note to the owner:

The jar, if it is heavily soiled, soak for 1 hour in soapy water. Clean thoroughly with a washcloth or brush and soap, then rinse with cold water. Sterilize the jar for 5 minutes for a couple or 2-3 minutes in the microwave. Remove and lay the glass container upside down on a clean towel. Boil about a liter of water in a saucepan and put a lid in it - 10 minutes is enough for heat treatment. Carefully remove the lid from the pan and place it next to the jar.

Any variety of grapes is suitable for canning. The fruits should be firm, fully ripe, with no signs of any disease.

Spring water, not chlorinated or filtered, is ideal for preparing a canned drink for the winter - the absence of chemical additives will give grape compote a more natural taste.

Before use, if necessary, dilute the compote with boiled water to taste.

Drink from the variety "Isabella"

For this preparation, the fruits of isabelle varieties of any size are suitable. It is desirable that they are ripe and juicy.

To prepare 3 liters of compote you will need:

  • 700-800 g grapes
  • 2 liters of water
  • a glass of sugar (if the berries are sour, this amount can be increased).

How to preserve:

  1. First, boil the syrup: boil water, add sugar and stir it until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  2. Rinse grapes under running water.
  3. Remove elastic whole fruits from the branches, put in a deep container, fill with cold water. Inspect again carefully and clean if necessary.
  4. Place the approved specimens in a sterilized three-liter jar, filling it to a third of the volume.
  5. Fill the berries with syrup to the very top of the container. Leave for a few minutes.
  6. In the meantime, put the cap into the boiling water.
  7. Cover the jar with a lid, put the container in a saucepan with gently boiling water and sterilize for about half an hour.
  8. Roll up the jar (or screw it on if the lid is screwed), turn it upside down, put it in a “fur coat” from a folded large towel. Refrigerate at room temperature until completely cool.

Grape compote for the winter without sterilization

Sterilization of compote is a troublesome business, and berries during prolonged heat treatment can boil soft, spoiling the attractiveness of the drink. Many try to do without it. It's not difficult: you just need to duplicate the process of pouring boiling syrup over the fruits 2 or 3 times.


  • 800 g dark grape berries with a rich aroma
  • 2 liters of water
  • a glass of sugar.

Step by step cooking scheme:

  1. Make syrup by boiling water and dissolving sugar in it.
  2. Rinse the grapes under running water.
  3. Pick off whole, undeformed fruits and peel again.
  4. Place the grapes in a sterilized three-liter jar and pour boiling syrup over.
  5. Cover the container with a sterilized lid and leave for half an hour.
  6. Drain the syrup into a saucepan, boil it and pour over the berries again.
  7. Roll up the jar with a lid, turn over, cover with a towel. Let cool at natural temperature.

Compote of grapes and apples

Compotes from apples alone cannot be called favorites among sweet drinking preparations. They do not differ in outstanding tastes and aromas. And the color of their appetite does not cause. But in the company of grapes, apples create a wonderful bouquet.

The structure and consistency of these fruits is different, therefore, pre-treatment requires a separate approach.


  • 500 g blue or pink grapes with a neutral or nutmeg flavor
  • 4 medium apples
  • 2 liters of water
  • 200 g + 100 g sugar
  • two cloves, a couple of lemon slices (to taste and possibility).

How to cook:

  1. First prepare the apples: wash them and cut them into 8 pieces, removing the seed part.
  2. Put in a deep container and pour 100 g of sugar. Leave for an hour - let the juice go.
  3. Boil water and dissolve 200 g of sugar in it.
  4. Rinse grapes, discard deformed berries.
  5. Place apples on the bottom of a sterilized jar, adding the juice that has separated from them and not completely dissolved sugar.
  6. Place the berries in the second layer. Add spices if desired: cloves, lemon. A couple of mint or lemon balm leaves will add fresh shades to the drink.
  7. Pour in boiling syrup and let the product brew for half an hour.
  8. Shake the liquid and pour it into a saucepan. Boil again and pour over the fruit again.
  9. Seal the jar with a lid. Turn over, wrap with a large towel, cool at room temperature.

Quince and grape compote

Quince is not so often used for harvesting, but in vain. Its taste and aroma are simply amazing. Quince compote in combination with ordinary grapes is excellent.

Attention! Quince is capricious in processing, reluctantly gives juice, so she will have to pay special attention. Choose larger fruits, it is difficult to clean small ones.

To prepare 3 liters you will need:

  • 500 g white, pink, dark pink grapes (not very fragrant)
  • 4 large quinces
  • 2 liters of water
  • 200 g + 200 g sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the quince. Cut it into 4 pieces. Remove the skin with a knife and remove the seed part. Cut the slices into a few more pieces.
  2. Place the cut in a deep container, pour 200 g of sugar. Leave for an hour. Juice, which will gradually stand out, periodically mix with fruits and sugar so that its crystals dissolve as best as possible.
  3. Boil water, add 200 g of sugar, mix.
  4. Place quince in sugar syrup on the bottom of a sterilized jar. Cover it with grapes.
  5. Pour in the boiling syrup, cover and leave for half an hour.
  6. Shake the drink and pour the liquid into a saucepan. Boil.
  7. Pour fruit over syrup. Cover and let stand for another half an hour.
  8. Boil the syrup again and finally pour over the quince and grape berries.
  9. Roll up the jar with a lid, turn it over, wrap it in a towel and cool.

Recipe with oranges

A drink made from oranges and grapes (muscat varieties are better) has an exquisite, refreshing taste. It can even be used as an original component of alcoholic cocktails.

Oranges, as well as grapes, easily release juice, so there is no need to pre-prepare the fruit. For harvesting with citrus fruits rich in citric acid (and it is a strong preservative), one filling with syrup will be enough.

You will need:

  • 400 g of yellow and green grapes with an ordinary or nutmeg flavor;
  • 2 oranges;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • a glass of sugar.

Cooking steps:

  1. Prepare syrup by stirring sugar in boiling water.
  2. Rinse the bunches of grapes and select the largest and most beautiful berries.
  3. Peel the oranges, remove the white fibers and seeds, trying to do this carefully so that the juice does not flow out. Use tweezers.
  4. Mix grapes and oranges in a sterilized jar.
  5. Pour the contents with boiling syrup.
  6. Turn the closed container over, cover with a towel and cool.

Compote of grapes with strawberries and strawberries

This gentle drink will be very useful to open during the winter holidays. Both children and adults will be satisfied. The latter can complement them with dry wine cocktails or ennoble, for example, banal vodka.

To prevent porridge from the tender berries of strawberries and strawberries, do not pour syrup over the fruits more than once.


  • 500 g light grapes
  • 500 g strawberries and strawberries (only one type of berries is allowed)
  • 2 liters of water
  • a glass of sugar.

How to do:

  1. Boil the syrup and do not let it cool.
  2. Remove whole, undeformed berries from the washed bunches.
  3. Peel the strawberries and strawberries by removing the stems.
  4. Put grape fruits on the bottom of a sterilized jar.
  5. Place red berries on top.
  6. Pour in boiling syrup. Immediately roll up the jar with a lid, turn over, cover with a towel and cool.

Canned with twigs

This drink will appeal to lovers of rich tart flavors. It is these qualities that grape twigs will give compote. At the same time, it is advisable to harvest with young, not yet completely stiffened bunches. Grapes on bunches during heat treatment retain their shape better.

When preparing, you need to pay special attention to the quality of the berries: it is easy for spoiled fruits to get lost on a twig.

For cooking you will need:

  • 800 g black grapes or Lydia
  • 2 liters of water
  • a glass of sugar.


  1. Put the syrup on the hot burner.
  2. Meanwhile, thoroughly rinse the grapes under cold running water.
  3. Remove any crushed berries with cracked skins.
  4. Gently, without crushing, place the branches in a sterilized jar.
  5. Pour in hot syrup and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Drain the liquid into a saucepan, bring to a boil and pour over the grapes again.
  7. Seal with a lid, turn over and cool, covering with a towel.

Grape compote for dinner

Having spent a little time in the morning, you can serve a delicious, fragrant, infused sweet drink for dessert for lunch or dinner. Boil the compote and let it absorb the grape aroma right in the pan, without pouring it into jars. It is very convenient to cook it in a slow cooker.

Since the drink is likely to sell out quickly, you can experiment with spices. Having decided which ones you like, you will use them with the following blanks.

If desired, add other components - a handful of healthy chokeberries, pears, plums, etc.

You will need:

  • 600 g of any fresh or frozen grapes;
  • 2-2.5 liters of water;
  • 0.5 st. Sahara;
  • a couple of cloves, a little cinnamon, a piece of zest (optional).

Preparation step by step:

  1. Pour water into a large saucepan or multicooker bowl. Boil, add sugar, stir.
  2. Wash the grapes well.
  3. Immerse fruits and spices in boiling water.
  4. Boil over high heat for 3 minutes. Reduce heat, remove foam. Let's cook some more.
  5. Remove the pan from the stove or turn off the slow cooker, close the lid tightly and leave the sweet drink to infuse.

Cooking features

Compotes from grapes can be prepared in any concentration. By reducing the volume of water and increasing the amount of fruits and sugar, you will get a richer and more aromatic drink.

Concentrated compotes are best made in small jars (0.5 - 1 l). This is convenient: so they take up less space. The drink itself can be diluted with warm boiled or mineral water without gas before serving. By adding well-carbonated water and lemon, you can taste excellent natural lemonade. Give him ice, tubes.

The ratio of sugar and water is up to you. But it should depend not only on your taste preferences and love for rationality, but also on the state of health.

Attention! Sweet, concentrated compote is not recommended for overweight people. All grape drinks are contraindicated for those suffering from diabetes, gastric ulcer. A common occurrence is an allergy to grapes (often this is observed in childhood).

Blank storage

Prepared compote can be stored after it has completely cooled at room temperature. Until this time, the jars should be covered with a large towel or blanket.

Turning the containers over, you can see that a substance similar to foam has formed under the lid. This does not threaten the product with anything - in about an hour there will be no trace of it.

In a cool dark place (up to + 15 ° C), grape drink can be stored all winter. If the temperature is higher, then it is better to serve it to the table for the winter holidays.

Compote cannot be stored at sub-zero temperatures.

About the benefits

Grapes are a highly valuable product. First of all, this applies to berries, only taken from the vine. If you want to take all the best from delicious healing berries, prepare freshly squeezed grape juice. You need to cook it quickly: 15 minutes after parting with a live bunch of grapes, they will gradually lose their numerous life-giving vitamins.

The main nutritional value of grapes, which is also responsible for its flavor range, are various fruit sugars, represented by glucose, fructose and sucrose. But unlike beet sugar, which is familiar to us, grape analogues do not undergo significant transformations during digestion, but immediately enter the bloodstream. This property is indispensable for quick recovery and maintaining health.

Healing grape honey

Red grapes are considered healthier than white grapes. It is from it that grape honey is prepared. This wonderful product is valuable for its healing properties and hematopoietic ability.

If you decide to make such a treat, prepare freshly picked dark grape berries. Sugar content should be at least 18%, since sugar is not added to it!

For 1 kg of honey you will need 5 kg of fruit.

Grind them in a meat grinder or knead by hand. Press out. Juice should drain no longer than 3 hours, otherwise fermentation may begin.

Pour the resulting juice into a container, boil at a moderate temperature until thickened. It should take on a dark brown color.

You need to store honey in small glass jars, hermetically sealed with lids. The temperature should not exceed +15 °C. Even a slight excess of the temperature indicator can lead to spoilage of the product.

If a precipitate forms in honey, the spoiled delicacy must be poured into a container, boiled and sealed again.