Lemon slices. Candied lemon wedges.

What is candied lemon juice made for? They can be added to hot tea or warm milk, decorate various pastries, cocktails, and just chew these candied pieces. Such natural sweetness can be offered to children.

And if lemons are grown in your area, and it turned out to be a very fruitful year, then by making candied lemons, you can keep part of the crop longer.

Camellia plants grow in aluminum-rich soils, and the older they grow, the greater the root content. There is no need to worry when tea is brewed, aluminum does not get into the water because it is insoluble. This means that a substance harmful to human body, found in leaves or bases. So what about the Alzheimer's theory of tea with lemon juice? Lemon acid contained in fruits binds aluminum. The compound is soluble in water and easily absorbed by humans. The risk can be eliminated by removing the first boiled leaves or bases and then adding lemon or lemon juice.

The classic recipe for candied fruits involves a long cooking process in several stages, and then many days of drying lemons.

If you don’t have time to mess around with lemons so much, then you will probably like the recipe for fast food candied fruits at home. The maximum time that this recipe can take is 6 hours, and you can enjoy lemony treats!

Then the clay still remains in the leaves, and there is nothing for the acid to react to. How to make tea with lemon. When cooking right tea brewing time and temperature are the most important. The easiest way to prepare is black tea. We pour it. White heat boils at 95 degrees, and the leaves are extracted after 3.5 - 4 minutes. For 200 ml of water we have to pour about 1 teaspoon dried. Green tea is shorter, i.e. about 2 minutes, so it doesn't get a bitter aftertaste. White tea also does not handle boiling water.

We burn it up to 80 degrees. We are still red. Its preparation is similar to black tea. We pour water on it at a 90 degree angle and we can burn it for 3 to 7 minutes. The most important rule in making lemon tea is to remove the base or bag before adding the acid. This principle applies to both lemon slices and lemon juice. Lemon and honey should be added to tea after a little cooling. It is also worth considering whether to pay attention to the mix of stores.

Of course, cooked in this way, they will taste somewhat different from those purchased or prepared according to classic recipe, but will be no less tasty and attractive in appearance.

Quick candied lemon slices, step by step photos

  • three medium sized lemons
  • a glass of sugar (maybe a little less)
  • glass of water
  • 2 tablespoons powdered sugar

From kitchen utensils you will need a small saucepan with a thick bottom or a saucepan, parchment (baking paper), a baking sheet and, of course, an oven.

If we keep the lemon, we will not be able to separate it from the leaves. Such a small amount is not dangerous for our health. Homemade lemon tea recipes. This drink is daily in Polish homes. It may seem that there is nothing easier than making tea with lemon. And yet there are recipes that will surprise your guests and breathe new life into them. In hot summer days the ideal offer is cold tea with lemon and mint. This refreshing option is based on fresh ingredients and aromatic essence.

This tea is made with lemon and mint. To prepare it, you will need. Remove the skin from the lemon and boil the skin with a hint of water and sugar to melt it. From the moment the water begins to boil, cook for another 2 minutes. Take the pan off the heat and place the mint leaves in it.

Wash the lemons

cut into slices of 0.3-0.5 cm.

You won't need fat "butts" from lemons, you can throw them away.

In a saucepan, boil the syrup:

bring water to a boil

At this time, tea is brewed in 500 ml of hot water for 5 minutes. Both liquids are combined, add 2 cups cold water and squeeze the lemon juice. Serve with ice cubes, lemon slice and mint leaves to garnish. You can decorate the edges of the glass cane sugar or loose jelly, soaking the soaked edges of a glass of powder.

This drink is nothing more than a traditional tea with sugar and lemon, but its appearance sure to please especially the youngest. Due to the difference in the density of the solutions, layered tea can be prepared. Tea bag - a slice of lemon - 2 teaspoons of sugar.

add sugar,

stir until completely dissolved

put slices of lemons into the syrup.

Minimize fire as much as possible

boil candied fruits in syrup first with a slightly ajar lid (at least an hour),

The syrup should become thick and dark, and the lemon slices should be transparent or translucent.

Pour boiling water over the tea for a strong essence. Lie carefully cut the lemon. Slowly pour the prepared tea essence. You can use a teaspoon to touch the edge of the glass. As the lemon flows to the top of the drink, you will notice that the tea has 2 layers.

Or what would be stress-free for the guy. There were surprising responses such as raspberries, blueberries or cucumbers. And 16 ice cubes, which, due to atmospheric conditions, could not appear in this picture. We pour a glass cane sugar and fresh mint with boiling water and after mixing well, let it "stand up" and "bite". When the sugar dissolves and the mint releases its juice, we take care of the essence of the drink.

Now you can carefully remove the lemon slices from the syrup

and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment

since they are very hot, it is better to do this with small tweezers or a toothpick.

You do not need to wait until the syrup cools down, it will thicken a lot.

Lemons and limes are cut into halves. Nothing fancy, but floating bits look good in a jar. The remaining lemons and lindens are compressed, hollowed out and cooled down. home method or a teaspoon. When licking with lemon, sugar mint should be ready and cool. We pour this decoction into liquefied lemons, mix well and throw in ice.

We raise toasts, drink, jarami, celebrate and miziam behind the ear. What you've seen so far has honestly been the female version of how to make lemonade. Now it's time for 100% meat. For real kitchen revolutions. After men is probably better, no?

Next, the slices soaked in syrup must be dried. There are two options. Set the temperature in the oven to about 50 degrees, and dry in it for several hours. But not everyone has an oven that allows you to set such a temperature, then you can make the lowest possible temperature, open the door ajar and dry the candied fruits in this way.
Periodically you need to check that the slices do not start to burn.

In this hot weather, we spend most of the day with Gaby at home.

A walk can think of 00 in no time, and preferably after the heat, it becomes tolerable, and can be enjoyable to explore the surroundings. However, there are ways to survive, these hot summer days, lemonade and lemon jelly can pleasant way everything for cooling.

Lemonade needs to be made - this, components

Two years ago my friend Anita, she offered me a lemonade house was on such a hot day. Then he hit it: a refreshing lemon drink isn't difficult to make, it tastes great - and if you give it to guests like this in the height of summer, you can be sure that the taste of lemonade will be remembered for a long time 🙂. Water, preferably pre-cooled in the refrigerator or freezer, lemon, sugar, mint, lime. cook a small amount of water. We sleep in a glass of sugar and pour it in enough water to dissolve.

It remains only to roll the lemons in powdered sugar, and candied lemon quick recipe ready!

Similarly, you can make candied fruit from any citrus fruit, such as lime or orange.

When cooking, you can add a little grated nutmeg or a couple of star anise stars, then the candied fruits will turn out with a pleasant spicy aroma.

If you want really sweet drinks you can dissolve in hot water more sugar. Then, a large jug pour water from the refrigerator, press the whole bark, the solution is pre-dissolved in hot water with sugar. Up to a few mint leaves and a slice of lemon or a quarter of a decoration. At the end of the whole lemonade gravy with large quantity ice.

Lemonade loves all citrus fruits 🙂. Yes the prepared lemon drink is served in tall glass, preferably in the company of straws. maid lemonade delicious taste and very cool! Tea contains aluminum, which our body does not assimilate, but in combination with lemon citrate, aluminum is formed, already absorbed. The clay is then deposited in the brain and may contribute to Alzheimer's disease.

These are almost candied fruits - whole slices of any citrus fruits, boiled and aged in syrup, and then dried and sprinkled with sugar. It turns out delicious from any citrus, only it is better to take slices with a dense shell - Abkhazian tangerines, for example, cannot stand such mockery. But lemons and small oranges - please!
It happens to me: I clean the fruit, and then dried slices remain ... it’s no longer tasty, but this recipe is just salvation! In this recipe, I used one lemon, one small orange, and one tangerine.

The clay contained in tea is not sold, but when added to lemon, an aluminum citrate compound is formed, which can already enter the body. This reaction only happens in very hot tea, so unless we drop lemons into boiling water, this won't happen.

The direct culprit of health damage is aluminum, which, for example, by introducing into the brain, can lead to Alzheimer's disease. Tea despite it high content aluminum is not harmful. There are many antioxidants and clay is in a form that cannot be absorbed by the body. The situation changes when we add a slice of lemon. Raw aluminum is converted into easily absorbed aluminum citrate, and the metal introduced from the body is thus deposited in various tissues, damaging it.

Peel the citruses, divide into slices and leave to dry overnight or more. If there are bones, cut the slice on top and remove them.

Pour 150 ml of water into a saucepan, add 250 grams of sugar and cook for a couple of minutes. Put the dried slices into the syrup and cook over low heat for 5 minutes. It is advisable to put so many fruits so that they do not interfere with each other.

In any case, aluminum will be released because it is naturally found in tea leaves. Citric acid, due to its ability to form soluble complexes, increases its absorption. Interestingly, some Mexican studies have examined the effects of sugar and ascorbic acid on leaching rates. The differences here were small, but after melting it poured a little more aluminum and after adding vitamin C it leached a little less. In principle, the toxicity of aluminum compounds is low.

It seems that lethal dose alum for an adult is almost half a kilogram. Regardless of the variety, tea contains clay and it is harmful to our body and there is evidence that it causes Alzheimer's disease. Unlike animals, plants do not have an excretory system, so all the minerals absorbed from the soil accumulate in them and they enter. The tendency to absorb aluminum depends on the variety, some harvest it faster than others, and the leaves are harvested at different stages of maturity.

Leave for a day in syrup and cook again for 5 minutes. So I cook every day for 5 days, until the syrup is almost absorbed. Remove the slices from the hot syrup and place on parchment to cool. You can leave it for a couple of days just in the kitchen, or you can dry it in the oven at a minimum temperature with the door ajar.
Dried slices should be rolled in granulated sugar.

Contains antioxidants, flavonoids and blood vessel alkaloids, which makes it easier for the body to cool down. But since tea reduces the risk of cancer due to antioxidants, how about the gossip about the reverse effect? However, it is almost entirely bound by the tannin in the tea. It is a form inaccessible to the body.

However, the addition of acids changes this form to soluble aluminum salts, which are already assimilated by the body. But the devil is in the details. Each tea contains aluminum, black tea contains an average of about 0.10 g, contains 100 g of dry leaves. More aluminum contains green tea because it can contain up to 0.40 g per 100 g of dry leaves. Only that its content does not exceed 0.20 g per 100 g of dry green tea leaves. A person consuming food daily consumes an average of 7 mg of aluminum, that is, turning it into a typical black tea means 7 g of dried leaves or 3-4 tea bags.

Store in a closed box.