How to dilute juice from a juicer. Natural apple drink contains

If, however, use sweet and sour apples, then it is better to add sugar, but not more than 100 grams per liter of juice.

Depending on the capacity of the juicer, you need different amount apples. As a rule, from 2.5 kilograms of prepared apples, about 1.5 liters of juice is obtained.

To prepare delicious flavored drink, we need the products on the list. The weight is already peeled and chopped fruit.

Cooking time - 80 minutes.


  • apples - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • cinnamon - 0.5 sticks;
  • cloves - 1-2 pcs.;
  • water - 2 liters.

How to make apple juice in a juicer for the winter

In the lower compartment of the juicer, the pan, pour water based on its capacity, but, as a rule, about 2 liters are enough. We put it on the stove so that by the time the apples are ready, the water has already boiled. If you are not sure that you can process all the apples during this time, heat the pan a little later.

Wash apples very carefully. The juice will not be subjected to additional sterilization, so the apples must be perfectly washed.

We cut small fruits into 4 parts, large ones into 6-8. Be sure to cut out the core with seeds, if this is not done, then the juice may be bitter. If the apples are litter, then we cut off all the crumpled, spoiled and wormy places. The skin does not need to be removed.

Fill the top bowl of the juicer with chopped apples, sprinkle with sugar.

Place half a cinnamon stick and one or two cloves on top. When the water boils, put on it a compartment for collecting juice and a bowl of apples. Cover with a lid and cook over medium heat for about 60-70 minutes. The hose at this time must be necessarily blocked either by a tap or a clamp.

During this time, prepare jars and lids - thoroughly wash and sterilize.

To check the readiness of the juice, you can open the lid with fruit, the apples should settle and turn into almost puree.

We put sterilized jars under the hose, open and drain the juice to the very top of the jar.

We cover jars with apple juice with lids and roll them up with a key. Then we turn it over on the lid and wrap it with a blanket or blanket. The slower the juice cools, the longer the product is sterilized. We clean the cooled cans for storage in a dark, dry place.

A juicer is a unique device that can extract juice even from hard beets or radishes.

But why don't we delicious drink?

It is much more pleasant to boil fruit juice, sweet and fragrant.

It can be drunk immediately or prepared for the future for the winter, which is very convenient and useful.

How to cook juice in an apple juicer, close it for the winter?

How to cook juice in an apple juicer - general cooking principles

Apples before laying in the juice cooker must be thoroughly washed and cut. Since the product will be completely exposed to heat, it is very important to remove the seed cores. From them, the drink may appear bad taste, bitterness. Seeds can also clog holes in the upper compartment of the juicer, preventing the liquid from draining. Be sure to cut off all damaged areas, traces of rot, wormholes. You do not need to chop apples finely. It is enough to cut small fruits into four parts, large ones can be into 6-8 parts.

The juicer consists of three parts:

Bunker / sieve (upper tank);

Juice receiver (in the middle);

Pot for water.

Prepared fruits are placed in a hopper with holes. Water is poured into a saucepan. To shorten the time, you can use boiling water immediately. Water must be poured up to the level marked on the bottom saucepan. Sometimes there is no mark, in which case you need to look in the instructions for the device, but usually it is 2 liters. During installation on the stove, the drain valve of the juice collector must be closed. Sometimes, instead of it, there is a rubber tube with a clamp on the device.

How to cook juice in an apple juicer for the winter

The traditional way harvesting apple juice through a juicer for the winter. Drink from the tap immediately follows sterile, hot, it does not require additional boiling. Use ripe, juicy fruits for a delicious drink. To enhance the secretion of juice, a little sugar is added.


A handful of sugar.


1. Cut the washed fruits into slices, put in a saucepan from the juicer. Try to pack it tightly so that it fits more product.

2. Top the apples with a handful of sugar. Layers can also be crushed, but not much, otherwise the drink will turn out to be too sweet.

3. Pour water into the desired compartment, place the structure on the stove, cover the apples tightly with a lid.

4. Turn on the stove, leave the juicer for an hour, the tap must be turned off.

5. Now you need to stir the fruit with a spatula, pressing down so that the juice droplets drain. If the pieces are still very wet, cover the juicer and leave for another half hour.

6. While the juice is being prepared, you need to rinse and sterilize the jars. Covers also need to be processed. It is enough just to pour boiling water over them.

7. Now take the prepared jar, bring it to the tap and fill it to the top with juice. Cover with a lid, immediately roll up.

8. Fill up jars or bottles until you run out of juice.

How to cook juice in an apple juicer with lemon balm and zest

Apple juice it will turn out much more fragrant and tastier if you add a little fragrant ingredients to it. The easiest way to use herbs, citrus peel. But how is juice cooked in a juicer from apples with them and where should they be laid?


2 sprigs of lemon balm;

1 orange or lemon.


1. As usual, chop the apples large pieces, throw away the cores. Put half in a sieve from a juicer.

2. Rinse an orange or lemon with baking soda to remove wax. Cut off the zest. This can be done with a paring knife or a grater.

3. Take a piece of bandage or gauze, roll it into 2 layers, lay out the zest and tie it tightly. If this is not done, citrus pieces will fall between the apple slices and clog the sieve holes.

4. Put the zest bag on the lemon balm sprigs.

5. Sprinkle it all with a handful of sugar on top.

6. Lay the remaining apples to the very top. Also add some sugar.

7. Close the device, turn on the stove, cook the juice after boiling for 30 minutes, then you can stir, let it steam for another ten minutes.

8. Pour an appetizing drink into jars, roll it up for the winter or cool it and use it like that.

How to cook juice in an apple juicer for the winter with pumpkin

Very popular mixed drink with the addition of pumpkin. It differs not only in taste, but also in a very bright color. Before you cook juice in an apple juicer for the winter, take care of choosing a good, ripe and sweet pumpkin.



1. Chop the washed apples into pieces, put in the sieve of the juicer first, fill up to half or a little more. Lightly crush the layers with granulated sugar so that more juice comes out.

2. Peel the pumpkin from the peel, remove the seeds, cut into pieces, lay on top apple slices. Sprinkle sugar on top as well. If the pumpkin is homemade or just good, you can boil the juice from the pieces along with the crust.

3. Close the appliance, turn on the stove, cook for 40-50 minutes.

4. Now you can open the lid, take a long spatula and mix apples and pumpkin well. Cover, cook for another quarter of an hour.

5. Now you need to mix the contents of the upper barrel well again so that all the liquid is glassed through a sieve.

6. Open the faucet, pour the drink into sterile containers, immediately roll up the lids. Cool the pumpkin-apple blank upside down.

How to cook juice in a juicer from apples and carrots without sugar

Useful blank which can be used in children's and diet food. Sugar is not added. Carrots use only juicy, orange. Otherwise, she will be a guest in the sieve of the device and will not give anything.




1. Peel the carrots, cut into slices of 0.5 centimeters. Drop your ponytails right away. If you come across root crops with green centers, then it is advisable to cut the stem. It will add bitterness to the juice.

2. Cut apples into large pieces.

3. Put a good layer of apples in the juicer strainer first. Then you can alternate apples with carrots. If you have a desire, take it easy a small amount sugar, juice will come out more.

4. Install the sieve on the device, do not forget to add water to it.

5. Turn on the stove, close the lid, cook for at least an hour.

6. Then you can stir, leave for another 20 minutes.

7. Open the tap, fill the sterile jars. If the food is intended for a child. Choose small containers. If you do not remove the drink for storage, then such juice is stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

How to cook juice in a juicer from apples for the winter (spicy with grapes)

Before you start brewing juice in an apple juicer for the winter, the grapes must be thoroughly washed and sorted out, as there is always a lot of dust, cobwebs and other varieties on it. The most delicious drink is obtained from small wine grapes, but you can take any other varieties.



citrus peel;

2 cloves;

1 stick of cinnamon.


1. At the bottom of the sieve, put apples cut into pieces, approximately half.

2. Wrap a cinnamon stick, cloves, citrus peel in a piece of gauze. You can use dry zest. If desired, add a couple of mint leaves or a sprig of lemon balm.

3. Tie a piece of gauze with spices in a bag, put on apples. Sprinkle with sugar.

4. Separate the grapes from the branches, pour the apples to the very top of the sieve. It is not necessary to sprinkle it with sugar, as it gives juice well even without it.

5. Turn on the stove. Boil the juice after boiling water for 30 minutes to an hour. Stir well at the end, remembering the skins, but be careful not to tear the spice bag. It can also be pressed.

6. Pour into jars, seal.

How to cook juice in a juicer from apples and chokeberry "Cherry"

Highly interesting way apple juice blanks with cherry flavor and color. You don’t need a lot of chokeberry; two or three glasses are enough for a standard juice cooker. It is desirable that the berries are ripe and juicy.


2-3 cups of chokeberry;

20 cherry leaves;

Apples (how many will leave);

150-200 g of sugar.


1. Before you cook apple juice in a juicer for the winter, you need to soak chokeberry in cold water, let the dust and debris come off, then rinse well.

2. Cherry leaves must also be rinsed, leave the water to drain.

3. Chop the apples into large pieces. Put the device in a saucepan.

4. Spread chokeberry and cherry leaves on top, sprinkle it all with sugar.

5. It remains only to turn on the stove, wait exactly an hour. But after 40 minutes you can see how the process is going, stir the mass.

6. Pour apple juice with cherry flavor into jars, roll up, send for storage.

AT apple peel contained great amount vitamins of different groups, pectin and tannins. Therefore, the skin from the fruit before laying in the tank does not need to be removed.

The boiled peel with pulp can not be thrown away. They have enough flavor. The mass can be used to prepare the filling for the pie, you just need to add sugar, jam, raisins, vanilla. Hot waste can be folded into sterile jars and rolled up for winter pies.

AT hot juice after cooking, you can not add sugar, even if it seems sour. The drink will be gone, not worthy until winter. If sour fruits are used initially, more sugar should be sprinkled on the layers in the barrel.

Made from sweet apples fragrant juice, but it may lack the very acid that gives brightness to the taste. The way out is to add a lemon. You can simply sprinkle apples with powder mixed with granulated sugar. As an option - dilute a little acid in boiling water, pour apples on top.

Apple nectar is considered very useful if cooked in a juicer. Many housewives are concerned about the question of how to cook juice in an apple juicer. Actually, it's quite easy. To make juice, you need apples and a little time. And the drink will be much healthier and tastier than that that is sold in the store.

In a juicer, you can quickly cook delicious juice and then enjoy natural vitamin drink whole year.

Juice cooker: how to use

Many housewives who have just bought such a miracle saucepan as a juicer want to watch or download a video on how to cook apple juice. In fact, there is nothing particularly difficult in the process of juicing a drink using a unique device.

Before you begin the process, you need to figure out what a juicer is and how to use it to make juice from apples.

A pressure cooker looks like a tall pot, consisting of several parts. Water is poured into the very bottom, in the middle there is a juice collector, from which a special tube extends. And at the very top there is a colander in which clean and chopped fruits, berries or vegetables are placed.

The juicer can be easily disassembled and washed, which makes it very convenient to use. It does not make noise, does not clog with pulp, and after use there is no sediment left. It is very easy to get apple juice from a juicer. When heated, the juicer evaporates boiling water into the colander area where the apples are located. Under the influence of steam, they begin to secrete sterile hot nectar, which subsequently flows through the tube into the collection.

The juicer allows you to make a pasteurized drink that can be exposed to long-term storage. Keeps for 6-8 days in the refrigerator.

About apple juice

A great idea to prepare a healthy and tasty drink at home. Your apple juice in a juicer for the winter will be a great alternative to store-bought juices.

Everyone knows about the benefits of this drink. The undeniable advantage of apple nectar is a rich set of vitamins and minerals. It also contains natural enzymes that help digest food and pectins that normalize the intestinal tract.

If you regularly use apple juice, you can restore the condition of the skin, nail plates. Thanks to him, they increase immunity to colds, treat atherosclerosis, remove kidney stones and treat the liver. Children can increase hemoglobin and cure anemia, prevent gastritis.

It is necessary to limit the use in case of stomach ulcer. Frequent use increases the burden on cardiovascular system, kidneys.

Apple juice from a juicer for the winter: the recipes are very simple and do not require many ingredients.

Fragrant tasty juice is made from sweet varieties of apples, but it happens that there is not enough sourness, which gives juiciness to the taste. It is recommended to add citric acid. Can be mixed with sugar and sprinkled over apples, or diluted in hot water and pour over the apples.

Apple juice from juicer

  • apples;
  • sugar.

Apples should be washed very well, cut out all the rot, wormholes and damage, clean out all the cores and seeds. Otherwise, the juice may have a bitter taste, as well as the seeds clog holes for draining the juice.

You do not need to cut the apples very finely. It will be enough to cut small fruits into 4 parts, and large ones into 6-8.

Cooking method:

You can add a sprig of celery to the bottom of each jar to add health benefits to the juice.

The cooking time depends on what kind of apples are put in the juicer. Cooking time for apple juice is about a little less than an hour. If you look into the tank where the apples were stacked, and there is only mashed potatoes, then the device can be turned off.

Spicy apple juice

The recipe for the winter of apple juice in a juicer is very simple and will not take you much time.

  • apples;
  • carnation;
  • ginger;
  • cinnamon;
  • sugar - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour water into the juicer and put it on fire.
  2. Apples cut into medium slices are folded into a special compartment with holes.
  3. Top the apples with spices or sugar. Remember that the more sour the apples, the more sugar you need.
  4. Wait until the water boils, and place a container with apples in it.
  5. Apples should be boiled for about an hour, then drain the juice into a pre-prepared jar.

If the apples are not warmed up enough, the juice flows out very slowly and cools down very quickly. The water should boil well.

Apple juice with zest and lemon balm

Nectar will be tastier when fragrant ingredients are added to it. It can be zest and various herbs.

  • apples;
  • sprigs of lemon balm - 2 pieces;
  • sugar;
  • orange / - 1 piece.

Cooking method:

  1. Coarsely chop or chop the apples, put half in a juicer sieve.
  2. Citrus fruits must be treated with soda to remove plaque from the peel. Clear them.
  3. The resulting zest should be put on a sieve or cheesecloth so that the pieces do not clog the sieve.
  4. The zest should be put on the sprigs of lemon balm, and sprinkled with sugar on top.
    The resulting mass is covered with the rest of the apples on top and sprinkled with sugar again.
  5. Put the juicer on the stove and cook the juice for about half an hour after the water boils, then stir and let it brew.
  6. The resulting drink should be poured into pre-prepared jars.

Do not add granulated sugar to the juice immediately after cooking, even if there is sour taste. Drink up winter evenings won't be able to stand. If apples are put sour, then you can sprinkle with sugar.

Spicy apple juice with grapes


  • apples;
  • sugar;
  • zest;
    cloves - 2 pieces;
  • cinnamon stick - 1 piece.

Cooking method:

  1. Put the chopped apples into the apparatus, about halfway.
    Wrap spices in cheesecloth. You can put mint or lemon balm to taste.
  2. Put the resulting gauze bag on top of the apples and sprinkle liberally with sugar.
  3. Before boiling aromatic juice in an apple juice cooker, peel the grapes and lay on top. Particular attention should be paid to its cleaning - grapes usually have a lot of twigs, dust and dirt. Grapes do not need to be sprinkled with sugar.
  4. Put the juicer on the fire and cook after boiling for half an hour to an hour. Then stir the fruit to drain the remaining juice. Be careful not to tear the cheesecloth with spices.
  5. Pour the resulting drink into pre-prepared jars.

There is still a taste in the boiled peel and pulp, so it can be decomposed into clean jars and twisted. This mass is perfect in the future for preparing the filling, you just need to add sugar, you can still make jam.

The modern rhythm of life sets new fashion trends. Question healthy eating has long become relevant and leaves few people indifferent. Therefore, manufacturers of utensils and appliances are in a mode of constant improvement and strive to meet the needs of consumers.

Juice cooker and its advantages

Vegetable and fruit juices included in the daily diet of almost every family. But are packaged juices that have filled supermarket shelves so useful? It is difficult to call a juice drink a natural and high-quality product. Therefore, real 100% juice that you make at home will be much tastier and healthier. cook natural drink You can use a juicer.

Why choose juicers? It is very convenient to work with a juicer. It does not make noise, does not clog with fruit pulp, and does not leave sediment after juicing. The juice obtained from the juicer can be immediately rolled into jars without sterilization and boiling. Fresh Juice can be stored for a week in the refrigerator without loss useful properties and quality.

Benefits of a juicer:

  • versatility, safety and ease of use
  • juice can be immediately rolled into jars
  • the remaining pulp can be used to make puree or marmalade
  • long periods of storage
  • the juicer can be used to cook some diet meals

How to make juice in a juicer

There are many recipes for making juice in a juicer and they are all prepared according to the same principle. The juicer consists of several containers that are stacked one on top of the other. About three liters of water are poured into the lowest one, and vegetables or fruits are poured into the top one. put the juicer on fire, where the water begins to evaporate when heated. Gradually, the steam heats the fruit and they release juice, which, through a special outlet, enters a separate bowl. Before cooking, berries and fruits should be washed well and pitted. Large fruits are recommended to be cut into several parts. With this heat treatment, vitamins and useful material preserved, and the juice is pasteurized. It is concentrated and sweet. The juicer works silently and does not require supervision, automatically doing its job.

Red currant jelly

You will need:

  • 2.5 kg redcurrant
  • 1.5 kg of granulated sugar

Cooking method:

Pour 2 liters of water into a deep bowl, put a juice cooker filled with red currants on top and put on fire. Pour all the sugar into a smaller bowl and place the outlet tube from the juicer there. As a result, you will get more than 1 liter of juice. We put the dishes with sugar on low heat and dissolve it completely, without bringing to a boil. Jelly is ready.

plum juice

You will need:

  • 4 kg ripe plums
  • granulated sugar at the rate of 300g per 1 liter of juice

Cooking method:

Sort the plums well and rinse. Carefully place the berries in the juicer. From 4 kg of plums, approximately 1.5 liters of juice is obtained. AT enamelware Pour sugar, clearly following the proportions. The pulp is rubbed through a sieve and together with the resulting juice is added to the sugar. Bring the whole mass to a boil over low heat. After three minutes, plum juice with pulp will be ready, you can pour it into sterilized dishes and roll it up for the winter.

Juice according to this recipe can be used in pure form, and can be used to make compote or jelly.

Apple juice

You will need:

  • to obtain 3 liters of juice, 5 kg of apples are taken
  • sugar is added to taste

cooking method:

Take ripe tomatoes and wash well. Before placing them in the pressure cooker, cut them into quarters. choose more juicy varieties. Sprinkle them with a teaspoon of salt and sugar, then start cooking. Pour the juice into prepared dishes and screw on the lids. At the bottom of each container before pouring the juice, you can add a sprig of celery. The result is a drink that is not only tasty, but also healthy and aromatic.

If you want to sweeten the juice a little, then do it at the very beginning. Pour sugar along with vegetables and fruits into the upper bowl. After cooking, it is better not to add granulated sugar to the juice, as this may violate its sterility.

The remains after apples or tomatoes can not be thrown away. Use them for other dishes, for example, apples can be added to the filling, and tomatoes can be used to make adjika or lecho.

Last year, my mother-in-law gave me a juicer that we once gave her, and now it's my turn to prepare juices for the winter.

We have a lot of apples every year, I even find it difficult to say how many apple trees are in the village on the site. Many apples are thrown away when they are not harvested in time, and what is harvested is processed into juice.

To prepare apple juice in a juicer for the winter, we only need apples of any variety and size. One load needs about 5.5 kg of apples, the output is about 2.5 liters of juice.

I have the simplest juicer, but it has a large capacity. Pour 3.5-4 liters of water into the lower pan. You can pour cold, or you can immediately hot.

Place a container on top into which the juice will drain.

Then set the bowl, which is subsequently filled with apples.

Wash apples well and cut in half. The seeds do not need to be removed. Broken fruits are also suitable for making apple juice for the winter in a juicer. We delete only corrupted copies.

Fill the bowl of the juicer with apples to the very top. Cover the saucepan with the top saucepan and place over medium heat. The rubber tube through which the juice will flow is pinched with a clamp.

After 2 hours, when the apples are well steamed, you can remove the top pan and mix the contents with a spoon. Cover again and cook until the juice starts to drip from the tube. This is a signal that the container is already filled with juice.

Now the clamp can be removed and let the juice flow into the pan or ladle. In the village, we immediately set up a jar, but at home I don’t do that.

We steam the jars, pour the lids with boiling water for 5 minutes. Pour the juice from the pan into jars and immediately roll up. Wrap until completely cool. Apple juice from a juicer is ready for the winter. We store it in the pantry or in the basement.

Happy and useful preparations for you!