Sourdough recipes for wine from raisins, raspberries, strawberries and grapes. Making wine yeast at home

Making low-alcohol drinks at home has long been considered a folk craft in our country. It will be interesting for a beginner winemaker to learn how to make a starter for wine on their own, using the simplest ingredients, such as raisins or fresh grapes, apples or raspberries. The subtlety of the process is to extract natural yeast cultures from raw materials that can cause the fermentation process in the wort. There are several ways to prepare a starter for homemade wine, and most of them are suitable for sale in an apartment or country house. We suggest in the material to learn about those products with which you can easily start the process of fermentation and fermentation.

How to prepare a starter for grape wine

Yeast fungi are used to activate alcoholic fermentation in the juice. They multiply quickly if they are in a sugar solution that is not too concentrated and contains a small amount of alcohol (alcohol inhibits the growth of yeast). At the beginning of fermentation, they develop rapidly, since there is still no alcohol in the mash. Then, as the concentration of alcohol increases, the yeast colony disintegrates, and when the alcohol content in the liquid reaches 17%, the yeast dies and precipitates.

Before you prepare a starter for grape wine, you need to know that yeast fungi are divided into two categories: noble and "wild". Noble wine yeast is a pure culture yeast grown in laboratories; they enhance fermentation processes, contribute to the production of alcohol, clarification of the liquid, the manifestation of the taste and aroma of wine.

"Wild" yeast, along with other microorganisms, live on the surface of fruits and berries. It should be borne in mind that “wild” yeast first causes strong fermentation, but already with a content of 6–7% alcohol in the liquid, they die. Thus, the sugar remaining in the drink is not processed. In this case, the fermentation of the juice stops early, and the wine turns out to be light, weak, without a pronounced aroma and a little cloudy.

When using cultural yeast, the wine fermentation process is faster and more correct - it starts earlier and ends later, the wine fully ripens. With the help of cultural yeast, young wine is clarified faster, harmful microorganisms do not have the opportunity to develop, so less acetic acid is formed in the wine, which gives the drink an unpleasant taste and aroma. Wine made with noble yeast is stronger. Obviously, in home winemaking it is preferable to use cultural yeast. However, it must be remembered that they correctly affect the juice only if all the rules and technology for making wine are followed.

Sourdough - wine yeast- Prepared by fermenting raisins or grapes. To do this, 150–200 g of raisins or ripe grapes and 50–60 g of sugar are placed in a bottle, topped up with boiled water by ¾ of the volume and set for 3–4 days for fermentation.

You can make sourdough from raspberries or strawberries: 2 cups of mashed berries and 100 g of sugar pour a glass of water and shake well. The sourdough will be ready in 3-4 days.

Brewer's and bread yeast should not be used, as they worsen the taste of wine and, moreover, die as alcohol accumulates (at a strength of 13% vol.).

How to make apple wine starter

Yeast sourdough for wine is best prepared 2-5 days before the planned production of fruit and berry juice. Before preparing a starter for wine from apples, you need to squeeze 200 ml of juice from ripe, intact fruits. Add 15 g of sugar and a pinch (about 0.1 g) of ammonium phosphate to the juice, mix and boil under the lid for 10-15 minutes. Then cool to room temperature (20-24°C). Pour the whey of noble yeast into any container, pour the prepared juice there, filling the container by ¾ of the volume, close the neck with a cotton plug. Place the container in a warm place for 24 hours, and then, when the serum with juice foams strongly, pour it into a clean liter bottle. Boil 600 ml of juice separately, add 60 g of sugar and a pinch of ammonium phosphate and cool to 25 °C. Pour the prepared juice into a bottle with foamed whey, cork with cotton wool and let stand in a warm place for 1-2 days. When its contents begin to foam, the sourdough is ready.

How to make raisin wine starter

To obtain high-quality wine, special wine yeast should be used. If it is not possible to obtain cultural yeast, you can use ordinary bread yeast, as well as “wild” yeast, which fruits and berries themselves are rich in. "Wild" yeast can be made from raisins. Before preparing a starter for raisin wine, pour 250 ml of chilled boiled water (25 ° C) into a glass container, add 30–40 g of sugar and pour 2 cups of unwashed dried grapes. Mix the mass, tie the neck of the container with a dense cloth or close with a cotton plug. Place the container in a dark warm place for 3-5 days, after which the resulting liquid is drained and filtered. Add the finished starter to the wort at the rate of 30 ml per 1 liter of wort.

How to make raspberry starter for wine

Prepare as follows: 10 days before the start of making wine, clean, ripe berries of early crops (strawberries, raspberries) that are not clogged with soil are harvested. Before preparing raspberry starter for wine, two cups of unwashed berries are crushed, 1 cup of water and half a cup of sugar are added, mixed well and poured into bottles or jars. To prevent ejection of liquid during fermentation, bottles (jars) are filled 2/3. The bottle is closed with a cotton stopper and placed in a dark place where the temperature is maintained at 22-24 ° C (normal room conditions). After 3-4 days, when the juice began to ferment, it can be used as a starter.

The starter is prepared once a season, it can not be stored for more than 10 days. To prepare 10 liters of wine, you need to have 0.2–0.3 liters of sourdough. If it is necessary to ferment the juice of late-ripening fruits and berries (gooseberries, apples, plums, etc.) or late-ripening grape varieties, instead of ferment, you can use the sediment formed during the fermentation of the must of earlier cultures. Sediment should be taken in a smaller amount: 1–1.5% of the amount of must put on fermentation.

The starter can be prepared at any time from any berries, observing the proportion of components (berries: water: sugar) 2: 1: 0.5. When preparing sourdough from the same varieties from which wine is made, it can be taken more than three percent, which will improve fermentation.

How to make wine starter from grapes


  • 10 kg of grapes
  • 2 kg sugar
  • 2 liters of water

Remove the grapes from the bunch, mash. Do not crush the bones. Before preparing a starter for wine from grapes, place the resulting pulp under a press to extract juice. After all the juice has been collected, place the pulp in another container, pour in a little warm boiled water, let it brew and place it under the press again. Repeat the process until the juice comes out. Mix the resulting juices, add 1 kg of sugar and put in a warm place to ferment. To improve the fermentation process, it is recommended to use "wild" yeast. On the 6-7th day of fermentation, add 50 g of sugar to the drink, on the 10th day - 400 g of sugar, on the 15th day - all the remaining sugar. After 23–27 days, strain the young wine and let it stand to form a precipitate. After that, remove the wine from the sediment, strain through a dense cloth, pour into bottles and put for quiet fermentation in a dark, cool place. After 5-6 months, carefully remove the wine from the sediment, strain, pasteurize and cork. To obtain a rich taste and aroma, the finished wine must be aged for at least 3 years.

Sourdough with wild yeast from grapes.

It is not difficult to make sourdough with wild yeast. To do this, sugar is added to freshly prepared grape pulp at the rate of 100 g per 1 kg of berries, stirred well so that all the sugar dissolves. The pulp should be in a glass or enamel bowl, covered with gauze, so that insects that appear during the fermentation of the juice do not get in. In a warm place at a temperature of 16–20 degrees for 2–3 days, the pulp on wild yeast will ferment well. After that, it is squeezed out, and the squeezed juice is added to the wort with weak fermentation. You can store sourdough for no more than a week. In the future, for sourdough, you can use the sediment of fermented wine, where a lot of good quality yeast accumulates.

Fresh wine yeast ferments sugar more vigorously and is able to withstand the accumulation of alcohol in wine up to 16-17 degrees. During the fermentation of sugar, wine yeast releases specific odorous substances, the so-called noble esters, which give the wine a pleasant smell. The accumulation of noble esters is especially intense during the aging of wine, as winemakers say, “when the bouquet develops”, that is, the specifically delicate taste and aroma of wine. Therefore, in winemaking it is better to use wine yeast. It is not recommended to use bread and brewer's yeast, as they will only spoil the wine.

Consumption of wine yeast - 150 ml per 10 liters of must.

Wine sourdough from raspberries.

Raspberries are used as the main source of wine yeast. Place 2 cups of unwashed collected berries in a jar. If the berries are washed, then all the natural yeast that is on the surface of the berries will disappear. Fall asleep 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar, pour 0.5 liters of cold water, tie the neck with 4-layer gauze and leave for 3 days. Periodically, the mass must be stirred. After 3 days, the wine starter will begin to ferment actively and can be used to make wine.

The SamogonMan editorial team has come across a lot of questions from subscribers about wine yeast, its preparation and proper use. It is far from a secret that, for which we make favorable conditions, so for each alcoholic drink its own yeast is recommended:

  • Wine;
  • Alcoholic;
  • beer;
  • For baking.

By the way, they also work in different ways, respectively, before you start preparing a drink in which fermentation is present, you must definitely figure out which ones to use.

We have collected for you all the detailed information on this topic from all over the Internet, structured and provided in the most readable form, in order to understand this issue once and for all.

Description of wine yeast

wine yeast- microscopic yeast cells that, multiplying, process sugar into alcohol. Sugar, therefore, is the food for these cells, while alcohol is a by-product of their vital activity.

Yeasts belong to the simplest microorganisms; in nature, such cells live on the surface of fruits and berries, as they feed on sucrose and fructose. Often, these microorganisms form a light coating on the surface of the grapes.

Yeasts are considered the most ancient "household organisms".

Saccharomyces cerevisiae is considered to be a real wine yeast, these organisms are found on one berry in a thousand. They have a higher alcohol tolerance than other yeasts and are also able to suppress other microorganisms during wine fermentation.

  • For the first time, wine yeast was bred at the end of the 19th century.
  • This discovery became possible only after the invention of the microscope.
  • A significant contribution to the science of yeast breeding was made by the chemist Louis Pasteur.
  • Local winemakers turned to Louis Pasteur with the question of why the wine turns into wine vinegar and thus quickly deteriorates.
  • The microbiologist has conducted impressive research that has allowed us to take a fresh look at the production of wine drinks.

Both domestic and industrial winemaking cannot be imagined without the use of yeast. Without these microscopic organisms, wine will remain a must, without turning into a noble drink. The quality of wine depends on which microorganisms will be used for its production. For example, you can use industrial wine yeast (usually sold dry).

Oenologists have identified:

Scientists who breed yeast are called oenologists. They established that for each type of wine you need to use a certain "race" of yeast. For example, microorganisms whose biological name sounds like Saccharomyces beticus, or sherry yeast, turned out to be more resistant to alcohol, and therefore more suitable for the production of strong wines. Initially, such yeast was found in the south of Spain, it was thanks to Saccharomyces beticus that the world received sherry - a strong wine with an alcohol content of 24%. Then the wine yeast of this race was found in Georgia, Armenia, Crimea.

A well-known brand of artificial yeast is Zemalis, the products of this particular company have a high degree of alcohol resistance.

Artificially bred yeasts are considered more predictable and provide continuous fermentation.

  • Some wine regions do not have their own wild yeast due to the climate. In such regions, only laboratory yeast is used.
  • Some European producers also use artificially bred wine yeast, as they have not been able to adapt to the vital activity of wild microorganisms.
  • The disadvantage of using artificial yeast is that the wines of an entire region become monotonous.
  • Wild yeast allows you to get multi-layered wine drinks, it is they who are used by winemakers in Burgundy, Bordeaux, as well as some regions of Germany.
  • On the other hand, on the surface of grapes is a wide variety of microorganisms. In addition to yeast, acetic bacteria and various fungi are also present.
  • They all feed on sugar, so there is a struggle for survival between them. Surviving yeast tends to have a low alcohol tolerance threshold.

Often a situation arises when, after active fermentation, a dormant phase begins, and the drink, therefore, does not ferment completely. Therefore, experienced winemakers often turn to artificial yeast for help. Their use allows you to get a wine with a pronounced taste and aroma. The product is absolutely safe for human health.

Types of yeast, description

There are several types of yeast. Highly it is important to use a different type of yeast cell for each wine drink, since each of them differs not only in the rate of wine fermentation, but also in the shape of the cells.

  • Saccharomyces chevalieri is an elliptical yeast often used to make red wine.
  • Saccharomyces oviformis is an egg-shaped yeast resistant to ethyl alcohol.
  • Torulopsis stellata is an oblong-shaped yeast used to make noble wines with mold.

As a result of the activities of scientists, new types of yeast were bred. So, some of them are used to flavor white wines, others - to make champagne.

Some types of yeast are able to provide wine up to 18% strength. Wild yeast provides the drink with a strength of up to 14% -16%. For dry wine, it will be enough to use 2% wine yeast, and for dessert wine - 3%.

The scientific name of wine yeast sounds like Saccharomyces ellipsoideus or Saccharomyces cerevisiae, they are conditionally divided into several races. Some of their representatives react differently to substances that are present in the wort. There are, for example, yeast cultures that die even at a low alcohol content - only 5%.

Wild yeasts are found on the surface of berries and fruits.

  • Each wine region has its own types of yeast.
  • When grapes are harvested, along with the berry, a certain amount of microorganisms enters, which give each individual drink an exceptional taste and aroma.
  • As a result of unfavorable weather conditions, for example, in rainy years, an insufficient number of microorganisms is formed on the surface of the berries.
  • Spraying the grapes with chemicals also helps reduce yeast. Yeast spores are carried from one vineyard to another by means of insects as well as the wind.
  • In the case of a poor "harvest" of wild yeast, they are specially bred in the laboratory.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of wine yeast are due to their beneficial effects on the human body. They contain a large amount of vitamins A, C, as well as other biologically active substances.

How to use to ferment wine

It is not difficult to use wine yeast to make wine. Fermentation of wine occurs due to the vital activity of individual yeasts. They are added directly to the grape mass. At a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius, yeast cells begin to multiply. The wine ferments until the micro-organisms have used up all the sugar. After the yeast has processed the sugar, it will die and settle to the bottom, forming a yeast suspension.

Alcohol, which is a waste product of yeast cells, can be dangerous for them at a certain concentration.

Fermentation depends on many factors.

  • So, at a low temperature, the yeast becomes lethargic and ferments slowly, and at a high temperature, on the contrary, the process occurs very quickly.
  • Yeast secrete esters, which give the wine a characteristic aftertaste and aroma.
  • In order for fermentation to be as efficient as possible, it is important to adhere to a certain temperature in the room (at least +15 degrees Celsius).

Rules for the use of wine yeast

To ferment wine, yeast is added to the berry mass. Beneficial cells begin to multiply at a temperature of +15°C. The wort ferments exactly as long as the bacteria have enough sugar. As soon as the sweetness ends, they die and precipitate to the bottom, and the winemaker sees the yeast suspension.

  • For proper fermentation, it is necessary to use wine yeast only at a certain temperature (at least +15°C).
  • At low temperatures, their activity decreases, so fermentation is slow.
  • In hot conditions, the process proceeds too intensively.
  • It is also useful to know that the esters secreted by bacteria make the drink fragrant and tasty.

What is the best yeast to buy for winemaking? These are "sugar mushrooms" with high alcohol resistance Saccharomyces, which, during the fermentation of the wort, suppress the activity of unnecessary microorganisms. The culture is grown in the laboratory from different strains so that the fungi can ferment wines with different strengths.

For example, when preparing dessert wines, yeast starter is introduced into the must at the rate of 300 g per 10 liters. When producing dry varieties of wine yeast, 200 g must be used. If a fermented drink is available, it is allowed to take the sediment accumulated at the bottom of the dish instead of the starter for a new batch. For 10 liters of wort, take 100 g of grounds.

Making homemade wines is highly discouraged from bread and alcohol yeast. They give drinks an unpleasant smell of mash. An ideal option for winemaking is the breeding of pure wine yeast. It can be made independently from fresh grapes or raisins. The unwashed surface of berries and dried fruits is saturated with wild strains.

yeast sourdough ingredients

You can make wine yeast at home on your own not only from grapes. The fruits of different plants are suitable for sourdough:

  • Strawberry.
  • Plum.
  • Figs.
  • Raspberry.
  • Honeysuckle.
  • Rose hip.
  • Gooseberry.
  • White currant.

Berries cannot be washed. Additionally, you will need sugar and purified water. 2 cups of fruit are kneaded into gruel, mixed with half a glass of sugar and poured with water (full glass). The composition is thoroughly mixed, poured into a bottle and plugged with cotton wool.

In a dark, warm room, the container should stand for 4 to 5 days. The optimum temperature is 20 - 25°C. The accumulated juice is filtered through gauze and a berry version of wine yeast is obtained.

Berry sourdough is considered a perishable product. It is recommended to make wine from it within 10 days. Subsequently, the yeast becomes unusable.

grape sourdough recipe

Do-it-yourself high-quality wine yeast can be prepared from ripe small grapes. The berries are not washed, because the yeast cultures "sit" on the skin. It is necessary to make sourdough about 10 days before the start of the main winemaking work.

Ingredients for sourdough from fresh grapes will be:

  • Water - 1 glass.
  • Berry gruel - 2 cups.
  • Sugar - 80 g or half a glass.

How to make wine grape yeast at home? The large bottle is washed and sterilized, filled with all the ingredients and shaken well. The neck is plugged with a piece of cotton wool and the vessel is taken out for 3-4 days in a warm place. The pulp ferments well at a temperature of 20-24°C. The released juice is drained through a strainer and the first portion of the leaven is obtained. M

Homemade raisin wine yeast recipe

The presence of raisins ensures the fermentation of wine sourdough. For this recipe you will need a few ingredients:

  • Sugar - 100 g.
  • Water - 200 ml.
  • Unwashed dried fruits - 2 handfuls.

First, syrup is boiled from sugar and half a serving of water. Then the sweet liquid is diluted with the rest of the cool water. If there are branches among the raisins, they are not removed. Together with them, the drying is poured into a bottle and filled with syrup, the temperature of which corresponds to 38 - 40 ° C.

The neck of the vessel is tied with gauze and taken out to a warm room with a temperature of 22 - 24 ° C. The sourdough is insisted for a week, but several times a day they visit it and shake the bottle. On the 8th day, the liquid is filtered and used as directed.

Now you know how to make wine yeast with raisins. It is not worth harvesting them in large portions for the future, since the product can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 10 days. When buying raisins, choose dried dark grape varieties, which have an unattractive appearance. Berries treated to enhance consumer demand have a clean surface free of wild yeast. They do not cause fermentation of wine must. In extreme cases, it will flow too weakly.

Correct application of the resulting mass

Yeast prepared on its own, in a favorable environment, does not lose activity at an alcohol concentration in the drink up to 19 o. The esters that homemade yeast release during fermentation have a special smell that gives the wine a soft noble aroma.

To prepare dessert wine, you need about 300 grams of yeast starter per 10 liters of must. For dry wine - 200 grams. If there is already wine that has fermented, you can use the sediment that has turned out at the bottom of the container as a yeast starter for a new batch of drink.

At home, wine yeast is most often prepared from fresh grapes. But raspberries, gooseberries, honeysuckle, currants (white), or strawberries, as well as figs, plums and rose hips are also suitable for these purposes. In addition to fresh berries, you will need granulated sugar and clean water.

How to make houses from improvised components

  • Wine yeast can be bought at a wine store, or you can make your own at home according to a specific recipe.
  • To do this, it is enough to take care of the preparation of the so-called wine sourdough.
  • About 10 days before the start of making wine, berries are harvested, for example, raspberries can be used.
  • Berries cannot be washed, be sure to choose ripe, but not rotten.

Mashed berries are thoroughly mixed with sugar and diluted with water, then they are left to ferment. After the juice has fermented for several days, it can be used. This leaven is a perishable product, so it should be used within 10 days.

Also at home, you can make your own wine yeast based on figs or raisins. You can not use low-quality raisins, as the dried fruit will simply become moldy. A handful of dried fruits are dipped into sugar syrup. The container is closed, and then the leaven is left for 4 days. After the dried fruits begin to ferment, the mixture is filtered, and the juice is separated and used as a starter for wine, pastries, etc.

Another recipe, try it at home

  • Making wine is impossible without wine yeast. Drinks made with the right yeast have a milder taste and delicate aroma.
  • Wine yeast converts sugars (both natural ones found in fruit/berries and added granulated sugar) into alcohol.
  • Some producers of homemade wines are sure that to make an excellent drink, it is enough to choose good berries, correctly calculate the amount of sugar and withstand the temperature.
  • But most winemakers believe that it is wine yeast that creates quality wine.
  • It is necessary to resort to their additional portion (sourdough) if fermentation in the wine preparation does not begin or its activity is weak. Wine yeast is considered to be Saccharomyces, these microorganisms (“sugar mushrooms”) “live” on one berry out of a thousand.
  • Unlike other types of yeast, they have high alcohol resistance and are capable of suppressing the vital activity of other microorganisms during the fermentation of wine.

Wine cultures are grown in special laboratories. Professionals use different yeast strains for each type of wine. For example, fungi Saccharomyces beticus (sherry) allow you to get a drink with a strength of 24%.

Beer and bread yeast cultures are not suitable for winemaking.

The use of pure wine yeast derived from a single cell in the production of wine is an ideal, but not always affordable, option. An important product in winemaking, which will help you get a better and more aromatic drink, can also be obtained at home based on wild yeast cultures.

What happens in practice

Practice has established that the best quality wine is obtained with moderate fermentation, at a uniform temperature of 15-20 degrees and frequent ventilation of the room from the resulting carbon dioxide.

  • Under normal conditions, rapid fermentation lasts 5-15 days, then it slows down and turns into a "quiet" one, which continues for another 15-20 days.
  • With slow fermentation of the must, the entire fermentation period is extended to 11.5-2 months.
  • In such cases, when the fermentation process generally proceeds slowly and imperceptibly, it is necessary to intensify it.
  • Enhance fermentation with a special starter on wild fruit and berry or cultural wine yeast. In this case, is important.
  • Wine yeast is prepared as follows: take 150-200 g of raisins or grapes of a good cultivated variety, pour into a bottle, add 50-60 g of sugar and boiled water is poured into three quarters of the volume.

Then the bottle is plugged with a loose cotton plug and placed in a warm place. After 3-4 days, the sourdough will be ready on this and ends wine yeast preparation process. Ready wine yeast is poured into the must.

Sourdough with wild fruit or berry yeast is also easy to make. To do this, sugar is added to freshly chopped fruit and berry pulp at the rate of 100 g per 1 kg of berries, stir well so that all the sugar dissolves. The pulp should be in a glass or enamel bowl, covered with gauze, so that insects that quickly appear during the fermentation of the juice do not get in.

Put in a warm place

In a warm place at a temperature of 18-20 degrees ^ for 2-3 days, the pulp on wild yeast will ferment well. After that, it is well squeezed through a bag or colander, and the squeezed juice is added to the wort with weak fermentation.

Fresh yeast, especially wine yeast, ferments sugar more vigorously and is able to withstand the accumulation of alcohol in wine up to 16-19 degrees. During the fermentation of sugar, wine yeast releases specific smelling substances, the so-called noble esters, which give the wine a pleasant, refined smell.

The accumulation of noble esters is particularly intense during the aging of wine, as winemakers say, “when the bouquet develops”, that is, a special, delicate taste and aroma of wine. Therefore, in winemaking it is better to use wine yeast. Bread and brewer's yeast should not be used, as they will only spoil your wine.

By the way, making wine yeast at home is a fun activity.

  • Wine yeast are microscopic living yeast cells that convert sugars into alcohol during reproduction. Yeast colonies live on the surface of fruits and berries.
  • For the preparation of wines from early fruits and berries, wine yeast is obtained from early berries. Excellent yeast is obtained from crops that live on raspberries.
  • You need to know that the limiting strength of the wine will depend on the type of yeast used to make wines.
  • Some varieties of grape wine yeast are able, through natural fermentation, to provide a wine strength of up to 18 degrees.

We get from berries

Wine yeast derived from berries is also called "wild" yeast. When using such yeast, it is possible to obtain wines with a strength of up to 14-16 degrees. Remember, bread yeast is not used to make real wine! For reference: when obtaining dry wine, 2% of wine yeast is enough, and for dessert wine - 3%.

  • Wine yeast is prepared in this way. Ten days before the start of making wine, ripe raspberries, white currants, and strawberries are harvested.
  • The berries are not washed, so as not to wash the yeast off their surface. A glass of water is poured into a glass container and half a glass of sugar is put, two glasses of ripe mashed berries are poured.
  • Mix well, close with a cotton plug and keep at room temperature. Only after the juice has fermented for 3-4 days, it is separated from the pulp through a sieve and used instead of selective yeast.
  • For the next batch of wine, it is possible to use the sediment from fermented wine as a starter culture. It contains a lot of wine yeast of excellent quality.
  • It is advisable to remember that wine yeast must be used within 10 days of preparation.

To prepare dessert wine for 10 liters of must, you need to use 300 grams of wine yeast, for dry wine - two hundred grams. The sediment of the resulting ferment can be spent in a smaller volume - for 10 liters of wort, hundreds of grams of this sediment is enough.

Benefits of wine yeast and treatment

  • The benefits of wine yeast are due to their composition. This is a special bacterial culture, which is based on proteins (about 60%).
  • Vitamins A, B, E and other biologically active substances were also found in these microorganisms.
  • When using products that were obtained by fermentation with wine yeast, there is improvement of digestive processes.

Grape sourdough

How to cook wine yeast from grapes at home? To do this, you need ripe grapes (small-fruited).
It is necessary to start preparing yeast sourdough 10 days before the preparation of material for wine.
Ripe grape berries cannot be washed, because the necessary yeast cultures are on the skin of the grapes.

To prepare a starter from fresh grapes, you will need:

  • mashed ripe berries - 2 cups;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • sugar ½ cup (about 80 g).
  1. Thoroughly wash the glass container for the yeast preparation (a large milk bottle is suitable), sterilize for 5 minutes.
  2. Pour sugar and mashed grapes into a container, pour water, mix thoroughly.
  3. The bottle must be closed with a loose cork of their cotton wool. Put for 3-4 days in a warm room (20-240). During this time, the pulp will ferment.
  4. It is necessary to drain the juice through a sieve or cheesecloth. Yeast starter is ready.

And, although the shelf life of homemade wine yeast is up to 10 days, a fresh product is more productive and reliable.

Cooking our yeast from dried grapes

Usually, dried fruit sourdough is made when there are no suitable berries on hand. An excellent starter is obtained from raisins or figs.

At home, yeast is often prepared from raisins. How successful the result will be depends on its quality. For yeast, you need to take raisins from dark grape varieties. Dried berries should not be processed to improve their presentation.

To create wine yeast, choose matte shriveled bluish-purple berries (preferably with tails). If you throw a few high-quality raisins on the table, then when they fall, there will be the same sound as when small pebbles fall.

To make a good raisin yeast starter, you need to take:

  • raisins - 80–100 g;
  • sugar - 70–80 g;
  • water - 2 glasses.
  1. Pour half a glass of water into a small saucepan (enamelled or stainless steel), bring to a boil. Dissolve sugar in hot water, add water.
  2. It is necessary to prepare a bottle (1-2 l) with a wide neck. Wash the container thoroughly with soda, rinse and sterilize for five minutes. This is necessary so that there are no microorganisms left in the bottle, which can negatively affect the growth process of the wine yeast colony.
  3. Pour the raisins into a bowl. No need to wash dried berries or remove tails!
  4. Pour in warm syrup (35-40 o), close the vessel with a loose cork (it must let air through). You can make such a cork from clean cotton fabric, gauze or cotton wool.
  5. Put the bottle with the yeast blank in the light in a warm room. Shake the mixture vigorously several times a day.
  6. After two days, vigorous fermentation should begin, which will subside after 4-5 days. After 5-6 days, homemade yeast will be ready. That is, one day after the fermentation stops, the resulting product can be added to the preparation for wine.

In this case, you can use only the liquid (pour through gauze or a sieve), or you can, as many winemakers do, add sourdough to the must along with fermented raisins.

If yeast starter is not used, then it is advisable to keep it in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

What to do if it's ready

If the wine preparation is already ready and there is no time to wait until the sourdough ferments, you can purchase commercially produced dry yeast (wine), which “revives” at home according to the instructions on the package.

It will help to activate fermentation and a handful of high-quality unwashed raisins.

Making good homemade wine yeast is easy. Yeast sourdough has a positive effect on the quality of homemade wine and will justify the time spent on making it.

Raisins are also among the foods that can provide fermentation. In particular, they are used for making sourdough for kvass at home.

Ingredients required:

  • raisins - two handfuls,
  • sugar - 100 g,
  • water is a glass.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil syrup from half a glass of water and sugar, dilute with cool water (the remaining amount).
  2. Without washing or removing the twigs, place the raisins in a bottle and pour over the syrup. Its temperature should be around 40 degrees.
  3. Put the bottle in a warm place, where the temperature is from 22 to 24 degrees, after tying the neck with gauze.
  4. Shake the container several times a day.
  5. Strain the liquid after a week.

Unlike sourdough for wine made from fresh berries, raisin yeast can be stored in the refrigerator for a short time - up to 10 days. Therefore, it is not advisable to prepare them for the future.

Perhaps readers will have a question, why so much torment if there is ordinary baker's yeast, which is given in any grocery store. Shouldn't they be used? No no and one more time no! If you use bread yeast, then the bouquet of the wine will turn out to be very peculiar - not berry-fruit notes will prevail in it, but the smell of cheap home brew. If you don’t want to bother with making homemade wine sourdough, you can order pure culture wine yeast from the online store and use it according to the instructions on the package.

Yeast from raspberries

Raspberry wine yeast

In old wine recipes, you can often find such an ingredient as raspberry wine yeast. It ripens early, so it can be used to make a starter for wine before the rest of the berries and fruits are ripe. The secret lies in the fact that bacteria that can ensure fermentation live on the surface of raspberries. There are also on the surface of other berries, but not always in sufficient quantities.

Not every raspberry is suitable for making sourdough. Only ripe and even overripe berries will ferment well. Of course, a washed berry will not work either - after all, there is no yeast left on its surface. For the same reason, it makes no sense to collect raspberries in the first days after the rain.

The collected raspberries should be allowed to stand for a day so that they slightly acidify. After that, it remains to prepare the ingredients:

  • raspberries - 4 cups,
  • sugar - a glass,
  • clean water, boiled or spring - a glass.

The cooking process is as follows;

  1. Break up the raspberries.
  2. Sprinkle with sugar
  3. Fill with water. Cover with a cloth.
  4. Put in a warm place, protected from the sun. The optimum temperature is from 22 to 26 degrees.
  5. Stir the raspberry mass every 8 hours with a wooden spoon, be sure to drown the floating berry. If this is not done, everything will turn sour or even moldy.
  6. After 4 days, squeeze the juice from the raspberries through gauze folded in several layers. You can discard the pulp, and pour the juice into a glass container and refrigerate. There, the composition will not ferment, but in the future, when added to the wort, it activates fermentation.

Estimate in advance how much yeast you will need. Their number usually depends on the amount of must: about 30 ml of yeast is added per liter of juice.

Wine yeast from currant

wine yeast

At home, you can make wine yeast not only from raspberries, but also from some other berries. In particular, white currant is suitable for these purposes.

Do not rush and pick an unripe berry - nothing good will come of this. Wait until it becomes translucent. Like raspberries, they cannot be harvested in the first days after rain, and washing is even more unacceptable. But it makes sense to sort out and remove the stalks.

The ratio of components and the cooking process will look exactly the same as when cooking raspberry yeast at home. The application will also be no different.

Application question, from a subscriber

Sorry if not here, but I did not find the topic, but the question is urgent!

  • I decided to make SIDR, I read the site ....
  • Made 70 liters of apple juice,
  • measured with a refractometer - 15% sugar,
  • added sugar 7 kg, ordered wine yeast LALVIN EC-1118 1 sachet 5 gr. for 23 liters of wort.
  • diluted 3 sachets for 70 liters of juice (diluted according to the instructions on the sachets) and poured it all into a barrel of juice, and put it under a water seal.
  • wrapped the barrel with a “good heat” heater with a regulator and set the temperature to 35 ° C ....
  • After 2 weeks, it fermented .... tasted it ...

There is no sugar, but there is no alcohol either ... clarified, drained from the sediment, bottled, added 2 tbsp to each 2 liter bottle. l. sugar, 2 weeks have passed .... but the 2nd fermentation is imperceptible ....

25 g/hl active dry yeast (this amount will provide approximately 5x106 cfu/ml) and 30 g/hl GoFerm Protect®. Procedure (per 1000 l)

  1. 1) Dissolve 300 g of GoFerm Protect® in 5 liters of non-chlorinated water (40-43°C). Stir until the suspension is completely homogenized without lumps.
  2. 2) When the temperature of the slurry reaches 35-40°C, with gentle stirring slowly and evenly pour 250 g of yeast onto the surface of the slurry. Make sure all lumps are broken.
  3. 3) Leave for 20 minutes, then gently stir.
  4. 4) Mix the yeast with the wort, making sure that the temperature difference does not exceed 10°C.
  5. 5) Pour yeast into the entire volume of the wort. Additional remarks.

- Steps 1-5 should not take more than 30 minutes.

  • - It is desirable that the volume of the first added juice or wort does not exceed 1/10 of the volume of the suspension, and 10 minutes have passed before the yeast is added to the entire volume of the wort.
  • — To minimize temperature shock, ensure that the temperature difference does not exceed 10°C.
  • — It is recommended that the inoculation temperature of white must be at least 18°C.
  • - Fermaid E can be used as a combined source of inorganic (DAF) and organic (amine) nitrogen, which will allow the yeast to ferment more easily.
  • - 1/3 of the mass of Fermaid E is usually given with enzyme at a dosage of 30

g / Hl, which allows to obtain a wort with a total content of nitrogen assimilated by yeast 36-37 mg / l, of which 5-6 mg / l is organic.

Did I do something wrong? and the yeast died? Did you need to add GoFerm Protect®?
Or not necessarily

Origin in nature

In the natural environment, wine yeast develops on the surface of plant berries, in particular grapes. Yeast is clearly visible to the naked eye as a light coating on the skin of berries. The appearance of such a plaque is due to the activity of yeast fungi of the species Hanseniaspora uvarum. Whereas the true wine yeast is the species Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which under natural conditions occurs in 1% of cases when berries are affected by yeast fungi.

  • But this race of wine yeast has an important property - ethanol resistance, due to which it suppresses all other types of yeast in the process of wine fermentation.
  • Wine yeast, along with baker's, alcohol and beer yeasts, are industrial yeasts.
  • Depending on the place of origin, the grape variety and the location of the vineyard, the wine-growing race is given a specific name.
  • In turn, yeast races are divided into groups based on their practically important features. So, there are highly fermenting races of wine yeast, producing up to 18-20% alcohol;
  • heat-resistant or cold-resistant races; alcohol-resistant races used for the production of sparkling wines; sherry yeast, thanks to which sherry acquires a unique aroma and taste.

Wines with the use of yeast are made from fruit and berry and grape juices. In artisanal winemaking, the fermentation of must (squeezed juice) occurs without additional introduction of yeast due to the intensive reproduction of yeast fungi found naturally on berries.

The fermentation process is suspended by lactic acid, acetic acid bacteria, yeast-like fungi. Therefore, in the industrial production of wine, in order to avoid spoilage of wine materials, pre-prepared and activated wine yeast is added to the grape must.

Type of wine produced

The type of wine obtained depends on the mechanism of the fermentation process. Wine yeast is subjected to the fermentation of sugar present in grape juice. Until all the sugar contained in the juice has been converted, the fermentation process continues. Alcohol with the participation of yeast is formed only under anaerobic conditions or with a lack of oxygen.

  • In the case of a constant supply of oxygen, sugar is completely oxidized to water and carbon dioxide. At the initial stages, fermentation proceeds intensively, therefore, the released carbon dioxide does not allow the penetration of atmospheric oxygen to the surface of the wort.
  • After the end of fermentation, the barrel with young wine is sealed. Otherwise, with the participation of acetic acid bacteria, alcohol is converted into acetic acid. Get wine or apple cider vinegar.
  • In the industrial production of wines from pressed grapes, a must containing at least 10-25% sugar is used. The production of different types of wines is determined by the technology of the manufacturing process, the properties of the used wine yeast races and the initial wine material.
  • To obtain white wines, crushed grapes are cleaned of pulp (peel with stones), and for the production of red, the pulp is not removed.

Sugar turns to alcohol

During fermentation with the participation of wine yeast, sugar turns into alcohol. Secondary derivatives of yeast and substances obtained from them during the production of wine, give the wines a characteristic aroma and taste. An important role in the maturation of wine after fermentation and giving it a pleasant smell is played by lactic acid bacteria.

  • Some wines are produced according to the rules of a certain technology.
  • So, to obtain champagne, fermented wine is fermented again, and the fermentation of the wine ends in a sealed container, where carbon dioxide accumulates.
  • And for the production of sherry (strong wine), special sherry yeast is used, which does not die at a high concentration of alcohol in the wine material.
  • Wines are made dry, sweet or fortified. Dry wines are produced when fermentation stops when the sugars in the must are exhausted.

In sweet wines, the sugar is partially fermented when alcohol levels are toxic to wine yeast. Alcohol is added to fortified wines. Thus, the existence of a variety of wines at the present time is explained by different methods of their production using almost one type of wine yeast.

3 basic cooking methods

For the preparation of wine and the right fruit mash, ordinary baker's yeast is not suitable. Special strains are required, called wine strains, which not only process sugar into alcohol, but also retain the unique aroma and taste of raw materials. Wine yeast can be bought at the store or made by hand (activate the right microorganisms by creating the right conditions) from grapes or other fresh berries, raisins, fermenting must and sediment. We will consider all options.

Theory. Wine yeast are microscopic cells of the yeast fungus Saccharomyces ellipsoideus or Saccharomyces cerevisiae that live on the surface of berries and fruits. The fungus is easily seen by the characteristic white coating on the skin of the fruit.

Light white coating on berries - not activated wine yeast
  • All wine yeast is divided into several races (species) with different properties that affect the color, aroma, taste, strength and other characteristics of the wine. For example, there are yeasts that can increase the alcohol content in wine by natural fermentation to 16-18% (first discovered in vineyards in Spain), while other types will not give a fortress more than 12-14%.
  • The problem is that it is impossible to isolate and cultivate (propagate without crossing with similar fungi) a separate race of yeast at home, since special equipment and experienced specialists are required to recognize individual strains and correctly isolate cells without damaging them.
  • Store-bought wine yeast, created by microbiologists in the laboratory from one race of fungi, is called “cultivated”, and homemade, taken from the surface of berries or fruits, is called “wild”. In most cases, wild yeasts are made up of several strains that are collectively activated in the first hours of fermentation, but in the end, the strongest race wins and overwhelms the rest.

Normal fermentation requires 2-3% activated wine yeast (liquid) of the total must.

1. From the skin of berries (fruits).

Wild yeast lives on the surface of almost all berries and fruits, but you are most likely to find a quality strain that will give the desired strength and not impair the organoleptic properties of the wine when using grapes or raisins. Raspberries, strawberries, currants, apples and plums are also suitable.

It is better to collect berries for yeast isolation in the morning or in the evening in dry, calm weather, before that there should be no rain for at least a day. Only fruits without rot, blackening and mold are suitable (very important). In the case of raisins, I advise you to buy several varieties at once in different stores, since in our time most raisins are treated with pesticides for long-term storage, while yeast fungi die.

In addition to the raw materials, you will also need clean (without chlorine) bottled water, a couple of tablespoons of sugar and a liter jar.


  1. Pour 100 grams of unwashed berries (or raisins) into a pre-sterilized liter jar. Mash fresh berries.
  2. Pour in 600 ml of water at a temperature of 20-35°C.
  3. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar (no more). Mix.
  4. Cover the neck of the jar with gauze. Transfer the future starter to a dark place (cover) with room temperature. Leave for 3-4 days to activate the yeast.
  5. When foam appears on the surface, hissing and a slight sour smell, the starter is ready for use. Shelf life - up to 10 days. To prevent souring, it is better to install a water seal or a medical glove with a hole in the finger on the jar. When introducing the starter into the wort with pulp, filtration is not required; before adding it to pure juice, it is better to filter through cheesecloth, pouring only the liquid part.
Foam and a pleasant smell of fermentation are the main signs of a successfully cooked sourdough.

If the starter does not ferment or becomes moldy, then the berries are processed or infected with something, you will have to start all over again using other raw materials.

2. From fermenting must.

This method is used when fermenting wine is available, especially if cultured wine yeasts have been used and the rasa is to be preserved.

Active fermentation - the perfect moment to take the material


  1. Type in a half-liter jar 30-50 ml of the top layer of fermenting wine.
  2. Add 1.5 tablespoons of sugar and 350 ml of pure water without chlorine.
  3. Mix until smooth. Cover with gauze, leave for 3-4 days in a dark room at room temperature.
  4. After filtering through cheesecloth, the activated homemade wine yeast is ready to be added to the must. Shelf life in a sealed container in the refrigerator is 2-3 weeks.

The remaining cake can be refilled with syrup (water and sugar in the same proportions) and a new batch of yeast can be brought out.

3. From the sediment.

Wine sediment also contains the necessary fungi, thanks to this, dry wine yeast can be made, the main advantage of which is long-term storage.

There is also enough yeast in the sediment


  1. Remove the maximum liquid from the wine sediment, spread the sediment itself (about 50 grams) in a thin layer on a plate or bowl.
  2. Dry in the sun or on the stove, but do not heat above 35°C, otherwise the yeast will die from the heat.
  3. You will get a dried mass, which should be scraped off the surface of the plate (bowl).
  4. Fold the finished powder into a plastic or paper bag. Store in a dark, dry place up to 2 years.
  5. To activate dry wine yeast, it is enough to pour the powder (one third of a teaspoon) into a jar with 300 ml of warm water (25-30°C) and 2 teaspoons of sugar. To increase the nutritional value of the medium, it is also desirable to add 2 dried fruits steamed in boiling water (dates, prunes or dried apricots). Install a water seal on the jar.
  6. Remove for a couple of days in a dark, warm place. When foam appears, homemade wine yeast is ready to be added to the must.

The preparation of wine is based on the action of yeast. These can be wild yeast cultures that coat the surface of most berries and some fruits, or specialty wine yeasts. They serve as a catalyst for the fermentation process and are responsible for the production of alcohol. In the absence or insufficient number of yeast microorganisms, the reaction will not proceed at full strength, or even not start at all. The only way out in this situation is the sourdough for wine, designed to optimize the fermentation process and provide the alcoholic beverage with excellent aroma and taste.

Do I need to use sourdough

When making wine from grapes, the creation of sourdough is not provided. This is due to the fact that the surface of these berries contains the highest concentration of natural yeast among all existing fruit or berry crops. As a rule, this natural layer is more than enough to activate fermentation and produce a quality drink. A starter for wine may be necessary when working with other fruits or berries containing a small concentration of natural yeast.

Poor fermentation can not only spoil the final taste of the drink, but also affect its other characteristics. In such a situation, the question arises whether it is possible to add yeast to the wine. It is quite difficult to answer it unambiguously. Ordinary baker's yeast should never be used to make wine. Such a decision, of course, will improve the fermentation process, but it will have a bad effect on the taste and consistency of the drink. In this case, the entire batch of wine will be completely spoiled.

To optimize fermentation, special wine yeast containing a high concentration of fungus is used. A similar yeast starter can be used to make wines from various fruits and even vegetables that do not contain wild fungus.

An alternative to this technique is the creation of a sourdough, designed to replace wine yeast and improve the quality of fermentation. Sourdough is based on the use of a wild fungus that lives on the surface of various fruits and berries, such as grapes, raspberries, cherries, currants or strawberries. At the same time, one of the best options that can be used to make sourdough is ordinary raisins.

Important! Almost all natural fungus becomes inactive and dies when the drink reaches a strength of 13-14 degrees. Thus, to create fortified homemade wines, it is necessary to use alcohol or vodka, which are used to dilute the resulting drink. It is impossible to achieve the desired result by fermentation.

Raisin Recipe

Sourdough for raisin wine is the best option, because it makes it possible not only to improve fermentation, but also to saturate the taste range of the drink. You can prepare it from the following ingredients:

  • raisins - 150-200 grams;
  • sugar - 50 grams;
  • water - 500 ml.

When choosing components, special attention should be paid to raisins. It should be of high quality, without spoiled berries, and preferably large. At the same time, it should never be washed before use, since this action can damage the natural fungus located on its surface. The recipe for making sourdough starter is as follows.

1. Raisins are poured into a glass jar.

2. Water heated to 30–40 degrees Celsius is poured into it.

3. Sugar is poured into the container, which is thoroughly stirred until completely dissolved.

4. The jar is covered with gauze folded in 3-4 layers, this will provide good oxygen access.

5. In this position, the container is moved to a warm, dark place and left there for 2–3 days. During this time, fruit yeast should activate and provoke fermentation.

6. It is better to use the finished sourdough immediately for its intended purpose. At the same time, its shelf life is no more than 8–10 days.

simple recipe

You can create an excellent starter from some berries. Currants, grapes, raspberries or cherries are suitable for us. The surface of these berries is covered with a large amount of wild yeast, which is necessary to activate fermentation. The recipe for its preparation is based on the use of the following components:

  • berries - 200 grams;
  • sugar - 100 grams;
  • water - 500 ml.

The above ingredients make it possible to obtain an excellent fruit starter that can optimize the must fermentation and give a brighter taste to the wine. The sequence of actions for its creation is as follows.

1. Unwashed berries are poured into a jar and poured with water warmed to room temperature.

2. Sugar is added to the container and stirred well until completely dissolved.

3. The neck is covered with several layers of gauze or cotton cloth, which will provide excellent air access to the container.

4. In this position, the container is transferred to a dark place with a constant temperature of at least +18–20 degrees and left there for 2–3 days.

5. After this time, the starter should ferment well, covered with foam, exuding a characteristic sour aroma.

You need to use the starter for making homemade wines correctly, that is, after calculating the ratio of the added ingredients. Sugar, sourdough and fruit juice should be in precise proportions. So, to obtain dessert wines, it is necessary to add 3–4% of the starter, and to create dry or semi-sweet drinks, it is enough to use 2%.

Juice can become wine only through the activity of microorganisms, which we call yeasts. To start and maintain the fermentation process, it is very often necessary to use a starter prepared in advance. I am ready to tell you how to make wine sourdough at home on your own. This recipe is so versatile that you will know how to make wine starters from raisins, raspberries, strawberries and grapes and any other wine materials.

Wine starter recipes

It would be most effective to use real wine yeast, which can only be purchased in specialized wine stores. Unfortunately, not everyone can solve the problem in such an easy way, so we will take the opportunity to personally prepare the wine ferment from wild yeast ourselves. We will need strawberries, raspberries, currants, grapes (leave your choice) or the familiar raisins to all of us.

Attention! At a high concentration of alcohol (more than 14 degrees), wild yeast in most cases die, for this reason it is impossible to make fortified homemade wine without the addition of alcohol or vodka. Only bread yeast is resistant to an increase in alcohol concentration, but it is absolutely impossible to use it for the preparation of wine products.

Raisin wine sourdough recipe

The recipe is simple, anyone can master it. Take 150 - 200 g of raisins, pour into a container, add 50 g of sugar to it and fill everything with boiled (cooled to room temperature) water up to 400 ml. Close the container with a cotton plug and put in a warm place for four days. Such a starter can be stored in the refrigerator or in another cool place for no more than ten days.

Raspberry starter (grapes, strawberries)

Take 200 g of unwashed berries of your choice (these can be grapes, strawberries, raspberries or currants). Mash the berries thoroughly, transfer to a bottle, add 100 g of sugar and pour 200 ml of water. Close the bottle and shake well.

After four days of infusion in a warm place, the leaven for making wine at home is ready. Filter it through cheesecloth and store it for no more than 10 days, since with longer storage it simply turns sour, wine will not come out of it.

It is best when you pick berries in your backyard, because among store products you are unlikely to find berries untreated with special substances. This treatment promotes long-term storage, but it also kills wild yeast. If you do not have a personal plot, then we recommend purchasing berries in the market.

Alcoholic drinks, if consumed in large quantities, do not lead to anything good. But if you know the measure, good wine will not cause much harm to health. In certain doses, it is even useful, as it cleanses the blood vessels. , for example, even provides for the daily use of this drink.

It's no secret that good wine is expensive. Homemade, on the contrary, will be cheap, and the quality is in no way inferior to the purchased one. As the main raw material, you can take overripe fruits and berries, which otherwise simply rot. However, for the subsequent fermentation of the must, a special starter culture or pure culture wine yeast is required. We will tell you how to make wine yeast at home.

Yeast from raspberries

In old wine recipes, you can often find such an ingredient as raspberry wine yeast. It ripens early, so it can be used to make a starter for wine before the rest of the berries and fruits are ripe. The secret lies in the fact that bacteria that can ensure fermentation live on the surface of raspberries. There are also on the surface of other berries, but not always in sufficient quantities.

Not every raspberry is suitable for making sourdough. Only ripe and even overripe berries will ferment well. Of course, a washed berry will not work either - after all, there is no yeast left on its surface. For the same reason, it makes no sense to collect raspberries in the first days after the rain.

The collected raspberries should be allowed to stand for a day so that they slightly acidify. After that, it remains to prepare the ingredients:

  • raspberries - 4 cups,
  • sugar - a glass,
  • clean water, boiled or spring - a glass.

The cooking process is as follows;

  1. Break up the raspberries.
  2. Sprinkle with sugar
  3. Fill with water. Cover with cloth.
  4. Put in a warm place, protected from the sun. The optimum temperature is from 22 to 26 degrees.
  5. Stir the raspberry mass every 8 hours with a wooden spoon, be sure to drown the floating berry. If this is not done, everything will turn sour or even moldy.
  6. After 4 days, squeeze the juice from the raspberries through gauze folded in several layers. You can discard the pulp, and pour the juice into a glass container and refrigerate. There, the composition will not ferment, but in the future, when added to the wort, it activates fermentation.

Estimate in advance how much yeast you will need. Their number usually depends on the amount of must: about 30 ml of yeast is added per liter of juice.

Wine yeast from currant

At home, you can make wine yeast not only from raspberries, but also from some other berries. In particular, white currant is suitable for these purposes.

Do not rush and pick an unripe berry - nothing good will come of this. Wait until it becomes translucent. Like raspberries, they cannot be harvested in the first days after rain, and washing is even more unacceptable. But it makes sense to sort out and remove the stalks.

The ratio of components and the cooking process will look exactly the same as when cooking raspberry yeast at home. The application will also be no different.

Wine sourdough from raisins

Raisins are also among the foods that can provide fermentation. In particular, they are used for cooking at home.

Ingredients required:

  • raisins - two handfuls,
  • sugar - 100 g,
  • water is a glass.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil syrup from half a glass of water and sugar, dilute with cool water (the remaining amount).
  2. Without washing or removing the twigs, place the raisins in a bottle and pour over the syrup. Its temperature should be around 40 degrees.
  3. Put the bottle in a warm place, where the temperature is from 22 to 24 degrees, after tying the neck with gauze.
  4. Shake the container several times a day.
  5. Strain the liquid after a week.

Unlike sourdough for wine made from fresh berries, raisin yeast can be stored in the refrigerator for a short time - up to 10 days. Therefore, it is not advisable to prepare them for the future.

Perhaps readers will have a question, why so much torment if there is ordinary baker's yeast, which is given in any grocery store. Shouldn't they be used? No no and one more time no! If you use bread yeast, then the bouquet of the wine will turn out to be very peculiar - not berry-fruit notes will prevail in it, but the smell of cheap home brew. If you don’t want to bother with making homemade wine sourdough, you can order pure culture wine yeast from the online store and use it according to the instructions on the package.