News: The most fashionable restaurant trends in Europe. The oldest restaurants in Europe

Sandra Dimitrovich took part

in the discussion “Build your own restaurant. The most fashionable restaurant trends in Europe” within the framework of the business set “Workshop of ideas of restaurant concepts”, which was hosted by the editor-in-chief of the magazine “Restaurateur Chef” Natalya Savinskaya.

On April 24, Omnivore Food Festival (OFF) returned to Moscow. This year the Omnivore World Tour will take place in 12 cities around the world: Montreal, Copenhagen, New York, Brussels, Paris, Moscow, Geneva, Istanbul, San Francisco, Shanghai, Sao Paulo and Sydney. The Omnivore Festival is a smiling, daring challenge to the global gastronomic establishment. Young cuisine does not treat Michelin stars with much reverence, but the representatives of this movement are the creators of not even tomorrow's gastronomic trends, they create menus for the day after tomorrow.

Among the foreign participants of the Moscow festival are the avant-garde of young gastronomy, the most progressive and creative chefs in the world from France, Italy, Latvia, and Belgium. Among them: Lorenzo Cogo (“EL Coq”, Marano Vincentino, Italy), Benjamin Toursel (“Auberge du Prieure”, Muarax, France), Michael Greenwald and Simon Tondo (“Roseval”, Paris, France), Romain Tishchenko ( "Le Galopin", Paris, France), Bart de Pooter ("Pastorale", Antwerp, Belgium), Alex Zhilyuk ("Le Dome", Riga, Latvia).

Among the Moscow participants of the Omnivore World Tour Moscow of the new season are Ilya Shalev and Alexei Zimin (“Ragout”), Ivan Shishkin (“Delicatessen”), Dmitry Shurshakov (“The Seagull”), Adrian Ketglas (“Grand Cru” Moscow and St. Petersburg) , Isaac Correa (“BlackMarket”), Dmitry Zotov (“Entrecote”), Ivan Berezutsky (“Grand Cru City”) and Andrey Ryvkin (“Pantagruel” gastronomic service), and others.

In Moscow, the festival opened with a series of master classes at Gostiny Dvor. From April 24 to April 29, Muscovites will have a unique opportunity to taste the menu from foreign chefs, prepared together with their Moscow colleagues.

The most fashionable restaurant trends in Europe


The most important thing in European restaurants is the atmosphere. And the atmosphere is made up, first of all, of quality food and excellent service.

It is no coincidence that in restaurants with author's cuisine chefs create tasting sets - set-menu. With their help, guests have the opportunity to evaluate the entire cut of the kitchen - from appetizers to desserts, to get an idea about the products. Set menus, in fact, convey the atmosphere of the establishment, on average, it is 8-10 courses.

Naturalness and freshness of products

The most important thing that distinguishes European cuisine from all others is European standards in cooking. This is not so much a set of products and design rules, but the naturalness and freshness of products, the absence of chemical additives. In Europe, it is customary to take care of health, cook without excess fat, with healthy natural seasonings.

Recently, such a thing as northern cuisine or northern food has appeared and become fashionable. This is due to the fact that in Copenhagen there is a Noma restaurant, which has been ranked first in the top 50 best restaurants in the world for several years. And also the principle of delivering products "from the ground to the table" (land to table) has become fashionable - the products overcome the minimum distance from the garden to your table in the restaurant.

Open kitchen and Slow food

There is a growing interest in healthy and tasty food in Europe. Hence the trends in the restaurant business. Firstly, the open kitchen format is gaining popularity: customers want to see how and what is cooked for them. Secondly, such a direction as slow-food is in demand, which is based on the slow consumption of tasty and healthy food, cultivating the taste of customers and returning their respect for food. Therefore, the preparation uses a minimum of processing: customers want to feel the taste of the product, and not the numerous spices. And the menu - more and more dishes from greens, vegetables and fruits. Vegetables in Europe are now the most popular product. As a result, the number of soup bars, salad bars is growing, and the number of vegetarian restaurants is increasing.


The style and manner of service, the clothes of the waiters and the design are all components of a well-directed performance, in which there is a stage - this is an open-kitchen kitchen, there are characters - these are chefs in an open kitchen and waiters with perfected gestures. Exceptionally finely thought out details of the interior and lighting. A great example is Geranium in Copenhagen.

Geranium Restaurant (Copenhagen)

The kitchen is increasingly focused on aesthetes. The menu resembles a musical score. Restaurant owners mix food styles and concepts to please their customers. Visiting hyped restaurants with Michelin stars has become a kind of ritual among gourmets around the world. Places in such establishments need to be booked almost six months in advance - tables are always scheduled long in advance. Take the Noma restaurant in Copenhagen, for example.

Restaurant Noma (Copenhagen)

Culinary mix

In Europe, there has been a recent trend towards mixing cuisines. For example, northern cuisine + exotic notes - in restaurants Mathias Dahlgren (Stockholm), Geranium and AOC (Copenhagen).

Restaurant Mathias Dahlgren (Stockholm)

AOC Restaurant (Copenhagen)

Literacy and professionalism

The correct serving of dishes and products on the table, its serving, temperature - in European restaurants, all the little things are taken into account. Staff training is an extremely important component of success.

Thoughtful and very precisely articulated format

Every restaurateur who respects himself and his guests will never save on the quality of products and design. Everything that concerns the design of the institution is at the highest level: durable materials, harmless and environmentally friendly paints, soft, pleasant eco-friendly fabrics, lighting.

Thoughtful design is important, but don't underestimate other means of influencing guests' experience, such as architectural lighting and background music.

Example: Didier Coli, during a tour in Moscow, put on the music of the Costes restaurant - and this is an important part of the overall impression.


The formula "haute cuisine - for a penny" went to the people. Of course, the average evening bill of 70 euros without wine is not such a penny. But the result is obvious: "Today haute cuisine is synonymous with good" - these are the words of the great Joel Robuchon, holder of the maximum number of Michelin stars.

However, those who “left” expensive restaurants for bistros, in fact, took a step not from great cuisine, but towards it - making it the property of the wider masses. The chefs of the new wave have made it possible for those who are not happy to pay 400 euros for dinner to feel something special for 70. And for themselves they discovered the freedom to do something else.

Pop-up restaurants

Not to be confused with catering or mobile hot dog vans. They really pop up, these restaurants, here and there. Very popular in Germany and England. Today it is open in a private house, tomorrow - in an abandoned factory building, a week later - on the banks of the Thames during the days of the regatta. Such establishments are designed for a small number of tables and a limited menu, as a rule, of 10-15 dishes. Pop-up restaurants are an obvious and visible product of the Internet era. The regulars of the blogosphere and Twitter learn about them from there, and table reservations also take place through the networks.

In the UK, which is literally overwhelmed by a new fad, such projects are often launched by young and ambitious restaurateurs. It's the perfect way to try out a new idea, get potential investors interested, and draw attention to a future big project or culinary concept.

"Play" with the menu, do something special, show their skills, imagination and fiction are not averse to recognized masters. Some restaurateurs, when opening a place for a few days, declare a theme in advance: it can be the "Roaring 20s", or "Argentine tango", or "Art Deco".

Moscow has a different gastronomic context. Moscow is a place of big business and scope. The consequences of the crisis in Europe are not very noticeable in the restaurant segment of the Russian capital. Nevertheless, there is a surge in activity in the “gastrobistro & brasserie” format. Therefore, in recent years, such establishments as "Ragu", "Delicatessen", VARVARY Brasserie, Restaurant Brasserie "Gastronom" and others have opened.


It is impossible to imagine a vacation without trips to restaurants, gourmet lunches and “delicious” marches through cafeterias. And even better - when you know which restaurant to visit when going to a particular country. So that the service is of high quality, and culinary masterpieces from the chef, and the atmosphere is such that even after a hearty dinner you don’t roll out of the establishment, but fly on wings.

Which restaurants are recognized as the best in Europe? Note to travelers - our review.

  1. Brasserie Lipp (France, Paris)
    This institution is a historical monument of France, the age is more than 130 years. Brasserie Lipp regulars were Hemingway and Camus, today politicians, writers and stars of various "calibers". The number of seats is only 150.

    The first hall usually accommodates VIPs, the second - the French, and on the floor above - foreign guests who speak French only "merci" and "Messieurs! Je n'ai mange pas six jours." The restaurant's masterpieces are salmon with sorrel sauce, Napoleons for dessert, breaded flounder, herring with juniper berries, pate en croute and, of course, a wide selection of the country's best wines.
  2. Osteria Francescana (Modena, Italy)
    An institution with first-class service, an interior without obtrusive pomposity, an endless chic menu, silver spoons and fresh bread in silver baskets. There are 36 “seats” in total. Gourmets from all over the world (along with chefs) tend to this restaurant: the first ones try amazing dishes, the second ones “spy” and improve their skills. If you are confused by the splendor and choice of dishes (only the wine list contains more than a hundred pages), the waiters will always offer you the “most delicious” and select the right wine for it. And at the same time they will bring instructions - how exactly this dish should be eaten.

    Chef and culinary magician Massimo Bottura creates real masterpieces, combining Italian traditions with his own imagination and improvisations. For example, sea urchin powder, poached egg with smoked sturgeon caviar over cauliflower cream, potato gnocchi with parmesan cream, milk calf with vegetables and potato cream, shot with orange juice, etc. Even if you are a stubborn vegetarian, then Nobody will let you leave disappointed.
  3. Mugaritz (San Sebastian, Spain)
    The chef of this institution (Andoni Luis Andruiz) is an adherent of molecular (very fashionable today) cuisine. And visitors to his restaurant are waiting for a real firework of taste - innovative dishes are prepared from completely incompatible, at first glance, products. The restaurant is officially recognized as the best culinary experiment and awarded with well-deserved Michelin stars.

    The "chip" of the chef's kitchen is in a meager amount of salt (or even its complete absence) to preserve the true taste of the ingredients. If you pass by Mugaritz, be sure to stop by and try the peach soup with almonds, squid in red wine, curried Iberian pork, vegetable soup with shrimp or dandelion soup with ferns.
  4. L'Arpege (Paris)
    The restaurant was opened not so long ago (1986), but it is famous all over the world. Chef - Alan Passard (culinary revolutionary and innovator), is included in the list of the best chefs on the planet. The rather simple interior is more than offset by the sophistication of the dishes. Not a single gourmet will remain hungry.

    Here you will be offered truffles (special dish), Thai "crab curry", monkfish in mustard and couscous with shellfish and vegetables, beans with almonds and peaches, egg chaud-froid (with sherry vinegar and, of course, maple syrup) . Products for dishes are environmentally friendly, carefully grown on Passar's "homestead farms". Meat dishes are not in honor, mostly vegetables, herbs and the chef's endless fantasy.
  5. Paul Bocuse (Lyon, France)
    You definitely won’t pass by this establishment - the pistachio-raspberry facade and an impressive sign are visible from afar. Chef, "grandfather" Paul Bocuse will surprise and captivate you with the art of gastronomy for only 170-200 euros. The "horse" of the cook is classics, traditions and nothing superfluous! You will have to book a table in advance - the queue to Grandpa Bocuse takes a couple of months in advance. A tuxedo is not a mandatory requirement, but of course you will not be allowed in sneakers.

    The style is casual, but exceptionally elegant. And the requirement is to come on an empty stomach! Otherwise, you simply will not master all the masterpieces of Bocuse, which you will later regret for a long time. The service is high class, every euro spent is justified by the atmosphere of luxury and the taste of the dishes, and you will remember the dinner itself as an exciting adventure. What to try? Soup «E.G.V.» (from truffles), the famous pike meatballs, chicken fricassee in a delicate creamy sauce, the best wines, starters and cheese platter, Burgundy snails with herbs, lamb with thyme, their lobster casserole, "floating island" (meringue in chocolate sauce), pumpkin cream, flounder fillet with noodles, etc.
  6. Oud Sluis (Sluis, The Netherlands)
    Of the 50 best restaurants in the world, Stary Sluice is far from the last place. Sergio Germán (chef and gastronomic virtuoso) looks for ingredients for his dishes all over the world and has a creative approach to everything.

    There are no such culinary heights that he could not take. The dishes at this restaurant are innovative, exceptional and fantastically delicious. Be sure to try lemon peel sake, mango lobster and wasabi sherbet.
  7. Cracco Peck (Milan, Italy)
    The young age of the restaurant (opened in 2007) does not matter in this case - the institution conquers more and more hearts of true gourmets every year. In this serene culinary oasis with centuries of history, you will experience authentic Italian cuisine from Carlo Cracco.

    Dress loose (you won't want to leave the restaurant) and enjoy a fantastic dinner for only 150 euros. Be sure to pay attention to saffron risotto and cod-oil ravioli, veal kidneys (served with sea urchin and morels), flounder with chocolate and tomatoes, snails with peas and oyster salad.
  8. Hof van Cleve (Cruishoutem, Belgium)
    A modest farmhouse and a no less modest sign, the interior of the hall is also very ascetic, but the restaurant is deservedly awarded 3 Michelin stars, and the queue for Peter Goosens (chef) does not end. Goosens' style is multi-layered dishes and amazing flavor combinations. The chef will meet you with his wife, feed you like kings for 200-250 euros, and even lead you to the exit. You can’t be late here, and if you cancel a table, you will have to pay 150 euro-money forfeits.

    It is worth trying langoustine with seaweed and beets, chocolate dessert with hazelnuts and apricots, shrimp with mushrooms in muslin sauce, sea bass with passion fruit, ossobuco with grissini, sea scallops with spicy sausage, Madagascar chocolate, veal with foie gras and so on. All products are from the chef's farm, 72 pages in the wine list, well-trained waiters and a mandatory digression into the "history" of each dish.
  9. Arzak (San Sebastian, Spain)
    An institution with elegant cutlery, heavy tablecloths and a generally patriarchal interior. The restaurant, which has existed for more than half a century, is headed by chef Juan-Maria Arzak with his daughter.

    The “techno-emotional” cuisine of Arzak has long conquered the world, entered the top 50 restaurants and was awarded 3 Michelin stars. Dishes of traditional Basque cuisine are distinguished by their original and bright design, and their basis is the culture of their ancestors. It would be a serious omission not to try smoked tuna with pine nuts and figs or beef with spinach and pepper confetti.
  10. Louis XV (Monte Carlo, Monaco)
    The most luxurious restaurant in the world. Baroque style, an abundance of mirrors and crystal chandeliers, impeccable whiteness of tablecloths, a truly royal interior. The chef and directly the owner of the institution is the maestro of culinary Alain Ducasse. The basis of the philosophy of the restaurant genius is the sophistication and sophistication of dishes, the traditions of Mediterranean cuisine and the surprise in the recipe.

    What masterpieces from Ducasse are worth a try? Pumpkin patties (Barbiguan), pigeon breast with duck liver, signature praline dessert, dill lamb brisket, parmesan lace risotto and asparagus. Don't forget to dress smartly and book a table at least a week in advance.

Do you agree with the statement that cooking is a true art form, and that you can not save money on a good dinner in a fashionable setting? Or maybe you just want to add some gastronomic delights to your European tour? Then this list is for you!

Brasserie Lipp is a French restaurant located in Paris on Boulevard Saint-Germain. Brasserie Lipp was opened in 1880 and today, thanks to the old facade of the building, is one of the historical monuments of France.

Brasserie Lipp can rightfully be called elite: among its regular visitors were Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Hemingway, Camus. And since then, little has changed: the famous restaurant on Saint-Germain is still a favorite place for modern politicians and writers. But the service and cuisine have become much better over time.

Specialties include salmon with sorrel sauce, pâté en croûte, herring with herbs and juniper berries, and a fine selection of French wines.

Restaurant "Louis XV" (Le Louis XV) is located in the famous Hotel de Paris (Hotel de Paris) in Monte Carlo, in a luxurious hall in the Baroque style, with huge crystal chandeliers, spotless white tablecloths and mirrors.

The owner of the restaurant is one of the recognized culinary geniuses, Alain Ducasse. His philosophy is refinement and sophistication. Based on traditional recipes of Mediterranean cuisine, the master creates completely new masterpieces. The head chef of the restaurant, Frank Cerutti, strictly follows the traditions of the maestro, successfully implementing his incredible ideas.

Louis XV is the only hotel restaurant in the world that has earned three Michelin stars. Specialties include wild asparagus risotto with sour sauce and Parmesan lace, pigeon breast with duck liver and the famous Louis XV dessert with crispy praline.

The French restaurant L "Arpege was opened in 1986 in Paris, on Varennes Street. The owner and chef of the restaurant is the famous Alan Passard, one of the best chefs in the world.

Passard, like all geniuses, is an unconditional innovator and revolutionary. When preparing dishes, the master uses exclusively biologically pure products that are grown in his own horticultural farms. The restaurant's menu consists almost entirely of vegetables and herbs. However, not a single visitor will be left disappointed: the lack of meat dishes is fully compensated by the chef's imagination. L "Arpege invites guests to taste green beans with fresh peaches and almonds, try improvisation on the kohlrabi theme and, of course, their signature dish: egg chaud-froid with maple syrup and sherry vinegar.

The famous French restaurant Paul Bocuse is located in the small village of Pont de Collonges, just a short drive from Lyon. The bright facade of the building and a huge sign on the roof will not let you get lost or pass by.

In the name of the restaurant, it is easy to guess the name of the chief chef and owner, the famous French culinary specialist Paul Bocuse. In 1975, the master was awarded the Order of the Legion of Honor, and is rightfully considered one of the best chefs of the 20th century.

Bocuse's signature style is traditional French cuisine: "nothing superfluous, only timeless classics." But is it not because we always return to it that it reminds us of the most important things? There are a lot of regular customers among the visitors of the restaurant, and therefore it is worth booking a table several months in advance. On the menu you will find a signature truffle soup dubbed "E.G.V." , chicken fricassee in creamy sauce and traditional Lyon pike meatballs.

Restaurant "Old Sluice" (Oud Sluis) is located in the small town of Sluis (Dutch. Sluis) in the Netherlands. Since 2003, the "Old Gateway" has been included in the list of the 50 best restaurants in the world according to the "Restaurant" magazine, and at the moment is the honorary owner of three Michelin stars.

Chef Sergio German is a real bully and rebel. Ignoring the traditions of national cuisine, he creates his masterpieces, relying only on his own taste and intuition. And they, I must say, do not let him down: satisfied visitors return to Sergio again and again, and a table must be booked several months in advance.

On the restaurant menu you will find wasabi sherbet, lobsters wrapped in mango slices and the famous lemon peel sake.

One of the best Italian restaurants, Cracco Peck, is located in Milan. The restaurant was opened in 2007, however, despite its young age, it has already managed to gain a brilliant reputation, and is the owner of 2 Michelin stars.

Chef Carlo Cracco is a recognized master and one of the main innovators in his profession. It invites its visitors to try a completely new cuisine that combines Milanese traditions, but still so different from the usual Italian meal. The result of his experiments were: branded risotto with sea urchins, flounder baked with chocolate, white potatoes and tomatoes.

All this Italian madness is not so expensive: the average bill is from 150 euros. Cracco is also famous for its huge selection of wines.

Restaurant Hof van Cleve is located in Belgium near the small town of Cruishoutem. The Hof van Cleve is a low-rise farmhouse with a modest sign at the entrance. The interior is also very simple and ascetic, but it is Hof van Cleve that is considered one of the best restaurants in the world (3 Michelin stars).

The owner and chef, Peter Goossens, is a true professional and a recognized culinary genius, with his own inimitable style and unique style. In general, his dishes are multi-layered, and in appearance they resemble a sandwich, in which one layer is skillfully superimposed on another, giving rise to a completely new flavor combination. The maestro boldly experiments not only with taste, but also with color: one of the restaurant's specialties is orange-pink langoustine with green layers of avocado and pale yellow blotches of calamancha.

Restaurant "Arzak" (Arzak) is located in the Spanish city of San Sebastian. This is a real family restaurant with half a century of tradition. Head chef and owner Juan-Maria Arzak creates his own unique culinary masterpieces together with his daughter Elena.

Arzak family philosophy states that the process of cooking is an incredible exploration and adventure, participating in which, the chef must certainly be happy. To define his concept, the maestro even coined a new term: “techno-emotional cuisine”.

The master boldly mixes different styles, adds new combinations, plays with taste, offering visitors completely new avant-garde solutions. The menu is updated every six months, and among the signature dishes, you should try smoked white tuna with fresh figs and pine nuts.

The interior of Osteria Francescana is impeccably seasoned: starched tablecloths, antique crockery and exclusively silver cutlery. The white walls are adorned with photographs of famous visitors. At first glance, it seems that such an environment implies traditional cuisine, but everything is exactly the opposite.

Chef Massio Battura is a real artist and inventor, not paying attention to the traditions of Italian cuisine, the master creates, completely succumbing to his own imagination and inspiration. Breaking the usual stereotypes, Massio creates real works of art. Very often, visitors do not even look at the menu, but trust their choice to the maestro, who is always ready to improvise for his guests.

The French restaurant "Pierre Gagnaire" (Pierre Gagnaire) is located in Paris, and, according to the magazine "Restaurant", has been considered one of the best in the world for many years. By the name it is easy to guess the name of the owner and chef - Pierre Gagnera.

The master is considered one of the creators of modern French cuisine, as well as the new "fusion" direction. His cuisine is a combination of incongruous: for example, fish can be served with chocolate, and strawberries with pepper. For his culinary experiments and unsurpassed performance, Pierre was awarded three Michelin stars.

Specialties include royal gilthead bream, chicken milk soufflé with sauce and, of course, for dessert, the famous variations on the theme of chocolate. The average cost of a dinner at Pierre Gagnère is about 350 euros per person.

The Fat Duck restaurant is located in the south of England in the small town of Bray. The head chef of the restaurant, Heston Blumenthal, received 3 Michelin stars, and the restaurant itself was recognized as the best in the world in 2005.

An inconspicuous building and a simple uncomplicated interior do not promise anything special at first glance. However, not all so simple. Heston Blumenthal is not only a brilliant chef, but also an innovator and scientist. All his creations are created not only under the influence of inspiration or tradition, but also on the basis of the latest research in the field of chemistry. Following the formulas and tables, the master discovers new tastes and combinations. For example, caviar will be served with white chocolate, and traditional English smoked bacon will be served with ice cream. For dessert, chocolate wine or ice sherbet will be served on a leather plate surrounded by flames. And be sure to try the porridge made from snails and eggs, which brought world fame to the famous chef.

The restaurant is located in the very center of Bruges, in a small old building with an open veranda. "De Karmeliet" is one of the few restaurants that has been awarded the highest Michelin category.

Chef Geert Van Hecke combines French sophistication and Flemish tradition in his cuisine. The menu includes fish and seafood dishes, the famous Belgian cheese and, of course, an amazing selection of the best wines. Among the chef's signature creations are Zeebrugge Fish Salt with Risotto and Asparagus and Vanilla Ravioli with Caramelized Apples.

The prices in the restaurant are quite democratic for such a famous place. The average bill per visitor will be about 150€. A table should be booked in advance.

The Steirereck restaurant is one of the best restaurants in the world and the most famous in Austria. Steirereck is located in the heart of Vienna, in the city park.

The building of the restaurant is an old house in the Austrian Baroque style. Huge windows allow visitors to enjoy a magnificent view of the park, while the interior creates a cozy atmosphere.

Chef Heinz Reitbauer offers delicious Austrian and international cuisine: a variety of salads, meat dishes, dozens of cheeses. Be sure to try the smoked salmon with avocado and the famous Vienna Woods curd strudel. To complement the perfect Austrian lunch, a first-class selection of wines is on display.

Restaurant "Le Calandre" is located just a few minutes drive from Padua (a small town in Northern Italy, in the province of Venet). "Le Calandre" is one of the finest Italian restaurants. He owes his fame to chef Massimiliano Alajmo. At the age of 28, the young man managed to get as many as three Michelin stars, which is considered an absolute record in the culinary world.

At first glance, the interior decor of the restaurant is quite simple: there are not even the usual starched tablecloths on the tables. However, this is not at all an attempt to save money, but only part of the philosophy of the maestro, who seeks to create a cozy and relaxed atmosphere for his guests.

But the choice of dishes can not be called simple. Traditional Italian recipes are presented in a completely new and unusual way. A hooligan and experimenter, Massimiliano Alaimo, invites his guests to combine the incompatible: from cuttlefish baked in potatoes to gorgonzola ice cream with pepper, and signature meat with truffles, which must be eaten with your hands.

Going to travel, many try to follow the planned plan of standard excursions, which are filled with ordinary tourist guides. But do these excursions always lead you to the most interesting places? Every city has popular destinations that attract thousands of tourists every year, but few people know about the establishments and places where the spirit of these cities lives.

Bars and restaurants in Berlin

The most generous city for such places is the capital of Germany - Berlin. I would especially like to highlight the bar located on the roof of the popular Soho House Hotel. Among the visitors of this institution you can meet not only artists, artists and other creative people, but also world celebrities. Soho House Bar frequented by Julianne Moore and Queen of Pop Madonna. However, the advantages of the bar do not end with star guests. In the lobby of the hotel you can watch Hurst shark, the pool opens in summer, but the main feature of the bar is the gorgeous view of Berlin from its panoramic windows. It should be noted about one interesting tradition of the bar - it is forbidden to take pictures there.

In Berlin's Pernzlauerberg district, there is another cozy establishment that is widely known in a narrow circle. This is about restaurant "Rosengarden". The place is famous for concerts that are held on weekends, as well as screenings of art-house films that are popular these days. The bar menu is not very diverse, but you will be surprised by the presence of cider. It is simply impossible not to fall in love with some varieties of German and Austrian wines.

Bars and restaurants in Paris

Paris- city of love. Finding at least one place in the capital of France that is not saturated with romance is not an easy task. An institution where you should definitely go to have an unforgettable time is bar "Rosa Bonheur". It's packed on weekends. All the creative people of Paris gather at the Rosa Bonheur to relax and dance to the music, the style of which can be described as a mixture of "Euro-pop" and everyone's favorite "French retro".

Bars and restaurants in Europe

The main advantage of any bar is its atmosphere. Bar-club "Schikaneder" v Vienna is the most popular place among extraordinary youth. The bar has been around since 1906 and maintains the atmosphere of an old movie theater where you can dance to local DJs at parties. Especially pleased with the prices.

One of the most popular styles of establishments in Europe are establishments "for warming up". The best of these establishments is located in Porto. Cafe "Candelabro" will offer you a huge wine list and several surprises from the chef.

If you want a truly Italian holiday, we recommend visiting Roman bar "2Periodico". The institution is located in the most fashionable district of Monti, where there is something interesting for tourists at every turn. 2Periodico has an entire concert hall where local young talents often perform. In general, this institution is able to fall in love with everyone, regardless of what time of day you are there.

In the Malasana district of Madrid, there are zombie bar. A creative approach to customer service and a unique atmosphere have long made this place a favorite vacation spot for the metropolitan bohemia. When you are there, order immediately "Bloody Mary"- the cocktail is the main "chip" of the institution.

Cafes are establishments that most of us visit from time to time. Indeed, opening your own cafe is a fairly profitable business today. However, you need not only delicious food, cozy atmosphere and quality service, but also an original concept. Entrepreneurs who have managed to realize the unusual idea of ​​​​a cafe, certainly will not be left without visitors to their establishment.

In institutions, which will be discussed further, it is worth visiting at least once in a lifetime. What emotions they will cause - positive or negative - this is a separate question, but you definitely will not remain indifferent to them. We have collected twelve cafes with original concepts for you.

Alcatraz (Japan)

This institution is intended for lovers of "prison romance" and just for seekers of new sensations. At the entrance, visitors are fingerprinted, the rules of conduct are announced and the same prison uniform is issued. The waiters will strive to put handcuffs on you and give you a “sedative” injection. The tables in the cafe are separated by bars, so that customers really feel like they are in a prison.

The names of the dishes are also striking. Would you like to try the Brain Scorcher cocktail or the dishes of Dead Bird, Human Intestine and Penis Sausage? Then go ahead for impressions in Tokyo Alkatraz.

Dinner in the Sky (Belgium)

In the capital of Belgium, a cafe is open where you can tickle your nerves. Here you have the opportunity to dine literally hovering above the ground. The institution is a construction of a crane, a large table and chairs with reliable seat belts. At the same time, 22 visitors can be seated at the table, not counting the waiters. When the customers have sat down in their seats and fastened their seat belts, the crane lifts them, along with the table and waiters, to a height of 50 meters from the ground.

A certain combination of cafe and attraction has recently appeared in the capital of Ukraine, Kiev.

metro st. James (Australia)

The owners of Metro St. James in Sydney came up with an unusual way to pay for their services. To get a morning cup of aromatic coffee, the visitor needs to kiss any person, except for the establishment staff. It can be both lovers who came along with their halves, and random passers-by.

Initially, paying with kisses was conceived as a one-month promotion, however, visitors liked coffee for kisses so much that the owners of the cafe had to extend the promotion for the same period. If a cafe client wants to pay for his order with a kiss, he needs to select the appropriate menu item on the tablet, which was equipped with each table. Further, the kissing process itself is recorded in the form of a photograph.

All photos of non-standard payment administration of Metro St. James posts on the restaurant's Facebook page. In two months, more than a thousand kisses were collected. “No falsehood, kisses must be sincere! We will carefully monitor you” was the slogan of the action.

Matchmaker Cafe (New York)

The main idea of ​​this cafe is not to let anyone be lonely. Waiters actively communicate with each client who came alone. And if during the conversation it turns out that the visitor does not have a life partner, he will immediately be offered to register on a dating site, they will help you pick up people with similar interests and immediately invite them for a cup of coffee or a glass of wine.

The site offered is not random, but quite specific - in fact, the cafe was created in order to promote an online dating resource. For Nancy Slotnik, who has been working in the field of “connecting lonely hearts” for many years, this is the second project that aims to promote her website. And it should be noted that it was very successful: now more than 5 thousand profiles have already been registered on the site, and a significant part of them are visitors to the Matchmaker Café.

O'Noir (Canada)

Entering this cafe, you immediately plunge into complete darkness. The establishment never turns on the lights; flashlights, lighters, etc. are also not used. Ordering and eating is offered in the dark. Most waiters are blind. The concept is intended to draw attention to the fact that blind people are in dire need of social adaptation in society.

In fact, dinner in the dark will leave you impressed: after all, as you know, when one sense organ is “turned off”, others are sharply exacerbated. Without seeing food, you can experience completely new flavors of the usual fried meat or fresh vegetables.

Such restaurants can be found in many capitals of the world, and despite the possible inconvenience associated with complete darkness inside the establishments, they are a huge success.

Le Café Des Chats (France)

Running into a cafe to drink a cup of coffee, how would you react to a cat found next to your table, which is there absolutely unhindered by the administration of the establishment? But the inhabitants of Paris have already managed to appreciate such an addition to pastime in a cafe. The new Parisian cafe has made “cat therapy” its main feature - while you are sitting and having breakfast, there are cats around you that you can stroke and “communicate” with them in every possible way.

The resident cats of Le Café Des Chats were borrowed from an animal shelter and tested by veterinarians. In the cafe, special houses were built for them, however, cats can freely roam around the establishment at any time. The owners of the "cat" cafe assure that all sanitary conditions are met, and visitors do not have to worry about their health. As conceived by the creators of the concept, cats perform a special task: with their purring, they calm and normalize the nervous system of visitors, and also help improve blood circulation.

In addition to the presence of fluffy residents, the institution is no different from other cafes - the interior and menu are quite standard. Although Le Café Des Chats was opened not so long ago, it is already very popular, tables are booked a month in advance. Institutions with a similar "cat" concept can also be found in London and St. Petersburg.

Bau House Dog Cafe (Korea)

But the cafe in which four-legged human friends live is located in the capital of Korea - Seoul. The idea is similar to the concept of "cat therapy", however, this cafe will appeal to dog lovers more. The Bau House Dog Cafe is home to twenty dogs (all different breeds) that patrons can play with during their stay.

Customers can also feed the animals, but only with the food that is prepared in the cafe itself. Some come to the "dog" cafe already with their dog - this is not prohibited by the administration. A small shop has been created at the cafe, where dog lovers can purchase various accessories and toys for their four-legged pets.

The Mill (San Francisco)

How often do we see people in cafes, buried in their mobile phones, tablets or laptops. Total "internetization" has captured almost all public institutions. The Mill is an ordinary-looking cafe, one of its peculiarities is that its creators completely refused access to Wi-Fi on the territory of their establishment. The Mill is the second Wi-Fi-free café opened by entrepreneur Jody Jirin.

In 2010, he already opened a cafe called Four Barrel Coffee, where people are happy to come to chat with their companions, and not with mobile equipment. “Communicate with each other! Only live communication! - this is the idea that Jody is promoting to the masses, and I must say, he does it well. Despite the fact that his cafe has neither access to the Internet nor sockets to charge mobile devices, The Mill is very popular and has regular customers.

Barbie Cafe (Taiwan)

If you want to get into the real world of Barbie, then you should definitely visit the Barbie Café in the Taiwanese city of Taipei. Absolutely everything in this cafe - from the interior to the uniform of the waiters - is made in the style of the world-famous doll. Even the dishes (mostly desserts) are pink here. I must say, some print and online publications have already expressed their negative opinions about Barbie Café, there were even such descriptions of this institution as “nauseous” and “disgusting”.

However, the creators of the concept hold a radically different opinion. According to them, the Barbie doll is an example of an ideal woman in all respects, so she can only cause admiration. Whether Barbie Café will achieve its goals in attracting fans of the popular doll remains to be seen. However, even now the cafe is actively discussed and is gradually gaining popularity.

Velokafi (Switzerland)

There are quite a lot of cyclists among the inhabitants of the capital of Switzerland, and cycling is further encouraged and developed in this country in every possible way. Cafe Velokafi is a real find for lovers of this type of transport. The peculiarity is that cafe visitors drive up to the table right on their bikes, and do not get off them even when they drink their cup of coffee or eat a sandwich. A special device is built into each table, with the help of which cyclists can fix the front wheel of their transport and simply sit comfortably on a bicycle at a table in a cafe.

Bench Cafe (UK)

Have you ever had an unpleasant situation when the bill brought by the waiter somewhat “exceeded” your expectations and there was less money in your wallet than you need to pay? In a cafe that recently opened in the British city of Greifsend, such a situation a priori cannot happen. There are no price tags here - visitors pay as much as they want and see fit.

Products for cooking Bench Cafe buys from supermarkets, which sell them for a penny because of the lost presentation. For example, the packaging of the product is damaged, and it is no longer possible to sell it in the store. The owners of Bench Cafe purchase such goods and prepare absolutely high-quality and fresh dishes from them. How long a cafe with such a concept will last remains a mystery.

Tea Cozy Rooms (England)

The idea of ​​this institution lies in the strict and unquestioning implementation of pre-established rules of conduct. The cafe manager has already been dubbed a "fascist" by visitors. And there is a reason: if the owner of the establishment notices that one of the guests has violated strict rules, the client is immediately put out of the door in disgrace.

The laws that must be followed by everyone in Tea Cozy Rooms mainly relate to the rules of table etiquette: do not laugh too loudly, do not slurp, do not put your elbows on the table, etc. Oddly enough, but such a "harsh" institution is in demand. Perhaps, in Tea Cozy Rooms, everything is compensated by incredibly tasty food, for which visitors are ready to endure even such acts of education from the owner of the cafe?