Dried fruits from melon how to make. dried melon

One of the most delicious options for harvesting sweets for future use can be dried melon - an excellent treat for a cup of tea or a healthy snack that any sweet tooth can take with them.

Dried melon in the oven - recipe

The most affordable way to dry vegetables is to cook them in the oven. The cooking process will not require much effort from you, but it will take a lot of time to dry a juicy melon.

Before you make your own dried melon, prepare a baking sheet. Line a baking dish with parchment paper and grease well. Peel the melons from seeds and skin, and then divide into cubes of equal size with a side of no more than 3 cm: the smaller the pieces, the more readily they will dry. Spread the melon on a baking sheet and leave to dry first at 120 degrees for about 15 minutes, and then dry the pieces, reducing the heat to 80 degrees, for another one and a half to two hours.

If you do not know how to store dried melon, then there are no differences from storing other dried fruits. It is enough to choose a dry place and place a melon in it in a paper bag or in a glass jar.

How are dried melons made in an electric dryer?

With an electric dryer, the cooking process is even easier. Due to the ability to set a low temperature for a long time, melons can dry evenly, without burning and with a minimum of interference from outside.

After peeling the melon, cut it in half, remove the seeds and cut the fruit into thin slices. Lay each of the slices on the dryer tray, making sure that they do not touch each other. Leave the melon trays to dry at 60 degrees for 10-12 hours.

Dried melons at home

If you're harvesting fruit in the summer, you can take advantage of the seasonal heat and cook dried melons in the sun. Divide the peeled melons into slices and place on cheesecloth.

Melon blanks for the winter, delicious recipes - you will lick your fingers

Cover the pieces with a gauze cut on top and leave under the scorching sun until it sets. At night, keep the pieces warm and dry, and when the sun comes out, continue drying again. In fairly dry and sunny weather, pieces of dried melon should be ready in about three days.

Dried melons can be braided or placed in paper or plastic bags with a lock just like that. Ready-made dried fruits can be eaten on their own or used to prepare compotes and make sweets.

Home | cooking | canning | How to dry melon for the winter

Dried and dried fruits and berries are the best alternative to sweets, chips, dryers ...
This is not a low-calorie product, but in some cases even more dietary than fresh fruit.
You can dry almost any fruit-berry.

Dried melon in an electric dryer

Except watermelon (pulp), because if you dry almost distilled water, there will be zilch ...
Melon can be cured and dried. Depending on how much moisture remains in this melon berry, either dried or dried melon will turn out.
Another reason why a melon canning recipe is sometimes needed may be its size. As a rule, the more ripe the melon, the tastier it is. But not even a very large company can eat a 12 kilogram berry.
And here is the part that we could not master, we dry it, roll up compotes, cook jam and jam ...

How to dry or dry a melon:

At home (if there is no special drying), an oven or air grill is used for this purpose. In the photo, the “collective farmer” melon went into drying. This variety has firmer and less watery flesh. It can be completely dried and left dried. There are melons that are more watery than watermelon. Of these varieties, it is better to prepare melon marshmallow.
photo 1.

Remove the skin from the melon. Remove only the topmost hard yellow layer. Cut into thin strips. The thinner, the faster the melon will dry. Arrange in a single layer on the air grill or oven racks.

At what temperature and how much to dry: In an air grill: in 2 doses of 20 minutes at 65 C and maximum fan power (if there is an adjustment). In the oven: 3-4 doses at 50-60 C for 20-30 minutes.
photo 2.
Twist the strips into rolls - so it is more convenient to store and eat them. Dried for the winter or dried melon should be stored in closed containers, but periodically ventilate and check if fruit moths have started there (how does it get there!?). The calorie content of dried melon is quite high - depending on the variety, up to 500 kcal. But if there are no restrictions on the use of sugar, including fructose, a small portion of dried melon can be a wonderful snack.
August 8, 2014.

I love pickle season. All fruits are ripe, sweet, vegetables only from the garden. Everything is fresh, tasty, just from the summer sun. I like to make preparations for the winter and "for now". For example, candied melons. For tea, the most is - not cloying, useful, stored for quite a long time.

It’s not very good with melons in our region, they don’t grow properly - the climate is not the same, but there are plenty of imported ones. But imported ones, despite the fact that it is already almost the middle of September, do not always turn out to be ripe and sweet.

dried melon

We bought a big and beautiful one, according to the seller - "honey", but it turned out to be tasteless and unripe ... If you are so "lucky" - do not rush to get upset and throw it away. It is this melon that is needed for the manufacture of candied fruits. Cooking them is very simple, however, for a long time - from 3 days to 2 weeks. It all depends on the size of the pieces.

I will use the fastest way to dry the melon, and I will drink tea with candied fruit on the 3rd day.

1. First of all, you need to cut the skin from the melon and remove the seeds.

3. I take out the grates from the oven and wrap them in foil. I spread slices of melon on them in even rows. They should not lie in a heap, and they do not need to be pressed tightly against each other either. At the same time, the oven is heated to 200 degrees. We put the grates with melon in the oven, reduce the heat a little, leave to languish for 15 minutes.

4. After 15 minutes, turn off and open the oven, do not remove the melon, but leave it there until it cools completely.

5. The cooled pieces are still quite soft, we transfer them carefully to the board, which should now be placed in a well-ventilated place. You can cover with gauze so that insects do not stick to them. Next, dry the melon for three days, periodically turning the pieces over.

6. On the 3-4th day, we transfer our candied fruits into bowls or into fabric bags - the finished product is easily removed from the board without sticking to it. If the pieces have to be peeled off, then they need to be dried a little more. And my candied fruits are ready.

Happy tea!

Cooking time: PT00H15M15 min.

Approximate cost per serving: 20 rubles.

Is this a good recipe?

It is used as an independent snack or dessert, added to salads, pastries, ice cream, savory sandwiches and other dishes. Dried melon is made in special industrial chambers, but the dish can be easily prepared at home.

What you need to know about the product, how to cook dried fruit in your own kitchen, and is it useful to include melon in your seasonal diet?

General characteristics of dried fruits

Dried fruits are fruits or berries from which moisture is taken away by heat treatment. The residual moisture content of the product is on average 20%. The fruits are dried naturally in the sun or by industrial methods - in a special dryer or dehydrator.

The composition of the food component abounds in vitamins and minerals almost to the same extent as fresh raw materials. Dried melon loses most of its vitamin C (ascorbic acid), but the balance of other nutrients remains normal.

Dried fruit pieces have a long shelf life in cold rooms. Manufacturers do not need to use preservatives and chemicals for added protection. Dried fruits are a great alternative to greenhouse products in the cold season. Stock up on dried melons, refrigerate and add as a dessert to your New Year's Eve tea party.

In the gastronomic industry, the product is added to pastries, fruit desserts, breakfast cereals, sweets, muesli, and other drinks. Dried cubes lose most of their moisture, so the taste of the finished product is concentrated and as bright as possible.

Sulfur dioxide can often be found in industrial batches of dried fruits. It is added to preserve color and neutralize mold. Unscrupulous manufacturers use toxic chemicals, petroleum products or insecticides instead of safe sulfur dioxide. In order to reduce the cost of production as much as possible, fruits and berries are washed with industrial toxic agents. They leave a thin layer on dried fruit that protects against mold/insects but is harmful to health.

Often, manufacturers are silent about the use of chemicals, without indicating a word in the composition or on the packaging. Processed fruits are light, as dense as possible and glossy in appearance. In order not to put your health at risk, buy a product from a popular manufacturer or prepare a dessert yourself.

Useful properties of the product

Fighting anxiety

Rich in ascorbic acid (vitamin C). It is important not only for strengthening the protective function of the immune system, but also for psychological health. Vitamin C really affects our emotional health and even helps fight some forms of anxiety. Ascorbic acid reduces the production of cortisol, the stress hormone, which ensures a state of inner harmony.

Maintaining external beauty

External data also owes a lot to ascorbic acid. Two grams of vitamin C per day in combination with makes the skin really healthy and radiant. The combination of these two components forms collagen. The action of collagen is:

  • narrowing of pores;
  • rapid regeneration of skin lesions, regardless of age;
  • strengthening gums;
  • improving the condition of ligaments and bones.

Internal sun protection

UV protection does not end with the application of an SPF (although this is the most important part of the procedures). There are a number of products that neutralize the harmful effects of the sun and increase the protective functions of the skin. Among them is a melon. Lycopene provides internal sun protection. It is a carotenoid pigment that is responsible for the color of fruits and vegetables.

Adjustment of acid-base balance

The acid-base balance is determined by the pH level - the hydrogen indicator of acidity or alkalinity. The normal pH level for an adult varies from 7.35 to 7.45. In modern man, the balance is most often shifted to the acid side. This leads to malaise, sleep problems, irritability, illness and psycho-emotional disorders.

Each acidic product must be balanced with an alkalizing one. Alkaline foods include melon and dried fruits from it. A healthy adult needs to eat 60% alkaline foods and 40% acidic. In case of serious diseases or a clear imbalance, it is necessary to consult a doctor and switch to an individually selected diet.

Minimal risk of pesticide contamination

Pesticides are chemical or biological substances that kill harmful insects, inhibit the development of weeds and regulate plant growth. Pesticides greatly simplify the work of farmers, but cause enormous harm to the human body. In especially severe cases, toxic components lead to cancer or genetic mutations.

Thick-skinned fruits and vegetables are the most protected from pesticides. All varieties of melons are among the purest products, the safety of which has been taken care of by nature itself.

How to cook dried fruit in your own kitchen?

Wash and dry fruit thoroughly. Cut it in half, remove the seeds and unusable entrails. Remove the skin from the melon with a vegetable peeler or knife. Cut the prepared fruit into small cubes of any shape and size. Use special shapes to give dried fruits an aesthetic look.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or grease it with a small amount of vegetable oil to taste. It is best to use or walnut - they will emphasize the sweetness of the melon and add bright accents to the taste palette. Arrange the finished pieces on the parchment paper in one even layer. To enhance the taste - sprinkle the product with spices / chopped nuts / coconut sugar.

Preheat the oven to 120°C, then place a baking sheet in it. After 15 minutes of cooking, lower the temperature to 80°C. The total cooking time for dried fruit will be 1.5-2 hours, depending on the quality of the oven and the thickness of the melon cubes. Do not forget to periodically stir the contents of the baking sheet so that all parts of the fruit are heat-treated and do not stick to the surface.

Periodically try the dish and focus on your own taste. If you want to achieve a softer structure, turn off the oven after 1.5 hours. If you want to get exactly dense drying from the fruit, keep it for 2 hours or more. Cool the ingredient completely before serving or using in other recipes. Store the finished dessert in a glass jar or natural cloth bag at room temperature.

The chemical composition of the food component

Nutrient balance (in milligrams per 100 grams)

A juicy fruit with a sweet aroma, a bright taste - this is what a melon is, which is more correctly called a berry from the pumpkin family. Even one slice will improve your mood, improve your well-being, give you a boost of energy due to its beneficial properties. However, one must be careful with the gift of nature. If you like melon, you should know the benefits and harms of the product.

health benefits of melon

Fragrant melon is not only a delicacy, but a storehouse of medicinal substances necessary for human health, a large set of vitamins, trace elements:

  1. There is folic acid in the product - very useful for women, and ascorbic acid.
  2. Phosphorus, cobalt, fluorine, sulfur, sodium strengthen the body, renew cells, improve metabolism.
  3. Iron, chlorine, iodine activate brain activity, help the thyroid gland to work.
  4. Calcium protects bones from fractures, potassium and magnesium are the saviors of the cardiovascular system, zinc is a natural immunostimulant.

The benefits of melon for the body are great. B vitamins support the nervous system, improve memory, restore damaged tissues. Vitamin A regulates the reproductive function of the body, has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system, improves vision. The berry enhances the therapeutic effect of antibiotics while reducing their toxicity. It should be noted that this tasty product can also act as a gentle laxative. In a word, you need to eat melon delicacy, but there are contraindications to its use.

Is melon good for pregnancy

Pregnant women love juicy fruits, their pulp helps to produce the “hormone of joy”. Is melon good for pregnancy? Yes, because it is non-caloric, increases hemoglobin in the blood, effectively relieves edema, improves intestinal motility, regulates stool, relieves the problem of hemorrhoids. However, its pulp is very sweet, the sugar in its composition is easily digestible, harmful when exceeded. Melon - its benefits and harms - are strictly taken into account during breastfeeding, since even one juicy slice eaten by a mother can cause an upset stomach in a baby.

Is melon bad for pancreatitis?

The properties of melon are such that a ban is imposed on it in the acute phase of the disease, and during the period of remission, you can eat it, but not on an empty stomach and not after a hearty meal. In diseases of the pancreas, this berry is not eaten in unlimited quantities. A large percentage of fiber, sugar can provoke flatulence, exacerbate the disease. You need to choose ripe, sweet fruits in order to protect yourself from hydrochloric acid, which is produced under the influence of melon juice.

Is melon bad for diabetes?

Sweet temptation seduces even diabetic patients and is quite acceptable in this disease - provided that a person eats little, monitors blood glucose levels, and takes prescribed medications. It is worth listening to the advice:

  • It is necessary to choose a not very ripe fruit, it contains less fructose.
  • It is better to eat the product separately, not earlier than an hour after another meal. Combining with other food, it causes strong fermentation in the intestines.
  • Melon for diabetes in season is consumed as follows: the patient should give up other foods with a lot of carbohydrates.

Dried melon - benefits and harms

Delicious, very tasty product - dried fruits. What is useful dried melon? Same as fresh culture. The beneficial properties of the fruit during heat treatment are perfectly preserved, therefore it is recommended for people with cardiovascular and nervous diseases, diseases of the urogenital area, and jaundice. Women should definitely pamper themselves with this wonderful dried fruit: it contains a lot of folic acid, which has a healing effect:

  • responsible for the hormonal sphere;
  • fights depression;
  • improves immunity;
  • rejuvenates the body.

The harm of dried melon, or, more correctly, its side effects, is manifested in the fact that it does not combine with certain foods, and this threatens indigestion. Alcohol, milk and dairy products, as well as honey, should not meet with it in the stomach. Patients with diabetes and obese should refuse it: dried melon has a high calorie content, besides, it contains a lot of natural sugar. It is worth thinking about the fact that a dried product bought in a store or on the market could be treated with chemicals, it must be washed before use.

Melon in nature qualifies as a sweet, very aromatic and nutritious berry. In her weight, she can gain up to 25 kg. There are quite a few different types and varieties of this tasty product. All species are different from each other in color, different tastes, shapes and forms.

However, this family is united by unique properties that give not only unforgettable taste sensations, but also beauty, health, and an influx of strength. And in winter, a dried melon braid or sweet candied fruit will please you very much.

Dried melon is a very sweet and tasty product that not only adults, but also children will want to enjoy. Melons are dried, selected only from the best specimens. Farmers have to make great efforts in order to grow high-quality melons, from which various delicacies will be created later.

The number of calories contained in the dried product allows you not to worry about the figure and forget about the diet. It helps to rejuvenate the body and keep it in good shape.

Useful properties and harm of dried melons

The beneficial properties of this berry leave no doubt. First of all, it is filled with useful amino acids and vitamins. The pulp will help strengthen hair and bones, improve the condition of blood vessels. It is very useful for people suffering from:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • jaundice;
  • urolithic disorders;
  • nervous and mental disorders.

It is useful to take in dried form for pregnant women or menopause. During this period, women need folic acid, the content of which melon boasts. Dried fruit has a positive effect on restoring hormonal balance, while simultaneously tightening the protective functions of the body.

The distinctive beneficial properties include the presence of an enzyme with which you can cope with insomnia, overcome impotence and get rid of irritability. It does not allow cells to collapse, preserving the vital activity of nerve cells.

It's important to know: the benefits of dried melons are no less than those of fresh ones, since vitamins are not lost during processing, while maintaining the nutritional value of the product.

Speaking about possible harm, one can note a certain conflict with some products, which is sometimes fraught with disorders. It is highly undesirable to use such a delicacy with alcohol, honey and dairy products. It is definitely worth abandoning it for people suffering from diabetes (detailed information about the benefits and harms of melon for the human body can be read).

How to dry

Melon can be both dried and dried. The amount of moisture remaining in the final product will depend on whether the melon will be dried or dried. At home, in the absence of special drying, it is recommended to use an oven or grill.

For cooking, prepared specimens should be washed, cut and seeds removed. The surface is skinned. You only need to remove the hard top layer. Next, the melon is cut into strips.

Note: drying speed will depend on the thickness of the strips.

Then spread in a single layer on a wire rack. How to properly position the slices on the drying surface is shown in the photo.

In the grill, the drying process should be carried out in two sets of twenty minutes and at 65 degrees. When drying in an oven heated to a temperature of 220 C, a tray with chopped slices is inserted for fifteen minutes. After the temperature drops to 85 and the door opens slightly. For six hours, every half hour, it is advisable to turn the slices over to dry evenly.

What varieties are best to use

When choosing a variety for drying, it should be remembered that sugar varieties with sufficient pulp hardness are best suited. One of the most suitable varieties is.

Melon "Kolkhoz Woman"

The grade differs in good density and rather small content of water in it. Good for both complete drying and drying. Of the lesser-known varieties of melons, Gulyabi, Ditma and Persian can be distinguished.

Melon "Persian"

You should know: it is better to store drying in a jar or linen bag.

Candied fruits: cooking recipe

In winter, this amazing product can also please us in the form of candied fruits (photo). To do this, choose slightly unripe specimens.

So, to prepare candied fruits you need:

  • wash and peel the melon from the peel and seeds, and then cut into small slices;
  • mix sugar with water. The result is a sweet syrup;
  • pieces of melon are placed in this syrup and boiled until tender;
  • then put in a cool place for 12 hours. Repeat the cooking and settling processes several times. At the last cooking, a little citric acid is added;
  • cooked candied fruits are placed in a colander and the remaining liquid is drained. Finally - dry in the open air, covered with gauze or in an ajar oven.

For storage, put the finished product in jars, previously covered with parchment paper, cover with powdered sugar or sugar.

From these advantages, we can conclude that the popularity of melon is undeniable. You can enjoy all its benefits not only in season, but also pamper yourself in winter by preparing dry melon or candied fruits.

From this video You will learn how to dry melon slices:

A juicy fruit with a sweet aroma, a bright taste - this is what a melon is, which is more correctly called a berry from the pumpkin family. Even one slice will improve your mood, improve your well-being, give you a boost of energy due to its beneficial properties. However, one must be careful with the gift of nature. If you like melon, you should know the benefits and harms of the product.

health benefits of melon

Fragrant melon is not only a delicacy, but a storehouse of medicinal substances necessary for human health, a large set of vitamins, trace elements:

  1. There is folic acid in the product - very useful for women, and ascorbic acid.
  2. Phosphorus, cobalt, fluorine, sulfur, sodium strengthen the body, renew cells, improve metabolism.
  3. Iron, chlorine, iodine activate brain activity, help the thyroid gland to work.
  4. Calcium protects bones from fractures, potassium and magnesium are the saviors of the cardiovascular system, zinc is a natural immunostimulant.

The benefits of melon for the body are great. B vitamins support the nervous system, improve memory, restore damaged tissues. Vitamin A regulates the reproductive function of the body, has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system, improves vision. The berry enhances the therapeutic effect of antibiotics while reducing their toxicity. It should be noted that this tasty product can also act as a gentle laxative. In a word, you need to eat melon delicacy, but there are contraindications to its use.

Is melon good for pregnancy

Pregnant women love juicy fruits, their pulp helps to produce the “hormone of joy”. Is melon good for pregnancy? Yes, because it is non-caloric, increases hemoglobin in the blood, effectively relieves edema, improves intestinal motility, regulates stool, relieves the problem of hemorrhoids. However, its pulp is very sweet, the sugar in its composition is easily digestible, harmful when exceeded. Melon - its benefits and harms - are strictly taken into account during breastfeeding, since even one juicy slice eaten by a mother can cause an upset stomach in a baby.

Is melon bad for pancreatitis?

The properties of melon are such that a ban is imposed on it in the acute phase of the disease, and during the period of remission, you can eat it, but not on an empty stomach and not after a hearty meal. In diseases of the pancreas, this berry is not eaten in unlimited quantities. A large percentage of fiber, sugar can provoke flatulence, exacerbate the disease. You need to choose ripe, sweet fruits in order to protect yourself from hydrochloric acid, which is produced under the influence of melon juice.

Is melon bad for diabetes?

Sweet temptation seduces even diabetic patients and is quite acceptable in this disease - provided that a person eats little, monitors blood glucose levels, and takes prescribed medications. It is worth listening to the advice:

  • It is necessary to choose a not very ripe fruit, it contains less fructose.
  • It is better to eat the product separately, not earlier than an hour after another meal. Combining with other food, it causes strong fermentation in the intestines.
  • Melon for diabetes in season is consumed as follows: the patient should give up other foods with a lot of carbohydrates.

Dried melon - benefits and harms

Delicious, very tasty product - dried fruits. What is useful dried melon? Same as fresh culture. The beneficial properties of the fruit during heat treatment are perfectly preserved, therefore it is recommended for people with cardiovascular and nervous diseases, diseases of the urogenital area, and jaundice. Women should definitely pamper themselves with this wonderful dried fruit: it contains a lot of folic acid, which has a healing effect:

  • responsible for the hormonal sphere;
  • fights depression;
  • improves immunity;
  • rejuvenates the body.

The harm of dried melon, or, more correctly, its side effects, is manifested in the fact that it does not combine with certain foods, and this threatens indigestion. Alcohol, milk and dairy products, as well as honey, should not meet with it in the stomach. Patients with diabetes and obese should refuse it: dried melon has a high calorie content, besides, it contains a lot of natural sugar. It is worth thinking about the fact that a dried product bought in a store or on the market could be treated with chemicals, it must be washed before use.

Seeds - benefit and harm

Melon seeds are good, the benefits and harms of which are obvious. The oil from them normalizes the functioning of the intestines and liver, has a diuretic and choleretic effect, relieves coughing, helps to reduce sugar levels. Melon seeds are recommended for men with problems with the prostate gland, with impotence, prostatitis. In addition, the content of zinc in the seeds makes them a powerful aphrodisiac. The unusual product has no harmful properties, but the fat content in it is high. You should not get involved in eating seeds, so as not to overload the spleen.

Source http://sovets24.ru/844-dynya-polza-i-vred.html

Dried melon: properties

Calories: 341 kcal.

dried melon prepared on the basis of sweet quality fruit. The finished product is a real delicacy that both adults and children love. In industrial conditions, special chambers are used for drying.

Beneficial features

The benefits of dried melon are identical to the fresh version, as it retains all the minerals and vitamins. Fruit is an ideal product for rejuvenating the body. Dried fruits favorably affect the condition of bones and hair. If you regularly eat dried melon, then the state of the cardiovascular system improves. It is recommended to add the product to your diet for dropsy, jaundice and urolithiasis. Dried melon has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system.

It is useful to use dried melon for pregnant women, as it contains folic acid. It also contains an enzyme that helps to cope with insomnia, stress and lack of energy. There is beta-carotene in dried melon, which is necessary for nourishing the skin, and it also improves the condition of hair and nails.

There are dietary fibers in dried melon, which cleanse the intestines of decay products, which in turn improves the functioning of the digestive system. The product contains vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, improves brain activity and is involved in a large number of processes in the body.

There are chlorine and sodium in dried melon - minerals that are responsible for the water balance. In large quantities, dried fruit contains potassium, which has a positive effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels.

Use in cooking

Dried melon is used as an independent snack, which is served for dessert. It is also used as a filling for baking, or as an addition to various desserts. If desired, dried melon can be used to make various drinks.

How to dry melon at home?

During the summer, you can make your own dried melon at home. The fruit must be washed, cut and the seeds cleaned. Then the melon is cut into slices, the thickness of which should not be more than 2 cm. Remove the peel and the hard part next to it. Take a baking sheet and lay out the slices so that they do not touch each other.

The oven must be heated to 220 degrees, and only then send a baking sheet with fruit into it. Drying time at this temperature is 15 minutes. After that, reduce the temperature by 85 degrees and slightly open the door. Cooking time 6 hours. Every 30 min. pieces need to be turned over. After that, spread the melon in a room that can be ventilated until it is completely dry.

You need to store the melon in a glass jar or in a bag.

Dried melon harm and contraindications

Dried melon can cause harm when combined with the wrong foods, as this will provoke eating disorders. First of all, it is not recommended to combine the product with honey, dairy products and alcohol. Dried melon is not recommended for people with diabetes. The calorie content of the product is high, so it is not recommended to abuse the sweet dessert. You should not use melon if you have problems with the liver and stomach.

Source http://xcook.info/product/sushenaja-dinya.html

Properties of dried melon

How much does dried melon cost (average price per 1 kg.)?

Melon is a sweet, nutritious and fragrant false berry that can weigh up to 25 kilograms. There are a large number of different varieties of this wonderful product, which can differ not only in taste, but also in color, shape, size, but they all have one thing in common - properties that give health, strength and beauty. Dried melons are an exquisite and unusual delicacy that will appeal not only to adults, but also to the younger generation.

Dried melons are made exclusively from the best fruits. Farmers put a lot of effort into growing a good melon. After the seeds have been planted, it is necessary to wait several months before it is possible to collect the finished fruits, from which, in the future, dried melons will be made. It is believed that the melon was born in the vastness of Central Asia. The beneficial properties of dried melon are exactly the same as those of fresh melon, since in the process it does not lose its substances and vitamins. The calorie content of dried melon allows girls to eat it while dieting, and besides, melon is an excellent tool for rejuvenating the body.

The benefits of dried melon

The benefits of dried melon are undeniable and, above all, due to the content of a large number of trace elements and amino acids. Melon pulp is an excellent remedy for strengthening bones, hair and capillaries. The beneficial properties of dried melon also apply to those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, as well as to those suffering from dropsy, jaundice, urolithiasis or nervous diseases. Pregnant women and women during menopause need folic acid, which is contained in this wonderful dried fruit, it helps to balance the hormonal composition, and also eliminates depression, while strengthening memory and improving immunity.

In addition, the benefits of dried melon also lie in the content of the enzyme, thanks to which the body fights insomnia, impotence and irritability. This enzyme has a protective effect on cells from destruction. Beta-carotene in the composition of trace elements provides nourishment to the skin and gives the hair a rich shine, as well as strengthens the nails and keeps the skin tan in the summer. If desired, you can get rid of freckles, acne or age spots, using a wonderful plant fruit.

Harm of dried melon

The harm of dried melon lies in the fact that it can conflict with various products, which can lead to digestive disorders. It is strongly not recommended to eat dried melon in combination with alcoholic beverages, dairy products and honey. Also, for those suffering from diabetes, dried melon will not be useful.

Dried melon calories 341 kcal

The energy value of dried melon (The ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bzhu):

Energy ratio (b|g|y): 1%|0%|96%

Source http://findfood.ru/product/sushenaja-dinya

Melon is a very fragrant, tasty and nutritious berry, which is also called false. Which is not at all surprising, given that the weight of one such berry can reach about 25 kg. In modern times, there are many different varieties and varieties of melons, the fruits may differ in taste and shape, color and size, but they all have a lot of health and beauty properties. Dried melon retains all the healing qualities of a fresh fruit, and in addition, it is rightfully considered an exquisite delicacy with an unusually sweet taste.

Manufacturers take care of the quality of melon even at a time when the seeds are just planted in the ground. After all, before you start drying the product, more than one month must pass until the plant sprouts, ties and gives juicy fruits. For the preparation of dried melons, the best berries of full maturity without damage are selected.

The countries located in Central Asia are considered the homeland of sweet melons. It was the peoples living here who first came up with a way to preserve the beneficial properties of these fruits and prepare dried melons, which, despite processing, retain all the vitamins and natural elements that are of particular value to the human body.

It is worth noting that the calorie content of this very sweet dessert is relatively low. Therefore, this product can be safely included in the diet for those who want to lose weight and at the same time rejuvenate. The latter factor is largely facilitated by the rich chemical composition of dried melon. Fruit pulp in dry form contains natural amino acids and trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, bones and capillaries.

The use of dried melon in cardiovascular diseases has undoubted benefits. This product has a curative effect on dropsy, jaundice, nervous disorders and urolithiasis. This dried fruit contains a considerable amount of folic acid, which is necessary for women during special hormonal surges, in particular during pregnancy and menopause. The same substance helps to normalize the hormonal background of the body, helps to cope with depression, improves immunity and has a beneficial effect on memory.

In addition, dried melon contains a special enzyme that is involved in the fight against insomnia, irritability and loss of energy. It also protects living cells from their destruction. Dried melon contains a real beauty vitamin called beta-carotene. Thanks to him, the hair acquires a healthy shine, the nails are strengthened, and the tan on the skin remains unchanged for a long time.

The dried herbal product is believed to help with freckles, acne, and age spots.

However, dried melon can be harmful to health due to its ability to conflict with other foods, which usually manifests itself in the form of digestive disorders. For example, dried melon is completely incompatible with dairy products, honey and alcohol. In addition, this too sweet dried fruit, as well as many others, is contraindicated for people with diabetes mellitus.