Very useful foods for high cholesterol. Diet to lower cholesterol - weekly menu. Products for the week to lower cholesterol.

In the modern world, the highest incidence of cardiovascular pathology is, which can lead to serious complications - myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke. It's connected with high content cholesterol in the blood, which is gradually deposited in the walls of the arteries in the form of atherosclerotic plaques, leading to their narrowing. Reducing the level of this compound in the blood and preventing cardiovascular disease can be achieved by following simple dietary recommendations.

Egg Myths - Are Organic Eggs Better Than Eggs?

3-egg laying hens in laying hens with 2 eggs in the halls 1 egg laying hens 0-laying hens in accordance with the requirements of organic farming. This is not to say that organic eggs are better. There are no significant differences in the composition, only the cholesterol content is lower, but relatively low content cholesterol also includes eggs from cell breeds when laying hens are fed only cereals. Organic eggs have a high proportion of internal defects and dirty shells. This creates a higher risk of microbial contamination and possible disease.

The biological value of cholesterol and the danger of its elevated blood level

Chemically, cholesterol is a refractory fat that is insoluble in water. Its intake with food is mandatory, since it is a building material for building cell membranes and the synthesis of certain hormones (female and male sex hormones, glucocorticosteroids). In the blood, it binds to proteins, forming lipoproteins.

Myths about eggs - salmonella and eggs

But organic eggs are safer in regards to chemical contamination as the weeds are fed from organic farming. In the minds of many people, eggs are perceived as the main, often the only, source of salmonella. It is true that if the eggs poultry of these herds are present in poultry salmonella, they cannot be placed in the market network! Concern about eating eggs because of the risk of salmonellosis is overblown. So we can say that a person who would consume 1 raw fried egg per day would get sick every 55 years and with an average consumption of 253 eggs per year every 79 years.

There are several types of lipoproteins, depending on the density of their molecules. An increase in cholesterol levels calls for a corresponding increase in the concentration of low-density lipoproteins. Their increase causes a gradual deposition of cholesterol in the wall of the arteries, a narrowing of their diameter with the subsequent development of such pathological processes:

The risk of diseases in eggs is comparable to diseases caused by sausages, fish, delicacies or confectionery products. There is no reason to worry about eating eggs. When handling eggs, it is important to observe normal hygiene and thus reduce the risk of salmonellosis to a minimum.

Myths about eggs - Homemade eggs are better than Easter eggs

To keep the eggs from touching other food and kitchen utensils, consume only well-cooked eggs. Homemade eggs seem to be more palatable to a wide variety of consumers than Oriental eggs because they are usually consumed shortly after being sentenced. Easter egg it would be just as tasty, but because they usually reach the consumer some time after the rendezvous, it makes a less attractive impression. The composition is not much different, but homemade eggs have more saturated fatty acids and cholesterol than a large egg.

  • Ischemic heart disease - insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle, due to atherosclerotic lesions of the coronary arteries.
  • Cerebral atherosclerosis is the result of malnutrition of the brain.
  • Hypertension is a constant increase in systemic blood pressure above normal, which develops as a result of narrowing of the arteries of the kidneys.
  • Narrowing of the vessels of the extremities - an insufficient volume of blood flow develops in the arteries of the legs, which can lead to necrosis (death) of their muscles.

The deposition of cholesterol in the vascular wall occurs in the form of an atherosclerotic plaque. Against the background of high blood pressure, plaque rupture can occur. In this case, blood clots are formed, which lead to the development of a vascular catastrophe in the form of a myocardial infarction or a cerebral stroke (a consequence of blockage of the arteries that feed these organs with a formed thrombus).

The color of the yolk, which is often claimed, is not related to the breeding method, but depends on the composition of the feed, and can vary from light yellow to orange in both domestic and egg clams. The main problem with domestic eggs is the significantly higher microbial contamination, including salmonella, which increases with the age of laying hens. The risk of disease is higher in domestic eggs, especially if they are older and not stored properly.

Egg Myths - Growth Hormones and Antibiotics

Many consumers are convinced that they are being fed growth hormones and antibiotics that pass into the eggs. The use of growth hormones in chickens and chickens contained in meat is legally prohibited, and the use of antibiotics is only allowed in medicinal purposes and not as an ancillary product. When antibiotics are used for treatment, periods of withdrawal of antibiotic residues should be observed and eliminated from the body, during which eggs or poultry meat should not be placed on the market. The rapid growth of broilers and high egg laying, often mentioned by consumers, are the result of breeding and balanced feed mixes.

It's important to know! There is a normal indicator of total cholesterol in the blood, which ranges from 3.6-7.8 mmol / l. A level above the upper limit of the norm indicates the possible beginning of the process of its deposition in the walls of the arteries. The daily intake with food is 250 mg per day, for people with a high content of it - 100-150 mg.

Myths about eggs - egg and cholesterol

The consumption of eggs and poultry meat is absolutely safe from this point of view! Cholesterol is required to a certain extent for many bodily functions. Human body himself creates it not only from foods containing cholesterol, but also from foods with high energy, saturated fatty acids and trans acids. Thus, it is not only the amount of cholesterol in the food, but also the form and ingredients of the food.

Experts have confirmed that eggs do not contribute to high blood cholesterol levels and recommend taking one or two eggs a day without worries. Thanks to its high nutritional value eggs are one of the most valuable products. Nutritionists advise starting a thorough review of your diet, which is the first step to prevent a heart attack, stroke, or thinning bones. Around the age of fifty, the level of female hormones decreases, and therefore women suffer from hot flashes and night sweats.

Reasons for high cholesterol

There are 2 main groups of causes leading to an increase in blood cholesterol - endogenous and exogenous. Endogenous (internal) causes are associated with metabolic disorders in the body, these include:

  • Pathology of the liver, the cells of which begin to intensively synthesize low-density lipoproteins.
  • Violation of excretion with bile in cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder), cholelithiasis or biliary dyskinesia.
  • Reducing the absorption of cholesterol from the blood by cells - occurs with an increase in the content of the low-density lipoprotein fraction.
  • Genetic disorders of fat metabolism in the body.
  • Diabetes- with this disease, the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats in the body is disturbed.

Exogenous (external) causes are the impact of such factors that a person can change (modify):

Flavors are caused by spices, alcohol and coffee

They take care of them when they avoid certain types of food and drink. During this period of life, the diet should be sparingly spicy, it is better to avoid coffee and alcohol. On the other hand, foods containing isoflavones, plant hormones, can relieve menopausal symptoms. They are contained in soy products such as tofu and soy milk.

Experts also advise women this age to eat plenty of iron and calcium-rich foods - two to four servings of dairy products will ensure adequate calcium intake per day. Some menopausal doctors recommend that women who have a diet plan start after the age of forty-four to prepare the body for hormonal changes.

  • Increased intake from food is the result of malnutrition with a predominance of foods high in cholesterol in the diet.
  • Physical inactivity is a sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity and lack of exercise.
  • Smoking and regular alcohol consumption.
  • Being overweight is the result of an unhealthy diet and a sedentary lifestyle.

For the prevention of cardiovascular pathology, it is very important to influence exogenous factors, for which a cholesterol-lowering diet, an active lifestyle with sports, smoking and alcohol cessation are used.

Cholesterol reduction is reduced by flushing and sweating

It is important to control your cholesterol levels to maintain your health. Even a slight decrease will relieve hot flashes and night sweats. Women should watch their weight and reduce fatty foods in their diet. Lubrication should provide a maximum of thirty percent of daily energy intake.

The choice of fats is important - animal fats such as butter and lard increase cholesterol levels. It also increases the risk of heart disease. Women in their fifties should eliminate fatty meats from their diet, whole milk, ice cream and fatty cheeses. They should receive no more than 300 milligrams of cholesterol per day.

Principles and rules of the cholesterol diet

Nutrition with high cholesterol will give a good result, subject to the principles that must be followed:

  • Diet to lower cholesterol must be combined with physical activity, which will accelerate the processes of its assimilation by cells and the reduction of low density lipoproteins.
  • It is important to stop smoking and drinking alcohol, as these factors provoke malnutrition of body cells and disruption of the liver.
  • From the diet it is necessary to exclude fatty foods of animal origin.
  • Meat, fish and eggs should be consumed no more than 2 times a week.
  • You can not limit yourself in the amount of food you eat - enough proteins and carbohydrates must enter the body, the right diet for high cholesterol does not mean reducing the amount of food, but changing its quality.
  • Dishes from products are preferably steamed, boiled or stewed.
Approved Products The list of foods that help lower total blood cholesterol and low-density lipoproteins includes:
  • Fish - suitable for both sea and river.
  • Vegetables and fruits - contain all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, organic acids, which are part of almost all fruits, help improve fat metabolism.
  • Buckwheat porridge or rice groats, millet cooked on water.
  • Wholemeal bread (rye bread) - provides the body with the necessary vegetable fiber and B vitamins.
  • Fat Free dairy products- kefir, yogurt.
  • Not fatty varieties meat - rabbit, chicken, beef.
  • Vegetable fat - sunflower or olive oil.
  • Dried fruits and nuts - a good option snack between main meals.

Prohibited Products

Hormonal changes also affect taste

High cholesterol in transition women is often associated with a change in diet. Women's taste preferences and therefore diet begin to change during the period of hormonal fluctuations. This fact is known from the period of pregnancy, but women usually do not realize this during menopause.

Practitioners address these issues primarily through dietary adjustments. When advanced level cholesterol, for example, they recommend restoring animal fats and eating vegetable fat enriched with plant sterols. These lifestyle adjustments are complemented by a gynecologist, if necessary, with medical treatment.

These foods should be excluded from food, as they contain a significant amount of cholesterol and contribute to its increase in the blood:

  • Fatty meats - pork, duck, goose.
  • Non-skimmed milk products butter, sour cream, cream, cheese, cottage cheese.
  • Meat semi-finished products- sausages, sausages, pates.
  • Sweets - sweets, cakes, creamy ice cream.
  • Chicken eggs- the highest amount of cholesterol is found in the yolk.
  • Bakery products from premium flour.
  • Some seafood - shrimp, squid.
  • Mayonnaise.

In more detail, the content of cholesterol in products can be viewed in the table (click on the inscription below to open the table):

Restrictions apply to sugar and salt, too much salt in the diet increases blood pressure. Vegetables and fruits, on the other hand, should be eaten as much as possible, and if this is not the case, then within fifty years, fruit and vegetable meals should become a regular part of their diet. They contain healthy fiber.

Every day a woman should eat two or four servings of fruits and three to five servings of vegetables. Fiber also comes from whole breads, cereals, pasta, and rice. Daily intake should be 20 grams. Women during menopause should not forget about the correct drinking regimen. The general recommendation is to drink eight glasses of fluid daily.


Products - 100 gr. Cholesterol content (mg)
Meat and offal
Pork 110
Pork, fillet 380
Pork knuckle 360
Pork liver 130
Pork tongue 50
fatty beef 90
Lean beef 65
Veal lean 99
beef liver 270-400
beef tongue 150
Roe deer meat back, leg, back 110
horsemeat 78
Lamb lean 98
Lamb (summer) 70
rabbit meat 90
Chicken skinless dark meat 89
Skinless chicken white meat 79
chicken heart 170
chicken liver 492
Chick 40 - 60
Turkey 40 - 60
Duck without skin 60
Duck with skin 90
Goose 86
Veal liverwurst 169
liver pate 150
Raw smoked sausage 112
Sausages 100
Sausages in jars 100
White Munich sausage 100
Mortadella smoked 85
Salami 85
Vienna sausages 85
Cervelat 85
boiled sausage up to 40
Fat boiled sausage up to 60
Fish and seafood
Pacific mackerel 360
Stellate sturgeon 300
Cuttlefish 275
Carp 270
Natotenia marble 210
oysters 170
Acne 160 - 190
Mackerel 85
mussels 64
Shrimps 144
sardines in oil 120 - 140
Pollock 110
Herring 97
Mackerel 95
Crabs 87
Trout 56
Fresh tuna (canned) 55
shellfish 53
Crayfish 45
Sole 50
Pike 50
Horse mackerel 40
Cod 30
Medium fat fish (up to 12% fat) 88
Fish low-fat varieties (2 - 12%) 55
Quail egg (100 g) 600
Whole chicken egg (100 g) 570
Raw goat milk 30
Cream 30% 110
Cream 20% 80
Cream 10% 34
Sour cream 30% fat 90 - 100
Sour cream 10% fat 33
Cow's milk 6% 23
Milk 3 - 3.5% 15
Milk 2% 10
Milk 1% 3,2
Kefir fat 10
Regular yogurt 8
Fat-free yogurt 1
Kefir 1% 3,2
Fat cottage cheese 40
Curd 20% 17
Fat-free cottage cheese 1
Serum 2
Cheese "Gouda" - 45% 114
Cheese creamy fat content 60% 105
Cheese "Chester" - 50% 100
Edam cheese - 45% 60
Cheese "Edam" - 30% 35
Cheese "Emmental" - 45% 94
Cheese "Tilsit" - 45% 60
Cheese "Tilsit" - 30% 37
Cheese "Camembert" - 60% 95
Camembert cheese - 45% 62
Cheese "Camembert" - 30% 38
Cheese "Sausage" smoked 57
Cheese "Kostroma" 57
Cheese "Limburgsky" - 20% 20
Cheese "Romadur" - 20% 20
Sheep cheese - 20% 12
Processed cheese - 60% 80
Processed cheese "Russian" 66
Processed cheese - 45% 55
Processed cheese - 20% 23
homemade cheese - 4% 11
homemade cheese - 0.6% 1
Oils and fats
Melted butter 280
Fresh butter 240
Butter "peasant" 180
Beef fat 110
Pork or lamb fat 100
Goose fat, rendered 100
Pork lard 90
Vegetable oils 0
Margarines based on vegetable fats 0

Diet menu for high cholesterol

Day meal Dishes and products for a diet with high cholesterol
Day 1 Breakfast Glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice with a slice rye bread(about 200 g),
light porridge boiled in water - 100 g,
2 apples.
Dinner 100 g boiled chicken meat, a piece of bread, vegetable salad(150-200 g) and a glass of dried fruit compote, fruit (tangerine) for dessert.
Dinner Not later than 2 hours before bedtime - boiled pollock (100 g), oatmeal on the water (80 g), a few walnuts.
Day 2 Breakfast boiled beans(100 g), a glass of kefir and a slice of black bread.
Dinner 100 g rabbit stew,
buckwheat(100-150 g),
a slice of rye bread, a glass of green tea
Dinner vegetable salad (150 g), a portion of white fish stock (80 ml), yogurt (75 g).

A diet with high cholesterol can not only reduce its level in the blood, but also reduce the size of atherosclerotic plaques by early stages their development. This will avoid future problems with blood vessels, heart, high blood pressure and improve the quality of life.

How to deal with hot flashes and menopause flows, what herbs and natural cures for menopause, and more tips to find in the video at. There are many products that can do this. For example, onions not only lower total blood cholesterol levels, but also counteract platelet aggregation, i.e. blood clots. It is the most common cause of heart attacks and strokes.

If garlic has similar properties, experts are debating it. However, they agree that it improves vascular elasticity, releases their output and reduces arterial pressure. Just like onions, they prevent the formation of blood clots and, in addition, against sedimentation in the blood vessels.

The need to lower cholesterol is assessed by the doctor. In order to maintain the health and purity of blood vessels, an integrated approach is used:

  • weight regulation based on BMI (body mass index);
  • getting rid of bad habits (alcohol abuse, smoking);
  • maintaining physical fitness;
  • high cholesterol diet
  • if necessary, the use of therapy with medications.

Not less than important condition there will be a decrease in the total number of fats consumed, the rejection of fats of animal origin (butter, lard, etc.), the use of only vegetable fats (linen, hemp, olive, etc.).

They slightly lower the cholesterol of apples and carrots. Green and black tea, oats or beans work the same way. When you eat about ten or fifteen beans every day, you stand a chance of dropping your cholesterol by as much as 19 percent. It appears that fiber can have even more effects than these products. Evidence for Canadian scientists will confirm this.

They let a group of volunteers eat the diet, they apparently ate the original feed collectors. There were fruits, vegetables and various nuts along with the seeds. Volunteers ate it for fourteen days. They had no meat, cheese or butter. For today's fiber consuming population, this prehistoric diet was a bit harsh. But after a week, the volunteers dropped their cholesterol by as much as thirty-three percent.

Allowed dishes and products with high cholesterol:

  • flour - bakery products only from coarse varieties of wheat (pasta, diet cookies);
  • cereals - cereals from wheat, buckwheat or oatmeal cooked on water (can be on skimmed milk);
  • meat - preferably lean fish without skin, you can lean meat (lamb, veal, beef) boiled or baked;
  • dairy and sour-milk products - only fat-free or fat content of 1-1.5%;
  • berries and fruits - fresh (freshly squeezed juice), canned;
  • eggs - up to 4 per day or protein without restrictions;
  • seafood;
  • vegetables - cabbage (broccoli, white, Beijing, etc.), cucumbers, carrots, zucchini, tomato, beets, potatoes, greens;
  • tea - better green, herbal (chamomile, linden, oregano and St. John's wort, it is good to drink rosehip broth), you can not strong black tea;
  • red dry wine- allowed.

Prohibited foods for high cholesterol:

According to David Jenkins, team leader at the University of Toronto, this was more than the values ​​achieved at the same time in people taking certain cholesterol-lowering medications. The experiment showed how important fiber is for humans today. Therefore, it is almost incomprehensible that we consume so little in today's unhealthy lifestyle.

According to medical research, this dose is only two percent of the population in the Czech Republic. However, what is disturbing is that the rest, 98% of them, consume less than this amount of fiber. Chances are, nearly 78% of them eat less than half that amount.

  • strongly brewed tea, chocolate-based drinks, coffee, cocoa;
  • sweet pastries, cakes, chocolate;
  • meat with a fatty layer, fatty varieties of fish and poultry, it is also not recommended - lard, caviar, kidneys, liver;
  • smoked products, salted fish, spicy;
  • products from soft varieties wheat;
  • semolina boiled in milk;
  • sugar dried fruits;
  • radish, radish;
  • sorrel, spinach.

It is advisable to break the daily diet into five to six meals. Sample Diet with high cholesterol menu:

It's not strange just because of the population's high cholesterol levels and thus heart attacks and strokes. But also because of colon cancer, the highest incidence rate in the world and other diseases. Many fibers contain legumes, whole grains, monkeys, hunters and from them, on behalf of bran. But also mushrooms, soybeans, vegetables and fruits.

Use a large number fiber in fruits and vegetables is good. They contain many other substances beneficial to human health. Cholesterol slightly reduces adequate alcohol intake. But a much greater circulatory effect comes from a sufficient amount of fish, especially those that contain a high percentage of unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, called healthy fats. Greater than cholesterol levels cause a number of risky triglycerides, but greatly reduce the risk of clots that cause most heart attacks and strokes.

  • first meal:
  • second meal:
  • lunch options:
    • vegetarian soup from vegetables, pearl barley and vegetable oil added at the end of cooking, steamed vegetables or steam cutlets(from lean meat/fish) with compote;
    • steamed fish or meat, cereal soup without frying, compote or a fresh apple.
  • lunch options:
    • rosehip decoction (250 ml);
    • soy or bran bread.
  • dinner options:
    • salad from fresh vegetables with herbs and vegetable oil (olive, linseed, etc.), baked or fish stew, tea with milk;
    • boiled/baked potatoes with vegetable salad, tea;
    • stewed cabbage with steamed fish, pilaf with dried fruits, fresh fruits, crackers, tea.
  • before bedtime:
  • kefir / curdled milk (250 ml).

When choosing cereals, you should buy raw grains (Brown rice, oats, buckwheat). Bread products are preferably wholemeal flour (a couple of slices of bread or a bun), and salt - up to 6 g.

Diet for high cholesterol: recipes for every day

The very word diet for many sounds like a punishment or an impossible austerity. However, in healthy proper nutrition there is nothing to worry about, on the contrary, a diet with high cholesterol will help you taste foods in a new way, discover unknown “notes” interesting dishes. The main rule is to fantasize, mix in a juicer, create in a double boiler.

Baked vegetables are also useful, such as pumpkin, which is prepared as follows: cut into thin plastics, add sour cream, sprinkle with cheese, and put a piece of apple on top and bake until tender. In the fight against high cholesterol, apples are indispensable, which are eaten on their own or as an ingredient in a salad. It is possible to keep capillaries and blood vessels elastic thanks to blueberries. Of the berries, unripe gooseberries and currants are good.

Diet for high cholesterol recipes alternative medicine that reduce the amount of cholesterol in the body:

  • freshly squeezed vegetable juices- carrots (100 grams) and celery (70 grams) or half a glass of carrot juice with a quarter of cucumber and beet juice;
  • a tablespoon of honey with black radish (50 grams) - this mixture is used for the coming dream, washed down with water, after which it is impossible to eat;
  • rub the horseradish root, mix with a glass of low-fat sour cream. Take with meals 3-4 times a day, together with boiled carrots.

Diet table for high cholesterol

In order to reduce cholesterol levels, it is important to understand which foods are advisable to consume, which should be minimized, and which are completely prohibited. The success of treatment and further well-being depend on this. The list of food products should be adjusted based on individual features patient: allergic reactions and taste preferences.



Can be done in moderation


veal, rabbit, chicken, skinless turkey

pork, goose, duck, pate, sausages and canned food

lean lamb, beef, ham, liver


sea ​​low-fat (steamed, baked, stewed), oysters, scallop

greasy, fried, River fish, shrimp, squid

crabs, mussels, lobsters


any vegetable (olive, linseed, corn, etc.) raw

animal fats, margarine, butter, lard/lard

add vegetable oil to stews and baked dishes


protein (preferably quail)

fried eggs

whole egg

First meal

vegetable soup

fried foods and meat broth

fish soup

Milk products

low-fat cottage cheese, cheese, curdled milk, milk, kefir, etc.

fatty dairy products and cheeses, as well as milk

medium fat foods


bread and pasta from durum varieties wheat / wholemeal flour,

White bread and muffins, soft wheat pasta

fine flour baked goods


juice or fruit drink unsweetened, fruit desserts

cakes, pastries (especially with fatty, oil cream), all kinds of pastries, ice cream

pastries and others confectionery based vegetable oils

Vegetables fruits

fresh, steam, legumes, greens, potatoes cook in uniform

fried, fries, grilled, chips

stewed, baked


walnut, almond

salted, fried, coconut

hazelnuts, pistachios


white, green, herbal tea, water (everything is not sweet)

coffee, hot chocolate, cocoa

alcohol (no more than a glass of wine), low-fat milk or cream as an additive to tea


yogurt, lemon, pepper, vinegar, mustard

sour cream, fatty cream and mayonnaise

ketchup, low-fat mayonnaise, soy sauce

Sample diet for high cholesterol

Daily daily rate cholesterol is: healthy people- no more than 300 mg, and with cardiovascular pathology and hypercholesterolemia - up to 200 mg.

An approximate diet for high cholesterol is based on the observance of ten rules:

  1. choose lean fish or a bird. If you cook beef, lamb or veal, then cut off the fat layer from the pieces. Refuse semi-finished products (sausages, bacon, etc.) and offal (brain, kidneys, etc.);
  2. reduce your total fat intake by a third (forget about animal fats);
  3. do not use Palm oil(use sunflower, olive, soy, linseed, etc. preferably cold pressed);
  4. do not be tempted by cakes, pastries, cakes, desserts with heavy cream, ice cream, as they are rich in carbohydrates and fats;
  5. in eggs, only proteins that can be eaten without restriction will be useful. Whole eggs are allowed in the amount of no more than three pieces per week;
  6. dairy and sour-milk products should be no more than 2% fat. It is preferable to drink fat-free yogurts and eat low-fat cheeses;
  7. caution should be taken with complex carbohydrates, the quantitative content of which in the daily diet occupies half of the total volume of food - cook porridge in water (you can use low-fat milk). Corn and oat flakes are shown only in the morning hours. Peas, beans, soybeans and other legumes are rich in vegetable protein, so they are an excellent substitute meat dishes. bakery products also should not be abused (up to 5-6 slices per day);
  8. Load up on fresh vegetables and fruits. Perfectly lower cholesterol - apples, grapefruits, oranges, pineapples, melons, plums, kiwi. Can be consumed canned fruits, frozen vegetables, unsweetened dried fruits;
  9. a diet with high cholesterol, excluding coffee, helps to reduce its level by almost 20%;
  10. dry red wines are famous for their vascular protective properties (they contain flavonoids, which have antioxidant properties). daily rate- half a glass, if there are no medical contraindications.

Before starting treatment, you should take an analysis to determine the level of cholesterol in the blood, set the body mass index and consult a specialist who will help you make a daily diet based on individual characteristics and physical form.

The recommended diet for high cholesterol is also useful as a preventive measure and is relevant for diseases of the vessels, heart, and the problem of overweight. The basis of the diet is vegetable alimentary fiber, vitamin C, A, B, L-carnitine and E, phytosterols and other antioxidants.

Nutritionists advise paying attention not only to what you eat, but also how you do it. Eat portioned meals with a minimum interval of two hours. Break the entire volume of products into five to six doses per day. During the diet, herbal decoctions are indispensable. Suitable for this: wild rose, horsetail, corn stigmas, buckthorn, hawthorn, motherwort, mint, etc.

A high cholesterol diet might look like this:

  • in the morning - low-fat cottage cheese or fresh vegetable salad with sea ​​kale, tea;
  • after a couple of hours - fruit salad or fresh fruits (grapefruit, apple);
  • in the afternoon - vegetarian soup, potatoes (boiled in their skins) and / or boiled meat, compote / juice;
  • for an afternoon snack - an infusion of wild rose is ideal;
  • in the evening - vegetable stew, steamed fish and tea;
  • before going to bed - a glass of fat-free kefir.