Choco diet: pros and cons. Chocolate diet for weight loss: sample menu

Most diet programs involve. Refusal of chocolate is a prerequisite on the way to a slim and fit figure. Therefore, inveterate sweet tooth will be happy to know that you can fight with overweight and indulge in your favorite treat.

The course is designed for 7 days and implies a complete rejection of salt. In principle, you will have to be away from everything except a sweet product.

But after a weekly course, you will noticeably lose weight up to 4-5 kg. The diet program provides for the consumption of 100 g of chocolate per day. Wherein daily dose calories will equal 550 kcal.

For example, the famous buckwheat diet has a daily calorie content of about 980 kcal. The daily norm of chocolate can be divided into three meals, each of which is accompanied by a cup of coffee without sugar.

Fasting days on chocolate have a number of restrictions. For example:

  • For a period of low-calorie food give up salt and sugar in any form;
  • Eliminate vegetables from the diet, and especially fruits;
  • From the use of carbonated drinks and juices (including natural ones) must be abandoned;
  • Fluid intake should be no earlier than 2-3 hours after the last meal;
  • It is necessary to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day;
  • Fasting days should be repeated no more than once every three months.

The main advantage of the diet is the arbitrary intake of food. You choose your own convenient time for eating. You can not divide the chocolate bar into several meals, but eat 100 g at a time.

Type of chocolate

When choosing chocolate for weight loss, you need to take into account the main characteristics and calorie content of each type.


Most often, when losing weight, dark chocolate is used. There is an opinion that only natural chocolate With high content cocoa (at least 70%) is able to effectively deal with extra centimeters. Its calorie content is 540 kcal per 100 g of product. According to the rules, the daily norm of the product should not exceed 100 g. Therefore, the number of calories in daily diet is reduced to a minimum.


Despite all the assurances about the benefits of dark chocolate, the dairy variation of your favorite treat is no less effective. Let's count. If the calorie content of bitter is 540 kcal per 100 g, then in the case of milk it is 545 kcal per 100 g. As you can see, the difference is not very noticeable. Therefore, milk chocolate can be attributed to the list of "allowed" for the period of the diet.


White chocolate contains more sugar than other types. In addition, cocoa butter is used in its manufacture, while grated cocoa beans are included in the composition of milk and bitter chocolate. They are involved in the process of fat burning. Can be used White chocolate for a variety of the daily menu, but it is still not worth building a full-fledged diet on it.

Main advantages

The main advantages of the diet:

  • Effective weight loss without giving up your favorite dessert;
  • No need to count calories and prepare complex meals;
  • Chocolate stimulates the brain, which greatly improves mental activity;
  • It is a powerful antioxidant and improves the functioning of the immune system.

Diet Disadvantages

It is worth noting that such a mono-diet is. Switching from your usual eating habits can disrupt your body and cause stress. In addition, it has a number side effects and contraindications:

  • Eating large amounts of chocolate products can cause an allergic reaction. A diet built solely on the use of one product cannot be balanced. Such nutrition does not normalize metabolic processes and does not contribute to the cleansing of the body. It is aimed solely at reducing the caloric content of the daily diet;
  • Such a diet belongs to the category of weight loss. Of course, this point can be attributed to the positive. However, rapid weight loss combined with low content beneficial vitamins and microelements, leads to adverse effects for the whole organism;
  • This diet does not go well with physical activity. This is due to the same lack of vitamins and minerals in its composition. But they are responsible for energy and general well-being;
  • During chocolate nutrition, the body gets used to minimum quantity calories in the diet. Therefore, the transition to a normal diet will lead to rapid weight gain;
  • Nutrition on chocolate has many contraindications. Therefore, only healthy people need to “sit down” on such a diet.

Despite all the advantages of chocolate nutrition, the disadvantages significantly outweigh the advantages. Therefore, if you decide to get rid of excess weight with the help of chocolate, consult a specialist.


Give up the diet in such cases:

  • If you have an allergic reaction to the main component, such nutrition should be urgently stopped;
  • For diseases of the liver, kidneys and urinary system, the chocolate-based menu is categorically contraindicated;
  • People with hypertension should not use coffee drinks. They increase blood pressure and affect the work of the heart;
  • Women during pregnancy and lactation need a balanced diet. This weight loss program is not one of them.

Chocolate diet menu for 7 days

Day meal sample menu
Monday Breakfast A piece of natural dark chocolate (30-35 g), a cup ground coffee, cooked in Turkish
Dinner A piece of fresh milk chocolate(30-35 g), a cup of fresh organic coffee
Dinner 1/3 of fresh dark chocolate, a glass of fresh still water
Tuesday Breakfast 1/3 part fresh milk chocolate without additives, a cup of ground coffee beans prepared in a cezve
Dinner Small piece of milk chocolate (30-35 g), natural fresh coffee without sweeteners
Wednesday Breakfast Black natural chocolate (30-35 g), a cup of fresh strong tea of your choice
Dinner A piece of black fresh chocolate (30-35 g), fresh coffee made in a coffee maker, no added sugar
Dinner Milk fresh chocolate without additives (30-35 g), a glass of fresh still water without sweeteners
Thursday Breakfast A piece of dark chocolate with 70% cocoa content, a cup of freshly ground black coffee, without added milk and sugar
Dinner A piece of black fresh chocolate (30-35 g), fresh coffee made in a coffee maker, no added sugar
Dinner 1/3 milk chocolate without additives, a cup of fresh green tea without sweeteners and milk
Friday Breakfast Fresh milk chocolate (30-35 g), a glass of fresh water without sweeteners and gas
Dinner 1/3 bittersweet 70% chocolate, cup finely ground grain coffee prepared without sugar
Dinner 1/3 of a chocolate bar of your choice, a cup of hot tea without added sugar and milk
Saturday Breakfast 1/3 milk chocolate without additives, a cup of hot Turkish coffee without added sugar
Dinner A piece of black fresh chocolate (30-35 g), fresh coffee made in a coffee maker, no added sugar
Dinner Any fresh chocolate of your choice (30-35 g), a glass of fresh water without sugar and gas
Sunday Breakfast Dark chocolate with 70% cocoa content (30-35 g), a cup of instant fresh coffee
Dinner Any fresh chocolate of your choice 1/3 part, a glass of fresh still water without added sugar
Dinner A piece of black fresh chocolate (30-35 g), fresh coffee made in a coffee maker, no added sugar

If you find it difficult to follow this diet for a week, limit the chocolate diet for three days. You can use the table as a guide for creating a three-day menu. Follow the unloading program in accordance with the basic rules of the chocolate diet.

Get out of the diet right

As with any diet program, the chocolate diet provides the right way out. It consists in following a few simple rules:

  1. Add familiar products to the daily menu gradually. On the first day after the diet, diversify your diet with plant foods. For example: fruits, vegetables and cereals.
  2. During unloading, your body did not receive enough vitamins and minerals. Therefore, include fresh fish and natural fruit juices in the menu.
  3. Eat small meals and don't overeat. During the diet, the body is used to receiving a limited number of calories. Sharp breakdowns will help return those extra centimeters.
  4. Include boiled meat (chicken, turkey or pork) in your diet. This will help replenish the body with the missing protein.
  5. Go in for sports. Sudden weight loss has a negative effect on the skin. It loses its elasticity and becomes flabby. Strength exercises, as well as stretching (yoga or fitness) will help restore skin elasticity.

What is the choco diet? We are all used to thinking that weight loss- this is a complex and long process when you have to limit yourself in your favorite sweets, give up cakes and cookies, marmalade and sweets, replacing everything with boiled chicken breast and lettuce leaves. Really, the most useful weight loss will only be achieved proper nutrition However, it takes a lot of time and effort. You need to think over the menu, prepare special meals daily and spend money on fresh vegetables-fruits that are out of season, oh, how expensive. This applies to long-term weight loss when you need to throw off more quantity excess weight.

It’s not worth it to get carried away for a long time in this way of losing weight, however, in order to lose a few kilograms, it’s perfect choco diet for 7 days, choco diet for 3 days or just fasting day.

For the first time, nutritionists advise trying to one day on chocolate.

In the official description of the chocolate fasting day, you are advised to take 1 bar of black bitters and divide it into 3 meals. We ignore this official description, and do it our own way: you can take milk chocolate if you don't like black with any additives. With nuts? Please. With cookies? To health! Yes, dark chocolate contains more cocoa, but if you don’t enjoy it, then you don’t need to eat it. We will not listen to the guide on the amount of chocolate (1 bar) either. We take two. The calorie content of one bar of chocolate is just over 500 calories, which is four times less daily allowance! Yes, you will lose weight, but your metabolism will not like such jokes. There are about 1100 calories in two bars of chocolate, and in the morning you will get no less plumb than from one. You can drink water, tea with stevia, coffee(optionally with milk).

How does sweet magic work?

Firstly, You reduce daily calories which makes you lose weight.

Secondly, This mono diet, consisting of one product. When you eat one particular food throughout the day without exceeding your daily calorie intake, you lose weight.

Third, the weight of two bars of chocolate is only 200 grams, or even less. They ate - they didn’t load the stomach with heavy food, everything was quickly digested - the end. Have lost weight.

Fourth, in that delicious product contained a large number of cocoa, which removes excess fluid from the body. This method of losing weight will help get rid of edema.

I experimented with increasing the amount of chocolate, as it turned out, the weight goes off on both four and five bars. But I do not advise you to do this: such an amount will not benefit anyone.

Choco diet for 3 days

All in the same way. 2 tiles of any color with any filling divided into 3 meals. It is allowed to drink water (the more the better!), tea and coffee with the addition of natural sweetener. It is better not to get carried away with carbonated non-calorie drinks.

Exit with choco

We leave our sweet diet on protein products. Kefir days, banana + milk, yogurt days are also suitable. The exit lasts the same number of days as you spent on the choco. 1 day - 1 day out, 3 days - 3 days of release, etc. Do not load the stomach with bulky heavy food after the end of the diet.

Good luck!

The article was prepared by Svetlana Istomina, who tried this and other diets, getting rid of 15 kilograms.

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Many women who are struggling with excess weight dream of losing those extra pounds without giving up their favorite foods. In particular, for lovers of sweets, the shock-drinking diet, which will be discussed in our article, is an excellent choice.

The choco-drink diet is a diet in which you completely refuse to eat solid foods. Only liquids, such as water, cocoa or hot chocolate, can be consumed.

What are the benefits of a shock-drinking diet?

Cocoa is a very healthy drink for the body and at the same time acts on the body more gently than caffeine. Therefore, many people who cannot consume caffeine for health reasons may well use cocoa as their main drink during the duration of the choco-drink diet.

Interesting: Cocoa, when consumed without the addition of granulated sugar, does not cause weight gain and is a highly nutritious drink.

When using cocoa, the body receives a tonic effect and stops the aging process, due to the content in its composition of such useful substances as antioxidants and theobromine.

Cocoa will also be useful for people suffering from bronchitis or asthma, as it contains substances that are beneficial for the respiratory tract.

Chocolate, in turn, contains substances that contribute to the production of hormones of happiness. Therefore, be sure that, being on a shock-drinking diet, you will always have a great mood.

Interesting: Chocolate helps not only to improve mood, but also to cope with depression.

How to prepare a drink?

In order for the drink to turn out to be non-caloric, you need to boil it either in water or in skim milk.

Consider a recipe using milk, as in this case the drink will turn out much tastier.

To make cocoa, you will need a liter of milk and at least 4 tsp. cocoa powder. At your discretion, you can add more powder, then the drink will turn out to be more saturated with a pronounced bitter chocolate taste.

When choosing cocoa powder, it is better to choose the simplest product without adding any flavoring spices or additives to it.

Consider step by step how to cook cocoa at home:

  1. Bring the milk to a boil.
  2. Mix in a separate bowl required amount cocoa with cold water.
  3. Then add the stirred powder to the boiling milk and stir.

After that, you can use cocoa, adding cinnamon or vanilla if desired. In no case should you add sugar, even in the form of a substitute.

If you do not have the opportunity to cook cocoa at home, you can use the second cooking method:

  • 1. Stir the required amount of cocoa in a cup of cold water or milk.
  • 2. Warm up the cocoa in the microwave.

This cooking method can be used in the workplace.

Important: Under no circumstances should sugar be added to cocoa. powdered milk, since in this case the drink will turn out to be more high-calorie.

How to diet properly?

With the help of a shock-drinking diet, you can arrange a fasting day for the body, which will cleanse the body and remove harmful toxins. In order to lose weight, you must follow a diet for 7 or 15 days.

When choosing the last two diets, it is necessary to prepare the body in advance, since it is not used to such a diet and will not be able to quickly adjust. To do this, within a few days it is necessary to reduce the portions of the consumed products and only after that start the shock-drinking diet.

During the day, you can not eat any products other than water, cocoa and hot chocolate. Moreover, up to 7 cups of cocoa are allowed per day.

On the first day of being on a diet, you will experience a bad mood, a breakdown and a big craving for other foods. But things will get better in the coming days.

A diet of 15 days can be hazardous to health, because, despite its nutritional value, cocoa cannot replace all other foods. Only people with good health can dare to experiment with their body.

After following such a diet, your stomach will decrease and in the future you will need less food to fill up.

It is also necessary to properly exit the diet in order to adapt the body back to normal nutrition. To do this, in the first days you need to use fruit puree in small quantities, and then boiled or stewed vegetables.

In a few days it will be possible to eat porridge on the water with the addition of a small amount butter. After that, it will be possible to introduce into the diet protein products(fish and meat) in small form. At the same time, you should not delay too much with such a sparing diet, because the stomach can become “lazy” and in the future there will be problems with the digestion of ordinary food.

After a few days, you can switch to a normal diet, but the dishes should be consumed in small quantities.

Video - Choco-drinking diet option

What are the contraindications?

Despite the great desire to lose weight, you should always remember about the state of your health. If you have any health problems, you must refrain from any drinking diets, as only a very healthy body can tolerate them.

In particular, if you have the following diseases, the shock-drinking diet is contraindicated for you:

  1. Allergy to any food.
  2. Diseases associated with the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Renal failure.
  4. Cardiovascular diseases.

Many who have tried the shock-drinking diet note its high effectiveness. It is believed that in 7 days of dieting you can lose up to 7 kg of excess weight. Given the high taste qualities such a diet, it will appeal to many sweet lovers. This is probably one of the few diets that, despite the absence of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet, causes an upsurge and a good mood. Unless, of course, you don’t get too carried away with this diet.

Before you venture on such a diet, you need to weigh all the pros and cons, as well as study all the contraindications, as thoughtless dieting can lead to serious health problems.

Hello my wonderful readers. I have great news for those with a sweet tooth: you can lose weight too. I think that you have often wondered whether it is possible to eat chocolate while losing weight. I assure you, you can. Do you think I'm playing you? What are you, I myself am shocked by what I found out. So I won't bore you. I will tell you what the chocolate diet for 7 days is, the results and reviews are also in store.

This delicacy is high-calorie product. From the table below, you can see for yourself.

And the most useful of this list is bitter dark chocolate. Yes, white chocolate is free of caffeine and theobromine. Therefore, they can be enjoyed by those who are prohibited from consuming caffeine. However, look at the plate, how many carbohydrates - sugars it contains. That's horrible! Frequent consumption of such a tasty treat is fraught with the occurrence of caries. And white chocolate can provoke diabetes and lead to obesity.

As for milk chocolate, it is, of course, rich in potassium, magnesium, iron and calcium. However, it also contains a lot of sugars.

Talking about the benefits of dark chocolate can be endlessly long. To be sure, here are a few reasons:

  1. Due to the high content of flavanols, it prevents the development of strokes and heart attacks. And it has been scientifically proven that the consumption of such chocolate prevents the formation of blood clots. I would like to believe that soon every neurologist and cardiologist will have a new “medicine” in their medicine cabinet. For each patient they will have a chocolate bar 🙂
  2. There are more antioxidants in 40 g of dark chocolate than in a glass of red wine. Therefore, this chocolate will give elasticity to blood vessels and normalize blood pressure. And he can easily cope with the removal of toxins and other rubbish from the body.
  3. The catechin and epicatechin present here give the product an anti-inflammatory property.
  4. Has an antibacterial effect - protects teeth from caries.

What kind of chocolate can you eat on a diet

A scientific experiment was recently carried out. A group of overweight and obese women were given dark chocolate. They received this delicacy twice a day for 40 g. The menu was not changed for the participants in the experiment, that is, they ate their usual food.

So, after 18 weeks, it was found that the subjects lost weight. And, all to one. In addition, the participants in this experiment normalized blood pressure. Glucose and insulin levels also returned to normal.

The conclusion suggests itself - for weight loss it is better to use dark diet chocolate. It must contain at least 70% cocoa

It is desirable that it has a minimum sugar content. Basically, it's dark chocolate.

And milk or white chocolate are the real enemies of weight loss. From them such a terrible zhor begins, it is difficult to stop. Yes and on chocolates nothing good will come of it either.

Pros and cons of the chocolate diet

The main advantage of this nutrition system is that you can quickly lose weight on it. And these results can be achieved in a short period of time.

The creators of this weight loss program promise good results: in 7 days, a plumb line minus 7 kilos

This weight loss program is, in fact, an emergency. Let's say you have a special event ahead of you (wedding, anniversary) and you need to quickly bounce back. Then the chocolate diet is what you need.

The staple of this diet is chocolate. And it is a brain stimulant. Therefore, during weight loss, the brain will not starve and will be able to work productively.

And dark chocolate strengthens the immune system. Losing weight on it, you are protected from colds. Well, the antioxidants contained in this product will prevent premature aging your body.

It would seem that there are so many positive aspects of losing weight on chocolate. It even seems that this unloading program is perfect - both tasty and effective. But don't jump to conclusions. She also has negative sides.

The main disadvantage of this weight loss system is the imbalance of nutrition. Sitting on such a nutrition program, you will receive less daily allowance proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And this can lead to metabolic disorders. Such a system of nutrition is strictly prohibited for people with chronic diseases GIT.

Yes, this diet can not be called safe. Therefore, before embarking on such weight loss, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

In addition, such a diet is "hungry". To sit 7 days on it, you need to have great willpower or have a serious incentive.

And one more minus - after chocolate weight loss, weight can quickly return back. You have to get out of it the right way.

Chocolate diet - reviews and results of those who have lost weight

And what do the reviews of those who have lost weight on chocolate say? Let's get to know them together.

Milka: I sat out for a week. It took 3 cm - the clothes dangled like on a hanger. But then came stomach problems. And there was some kind of rash

Anna: Works awesome. I got rid of 8 kg. But it was hard to stick to such a diet.

Rita: My girlfriend has already turned into a vobla. She sat on the “chocolate” for a whole month. I ate 100 g of treats a day and drank juice. Don't throw it off excess weight You can, but the main thing is that it is safe.

Nyusha: The diet is really effective. But after it, there are many bad consequences. I started having headaches and stomach problems.

Lera: I got through everything just fine. But my pace of life is crazy - work + university. Also first love

Alina: The idea is good. But a week is too much for this diet. So no wonder and hate chocolate. I lasted 4 days - threw off almost 3.5 kg. I don't seem to have any health problems.

Irusya: chocolate diet- This is my lifesaver. If you need to quickly get in shape, it helps best of all. I usually lose weight in 2-3 days, it takes 1-1.5 kg.

Vika: If you want to fight off cravings for chocolate - sit down on this diet. Yes, you can lose weight well ... But this weight loss is hard to bear.

Basic rules for losing weight on chocolate

Just do not think that on this diet you can gobble up chocolates in kilograms. I dare to disappoint you.

Daily "ration" - 100 g of chocolate. This amount of product must be divided into several doses.

Nutritionists recommend eating chocolate with a cup of unsweetened black coffee. The fact is that . Therefore, the extra kilos will go faster.

If it’s unbearable, you can replace coffee with green gulls. Or add a sweetener to coffee and flavor it with skim milk. Only then will the results be completely different. In this case, do not expect to turn into a inch in a week 🙂

Any other products other than water are prohibited. And you need to drink a lot according to such a program - at least 2 liters of non-carbonated drinking water per day.

And for maximum results, do not forget about sports. It can be a short run before breakfast or a set of simple exercises. Such classes will not take much time, but at the end of the week you will find a stunning result 😉

Classic chocolate weight loss program

This program lasts for a week. She has strict rules and a limited menu. All 7 days the diet is unchanged.

  • In the morning: 40g treats + a cup of coffee
  • At lunch: 30 g chocolate + coffee
  • In the evening: the remaining 30 g of sweets and coffee again

Yes, with such a diet you won’t eat much. In general, I will tell you that it is extremely difficult to follow this program for 7 days. Therefore, it is better to use it as unloading days(). Well, for example, to start 1 day to arrange such an unloading. If you easily hold out, try it for 3 days after a while. Then decide whether it is worth trying for 7 days on such a diet to be.

Way out of the chocolate diet

In order not to gain kilograms after “sweet” weight loss, it is strictly forbidden to overeat. You need to eat often (5-6 times a day) and little by little.

During such a nutrition program, your body received less vitamins and minerals, so saturate it with these valuable elements. Include juices in your diet home cooking, fresh vegetables and fruits. However, starchy root crops are taboo for a couple of weeks.

Try to have a salad as the first meal after the "sweet" fasting program. Prepare it from white cabbage and carrots. Dress up the salad a small amount lemon juice. Just remember that your body has not received a week, it has lost the habit of roughage. So chew your food thoroughly.

Also, when leaving the diet, focus on protein foods. These are eggs, chicken breast, cottage cheese, etc.

Low-carbohydrate diets can help with the exit from the “sweet” food system. Pay attention to the program or.

And for the future, focus on healthy and healthy food. Eliminate smoked meats, canned food, fast foods and other harmful things from your diet.

Recipes for homemade diet chocolates

If you want variety on such a diet, I suggest making chocolate at home or sweet sausage. With coffee or green tea without sugar, oh how delicious it will be. Try one of these dishes.

diet chocolate recipe

This delicacy can be made at home. finished product similar to chocolate, but not as hard as real chocolate. However, it will turn out sweet and tasty.

  • 3 tbsp skimmed milk powder;
  • 1 tbsp cocoa to 11% fat.
  • 50-60 ml milk 1.5%
  • substitute sugar to taste
  • 10 g gelatin

Fry dry milk in a pan. Cook, stirring until yellowish lumps form. We send it to the blender bowl. Add tbsp. cocoa. And we grind everything.

Then pour 50-60 ml of milk, 10 g of gelatin into a glass. Stir and let it swell a little. To speed up the process, put in the microwave for 30 seconds.

Then add sugar substitute (to taste) and swollen gelatin to the crushed mixture in a blender. And we shake it all up again.

Prepare the chocolate mold. It could be silicone mold Or make your own out of foil. Pour out chocolate mass. Place in refrigerator or freezer until completely frozen. And then take it out, cut into pieces and enjoy the yummy.

Diet chocolate sausage

This dish from childhood is made with cookies, butter, chocolate and nuts. It's not quite diet foods for weight loss. Especially cookies in the store without margarine "afternoon with fire" can not be found. Therefore, I propose a more low-calorie option and adapted for weight loss.

You will need:

  • a pack of diet bread;
  • 1 banana;
  • 1-2 tbsp coconut pulp paste or coconut oil;
  • 1 tbsp cocoa;
  • 1 tbsp (optional)

Grind a pack of bread on a grater. And break one thing with your hands into small pieces. Next, add cocoa, a spoonful of protein. Mix well.

Then add the banana and mash it with a fork. And it remains to add a paste of coconut pulp.

Mix everything well, first with a fork, then with your hands. It should turn out such a cool dough.

Form on cling film sausage and put in the freezer overnight. And in the morning, take out the sausage, wait until it thaws a little and cut into small pieces. Taste really like chocolate sausage from childhood. Try it.

Now, my friends, you know which chocolate is the most useful - bitter or dark. It is this sweetness that will help you become slim, like a doe 🙂 Your friends will envy you. Send them a link to the article, let them also learn how to lose weight on chocolate. And I say goodbye to you: until we meet again, slim girls.

The Choco Diet is not weight loss with shock therapy, as the name suggests, it is weight loss with chocolate. Yes, you heard right. Contrary to popular belief, chocolate can actually help you lose weight, not gain it. Most girls, wanting to lose weight, first of all exclude all sweets from the menu, especially chocolate.

However, the unusual menu of this diet, however, brings quite tangible results in just 7 days, and the choco diet is gaining popularity. However, your body will be in shock after the first day. The diet is considered one of the toughest.

You can create a menu in two ways:

  • drinking chocolate diet;
  • and classic for seven days.

What is the difference? The classic menu is dark chocolate seven days a week. During the day, you should eat as many pieces as you need calories, and not a gram more. You can eat fresh and boiled vegetables, as well as pasta durum varieties wheat.

Drinking chocolate diet is actually a mix of two diets - chocolate and drinking. It is also designed for 7 days and in the same way allows you to lose up to 6 kilograms of weight. It is suggested that during the drinking diet, instead of coffee, you need to drink cocoa without sugar or liquid chocolate, about six mugs during the day, as well as water up to one and a half liters, to maintain a sufficient level of fluid in the body.

Some people think there's no difference hot drink you use or cold, but there really is a difference. Any hot food always contains additional calories. And for the assimilation of cold food, the body must spend a couple of calories more. It's better to drink warm drink– after all, in order to burn fat, you also need energy.

save effect

It will take up to four to five days to exit the diet, classic or drinking. You will need to gradually increase the portions of vegetables in your menu. Follow the drinking regimen, also consume plenty of fluids, but switch to freshly squeezed juices without sugar, rosehip broth, meat and fish broths.

Avoid fast carbohydrates and starchy foods, otherwise all the lost kilograms will instantly return back. A competent exit will allow you to maintain a slender figure. In order not to lose it, immediately think over your diet for the next days.

Cons of "shock therapy"

Although chocolate does promote the production of the hormone of happiness, get ready for the ordeal for 7 days. This diet is considered one of the toughest and is recommended only for people with good health. During the day, you will receive enough calories, which means that you will not feel depressed and weak.

However, the body needs protein, as well as essential amino acids, which are found only in animal food, and the supply of which is desirable to be renewed during the day.

Protein is your muscles, hair, skin and nails. Brilliant results for a figure can turn out to be deplorable for everything else. Day by day, the face will acquire an increasingly earthy hue, the hair will begin to fade, and the nails will break. Worse, after such a menu, rashes may appear, especially if your skin is prone to them initially. Aren't you afraid that on the seventh day you will look like a faded picture?

In addition, the stomach needs fiber. Durum pasta and vegetables solve this problem only partially. You can earn indigestion and even metabolic disorders.


The chocolate diet, both classic and drinking, is highly discouraged for people with poor health. It is strictly contraindicated for those who suffer from heart disease. vascular system. Competent entry into the diet is no less, and maybe even more important than the exit. It is not necessary, having clenched your teeth, to endure malaise. If you feel bad from the first day, stop self-torture.

Some are so eager to get rid of extra pounds that return to the chocolate menu in just seven days. This is too short a period for the body to recover. If you still decide that this menu does not harm you, keep a gap of at least a month before returning to it again.

Remember that metabolic disorders are very difficult to treat, and their consequences can be too serious. Do not experiment with your body.