Whether carbonated. Which water is healthier carbonated or non-carbonated? Soda can irritate the stomach lining


There has long been talk about the dangers of carbonated sugary drinks, and scientists have confirmed that the abuse of such drinks is associated with many health risks. It became clear that in terms of calories, these products have long surpassed white bread, since they contain a huge amount of sugar.

Soda is considered one of the most harmful foods we consume. One small bottle of sweetened water (0.33 liters) can contain about 16 teaspoons of sugar in the form of high fructose corn syrup! This is about 3 times more than the daily norm, according to American Heart Association.

Such a syrup usually contains a mixture of 45 percent glucose and 55 percent fructose, however, some studies have shown that some well-known brands of such drinks add 65 percent fructose syrup.

When you drink such a sweet drink, your pancreas begins to produce insulin at a high rate in response to the sugar that has entered the body. As a result, blood sugar levels rise sharply. Here's what happens in your body after you drink sugary soda:

20 minutes blood sugar reaches high levels, and your liver reacts to the resulting insulin by converting a huge amount of sugar into fat.

40 minutes caffeine absorption stops, your pupils dilate, your blood pressure rises, and your liver dumps more sugar into your bloodstream. This can be easily tracked with tests.

Approximately 45 minutes later your body increases production dopamine, a hormone that stimulates the pleasure centers in the brain. By the way, something similar happens after taking heroin.

After 60 minutes your blood sugar plummets, and you're tempted to drink that evil drink again.

If insulin levels constantly rise, as they usually do if you drink soda regularly, this leads to insulin resistance, which in turn leads to the development of chronic diseases, from diabetes to cancer.

Fructose turns into fat much faster than other sugars and fats

Studies of fructose have shown that it is much more dangerous than other types of sugar. It is processed by the liver and, unlike other sugars, most of it is converted into fat deposits. That is why fructose is the main culprit of obesity, other types of sugar are inferior to it. According to new research, 2 bottles of sugary soda per day can "be deposited" in the form of 0.5 kilograms of fat per week!

In addition to making you gain weight, fructose has also been linked to increased levels. triglycerides. One study found that men who consumed sugary drinks had an average of 32 percent higher triglyceride levels. These substances are the chemical form of fat and are found in some foods and accumulate in our bodies.

Research by scientists over the past 40 years has shown that high levels of triglycerides in the blood, known as hypertriglyceridemia significantly increase the risk of heart disease. Fructose consumption not only causes insulin resistance, but also inhibits leptin send signals to the brain correctly. Leptin is responsible for controlling appetite and fat deposits, and also "tells" the liver what to do with stored glucose.

If your body cannot "hear" the signals of leptin, weight gain, diabetes and other chronic diseases develop. That is, fructose has a very detrimental effect on our health through various mechanisms of action.

What else is in sweet soda?

1) In one glass of soda, about 150 empty calories which are stored primarily as fat

2) One glass also contains approximately 30-55 milligrams of caffeine which causes tremors, insomnia, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeats, high blood cholesterol levels, vitamin and mineral depletion, breast lumps, birth defects in children, and even some types of cancer!

3) It contains artificial food colors, including burnt sugar, which has recently been identified as a carcinogen. An artificial brown can be achieved by reacting corn sugar with ammonium and sulfite at high pressure and temperature. This reaction produces by-products that studies in mice and rats have shown can lead to lung, liver, and thyroid cancer.

4) Sulfites. People who are sensitive to sulfites (salts of sulfurous acid) may suffer from headaches, breathing problems and allergies. In some rare cases, sulfites can even be fatal!

5) Benzene. Although there are regulations for the use of this aromatic hydrocarbon in the food industry, studies have shown that it is significantly higher in carbonated drinks.

6) Phosphoric acid, which can affect the body's ability to absorb calcium, leading to osteoporosis, bone and dental problems.

7) Aspartame. This chemical is used as a sugar substitute in diet drinks. There are a huge number of problems that are associated with the excessive use of this substance, including brain tumors, birth defects, diabetes, emotional disorders, epilepsy, convulsions.

8) Tap water. We all know perfectly well that drinking tap water is highly discouraged, because it contains a large amount of harmful components. Unfortunately, in sweet soda, it is tap water that is used as the basis.

9) sodium benzoate is a preservative often used by soda manufacturers. This substance causes DNA damage, which leads to diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver and Parkinson's disease.

When you look at all those dangerous ingredients that are found in sugary soda, it's no surprise that soda consumption causes so many health problems and leads to obesity.

One of the studies published in the British Medical Journal The Lancet, showed that a 12-year-old who regularly consumes soda is more likely to be overweight compared to the rest. Indeed, if you consume sugary drinks daily, in 2 years the risk of obesity increases by 60 percent!

As mentioned earlier, sugary soda raises insulin levels, and this, in turn, threatens the appearance of chronic diseases. Even 1 serving of sweet water a day increases the risk of diabetes by 85 percent, and in addition, you are at risk of the following diseases:

--Heart diseases



Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Reducing soda consumption to zero will help prevent a large number of diseases. To do this, it is also necessary to normalize the level of insulin. Pure water is the best way out, and if you just can't live without soda, at least make homemade lemonade by adding lemon and some sugar to mineral water.

The question of why soda is harmful has been discussed by doctors for many years. On a hot summer day, a rare person will refuse a sip of cold mineral water, which perfectly quenches thirst. For children, there is nothing tastier than sweet fizzy lemonades, which tickle your nose so pleasantly.

It would seem that what's wrong with ordinary sparkling water, which we drink so often? It turns out that this drink is not so useful, as they say about it. Let's try to figure out how negative the effect of carbonated drinks on the human body can be. Why is carbonated mineral water harmful to us?

Harm of sugary carbonated drinks

The benefits and harms of soda

The harm or benefit of mineral water has been discussed by doctors for many years. Natural mineral springs are a real storehouse of trace elements, minerals and salts. People suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, migraines, high blood pressure, asthma and other ailments are issued vouchers to health resorts. Natural, beating from the bowels of the earth, water in gas brings only benefits. However, you need to remember that drinking carbonated water must be dosed, in small sips, and strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

The problem is that natural water containing carbon dioxide is extremely rare. In bottles that can be found on store shelves, water is artificially carbonated with carbon dioxide. In such drinks, harm is much more than good. If you drink one glass in one gulp, there is a violation of peristalsis - bloating, hiccups and flatulence appear.

Molecules of carbon dioxide in high concentration can disrupt the work of the stomach, increasing the secretion of gastric juice. Patients suffering from gastritis, ulcers or colitis, carbonated drinks are contraindicated.

Why do people drink sparkling water?

The answer is simple - it tastes better than usual, perfectly quenches thirst. In addition, water with gas contains more minerals and trace elements in its composition. An acute desire to drink sparkling water may indicate a lack of calcium in the body, which is necessary for the formation of strong and hard bones.

0.5 liters of mineral water contains 25% of the daily calcium requirement. Also, the desire to drink water with gas may indicate a lack of magnesium or chlorine - the first is responsible for the elasticity of blood vessels, the second - for proper digestion and breakdown of protein that enters the stomach with food.

Why are carbonated drinks bad for the body?

One glass of carbonated unsweetened mineral water per day will not harm the human body. More frequent and abundant use can adversely affect health.

Is sugary sparkling water harmful?

More than 70% of the production of soft drinks and sweet soda comes from the United States of America. Famous Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite are imported into Russia from the USA. According to statistics, every American drinks about 15 liters of sugary soda per month. Is carbonated yummy harmful to humans?

The harm from carbonated drinks containing sugar, dyes, flavors and preservatives is enormous. One 1 liter bottle contains approximately 20 tablespoons of sugar, or over 400 calories. A shock dose of glucose is detrimental to the pancreas - after drinking such a drink, a huge amount of insulin is produced, which can provoke diabetes.

How does soda affect the human body?

Why are carbonated drinks harmful, the use of which makes you feel so much better on a hot summer day? What negative consequences can be carried by an innocent passion for sweet water?

  1. Obesity. Since one bottle of soda contains a huge amount of sugar, the metabolism is not able to neutralize the harmful component without consequences. The liver converts excess sugar into fat, which is stored in the hips and waist. For this reason, most Americans who are addicted to fast food and Coca-Cola are overweight.
  2. Destruction of tooth enamel. The benefits and harms of carbonated water in this case are not equivalent. The composition of the drink contains citric acid, which destroys and thins the enamel, making the teeth sensitive. A child who is overly addicted to sweet soda will have to visit the dentist more often.
  3. Destruction of bones. The same carbonated water should be blamed for the early development of osteoporosis. The abundant content of phosphoric acid in the drink leaches calcium from the body. Being carried away by lemonade, children stop drinking milk and other fermented milk products rich in calcium. A few decades ago, people over 60 suffered from osteoporosis. Today, the disease has become younger, this diagnosis is often found in children aged 6 to 13 years.
  4. Hypertension. The composition of sweet soda in high concentration contains caffeine - a substance that stimulates the nervous system and brain function. After drinking the drink, mood and performance increase, but at the same time, pressure also jumps. The problem is that after 30-40 minutes the action ends, apathy, lethargy and drowsiness appear. The body requires a new dose of caffeine - you want to drink soda again and again. The harm of sugary drinks lies in the fact that some kind of addiction is formed. A person is forced to drink several liters of soft drink a day, causing detrimental harm to his body.
  5. Oncology. The huge harm of soda lies in the content of dangerous carcinogens in the drink - sodium benzoate, sulfites and other substances that provoke the development of cancer of the lungs, liver and thyroid gland, cause difficulty breathing and headache attacks.
  6. Allergy. The composition of carbonated drinks contains aggressive stabilizers and dyes, the regular use of which can provoke the development of allergies, chronic rhinitis and even asthma.

What can replace soda?

Is it safe for pregnant women to drink soda?

In a fit of whim, under the influence of hormones, a woman in position may want not only salty. What to do if a pregnant woman suddenly wants to drink mineral water?

There can be no talk of sweet soda - it is harmful for everyone to drink it. The benefits of ordinary mineral water in this case are also doubtful. If the desire to drink a drink is irresistible, it is better to go to the pharmacy and buy the so-called "healing" mineral water. Its composition is more useful than the usual "canteen" soda, which is sold in the store.

Still, you should not get carried away with medicinal water - an increased concentration of carbon dioxide can provoke a violation of the stool, bloating and nausea, and in some cases an allergy may occur.

The harm of carbonated drinks directly depends on the composition of the water. Try to choose drinks with a medium or low concentration of carbon dioxide. In the summer heat, you can make homemade lemonade from fresh lemons, which will perfectly quench your thirst, cheer you up and increase your tone, without having to worry about extra calories and harm done to the body.


After watching this video, you will learn 10 main facts about the dangers of soda.

"Soda" is the most popular drink in the summer heat. Liquid with air bubbles refreshes, eliminates thirst. The fizzy drink is loved by both adults and children, even though doctors talk about the harm of carbonated water. But is it always harmful, is there any benefit?

What is soda?

A little about the E290

Other components



Features of use

The benefits and harms of mineral water

Our body is mostly composed of fluid, which is why maintaining water balance is a daily task for every person. Metabolic processes in the cells of our body proceed only in the presence of the proper amount of water. But we consume liquid in different forms - like tea, coffee, various juices, soda and mineral water. But how useful are such substitutes? Next, we will consider the harm and benefits of mineral water.

Most often it is sold in stores carbonated. Pleasant bubbles are made of carbon dioxide. By itself, it is harmless, but when consumed along with water, it actively stimulates gastric secretion, which provokes bloating in the intestines and increases acidity. If a person suffers from peptic ulcers, gastritis with an increased level of acidity, or is simply prone to flatulence, then he is not recommended to drink mineral water with gas. To make the carbon dioxide leave the water, shake the bottle and leave it open for a while.

If it's hot outside, try making a great refreshing drink that quenches your thirst quickly and effectively. Take one and a half liters of mineral water, freshly squeezed juice from one lemon and one orange, as well as a pinch of sugar and salt. Mix all ingredients, pour into a bottle and refrigerate.

In fact, mineral water was originally intended for medicinal purposes. And it would be absolutely correct that it was sold only in a pharmacy and did not contain carbon dioxide. For daily consumption, a product with a low mineralization density is suitable. At the same time, it can be used only with active sweating, stable physical exertion, which are accompanied by a significant loss of salts.

Artificial and natural mineral water can be equivalent only if the mineral complex was selected by specialists, and the mineralization itself was carried out on high-quality equipment, carbon dioxide and salts dissolved in water well.

Now there is no reliable and accurate information about the amount of mineral water that can be drunk per day without negative health consequences, as there are no indications about its quality indicators. It should also be remembered that in some diseases the consumption of this product is strictly contraindicated or undesirable.

In addition, you need to follow a few tips: do not drink mineral water regularly. Use it only when your body needs salt intake - during exercise, heat, dyspepsia. Do not forget to carefully read the labels, giving preference to high-quality water with natural mineralization.

Mineral water, as well as any other medicine, can lead to an overdose if taken continuously. If you are prone to any serious illness, be sure to consult your doctor before being treated with her.

Natural water is especially useful for the human body, as it is structured and able to replace liquid with destroyed structures in our cells. If it enters the body constantly, this allows it to recharge itself energetically and independently cope with various infections and foci of pathologies.

But be careful, some mineral solutions can be very harmful. Do not get carried away with water containing the radioactive substance radon and hydrogen sulfide, as they lead to the development of many side effects.

Medicinal mineral water can only be consumed as a course, and its intake should also take place under the supervision of a doctor. Since this product was bottled in an industrial plant, no one knows if it was properly extracted, how it was stored and transported. Poor quality water can lead to severe poisoning. Long-term transportation leads to the fact that crystals are destroyed in the structured liquid, and it becomes completely useless.

An excess of mineral water in the diet leads to an overdose of salts in the body, and this can provoke the development of cholelithiasis or urolithiasis, gout and various salt deposits in all joints.

It is especially harmful to use mineral water as a cure for a hangover and drink strong alcoholic drinks with it. If a liquid with carbon dioxide and various salts is mixed with alcohol, this provokes certain biochemical reactions in the human body, which can cause irreversible disturbances in metabolic processes.

The constant intake of carbon dioxide irritates the gastric walls, which can lead to the formation of erosions and ulcers. In this case, the secretion of gastric juice increases, the stomach is stretched, and the gas causes belching. Together with the remaining gas, a certain amount of gastric acid enters the esophagus, which adversely affects its condition and causes heartburn.

Too cold mineral water, which has a high rate of carbon dioxide, can start a gas formation reaction as soon as it finds itself in a warm and acidic environment of the stomach. And this can provoke a rupture of the esophagus and perforation of the ulcer.

Doctors assure that you should not drink more than half a liter of mineral water per day. If you complain of any diseases, the advisability of taking it should be discussed with a qualified specialist.

So, mineral water can be useful if you use it if necessary and know the measure.

Carbonated water - the benefits and harms. What is harmful sweet soda

Benefits of sparkling water

The history of carbonated water dates back to ancient times. For example, Hippocrates, the famous physician of the ancient era, devoted more than one chapter of his medical treatises to stories about natural sources of sparkling water.

Already in those ancient times, people knew how carbonated mineral water is useful, and used its healing power in practice. After wondering if sparkling water can be drunk, they did a lot of research, and all of them confirmed the benefits of sparkling water when taken orally.

The beneficial properties of soda have been proven when applied externally in the form of baths with herbs.

The benefits of sparkling water are obvious:

  • It quenches thirst much better than still water.
  • It enhances the secretion of gastric juice, so it is prescribed for people who suffer from diseases associated with a low level of acidity in the stomach.
  • The gas contained in the water retains all trace elements in it for a long time and prevents the growth of bacteria.
  • Natural sparkling water is considered the healthiest due to its high mineralization level. It contains neutral molecules, therefore it is able to enrich the cells of the whole organism with essential nutrients. Magnesium and calcium reliably protect bone and muscle tissue, keeping the skeleton, muscles, teeth, nails and hair healthy.

It is really possible to benefit your health and improve the well-being of the body, but only with the proper use of carbonated water.

Is carbonated mineral water harmful?

Mineral water is sold, as a rule, with gas. Is carbonated water harmful? Much is said and written about this. By itself, carbon dioxide does not harm the human body. But its small bubbles unnecessarily stimulate the secretion of the stomach, and this leads to an increase in acidity in it and provokes bloating. Therefore, mineral water is recommended to be consumed without gas for those people who have increased acidity in the stomach. If you bought carbonated water, then you can shake the bottle, open it and let the water stand for a while (1.5-2 hours) so that the gas can come out of it.

People suffering from gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers, gastritis with high acidity, pancreatitis, hepatitis, colitis, etc.) should be aware of the dangers of soda. Their diseases are contraindications for the use of this drink.

Also, do not give any carbonated drinks to children under 3 years of age. Moreover, kids prefer sweet soda, which, apart from harm, does not bring anything to their body.

Harm of sweet soda. About lemonade

Is it possible for pregnant women to drink sparkling water

Carbonated mineral water is a sweet and harmful drink

What is carbonated water

How did sparkling water come about?

How is carbonated water produced today?

What are the properties of carbon dioxide

Is sparkling water healthy?

Science and medicine say that

For an adult and healthy person, a small amount of sparkling water (not sweet!), which he will consume throughout the day, will not hurt.

However, if you start to abuse such sweet soda, it can cause serious illness and adversely affect your health.

So, you should be aware that each carbonated drink has its own sweet and sour base, which consists of sugar (its substitute) or acid. And, as you know, sugar is a carbohydrate. So, 1 gram of sugar releases 3.85 kilocalories. In other words, lumps of sugar "float" in all sweet carbonated drinks. In Pepsi-Cola there are as many as 8 pieces, in Coca-Cola - 6.5 pieces ...

Such quickly and easily digestible calories “deceive” our brain, they seem to reduce the feeling of hunger, however, then, they absolutely do not affect the amount of food that we eat in order to feel full. But, light calories are already in our body and they are already in a hurry to turn into fats ... That is why, Passion for carbonated sweet water is fraught with obesity, overweight and diabetes

Also, you should know that if you expect to quench your thirst with sweet soda on a hot sultry day, then you are mistaken. After such a sweet drink, the feeling of thirst will not disappear, but rather increase, therefore, drinking soda in the summer and motivating it by the fact that you are hot is simply pointless

In the composition of sweet carbonated water, if you carefully read its composition on the label, in addition to dyes, flavors, and various incomprehensible E ..., you can also find citric or malic acid (sometimes orthophosphoric). These acids… wash calcium out of the human body, and this, in turn, leads to violations of the integrity of bone tissues, osteoporosis and bone fragility…

Well, what is sparkling water without carbon dioxide? And, although in itself this substance, this gas, does not harm the human body, but the fact is that its combination with water increases the acidity of gastric juice and causes flatulence. That is why, people with stomach ulcers, gastritis, high acidity of the stomach before drinking carbonated water (if they can’t stand it, despite all the contraindications), it is recommended to at least release carbon dioxide from the drink.

Well, as you can see, in none of the above points we talked about the benefits of sparkling water ...

American scientists have proven that sweet carbonated water provokes the development of pancreatic cancer, since such drinks contain a lot of sugar, which provokes the pancreas to work hard and produce more insulin, which leads to the onset of cancer. In addition, such cancer develops very quickly from sweet sparkling water and, as a rule, is diagnosed already at the last stages, when it is almost impossible to change anything ...

Also, such sugary sodas kill our heart. Employees of the Harvard Medical Institute found a relationship between the amount of sugary soda consumed and an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, in particular among the female half of the population.

Well, the fact that such sweet soda has a destructive effect on tooth enamel and causes caries and other dental problems has already been said quite a lot.

Video about sweet sparkling water:

Who should not drink sparkling sweet water

Shevtsova Olga, World Without Harm

Many people know that almost 70 percent of the human body consists of water. But everyone maintains this water balance exclusively in their own way. Someone prefers to drink several cups of cocoa, coffee or tea every day, while someone is more interested in drinking cool beer, juice or sparkling water.

However, it is worth noting that not only the good functioning of individual organs, but also the state of the whole organism depends on the quality of the daily water consumed.

It is generally accepted that the most destructive drink is sweet sparkling water, which not only adults, but also very young children like to drink from time to time. Why are carbonated drinks harmful, why are there so many negative reviews about them?

Four Reasons Why You Shouldn't Drink Soda Water

The first reason is rapid weight gain. Surely many have seen television commercials more than once, where slender girls describe the wonderful and excellent taste of sparkling water. But this is just an advertising ploy that lures potential consumers. After all, in fact, soda very strongly and quickly enough affects the harmony of a person. And this happens for the reason that manufacturers add a huge amount of sugar to their products.

In order to comprehend the magnitude of such an additive, you just need to imagine a small bottle of water (0.3 liters) and mentally pour sixteen tablespoons of pure sugar into it. It is worth noting that this amount is an order of magnitude higher than the daily norm of a person.

The second reason is the huge risk for diabetes. During a single intake of carbonated water, the pancreas instantly releases insulin, and sugar immediately enters the bloodstream. With such frequent stressful situations in the human body, the metabolism is completely disrupted, insulin resistance occurs, and as a result, diabetes mellitus begins to develop.

The third reason is the presence of chemical additives. In order to finally understand why carbonated drinks are harmful, it is enough just to conduct an experiment and keep organic objects in this liquid, which, after some time, will begin to completely collapse.

As you know, almost all sweet sodas contain the so-called salts of sulfurous acid, which provoke headaches, diseases of the thyroid gland, liver, and also cause lung tissue cancer. In addition, this drink includes such additional components as sodium benzoate, phosphoric acid, aspartame and dyes. These elements can easily cause significant problems with teeth and bones, brain tumors, epilepsy, bronchial asthma and many allergic reactions.

The fourth reason is the increased concentration of caffeine. Everyone knows that carbonated drinks greatly increase the physical activity of a person. To do this, they add not only a lot of sugar, but also a huge amount of caffeine. After drinking such a drink, blood pressure immediately rises in the body, the pupils dilate significantly, and the level of the dopamine hormone begins to go off scale. All these factors contribute to the fact that in the future a person develops hypertension, cholesterol levels rise, problems with blood vessels and the heart appear, as well as insomnia.

It is also worth noting that carbonated drinks are not only sweet, but also saturated with minerals. As a rule, such water is sold exclusively for the treatment and prevention of the digestive system. Although it is desirable to use such a mineral water without additional carbonation, as this can affect the development of chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines, as well as contribute to frequent and painful flatulence.

Carbonated water is a popular non-alcoholic soft drink. It is drinking or natural mineral water enriched with carbon dioxide.

Therapeutic mineral water is enriched with carbon dioxide with a mineralization of more than ten grams per liter. The composition of such water practically does not change during storage, and all its useful components are preserved for a long time. gas, losing its properties.

Every American consumes about two hundred liters of sparkling water a year. For comparison, the average resident of the CIS drinks about fifty liters of water annually, and each resident of China - about twenty liters. According to statistics, carbonated water and drinks made on its basis in America occupy 73-75% of the total production of non-alcoholic products.

The CO2 compressor was invented by Tobern Bergman, a Swedish designer. In the 19th century, this apparatus was improved and its industrial analogue was created. However, the production of water was very expensive, so baking soda was used for carbonation.

Carbonation in modern production is carried out by mechanical, chemical methods. The mechanical method consists in hardware gassing in food tanks, siphons, saturators. Under high pressure, water is saturated with gas from 5 to 10 g/l. The chemical method consists in adding baking soda or acids to the water. The fermentation method is used in the production of cider, kvass, champagne, beer, sparkling wines.

Composition of carbonated water

In the food industry, depending on the composition, slightly, medium and highly carbonated water is isolated. Each carbonated drink has its own sweet and sour base. As sweeteners, cyclomate, aspartame, potassium acesulfate (sunnet), saccharin are usually used.

Very often malic, citric or phosphoric acids are added to the water. Caffeine is added to certain types of carbonated water.

The carbon dioxide in water is used as a preservative. It enters into a chemical reaction with water and quickly dissolves in it. Carbon dioxide, killing all pathogenic microorganisms, extends the shelf life of carbonated drinks.

Benefits of sparkling water

The benefits of carbonated water have been known and used since ancient times. At that time, people used water from natural sources exclusively for medicinal purposes. It was used both for ingestion and as a basis for the preparation of therapeutic baths. Hippocrates, the famous physician of ancient times, devoted a single chapter of his works on medicine to the natural sources of carbonated water.

The benefits of carbonated water were so exceptional and obvious that at the end of the eighteenth century, industrialists turned their attention to this drink. Since then, carbonated water has been sold all over the world. English chemist Joseph Priestley was the first to create a carbonated drink synthetically.

Only natural carbonated water can bring significant benefits to the human body. Chilled sparkling water quenches thirst better than regular water. It is prescribed with a low level of acidity to improve the production of gastric juice. Neutral molecules of natural water nourish the cells of the whole organism and alkalize the blood plasma. Sodium in such a natural drink activates the action of body enzymes, maintains muscle tone and acid-base balance. Magnesium and calcium prevents calcium from being leached into the muscles during various loads. Carbonated natural water improves the functioning of the lymphatic, nervous and cardiovascular systems, increases appetite, increases hemoglobin, and improves digestion.

Sayans, Baikal, Duchess, Tarragon - carbonated drinks containing extracts of medicinal herbs. Tarragon in Tarragon and Duchesse has an anticonvulsant effect, improves digestion and increases appetite. Sayana's drink contains essential and tannins, ascorbic acid and other useful substances. Lemon syrup and leuzea extract at its base relieve fatigue and increase muscle tone, excite the nervous system. Pear infusion in Duchesse perfectly quenches thirst, and also has a diuretic effect.

Harm of carbonated water

Most nutritionists and doctors talk about the dangers of carbonated water of synthetic origin for the human body.

Carbonated water can cause the greatest harm to the body of young children, as well as lactating and pregnant women and people suffering from allergies and obesity and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Carbonic acid can cause flatulence, bloating and belching.

Carbonated drinks tend to be high in sugar. Regular consumption of sugar in large quantities often leads to disruption of the pancreas and endocrine system and increases the risk of developing diabetes, atherosclerosis.

Synthetic carbonated drinks quench thirst very poorly and are often addictive. Excessive consumption of soda disrupts fat metabolism and water-salt balance in the body, and also contributes to an increase in the concentration of harmful cholesterol in the blood plasma.

Sweeteners in such drinks can cause allergic reactions, urolithiasis and blurred vision.

Caffeine has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. In addition, it can contribute to the development of addiction.

Many carbonated drinks contain sodium benzoate. In combination with ascorbic acid, it releases the harmful carcinogen benzene. This substance is capable of destroying human DNA.