How to cook brown and wild rice. Pre-treatment of cereals

The real name of which is water tsitsaniy, has a number of features that distinguish it from white rice. These include: difficulty in growing, high cost, unusual color (black). But, despite this, this rice variety is popular with rice lovers due to the large amount of thiamine contained in it. How to cook wild rice and cook it with vegetables, you will learn in the recipe presented by us.


1 cup wild rice;

3-3.5 glasses of pure water;

2-2.5 tablespoons of vegetable oil (sunflower, or, better, olive);

1-2 pcs. onion;

1 PC. large carrots;

1 small zucchini;

1 bell pepper;

green onions, dill, parsley;

salt, pepper, granulated sugar to taste.

How to cook wild rice:

1. Much attention is paid to pre-processing of wild rice. To do this, rinse the rice thoroughly, then pour cool water at the rate of 1 cup of rice 4 cups of water, leave overnight.

2. In the morning, drain the water, and pour the rice into a pot of boiling salted water (based on 3 cups of water, 1 cup of black rice). Rice necessary cook over low heat covered for about 40 minutes.

3. Rice will be ready when each boiled grain is about 3 times larger than raw rice.

4. Prepare vegetables: onions, carrots, zucchini, bell peppers, wash and peel. Cut the onion into thin half rings, cut the carrots, zucchini and bell pepper into cubes into small pieces.

5. Next, fry all the chopped vegetables in a pan in vegetable oil as follows. First, fry the onion, add chopped carrots to the pan, then slices of zucchini and bell pepper. Add salt, a little black pepper, 0.5 teaspoon of granulated sugar, mix everything. Fry for about 10 minutes. Add to cooked vegetables boiled rice and heat over low heat, stirring occasionally, about 10 minutes.

6. Put the dish on a plate, sprinkle with chopped green onions on top. Garnish with dill and parsley sprigs. Enjoy your meal!

Boiled wild rice is the most useful among other varieties of rice, because. due to minimal thermal processing, it retains all the nutrients and vitamins. This is a great dish for healthy food lovers.

Few people know that wild rice is not real rice. These are the seeds of a grass growing in North America that served as food for the Indians. Not everyone will be able to make wild rice tasty, as there are some nuances that distinguish it from ordinary cooking.

Basic Wild Rice Recipe

To make wild rice soft and fluffy, it needs to be soaked before cooking. Seeds soaked in water are left overnight.

Soaked wild rice before cooking should be washed, put in boiling salted water at the rate of one cup of rice to three cups of water. You need to cook the grains under a closed lid over medium heat for about 40 minutes. Cooked wild rice should increase in size.

If you need to cook the dish quickly and there is no possibility of soaking rice for a long time, then you can pour boiling water over it for an hour. Further preparation follows the same recipe.

It is advisable to hold the boiled rice under the lid for about an hour so that the grains are fully opened, then you can add butter or vegetable oil to it to taste and mix with a fork.

How to cook wild rice with chicken

For cooking you will need: - 1 cup of wild rice; - 1 kg of peeled chicken breasts; - 1 tbsp flour; - 1 tbsp lemon juice; - 2-3 cloves of garlic; - 2 tablespoons olive or sunflower oil; - 3 tablespoons soy sauce; - spices to taste.

Soaked for 12 hours, wild rice should be poured into a baking sheet and poured with three glasses of water. In an oven preheated to 180 ° C, rice should be kept for about an hour.

When it becomes softer, and most of the liquid has evaporated, you need to add a glass of chicken broth to it.

To obtain chicken broth, it is necessary to boil the breasts until half cooked, remove them, strain the remaining water

Boiled chicken breasts should be fried over medium heat in a small amount of vegetable oil, add grated garlic, spices, salt to taste. Next, they must be poured with the remaining broth, add half a glass of water and simmer under a closed lid.

Add flour, lemon juice and soy sauce to the gravy. The resulting mass should be mixed until smooth and bring to a boil. When the gravy begins to thicken, you can finish cooking. Wild rice is served with chicken breasts and gravy, fresh vegetables and herbs.

It is worth noting that there is no right or wrong way to cook wild rice. Despite the fact that articles and videos talk about how to cook wild rice in the only right way, everyone finds the best option for themselves, while the rice can be slightly harsh or, on the contrary, completely overcooked. Cooking wild rice can be carried out not only on water, but also with the addition of meat broths, cranberries, sage, ginger, soy sauce.

It is called wild, chumiza, mogar or capitate millet. Culture comes to our shelves from China, Indonesia, Korea, India, Thailand, Malaysia. But not every housewife knows how to cook black rice. Surprise home exotic?

Standard Recipe

The first thing to do - rinse the product.

  • Pour the rice into a bowl and run it under cold running water.
  • When you pour enough, wait until it settles, pour several times.
  • In the process, sort through the grits with your hands - this is how you remove the starch and save the finished dish from the appearance of a viscous porridge.
  • Pour one last time and leave overnight. If there is no time, start cooking right away, but it’s better to soak anyway. Another option is to add boiling water, close the lid and let it brew for at least an hour.

Second phase - cooking.

  • Move the rice into a saucepan, fill it with water at the rate of 1 part of cereal to 2-2.5 parts of water. You can replace the latter with vegetable or chicken broth. If in doubt about the amount of liquid, it is better to add less and add in the process.
  • Bring to a boil over high heat, screw on, cover with a lid and cook on the slowest fire from half an hour to 40 minutes, until the cereal absorbs all the liquid.
  • Turn off the heat and leave the pan alone for 15 minutes. Do not stir.
  • Before serving, add lightness to the dish, stir lightly.

Quick Recipe

  • Take a saucepan with a thick bottom and a tight-fitting lid.
  • Cover the bottom with washed rice, fill with water (1 to 2), close the lid.
  • Put on fire and cook: 5 minutes on high, 10 minutes on moderate, 3 minutes on low. Do not open the lid, let it stand for 15-20 minutes.

How to prepare black russula rice

You can also eat this product in an unboiled form, then all useful and nutritious properties are preserved.

  • Rinse and soak the ingredient. The capacity for the event is selected wide to get the thinnest possible layer.
  • Leave for 3 days, but drain the water twice a day and fill it with new water.
  • It is not recommended to use a lid, it is better to cover with a towel or a napkin - the rice should breathe.
  • Later, the grains begin to burst and reveal the white core, which makes them soft.
  • Before serving, the dish can be heated in a water bath.

  • Cooked black rice looks delicious but can stain dishes.
  • The product goes well with seeds and nuts, as well as beans or lentils.
  • It makes a good substitute for noodles or its white relative in salads.
  • It is used as a filling for baked poultry. In this case, the cereal is prepared in the usual way, mixed with breadcrumbs, seasonings, and placed inside the bird.
  • Japanese tamari sauce and sesame seeds will help enhance the taste.
  • For dessert, rice is mixed with cream, cinnamon and sugar are added and pudding is made.
  • If you heat oil in a frying pan, add chopped vegetables, add boiled black rice, mix - you get a delicious lazy pilaf.

Black Rice Recipes

American Meatloaf

  • Mix half a kilo of minced chicken with two cups of cooked rice.
  • Cut one onion and one bell pepper into strips, fry.
  • Add garlic, salt, seasonings, finely chopped dill, 1 tsp to minced meat. mayonnaise, 2 raw eggs and a glass of grated cheese.
  • Stir, put in a greased form, on top - onion and pepper, then in the oven for 40-50 minutes.
  • You take it out and grease it with ketchup (a mixture of mayonnaise and ketchup). The dish looks spicy and unusual.

cabbage bags

  • For the filling, you can use fried mushrooms or minced meat, stewed vegetables (peeled tomatoes, bell peppers, green and regular onions).
  • Add cooked rice to the filling and stir.
  • What to do with cabbage? Take a head of cabbage, pour boiling water over it and boil for a few minutes, then cut out the stalk and the leaves are almost ready.
  • You cut off the veins or carefully beat them off with a hammer.
  • Cool the leaves and place the filling in the middle.
  • Tie the bags with a thread, make a double breading: crackers-egg-crackers.
  • Place on a baking sheet lined with paper and bake for 20-25 minutes.
  • Remove the threads from the finished bags and tie them with green onions.

Boiled wild rice is often used as a side dish on its own or mixed with brown rice, and it is also an excellent basis for many dishes.

Since ancient times, rice has been used as a tasty side dish for almost all products. However, you still need to be able to cook rice properly so that a beautiful crumbly side dish does not turn into a mess. At the same time, fears of spoiling the dish are present not only among young housewives, but also among most skilled chefs who amazingly prepare various complex dishes at home.

Cooking long grain rice

First of all, you can get friable rice by buying its packaged version in bags. However, this is quite an expensive pleasure, and in small quantities.

To cook friable rice, first of all, you should correctly determine its variety. Round rice is not suitable for these purposes, as it absorbs excessive moisture and sticks together. This type of rice is more suitable for sushi, various desserts and casseroles. Medium-grain rice also has a high viscosity, as it contains a lot of starch, and also absorbs water well. For a crumbly side dish, long-grain rice is ideal, as it won't stick together when cooked properly.

Cook friable rice strictly following the instructions.

  • First of all, it is important to observe a clear proportion of rice to water, which should be 1:2 (rice to water). For example, 1 cup of dry cereal to 2 cups of water.
  • Putting the water in the pan on the fire, waiting for it to boil, you need to rinse the rice 3-5 times with plain water. Boiling water should be slightly salted, and washed rice should be thrown into it. It is strictly forbidden to add seasonings at the beginning of cooking!
  • Cover the pot with a lid and turn the heat down to low. The ideal option is a transparent lid, which will allow you to observe the cooking process, and the lid itself is not removed during the entire process.
  • The most important point of the rules: the time of cooking rice. It is very important to observe exactly 12 minutes! The correct proportions of water and rice, minimum heat ensure that the rice does not burn.
  • After 12 minutes, the pot of rice must be removed from the stove. In this form, the porridge is aged for another 12 minutes under the lid and without stirring.
  • After that, you can open the lid, add seasonings and oils.

How to cook steamed rice

It is equally important to know how to cook steamed rice, because it is even healthier than regular rice, due to the fact that it retains its original yellowish tint due to the fact that it is not polished, but steamed. Thanks to this technology, rice retains most of the minerals and vitamins. Cooking rice transforms it into a snow-white porridge that remains crumbly even after reheating the dish. However, there are a few important rules that you need to follow in order to get a beautiful and tasty side dish.

Parboiled rice is cooked in the same way as long-grain rice, but longer, due to the fact that the lack of a grinding stage gives the rice grains more hardness, which also prevents it from overcooking. Steamed rice should be cooked for 20 to 25 minutes.

Cooking brown rice

The brown color of rice is imparted to the product by retaining the shell of the grain. This variety of rice is the most useful due to the fact that all the most useful components are preserved in the left rice shell. Brown rice takes even longer to cook, up to 40 minutes on average, as the grains of this variety are the hardest.

Brown rice cleanses the human body of toxins well, and also helps to shed extra pounds.

Before cooking brown rice, it must be thoroughly rinsed with cold salted water, which is poured over the grains for 15 minutes. After that, the water is drained, and the rice is washed again. After that, the grains are immersed in boiling water for 40 minutes.

How to cook wild rice

Wild rice has a characteristic black color. In domestic stores, it is often sold mixed with long grain rice. Wild rice contains the maximum amount of fiber and other useful minerals and substances. This side dish is perfect for fish dishes.

It takes five glasses of water to boil one cup of wild rice. After pre-washing the rice, it must be dipped in boiling salted water. It takes 10 minutes to cook over medium heat. Then the rice is covered with a lid, the fire is reduced to a minimum, and the rice is cooked for another 40 minutes while stirring.

Cooking round rice

As mentioned above, round rice is used for sushi, casseroles, and puddings because it sticks together so well. You need to cook round rice in a large amount of water because it absorbs it very quickly. So, one glass of rice will require three glasses of water.
rice, cook, long grain, round, wild, steamed, cooking

Housewives who do not know how to cook black rice, and for this reason do not include the product in their diet, lose a lot. This cereal contains a huge amount of nutrients, several times higher than that of a regular product. In addition, black or wild rice has a unique taste with nutty notes. It can be used as a side dish, salad ingredient, and even desserts are made from it.

If you are afraid to immediately switch to a product of such an unusual type, you should try a mixture of several types of rice. You just need to figure out how much you need to cook the product, how to prepare it for processing, with what ingredients to combine.

Features of preparing black rice for processing

Despite the fact that wild rice or a mixture based on it is not very difficult to prepare, they will turn out tasty and crumbly only if they are properly prepared. It consists of several stages:

  1. We take two glasses of water for a glass of product. Fill the cereal with liquid and wait until the mass doubles.
  2. After that, drain the water and pour the product into a plate of cold water. Wipe wild rice thoroughly with your hands and wait until the grains settle to the bottom. Drain the liquid and repeat the manipulation twice more. It is also recommended to process a mixture of "4 rice" and other cereal options. A simple manipulation allows you to get rid of starch, due to which the grains usually stick together and turn into porridge.
  3. Then we act depending on how much time is available. When time permits, soak wild rice in cold water and leave it overnight. Otherwise, we proceed immediately to the heat treatment process.

Fortunately, this kind of rice is remarkably resistant to physical abuse. If you hold it in water, as recommended, the amount of useful components in it will not decrease at all, and the texture of the product will only improve.

Rules and features of the preparation of the product

To make the final product crumbly and not look like porridge, you need to properly cook the rice mixture or a separate component. If the processing will be carried out in the traditional way, then it should look like this:

  • Put the pre-processed rice in a large saucepan, then fill it with cold water. The ratio of dry product to liquid is 1 to 5. After that, put the pan on the fire, turn it on at medium power.

Tip: Although the wild rice to be used as a side dish can be boiled in vegetable or chicken broth like all other types of food, it is better not to do this. The end result will lose its unique nutty flavor and the cereal will turn into the most ordinary mass.

  • Even before the water boils, it is necessary to stir the product several times. After boiling, reduce the fire to a minimum, cover the pan with a lid. We cook the mass for half an hour. If the mixture has not been pre-soaked, it can absorb a lot of water, no need to be surprised.
  • During boiling, it is not necessary to mix the mass. After the fire is turned off, you need to let it brew for a quarter of an hour without removing the lid.
  • When all the manipulations are done, mix the wild rice thoroughly, but gently, so that all the grains separate and the composition becomes airy.

It is worth considering that ready-made black rice, no matter how much you wash it, can stain the surface of ceramic or enameled dishes. The finished product acquires a pronounced purple or brown hue, which indicates its high quality and correct processing.

What is the best way to prepare 4 rice mix?

When wild rice does not act as an independent component, but as part of a mixture, you need to act a little differently. To guarantee yourself the best result, it is best to boil the composition not in the traditional way, but using a slow cooker.

  • Pour half a glass of the product with water and leave for at least five hours. It is better, of course, to endure the night, but only if the mixture does not contain too starchy varieties of the product, which turn into liquid even in cold water.
  • Then we drain the water, wash the mass in cold water and recline it in a colander.
  • Lubricate the multicooker bowl with a teaspoon of olive oil, transfer the mixture into it. Fill the product with cold water and add a little salt.
  • We set the "Buckwheat" mode, usually it does not require additional timer setting. If there is no such mode, set the "Multi-cook" mode and start the timer for half an hour. After the time has elapsed, we check the quality of the product and insist it for another 10 minutes with the lid closed.

In addition, delicious black rice or multi-component mixtures are obtained using a double boiler. First, we soak the component for a couple of hours, put it in a colander and spread it in a thin layer on the bottom of a suitable bowl. The composition will turn out soft and crumbly if you first set the timer for 40 minutes, hold it all this time, let the rice “breathe” for a couple of minutes and put it on for another 10 minutes. The component prepared in this way can be used to prepare a variety of dishes. If it goes to a side dish, then add salt, herbs and a little vegetable oil to it.

Soups, pilaf, and various salads are cooked from black rice. In all cases, it is pre-soaked and boiled at least until half cooked. Otherwise, the cereal will be saturated with the aroma of other components and lose its purity and originality of taste.