Liquid nutrition is a therapeutic diet or a new stage of self-development. Do I need to eat soup - the opinion of a nutritionist

There are many myths about broths and soups. We collected all of them and turned to the doctors with a request to explain whether this is true or not.

Myth 1

Gastroenterologists and pediatricians say that the first courses dilute the gastric juice and reduce the concentration of digestive enzymes, that is, worsen the absorption of food.


The work of the stomach is arranged in such a way that the liquid leaves it immediately, and sometimes solid food remains for several hours, “grinding” into a liquid slurry (chyme) with particles 1-1.2 mm in size - larger ones do not go further into the duodenum. And all this time, gastric juice is secreted with acid and with only one type of enzyme - proteases, which break down only proteins, and only partially. Neither fats nor carbohydrates are digested in the stomach.

The main digestion occurs after the stomach - in the duodenum, where pancreatic enzymes enter, and further - in the small intestine. And the concentration of enzymes due to the soup is not reduced here. Digestion occurs only in a liquid medium, and if there is not enough water, the small intestine "sucks" it, and if there is a lot of it, it pumps it out. So a liquid first course only facilitates digestion.

Myth 2

The meat broth is quickly absorbed by the intestines, and the liver does not have time to master such an amount of "liquid" - as a result, meat extracts in the form of unsplit poisons bypass the liver and begin a "journey" throughout the body, causing harm to internal organs.


In the full portion of the first about 300 ml of water - this is not a burden on the liver. Extracts too. First, they are naturally present in meat, poultry, fish, mushrooms, and other foods from which you make the first. And, therefore, if you make a second dish out of them, you will use them in the same way.

Secondly, extracts are natural biological compounds that do not pose a big load on the liver. Among them are many useful substances, some are even produced in the form of dietary supplements. There are not very useful material, which are formed in the body and excreted by the kidneys. And, if the kidneys are severely damaged, toxins can accumulate.

Myth 3

Heat treatment, numerous boils, which soup ingredients are subjected to, reduce the amount of nutrients.


Boiling is one of the healthiest and most gentle cooking methods. The temperature with it is much lower than when baking, and even more so when grilling or charcoal.

During cooking, many minerals are released into the broth. And in the case of first courses, they are not lost, but consumed. But when cooking potatoes, pasta or vegetables, a lot of useful things are poured out with water. For example, in relation to boiled potatoes, we can talk about the loss of a large amount of the most useful potassium.

broth for colds

We can recall the recipe for chicken broth, which the writers Peter Weil and Alexander Genis call "Jewish penicillin." In their famous book "Russian Cuisine in Exile" they write: "The broth is not devoid of some sobriety and even Jewish commercialism: having cooked it, you get the first and second at once." Indeed, a great idea: for the first - broth, for the second - chicken. But few people know that Russian peasants did the same with cabbage soup or borscht. First, they ate a liquid base with vegetables, and then, for the second, meat. This is a good technique for proper and balanced nutrition, which is suitable for a lot of diets.

Endocrinologist-nutritionist, creator of the author's nutrition program Vadim Krylov:

I am often asked: should the liquid contained in the first courses be considered a drink? Equate it with tea, coffee, plain water and include it in those 2-3 liters of water that most people recommend drinking. healthy people? The answer is unequivocal - include. These are liquid dishes, their basis is water. These volumes do not include only the so-called hidden water, which is found in almost all products. Somewhere there is a lot of it, as, for example, in vegetables and fruits, somewhere less - as in meat or poultry. But it is almost everywhere.

Gastroenterologist, specialist in liver diseases, doctor of medical sciences, professor of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.I. I. M. Sechenov Alexey Bueverov:

The first dishes have the so-called juice effect. This means that they contribute to the production of digestive juices - gastric and pancreatic, duodenal juice, and bile. First, this good preparation to the digestion of proteins and fats that will come with food later. I can’t say that first courses are harmful in general and for the liver in particular. Of course, if, for example, cabbage soup is very fatty or oversalted, or a lot of sour cream is added to them, this is not useful. But as such, first courses are not harmful, but in many ways are useful. For example, it is often said that the vegetables that are added to them have few useful substances. Naturally, some of the vitamins are destroyed during cooking, but not all, besides them, there are other useful substances that remain - these are fiber, antioxidants. And therefore, vegetables, herbs, spices and spices used in cooking are useful.

Secondly, full-fledged proteins of meat, poultry and fish are useful - depending on what you add to the first dish.

Thirdly, the first is the source of the liquid. This is good for healthy people. Excess fluid is contraindicated only in hypertension, heart or kidney failure, liver failure with ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity) and edema.

Soup for weight loss

Are soups and diet compatible? They often say no. In fact, soups are great for diet food. And that's why:

1. You can put lean meat in them.

2. There is a secret how to make the soup fat-free: put the dish in the refrigerator and then just skim off the frozen fat from the surface.

3. You can make vegetable soup or soup without meat or poultry, without adding cereals, flour, noodles or vermicelli. Get low-calorie hearty meal. The famous diet of Madame Zhestan is based on a similar soup.

Soup Madame Gestan

Take 6 medium onions, a few tomatoes, a head of cabbage, 2 bell peppers, a bunch of celery and a cube vegetable broth(you can use any low-fat broth prepared by yourself). Cut everything into small and medium pieces, cover with water, season with a little salt and pepper (you can curry), boil for 10 minutes over high heat and then cook over low until the vegetables are soft. You can eat this soup whenever you want and as much as you want: if you feel hungry - eat soup and lose weight.

A day of solemn revenge on ignorance!

Take measurements:
How much does your lacquer-dissolving substrate need - for nail polish remover?
Now add as much clean water as you eat soup.
Repeat measurements.
Not tired of waiting?
Got it?

From our mouth all the way to our anus, food is transformed from a complex molecular pile under the influence of our ‘solvents’ (saliva, enzymes, hydrochloric acid, bile, etc.) into a squishy molecule that we can assimilate.

Soup SIGNIFICANTLY dilutes our digestive "solvents".

In my medical career, parents of their children often use me as an authority to influence their children:
Like, explain, as a doctor, to my daughter or son that liquid should be eaten.

Although I am NOT a pediator, and this does not concern me much.

Should I eat liquid?
Is it good or bad to eat liquid?

I will be brief:
There is no need for liquid.

Eating liquid is NOT harmful.

Eating liquid is NOT helpful.

There is a liquid CAN!

That is, it all depends on what kind of soup, broth or fish soup you eat.
Ukha from Fugu is better not to drink.

And as a separate dish without a second and dessert and appetizers.

Liquid DISTURBES AND SLOWS digestion.
It also fills the stomach, creating a feeling of fullness. Exactly!
And you were told the opposite kindergarten and your relatives? Do not worry. They are just mere mortals just like you. They were also deceived. Moreover, it was beneficial for everyone.

No, this is not a mistake of scientists.
This is a scientific and economic collusion at the state level of the former USSR.

The little benefit or insignificant harm of liquid has always been known.
For any person who even briefly got acquainted with the normal physiology of the gastrointestinal tract.

Soup is very cheap to produce. Gives a great feeling of satiety.
It's cheaper than giving you another piece of meat and fresh vegetables to the diet you already have.
It's easier to add fat to the soup - and you will get everything required calories and you can continue to work in peace. For the good of the empire!

Understand: it's much cheaper and easier.
And most importantly, the damage is not particularly critical.
It was profitable then.
And now, too, it helps so much with saving.

But it dilutes enzymes and gastric juice in the stomach.
What interferes and greatly slows down the catabolism and absorption of macro and micro nutrients.

And most importantly: there are very few Macro and Micro nutrients in the liquid.
That is, proteins (like a bacterium for piss) carbohydrates, fats (you need to put something fatty) and vitamins.

Yes, you understood everything correctly: not only does 'itself' prevent you from getting the benefit of other food, but it does not give anything in return.

I wouldn't say it's a big deal.
But I definitely would NOT call it useful.

One of the myths that liquid helps us go to the toilet well:
A good act of defecation from food is facilitated by the following factors:

1. Hardness of food - raw vegetables or meat is the standard.
Hard food stimulates intestinal motility. That is, the mechanics of movement and mixing into a homogeneous mass.
2. The presence of fat - the more the better (but not for your figure). like lubricant)
3. Spices, spices and special chemical composition products.
4. The amount of food - the more the faster ... the second pushes the first.
5. Water - big the amount of water in EXACTLY IN THE INTERNAL COMPOSITION OF THE PRODUCT, the more the better.
If there is not enough water, then the gastrointestinal tract will add.
Raw vegetables and fruits.
Water is already present in large quantities in foods. Free water should not be added.
6. Free water before meals. That is, drink well before you start eating.

The most important factor is the first.
All the rest we usually use and take into account even if we didn’t know about them.

1. Love liquid - drink and do not worry. That's not fatal.

2. Don't like liquid - DO NOT drink and everything will be EVEN BETTER.
But remember to eat vegetables! Preferably raw.

3. Soup is better to eat separately, from all food.

4. Soup is a very profitable thing - if your goal is to SAVE AND EAT.

5. You can lose weight on soup.
If you do not put anything fatty there and do not put starchy carbohydrates (potatoes or noodles)

6. Most healthy soup: subscribe to my channel and I will talk about it in the next story!

Hello dear friend.

In the last article, I told you what consequences await people with Bechterew's disease when eating meat broths. Any broths, even chicken ones, do more harm than good for people weakened by the disease.

So the same applies to soups and borscht and liquid cereals. After all, borscht and soups, and sometimes porridge, are usually boiled in meat broths. And it turns out that all the harmful substances that have passed from the meat into the broth also successfully enter the person inside, through soups, borscht and cereals.

The same applies to soups and cereals cooked in milk. Milk itself is a controversial product, and is not very suitable for nutrition in case of illness, and when it is also boiled, in the preparation of milk soups and cereals, the imaginary benefit of milk turns into concrete harm.

Most people buy milk from stores where it comes from dairies. There it is processed several times so that it has a marketable appearance, and not beneficial features. And, at home, after boiling in milk, there is practically nothing left that a person needs.

It turns out that by preparing liquid dishes based on meat broths and milk, we create harmful, and not healthy diet. And such nutrition further complicates the course of the disease.

Much more energy is spent on the processing of harmful nutrition, and this affects not only the digestive organs, but also other organs and systems. And how can a weakened body successfully fight diseases?

With this approach, the body spends energy on fighting unhealthy food, and not on the disease. Add here more potent drugs for the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis and negative thinking, which take away the last strength. And it turns out that Bechterew's disease can never be defeated in this way.

I also want to remind you that drinking liquids with meals significantly impairs digestion. And, soups and borscht contain just such a liquid. It helps to dilute the gastric juice, and the digestion time of food increases, which creates a feeling of long-term satiety.

Also, any soups, borscht or other liquid dishes usually contain many ingredients to improve the taste. Such a variety of products, combined with liquid, simply misleads our body, which finds it difficult to switch from one product to another.

As a result, food stays in the stomach undigested for a long time and begins to rot. And, all this leads to further deterioration of digestion and weakening of the body. Which is accompanied by more frequent exacerbations of Bechterew's disease, and even leads to side diseases of other organs.

If you decide to change your diet, but cannot refuse liquid dishes, cook thick ones. vegetable soups only on the water. It is advisable to pre-soak cereals for soup and porridge in water for at least half a day. Then this water must be drained and the cereal washed under running water.

Avoid soups cooked in milk. Also, do not soak chicken and fish in milk and kefir. And, of course, do not do this with cereals when making porridge.

When cooking chicken or fish, after cooking, the chicken or fish broth must be discarded and not used for cooking other dishes. There are many harmful substances that pass from meat to broth.

It is clear that for fish soup lovers it will not be easy to give up their favorite dish. Only the knowledge that fish grown artificially and caught in dirty waters is not healthy will help you feel more relaxed about such broths.

In addition, many times frozen and thawed fish is no longer suitable for cooking fish soup, because in it, apart from harm, there is nothing useful left. Just as it does not give any benefit and the ear of a rooster. Take note of this, and don't hurt yourself.

Remember that any liquid meals are an additional, harmful burden on the digestive organs, which, in case of illness, already suffer due to the use of potent drugs.

Try, act, and you will find your own, which will help you get rid of diseases.

Listening from a grandmother or mother “Eat liquid, otherwise you will earn an ulcer” for children in our country used to be familiar. But now, in the age of the Internet, a lot of information has become available on the correct healthy eating which is sometimes quite contradictory. Some say that liquid (soup or borsch) for lunch is a must, while others, on the contrary, talk about the harmfulness of liquid. Which of them is right?

What are the benefits of liquid meals?

1. Hot liquid meals are very good food in autumn and winter period. They have a beneficial effect on metabolism, warm and quickly absorbed, supplying the body with energy.

2. If the secretory function of the stomach is insufficient, eating soups on meat broth can stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, providing better digestion of food.

3. Despite the fact that the products in soups are subjected to heat treatment, unlike stewing or frying, some of the substances useful to the body are not destroyed.

4. By including liquids in your diet, you can control your fluid balance. Most people drink during the day an insufficient amount water, and with the help of first courses this deficiency can be easily filled.

5. Soups chicken broth able to fight the symptoms of colds and positively affect the immune system. This is due to the fact that during the cooking process, the proteins contained in chicken meat, partially break down into special peptides that act as immunostimulants.

6. Proper weight loss or maintaining it at the right level is easier to organize if there is soup for lunch, and not main courses. With the same volume, the first courses contain fewer calories, but there is no reason to stay hungry - the broth creates a feeling of fullness. American nutritionists even conducted a special experiment: two groups of subjects were offered to dine with dishes prepared from the same products, but one - in the form of soup, and the other - in the form of a second. Everyone had the opportunity to eat until full, but the calculations showed that the group who were offered soup consumed an average of 35% fewer calories.

What's wrong with them?

Although soups have many undoubted advantages, they also have disadvantages:

1. If you have a sick stomach (ulcer, gastritis, accompanied hyperacidity), then meat broths are undesirable, as they stimulate additional acid release. But even in this case, light vegetarian soups can be eaten with pleasure and health benefits.

2. The liquid, which is the basis of the first courses, dilutes the gastric juice, reducing its concentration and thereby slowing down the digestion of food. Principles advocates separate power supply it is for this reason that even tea is drunk no earlier than half an hour after a meal, and soups are completely abandoned.

3. Fatty, rich broths from meat or fish, doctors recommend to exclude from the diet suffering from pancreatitis, kidney disease, gout. It is also useful to refuse them for people with increased blood pressure or atherosclerosis, especially in the elderly.

4. In the process of cooking the broth, most of the harmful substances from the meat get into it. Most often this various additives, steroid hormones, antibiotics used in the process of raising livestock. If the broth is boiled from bones, then such undesirable compounds for our body get into it, which are deposited there throughout the life of the animal, such as salts of heavy metals.

5. Heat treatment in the form of cooking, although it is quite gentle compared to other methods, destroys vitamins. If, instead of soup, a salad is prepared from the same vegetables, such a dish will be healthier for health.

Should you eat liquid?

Vegetarian light soups, especially quickly absorbed by the digestive system vegetable puree soups, it is useful for everyone to eat, but in moderation: you should not lean on them to the detriment of eating vegetables without heat treatment. You can eat soups and meat broth for lunch, if you do not have diseases in which they are contraindicated. Do you want this soup to be healthier? Just follow the following cooking rules:

Meat should be taken without bones and with a small amount of fat. It is best to use chicken, turkey, veal, rabbit meat. The broth from such meat is considered dietary, especially if its first broth is drained.

Before cooking, cut off the fat and sinews from the meat, lower it into a saucepan with cold water, and after boiling, cook for at least 10 minutes. The most active harmful substances from the meat during this time will pass into the broth, after which it must be drained. Then again fill the meat with water and already boil the broth, as usual. Some supporters of a healthy lifestyle repeat this procedure even twice in a row, but one is enough.

Only you can decide for yourself whether it is worth eating liquid for lunch. But one thing is for sure: the idea that it is necessary to eat it every day is an old Soviet myth. Some peoples do not have such a tradition, but at the same time they eat healthy food. healthy food and do not suffer from diseases of the digestive system due to the lack of first courses. Therefore, the main thing is to eat right, eat varied, and be healthy!

To begin with, we will turn all solid food into liquid, food that does not need to be chewed.
Meat and fish in meat and fish broths.
Fruits and vegetables in their juices.
Cereals in boiled broths.
Milk and derivatives in the liquid state.
Raw egg.
Sunflower oil in liquid form.
Salt in broths.
Sugar in juices.
Herbs in decoctions and infusions.
Cocoa, tea and coffee are liquids.

Liquid eating is a very rare form of nutrition.
Let's analyze one example and determine what a person eats when eating boiled food.
If you place a vegetable in cold water and leave for a while, then the vegetable will absorb cold water into itself. This is clearly seen on the example of peas and legumes. But as soon as you put it on fire, the reverse process occurs. The vegetable will begin to give all its juices hot water. Having boiled completely in the body of the vegetable, nothing remains but the boiled mass. The body of the vegetable becomes empty and useless.
Cook making mashed potatoes, the broth is poured into the sink, and a potato side dish is made from the empty potato body. Everything that the cook puts in water and boils is boiled and the substances are given to the water and the water turns into broth. In this case, the broth becomes a valuable drink, and everything that is boiled can be safely given to animals or birds.
Each person eats liquid food, but he does not think about the details of the intake of liquid, does not attach importance to this process. A person does not eat liquid, but drinks in large quantities with glasses, mugs, glasses, as a result, every day drinking a large amount of different liquids, creating excessive pressure on the kidneys, liver, heart, and this is again stress, nervousness, illness.
As usual, a person drinks water, but he drinks all liquids derived from water, because they are liquids that do not need to be chewed.
Traditionally, people are accustomed to eating and drinking in quantitative terms. By and large, people are engaged in gluttony, which has become a bad habit and an addiction to the stomach.
Gluttony is considered one of the seven deadly sins. Eating large amounts of food has become a habit and has shaped the lifestyle and diet.
Why liquid should be eaten and not drunk?
Why should liquid be chewed?
If in a small amount liquid just to drink, then neither enjoyment nor satiety with taste will work. You have to drink a large amount of liquid in order to get temporary saturation and pleasure.
Pleasure, saturation, glut, satiation occurs only in the mouth. In the stomach, only the process of digestion of food takes place. Stomach filling large quantity liquid and solid food, it is just filling, which makes it difficult for the stomach and the entire gastrointestinal tract. There is slagging of the walls of the intestines. The stomach cannot physically cope with a large amount of food and the food begins to rot and produce decay products, i.e. toxins that poison the entire body.
What happens in a person's mouth?
There are two very important process, this is pleasure and satiety with what has fallen into the mouth. Speaking of liquid food, I must say that it must also be chewed, because without the chewing process, you will have to drink a lot of liquid and put a lot of stress on the kidneys, liver and heart.
The quality of liquid food is collected in one SIP. The amount of liquid food consists of the number of sips or the container in which the liquid is poured. For example:
200 gr. orange juice.
How does all this happen?
I take a sip of juice into my mouth and keep it in my mouth without swallowing or mixing with saliva. I connect here taste buds tongue and feel the taste of juice, enjoy the taste. As soon as I start to get tired of enjoying the taste, I start chewing this juice, mixing it with saliva and chewing until the sensation of taste disappears. The juice should completely mix with saliva and lose its taste.
Loss of taste sensation is called satiety.
At this moment, you can swallow this tasteless juice liquid mixture. While I'm chewing in my mouth, the following happens:
If it was cold juice, it warms up to +36.6 degrees, if hot, it cools down to +36.6 degrees.
If you immediately drink 200 gr. cold juice, then the stomach will first have to spend energy on warming it up, and this is an unnecessary waste of energy, so all this must be done in the mouth.
Gradually, a person needs to move away from quantitative food intake and move on to quality. This is very important in old age, when an old person, eating a large amount of food, spends a large amount of energy on digestion, which in old age is barely enough for movement.
What is quality food?
You need to know that you can enjoy and be fed up with a small intake of food.
For example:
One sip contains all the substances that are in 1 liter of juice. You don't have to drink all liter jar straightaway. It is not necessary to load your stomach completely, so that even breathing becomes difficult. One meaningful and conscious sip, exactly, chewed completely will become like a glass of juice. This will not happen right away, it takes practice and a strong desire to be clean, healthy and young.
What is the practical significance of a swallow of chewed liquid?


You take an ordinary sip of juice into your mouth, only one sip, but do not swallow it, but begin to chew it carefully, consciously mixing it with saliva. Along with a sip of juice, you take a breath of air and hold your breath while chewing the juice. In the oral cavity you will have three components - juice, air and saliva. While holding your breath, you chew the juice, mixing it with saliva and air. After making 25-30 chewing movements, you will feel that there is more liquid in your mouth. This is due to the accumulation of saliva. Then you swallow part of the liquid, and start chewing the rest again with a new breath of air while holding your breath. Again the fluid in your mouth will increase and you swallow some of it again. That. one sip of juice can be turned into 10, 20 sips of oxygenated and saliva-enriched liquid. A person can eat with one sip of liquid food. The use of liquid food, this is what can be called self-cleansing in a natural way from the inside.
How does this happen?
The body is a self-cleansing system that, with the help of liquid, moisturizes all the slagged walls of the intestines and at the same time softens. The slag will fall off and be expelled from the body naturally. In this case, there will be no need to use enemas. An enema is not a very pleasant cleansing procedure, it must be admitted.
Although juices and broths are liquid food, but when drinking juice with pulp and fatty rich broths, there is work for the stomach. Liquid foods can also be made thinner, less oily, and the range of these foods can also be reduced. This is something to work on.
The stool from liquid food will be ordinary, but rarer and in a small amount, so to speak, lightened.
In general, the entire meal from chewing to sip should be conscious. Only conscious actions will have an effect.


Milk is without a doubt valuable and nutritional product especially for a newly born baby. I was freed from milk just a full 4 months ago after another 10-day abstinence from solid food, from February 2, 2010. Before that, I tinted water for a whole year with milk 20% milk and 80% water. Believe me, I grew up on goat's milk. My parents kept a few goats, but I didn't like goat milk. I was drawn to cow's milk. I drank milk all the time with pleasure. Now, from the height of my experience and knowledge, I will say that milk should be eaten only at the age when the child was just born and can only suck on the mother's breast. After the child grows up and is removed from the breast, milk must be completely removed from the child's diet. The child switches to solid food, various cereals, milk formulas and dairy products excluding pure milk.
Small child should only eat the milk of his natural mother. The milk of another woman may not suit him.
Why am I talking about the exclusion of pure milk from the diet of an adult child?
Milk is the only product that forms mucus in the digestive system, which in turn envelops the esophagus, stomach and intestines. Mucus accumulates in large quantities and interferes with the absorption of essential substances through the walls of the intestines. Milk is a fatty food and fatter milk the tastier it is. Simply put, a fatty mucous layer from the inside accumulates in the body, interfering normal functioning digestive system. Yogis came up with their own way of cleaning the esophagus from mucus. They swallow a special rope twisted from a bandage to the stomach, and so on. milky mucus sticks to the rope. The procedure is unusual and not at all pleasant. But yogis can do it. I spoke with a yogi who cleanses his esophagus in this way that it would not be easier to free himself from taking milk. Because he loves milk very much, then he drinks it and periodically cleanses himself in this way. Now I don't crave dairy products at all. Now my body is free from milk, or rather my mind is free from milk. So I naturally cleared of mucus, without various yogic problems. When I stopped eating dairy products, I found an argument against drinking milk. I fixed in my mind the image that milk is harmful and we need to get rid of it, which I eventually did.
Anyone who still drinks milk will find arguments that milk is healthy and will continue to use it. So in each food product, a person determines the benefits and harms. Everything is easy to justify and easy to blame.
I do not go into other useful or harmful properties milk, but I freed myself from eating milk.
This is my gradual transition from one way of eating to another, the gradual release of various fluids and the arrival of one water. This is exactly what happens to me. I am blissful that I am gradually freeing myself from the use of solid and liquid food, and this is my indicator of a conscious coming to sun-eating. I do what I do and I do it even gradually, but the work goes in this direction, as planned by the Highest Teachers, according to their earthly program for the realization of me as a spiritual entity. Time after time I get closer to the implementation of my program, which makes me absolutely happy. After all, I am on the right path of my spiritual realization. Victorian, keep it up!

In both solid and liquid diets, some liquid foods can be excluded from the diet. Remaining a liquid eater, you can free yourself from carbonated drinks, tea, coffee, cocoa, milk, meat and fish broths, i.e. and in a liquid diet, one can also gradually free oneself from heavy and thick broths, etc. You just need to be aware of these things. The force of habit will form new attitudes towards the intake of liquid food and food in general.
A person, guided by his taste preferences, and so uses a large amount of various liquids.
With time and awareness liquid food will be reduced to its maximum minimum and there will be only one water, pure water.