Pickling saffron milk caps at home recipes. How to pickle saffron milk caps - preparation methods and the best preservation recipes

Common mushrooms that grow in forests from July to August are saffron milk caps. They have a characteristic color ranging from yellowish-orange to reddish. They have long been considered valuable food product. They are often eaten by vegetarians due to their high protein and mineral content. Exist various ways their cooking. The most common recipes for how best to pickle saffron milk caps are presented below.

Let's take a closer look at how to prepare specimens before cooking. Preparing saffron milk caps is an important stage. After all, they grow in the ground, and worms love them very much.

Cleaning saffron milk caps for pickling

Regardless of the cooking method, they need to be cleaned. Carry out the procedure with freshly collected specimens.

  1. The first thing you need to pay attention to during collection is whether the specimen is edible. Real saffron milk caps exude orange juice when cut, while poisonous ones exude white juice. Still have to double check at home.
  2. Remove blades of grass, pieces of soil, moss and other contaminants from the stems and caps. Select wormy and spoiled ones.
  3. Divide large saffron milk caps into several parts. Small in size, cook whole.

Soaking mushrooms

Many people are concerned about the question of whether it is necessary to soak saffron milk caps, and how to do it correctly. Saffron milk caps are considered the most successful mushroom for preservation. After all, they are elastic and retain their shape perfectly.

The pulp is a little bitter, but this gives them a special piquancy. Many cooks do not soak saffron milk caps, but only rinse them before salting.

It all depends on the cooking method. If cooked dry, they do not need to be washed. Simply wipe with a damp cloth. At the usual way– rinse under running water. Next, cut off the damaged parts and cut into pieces.

Features of salting saffron milk caps so that they do not darken

Having a dense consistency and rich composition, saffron milk caps are perfectly prepared in different ways. Pickled ones can be used as independent dish, you just need to season with vegetable oil and add onions. good and stewed potatoes with the addition of saffron milk caps, and so on. There are a lot of options and, in any case, this type mushrooms at their best.

Many people love salted mushrooms, which are easy to prepare at home. A special feature of the product is that you can taste them a week after salting.

The product can be preserved by canning. During the processing process, an unpleasant problem is often discovered - saffron milk caps lose their original attractive appearance. They turn black. In most cases, this is observed during salting, boiling and soaking. Many people believe that the product is spoiled. These are the only representatives that contain thick, sweet-tasting, milky juice.

If saffron milk caps have darkened, this does not mean that they cannot be consumed. Perhaps some factors were not taken into account during cooking.

The most popular cooking method is salting. Specimens may darken both during processing and a few days after salting. With absence unpleasant odor and there is no need to worry about mold.

Possible causes of darkening:

  1. The specimens were not completely covered with brine. Contact with air will cause the flesh of the mushrooms to darken; this is a completely safe phenomenon. If you don’t want to use them as an independent snack, you can make soup or fry them.
  2. Most likely, there were different types saffron milk caps. Spruce trees tend to darken during heat treatment.
  3. A large number of seasonings and spices were used for marinating. For example, adding dill may cause a color change.
  4. Stored for a long time before processing.

Every housewife wants to know how to truly cook tasty dish and preserve color quality. First, the saffron milk caps do not need to be soaked. With the exception of those fruits that were collected near roads. Pre-soaking will remove accumulated harmful substances from the fruit. Experienced mushroom pickers It is advised to replace this procedure and clean the saffron milk caps with a sponge or toothbrush.

When processing a large volume of products, place in a basin and fill with water with the addition of salt and citric acid. Place pressure, you can use an inverted bowl or tray and place a heavy object on top of it. Keep the container in a cool place, away from direct sunlight. It is important to start salting immediately after cleaning. The container should be made of glass, wood or covered with enamel. Other materials will lead to a reaction and damage to the workpiece.

Recipe for pickled saffron milk caps in glass jars

In addition to salting, pickling is used. Thanks to the special marinade, it turns out very tasty and satisfying.

Hot salting method at home

Let's look at how to properly cook mushrooms below. To get not only tasty, but also useful preparations, the hot salting method is suitable. Pickled saffron milk caps will not only diversify the everyday table, but also decorate the festive table.

Emphasize amazing taste mushrooms can be used using the following marinade.

List necessary ingredients per liter of water and kilogram of saffron milk caps:

  • sugar – 1 tablespoon;
  • salt – 1.5 tablespoons;
  • vinegar essence - 1 tablespoon or 8 tablespoons of 9% table vinegar;
  • garlic – 6 cloves;
  • 8 peas each of black and allspice;
  • 2 dried cloves;
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon;
  • a bunch of dill and Bay leaf.

Preparing mushrooms:

  1. Inspect each mushroom, remove dirt and damaged areas.
  2. Rinse under water or wipe with a damp cloth.
  3. Place in a saucepan with water and place on the stove over medium heat. After boiling, reduce the heat, add salt and cook for half an hour. Remove any foam that appears during cooking with a slotted spoon.
  4. Drain in a colander. Do not use the resulting decoction. Rinse with water, stirring constantly.

Next you need to prepare the container. For winter preparations, it is better to take 500 milliliter jars. Rinse each thoroughly using a kitchen sponge and a special detergent. Take required amount lids and sterilize along with the jars.

This is done in different ways:

  1. Pour water into a bowl with high sides and bring to a boil. Gradually place jar after jar into the basin. If space allows, you can sterilize several jars. The water level should be above the jar. Only in this case can a positive effect be achieved. Boil for 10 minutes.
  2. To do this you will need a saucepan and special device for sterilizing jars. Turn the jar over and place it in the hole to sterilize for 5 minutes. The rising steam will immediately enter the container and remove all existing microbes.
  3. Place the jars in a preheated oven and keep there for 10 minutes.
  4. Use a microwave. Sterilization time – 3 minutes.
  5. Boil the lids in boiling water.

You can determine the required amount of marinade by the actual weight of the mushrooms. When pickling, it is necessary to use a preservative, in in this case it's vinegar.

Preparing the marinade

Pour the required amount of water into the pan, add all the ingredients except vinegar and bring to a boil. Boil for 10 minutes. The marinade needs to be made a little saltier.

Marinating steps:

  1. Pour the mushrooms into the brine and boil for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Pour in vinegar and boil everything thoroughly again.
  3. Slowly pour into prepared jars. Rushing may cause the jar to burst.
  4. Pour the rest of the brine on top up to the rim.
  5. Roll up with sterilized lids.
  6. Lay out the blanket. Place the jars with the lids down and wrap them well with a blanket. Wait until it cools down completely.
  7. Turn the jars over and make sure they are sealed well and tightly. There should be no wet places in the place where the jar stood.
  8. Mark the year of sealing on the lid of the jar with a marker.
  9. Consume within a year.

If there is little salt in the mushrooms after opening, add salt before eating.

Cold way

According to another option, mushrooms can be pickled cold. This recipe uses oppression. Perfect option- a jar of water. Do not use bricks, foam blocks, stones or other heavy objects. Contact of the material with brine will result in spoilage of the pickle. The mushrooms are either immediately placed in jars, topped with salt and spices, or all the ingredients are mixed in a saucepan and then placed into jars.

The calculation of ingredients is per kilogram of prepared mushrooms:

  • table salt that does not contain iodine - 2 tablespoons;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • dill;
  • cloves - 4 pieces;
  • peppercorns – 5 pieces;
  • horseradish - 2 leaves;
  • oak and currant leaves, spruce branches.

Cooking method:

  1. Small fruits must first be cleaned and washed. Separate the caps from the legs. Cut large caps into several pieces.
  2. Wash the enamel pan and dry it over gas to remove microorganisms.
  3. Pre-scald the leaves and twigs with boiling water. Place half the leaves, a small amount of salt, cloves and pepper on the bottom.
  4. Divide the mushrooms into equal parts and lay them in layers, sprinkle with chopped garlic and salt. The hats must be placed on the bottom, and the legs on top.
  5. Re-arrange the middle layer and the top layer with leaves and twigs.
  6. Cover with a plate of suitable size. Place a three or five liter container of water on top.
  7. Place the workpiece in the refrigerator or cellar. Temperature– 0-5 degrees.
  8. After three days, check the amount of brine. If the mushrooms are not completely submerged, add a small amount of cold boiled water.
  9. Marinate for 3 weeks. This time is enough for the mushrooms to be salted and soaked in spices.
  10. Can be stored in a saucepan, covered with a thick, clean cloth. Or put it in glass boxes or jars.
  11. Mushrooms prepared according to this recipe do not require sealing. They can simply be covered with glass lids.
  12. It is important to fry the dishes used for storage or hold them over steam to remove germs and bacteria.

Preservation storage rules

During preparation, all sterilization standards must be strictly observed. The hermetically sealed jar can be stored at room temperature in the pantry. It is important that there is no boiler, radiator, stove or stove nearby. Heat encourages microbial growth and will cause product spoilage.

It's good if there is a cellar or basement. The temperature in the room should be 0-10 degrees. It is important to ensure that the cellar is dry.

Mushrooms must not be stored for longer than 2 years. It is better to consume in its pure form within one year; It is important to heat the preparations that remain after opening: frying, boiling, stewing. Keep salted saffron milk caps in a cool room, it is better if there is no direct sunlight. If the storage temperature is above 5 degrees, this will lead to spoilage of the mushrooms.

In ancient times, wooden tubs were used to pickle mushrooms. Wood is an environmentally friendly material. If you don’t have such a tub, a glass container will do. After pickling, store mushrooms for six months. Pickled mushrooms are stored in the basement or cellar.


Camelina is considered the royal mushroom. And not in vain - Peter 1 loved these mushrooms very much. Sterilization and hermetically sealed are the most reliable methods of storage. The main goal of preparations is to diversify the winter diet, enrich it with proteins, minerals and vitamins. There is a good saying: “One day feeds the year.” In the summer months, you need to take care of preparing mushrooms, and in the winter months, you need to take care of their proper storage.

The incredible variety of conservation products that trade offers today is nothing short of delightful. But there is nothing better than something prepared with your own hands. And even more so when it comes to mushrooms. Saffron milk caps collected in the summer for the winter will be useful for any occasion. And not only in the cold, but also during fasting, when protein is so needed and such an emphasis in food is so pleasant. Placed on the festive table, participating in the preparation of all kinds of dishes, they become a key delicacy. And there are so many benefits from the cute red inhabitants of the forests in terms of vitamins, nutrients and elements... Therefore, as soon as the quiet hunting season begins, its fans use every minute, creating a sea of ​​recipes for preparations. This includes cold and hot salting, pickling, freezing, and even caviar from saffron milk caps!

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Saffron milk caps for the winter - freezing, recipe step by step with photos

There is probably no point in talking about the main difference between mushrooms that have undergone this method of harvesting. Yes, salted and pickled ones are super tasty, healthy and appropriate for any meal. True, they are often given a more modest role - additives to the main dish. Plus, during processing they still lose some useful qualities. And when dried or frozen, saffron milk caps are tasty for the winter, and many useful material saved and become the main dish. By the way, unlike dried ones, frozen ones even look prettier. So, let's get to work!

Ingredients for freezing

  • saffron milk caps - 0.5-1 kg.

Step-by-step instructions on how to freeze saffron milk caps for the winter

  • First, you need to collect or purchase mushrooms from a reliable seller.

    Attention: we take only the freshest (one day of collection) and the strongest.

  • After removing sand, pine needles, leaves and other debris of this type, the mushrooms should be washed carefully under the tap.

    Attention: they should not absorb moisture!

  • Then we need to dry our red-haired heroes. A clean towel or raft will do.
  • Having laid them out on any surface, everything is sent to the freezer.
  • Attention:

  • it is important that the fruits do not touch each other;
  • if, when checking by tapping each other (after twelve hours), a sound like pebbles appears, you can change the container to one more convenient for the freezer;
  • It is important to use these supplies within 6 months.
  • Don’t rush to throw rejected copies into the bin! After sorting them thoroughly, rinse them, dry them in the same way as whole ones, and freeze them in the same way. It’s okay that they will be “substandard” - you can make delicious soups, salads, stir-fries, etc. from them. Especially if the chopped forest products are placed boiled or stewed in vegetable oil (in containers or simply in plastic bags). Having tasted this deliciousness in winter, you will understand that this recipe for freezing saffron milk caps for the winter is unique!

    How to pickle saffron milk caps for the winter - quick, cold and hot pickling, delicious recipes

    There are two types of mushroom pickling for winter - cold and hot. But those who like to preserve the royal mushroom, as our hero is also called, also know a third method - quick pickling. Each recipe has a special taste, which is achieved by adding different spices. But the preparation for the process is largely the same - sort through the mushrooms, rinse well and clean of all excess, and also select specimens of approximately the same size, then the salting will be better and the treat will be more tasty. Let's now get acquainted with the recipes for pickling saffron milk caps.

    Cold salted saffron milk caps for the winter - recipe No. 1 (in a jar)

    The main advantage of cold salting for the winter is the lack of heat treatment. This means that all their benefits and taste will be preserved. As for the amount of salt, it depends on where the mushroom preserves will be stored. And yes, this approach requires more time than hot salting. But it's worth it. So, let's add salt!

    Ingredients for a recipe for winter pickles in a jar

    • mushrooms - 1 kilogram
    • ground black pepper - to taste
    • garlic - 2-3 cloves
    • black pepper - 15-20 peas
    • bay leaf - 10 pcs.
    • currants (or horseradish) - a few leaves
    • salt - 50 grams

    Step-by-step instructions for cold salting of saffron milk caps

  • Taking young specimens, we clean them of excess and rinse them under the tap.
  • After drying it slightly, place it in a bowl, first scattering a little salt and spices along the bottom.
  • Mushrooms should be placed in layers, legs down.
  • Sprinkle each layer with salt and spices, cover the last one first with a currant leaf (or horseradish), and then with a clean cloth.
  • We will place a plate or a wooden circle on top, on which we will place something heavy.

    Attention: if there is not enough brine, which should cover the entire mass, you need to add boiled water.

  • After the required hour has passed, the mushrooms are placed in sterile dry jars and, closed, sent to a cold place.
  • Cold salted mushrooms for the winter - recipe No. 2 (in a tub)

    Ingredients for cold pickling recipe

    • Saffron milk caps
    • Juniper
    • Leaves: horseradish, oak, cherry
    • Dill

    Step-by-step instructions for preparing saffron milk caps for winter

  • They start by preparing the tub - the juniper poured into it is poured with boiling water.
  • Having covered the container with something warm, they regularly place hot stones inside (the steam released disinfects the container).
  • Mushrooms must be cleared of debris and wiped with a clean cloth.
  • Folding them in layers in a tub, they need to be layered with herbs (oak leaf, cherry, horseradish, dill, garlic, etc.).
  • Place a bag of salt on top. Attention: the bag must completely cover everything.
  • A pressure is placed on the bag, which will help the juice to release. If there is a lot of liquid, it is removed.
  • Within a month, while the mushrooms are being salted, they will become very tasty!
  • How many days to salt saffron milk caps? Much depends on their type (for example, spruce trees will be salted faster, since they are smaller than hogwood). Cold way salting will allow you to enjoy the preparation within 3-4-5 weeks.

    Salted saffron milk caps for the winter - hot method recipe No. 1 (in jars)

    Having stocked up mushrooms in a harvest year, caring housewives, as we see, use different ways preparations, including hot ones. This is so great - you can eat the preparation in 2-3 days! In addition, they will hardly change in appearance, that is, they will look appetizing. Well, they last longer. True, to enjoy them, you will have to work hard - get rid of the mucous coating by soaking them for 1-2 days. But the fact that finished product will slightly lose its usefulness, it doesn’t matter - we have other preparations!

    Ingredients for the hot pickling recipe for the winter

    • Mushrooms - 1 kilogram
    • Salt - 50 grams
    • Allspice and black pepper - 5 peas each
    • Cinnamon - 5 sticks
    • Bay and currant leaves - 2-3 pcs.
    • Cloves - 2 pcs.

    Step-by-step instructions for a hot mushroom recipe for winter

  • Boil the raw material in a liter of water flavored with 50 g. salt.
  • After 10 minutes, drain the mushrooms in a colander and run them under a tap with cold water.
  • Prepare a brine from all the spices, herbs and salt (2 tbsp),
  • After bubbles appear on the surface, put the boiled mushrooms in the pan and cook for 10 minutes.
  • Directly from the pan we put them into sterile jars and close them with metal lids.
  • Yes, I had to work hard. But, as soon as the jar with the preparation has cooled, it can be eaten. But let's not rush, because thanks to the recipe for hot pickling of saffron milk caps, they can be stored for a long time! And winter is ahead, and a jar of this yummy will be very useful to us.

    Pickled mushrooms for the winter in jars - hot method recipe No. 2

    For this recipe for hot pickling mushrooms, specimens of any size will be used.

    Ingredients for hot pickling recipe

    • Saffron milk caps - 1 kg
    • Salt - 50 grams
    • Garlic - 3-4 cloves
    • Horseradish (root)
    • Bay leaf
    • currant leaf
    • Dill (inflorescences)

    Step-by-step instructions for hot salting

  • After cleaning, washing and drying, we cut the large caps into equal pieces.
  • Fill them with water and boil them for 3-5 minutes.
  • Attention: be sure to remove the foam!

  • Cool the raw materials in a colander in a bowl.
  • Place the layers in the prepared container with the caps facing up.
  • Sprinkle them with salt and prepared seasonings.
  • Let's put a clean napkin and a pressure on it (say, a three-liter bottle of water).
  • All that remains is to send it all to a cool place for a month.
  • Then transfer the mushrooms to clean jars and refrigerate.
  • Quick salted saffron milk caps for the winter - recipe with photos

    Here you don’t even have to wait for winter - you can eat mushrooms salted this way in a couple of days! True, they do not last long. But it’s also easy to prepare!

    Ingredients for a quick pickling recipe

    • Mushrooms
    • Dill
    • Peppercorns
    • Bay leaf

    Step-by-step instructions for quickly salting saffron milk caps

  • Place young tiny mushrooms in a bowl with their caps down.
  • Sprinkle it generously with salt and spices.
  • Sprinkle salt on top too.
  • The mushrooms will release juice.
  • When they are covered with brown brine, they can be placed on the table.
  • Hot pickled saffron milk caps for the winter - recipe without vinegar

    This preparation is also called Vyatka-style pickling. It does not require a large amount of spices and seasonings. For this recipe, take pine specimens - they are tastier and more aromatic than spruce ones.

    Ingredients for hot marinating

    • mushrooms,
    • water (preferably spring water),
    • salt to taste.

    Step-by-step instructions for pickling saffron milk caps for winter

  • After all the preparation procedures, let’s keep the raw materials in cold water for a couple of hours.
  • Add fresh water, boil everything and cook for a couple of minutes.
  • Then immediately put it in cold water.
  • Place the mushrooms in a prepared jar (or an enamel container) and pour in cold salted water so that it does not completely cover them. Attention: for initial salting, use 1 tbsp. salt, then its quantity is added.
  • Cover the container with gauze and put pressure on it.
  • As soon as mold appears, change the gauze, boil the pressure and the circle. Attention: there is a little flood here vegetable oil(by boiling it in advance), we will not allow the contents of the jars to become moldy.
  • Marinate the mushrooms until they stop settling. As a rule, it takes 1.5 months.
  • Caviar from saffron milk caps for the winter, recipe with photos

    These mushrooms are unique because with their participation not only the first and second courses are prepared, but also an incomparable preservation. Here is one of the best recipes for camelina caviar for winter. Both on holidays and on weekdays, this appetizer will make any meal richer in both protein and taste. This beauty can be spread on bread, added to a side dish, or made into a side dish itself. In half an hour, you can either cook or preserve caviar from saffron milk caps daily.

    Ingredients for the winter camelina caviar recipe

    • mushrooms - 1 kg.
    • onions - 3 pcs.
    • salt.

    Step-by-step instructions for the recipe for camelina caviar

  • First, we prepare the raw materials using the traditional method. It is better to prepare larger specimens.
  • Put them in boiling water and cook for 20 minutes.
  • Add salt, then change the water once.
  • Cut the boiled mushrooms randomly.
  • Fry the chopped onion and add the saffron milk caps to it.
  • After salting, fry for another 10 minutes.
  • After cooling the mass, grind it with a blender or through a meat grinder, pouring in a little boiled vegetable oil.
  • Camelina caviar needs to be heated in a frying pan one more time, and then sent to a container for freezing or rolled into jars with vinegar added.
  • Saffron milk caps for the winter - unique preparations! This delicacy has won the hearts of many gourmets with its specific taste and aroma, its ability to be absorbed by the body and its filling nature. useful vitamins A, B1, B2, C, PP, etc., amino acids, minerals, fiber, natural antibiotic lactarioviolin (destroyer of tuberculosis and bacteria). Regular use These representatives of forest fauna can improve metabolism by an order of magnitude, get rid of unpleasant symptoms caused by these disorders, and improve the condition of skin, hair and vision. Even if their calorie content is higher in salted form than that of meat, poultry, etc., this calorie content benefits from everything useful! Therefore, recipes for saffron milk caps for the winter - be it cold or hot pickling, freezing, pickling or caviar - are always tasty, healthy and satisfying!

    Every autumn you can collect a wide variety of mushrooms in the forest, and among them one stands out in a special way - camelina. The harvest can be so rich that it is more than enough to store for the winter. Then, at any time of the year, you can open a jar of forest gifts and prepare a delicious first or second course, or please guests for festive table home-made preparations of our own making.

    Mushrooms are a unique product; from time immemorial they were held in high esteem in Rus'; they were not only dried, but also salted in large oak barrels. With this method of preservation, the taste of saffron milk caps is revealed in a special way. Before harvesting saffron milk caps for the winter, you need to consider several important nuances.

    Proper preparation of saffron milk caps for pickling

    As you know, not a single recipe for a dish or home canning simply unthinkable without preliminary preparation necessary ingredients. When pickling mushrooms, this rule is also no exception, because the final taste of the dish will depend on how carefully this stage was performed.

    After the saffron milk caps have been collected, they must be carefully torn apart to make sure that no other species are included in the pile, and to get rid of excess debris and remove spoiled mushrooms that are not suitable for consumption. You should definitely get rid of mushrooms with rotten spots, signs of worms, and those that have an unattractive, damaged appearance.

    Now you can begin the next process - cleaning from dirt and soil. To remove dirt, you can use a small brush or a small knife. Small damage on the surface of the cap and stem can be carefully cut off, so there is no need to rush when sorting mushrooms for pickling.

    The next step is to rinse the mushrooms thoroughly in running cool water and then dry them using kitchen paper towels.

    Some housewives who regularly pickle and preserve mushrooms for the winter, as a rule, do not use mushroom stems for these purposes. You can prepare many other dishes with them, for example, fry potatoes or cook soup, or cook warm salad from salted saffron milk caps (the legs can be salted separately). Mushroom stems also tolerate freezing well.

    It makes no sense to pre-boil saffron milk caps if you are going to cold ambassador. Mushrooms after pickling will be ready in about a couple of months.

    A quick recipe for making salted saffron milk caps

    After preparation for salting has been made, you can proceed directly to the harvesting process itself. Let's look at the recipe for preparing saffron milk caps using the cold method:


    • saffron milk caps without legs – 4 kg;
    • coarse table salt – 165 g;
    • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
    • 10-12 currant leaves;
    • 10-12 cherry leaves;
    • 7-8 umbrellas of fresh or slightly dried dill;
    • 2 bay leaves;
    • 5 black peppercorns;
    • 3-4 peas of allspice.

    Cooking process:

    1. For ease of salting using this method, you can use a large enamel pan without chips or damage. It is important that it is dry and clean.
    2. A small amount of salt is poured into the bottom of each container, currant and cherry leaves, garlic cloves pressed with a knife, dill umbrellas and peppercorns are placed on top.
    3. Mushrooms are laid out in the next layer and sprinkled with a little salt. Layers of mushrooms with salt are repeated until there is no more free space in the container. The top of the container is again covered with currant and cherry leaves and a bay leaf is added to the side.
    4. A layer of gauze is placed on top of the container, and on it is a board or plywood, approximately corresponding to the inner diameter of the pan, and a small bend, for example, a heavy cobblestone wrapped in cling film. Now everything can be covered with cellophane, but not tightly, so that there is air access, and stored in a cool place for approximately 2-2.5 months. This can be a cellar or a refrigerator, and if the mushrooms are pre-blanched, their salting will happen even faster.

    To enhance the taste, you can take more garlic and, cutting the cloves into slices, lay it in layers with mushrooms.

    2-3 weeks after salting, you can arrange the mushrooms glass jars and store in the refrigerator. It is better to place currant and cherry leaves on top of the jar.

    A successful year means a good harvest

    I sincerely hope that you no longer have questions about how to salt saffron milk caps in a cold way to make the preparation tasty and aromatic.

    Hot salting

    The shelf life of any mushrooms, including saffron milk caps, can be extended if you pickle them for the winter. This recipe calls for hot ambassador, which increases the shelf life of the product and fully reveals its taste and aroma.


    • 1.3 kg of freshly picked saffron milk caps;
    • 700 ml of clean water;
    • 5 peas of allspice;
    • 2 umbrellas fresh dill;
    • 2 bay leaves;
    • 4-5 currant leaves;
    • 2 carnation umbrellas;
    • 3 tbsp. large spoons table salt.

    The preparation is as follows:

    1. Sort and rinse the mushrooms, changing the water, but you can let them stand and soak for a couple of hours, constantly stirring them in the container to wash off all the debris.
    2. Remove those parts of the legs that were in contact with the ground, small mushrooms Leave whole, large ones can be cut in half.
    3. Pour water into a saucepan, add all the dry spices and salt, and bring to a boil. The fire does not have to be high, a medium level will be enough. As soon as it boils for 5 minutes and the spices release their aromas into the water, add the processed mushrooms to it.
    4. Boil for about 15-18 minutes over low heat, skimming off the foam as needed. Recline prepared mushrooms in a colander, while preserving the brine in which they were boiled.
    5. Prepare clean containers that have been previously sterilized. Expand boiled mushrooms into jars, placing them caps up, and fill with more hot brine.
    6. Roll up the jars and store in a cool place. If everything does not fit into the prepared container, some of the mushrooms can be stored in the refrigerator; after about 5-7 days, a sample can be taken from them, seasoned with sunflower oil and adding finely chopped onion rings.

    Marinating saffron milk caps

    The product must be prepared only in clean, sterilized glass jars; plastic and metal containers cannot be used.


    • 10 pcs each of allspice and black peppercorns;
    • 2-3 cloves fresh garlic;
    • 1.2 kg of saffron milk caps;
    • 150 ml apple cider vinegar;
    • 55 gr. coarse table salt;
    • 5 currant leaves;
    • 3 bay leaves.

    We do this:

    1. Freshly picked young small mushrooms are suitable for cooking. Before cooking, they must be thoroughly cleaned, then rinsed and dried in a clean kitchen towel.
    2. After the mushrooms have dried, they need to be placed in clean, sterilized jars, and a little (about a teaspoon) of salt should be poured onto the bottom.
    3. It is recommended to place the mushrooms with their caps facing up, and between them add peppercorns, currant leaves and bay leaves. Sprinkle each row a small amount salt. It is recommended to cut the garlic cloves so that they release more of their flavor.
    4. Boil a liter of water with apple cider vinegar and add the remaining salt. Remove the boiling marinade from the heat, pour into containers filled with mushrooms, and roll up the lids.
    5. Each container must be turned upside down to ensure that the container is airtight, cooled, and put away for storage. Marinated saffron milk caps prepared this way are not a shame to put on the table in winter.

    In cabbage leaves

    In addition to spices, when salting mushrooms in large quantities in a container, some housewives add vegetables and fresh herbs to give the future appetizer a unique aroma. Saffron milk caps can be stored in the cellar for a long time if they are salted with the addition of leaves. white cabbage.


    • 5 kg of freshly picked saffron milk caps;
    • 8-10 large cabbage leaves winter varieties of cabbage;
    • 225 gr. coarse table salt;
    • 10 dill umbrellas;
    • 1 head of fresh garlic;
    • 25 leaves currant leaves;
    • 25 cherry leaves;
    • 65 gr. fresh horseradish (root);
    • 10 peas of allspice.

    The operating algorithm is as follows:

    1. Prepare the cabbage - rinse the leaves along with the saffron milk caps in running water and dry. Horseradish and garlic should be peeled.
    2. Divide all the spices and herbs, seasonings into two pieces. Place one part of the cabbage leaves with fruit leaves, garlic and spices on the bottom of a large enamel pan. Add a little salt.
    3. Now the prepared mushrooms are laid out in neat layers - they need to be washed and dried, peeled and, if necessary, blanched in boiling water.
    4. Each layer of mushrooms is sprinkled with a small amount of coarse salt. The top layer again consists of cabbage leaves and the remaining spices and seasonings.
    5. Place a not very heavy load on top of them and leave for a couple of weeks to salt out, covering the container with polyethylene to protect it from contamination. After this time, the pan needs to be covered with a lid and after 1.5-2 months you can start tasting homemade V variety of dishes from salted saffron milk caps.
    • If you do not use a glass jar for salting mushrooms, then you must use moderately heavy pressure. This is necessary so that all the mushrooms are immersed in the brine and cook evenly. If possible, it is recommended to bend the form in such a way that it is possible to cover the container with a lid - it is much more practical cling film;
    • If, when salting saffron milk caps, the brine in the container turns gray, it means the temperature in the storage room is high, and the fermentation process has already begun. There is no need to take risks and it is better to dispose of this workpiece so as not to be poisoned by the product;
    • For salting, it is recommended to use only caps of saffron milk caps; the legs can easily be used for other purposes, for example, frying and subsequent freezing or drying.
    • When pickling saffron milk caps, in addition to vinegar, you can use citric acid in granules. By adding just a little bit of it to the marinade, you can give the mushrooms extra taste and piquancy, and you will get crispy pickled saffron milk caps, the recipe for which your guests will ask for the winter;

    To thoroughly clean forest mushrooms of worms, you can soak them for 2-3 hours in fairly salty water. This technique will ensure the purity of the product without cutting the forest products.

    In our family, we always prepare a lot of mushrooms for the winter. We freeze them, pickle them in jars various varieties and of course salt. We prefer to salt saffron milk caps. We also salt the mushrooms and milk mushrooms a little, but we salt the whole 20-liter oak barrel of saffron milk caps. We believe that salted ones are the most delicious.

    There are several ways to pickle saffron milk caps. The main ones are the cold method, hot salting and the so-called fast method. When pickling mushrooms in a cold way, they change their color and become dark, when hot and fast way pickling - the color is preserved.

    For salting using any of the methods you need fresh mushrooms. If you pick mushrooms yourself, then in order to have less work with them at home, inspect them when you cut them. Do not take wormy mushrooms; carefully cut off any remaining clay or soil from the stem. Remove large debris and leaves.

    Of course, it is best to collect mushrooms that are not very large, with a cap diameter of no more than 5 cm. During pickling, such mushrooms will completely retain their appearance, and they are pleasant to serve and eat.

    If you are lucky and you collect saffron milk caps, they will remain intact and beautiful in any size, practically without losing their beauty as a result of all the processing and manipulation with them. Such mushrooms grow in pine forests, they are dense, the stem is thick, the mushroom is fleshy, heavy, their cap is slightly closed downwards.

    In spruce forests, saffron milk caps grow that are thinner in structure; it is better to collect those that are not very large. When pickling, large mushrooms will need to be cut into 2-4 parts, and the lamellar cap will break during processing. The mushrooms will be tasty, but their appearance will suffer.

    So let's look at all the main methods of pickling mushrooms, so that after familiarizing yourself with them, you can make the right choice.

    How to pickle saffron milk caps for the winter in jars in a cold way - a simple recipe

    The peculiarity of pickling mushrooms using this method is that we do not heat them. And there are two ways of salting. The first is when we wash the mushrooms, and the second is the so-called “dry” method, in which the mushrooms do not have any contact with water.

    Let's look at the first method first.

    We will need (for convenience, the calculation is given for 1 kg of mushrooms):

    • saffron milk caps – 1 kg
    • salt - 2 tablespoons (50 g)
    • garlic -3-4 cloves (optional)
    • dill - optional
    • peppercorns - 15 peas
    • cloves - 4 pieces
    • horseradish leaf


    1. First, we sort and wash the mushrooms. We clean them of forest debris, cut off the darkened section of the stem, and remove the remaining soil from it. We remove wormy mushrooms. Very often, only the stem is wormy, so the cap can be kept and the stem cut off.

    If it’s a pity to throw away such mushrooms, then put them in cold salted water for 5-7 minutes. All existing worms will come out of the mushroom. But it is best to discard such mushrooms already at the harvesting stage.

    2. Place the mushrooms on a towel to drain all the water.

    3. You can salt the mushrooms directly into jars, or you can first pickle them in a saucepan, and only then transfer them to jars.

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    The second method is more preferable, because the mushrooms will give juice and settle during the pickling process. And you can put as many of them in jars as you can fit. After all, if you store them in the refrigerator, then the space there in the fall is always worth its weight in gold.

    4. Consider the method of salting in a saucepan. Place half a horseradish leaf on the bottom. Horseradish prevents mold from growing, so I always add it to all my pickles. All other greens can be used as desired. I always add dill. But many people don’t do this because they want to preserve the natural taste of mushrooms. Personally, the light aroma of dill doesn’t bother me at all, and I even like it.

    For the same reason, some people add, and others refuse to put, currant leaves, oak leaves (this is always good), but as a rule, I add salt directly into an oak tub, and there is no need for me to put leaves.

    Garlic is also a similarly controversial topic. I add a little of it for spice and piquancy. But some people think that garlic is useless when pickling mushrooms.

    target="_blank">https://sekreti-domovodstva.ru/wp-content/uploads/...9/ryzhiki-na-zimu7-300x225.jpg 300w" width="640" />

    And recently I began to add a sprig of heather and a spruce twig. I put it on the bottom and on top, and sometimes in the middle. This was suggested to me by one grandmother, with whom we once talked on occasion. She said the twigs preserve the forest flavor of the mushrooms and prevent mold from growing.

    In general, what to add is a matter of taste! And as they say, there is no arguing about tastes. The main thing is mushrooms and salt! And everything else, as you like. I only add what I wrote in the ingredients list. You can try the same thing. And if you already have your own experience, then add, or vice versa, remove something from what is proposed.

    5. Divide the spices and garlic into approximately 3 parts. One piece on the bottom, one in the middle, and one on top.

    6. And so the bottom is laid out, and we begin to put mushrooms in the pan. Here, too, there is no consensus; some place them with their caps down, others up. I think this question is not fundamental. Whatever you think is right is right!

    Every two or three layers should be sprinkled with salt. Roughly divide the salt into required quantity parts and lightly season the layers. Then, when the mushrooms give juice, the whole brine will taste the same and all the mushrooms will be salted evenly.

    target="_blank">https://sekreti-domovodstva.ru/wp-content/uploads/...9/ryzhiki-na-zimu4-300x225.jpg 300w" width="640" />

    It is believed that salt consumption should be 1.5 cups of salt per bucket of mushrooms. But I admit honestly, I never measure salt with spoons or glasses, I sprinkle it “by eye.” But this can already be done when you have experience. To begin with, if you have never salted mushrooms, follow the proportions.

    7. Place a few more dill sprigs, a little garlic, black peppercorns and clove buds in the middle of the layers.

    8. Continue laying out layers of saffron milk caps and sprinkle them with salt.

    9. Place dill, horseradish and remaining spices and garlic on top.

    10. Place gauze on top in two or three layers so that it completely covers all the mushrooms. Place a plate on the gauze and a pressure in the form of a cobblestone or a jar of water.

    After some time, the saffron milk caps will give juice, which will mix with salt, and pickling will occur. You will need to keep the mushrooms in this position for two weeks in a cool place. Every two to three days you will need to rinse in hot water gauze, or better yet, change it to a new one.

    11. After two weeks, you can transfer the mushrooms into jars along with the brine and store them in the refrigerator.

    And if there is an underground or pit, then you don’t have to transfer it, but store the mushrooms directly in a saucepan or barrel. You can eat in two weeks. That is, the total salting time is one month.

    Dry method of pickling saffron milk caps

    This method differs from the previous one in that when cleaning mushrooms, we do not wash them, but clean them dry. In principle, this is not difficult, especially if the mushrooms are boron mushrooms. As I already said, they grow in pine forests in moss, and when you collect them, they are clean and tidy. Of course, the basket contains needles and leaves that fall from the trees. It is from them that we clean mushrooms.

    Also make sure that there is no soil left on the leg.

    The ingredients are the same as in the previous recipe. Basically, just like the cooking process itself.

    With this method of salting, it is recommended to lay the mushrooms with their caps facing up and salt each layer.

    The salting process will continue for at least 2-3 weeks. During this time, the mushrooms will shrink greatly. And if you went and picked up more saffron milk caps, then you can salt them and put them directly into the same container.

    Be sure to cover the top layer with gauze, which also needs to be changed every three days. And oppression is also necessary. Without it, the mushrooms will not produce juice and the pickling process will not occur.

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    It should be noted that in both the first and second cases, the saffron milk caps will change their color and become green-brown. My dad called these mushrooms “frogs.” Many people are confused by this circumstance and prefer to pickle saffron milk caps using heat treatment.

    Saffron milk caps for the winter - hot cooking recipe

    This is the method we use to salt mushrooms in our family. Just because saffron milk caps retain their beautiful color. And despite the fact that according to the first method, saffron milk caps retain all their beneficial properties, since they do not undergo heat treatment, we still choose this method!

    That’s why I salt saffron milk caps with minimal heat treatment. My mother also pickles mushrooms. And she, in turn, was taught how to salt like this by one grandmother, whom my mother met quite by accident, on a train. And now, we have been salting saffron milk caps this way for many years. Many thanks to my grandmother, whose name we unfortunately do not know.

    We will need:

    • saffron milk caps – 5 kg
    • salt - 250 gr
    • garlic - 3-4 cloves
    • cloves - 7-8 pcs.
    • black peppercorns - 15 pcs
    • red hot pepper - optional
    • dill
    • horseradish leaf

    And as I said above, recently I began to add a couple of sprigs of heather and young spruce. But this is optional.


    1. Sort and wash the mushrooms, clear them of forest debris, cut off any remaining soil from the stems. You also need to select wormy mushrooms; it is better not to use them.

    target="_blank">https://sekreti-domovodstva.ru/wp-content/uploads/...9/ryzhiki-na-zimu2-300x225.jpg 300w" width="640" />

    I try to collect saffron milk caps in the forest and immediately clean them of dirt and throw away the wormy ones. And at home I pour them into a bucket, about halfway, and fill them with water. And then I just rinse, the grass and needles float up, I remove them, and all the mushrooms are clean. This greatly reduces their processing time. And this is very significant when you collect 4 large baskets of mushrooms, and they all need to be processed as quickly as possible.

    2. Since I do everything “by eye,” I will tell you in this category. I place about a five-liter bucket of washed saffron milk caps in a basin. I boil water in a five-liter saucepan. And pour boiling water over the mushrooms in a basin. The mushrooms begin to crackle slightly.

    target="_blank">https://sekreti-domovodstva.ru/wp-content/uploads/...9/ryzhiki-na-zimu1-300x225.jpg 300w" width="640" />

    Carefully, so as not to damage them, I mix them with a slotted spoon, no more than 1-2 minutes. During this time, the cracking stops, which means the mushrooms are ready.

    At this stage, the mushrooms can be boiled. To do this, you need to boil water and place mushrooms in it. Cook for 5 minutes, while removing the foam. However, saffron milk caps don’t produce much foam, so there’s not much to shoot!

    But I reduce the processing time by two or three times, and therefore I only scald the mushrooms. This is a proven method, don’t be afraid that too little time is spent on scalding. You can even eat saffron milk caps raw, just season them with salt.

    3. And so after 1-2 minutes, carefully drain the water, which has acquired a red color. And then we put the mushrooms in a colander. Also be careful not to damage the appearance. From a bucket of raw saffron milk caps you get two full scalded colanders.

    target="_blank">https://sekreti-domovodstva.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/ryzhiki-na-zimu-300x225.jpg 300w" width="640" />

    4. Let the water drain. And pour them back into the basin. Let them lie down for a while and cool down, so that your hand can bear it when you touch them. Then add salt. I sprinkle 1.5 to 2 handfuls of salt on this amount. If the mushrooms are small, then you need two handfuls of salt, if the chopped mushrooms are large, then one and a half.

    Add 5-6 black peppercorns, 2 cloves, a small piece of red hot pepper.

    Gently mix the contents with your hands so as not to mash the mushrooms with a spoon. And we taste the saffron milk cap. Not only can you eat it, but it’s also delicious! It should be salty enough to taste, but not too salty. In general, you should like the taste so much that you want to try another mushroom, and then another...

    This means that you salted everything correctly!

    5. While the mushrooms are salting, we prepare the dishes in which we will prepare them for the winter. I have a 20-liter oak barrel. The mushrooms you get in this way are simply delicious!

    But, it is clear that not everyone has such luxury.

    Therefore, you can put the salt directly into jars if you store the mushrooms in the refrigerator. Or in a large saucepan if you store it in a cool place. The ideal storage temperature is from 0 to 7 degrees.

    6. Place a leaf of horseradish on the bottom of the prepared container. A sprig of heather and a spruce branch, if available. If not, then don’t, I’ve been salting saffron milk caps without them for many years, and everything was just fine!

    Place sprigs of dill on top of them.

    target="_blank">https://sekreti-domovodstva.ru/wp-content/uploads/...9/ryzhiki-na-zimu8-300x225.jpg 300w" width="640" />

    7. Place the mushrooms as they sit. Hats up or down doesn't matter.

    8. Now let's move on to the next batch. Everything is in the same order. Until we completely fill the entire container, be it jars, or a pan, or a barrel.

    9. If the container is large, then add dill every two or three layers of mushrooms. Lightly press the layers with your hands to release the juice.

    10. Be sure to place a leaf of horseradish and dill on top. And I also lay out a spruce branch and heather.

    target="_blank">https://sekreti-domovodstva.ru/wp-content/uploads/...9/ryzhiki-na-zimu5-300x225.jpg 300w" width="640" />

    11. Be sure to cover the top layer with gauze and lightly press the contents. All mushrooms should be covered with a delicious-smelling reddish brine. If for some reason there was not enough brine and juice, then add a little from the pan in which the colander stood and where the water was drained. Maybe you just need to add a couple of glasses. Or maybe there will be enough juice anyway.

    If you put heather on top, then press it down, covering the contents with a flat plate, otherwise you can seriously prick yourself. It is generally better to leave the plate so that suitable pressure can be placed on it.

    If you salt the saffron milk caps not in a jar, then there must be pressure so that the mushrooms are completely in the brine. The brine should maintain a reddish color throughout. If it turns gray, it means the air temperature is too high, and the process of mold formation has begun in it.

    Of course, this mold is not terrible. You can always change the gauze on which it actually formed. And you can even wash the top layer of mushrooms and pour boiling water over them. Such mushrooms are suitable for food.

    But you must admit, it’s better when everything is done correctly, we store it correctly, and our mushrooms, which we worked so hard on, will be inaccessible to any mold.

    Try to have such pressure that you can close the pan with salted mushrooms with a lid. If we store it in a jar in the refrigerator, then simply cover it with a plastic lid.

    But if we store it in a basement or pit, then a lid is simply necessary and mandatory.

    12. We immediately lower the mushrooms into the hole and do not touch them for a month and a half. So that they are thoroughly salted and become delicious.

    13. Through allotted time We take out our salted mushrooms, put them in a salad bowl, season them with finely chopped onions and vegetable oil, or eat them with sour cream. And there are no mushrooms tastier and more aromatic than saffron milk caps. Take my word for it!

    A quick and easy way to pickle saffron milk caps

    As you know, saffron milk caps grow in several layers, starting from mid-July and ending in September, and sometimes even the beginning of October. There is such a late layer when you go after them, and the ground has already been covered with light frost since early morning.

    It is these mushrooms that are good to pickle for the winter. It has already become cold in the pit, and the temperature for storing them is set to just comfortable.

    But what to do when you collect saffron milk caps in July? That's right, pickle it in a jar and store it in the refrigerator. Or do quick salting and eat immediately, on the same day. How to do it?

    And it couldn’t be easier to do it! Take the amount of saffron milk caps required for pickling. We wash them and clear them of forest debris. Then put it in a saucepan, add the spices and herbs that you like and add thick, thick salt.

    Then mix everything and add a little more salt on top. Cover with a flat plate or saucer, depending on the size of the pan. And leave it for 2 hours. You don’t need more time, otherwise the mushrooms will over-salt and become very salty.

    After the allotted time, wash the mushrooms in cold running water. Place in a colander and allow all the water to drain.

    Now you can season the saffron milk caps with oil and sprinkle with fresh chopped onions. That's it, beautiful delicious snack ready! You can eat it with pleasure, serving it with boiled potatoes and enjoying the wonderful taste and forest aroma!

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    I will not specifically dwell on beneficial properties saffron milk caps. Entire articles have been written about this. I'll just say that

    Saffron milk caps belong to agaric mushrooms and are ideal for pickling for the winter. Their name corresponds appearance: the plates under the caps are orange in color, the caps themselves are variegated. In this article we will look at how to pickle saffron milk caps for the winter at home.

    The flesh of saffron milk caps is orange and has juice that is not bitter, so they are not soaked for a long time, unlike milk mushrooms. When pickling, it is not necessary to cook. Thick legs are hidden under the caps, which are just as good when salted as the caps, which cannot be said about other mushrooms.

    Saffron milk caps grow in colonies in spruce forests. The harvest season begins in mid-summer and continues until autumn.

    Classic recipe for pickling saffron milk caps

    Description popular recipes I’ll start salting and marinating with the classics. Classic technology universal and simple, because it does not involve the use of water. Saffron milk caps are salted in own juice, preserving the original taste and aroma.


    • Saffron milk caps – 1 kg.
    • Table salt – 40 g.


    1. Using a knife, clean the ingredients: make a new cut, tidy up the legs.
    2. Place the peeled saffron milk caps in a pickling bowl in layers, sprinkling with salt. Place a weight on top. After 10 days, the dish is ready for tasting.
    3. Distribute the salted mushrooms into prepared jars and add brine. If there is not enough liquid, add a little chilled boiled water.
    4. Roll up the jars with lids and sterilize for at least 30 minutes. Store canned food in a cool place.

    Video recipe

    I think you have never met more simple way pickling mushrooms. This recipe does not require the use of any spices, but if you want to diversify the taste, use your imagination or simply put your favorite spices in the container. It will work out good side dish to classic meat in French.

    How to pickle saffron milk caps for the winter

    The good thing about the classic recipe is that it provides ample opportunities for experimentation, but not every housewife has enough time or courage to do this. Therefore, cold and hot methods of pickling saffron milk caps for the winter are more popular among people, which have stood the test of time and have become perfect over many years.

    Hot way

    The hot technology for preparing salted saffron milk caps is the most time-consuming, since it involves heat treatment. But it also has a huge advantage - any mushrooms are suitable for harvesting for the winter, regardless of size.


    • Saffron milk caps – 5 kg.
    • Salt – 250 g.
    • Garlic – 2 cloves.
    • Cloves – 10 buds.
    • Black pepper – 10 peas.
    • Laurel – 10 leaves.
    • Currant leaves – 50 g.


    1. Sort through the mushrooms, throw the wormy ones in the trash, and cut the large ones into pieces.
    2. Place a large container of water on the stove and heat it up. Place the prepared saffron milk caps into boiling liquid. It is important that they become fully immersed. After boiling again, simmer over low heat for a few minutes, then reduce the heat and keep on the stove for a few more minutes. Be sure to skim off the foam.
    3. Place the boiled saffron milk caps in a colander and cool until room temperature. Then fill the pickling bowl with mushrooms, placing the caps up. Between layers, make a cushion of salt, black pepper, bay leaves and currant leaves.
    4. Place a large plate on top, cover with gauze folded in three and press down with a weight. Place the container in a room where the temperature does not exceed 7 degrees. A basement, cellar or bottom shelf of the refrigerator will do.
    5. Periodically monitor the process and analyze the color of the brine. If the liquid is brown, everything is fine. Black color indicates deterioration of the product.

    After a month and a half you can start tasting. If everything is done correctly, the mushrooms will not disappoint and will make good company fried potatoes or mashed potatoes. However, they are also good as a separate dish with the addition of chopped onions and vegetable oil.

    Cold way

    Cold technology pickling is good and this is a fact, because it is better suited for preservation for the winter, since the product retains its vitamin composition and benefits, and is also stored for a long time. The absence of a stage of heat treatment of raw materials adds additional attractiveness to the cold method.


    • Saffron milk caps – 2 kg.
    • Currant leaves – 40 g.
    • Garlic – 4 cloves.
    • Laurel – 20 leaves.
    • Allspice – 30 peas.
    • Salt – 100 g.


    1. After water procedures, place the peeled mushrooms on a towel. While the raw materials are drying, prepare a container for pickling. Glass jar, wooden barrel or enamel pan will do.
    2. Place spices at the bottom of the container and add salt. Place the saffron milk caps on top, legs down, sprinkle with salt. Repeat several layers until you run out of ingredients. Cover the container with gauze, apply pressure, and leave for 6 hours. After time, the contents of the container will settle. It's time to add a new portion of saffron milk caps.
    3. Keep the container in a room with a temperature no higher than 20 degrees. Change the gauze every three days. After two weeks, distribute the mushrooms into glass jars and store in the cold. The shelf life of such canned food is 2 years.

    Video cooking

    To properly salt or pickle saffron milk caps for the winter, it will take time and effort, but the result is worth it. The natural taste of mushrooms, complemented by the aroma of spices and herbs, will not leave you indifferent and will give you intense pleasure.

    The benefits and harms of saffron milk caps

    Ryzhiki have always been valued for their incredible taste, and in many national cuisines considered a delicacy. Doctors recognize their enormous benefits, because saffron milk caps are not inferior to vegetables and fruits in terms of vitamin composition, and in terms of the amount of protein they successfully compete even with meat. And the benefits don't end there.

    • Camelinas contain antioxidants that strengthen the immune system and support the body in the fight against infections. High content calcium benefits people with arthritis.
    • There is no cholesterol or fat in saffron milk caps, which is why they are recommended for diabetics. More to this mushroom product found application in dietary nutrition, and it is indispensable in the prevention of heart disease. Additionally, saffron milk caps have a positive effect on men's health.
    • Scientists are closely studying the benefits of these mushrooms, which are due to the presence of selenium. The results of clinical studies in which malignant tumors were exposed to this mineral showed that it reduces the likelihood of prostate cancer by 50 percent. Scientists claim that eating 100 grams of saffron milk caps daily is equivalent to full-fledged chemotherapy.

    If we talk about harm, saffron milk caps are not recommended for people with low acidity. The product is also contraindicated for pancreatitis and digestive problems, since it is poorly digested.

    Greatest harm mushrooms cause harm to the body when they end up in a basket together with surprisingly similar inedible fellows. IN best case scenario it all ends with nausea, vomiting, convulsions or severe poisoning, and in the worst case, madness and death.

    The positive or negative impact of saffron milk caps on the human body is individual in nature and is often determined by the amount of the delicacy eaten.

    In the old days, for a kilogram of saffron milk caps they asked for an amount that was enough to buy several bottles of branded French perfume. Today, these mushrooms have become available and remain in demand in home and restaurant food.

    Salted saffron milk caps are an amazing dish that delights with excellent taste. But often the mushroom delicacy spoils and ends up in the trash. To prevent this from happening, listen to the following tips.

    1. Inexperienced mushroom pickers are interested in whether saffron milk caps are soaked before pickling. As I already said, this procedure is impractical. On the contrary, under the influence of water, the shape of the cap of the delicacy changes. To avoid this, clean the mushrooms with a toothbrush or wipe with a cloth.
    2. The storage of canned food deserves special attention. The cold-prepared delicacy is not compatible with high temperatures. It is better to store such preservation in a cellar or pantry, where it is no more than 10 degrees. In such conditions, the salty dish will last up to two years.
    3. If we talk about the hot salting method, the product also reaches readiness in 1.5 months and heat treatment does not affect the cooking time. Many housewives like this recipe because the risk of mold is close to zero.
    4. If the brine has an unpleasant aftertaste, this is the first sign of souring. If such a problem occurs, remove the mushrooms from the pickling container, rinse with water, boil for 5 minutes and strain. Then place in clean jars and fill with new brine. Roll up the lids and refrigerate.
    5. If mold appears on the surface of the brine, rinse the fabric in heated water with added salt, remove the layer of moldy mushrooms, dust the healthy mushrooms mustard powder, place a clean cloth, a circle and a weight on top.