How to salt milk mushrooms with direct salting. Salt milk mushrooms in a cold way

Mushrooms have always been respected in Rus'. And they salted them, and fried them, and dried them. Mushrooms were wrapped in pancakes and filled with pies and dumplings, seasoned with soups and cereals, served at the table both on holidays and on weekdays. They are very popular today. And pickling mushrooms, although not the most in a simple way their preparations for the future, but the result is obtained - just a delicious meal! Milk mushrooms are especially tasty in salting - large, fleshy, fragrant. From such an appetizer, guests will simply be delighted. How to pickle milk mushrooms will be discussed in our article.

Salting milk mushrooms in a cold way


    fresh raw milk mushrooms- 1 bucket;

    water (cold) - 2-3 liters;

    salt - 2 cups;

    black pepper (peas) - 1 sachet;

    currant leaves - 20-40 pieces;

    dill umbrellas - 2-3 handfuls;

    garlic - 3-4 heads;

    Bay leaf ir - 1 package (10 g).

Step 1 Wash

Before pickling, milk mushrooms must be washed. Perhaps this is the most difficult process and do it step by step. First, a basin is prepared for rough washing, in which the mushrooms are washed with a sponge and brush and cleaned of dirt. You will also need a knife and a stream of water. At the same stage, you need to cut the leg at the base.

Step 2 Soak

Milk mushrooms just need to be soaked. Toxins will go into the water, as well as "milk" - after all, the breast belongs to lactic fungi. For soaking, we immerse the mushrooms in clean cold water and press it with oppression, since the milk mushrooms do not want to sink. We leave at least for the night, but better for a day (no more!).

Step 3. Final flush

The water in which the mushrooms were soaked must be drained; it cannot be used in cooking. And before pickling, mushrooms should be thoroughly rinsed again in clean water.

Step 4. The salting process

The main stage begins, for which a large vessel is required. Salting of black mushrooms can be done in a bucket, tub, barrel. We put the mushrooms in layers, with the plates up, we cut the large mushrooms into pieces beforehand. Salt each layer. Add peppercorns, a few bay leaves, chopped garlic. We lay the top layer with dill umbrellas, put oppression with a load on top. Mushrooms should let out abundant juice and be completely covered with it.

Step 5. Stacking in jars

We lay out the salted milk mushrooms in sterilized jars with sterile gloves, trying to place them more tightly. Pour brine into each jar, put dill umbrellas. We cover the jars with sterilized lids. We defend the banks for several hours, making sure that there are no smudges. We transfer to a cool place: basement, cellar or refrigerator.

Step 6. Further application

After 4-7 months of storage, milk mushrooms will already be completely ready for use. Such salted milk mushrooms can be served with a side dish of porridge and potatoes or cooked from them soups, sauces, fillings for pies and dumplings.

Salted mushrooms - it's easy!

Of course, salting in a cold way is far from the only way to harvest mushrooms. There are a lot of recipes telling how to pickle milk mushrooms. As you can see, the process of cold salting of mushrooms is not at all complicated. The main thing is to collect a sufficient number of ripe, but not overripe mushrooms, rinse them thoroughly, and keep the proportions in cooking. Then you can pamper your family and surprise guests delicious mushrooms for every holiday!

N once in Rus', the mushroom was considered the "King of Mushrooms" and even ahead of the mushroom rating mushrooms . Milk mushrooms were salted for the winter in large quantities, and then they prepared snacks, salads, okroshka from them, baked pies with them.

At that time there was no freezers and seamers, so pickling milk mushrooms, like mushroom drying were the only way to save valuable products, the season for which is very short. It is not out of place for us to remember how to salt milk mushrooms for the winter. After all, even with modern gastronomic opportunities, salted milk mushrooms remain one of the best delicacies of Russian cuisine.

How to salt milk mushrooms for the winter

Salting milk mushrooms in a hot way

With the hot salting method, milk mushrooms are not soaked. Bitterness is removed by boiling for 20-30 minutes. After the water is drained, and the mushrooms are washed in cold water and throw it into a colander. A large number of boiled mushrooms are hung in a bag of thin fabric to make the water glass.

Then the mushrooms are placed in jars, pots or tubs, sprinkled with salt at the rate of 50 g of salt per 1 kg of mushrooms. Garlic, onion, horseradish, tarragon, dill are added together with salt. Boiled mushrooms are salted faster and are ready in a week.

With the hot method of salting milk mushrooms, a shorter one is also used. heat treatment- blanching. To remove the milky juice, washed and peeled mushrooms are placed in boiling water for 5-8 minutes. When not in large numbers mushrooms use a colander. After the milk mushrooms, they are immediately washed in cold water until they are cooled.

Mushrooms are laid in layers in a bowl, sprinkled with salt and seasonings: garlic, parsley roots, horseradish, dill, celery, oak leaves, currants, cherries are added. For 1 kg of mushrooms, 50 g of salt are consumed. Readiness comes in 7-10 days. Store salted milk mushrooms in a cold place.



Salting milk mushrooms in a cold way- simple and fast method cooking tasty preparation from forest mushrooms for the winter with their own hands.

A step-by-step cooking recipe with photos will tell you how to make this blank at home without much hassle. Don't be afraid, dear hostesses, of the absence clear proportions in the ingredients tab, because this recipe came to us from the past, when we didn’t really think about proportions. In addition, it has been verified from our own experience that mushrooms will not take too much into themselves. This is facilitated by their porous structure. The taste of crispy salted mushrooms and their aroma will not leave indifferent even the most fastidious tasters.

Recipes for salting milk mushrooms for the winter in a cold way, which experienced chefs quite a lot is known, all of them are simple in execution. Their difference lies only in the spices that are used when laying, as well as in the presence or absence of brine. Sometimes salting mushrooms in own juice also called dry salt.

Long-term observations of housewives show that when salting with any of traditional ways white and black milk mushrooms should always be sorted. If your basket contains both types of mushrooms, then do not ignore this advice. The taste of mushroom varieties is similar, but in terms of external characteristics they differ slightly. If you separate them, then the white milk mushrooms will turn out exactly white, as in our photo, and they will look very beautiful in the workpiece and on your table.

You need to store ready-made salted milk mushrooms in jars, but it is not recommended to salt them even in brine, because the fermentation process in this case in the mushrooms will be weakened, and they can become slippery. This will definitely happen due to the lack of the ability to crush the mushrooms with a load. When salting milk mushrooms in a cold way in a large bowl, it is much easier to carry out all the necessary manipulations and control the release of juice.



    Milk mushrooms for the preparation of this preparation for the winter must be freshly harvested. Sort through the mushrooms, discard all those specimens that cause you doubt. You should be alert for the presence of wormholes and various kinds of rot. Clean the milk mushrooms from the remnants of the soil, rotten foliage and cobwebs. Then rinse them with plenty of water. room temperature, and if necessary, scrub heavily soiled areas with a brush. Trim off any unsightly bumps on the legs. Collecting debris in the porous structures of the caps is removed by rinsing in warm running water of medium pressure. Wash and dry all herbs and peel the garlic.

    After washing, all mushrooms should look like mushrooms in the photo. Prepare enamel pan or a bucket, and preferably a ceramic barrel, where you will put clean mushrooms with hats down. Rinse the vessel in clean water with baking soda, rinse and dry by turning over the sink. At the bottom of the container, put a few horseradish leaves and a piece of peeled garlic, which you can cut into slices if you wish.

    Lay the mushrooms in layers and sprinkle them with salt. Large mushrooms can be cut into pieces. Place two or three bay leaves on each layer of mushrooms. Salt the last row of mushrooms a little more than all the rest, then put the remaining garlic on it. cover the mushrooms big amount dill. If desired and possible, put blackcurrant leaves with dill and garden raspberry. Cover the milk mushrooms in a container with a clean and dry flat plate, and then place a bottle filled with clean water on top of it, or put any other clean, heavy object that does not absorb liquid. It is not necessary to add water. Mushrooms will release juice in the right amount.

    Leave the mushrooms in this position for a month. It is advisable to place them in a cool room. Periodically check the mushrooms when pickling. Mold can form on the surface, this is considered a normal course of salting. In this case, the top layer of mushrooms will be unsuitable for food. To avoid this, lay a piece of clean gauze folded several times under the plate. If necessary, change the fabric, laying a new piece in place of the removed cut.

    After a month, you can take a sample from cold-salted milk mushrooms. We guarantee that their taste will be such that you will lick your fingers! Ready mushrooms lay out, tightly laying, in clean and dry jars and pour salty juice. It is not necessary to roll such mushrooms with permanent lids. It will be enough and kapron. Store the workpiece for six months in a cool room. Serve the salted milk mushrooms to the table chilled, pouring abundantly with fragrant sunflower oil. underlined amazing taste and add zest to ready-made salted milk mushrooms dill and onion cut into half rings.

    Bon appetit!

For any housewife, salted mushrooms in the house can become both a table decoration and a help for every day. Among the salting recipes, salted milk mushrooms stand out. They were also used in ancient Rus'. Then the breast was considered the king of autumn mushrooms for winter salting.

On the Internet, you can find many articles on how to salt milk mushrooms, how to collect them and how to cook them. We have tried to collect for you only the best and time-tested salting recipes. Feel free to take them on board!

How to distinguish a mushroom from other mushrooms?

At the moment, in the European part of Russia, there are two types of milk mushrooms: black and white, which differ from each other in the color of the hat. They mainly grow in mixed forests, hiding in the grass or under fallen leaves. Small mushrooms are not at all easy to notice, while adult mushrooms can reach a diameter of 15-20 cm.

You can recognize the mushroom by the color of the hat. In porcini mushrooms, it is light, and in black mushrooms, it is dark brown. And the breast differs from other mushrooms in the presence of the so-called "fringe" (special villi about 2 mm long) around the cap. In young mushrooms, the caps are most often bent down; in the process of growing up, the fungus acquires a cone-shaped depression right in the center of the cap.

Recipes for salting milk mushrooms

In general, there are two main recipes for salting mushrooms for the winter: cold salting and hot. The taste of ready-made mushrooms will be slightly different. The mushroom becomes more tender when salted hot and, as it were, “melts in the mouth”, while when cold it retains its shape better and seems to crunch.

There is practically no difference in whether you will salt white milk mushrooms or, conversely, black ones. It is officially believed that black mushrooms are much better suited for hot salting(they are stronger and harder), and white - for the cold, because this mushroom is more tender.

In general, 40-50 grams of salt per kilogram of mushrooms is taken for salting mushrooms. This is approximately one tablespoon. You will also need garlic (2-3 cloves), a few stalks of dill, black peppercorns and 10 leaves of horseradish, cherries and currants.

Salting milk mushrooms in a cold way

Of course, this recipe takes much longer, but the mushrooms will remain just as beautiful - as if fresh. You carefully clean the milk mushrooms from the ground, various leaves and adhering twigs. They are washed in cool water (you can just under a tap), cleaned of dirt with a soft sponge and a knife. You will also need to remove the legs, which, if desired, can be prepared separately according to this recipe:

You mix finely chopped and well-fried legs with sour cream or mayonnaise, add pepper and salt to taste. Simmer the resulting mixture for a few more minutes over low heat. This sauce is especially good with potatoes, rice and meat dishes.

All peeled milk mushrooms must go through the soaking procedure. It is most convenient to do this either in a wide saucepan or in an enameled basin. You put the mushrooms upside down and pour cold water. In order for the milk mushrooms to soak well, they are left in a dark and cool place for at least a day. During this time, you change the water 2-3 times, make sure that there is less foam on the surface. The fact is that in the process of soaking, absolutely all the bitterness comes out of the mushrooms, and with it the toxic substances that the fungus could absorb from the ground.

And one more important point. As the others agaric mushrooms, milk mushrooms are prone to absorbing toxins. They can accumulate in mushroom juice. To see it, you can cut the mushroom, it resembles milk. That is why in the process of collecting, washing and subsequent soaking, wash your hands often with soap and water, avoid getting mushroom "milk" on your face and eyes.

Our distant ancestors always salted mushrooms in wooden tubs by analogy with cucumbers and cabbage. Today, salting mushrooms is best either in glass or earthenware. You lay a layer of leaves on the bottom of the container, add peppercorns, a few pieces of garlic, dill. A layer of mushrooms is placed on top, which are already well soaked. Do this "plates" up. If the mushrooms are small, feel free to put them whole. But it is advisable to cut large ones into several parts - depending on their size. The layer is well salted, the procedure is repeated: a layer of currant, cherry and horseradish leaves, a layer of mushrooms and salt.
By the way, instead of cherry leaves, you can always take a bay leaf. It gives the mushrooms an extra flavor. Sometimes oak leaves are added to it. Their tannins keep the shape and strength of mushrooms.

Lay the mushrooms so that you have a few centimeters left to the edge of the dish. You cover the last layer of greens with gauze or any cotton fabric and press well. You need to press so that your mushrooms give juice. To do this, you can use any load: a weight, a bottle filled with water, a stone. Mushrooms must be completely covered with brine.

When will the mushrooms be ready? Not earlier than 30 or even 40 days after the start of salting. They are laid out in jars (sterilized), cleaned in the refrigerator. However, in cool and dark places like a cellar or a balcony under a canopy, mushrooms can stand in their original dishes all winter.

Salting milk mushrooms in a hot way

If you are limited in time and you won’t be able to “exercise” with mushrooms for a long time, try salting milk mushrooms in another way - hot. To do this, you dip the washed and peeled milk mushrooms into boiling water, boil them for 15-20 minutes. Then the mushrooms will need to be thrown into a colander and let the water drain. As with the cold salting method, during the cooking process, you may develop foam on the surface. Take it off with a slotted spoon.

By the way, when cooking milk mushrooms are significantly reduced in size. Keep this in mind when preparing the dishes for salting. Certainly, boiled mushrooms become elastic, they are easier to stack. On the other hand, they can be very deformed, so be careful and let the mushrooms cool down beforehand. Still boiled mushrooms always give a lot of juice, so oppression can be easier than with cold pickling. Otherwise, the salting process repeats the cold one completely. In two weeks, you will be able to eat hot pickled milk mushrooms.

Recipe quick salting mushrooms

In this recipe, you take cabbage leaves, milk mushrooms, salt without iodine, dill in the form of seeds and garlic. Large debris in the form of hay, foliage and remnants of the earth is removed from the mushrooms. Milk mushrooms are placed in a bath or bucket, filled with cold water. In this form, they are left for several hours.

Each mushroom is then thoroughly washed under running water with a toothbrush or a regular dishwashing sponge. Mushrooms are placed in a clean large bowl.

At the next stage of cooking, you place all the washed milk mushrooms in a pot of water and cook from the moment of boiling over low heat for 20 minutes. The water is filtered and put in the refrigerator, and the mushrooms are cooled. At the bottom of the bucket we put 2 tablespoons of salt, lay out dill seeds, garlic. Lay the milk mushrooms on top with their hats down, sprinkle with salt again and alternate rows. We salt under the yoke for 2-3 days, after which we transfer it to sterilized jars and press it on top cabbage leaf. Close nylon lids put in the refrigerator for storage. These mushrooms can be eaten in a week. They quickly salt out, because they have already been welded. In winter, such milk mushrooms can be eaten not only with potatoes. They go well with pizza, serve as a filling for pies and salads.

Two tips from experienced chefs

1. During heat treatment, just like when soaking, milk mushrooms can change their color. For example, if the mushrooms darken and turn bluish-gray, you have collected real milk mushrooms. But if they turn pink, you have come across inedible mushrooms. Recently, many false mushrooms have appeared on the outskirts of cities and in forests. So be careful!

2. Salted milk mushrooms are great snack, so it is very beneficial to salt them for the winter. Milk mushrooms can be served whole, garnishing the dish with onion rings and seasoning with sunflower oil. You can make a simple salad by finely chopping mushrooms and mixing with onions and herbs. It is best to season this salad with mayonnaise or sour cream. And from salted mushrooms you get a great soup.

Cooking mushrooms for the winter

Now in stores you can find any pickles. But it’s more pleasant to make mushrooms for the winter on your own! For you, a simple recipe on how to salt milk mushrooms in jars!

2 h

20 kcal

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There is a tradition in my family. Every autumn, on one of the days off, we gather with the whole family and go to the forest to pick mushrooms. I have loved this event since childhood and have always looked forward to it. First, walking in the woods was fun. And secondly, I have always loved mushrooms.

Recipes for their preparation are passed down from generation to generation. My grandmother and mother taught me how to cook different types mushrooms, but my favorites are salted milk mushrooms. Preparing them for the winter is very easy, but how much fun!

How to prepare mushrooms for salting

If you like to go for mushrooms on your own, then it will not be difficult for you to collect mushrooms - they grow in large groups. Well, if you are not an avid mushroom picker, just buy them at the nearest agricultural market.

The most important point in preparing breasts is getting rid of them milky bitter juice. It's very easy to do this:

  1. Rinse the mushrooms under running water using a soft brush. Get rid of dirt and needles.
  2. Use a knife to cut out any wormy or unsightly areas. Cut off the base of the leg.
  3. Pour cold water into a basin or bucket. Put the mushrooms in there. Make sure they were completely submerged, you can use the lid and weight for this.
  4. In this state, milk mushrooms must be left for a couple of days. The water needs to be changed periodically. During soaking, the mushrooms will shrink slightly in size.
  5. After a couple of days, drain the water and rinse mushrooms under cool water repeatedly.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in preparing mushrooms. Now they can be salted.

Recipes for salted milk mushrooms for the winter in jars

I will tell you two of my favorite recipes. Since I do not like to mess around in the kitchen for a long time, I always try to simplify the cooking process as much as possible. That is why my very easy recipes, even those who pickle mushrooms for the first time will cope with them. For you - two ways of salting milk mushrooms.

How to salt milk mushrooms in a cold way

Required products:

What do we have to do:

  1. First you need to prepare the mushrooms in the above way.
  2. After the milk mushrooms are soaked, the largest of them need to be cut into pieces.
  3. In an enamel pot or bucket layer the mushrooms. Pour 2 tablespoons of salt on each layer, put a few chopped cloves of garlic, parsley, currant leaves. Sprinkle with black peppercorns. Repeat these steps layer by layer. On the topmost layer we spread dill umbrellas.
  4. We cover the bucket or basin with a lid, put the load on top. Mushrooms should give juice. This will take approximately 5-7 days. During this time, they should be stored in a cool, dark place.
  5. After this time, transfer the mushrooms to sterilized jars and fill them with juice. Try to stack the mushrooms as close to each other as possible. Roll up the banks.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in salting mushrooms. But when you get them in the winter, everyone will be amazed at the great taste. In addition, mushrooms cooked in this way will be incredibly crispy.

How to salt milk mushrooms in a hot way

Required products:

  • 5 kg of mushrooms;
  • 10 leaves of lavrushka;
  • 15 cloves of garlic;
  • 15 currant leaves;
  • piece of horseradish;
  • dill, salt.

What do we have to do:

  1. Prepare the mushrooms in the above way.
  2. Mushroom stalks need to be removed., they will not be used for salting.
  3. cook brine of 5 liters of water and 10-15 tablespoons of salt. It must be put on fire, bring to a boil and place the mushrooms there. Boil milk mushrooms in this brine for half an hour. Don't forget to skim off the foam.
  4. After half an hour, the milk mushrooms need to be removed and thrown into a colander. They must be rinsed with running water.
  5. Prepare an enamel basin or bucket. Sprinkle some salt on the bottom. Spread the mushrooms hats down in layers of 5 cm. Sprinkle each layer with salt chopped garlic, grated horseradish, dill, laurel. Cover the top with a lid and put a weight on it. Leave the mushrooms in this form for several days in a cool place. During this time, they will secrete juice.
  6. Transfer the finished milk mushrooms along with the juice into sterilized jars and roll up.