Pickling cucumbers for the winter Pickled cucumbers in tomato juice

Pickled cucumbers are an appetizer that is familiar to literally every person since childhood. Such blanks are used not only to decorate the feast, but also to add to salads, main courses, soups. There are many recipes for preparing this dish, but the classic way of pickling cucumbers is considered the most popular and successful. Interestingly, according to many housewives, it is in the classic recipe that the best seasoning for pickling cucumbers is used. So, how to prepare vegetables and pickle them?

Pickled cucumbers - an appetizer that is familiar to literally every person

One of the successful seasonings, which has been used for many years in the process of pickling cucumbers, is considered to be the following, which includes:

  • cherry leaves;
  • Bay leaf;
  • garlic;
  • dill umbrellas;
  • horseradish leaves;
  • salt;
  • allspice;
  • currant leaves.

Such an ordinary rich bouquet of seasonings will allow you to endow pickles with an unsurpassed aroma and taste.

Pickled cucumbers for the winter according to my mother's recipe (video)

Pickled cucumbers: the usual classic recipe for the winter in jars

It is this recipe that implies the use of the best bouquet of seasonings for pickling cucumbers.

During the preparation process you will need:

  • 600 grams of cucumbers;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • 9 peas of a mixture of black and allspice;
  • 1 sheet of horseradish;
  • 4 garlic cloves;
  • 5 currant leaves;
  • 4 cherry leaves;
  • 500 milliliters of water;
  • 1 tablespoon of salt;
  • 2 dill umbrellas.

It is this recipe that implies the use of the best bouquet of seasonings for pickling cucumbers

How to pickle:

  1. Vegetables are washed and soaked in cold water for 4 hours.
  2. Peppercorns, peeled garlic cloves, and bay leaf are placed in pre-sterilized jars.
  3. Then the soaked vegetables are placed in the container, horseradish leaves, cherries and currants are placed between the cucumbers.
  4. Cucumbers are compacted and covered with dill umbrellas.
  5. Brine is prepared in a separate container. To do this, salt is dissolved in water, the liquid is brought to a boil, removed from heat and cooled.
  6. The jars are filled with brine so that it covers all the vegetables, closed with nylon lids and sent to the refrigerator for 2-4 weeks, depending on the size of the cucumbers used.

If cucumbers are planned to be stored longer than before winter, the jar should not be filled with a large number of olive oil so that it forms a thin layer on the surface of the brine.

How to quickly cook small cucumbers?

If you want to taste small salted cucumbers right now, you should use the following recipe, for which you need:

  • 1 kilo of cucumbers;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 1 dessert spoon Sahara;
  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • 30 grams of coarse salt.

Cucumbers will be ready quickly

How to cook quickly:

  1. Small cucumbers are washed, placed in a bag, salted and sweetened.
  2. Garlic is peeled, cut into circles.
  3. Dill greens are washed, dried and chopped with a knife.
  4. Garlic and dill are transferred to the package.
  5. The bag is then tied up and gently but vigorously shaken.
  6. The workpiece is removed in the refrigerator for 6 hours.

It is interesting that exactly 6 hours is enough for high-quality pickling of vegetables, and after this time, cucumbers can already be eaten.

Preservation of cucumbers with red currant

Pickled cucumbers in jars sometimes do not look appetizing enough, so some housewives prefer to salt them along with bunches of red currants. By the way, these berries not only make the appearance of the workpiece more interesting, but also improve the taste of the cucumbers themselves.

For cooking you need:

  • 4 black peppercorns;
  • 600 grams of cucumbers;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1.5 cups of redcurrant clusters;
  • 3 clove buds;
  • 1 liter bottle of drinking water;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  • 2.5 tablespoons of salt.

Pickled cucumbers in jars sometimes do not look appetizing enough, so some housewives prefer to salt them along with bunches of red currants

How to salt:

  1. Vegetables are washed.
  2. To the bottom glass containers all spices, chopped onion rings and peeled garlic are stacked.
  3. Prepared cucumbers are laid in a container in an upright position.
  4. A third of the currant is peeled from twigs, moved, washed and placed in jars - in the intervals between cucumbers.
  5. In a clean saucepan, a brine is boiled from water, sugar and salt. The liquid is stirred and brought to a boil.
  6. The blanks are poured with boiling brine, their top is decorated with the remaining handfuls of currants.
  7. Banks are covered with lids and sent for sterilization for 10 minutes. Containers are rolled up and wrapped.

Currant, which is used in pickling cucumbers, can be used to prepare sauces for second courses.

How delicious to salt cucumber slices?

One of best recipes, involving the preservation of cucumbers in a sliced ​​state, is the pickling of cucumber salad.

This requires:

  • 5 cucumbers;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 garlic clove;
  • 1 dessert spoon of dill seeds;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 2 peas of allspice;
  • 300 milliliters of water;
  • 15 grams of salt;
  • 30 grams of sugar;
  • 40 milliliters of 9% vinegar.

One of the best recipes for pickling cucumbers in a sliced ​​state is pickled cucumber salad.

How to cook pickled cucumber slices:

  1. Cucumbers are washed, cut across with washers, 1 centimeter thick.
  2. The bulbs are peeled, cut into half rings.
  3. Carrots are freed from the skin, washed, rubbed on a coarse grater.
  4. At the bottom of a pre-sterilized jar, a garlic clove, peeled and cut into slices, dill seeds, bay leaves, and pepper are placed.
  5. Then the onion is laid on the spices in a layer 1 centimeter thick.
  6. 1 centimeter of carrots is laid out on the onion.
  7. A layer of cucumbers (thickness 2 centimeters) is laid on the root crop.
  8. Layers alternate according to the described principle.
  9. Marinade is made in a separate container. For this, salt and sugar must be dissolved in water. The liquid is mixed and brought to a boil, vinegar is poured into it and the container is removed from the heat.
  10. Boiling marinade is poured into filled jars.
  11. The containers are covered with lids and sent to be sterilized for 35 minutes.
  12. The container is rolled up with the help of a conservation key and left to cool wrapped in a blanket.

After seaming the workpiece, it should not be turned upside down, as such manipulation will mix the layers and worsen the appearance of the snack. When preparing the marinade, additional seasoning can also be used, for example, cinnamon, star anise, cloves - it turns out tasty and fragrant!

Pickled cucumbers with mint

If you add a few sprigs of mint to pickled cucumbers, it turns out very fragrant preparation, which not only conquers with its appearance but also with its fresh scent.

In the process of salting you will need:

  • 2 kilos of cucumbers;
  • 200 grams of paprika;
  • 1 hot pepper;
  • 1 sheet of horseradish;
  • 5 sprigs of tarragon;
  • 5 sprigs of mint;
  • 6 cherry leaves;
  • 1 dill umbrella;
  • 5 tablespoons of salt;
  • 1 liter of water.

How to do:

  1. Before salting cucumbers, they should be washed and soaked for 3-4 hours. It is the soaked cucumbers that are the most crispy, juicy and fresh.
  2. The greens are washed and dried.
  3. Greens are placed at the bottom of a clean sterilized container, and cucumbers, washed paprika and hot peppers are placed on it.
  4. A dill umbrella is laid on top.
  5. In a separate container, a brine is prepared from water and salt. The liquid is brought to a boil and poured into the workpiece. In this state, the snack is left for 2 days.
  6. Then the brine is drained, boiled again and poured back into the jar.
  7. The container is rolled up, turned over on the lid and insulated.

You can eat cucumbers prepared for the winter with mint 30 days after they are corked.

Crispy pickles for the winter (video)

are known to every housewife who takes care every summer to prepare tasty and healthy home preservation for your family.

IN last years marinating recipes are becoming increasingly popular, but still there are hostesses who are adherents classic way a recipe that has been passed down in the family from generation to generation.

This is exactly the recipe you can find on the yellowed pages of a cookbook, where your grandmother entered it in neat handwriting so as not to miss a single important ingredient.

Recipes for pickling cucumbers for the winter in jars

All family members will be pleased with crispy pickles in winter, when there is so little fresh vegetables and salads, and prepared preparations in the summer save housewives, allowing them to diversify their family's diet. And so that in winter they are always at hand delicious pickles And vegetable salads, you need to think about harvesting them today - at the very height of the summer season, when vegetables ripen in the beds, and agricultural fairs are held in cities where you can buy necessary products at an affordable price.

Now let's talk about brine: despite the fact that it is much easier to prepare than in the case of pickling recipes, it has its own characteristics. You should approximately calculate the amount of water needed for one three liter jar- the volume of the required brine is approximately equal to one and a half liters, but it is better to take it with a margin, because the volume of liquid depends on how tightly you put the fruits in the jar. Take two liters of brine for each jar.

For this amount of water, add four tablespoons (standard, with a slide) rock salt. Be sure to take rock salt, it is sold in blue packaging. Please note that iodized salt and fine extra salt are not suitable for salting.

In water it is necessary to dissolve the indicated amount of salt, put on fire and bring to a boil. Boil the brine for 5 minutes, and cool it. And at this time you can do the filling of cans. At the very bottom, you need to lay out a pickling broom: one dill umbrella, a couple of blackcurrant leaves, a piece of horseradish leaf and a couple of cherry leaves, if you wish, you can add a sprig of tarragon for flavor (this spice is popular among modern housewives). And you also need to add three cloves of old garlic or five cloves of young garlic to the jar, the cloves can be cut in half so that they give their flavor to the brine completely. Do not forget to scald the greens with boiling water before laying out her jar.

Then you can fill the jar with cucumbers, laying the bottom layer vertically, as tightly as possible to each other. The second row can be laid out slightly at an angle so that as many fruits as possible enter the container. Accordingly, larger cucumbers should be laid on the bottom, and the smallest on top. From above it is necessary to leave a place for greenery: put another dill umbrella, cherry and currant leaves, a couple of cloves of garlic. Usually, most of the pickling broom is laid on the bottom, and the rest is on top.

Filled jars, when we need to fill with cooled brine, and pour hot brine only when preparing quick salted cucumbers in summer. During the fermentation process, the fruits will absorb some of the liquid, and we will need additional brine to fill the jar again to the brim. You may need to put a few small cucumbers in the bottle as well, as the fruits may settle during the fermentation process.

Recipe for pickling cucumbers for the winter in jars

Ideal for conservation cucumbers - salting for the winter in jars, recipes can be found with various additions. For example, in our recipe we used only pickling broom and rock salt, while in other recipes you can find in the list of ingredients mustard powder, chili peppers, even vodka, which is added to the brine in some pickling recipes.

Filling jars with brine is not the last stage of preparation. Unlike pickling, where immediately after the marinade has taken its place in the jar, they are rolled up hermetically iron lids, in pickles everything is different. Ahead of us is waiting natural process fermentation, which takes place with the release of gases, so the lids cannot be closed tightly with jars, otherwise they will simply fly up into the air.

Active fermentation lasts two days in hot summer weather. Jars should be placed in a room in a dark place so that the sun's rays do not fall on them. It is advisable to cover the neck with several layers of gauze and tie it with an elastic band so that midges do not stick around the fermenting brine.

After two days, the brine from the jars must be drained into a saucepan and brought to a boil again. And you need to pour cold cucumbers boiled water and rinse them, washing away the white coating after fermentation. If the fruits have settled, you can report a couple more cucumbers on top. After that, add another 10-15 black peppercorns to the jar and pour hot pickle, filling them with jars up to their shoulders. Only after that you can roll up the jars with iron lids, turn over and leave to cool.

Do not forget to boil the iron lids beforehand, if you use screw caps, they must be new. Boil them for 15 minutes, and then leave them in water until the very moment of twisting.

It is advisable to equip a cool place for storage in the cellar or pantry, you can put them on the balcony in the closet, making thermal insulation in it. Small jars can also be stored in the refrigerator if there is still room for preservation.

Recipes for pickling cucumbers for the winter in jars

One of the most popular recipes for pickling cucumbers for the winter in jars- with the addition of mustard powder to the brine. Thanks to such a simple addition, the shelf life of your preservation increases, and vegetables acquire an unusual aroma and unique taste. Don't worry, the addition of mustard won't make the vegetables spicy at all, just a little savory.

To prepare the right brine for your vegetables, you can use the grandmother's method. A good salt brine should be 6%, which means that 60 grams of rock salt should be taken per liter of liquid, sometimes its amount is increased to 80 grams.

The concentration of the solution can also be checked using the grandmother's method: dip clean water into the prepared brine egg, and if it does not sink, then you got the perfect concentration for salting.

For five liters of water for brine, we should take about 400 grams of salt and half a glass of dry mustard powder. Traditionally in the villages with mustard powder, vegetables were salted in large wooden barrels, adding more oak leaves, which made the fruits dense, fragrant.

You can pour mustard on the bottom of the jar, you can pour it on top before pouring cold brine into jars, but it is better to mix mustard powder with hot brine and mix thoroughly until the powder grains dissolve. Then leave the brine to cool, and pour into jars.

Pickling cucumbers for the winter is not so difficult, but rather troublesome. You have to be well prepared. Buy or harvest a good harvest of the cucumbers themselves, prepare 3 liter jars, greenfinch, spices. And all this should be in a fairly large amount, because you should not bother because of one - two, three liter cans.

As a result, we need to choose such a recipe in order to get delicious, crispy, pickled cucumbers at the output. Means what? We must approach this issue responsibly, and always with a good mood.

In this article, you will learn a few secrets that have been used for a long time, they have already been tested. There will also be given a few good recipes pickling cucumbers for the winter.

How to properly pickle cucumbers for the winter with the result - delicious, crispy, pickled cucumbers

Almost everyone loves crispy cucumbers and thinks that it is difficult to achieve such a result. In fact, everything is even very easy. There are several secrets that will lead you to the desired result. Of course, there are an incredible number of recipes for pickling cucumbers, and this is good, because you can choose the recipe that you liked the most. And I have already outlined. But, after all, there is not much good, and therefore, we will not describe the theory, let's proceed to the practical part.

There are a few general rules or, so to speak, the secrets that you need to know when harvesting cucumbers (and not only them, it will suit any pickles ...) If you follow these rules, then your work will not be in vain and you will get wonderfully tasty pickles.

So, the classic of the genre - proper preparation product, ingredients and packaging.

Pickling cucumbers for the winter - how to choose the right cucumbers

The basis of success is fresh cucumbers. They should be hard with a thick skin, small in size, 15 centimeters, to fit well in a jar and with pimples. Of course, it would be ideal if the cucumbers were homemade, but purchased ones are also suitable.

Water for pickling cucumbers - so that the cucumbers are crispy

Pickling cucumbers involves the use of clean water. This will depend final result. It is not advised to use tap water for brine. Better bottled. But if there is no other way out, then you can simply boil the water and use it.

Important! - be sure to soak the cucumbers on the floor in cold water for strengthening and elasticity.

What spices and spices to add to make cucumbers delicious, lick your fingers?

This of course depends on your preference. You can add allspice, mustard, horseradish leaves, garlic, bay leaf, etc. All will do classic spice and spices.

Experiments with spices are possible. but be careful, things may not go the way you think. It is better to make basic preparations according to proven recipes, but one or two cans can be given away to search for a new taste. But do not forget to sign these banks, let's say - "Surprise!".

In what dishes to pickle cucumbers for the winter? Preference - in 3 liter jars

In urban areas, we use banks more often. It is very convenient and practical to use 3 liter jars. Be sure to sterilize jars and lids - boil for 10-15 minutes. Dry.

How to prepare a brine to make cucumbers crispy? The classic recipe for pickling cucumbers for the winter

Proportions of brine for pickling cucumbers - per 1 liter of water:

  • take 2-2.5 tbsp. salt.

This is the best option.

So, now the procedure is:

Cucumbers and all spices that you add should be thoroughly washed, jars and lids sterilized. Lay out cucumbers and spices. Try not to overfill the jar. Fill it all with boiled solution. Then it remains only to “roll up” the jars, turn them upside down and wrap them with a blanket. So the banks will lie until the morning and you can already send them to your cellar. And in winter, you will enjoy the wonderful taste of cucumbers and the pride that they turned out so crispy.

Recipes for pickling cucumbers for the winter in a cold and hot way - always crispy and tasty

These two methods are both good in their own way. The first is that this is done very quickly, but during storage it is understood that jars of cucumbers will be stored in a cool place, cellar, basement.

Second, hot way salting. respectively, according to the duration of preparation and actions, it is more messy, but on the other hand, such cucumbers can be stored at room temperature and for quite some time.

So, let's start with the first option, which is simpler.

Pickling crispy cucumbers for the winter in a three-liter jar in a cold way

Prepare everything according to the tips that are written above.

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:
  • Fresh cucumbers - 15 -20 pcs. depending on the size.
  • Garlic 2-3 heads.
  • Leaves of currant, cherry, oak - if possible, everything, but if not, at least one type is required, 5 - 6 pcs.
  • Dill umbrellas - 4 - 5 pcs.
  • Horseradish - leaves or root.
  • Lavrukha - one leaf.
  • Peppercorns, black - 5 - 6 pcs.
  • Salt 2.5 tablespoons.

As you might guess, first we put a little bit of everything from greens, to the bottom of a three-liter jar. Garlic can be cut in half, peppercorns, throw until half - 2 - 3 pieces.

We put "shells" (that is, cucumbers ...) in a jar. First the bigger one, then the smaller one.

We dissolve salt, 2.5 tablespoons in water, about a 3-liter jar will need one and a half liters of water, add a little.

Pour the saline solution into a jar of cucumbers, pour almost "to the stop", you can leave a centimeter.

We throw the remaining pepper, cover with a sheet of horseradish on top, thereby preventing the formation of mold, add water to the very edges.

We put the jar (s) on a plate, cover it with a loose lid and leave it in this state for three days.

Then pour into jars saline solution, because in the process of fermentation it will pour out a little.

We cover completely nylon cover and take it to a cool place.

All! Such pickling of cucumbers for the winter will not leave you without a delicious snack.

How to pickle cucumbers for the winter in a hot way - a recipe with vodka (video)

Very interesting way salting. I tried to do it myself - I advise you to try it, it's worth the time spent.

I hope you enjoy these recipes for pickling cucumbers for the winter, and you will delight your loved ones with such crispy and tasty cucumbers.

Good luck and all the best!

Pickles are a favorite food in many families. They can serve as an independent snack, or can be added to various dishes. At the same time, each chef has his own own recipe and little tricks on how to make them tastier. There are some simple but important tips how to pickle cucumbers, which most adhere to.

For example, you need to carefully consider the choice of fruits. It is best to pickle vegetables that are just plucked from the garden. However, if this is not possible, it is worth picking up relatively fresh cucumbers, the length of which does not exceed 12 cm. In this case, the pulp should be quite dense. Before being bought on the market, they need to be soaked for several hours in cold water. This will bring back their freshness.

Packing fruits in jars is quite important. Often recommended to the bottom glass jar put greens and spices that are taken for canning (usually these are dill umbrellas, bay leaves, allspice, etc.). Cucumbers are placed on top, on which the second part of the spices will be located, then vegetables again. Thus, all the ingredients are laid out in layers, which contributes to the impregnation of the fruits with spice aromas.

In order for the vinegar is not needed (otherwise they will turn out pickled). So, you can take the following recipe. For 5 kg of vegetables, you will need a head of garlic, several dill inflorescences, five sheets of horseradish, salt (1 tablespoon per liter of liquid). Sometimes it is advised to add spices with twigs and leaves of cherries or currants.

To the bottom enamel pan all the ingredients are laid out in layers. Separately, a brine is prepared, which is poured into vegetables with seasonings so that the liquid covers them completely. A plate is placed on top. The pot with the contents is left for several days at room temperature.

Cucumbers are laid out in prepared jars, sterilized in advance (if a white coating appears on them, then it must be washed off), it is also placed here fresh herbs and spices. You can prepare a new brine or take the one in which the vegetables were salted and boil. Hot liquid is poured into jars, which are then closed with sterilized lids.

Many housewives believe that it is they who know how to pickle cucumbers correctly, because there are a large number of recipes. To make the result crispy, fragrant snack, you can use the following method. Cucumbers placed in a jar are poured with cooled brine and left for several days at room temperature. When the right sourness and pleasant aroma appear, the fermentation process stops. To do this, the brine is poured into a clean container, the vegetables are washed and laid out in sterilized jars. The filtered liquid is boiled, after which it is poured into jars, which are clogged with lids.

Speaking about how to pickle cucumbers, you can not ignore next way that uses mustard. A dish prepared in this way has a special strength, and can also be stored for a long time at room temperature, which is especially important for those who do not have cellars.

Cucumbers, spices, spices (pepper, garlic, horseradish, greens) are added to prepared jars. The brine is prepared separately. For him, 2 tbsp dissolves in a liter of water. spoons of salt. A three-liter jar will need about one and a half liters of liquid. Boiling brine is poured into the jars, after which they are covered with plastic lids and left for two days in a cool place. Further, 2 tbsp is poured into each container. tablespoons of dry mustard powder, jars are left for several hours. Then the brine is drained, boiled, poured back, the banks are rolled up.

Before pickling cucumbers, you should take care of their subsequent storage, as well as the preparation of all the ingredients that will be needed.

One of the most sought after vegetable preparations pickled cucumbers are considered for the winter. Each hostess prepares them differently. Different proportions of spices, salt, sugar, water, herbs, etc. affect the final taste finished product. But the container in which the pickling of cucumbers takes place, many believe, does not matter. Be that as it may, try salting cucumbers in a saucepan and in practice check whether their taste is somehow different from pickled cucumbers in a jar.

A saucepan for pickling cucumbers should be enameled, without chips or cracks, preferably at least 4 liters in volume.

This recipe salted cucumbers similar to the one with which they are usually salted for the winter. The only difference is that you don’t need to roll them up in jars, but they are eaten almost immediately, without having had time to completely salt, that is, in a slightly salted version.

  • 2 kg of small cucumbers;
  • 100 gr. umbrellas or dill seeds;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • 3 leaves of currant (black);
  • 4 cherry leaves;
  • 4 tablespoons of salt;
  • 1 liter of water.

Salting step by step:

  1. Wash cucumbers thoroughly. If the skin of the fruit is bitter, soak them for 5 hours in cold water (or overnight), then rinse again.
  2. Cut the peeled garlic into thin slices.
  3. Wash dill umbrellas, currant and cherry leaves, bell pepper(if desired, cut or use whole, you can not clean the seeds).
  4. Put 1/2 part of the spices, pepper and garlic plates on the bottom of the pan.
  5. Next, lay the cucumbers tightly, trying to leave a minimum of voids (if you vigorously shake the pan, they will settle better).
  6. Lay the rest of the pepper, spices and garlic on top.
  7. pour vegetables cold water with salt dissolved in it.
  8. For more quick salting leave the cucumbers warm for 3 days. If there is no urgency, you can put it in the refrigerator for slow salting.

Hot way to pickle cucumbers in a saucepan

The difference between this pickling method and the classic one is that cucumbers are poured with boiling marinade, and not cold. This will significantly speed up the salting process - the next day you can already serve freshly pickled cucumbers to the table.

Products needed for salting:

  • 1 kg of cucumbers;
  • a set of spices for salting: dry dill umbrellas, horseradish root and leaves, leaves black currant and cherries;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of salt;
  • 1 liter of water.

Salting step by step:

  1. Wash cucumbers thoroughly. You can hold for 2-4 hours in water to become more crispy. Trim the ends.
  2. Wash the spices for salting and peel the garlic (you can not cut it).
  3. Put 1/2 part of the spice set on the bottom of the pan, and then tightly lay the cucumbers with garlic.
  4. Put the rest of the spices on top.
  5. Dilute salt in boiling water and, without cooling, pour cucumbers with brine.
  6. Leave for a day warm and you can serve a snack on the table.

Pickling cucumbers in a saucepan without vinegar

Cucumbers prepared according to this recipe are similar in taste to pickled cucumbers in a barrel, but without vinegar. They can be eaten after 3 days, and if you wish, you can roll ready-made snacks into jars for the winter. It is better to salt only freshly picked, small fruits.

Products needed for salting:

  • 1 kg of cucumbers;
  • salting set: dill, horseradish leaves or root, cherry leaves and other spices to taste;
  • small pod hot pepper;
  • a few peas of black pepper;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 50 gr. salt.

Salting step by step:

  1. Soak cucumbers for 2 hours in cold water, then rinse well.
  2. Wash the greens and put them on the bottom of the pan.
  3. Cut the hot pepper into slices and arrange on top of the greens.
  4. Dissolve salt in cold water.
  5. Place cucumbers tightly in pots with greens, pour cold brine and place under oppression.

After 3 days, cucumbers can be served on the table, or rolled into jars for the winter. For this you need:

  • drain the brine from the cucumbers, boil;
  • discard the greens, rinse the cucumbers and arrange them in sterile jars (with a capacity of 1 liter) with peppercorns;
  • pour boiling marinade;
  • sterilize the workpiece for 10 minutes and roll up.

Salting "barrel" cucumbers in a saucepan

A recipe for those who love barrel cucumbers, but do not have the opportunity to store them. You can also cook them in a pot. You can eat them after 14 days. For this recipe, cucumbers from the “last harvest” are perfect, you can take greenhouse ones. Cooking will not take much time, and you can store a snack on the balcony right in the pan, without fear of mold.

Products needed for salting:

  • 3 kg of cucumbers;
  • 120 gr. salt;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of mustard powder;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 5 dill umbrellas;
  • 10 currant leaves (black);
  • 10 cherry leaves;
  • 4 bay leaves;
  • 2 sheets of horseradish;
  • 10 black peppercorns;
  • 7 cloves;
  • 1 pinch of mustard seeds.

Salting step by step:

  1. Put the thoroughly washed greens on the bottom of the pan.
  2. Peel the garlic, wash and cut each clove into 3 parts.
  3. Put the garlic, cloves, mustard seeds and peppercorns on top of the greens in a saucepan.
  4. Wash the cucumbers, cut off the tails and place tightly in a saucepan.
  5. Prepare the brine: completely dissolve the salt in the water; send to the fire and bring to a boil; Let the marinade cool for 30 minutes.
  6. Pour the brine into the saucepan with the cucumbers. If it does not completely cover the vegetables, add plain boiled water.
  7. Mix the contents of the bowl with your hands.
  8. Cover the container with a clean cloth.
  9. Pour mustard powder over the cloth and place the pan under pressure.
  10. Remove the snack in a dark, cool place for 14 days.

Recipe for salted cucumbers in a saucepan

For this recipe, it is recommended to use small hard and pimply fruits, preferably of the same size, for better salting. When pouring cold marinade - cucumbers will be ready in 3 days, with hot - everything is much faster, 12 hours will be enough. If, before salting, soak vegetables for 2 hours in ice water they will turn out crispy.

Products needed for salting:

  • 1 liter of settled water;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • 2 kg of small cucumbers;
  • fresh dill, cilantro, parsley;
  • dill umbrellas;
  • horseradish leaf and root;
  • ground red and black pepper;
  • a pod of hot pepper;
  • mustard seeds;
  • 5 cloves of garlic.

Salting step by step:

  1. Cut the stems off the cucumbers and wash the fruit.
  2. Horseradish root, hot pepper pod, dill and garlic peel, wash and chop.
  3. Put the cucumbers mixed with spices in a saucepan.
  4. Pour the cucumbers with brine (hot or cold to choose from).
  5. Lay horseradish leaves on top of the products, completely covering them.
  6. Set oppression on the workpiece and remove for salting in a cool dark place.