How to count calories to lose weight - important tips and tricks. How to count calories to lose weight: the pros.

Everyone has heard about calories, but for those who want to lose weight, this word has become just a horror story. Hateful kilograms are gained precisely from calories, and everyone who is fond of diets knows that a significant reduction in the calorie content of food leads to a dream figure.

1. A person can choose dishes in the diet at will, without limiting himself in their choice.
2. When counting calories, a person himself regulates the diet during the day by quantity.
3. It is easy for a person to monitor their own weight, leaving the diet at the same calorie content or reducing it.

1. It must be remembered that in order to reduce body weight for each kilogram, you need to spend 7700 kcal. The same number of calories goes to the acquisition of a kilogram of body weight.
2. It is better if all results and plans are written down. During the day, you need to record the amount eaten, then it will be easier to control the diet.
3. Along with the number of calories consumed daily, it is necessary to keep a notebook of physical activity during the day.
4. The third table of entries should be about weight loss.
You need to weigh yourself daily, in the morning, getting out of bed. When comparing the entries in all three tables, a person will determine for himself which diet and physical activity regimen leads to the optimal result - more quick loss weight.

Calorie consumption for weight loss

To lose weight, there is a well-worn and well-known truth that calorie intake should be less than expenditure. With a sedentary lifestyle, a person should adhere to a diet of 1200 calories per day, while for an active person involved in sports, the diet can be increased to 1800 calories per day.

A man spends about 3000 kcal on physically hard work, a woman - 2500.

The calorie-based diet methodology is very effective, both for weight loss and for maintaining the results achieved on any diet.

To calculate calories, you need to take a food calorie table as a basis. Sometimes the numbers in different tables differ - that's okay, these numbers are average anyway. It is better to take a table containing larger list products. Such a sign can be printed from the Internet, placed in a prominent place in your kitchen, and also put in your purse.

It is necessary to make it a habit to get acquainted with the calorie content of products on the labels and count on your portion. Based on these simple calculations, you can approximately calculate the serving size for one meal, not exceeding the selected mode.

The approximate calorie content of a sandwich with cheese, meatballs, a pie and a bowl of porridge is 350 kcal. Calorie content of an egg, a small plate of oatmeal,cups of coffee with milk and sugar - 120 kcal.

A glass of fruit or vegetable juice, milk, portions of vegetable salad with vegetable oil - 100 kcal. A glass of tea with sugar, coffee - 60 kcal.

It should be remembered that the transition to a diet strictly limited in calorie content will not immediately bring the desired result, weight will start to declineabout 4-5 days after the start of counting.

Therefore, for the initial period, you need to be patient and not approach the scales, but simply strictly follow the chosen mode.

The rule - do not eat before bedtime - in such a diet should also be observed. Recommended last time have dinner at 18-00, prefer a salad, oatmeal on the water green tea with raisins. I have for dinner vegetable salad with fish or chicken fillet. 3 hours before bedtime, a glass of kefir or yogurt 100-150g (without additives.) Before going to bed, if the feeling of hunger still does not allow you to fall asleep, you need to drink warm Mint tea, sweetened with honey, eat half an apple or St. cucumber. You can 1 piece of cheese. (15g.)

Breakfast should be complete and contain a third of the total daily calorie intake. For breakfast, it is better to eat cereals, a boiled egg, boiled lean meat, vegetable salad.

In order for food to be sufficient in volume, it is necessary to achieve a reduction in calorie content by eliminating sugar, white bread, fatty foods and butter. Dishes are best steamed or baked in foil.

With the exception of muffins, fatty meat, sausages, fat and sugar from the diet, it is possible to reduce the calorie content of the diet by 15%. It is recommended to eat often, up to 6 hours a day, but in small portions, so you can still reduce calories by 5%.

A glass of cold clean water burns 40 kcal at a time,this can be used to burn excess caloric content of food. With any diet, including a diet with calorie counting, you need to take up to 2 liters of water per day - this will allow the body's excretory system to work well, removing toxins and waste.

Well, if there is a household kitchen scale at home - then you can accurately determine the calorie content, for example, of an apple, focusing on its weight, or determine your portion.

You should pay attention to the calorie content of products indicated on the package. It should be noted that the calorie content is indicated for a dry product, or already cooked. So, the calorie content of dry pasta is 330 kcal per 100 grams. When cooking, pasta absorbs water, their weight increases, and 100 grams boiled pasta will already have a lower calorie content, almost half. Of course, if this pasta is not seasoned with oil.

The calorie-counting diet in your daily diet has many advantages, you just need to study general rules by calculating the calorie content of food and determine how much weight you need to lose. It is necessary to count calories in order to lose weight and feel relief, everyone can do it.

Lose weight by counting calories: how many calories do you need to eat to lose weight?

Every person who has excess weight, is trying his best to get rid of the extra pounds he hates. But not everyone and not everyone succeeds.
What people do not use to fight overweight: diets, diet pills, various decoctions, herbal teas! But there are quite effective method Losing weight is losing weight by counting calories.
Don't know what this method is? Now find out!
This will be discussed on the website in the article “losing weight by counting calories: how many calories do you need to eat to lose weight”.

Using this method, the first thought that a person trying to lose weight should take is: “The right diet is the right way lose weight without debilitating diets and hunger strikes.
Excess weight is the extra calories you eat. If you reduce their number, you will definitely begin to lose weight.

How to correctly count these same calories?

To do this, first of all, you should realize what exactly your diet consists of. That is, to understand how to correctly translate your breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner into its numerical expression.

On the way to victory, you will definitely need to keep a calorie diary. But you need to limit your diet during the day wisely, without resorting to debilitating diets.

So remember that everything should be in moderation. Keep in mind that the most correct way to calculate your individual weight loss program can only be a doctor - a specialist in the field of nutrition. Let me tell you how this calculation is done.

We define daily allowance nutrition

To calculate the calories you eat during the day, you need to keep a diary. The first thing to write down in it is the number of calories you consume for breakfast, lunch and dinner in one week.
Next, try to gradually reduce the number of calories in each serving, following the arrow of the scales.

Achieve your weight per day decreased by an average of 200 grams.
When you calculate the rate of food consumption for this, you should stop reducing calories.

Then continue to eat for a month at the newly established rate, maintaining the number of calories that provides a daily weight loss of 200 grams. Eating in this way, in a month you can lose 6000 grams, that is, 6 kg. There is no need to strive for large numbers - it is dangerous for your health.

Average for normal healthy person the calorie limit is between one thousand and two thousand kilocalories per day. This is the norm for the fairer sex. For men, this figure ranges from one and a half to three thousand calories. If you keep track of your weight, you can easily calculate the number of calories you need per day.

calorie diary

To do this, you will need to keep the same weight loss diary, as well as a calculator and scales. Kitchen scales up to 10 kilograms will help you weigh food and find out their weight. Although it is best to use digital electronic scales for this - they are more accurate.

In your calorie diary, you should number the pages according to the days of the month, and write down everything that you ate during the day in a notebook every day. You can even make a special table with the following columns:

The product's name;

Portion weight;

Serving calories;

The total amount of calories for the whole day;

Your weight at the end of the day.

Leave free pages in your notebook in order to calculate the calorie content of the dishes you cook.

How to weigh products correctly?

When weighing, place food exactly in the middle of the weighing pan. Do not weigh items that are too light, as this will not give you an accurate figure. It is most correct and convenient to weigh products using the residual weight method.

So if you weigh sunflower oil, first weigh the whole bottle, and then pour right amount oil into the dish you are preparing, and then weigh the bottle again. The difference that you get when weighing is the mass of the oil you poured.

Counting calories correctly

In order to control your weight, be sure to weigh yourself every day at the same time.

At the same time, keep track of how many calories you consume per day. To calculate the calorie content of your diet, sum up the calorie content of all products of each meal eaten.
Their calorie content can be calculated by knowing the mass of each product and the calorie content of 100 grams of this product.

To determine the calorie content of 100 grams of a product, you can look at special tables that are available on the Internet. Also, these numbers are usually indicated on the product packaging.

If you know the calorie content of one hundred grams of a product, then you can easily calculate how many kilocalories are in your weighted portion. To do this, the serving weight is multiplied by the calorie content of one hundred grams of the product and divided by 100.

If your dish has several ingredients, then write down the calorie content of each product included in the dish from the table. Calculate the calorie content of each product, after weighing it and sum up all the results.


Have you ever counted calories to lose weight?

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Not all girls who monitor their weight know about such a method of losing weight as counting calories. We can say that this is weight loss without a diet. You can eat absolutely all foods, but be sure to count their calorie content. Many may think that this is too hard and this way of losing weight is definitely not for them. At first, of course, it is unusual. After all, you need to know the weight of each serving of food, take into account the calories of each piece of bread eaten, constantly keep a food diary. But then this way of eating will become a habit and you can easily tell how many calories are in a bowl of borscht. To help beginners, there are many different programs for mobile phones that can calculate the calorie content of a particular dish and will count how much you ate in a day. In this article, we will answer the most exciting questions: “How many calories should I eat per day?”, “How many calories do I need per day to lose weight?”, “How to lose weight without dieting?”.

How to count calories to lose weight. What are calories

What is a calorie? This word modern man hears everywhere. Any product in the store has on the label information about the calories it contains. Despite the fact that most people use this word in relation to food, calories have a much greater meaning.

  • a calorie is a unit of energy that needs to be expended to heat 1 gram of water by 1 degree;
  • the amount of energy in food is the number of calories in it;
  • 1000 calories equals 1 kilocalorie;
  • the word "calorie" is used not only in relation to food, but also to everything that contains energy.

How many calories per day should a person consume

Each person, performing any action during the day, spends energy. This energy is calories. But depending on how much energy each individual person spends, the daily number of calories that he should consume is calculated. Therefore, there is such a division in the norm of calories for different categories of people. For example, young people tend to expend much more energy than older people. And, accordingly, they need to consume more calories. There are also differences in daily calorie intake between men and women. Below we consider in more detail the daily calorie intake for men and women with different degrees of activity. But we must not forget that these figures are applicable only to those people who have no complaints about their weight. If you want to lose weight, then the calculation of calories will be different for you.

Calories per day for women

Depending on the nature of life activity, the following groups are distinguished among women:

  • sedentary women. It is recommended to consume 2000 calories for women aged 19 to 25, 1800 calories - from 26 to 50 years, 1600 calories - for women over 50;
  • women with a moderately active lifestyle. It is recommended to consume 2200 calories for women aged 19 to 25, 2200 calories - from 25 to 50 years, 1800 calories - for women over 50;
  • women with an active lifestyle. It is recommended to consume 2400 calories for women aged 19 to 30, 2200 calories for women aged 31 to 60, 2000 for women over 60.

Calories per day for men

  • Men with a sedentary lifestyle. It is recommended to consume 2400 calories for men aged 19 to 30 years, 2200 calories - from 31 to 50 years old, 2000 calories - for men over 50 years old.
  • Men with a moderately active lifestyle. It is recommended to consume 2600-2800 calories for men aged 19 to 30, 2400-2600 for 31 to 50 years, 2200-2400 calories for men over 51.
  • A man with an active lifestyle. It is recommended to consume 3000 calories for men aged 19 to 30 years, 2800-3000 - from 31 to 50 years old, 2400-2800 - for men over 50 years old.

How to count calories to lose weight

Losing weight using the daily calorie counting method is the only scientifically based method of losing weight. In order to lose weight by 1 kg, you need to burn 7700 calories. In order to lose weight it is impractical just to cut down on the diet. You should certainly increase your physical activity. So, you will accelerate your metabolism faster, and kilograms will start to go away faster. How to calculate how many calories you need to eat in order to lose weight? Modern nutritionists give the following recommendations:

  • if you are slightly overweight and, moreover, at least 3 times a week you devote time to training, then it is enough for you to "minus" 10% of calories from the daily norm for a healthy person. It will be perfect option in order to systematically lose extra pounds and not stress the body;
  • if you are slightly overweight and do not exercise, then you should “minus” 20% of the calories from the daily allowance for a healthy person. Those. you will have to eat 20% less per day than you would be supposed to if you did not want to lose excess;
  • if you are obese, then you need to cut your daily calorie intake by 40%. As a rule, people with such a large overweight cannot engage in sports training due to medical contraindications. But for yb[ walking and light gymnastics are always available.

Such a "diet" is very easily tolerated by a person, because. there are no strict restrictions in the products. You can vary your calorie intake slightly throughout the week. For example, on one of the days, increase the number of calories per day by 10-20%. But then you should arrange a fasting day during the week, reducing the number of calories by 40%. There is also a more accurate formula for calculating calories for weight loss. This formula is based on height, weight, age, lifestyle. Based on this method of counting calories for a single person, individual weight loss programs are compiled by modern nutritionists. This is the Mifflin-San Geor formula.

  1. In the process of calculating the ideal number of calories for your weight loss according to the formula proposed above, it is important to adequately assess the nature of your physical activity. According to statistics, many people overestimate their "sports success" during the week. Someone does really intense workouts 5 times a week and sets himself a factor of 1.55, and someone lifts 2 kg dumbbells and does a short run and also sets himself a factor of 1.55. Remember that it is better to slightly underestimate the nature of your training than to overestimate.
  2. Be sure to weigh your portions. Some people correctly counted the number of calories in a 100 g serving, but relying on their “eye”, put themselves a much larger portion, and then complain that the calorie counting weight loss system does not work.
  3. Counting calories throughout the day is painstaking and meticulous work. Don't forget to add the calories from mayonnaise, sugared juice, sugared coffee, etc. to your total calories for the day. Some people forget to take into account such “little things” and also do not see any shift in losing weight. Absolutely everything that you put in your mouth should be strictly counted.

How many calories to eat per day to lose weight. How to distribute calories throughout the day

In modern recommendations of nutritionists for weight loss, a lot of attention is paid to the distribution of calories throughout the day. After how many hours should meals be arranged? How much to eat per day to lose weight? Or is it all unimportant that you can eat all of your 1,700 calories in one meal? Here's what nutritionists advise:

  • it is recommended to arrange about 5-6 meals per day;
  • the interval between meals should be at least 2-3 hours;
  • if, due to your busyness, you cannot eat fractional and frequent portions, then you can very well make a meal schedule that is convenient for you. The main thing is that the number of calories does not exceed the norm set for you;
  • it is better that the most high-calorie foods per day were consumed in the 1st half of the day;
  • in the evening, give preference to the “lightest” calorie foods from your daily diet.

How many calories to eat per day to lose weight. Life hacks for weight loss using the calorie counting method

Many people who are just about to start losing weight using the calorie counting method are intimidated by the complexity of this whole process. Perhaps endless tables of calories pop up before your eyes. To lose weight at the present time, there is no need for such tables, there is no need to constantly check with it, count calories in a column, look for the product you need in the list for a long time. Today everything is much easier. Among the most popular life hacks in the calorie counting method are:

How to count calories in a complex dish to lose weight

To accurately calculate the calories in a dish, you need to take into account the calorie content of each ingredient in this dish. Of course, the fewer ingredients in a dish, the easier the calorie counting process becomes. But what if the dish is complex? During the cooking process, you need to weigh each product that you put in the pan, for example, and sum it up with the rest of the products. In such a simple way, you can easily calculate the calorie content of pasties, cutlets, pickles, etc. Don't forget to consider the oil you're going to fry something in. Spices, tea, coffee do not affect the total caloric content of the diet.

Eating calories to lose weight. Is it possible to achieve a reduction in daily calorie intake without counting them?

If you still doubt that you can constantly keep such a detailed calculation of calories, then you can try to lose weight without counting them. And it's quite possible:

  • reduce to the very minimum the consumption of fatty foods, sugar, flour products. Due to this, the calorie content of your daily ration may be reduced by 20%;
  • make your meals fractional. Eat little but often. So, you will achieve a reduction in daily calorie intake by another 5-10%

How to eat calories to lose weight. Variants of a daily diet with different calorie content

Menu option for 1800 kcal

  1. Breakfast. Lean boiled meat 90 gr, green pea 250 gr, 1 boiled egg, coffee with milk.
  2. Lunch. Apple.
  3. Dinner. Vegetable soup 200 gr steam cutlets from 120 g of raw lean meat, stewed beetroot salad 150 g, jelly with sugar substitute 50 g.
  4. afternoon tea. Fat-free cottage cheese 100 gr, unsweetened compote 200-250 gr.
  5. Dinner. boiled fish 100 gr, salad from fresh vegetables 150 gr.
  6. Before bedtime. low-fat kefir 200-250 gr.

Menu option for 1200 kcal

  1. Breakfast. Boiled fish 100 gr, fresh vegetable salad 200 gr, coffee with milk.
  2. Lunch. Apple.
  3. Dinner. Vegetable soup 200 gr, chicken meat 100 gr, fresh vegetable salad 40 gr, unsweetened compote.
  4. afternoon tea. Non-fat milk 250 gr.
  5. Dinner. Lean boiled meat 90 gr, vegetable stew 200 gr.
  6. Before bedtime. A glass of low-fat kefir.

Menu option for 800 kcal

  1. Breakfast. Fat-free cottage cheese 100 gr, coffee without sugar.
  2. Lunch. Apple.
  3. Dinner. Soup on vegetable broth 200 gr, lean boiled meat 90 gr, compote without sugar 200 gr.
  4. afternoon tea. Compote without sugar 200 gr.
  5. Dinner. Boiled chicken breast 90 gr, green peas 50 gr.
  6. Before bedtime. Fat-free kefir 200 gr.

Benefits of losing weight with calorie counting

Perhaps, after reading the main advantages of such a weight loss method as counting calories, you will discard all your doubts. If you still have doubts, then read about the advantages of this method, which were confirmed by most nutritionists and great amount women who have lost weight in this way:

  • Firstly, you do not need to give up any products. There are no restrictions on dietary diversity. You can eat everything that you ate before, just "fit" into your daily calorie intake. Of course, the consumption of "harmful" products will decrease, but no one forces you to exclude them altogether. Love chocolate? Amazing. Just enter the calories from 2 cubes into your diet;
  • secondly, you can continue to visit your favorite cafes as before. Almost all establishments prescribe the composition of the dish and its calorie content in the menu. This is a huge psychological plus in losing weight;
  • thirdly, once you have mastered the skill of counting calories, you will bring it to such automaticity that you will subconsciously continue to count calories “in your mind”, even when the weight loss is over. And this means that you will not gain weight after a diet, proper nutrition within a certain daily calorie content of dishes will become your way of life. You will know how to eat right every day to lose weight.

Cons of losing weight using the calorie counting method

  • Opponents of the calorie counting method put forward a theory of weight loss based not on calorie reduction, but on the right ratio proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Some nutritionists believe that extra pounds come to us not because of overeating, but because of the wrong ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And it would be more logical not to reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed, for example, but to completely exclude them from the diet or bring them to an acceptable minimum.
  • Another opponent of calorie counting suggests learning to distinguish between feelings of hunger and appetite. Accordingly, you need to eat only when you actually feel hungry. And the feeling of appetite must be learned to control and suppress. The main disadvantage of the weight loss system using the calorie counting method is that you do not "listen" to your body.
  • Some nutritionists offer another alternative to counting calories - a reference not to the calorie content of the dish, but to its volume. Most often, they suggest comparing the portion size with some kind of reference point: a fist, a palm, a glass, a dessert plate, etc. In their opinion, you can avoid constant mathematical calculations, but save low calorie daily ration and fractional nutrition.

A weight loss system based on daily calorie counting is not a novelty in nutrition. The method was invented back in the 20s of the last century. Adhering to this method or not is only your decision. But it’s definitely worth a try if you want to achieve a lasting result in losing weight, relieving your body of stress. Smooth and natural proper weight loss with the normalization of the daily calorie content of dishes has long been proven and tested by many people. Success in losing weight!

Let's get straight to practice.

Scales it is best to choose electronic. So you will know the exact weight. Before buying, the scales are easy to check: take a small object (or several objects), the weight of which you know, and put it on the scale several times. Restart scale and check again. If the number does not change, the scales do not lie. Many manufacturers allow an error of +/- 5 grams. Tables of measures and weights for determining the weight of products are not helpers here: the dish after cooking will need to be weighed to calculate its total calorie content, and then one of your servings.

Scales are best to choose electronic

A collection of calorie tables can be found in any bookstore and will always be at your fingertips. Also, the calorie content of the product is indicated on the package. Numbers may vary slightly in different tables. Choose one table for yourself and use only that one.

All kitchen utensils it is advisable to weigh in advance so that later you can easily subtract the weight of dishes or plates.

In cooking, it is important to remember: calories in water, salt- 0 (zero) kcal. But water adds weight and thus changes the total calorie content of the dish.

The more water you add, the more weight and the fewer calories per 100 grams

The dish you counted once is more no need to count if its composition does not change. Just write down the amount of ingredients you need in your notebook.

And the most important thing - formula to calculate calories in 100 grams ready meal:

How to understand the notation in this formula?

A (grams) - the total weight of the finished dish in grams;

B (kcal) - the total calorie content of the products in the finished dish.

How to use this formula?

We multiply two numbers diagonally by each other and divide by the number that is diagonally from X:

H × 100: A= the number of calories in 100 g of your meal.

The formula is not very clear? Let's look at detailed examples of how to apply it in practice.

Simple dishes: porridge

Let's start with a simple dish and calculate the calorie content of the usual rice porridge.

100 grams of rice porridge contains 110 kcal

. Rice - 300 g
. Water
. Salt

1. 100 grams of dry rice contains 330 kcal.
2. For our porridge, we took 300 g of cereal: 330 kcal × 3 = 990 kcal.
3. The entire volume of cooked rice porridge will have a calorie content 990 kcal: apart from water and salt, which, as we already know, have no calories, we did not add anything else.
4. About 900 g of ready-made porridge is obtained from 300 g of dry rice.
5. We calculate the calorie content of rice porridge in 100 grams according to the formula:

900 g rice porridge = 990 kcal

100 g rice porridge= X kcal

990 × 100: 900 = 110 kcal (990 times 100 divided by 900)

So, our result: 100 grams of rice porridge contains 110 kcal.

In a similar way, we calculate the calorie content boiled pasta, beans, lentils. Before cooking, we weigh dry pasta, consider the calorie content of dry weight. Boil pasta, drain water and weigh ready-made pasta: the weight will be more because pasta absorbed water. Then we count the calorie content in 100 g.

Complex dishes: puree soup and apple sambuc

The calorie content of a multicomponent dish is not much more difficult to calculate than the calorie content of a simple porridge. Let's cook delicious pumpkin puree soup.

In 100 g pumpkin soup- puree contains 64 kcal

For your convenience, all data is given in the table.


Product weight

Calories in 100 grams

Milk 3.5%

1 l (1000 ml)


Bulb onions

Butter 82.5%


1630.5 kcal

1. Total weight Ingredients needed to make pumpkin soup 2675.
2. Total caloric content of products - 1630.5 kcal.
3. In a deep saucepan, fry the onion for butter, then add carrots, potatoes and pumpkin cut into small pieces, pour milk, add salt. Bring to a boil and simmer over very low heat for 30-40 minutes. After that, grind the vegetables together with milk with a blender into a puree.
4. The weight of the finished dish is 2562 g and contains all the same 1630.5 kcal (I remind you that water evaporates, not calories).
5. According to the formula, we calculate the calorie content of pumpkin soup in 100 g:

In 2562 g of soup = 1630.5 kcal

In 100 grams of soup \u003d X kcal

1630.5 × 100: 2562 = 63.6 kcal (round up to 64 kcal)

In 100 g pumpkin puree soup contains 64 kcal.

And let's not forget about light dessert. Today we have on the menu Airy Apple Sambuc with amazing cinnamon flavor.


Product weight

Calories in 100 grams

Prescription product weight calorie

Apples (peeled and peeled)

Egg white


479.4 kcal

1. The total weight of the products that we need for cooking apple dessert cinnamon - 790 g.
2. The total calorie content of these products - 479.4 kcal.
3. Let's make apple sambuc.

Sambuk is gelled dessert based on beaten egg whites

Cut the apples into quarters, remove the peel and seeds. We put it in a mold, pour a couple of tablespoons of water on the bottom, cover with foil and bake in the oven at a temperature of 180 ° C for about 25-30 minutes (until soft). Ready apples cool, and in the meantime, dissolve the gelatin as indicated on the package, and heat to 40-50 ° C, after which we also cool. Using a blender, grind the apples into a puree, add sugar and beat with a whisk (nozzle) or mixer for about 1 minute. Then add to the apples egg whites, beat for at least 5 minutes: the mass will turn white and increase in volume. Then pour in the gelatin and beat for about 1 minute more. Pour the mass into bowls and put in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Before serving, sprinkle with cinnamon, decorate apple slices and a sprig of mint.
4. Weight finished dessert is about 675 g and contains 479.4 kcal.
5. Let's calculate the calorie content of apple sambuca in 100 g:

675 g of dessert = 479.4 kcal

100 g of dessert \u003d X kcal

479.4 × 100: 675 = 71 kcal

100 g of apple sambuca contains 71 kcal.

We fry cutlets, chops and meat in batter

When counting calories fried foods There is one key point to keep in mind: 20% the amount of oil that you pour into the pan is absorbed into the product (cutlets, chops). However, if you fry potatoes, other vegetables, flour products, do not lose sight of the fact that these dishes absorb almost 100% oil. This is especially true for zucchini, eggplant, pancakes, pancakes: they absorb oil like a sponge and require additional “feeding” all the time. When you stew vegetables with oil, all the oil ends up in your stew. In this case, you need to take into account all the fats used in cooking.

Eggplant absorbs oil like a sponge.

I suggest a hearty meal fried chicken fillet with sour cream and garlic sauce.


Product weight

Calories in 100 grams

Prescription product weight calorie

Chicken breast fillet

Lemon juice

Vegetable oil

900 kcal - 20%*

Salt pepper


768 kcal

* 20% of the indicated calorie content of the oil, this is 180 kcal that will be absorbed into the chicken meat. The rest of the oil will remain in the pan.

1. For cooking fried chicken fillet we need 650 g products.
2. The total calorie content of these products is 768 kcal.
3. Let's start cooking dinner. Cut the chicken fillet lengthwise into two parts and lightly beat off. Salt, pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice and leave to marinate for 20-30 minutes. Then fry in vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown. Let's prepare the sauce for the chicken fillet. Ingredients to taste in the quantities you need: sour cream, garlic, herbs, salt. Squeeze the garlic through a press, finely chop the greens, combine with sour cream, add salt and mix. Or grind all the ingredients with an immersion blender. calories sour cream sauce will equal the calorie content of your sour cream: greens and garlic are very low calorie foods.
4. The weight of the chicken fillet after cooking is about 400 g and contains all the same 768 kcal.
5. Now let's calculate the weight of the fried chicken fillet in 100 g using the formula:

400 g fried chicken= 768 kcal

100 g fried chicken = X kcal

768 × 100: 400 = 192 kcal

In 100 g of fried chicken fillet, we have 192 kcal (excluding the calorie content of sour cream sauce).

If you want to cook meat in batter, then the calorie content of meat and vegetable oil you need to add the calorie content of the batter (flour, milk, egg).

And how many calories are in the broth and compote?

When cooking, part of the calories goes into the broth from the products: from fish - 15%, from meat - 20%, fruits - 30%, dumplings, manti and khinkali - 20%. These figures may fluctuate: it all depends on the cooking time of the products.

Let's calculate the calorie content of salmon fish broth. Let's take salmon steak weighing 300 g and 1 liter of water. Calorie content of salmon in 100 g = 142 kcal, in 300 g of this fish = 426 kcal (142 × 3).

426 kcal - 15% = 63.9 kcal (round up to 64 kcal).

In 1 liter of salmon broth 64 kcal. There are only 6.4 kcal in 100 ml of broth!

Boiled meat and vegetables

Today we have dinner boiled beef, a glass of kefir and a salad. The calorie content of kefir is written on the package, and we will calculate the calorie content of meat and salad ourselves. With a salad, everything is simple: add up the calorie content of all its components. We count meat.

When meat is cooked, about 20% of its calorie content goes into the broth.

. Beef shoulder (boneless meat) - 1 kg
. Salt

1. 100 g of beef shoulder contains 208 kcal.
2. In 1 kg of a shoulder blade: 208 kcal × 10 = 2080 kcal.
3. After cooking weight boiled meat is about 700 g: boiled meat has decreased in volume and weight.
4. When meat is cooked, about 20% of its calorie content goes into the broth, so 2080 kcal - 20% \u003d 416 kcal, that is how much was boiled into the broth from a piece of meat weighing 1 kg, and 1664 kcal left in the meat itself.
5. Now let's calculate the calorie content boiled beef in 100 g:

700 g of boiled meat = 1664 kcal

100 g of boiled meat \u003d X kcal

1664 × 100: 700 = 237.7 kcal

In 100 grams of boiled beef shoulder 237.7 kcal (round up to 238 kcal).

And in conclusion, I want to give you helpful advice: the calorie content of fruit compote (without sugar), broths, coffee and tea (also without sugar), garlic, herbs, many dry spices is so small that you should not focus on this. You can't drink enough broth in a day to catastrophically go over your calorie intake. And, moreover, you are unlikely to master so much garlic. But if you cook with the use of fats, then you can reduce the calorie content of the first or second courses as follows: after cooking, remove the greasy film from the surface of the dish with a spoon.

Calorie counting may seem complicated only at first glance. Already for the second or third time you will do better, and after a while you will do it automatically.

Now spring is the most beautiful time of the year when nature awakens. I sincerely wish you to feel fresh mood and boldly walk towards the intended goal.

Best regards, Natalie Lissy

IN last years The problem of obesity is extremely acute. Many of the people are concerned about the fight against excess weight. All kinds of diets, teas, pills - all this is used as a means to regain former harmony. But there is another system that can lead to success. You won’t have to do anything special if you stick to it - just count calories and lose weight.

System Features

How to count calories to lose weight has long been known. This technique was invented at the beginning of the last century. Another thing is that before such an urgent need for it did not arise. Times have changed today. Many of us still doubt the effectiveness of this method and ask the burning question whether it is possible to lose weight by counting calories. Nutritionists around the world answer it in the affirmative. Moreover, they are confident that this is the most effective way to help reduce the daily diet. If you are in doubt about whether or not to count calories, check with your doctor. Perhaps his words will convince you.

Counting calories and losing weight: all the advantages of the method

The theory of calculating the energy value of products is a kind of diet (let's call it conditionally “Counting calories”), which must be observed not once, but throughout life. It has its own advantages, which you can appreciate as soon as you begin to adhere to its basic rules.

  1. You can notice the effectiveness of the way to become slim in a month.
  2. If you are attracted to the Calorie Counting diet, the menu can be very diverse. Absolutely all dishes are allowed here. Another thing is that they can be eaten in limited quantities.
  3. Weight is dropped naturally. You will not refuse delicious and useful products. You won't have any digestive problems.
  4. The result achieved using this method will last a very long time, if not permanently. The thing is that over time you will understand how to count calories in products. This will become a habit for you. Without coercion, you will eat only this way - counting calories. And consequently, the body will not suffer from overeating, and the weight will be normal.

Disadvantages of losing weight with this method

All the disadvantages of the “count calories and lose weight” diet are purely subjective. You may be put off by 2 things:

  • The complexity of the calculation.
  • Irresistible desire to exceed the daily norm.

With the second, everything is clear. This happens from time to time to everyone who has ever been on a diet. There are psychological methods that can help you here: for example, hang a photo of a slender movie star that you would like to become like on the refrigerator. Or your photo, where you are beautiful, slender, eye-catching for all men. Don't you want to be like that again? Without hard work, as you know, nothing will work. Therefore, it is worth gathering your willpower into a fist. Later, after a few months, such thoughtful eating will become your habit. And you will automatically cook without thinking about how to count calories in order to lose weight.

Stylish clothes a couple of sizes smaller can also be a good incentive. The desire to get into these wonderful little things as soon as possible sometimes works wonders, and we do not deviate from the intended goal - we just count calories and lose weight. And soon the dream becomes a reality.

As for the difficulties with counting calories, they are noticeable only in the first weeks. Then you will already know by heart energy value one product or another.

A little arithmetic

So we have decided that with today counting calories. A table of products indicating their energy value will help you with this. But before you turn to her, you need to know the daily need human body in calories. See what nutritionists have to say about it.


Knowledge workers with a sedentary lifestyle

  • Women (18-40 years old) - from 2400 to 2600 kcal.
  • Women (40-60 years old) - from 2200 to 2400 kcal.

Service workers (salesman, postman, etc.)

  • Women (18-40 years old) - from 2500 to 2750 kcal.
  • Women (40-60 years old) - from 2350 to 2550 kcal.

Hard labor workers

  • Women (18-40 years old) - from 2700 to 2900 kcal.
  • Women (40-60 years old) - from 2500 to 2700 kcal.

people of retirement age

  • Women (60-70 years old) - from 2100 to 2200 kcal.
  • Women over 70 - 2000 kcal.

This data is scientifically called the optimal calorie corridor. You just need to look into them if you are attracted to the Calorie Counting diet. The table will tell you how many per day are allowed for you. If there are more of all the dishes included in your daily menu, then you overeat. In this case, you should not be surprised where it appeared on the sides excess fat and why you can't fit into last year's cute jeans.

How to find out your base calorie level yourself?

The information of nutritionists is, of course, invaluable help, but you should not discount the individual characteristics of each person. Weight loss depends on many factors. These are height and weight, metabolic characteristics, lifestyle, sports. After all, all these indicators are individual. There is a special formula that helps to determine exactly your need for a daily amount of food and their energy value.

She is simple:

  • For women, it looks like this: 650 + 9.6 x (weight) + 1.8 x (height) - 4.7 x (age).
  • For men, it's a little different: 60 + 13.7 x (weight) + 5 x (height) - 6.8 x (age).

The data obtained should be multiplied by another factor. It depends on some individual characteristics. We multiply by:

  1. 1.3 if you lead a sedentary lifestyle.
  2. 1.4 if you exercise 4 hours a week.
  3. 1.5 if you devote 6 hours a week to sports, while moving a lot.
  4. 1.7 if sport is your best friend for 12 hours a week.

The received data will be your base level. If you want to gain weight, increase the figure by 20%. If you want, on the contrary, to lose weight, reduce the resulting figure by 20%.

How to get used to counting calories

No one denies that at first this approach to preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner will tire you out. After all, this is quite unusual. But over time you will get used to it.

After all, for the house we cook almost the same dishes, which alternate with some frequency. Holidays are an exception. But there are many low calorie recipes for ceremonial occasions. A small energy value does not mean that they are tasteless. Also how delicious! And you will see for yourself.

So, from today we count calories. but you will have to do most of the work yourself.

If you are skeptical about this method and think that you are eating right, nutritionists suggest doing a simple test. Write down everything you have eaten today, and then calculate what is the energy value of the consumed foods. You will learn a lot of interesting things for yourself. In addition, you will see which foods can be excluded from the diet without harm.

Some useful rules

We made a decision - count calories and lose weight. The table is our main assistant in this matter. But do not lose sight of the following points that help you understand how to count calories in order to lose weight.

  1. and water is considered zero. But this is without any additions. So, only calories of sugar, milk, jam and everything that you put in tea are considered.
  2. If you are cooking complex dish, then its energy value is the sum of the energy value of all components. Therefore, each component will have to be calculated.
  3. When frying, take into account the calorie content of not only the processed products, but also the oil (approximately 20% is spent on frying).

Product Interchangeability

The good thing about a calorie-based diet is that it doesn't force us to give up our favorite foods and established eating habits. If you want chocolate, then why not try it? Only not the whole tile, but a small piece. First, do not forget to calculate how many calories it contains. This should be done only the first time and record the result. In the future, you will already know the energy value of a square of chocolate.

But it is best to use the principle of product interchangeability in cooking. For example:

  • You are a sweet tooth. Without treats, you feel irritable - and always in a bad mood. There is a way out. Replace sweets with marshmallows or marshmallows. They have no fat at all, but they are just as sweet and tasty.
  • Instead of ice cream or cream, you can eat whipped cream or curd mousse.
  • Love meatballs? No problem, steam them. Delicious, satisfying, and most importantly - useful.
  • Be careful with coffee. Unlike tea, coffee is food. Pretty high calorie drink. In addition, it takes a long time to be absorbed by the body. If you better switch to chicory.
  • Soda is also high in calories. Replace her mineral water, and if you want sweet, give preference to natural juice.
  • It is better to buy bread products with the addition of bran. Not only do they speed up metabolic processes and cleanse the body, they are also considered the lowest-calorie foods.

Dr. Bormental's diet: counting calories

One of the most popular diet programs today. Its name is very conditional, since Dr. Bormenthal existed only in Bulgakov's Heart of a Dog. In nature, there is no such doctor at all and never has been, and the technique has been developed by leading psychotherapists and nutritionists. It is based on calorie counting and psychological aspects of our behavior.

It is no secret that many of us often eat food without even feeling hungry. Someone agrees to taste a wonderful delicacy for the company of a friend. Someone eats stress and resentment with their favorite delicacies, Someone out of boredom comes to the refrigerator, opens the door and holds out his hand to something that you can easily do without at the moment. Some eat food out of habit. For example, when watching your favorite series (I eat because I always did).

  1. We'll have to forget about products that do not give a feeling of fullness ( sweet kefir, yogurt).
  2. Food is best taken hot.
  3. Limit the use of alcohol, spices and spicy, as this provokes appetite.
  4. Eat little, but often. The best option is 7-8 times a day.
  5. The intervals between meals should not exceed 5 hours.
  6. Dinner should be 4 hours before bedtime.

The voice of the people: reviews of the weight loss system with calorie counting

Be that as it may, it is useful to listen to those who have been building their lives according to this method for a long time. How did they cope with the first difficulties? Did you quickly achieve the desired result? And in general, is it possible to lose weight by counting calories. Reviews convince us that it is possible. Judge for yourself.

  • Some manage to lose 11 kg in 100 days. This is even faster than the numerous calculators on the Internet promise. The first week is usually the most satisfying - up to 1700 kcal per day, the second - up to 1500 kcal, the third - up to 1200 kcal. To achieve a more effective result, people also limit fats to 40 g per day.
  • According to others, the main thing in such a diet is the calculation of the ratios of carbohydrates-fats-proteins. And also all kinds of vitamins, hepatoprotectors, minerals. Such people allow themselves 1600-1700 kcal per day. For a month, they lose 7 kg - and the weight does not return.
  • For many, the Rollercoaster Diet is preferable. Every day it is recommended to use different amount calories - from 600 to 1300. In 50 days they will lose weight up to 9 kg. And at the same time, the weight is lost daily.

And in conclusion, a few more little tips that have been heeded by those who have successfully lost weight by following this technique.

  1. can be found in the tables. There are a great many of them in the literature today. But, according to people who want to lose weight by counting calories, these tables give average values. Therefore, sometimes it is worth examining the packaging of a product. It also has data on its calorie content.
  2. To make it easier for yourself, you can use an Excel spreadsheet. It is quite convenient for these purposes. There are mistakes, of course. But, mostly, this happens when you calculate the calorie content of difficult-to-cook dishes. If you prefer unprocessed and simple food, then Excel gives an accurate result. By the way, in the same table you can keep a food diary.

As you can see, the calorie counting system works in practice. So maybe it's time to study it and take care of your own health and body care?

Calories are the energy that the body receives to repair cells and burns during exercise. To lose weight, you need to shift the consumption-burning balance towards a deficit.

Excess calories only with intense power loads goes to the muscles, and a sedentary lifestyle sends them straight into excess fat. Without knowing the calorie content of food, you can fall into the trap of malnutrition: choose useless for health and high-calorie foods. Which ultimately leads to obesity and disease.

What are calories?

Calories are the amount of energy used to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius. Each gram of food provides the body with energy: carbohydrates and proteins 4 kcal each, and fats 9 kcal. This means that the energy of one gram of sugar is enough to heat a liter of water by 4 degrees.

How to count calories to lose weight?

Energy requirements vary with body size and activity level. 'Cause men burn more" cell fuel and need more food.

  • for men: 10 x weight + 6.25 x height - 5 x age + 5;
  • for women: 10 x weight + 6.25 x height - 5 x age - 161

The resulting basal metabolic rate is multiplied by the activity coefficient:

  • sedentary lifestyle - 1.2;
  • light activity or training 1-3 times a week - 1,375;
  • moderate activity with workouts 4-5 times a week - 1.4625;
  • intense training 4-5 times a week - 1,550;
  • regular training - 1.6375;
  • regular intense exercise or two workouts a day - 1,725;
  • hard physical work (two intense workouts 2 times a day) - 1.9.

After calculating the energy requirement, you need to calculate the amount of calories for body weight, which is the target for weight loss. The goal is to normalize the body mass index (the ratio of weight and height squared): it should be in the range of 18.5-24.9. For example, a 25-year-old woman with a height of 165 cm and a weight of 60 kg, who leads an inactive lifestyle, needs a total of 1807.5 calories to maintain weight.

She is going to lose 5 kg in the near future, so she calculates the caloric intake for a new weight of 55 kg: 1747 kcal per day, which is only 60.5 kcal less. But to lose 5 kg of fat, she needs to burn 17,500 kcal. If you reduce the caloric content of the diet by only 60.5 kcal daily, then it will take 289 days to achieve the desired effect.

A woman can speed up the process in two ways:

  • add 4 workouts per week, burn an additional 392 kcal at her base metabolic rate, and then she will achieve weight loss by 5 kg in 44 days;
  • normalize nutrition and reduce the caloric content of the diet by 300 kcal in order to consume about 1500 kcal per day and accelerate the approach of your target weight by another 10 days.

How to ensure weight loss?

As you can see, weight can be influenced by two qualitative indicators: the level of activity and the number of calories.

But you can’t go on a diet for weight loss, which in terms of calories gives 1000-1200 kcal per day, since they lead to:

  1. to breakdowns due to hunger;
  2. lack of energy for physical activity;
  3. the body goes into starvation mode and basal metabolism slows down.

The conclusion is simple: it is not recommended to reduce the calorie content of the diet by more than 15% of the norm, which will lead to the opposite effect - weight gain. What is 15% of the norm? This is almost 300 kcal, which is equivalent to a piece of cake, a serving of ice cream, two glasses of sweet soda ... removing everything harmful and sweet from the diet, you can already provide normal caloric intake.

How to deal with calories in the kitchen?

Most meals are complex mixtures of food components, so calorie content must be determined using several tools.:

  • size and weight of food;
  • beaker;
  • food calorie table per gram;
  • calculator;
  • food magazine.

Create a nutritional basis: for those who have never practiced calorie-based nutrition for weight loss, a week of preliminary measurements is suitable. You need to eat normally, including fatty, sweet, salty, smoked and fast food, weigh and measure everything eaten. The menu painted in the food diary will be a basic level of food addictions, and this high-calorie diet will be an indicative lesson for those who think they eat little.

For example, I wanted to eat nuts, and, of course, I wanted to eat a lot of them. But 100 calories equals 14 almonds, 10 cashews, 17 peanuts, and 30 pistachios. Accordingly, you can calculate the calorie content of each serving and write it down in a diary.

In the process of observing nutrition, one rule must be followed: first write, then eat.

The first few days, the counting process will be difficult, as each food will have to be evaluated differently. It may seem that all the time is spent on writing and counting, and food fades into the background. After that, you need to calculate the calorie content of the daily diet, portions, identify weaknesses.

After the calorie content is calculated and shortcomings are identified, calorie reduction begins:

  • discard high-calorie and non-nutritious foods: fast food, fried potatoes, White bread and all sandwiches with him, sweets and sweets in general, shop juices with sugar, fat-free yoghurts with sugar, dumplings and other semi-finished products;
  • replace high-calorie foods with a low-calorie option: pork and beef with chicken and turkey, sour cream with homemade yogurt without fat and sugar, sweets with dried fruits and fruits, sweet yogurts with kefir, and so on;
  • reduce portion sizes using the rule of your own fist: palm without fingers - size meat dish, a handful - cereals or vegetables, the volume of green vegetables can be more than twice the serving of carbohydrates.

Menu secrets

Recipe for the formation of a diet for weight loss: high-calorie food withdrawn, emphasis is placed on lean meat, cereals, vegetables and fruits - simple and proven over the years. But you need to know the features of the distribution of calories between three meals.

For example, breakfast should be 70% carbohydrates and 30% protein to fill the body with energy. Lunch is less high-calorie, but more satisfying due to 40% protein and 60% carbohydrates. Dinner should give long-term saturation, because proteins are given 70%, and carbohydrates (mainly vegetables) - 30%. If hunger sets in in the evening, then you can have a bite of boiled chicken breast, kefir, fat-free cottage cheese, but about two hours before bedtime.

To lose weight by counting calories, a table will help that shows the glycemic index of each product. It is necessary to make a diet from food with a low GI, as it provides satiety for a long time and reduces cravings for junk food. good glycemic index have cereals with fiber, vegetables, some fruits and berries.

When counting calories, forget about the rule: less is more. You can’t starve, you can’t choose a cake instead of a full meal just because it is equal in calories to porridge and a steamed cutlet.

You can not skip breakfast, because then much more will be eaten in the evening, when you need to reduce the amount of carbohydrates and stock up on protein - a source of fast metabolism and weight loss.

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