Mackerel in onion peel quickly. Quick boiled fish

Mackerel is very oily and very healthy fish beloved by all Russians. Who can deny themselves the pleasure of tasting it with a hot potato? Most of all, we use smoked mackerel. However, recently, many have begun to doubt the safety of industrial smoking, and the price of such a fish, compared to raw fish, skyrockets.

We are offering to you available recipes smoked mackerel, which you can implement with your own hands, spending a minimum of effort and money. The result is a fragrant and golden smoked fish, which, if it can be distinguished from those bought in a store, is only for the better.

Most main secret- this is "cold smoked" mackerel in the husk onion with spices and salt, sometimes with brewed black tea. A brine is prepared from these ingredients, in which fish is marinated for a couple of days.

Mackerel marinated or cooked in onion peel loses its characteristic specific smell (smell fish oil), becomes soft, tender, literally melts in the mouth and, at the same time, does not lose shape.

salted mackerel in onion peel

Ingredients Quantity
sea ​​salt(large) - 1.5 tablespoons
water (filtered) - 1 liter
mackerel - 2 medium
ground black pepper - 0.5 teaspoon
husks of onions - with 4 pcs.
black pepper - 5 peas
dried dill - 2 teaspoons
granulated sugar - 2 teaspoons
5% vinegar - 1 tablespoon
Time for preparing: 720 minutes Calories per 100 grams: 55 kcal

We prepare the fish: defrost, if necessary, clean, rinse.

We place the onion peel in a saucepan with prepared water. You can slightly “drown” the husk in water so that it gives its color to the future brine. Cook over high heat for 20 minutes. Some of the water will evaporate, this is normal.

We filter the brine and add salt, sugar, pepper (all), dried dill and table vinegar. Mix well. Leave the marinade to cool completely.

It's time to directly salt the mackerel: we place the fish in the selected marinating container (it is better if it is glass or ceramic, do not use plastic or metal). Fill the mackerel with brine so that it covers it, put a press on top.

In this form, the fish should be stored for 12 hours. During this time, it needs to be turned several times from side to side. After that, the fish should be infused in the refrigerator for about a day.

This mackerel is best combined with boiled potatoes, red onion and vegetable oil.

Boiled mackerel in onion skins in three minutes

  • 1 large or 2 small mackerels;
  • 1 liter of filtered water;
  • 5 tablespoons of coarse sea salt without a slide;
  • 5 handfuls of onion skins.

The brine is prepared at the rate of 1 tablespoon of salt per 200 grams of water. If you have more fish, then the amount of brine increases accordingly.

Immerse the onion peel in the brine, let it boil, cook for 5 minutes. We reduce the fire and put the fish directly into the container with the onion peel. Cook for 3 - 5 minutes. Be careful: mackerel cannot be digested, otherwise it will lose its shape and fall apart. We take out the fish, clean it from the husk.

That's all! You can serve fish with boiled potatoes and unrefined sunflower oil.

Mackerel in onion peel with tea

  • 1 tablespoon black loose leaf tea;
  • 2 mackerels;
  • 2-3 handfuls of onion peel;
  • 1 liter of filtered water:
  • 3 tablespoons coarse sea salt;
  • 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar.

In a saucepan, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes tea, onion peel, salt and sugar. Cool down completely.

We prepare the fish: cut off the head and tail, remove the insides and the film, rinse. We place the fish in a wide dish under the load so that the brine covers it. Leave in a cool place for two days.

Do not forget to turn the mackerel over for even salting and a beautiful color.

Sprinkle the fish well before serving. lemon juice.

Mackerel in onion skins with liquid smoke

Many people love smoked mackerel, which is why homemade delicacy I want to give a specific flavor. How to do it?

You can use liquid smoke. This is a special concentrate, a liquid to which the smoke purified from tars, obtained by burning wood, is added. Such a product can be purchased at a grocery supermarket.

Mackerel marinated with the addition of liquid smoke will acquire a bright smoked taste without any extra effort.

  • 3 tablespoons of liquid smoke concentrate;
  • 2 mackerels;
  • 2-3 handfuls of onion peel;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 3 tablespoons coarse sea salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar.

Put the onion peel in a saucepan, add water, cook for 15 minutes. Thereafter future marinade we filter.

We mix the completely cooled marinade with salt, granulated sugar and liquid smoke. Pour the pre-prepared, cleaned and washed mackerel so that it is completely covered.

The fish should be marinated in a cool place for two days. Don't forget to turn it over from time to time.

After 2 days, we take out the mackerel, dry it, cut it and serve it to the family table.

Spicy mackerel in onion peel

Lovers will love this fish. unusual flavors. It turns out refined and fragrant. home marinating we make the pulp of mackerel especially tender. This dish can be served with boiled potatoes and beetroot salad and on festive table and family dinner.

  • 1 liter of filtered water;
  • 2 mackerels;
  • 3 tablespoons of coarse sea salt;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • 3-4 handfuls of onion peel;
  • 100 ml of strong brewed black tea;
  • 1 teaspoon ground coriander;
  • 5 peas of allspice;
  • 5 peas of ground pepper;
  • Bay leaf.

In a small saucepan, bring the washed onion skins to a boil. Cook for 10 minutes over medium heat, then turn off and let it brew for 15-10 minutes under the lid.

We filter the decoction of onion peel and mix salt, sugar, allspice and black pepper, coriander and a couple of bay leaves into it. Pour in the tea leaves and cool completely.

We prepare the fish: remove the tail and head, clean, do not forget to remove the black film - it gives bitterness. We spread the mackerel in a large flat shape, cover with the resulting marinade so that it covers the fish.

Mackerel should be marinated for 2-3 days in a cold place. Remember to turn each fish in the morning and evening so that the marinade is evenly distributed and saturates the carcasses.

Put the finished fish on paper towels and dry thoroughly.

  1. If you purchased frozen mackerel, it must be completely defrosted. In order not to disturb the structure of the fabric, put the fish on a dish and refrigerate for a day. Thawed in this way, it will not lose its shape or taste;
  2. Cut off the head and tail, clean the fish and rinse under cold running water. Do not forget to remove the black film inside - it will be bitter and spoil the taste of the cooked dish;
  3. For proper pickling you need a wide roomy dish - a form for salting;
  4. When it comes time to put mackerel in the marinade, you need to remember that it will constantly pop up. Therefore, it is better to immediately place a dish with a load on it;
  5. Do not forget to turn the fish over during the pickling process - about 2-3 times a day. This is necessary so that they are evenly saturated with brine;
  6. Mackerel cooked in onion peel should be cooled before serving. This dish is good served cold.

Mackerel in onion peel, cooked according to the above recipes, will appeal to all lovers of fish delicacies. Mistresses can kill two birds with one stone: pamper the family and take care of their health. After all, mackerel, which has not undergone industrial smoking, does not contain carcinogens accompanying it.

But useful material- polyunsaturated fatty acid and vitamins, trace elements remain in it. The cost of such a dish is low, the time and effort of the hostess is small, and the enjoyment of great taste and benefits are huge.

After all, the more home-made, lovingly prepared dishes on our table, the greater the benefit they will bring to the health of your household, gathering them at a friendly family table!

Mackerel in onion peel - general principles cooking

Sometimes you really want to pamper yourself and loved ones with fragrant smoked fish, but due to the lack special devices this desire remains unfulfilled. The so-called. will come to the rescue. method of cold smoking, which consists in the use of onion peel.

It is she who gives the fish that very attractive golden hue. A brine is brewed from the husks and black tea. Fish will marinate in it for two or three days. A few tablespoons of salt, 2 tablespoons of sugar are also added to the brine, Bay leaf and coriander. So that no one could distinguish home-cooked mackerel from real smoked fish, the cooled marinade can be mixed with "liquid smoke".

The fish is folded into a wide shape, poured with brine and set aside to marinate for 2-3 days. The finished mackerel is pulled out, dried (for this, the carcasses can be hung by the tail), and then cut into portions. Such mackerel in onion peel is perfect for a festive feast. When serving, fish can be sprinkled with lemon juice and vegetable oil, and sprinkled with fresh herbs.

Mackerel in onion skins - preparing food and dishes

To cook mackerel in onion skins, you will need: a marinade pan, a cutting board, a knife, and a wide form for salting. If there is no large shape, the fish will need to cut off the head with the tail.

First, the marinade is cooked. Washed husks, salt, sugar and black tea are added to boiling water. The brine is boiled, then left to cool. While the marinade is being prepared, you need to cut the fish: cut off the head, tail and fins, take out the insides. We thoroughly wash the carcass both inside and out. We put the fish in a prepared wide form.

Mackerel recipes in onion skins:

Recipe 1: Mackerel in onion skins

simple recipe delicious mackerel in onion skins. We will need onion peel, black tea and sugar and salt.

Required Ingredients:

  • Mackerel;
  • Water - 1.5 liters;
  • Onion peel (several handfuls);
  • Salt - 3.5 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • Black tea - 2 tablespoons.

Cooking method:

Let's make a pickle: put a pot of water on the stove, add salt, sugar and black tea. Then pour thoroughly washed onion peel. After boiling, turn off the fire, cover the pan with a lid, leave the contents to cool. Prepare the fish: cut off the head, tail, cut out the insides, rinse. We filter the brine. We put the fish in a glass form, fill it with brine and leave it for three days. Turn the fish every morning. After three days, we take out the fish and wash it in running water. Lubricate the mackerel with oil and wrap in parchment. You can store such fish for no more than three days.

Recipe 2: Mackerel in onion peel "three-minute"

The recipe tells how to cook lightly salted mackerel in onion skins in just three minutes. The fish turns out incredibly tender and tasty, with a pleasant golden hue.

Required Ingredients:

  • Mackerel;
  • Water - 1 liter;
  • Salt - 5 tablespoons;
  • A few handfuls of husks.

Cooking method:

Water should be taken so that the brine completely covers the carcass. If there is not enough liquid, dilute an additional portion of brine (a spoonful of salt in a glass of water). If the fish will be cooked in regular saucepan, cut off the head and tail, and if there is a wider shape, you can leave it like that. Onion peel should be taken enough to strongly stain the water.

Let's prepare the fish: cut off the head, tail, remove the insides, remove the film. Wash the carcass inside and out. We wash the husk, put it in a saucepan, sprinkle with salt. Pour water into it and put it on fire. We cook 5 minutes. Immerse the fish in the pan and boil for another 3 minutes. Then we take out the fish and peel off the husk from it. While the mackerel is cooking, the boil should be gentle! Serve the fish with boiled potatoes.

Recipe 3: Smoked mackerel in onion skins

A fish cooked according to this recipe, both in color and in aroma, really resembles smoked mackerel.

Required Ingredients:

  • Water - 1 liter;
  • Mackerel;
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Onion peel;
  • Sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • Black tea brew (strong) - 100 ml;
  • Fragrant pepper;
  • Pea pepper;
  • Coriander seeds - 1 tsp;
  • Bay leaf.

Cooking method:

For the marinade, we take an enamel saucepan. Pour water into it, bring to a boil. Pour the washed onion peel. Boil for 10 minutes, leave to infuse for another 15 minutes. onion broth filter, add salt, sugar, peppers, two bay leaves and coriander to it. Pour in the filling, stir. Let the marinade cool down.

While the marinade is cooling, prepare the fish: cut off the head, tail, remove the insides, rinse. Don't forget to remove the black film. We spread the fish in a wide form and pour the marinade. We clean in a cold place for 2-3 days. In order for the fish to color properly, turn it over periodically to the other side. Ready mackerel must be removed from the mold and put on a paper towel. Ready fish should be left to dry for a couple of hours. Then it can be cut, greased with sunflower oil and served.

Recipe 4: Mackerel in onion peel "with smoke"

Use for cooking mackerel on onion skins " liquid smoke". Then no one will definitely distinguish the fish from smoked. This method of cooking fish is called the cold smoking method. The most important thing is that such mackerel is prepared very simply.

Required Ingredients:

  • Mackerel;
  • Onion peel;
  • "Liquid smoke";
  • Salt - 4.5 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Water - 1 liter.

Cooking method:

We cut off the head of the fish, remove the insides. We wash the carcass properly. We wash a few handfuls of onion peel and fill it with water. Add salt and sugar, bring to a boil. We cook 20 minutes. We filter the broth, mix with "liquid smoke". We spread the carcass in a wide form and fill it with brine. We put a press on top so that the fish does not float up. We stand in brine for two days. After this, the mackerel can be taken out, washed, dried and cut into portions.

Recipe 5: Mackerel in onion skins at home

Another recipe for mackerel on onion skins, which uses black tea marinade. Liquid smoke is not used here, but the roar from this turns out to be no less tasty, but also healthy!

Required Ingredients:

  • Water - 1 liter;
  • Mackerel;
  • Black tea - 2 spoons;
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • Onion peel;
  • Sugar - 1 spoon.
  • Cooking method:

    First, we will make a marinade for mackerel: pour salt, sugar, tea and washed onion peel into the pan. Turn on the heat and bring the contents of the pot to a boil. Turn off the stove, leave the brine to cool completely. During this time, the liquid will completely absorb the color and aroma.

    We cut off the head, fins and tail of the fish. We remove the insides, wash the carcass inside and out. We spread the fish in a wide form and fill it with strained brine. We place a load on top and leave to marinate for two days. We cut the finished fish, dry it, sprinkle with oil and lemon juice and serve. You can store such mackerel in onion peel for no more than seven days.

    Mackerel in onion skins - secrets and helpful tips from the best chefs

    • in the process of salting, the fish will float up, so you need to put a dish with some kind of load on it;
    • every morning and evening, the carcasses need to be turned over. So the mackerel is better stained and salted;
    • if the fish needs to be cooked quickly, you can boil it for several minutes in a strong dark brine;
    • to give the fish a special smoked flavor, “liquid smoke” can be added to the brine;
    • for cooking mackerel in onion peel, you can use both fresh and frozen fish (in the latter case, it will need to be thawed beforehand).

    Other Mackerel Recipes

    • Mackerel baked in the oven in foil
    • How to pickle mackerel
    • Pickled Mackerel
    • Smoking mackerel
    • Mackerel in a slow cooker
    • Mackerel in onion peel
    • Mackerel with potatoes
    • Stuffed Mackerel
    • Mackerel Roll
    • Spicy Mackerel
    • Stewed Mackerel
    • Mackerel with vegetables
    • Mackerel fried
    • Mackerel Soup
    • Mackerel Salad

    Even more interesting recipes you can find on the main page of the Culinary section

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    Fish is a worthy component of our menu. What kind of dishes mankind has not invented with it! Their fans diversify the list with all their might and come up with ways to simplify and speed up the process of their preparation. Among other tricks, mackerel in 3 minutes deserves special attention. Cast aside doubts: it will really cook in the specified time. And it will turn out juicy, tender and suitable for a variety of purposes - in salads, on sandwiches and complete with side dishes.

    Extremely Important: Preparing the Fish

    What is good in 3 minutes is that you can cook it from both fresh carcasses and frozen ones. The latter are easier to buy - they are available in almost any store with a fish department, not to mention supermarkets. However, in order for your first experience with this recipe to be a success, frozen fish must be properly defrosted. In no case not in water, even cold! Only at the bottom of the refrigerator, gradually put in a colander and covered with a lid. A colander is needed so that the fish does not get wet in the water flowing from it - this will not improve it taste qualities. And the lid - so that the upper side does not ventilate.

    If you have mackerel not gutted, and you want to prepare it with a whole carcass, it is better to pull out the insides after cutting off the head and without cutting the abdomen. This will make her more beautiful.

    Three-minute salting

    The first recipe is for those who, for some reason, are in a hurry and do not accept food "chemistry". Mackerel in onion peel is definitely suitable for them in 3 minutes, without which the brine is often supplemented to give a smoked flavor. The brine is being prepared. For him, a generous handful of washed and dried onion peel is poured into a liter of water and boiled for about five minutes. Then salt is poured in (three spoons with a slide); how it dissolves - the carcass is laid. After three minutes, the fire is extinguished, and it is immediately pulled out: if you hold it longer, the fish will not “hold” the pieces.

    It is better not to cut it right away, but carefully drain the brine so that the carcass does not get wet, wait until it is completely cooled. Everything: in front of you is a fully cooked mackerel in onion peel in 3 minutes. Reviews about the dish are extremely enthusiastic: despite the simplicity and speed, despite the absence of any pretentious spices, the fish turns out to be tasty, moderately salted and soft.

    Husk plus tea: method number 1

    This method is not so fast: with tea, mackerel in onion skins will not cook in 3 minutes. But at the exit you will have fish that does not differ in taste from the purchased smoked one. Again, you need a brine first. For him, three heaping tablespoons of salt are poured into a liter of water, two of dry black tea (without any additions like bergamot or rose petals) and one and a half of sugar. At the same time, husks from three or four small bulbs are laid. The brine boils; the boiling time is arbitrary, you need to focus on the color: as it becomes thick brown - that's enough. The filling is cooled and filtered. Three gutted headless carcasses are placed in a fairly spacious container and poured with marinade. He must cover them completely. Night mackerel in onion peel with tea should stand right on the kitchen table, covered with a lid. Then she puts it in the refrigerator for two or three days. It is good to turn the carcasses once a day. When the fish is ready, it is strained from the brine - and is ready to eat.

    Husk plus tea: method number 2

    There is a category of cooks who believe that mackerel in onion skins with tea should be prepared in a completely different way than suggested in the previous recipe. In their opinion, strong black tea is brewed separately, again without any additives, pure. The tea leaves should be half a cup. At the same time, a brine is prepared per liter of water: all the same three tablespoons of salt, one and a half - sugar, a couple of bay leaves, peppercorns and coriander seeds - a teaspoon (in principle, the same as described above, only with the addition of seasonings ). Husks are taken more, so that it has to be crushed in a dry form in a saucepan. The brine is boiled for ten minutes, and then it is also infused until filtered for a quarter of an hour. Only after that, tea leaves are added to it.

    The fish is poured with the cooled marinade, closed and hidden in the bottom of the refrigerator for three days, without standing in the room. You have already mastered the further steps: drain the brine, dry the fish, chop and eat.

    Mackerel "with smoke"

    If you want to get pseudo-smoked fish faster, you will have to put up with the use of "liquid smoke". Such a mackerel in onion skins will not “ripen” in 3 minutes either, but it will be ready after a day. The brine is made steeper: per liter - four full, with a slide, spoons of salt and two sugars. There are also more husks in the water. Such a brine is boiled for twenty whole minutes, cooled and, in a filtered form, is combined with “smoke” according to the instructions. Mackerel is laid out in a flat low dish, the container is filled almost to the top with marinade, the fish is pressed down with a not too heavy oppression. It is not necessary to clean in the cold; by the evening of the next day, the fish can be dried and carried to the table.

    Those who have already cooked mackerel according to these recipes have brought some additions that make the cooking process more convenient, and final result- more appetizing. Firstly, for salting it is recommended to use not flat containers, but cut large ones. plastic bottles. The fish are placed in them with their tails up. So oppression from above becomes unnecessary - the carcasses do not float.

    Secondly, when using “smoked” recipes (mackerel in onion skins with tea or smoke), after drying, the carcasses are slightly smeared vegetable oil. From this, they become even more similar to smoked "brothers".

    Thirdly, very interesting and tasty result gives a joint ambassador of mackerel with herring in one container. They say that it turns out a believable imitation of sprats - only the sizes are larger.

    Fourthly, good results are obtained by adding herbs and spices to the brine. You just need to be careful that they are combined with fish. For the first time, you can try adding just greens - basil and cilantro. And then come up with something of your own.

    One hundred percent, you will like mackerel in onion skins in 3 minutes. With a photo, you can get a more complete picture of the dish and see how appetizing such precocious fish are.

    Many of us constantly purchase salted, smoked mackerel or herring, mistakenly believing that salting it is a very tedious and long process.

    Salted mackerel in husks and tea is in no way inferior to that sold in stores and on the market, except that it is ten times more useful due to the fact that it does not contain harmful liquid smoke and is prepared from quality products. To cook such a fish, you need to take care of the onion peel in advance (remove it) and prepare tea leaves. The recipe for mackerel in the husk is not laborious and will be clear to every housewife, and the result will pleasantly amaze you.

    Such a salted fish in onion peel is great for festive feasts- it is cut into portions, sprinkled with lemon juice or vegetable oil and served. This fish is also good as an ingredient in puff and regular ones.


        • 3 mackerel carcasses;
        • 2 bags of black tea (no impurities);
        • 2 bay leaves;
        • 2 handfuls of onion peel;
        • 10-12 black peppercorns;
        • 1 liter of water;
        • 50 grams of granulated sugar;
        • 100 grams of salt.

    How to pickle mackerel in onion peel and tea:

    Advice! Before preparing a dish, you need to take care of the quality of the fish. When purchasing a mackerel, pay attention to the color of the gills - they should have a bright pink color. The carcass of a good fish is whole, without damage and dark spots. If the fish already has a characteristic, stale smell, then it is better to refrain from buying.

    First you need to prepare a brine in which the fish will marinate. Rinse well under warm water onion peel and bay leaf. In a saucepan or deep saucepan we put the husk, bay leaf, sugar, salt, black peppercorns and tea bags. We put the container on the fire and let it boil. As soon as the brine boils, turn off the heat and set the pan aside to cool. The brine must be room temperature, not hot.

    Important! Black tea in bags must be natural, without any additives of bergamot, jasmine, etc. Otherwise, the fish will absorb these odors.

    Cooking mackerel. We cut off the head, fins and tail of the carcass. We rip open the abdomen, remove the insides and rinse well. You can remove the spine bone and fillet the fish, but you can also keep the carcass whole, and then cut it after cooking. We place the mackerel in a large, deep bowl and fill it with brine, which must first be filtered, freed from spices and husks.

    The fish must be completely submerged in the brine. Let the mackerel salt for 3 days in the refrigerator.

    Three days have passed - we try the fish to determine the degree of salting. If everything suits, then drain the brine, rinse the fish under running water from salt. Then it should be lubricated with vegetable oil and stored in parchment paper in a refrigerator. To increase the shelf life of fish, you can cut it into pieces of 2-3 centimeters, put in a jar with chopped onion rings, bay leaf and pour oil. So salted mackerel can be stored for up to 2 weeks.

    If you are going to urgently treat relatives and guests delicious salty mackerel, then cut it across the ridge or mill it, free it from the bones. Put the fish on a special dish, garnish with thin onion rings and sprinkle with lemon juice. delicious, useful mackerel ready.

    Enjoy your meal!!!

    Sincerely, Natalia.

    Many people like the piquant taste and aroma of smoked fish. The dish can often be seen on a festive or dinner table. Smoked mackerel is served with a side dish of potatoes, salad or rice.

    Doctors and nutritionists do not welcome the use of smoked fish, because during complex process product processing loses a lot beneficial trace elements and does not benefit the body. An alternative would be mackerel in onion peel, which is not inferior to smoked fish in taste and appetizing appearance, but retains beneficial features product.

    The taste of mackerel in onion skins is mild. The dish can be eaten not only for lunch or dinner, but also to cook for New Year, birthday, February 23 and Easter table. The beautiful golden color that the onion peel gives to the fish looks appetizing.

    There are several options for cooking mackerel in the husk, all of which are simple and quick, in contrast to the long smoking process. Can be cooked in 3 minutes delicious recipe cold appetizer which will not leave indifferent any fish lover. For cooking, not salted, but fresh or fresh-frozen fish is used.

    Mackerel in onion peel with tea leaves

    This is a simple and very tasty recipe. To smoked mackerel turned out fragrant and had a beautiful golden color, simple onion peel and tea leaves are used. The dish can be prepared for lunch, a festive table or taken with you in a container to nature.

    Cooking time mackerel in the husk and tea leaves - 35 minutes.


    • fresh or frozen mackerel - 3 pcs;
    • onion peel;
    • black leaf tea - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • water - 1.5 l;
    • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • turmeric - 1 tsp;
    • vegetable oil;
    • salt - 4 tbsp. l.


    1. Defrost freshly frozen mackerel. Rinse the fish, remove the heads, fins and clean the abdomen from the film, blood clots and entrails.
    2. Pour water into the saucepan, add leaf tea and washed onion skins.
    3. Bring the water to a boil. Boil the marinade for 4-5 minutes, remove the pan from the heat and leave to cool to room temperature.
    4. Strain the marinade through a sieve or cheesecloth.
    5. Pour turmeric, salt and sugar into the marinade. Stir and chill.
    6. Put the fish in a container for pickling and fill with cold marinade. Put the mackerel completely covered with marinade in a cold place for 3 days.
    7. Before serving, blot the fish with a napkin or towel and brush with vegetable oil.


    • fresh or frozen mackerel - 2 pcs;
    • water - 1.5 l;
    • onion peel - 5 handfuls;
    • sea ​​salt - 5 tbsp. l.


    1. Pour salt into the water. Stir.
    2. Put the husk in the brine and put on fire. Boil water for 5 minutes.
    3. Turn off the fire. Place the fish in the brine. Boil the mackerel for 3 minutes, do not turn the fish over.
    4. Remove the mackerel from the brine, remove the husk and cool.

    Mackerel in onion skins with liquid smoke

    Mackerel liquid smoke recipe is an easy way to achieve maximum similarity with smoked dish preserving the beneficial properties of seafood. The appearance and taste of mackerel is identical to the taste of the original smoked fish. The dish can be prepared for lunch, dinner and as a cold snack for a holiday.

    It takes 30 minutes to prepare the dish.

    1. Fill the husk with water and put the pan on the fire. Bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes.
    2. Strain the marinade through cheesecloth, add salt and sugar. Add liquid smoke. Mix thoroughly. Leave to cool in a cool place.
    3. Clean the mackerel from the insides, heads, film and blood clots. Rinse carcasses with water.
    4. Pour the marinade over the mackerel and marinate for 2 days.
    5. Hang the fish over a container 2 hours before serving to drain excess liquid.