Steamed mackerel in a slow cooker is a tasty and healthy dish. Steamed mackerel in a slow cooker, cooking recipes

Mackerel cooked in a slow cooker for a couple, it turns out incredibly juicy, tasty and tender. If you don't love boiled fish, steam - you will definitely eat it. Mackerel is a fairly fatty fish, however, if you cook it according to this recipe, it will turn out to be absolutely dietary, try it!


To steam mackerel in a slow cooker you will need:

fresh frozen large mackerel - 1 pc.;

onion - 1 pc.;

carrots - 0.5 pcs.;

salt, fish spices - to taste.

Cooking steps

Remove the head and tail, as well as the entrails. Wash the fish well, dry and cut into pieces about 4 cm wide. Salt the mackerel pieces, sprinkle with spices, leave for 15 minutes.

Peel the carrots and onions. Place cut into rings or half rings into a baking bag onion and carrots cut into pieces.

Next, put the mackerel pieces into the bag. Carefully tie the bag on both sides.

Place the bag of vegetables and mackerel in the multicooker bowl for steaming.

Cook in a multicooker on the "Steam" mode for 30 minutes, pouring into the lower bowl cold water. Then cut the package.

Fragrant, tender and juicy mackerel, steamed in a slow cooker, serve warm to the table with any side dish. When chilled, the fish is no less tasty and tender.

Bon appetit!

Mash the mint leaves to release the juice, add salt and grease the spaces between the fingers with the paste. After 1 hour, wash off. Copying materials is permitted provided there is an active link to the site. Photo and video materials are not the property of the site.

When the nail softens and lifts, immediately cut off the affected area. Repeat the procedure until the fungus disappears.

The information in the articles is for general informational purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or medicinal purposes. See your doctor first. The fungus is afraid of high temperatures. Therefore, for preventive purposes, it is recommended to boil socks and tights for 5 minutes.

After 20 minutes, the cotton pad can be removed and the nails can be treated remedy. I most likely got infected in the pool. Mikozan is truly an excellent remedy for fungus. When a friend who had suffered from fungus for several years told me about it, I was quite skeptical. After time has passed, the baking soda should be washed off with soap and water.

You can become infected through shared objects in public places. The fungus spreads very quickly and appears in the areas between the toes. Recipe. Garlic and onions as a treatment for foot fungus. The fungus can also appear due to constant excessive sweating of the feet or walking for a long time in wet shoes.

I tried to treat the fungus with hydrogen peroxide and iodine, but it didn’t help. I ozonated the water with an ozonator for vegetables and fruits and kept my feet in it. More or less saved me from itching. Of course, using the method requires contact with the strong specific smell of garlic, but the procedure can be carried out in the evening. Sometimes there is no other choice but to throw away contaminated carpets, linens, clothes and shoes. You need to pick the plant, orange juice will immediately appear on it, and lubricate the affected areas with it. Treatment must be completed to the end. In general, you should not neglect this problem, since in the future it can have the most disastrous consequences.

In this case, it is possible to treat foot and skin fungus for several decades without success. Salt has disinfectant and softening properties. If you are used to brewing natural black coffee, then use the remaining sediment as a scrub. One summer we were invited to visit our grandmother’s relatives. They live far away, all the way to Siberia, in Irkutsk. The journey was very long. We traveled by train for 5 whole days. The causative agents of fungal infections do not tolerate an alkaline environment, so soda can be used to combat them.

Treatment with drugs (which are more effective, how to use, comparison, etc. The proposed procedure is extremely effective, safe, and a positive result will certainly come. Such procedures allow you to get rid of foot fungus in a week, provided that the conditions that provoke the appearance of fungal infections are eliminated infections again.Be sure to use a shower for your feet after a bath.

If there is no progress within a week, take another prescription, folk recipes As a rule, they consist of inexpensive, readily available ingredients.

Pour out the first infusion, as the Chinese do (when preparing the first infusion, pour in the tea leaves a small amount water for 1 minute). Then brew the tea a second time. Leave for 3-5 minutes. The product is stored on the bottom of the refrigerator. Hello. This remedy helped me - Tinedol. Before this, I tried a lot of different, expensive and folk remedies - nothing helped. Laundry soap can be added to other recipes, such as soda or salt baths.

On top there is cellophane and a fingertip.

When finished, dry your feet with a towel until completely dry. Fungal diseases periodically overtake both women and men equally.

You just need to lubricate regularly, without skipping. The fungus was smeared with Fukortsin. The doctor advised. The composition is such that if it gets somewhere, you can’t wash the thing. It is necessary to smear it at least twice a day. In addition to external treatment, it is necessary to rethink your behavior and understand the moral and psychological reasons that contributed to the onset of the disease. If it is difficult to determine from a photo whether this is the kind of fungus that is tormenting you, then here are a few additional 500 species of mycotic organisms that exist in nature. The fungus is accompanied by itching, pain, and irritation.

Next, take a clean cloth, soak it in the resulting solution and wipe your feet with it. After wiping them, put on clean socks. Celandine A white and yellowish spot may appear under the nail. Cut off a piece of the mushroom and apply it to the sore nail. Bandage or fix with adhesive tape. When using these recipes, it is necessary to take into account that they all help only in the initial and middle stages of the disease: in advanced and severe cases, specialist intervention is necessary.

Before the procedure, you should steam your feet, and then rub your toes, feet, and heels with a hard, thoroughly soaped brush. All areas with cracks must be cleaned especially carefully.

RUB 72,739

Calories: 784.99
Proteins/100g: 13.06
Carbohydrates/100g: 1.82

Whatever one may say, steamed mackerel in a slow cooker, the recipe with a photo of which we offer, turns out appetizing and tasty. The price range is somewhere between economical hake and noble salmon.
Cooking takes a minimum of time, which is very important for those who want to quickly prepare a full, healthy dinner. I always take the fish out of the freezer in the morning, and then in the evening, when I come home from work, I cut it up and put it in the slow cooker. Some people make herring according to the same recipe, but it has many bones, so the effect is not the same. One medium fish is usually enough for one dinner for our family of three, but I often make two at once, and then just reheat the next day in microwave oven, although it goes well and is cold. It also turns out very tasty, but today we are preparing it according to the proposed recipe.
You don’t need many ingredients other than the fish itself, but let’s write them down for accuracy of preparation.

What you will need:
- 2 fresh frozen mackerel,
- 0.5 lemon,
- salt, pepper to taste,
- dill - a couple of sprigs,
- Bay leaf,
- green onions for serving,
- food foil.

How to cook at home

Rinse the defrosted mackerel with cold water.

Let's cut the fish sharp knife, then cut each piece from the bottom along the belly and remove the intestines. Let's clear our heads as well. It is better to make the pieces not very thin.

Let's prepare the foil, place it in a container for steaming so that there are no holes at the bottom, then the juice will not leak out and the mackerel will be soft.

Salt and pepper the fish pieces in a bowl. Place the pieces of mackerel on top of the foil, but so that they are not in two layers. Between them we put laurel fox and sprigs of dill.

Cover the fish well with foil, bending it along the edges so that the juice does not leak out.

Pour 0.5 liters of water into the multicooker pan, place the container with fish on top and set the “Steam” mode for 35 minutes. If you cut the fish thinly or you only have one, 25 minutes of cooking will be enough. Close the lid tightly and prepare the rest of the dishes for dinner.

When the mackerel is ready, put it on a dish as if “assembled” and place thin slices of lemon between the pieces, and you can sprinkle green onions on top.
Mackerel is still a fish, and for some people its smell, even in its finished form, may not be very pleasant. If so, then the lemon should be added along with the spices before cooking. In this case, the fish will have a pleasant sour taste, and no smell!

If you don't like the sour taste in fish, then another excellent option There will be a wine marinade. An hour before cooking, place the already defrosted mackerel in a shallow bowl and pour wine on top, half a glass is enough. Let it lie there for half an hour, then turn it over so that the other side is soaked with the wine that has flowed down. Now the fishy smell is definitely not scary! We also recommend that you pay attention to the recipe.

Before cooking mackerel in a slow cooker, the fish should be gutted and pitted very well. Since steamed fish turns out very tender and juicy, it can be cooked even for small children.

The mackerel needs to be thawed, the head and tail are cut off, carefully divided into two halves with a sharp knife and the backbone is removed. There are few bones in this fish, so cleaning it will not be difficult. There is no need to remove the skin from the fish, otherwise the mackerel will turn out a little dry.

Chop onions small pieces if you are using green onions, it also needs to be finely chopped with a knife.

Wash the carrots, peel and grate on a coarse grater.

Onions and carrots should be lightly fried; for this we use the “baking” or “frying” mode - depending on the model of your multicooker.

Cut the cleaned fish into medium-sized pieces and place them on top of the vegetables.

Before cooking mackerel in a slow cooker, you must prepare a sheet of foil - they will need to cover the steamer bowl. It is also best to marinate the fish in advance lemon juice. But if you are cooking dietary dish, then you can do without lemon.

Place lightly fried vegetables and fish on a sheet of foil. For more juiciness, you can add tomato slices. Cut the tomato into thin rings and cover the mackerel pieces with them.

Salt the prepared products and add finely chopped fresh dill or parsley.

Mix sour cream with water and pour it over the food.

Now all that remains is to turn on the multicooker in the “steaming” mode and wait 20 minutes until the mackerel is ready. The mackerel recipe in a slow cooker can also be used to prepare other fish with vegetables.

If you want to cook more hearty dish, but you can cook the whole mackerel with potatoes. To do this, we clean the fish - cut off the head and tail and make small longitudinal cuts along the entire length of the carcass.

Place the fish in the middle of the bowl, and along the edges - potatoes, cut into four parts. Place two or three rings on top of the fish fresh tomato. Cook for 20-25 minutes - as soon as the potatoes are cooked, you can set the table.

A detailed recipe for mackerel in a slow cooker with a photo will help you choose the option you like best. great dish. Bon appetit!

As you know, doctors recommend eating fish and seafood at least 2 times a week. Regular use sea ​​fish allows us to compensate for the deficiency of iodine and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which is observed almost universally among residents of central Russia. Let's listen to the advice of doctors and cook steamed mackerel in a slow cooker, in foil, to preserve the maximum of nutrients in it.

Mackerel is considered a rather oily fish, but even those who are worried about extra pounds should not be afraid of it. Many nutritionists believe that fish fat practically does not settle in our fat depots, and its benefits are undoubted! Only those with allergies need to be careful when consuming our dish today, because both fish and lemon, which is very important in this recipe, are highly allergenic foods.

If allergies to fish and citrus fruits do not bother you, then feel free to cook and eat this dish! Mackerel in foil turns out very tasty, juicy, soft and tender in a slow cooker. Real jam!

What you need to take:

  • One medium mackerel
  • Half a lemon
  • Half an onion
  • Salt, black pepper

How to steam mackerel in a slow cooker:

Peel the onion and wash the lemon. Cut the onion and lemon into slices.

Defrost frozen mackerel quickly, under warm water. She does not like long defrosting and it is better not to defrost in the microwave. We cut off the head and tail from the fish and clean out the insides.

Cut the mackerel into pieces and place onion and lemon slices on top, add salt and sprinkle with black ground pepper. Wrap in foil.

Pour water into the multicooker to the bottom mark, place the mackerel wrapped in foil in the container and turn on the “steam” mode for 25 minutes. If the fish does not fit into the bowl, you can make two such rolls, or you can simply fold them in a circle.

After the signal, the mackerel is ready to steam in the multicooker! All the juice from the fish remains in the foil. As a result, the fish is not dry, and the multicooker pan is protected from the specific fishy smell.

Place the mackerel on a plate.

Let's cut it green cucumber and serve to the table.

For a side dish, you can boil the potatoes in a multicooker bowl. We get a complex duet dish.