How to cook pizza in the microwave according to a step by step recipe with a photo. How to make pizza dough in the microwave? Simple Approach, Delicious Results

Pizza Recipes

pizza in the microwave

25 minutes

260 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

I love pizza very much, but I don't always have enough time to cook it in the oven. And recently a colleague shared some quick recipes cooking pizza in the microwave. This dish will be a real find for a family breakfast.

Delicious pizza in the microwave

Kitchen appliances and utensils: microwave, rolling pin, bowl.





Cooking steps

Video recipe for a simple pizza in the microwave

This video will show you how to make pizza dough in the microwave.


How to cook pizza in the microwave? Let's make it fast and delicious pizza from scratch in just 15 minutes, let's go!

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↝ Flour, 300 gr
↝ Water, 70 ml
↝ Salt

↝ Tomato paste + mayonnaise or ketchup
↝ You can make the sauce yourself, as I did, more detailed recipe is in this video:

↝ Sausage, 50-100 gr
↝ Cheese, 50-100 gr
↝ Olives
↝ Onion, 1/2 small onion.
↝ Tomato, 1/4 fruit
↝ Fresh greens

Bake the dough on a circle from the microwave at full power for 5-6 minutes. Top the pizza and bake for another 5 minutes.


Pizza in the microwave based on white bread

  • Time for preparing: 21 minutes.
  • Servings: 3.
  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: microwave, bowl, microwave mold.


Cooking steps

Video recipe for unusual pizza in the microwave

In this video you will learn how to make pizza from bread in the microwave.

How to make PIZZA IN THE MICROWAVE. Simple inexpensive recipe


Fast pizza in the microwave

  • Time for preparing: 16 minutes.
  • Servings: 3.
  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: rolling pin, microwave, microwave mold.


Cooking steps

Video recipe for quick pizza in the microwave

In this video you will learn how to quickly cook pizza in the microwave.

Store bought puff pizza yeast dough in 10 minutes | Recipe for microwave oven

Store bought puff pastry pizza
1 sheet of puff pastry (there were 2 in the pack)
ketchup and mayonnaise for sauce
I have the filling of your choice
sausage, canned champignons and
The dough is thick, roll it out thinner and
cut to the size of your pizza And put in the microwave in the microwave + grill mode for 5 minutes, mix mayonnaise and ketchup, grease the cake with sauce, spread the sausage
champignons and cheese and put in the microwave for 4 minutes

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Pizza in the microwave in a mug in 5 minutes

  • Time for preparing: 5 minutes.
  • Servings: 2.
  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: large mug, microwave.


Cooking steps

Video recipe for pizza in a mug in the microwave

From this video you will learn how to bake pizza in the microwave in a mug.

Pizza in a mug. How to cook PIZZA IN THE MICROWAVE IN 5 MINUTES? | In 60 seconds

Pizza in a mug, which can be cooked in the microwave in just a couple of minutes, is sure to please. It's simple, satisfying and tasty dish should definitely be on your mind.
If you love pizza as much as you love ninja turtles, then you will love this recipe! After all, this is a pizza that can be prepared in just 5 minutes.
I liked this recipe because it is very simple and quick. And it helps out if you have an increased lack of pizza. Well, when you really want pizza. Or just when you want a tasty and quick lunch or dinner.
Like I said, this pizza is very easy to make.

4 tbsp. l. flour
baking powder (at the tip of a knife)
a pinch of salt
3 art. l. milk
1 st. l. olive oil
2 tsp tomato sauce
stuffing (ham, pepperoni, etc.)
grated cheese

In a large mug (or deep bowl), mix flour, salt, baking powder and mix well. Then we add milk and olive oil here, and again mix everything well until our mass becomes a homogeneous dough.
The consistency of the dough should not be very steep. It should resemble thick sour cream.
Now you need to grease the dough with pizza sauce. He fits here perfectly.
As a filling, I will use ham. but you can take whatever you like. For example, salami, sausage, chicken or just vegetables.
Sprinkle this whole thing with oregano and pepper, and cover with grated cheese.
We send our pizza in a mug to the microwave for 2 minutes (the time depends on the power of the microwave, I have 900 W) and that's it. We can enjoy our work!
And you, too, cook such a pizza and tell me if you liked this recipe.

Channel "Encyclopedia of Beauty":


  • Because every microwave various indicators of maximum power, the cooking time may vary. Therefore, check readiness with a match or a toothpick.
  • Fillers for stuffing you can choose according to your taste. The main thing is that these are finished products.

They became a real find for me. They are great as appetizers. festive table or for a picnic. It will be a great substitute for meat pizzas. I sometimes cook it when the sausage stuffing gets boring. If you have puff pastry in your fridge, I recommend doing it. It is very light and airy. When there is absolutely no time to mess with the dough, I cook. This option is not much inferior to pizzas based on a regular dough.

Friends, have you already tried to cook pizza in the microwave?

28.05.2016 16.05.2016 by gotovlyu v mikrovolnovke

The history of pizza is interesting and eventful. It is known that even in the days of the ancient Greeks, people prepared special flat cakes with vegetables and cheese for dinner. By the way, cheese is an ingredient that distinguishes pizza from other types of flour tortillas. One has only to lay tomato slices on a rolled out piece of dough, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake - you will get, albeit the most primitive, but pizza.

It is easy to guess why this dish is very popular all over the world. It is easy to prepare, and at the same time, it is very tasty. There are a huge number of varieties: meat and vegetarian, spicy and sweet, with the addition of seafood, closed. Each of them has its own name.

Over time, the process of the birth of a favorite delicacy has acquired traditions, a number of mandatory conditions have appeared. If speak about classic pizza with a pizza maker (or pizzaiollo), he will tell you that cooking is a real art that requires special skills. Firstly, for the base, a special dough is used from two types of flour with the addition of natural sourdough and olive oil, which is kneaded only by hand. Secondly, you need not some, but a wood-burning stove, and thirdly, you need to sprinkle not with any cheese, but only with mozzarella.

But “mere mortals” often encroach on the shrine and cook at home without observing any rules, and enjoy, albeit non-classical, but no less tasty pizza.

Cooking pizza in the microwave the classic way cannot be named. But those who want to eat quickly and tasty do not care about the canons. Moreover, it cannot be tasteless by definition. Still would! Fragrant sausage, stretching melted cheese, juicy hot tomatoes - can you resist this yummy!

And now you are already getting everything you need from the refrigerator for the action, the completion of which will be a delicious, long-awaited pizza.

Recipe ingredients without yeast

  • flour - 1 cup;
  • egg - 1;
  • tomato - 1 small;
  • parsley - 1 sprig (if there is no greenery, use dry favorite herbs);
  • raw smoked sausage - 150 g;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • tomato ketchup - 1-2 tsp;
  • baking powder - ¼ tsp;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • milk or water - about 50 ml.

Step by step cooking pizza without yeast (photo)

  • Step 1: make the base

Pour the flour into a bowl, add the egg, salt, baking powder to it and start stirring everything with a spoon, adding a little water or milk.

When the dough becomes difficult to stir with a spoon, put it on a floured table and continue to knead with your hands. The result should be soft, but elastic, not sticky to the hands.

Roll out the layer with a thickness of no more than half a centimeter. Lay them out in a flat microwaveable dish.

Oil base tomato ketchup.

Evenly spread thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bsausage pieces, tomato slices, chopped parsley over the base.

Sprinkle with grated hard cheese.

Press the protruding edges to the center.

  • Step 3: Bake

Bake at 800 watts for 3.5 minutes.

  • Step 4: listen to advice

You can cook pizza without folding the edges of the dough, as not everyone likes them. To do this, cut out the rolled out layer according to the shape and size of the dishes in which you are going to bake. Place a plate or lid of the right size and cut off any excess.

They say that the base must be lubricated special sauce. Here you have managed the usual tomato ketchup. As an experiment, you can try spreading the base with lecho sauce, spicy or chili ketchup, a mixture of tomato sauce and mayonnaise. Act according to your own taste. By the way, oregano gives pizza an interesting aroma and flavor.

The filling, by the way, can also be varied to taste. It is important to remember that mushrooms, eggplant, fish meat, other seafood and vegetables must be prepared in advance, because in 3.5 minutes they will not have time to bake until cooked.

Most suitable cheeses(if you do not have mozzarella on hand): Munster, Edam, Russian, Gouda, Poshekhonsky and the like.

  • Step 5: Experiment

Cut the ham into thin small pieces, olives and tomatoes into slices, onions into thin rings (or half rings).

Take out the dough and roll it into a round cake with a diameter of 23-25 ​​cm and a thickness of one centimeter with sides of 2-3 cm. Lay the base on a dish. Next, lay out the tomatoes, olives, ham and onions in layers. Pour melted butter and sprinkle with cheese and red pepper.

Put in the microwave and bake at half power for 8-10 minutes. And then at full power until ready, 3-4 minutes.

Serve hot.

If for some reason you are limited in time, and ready meal should be in 15 - 20 minutes, then the microwave oven can be safely called the most convenient device for this. Cooking pizza in the microwave, compared to other methods, is accelerated at times and at the same time the taste and appearance products do not change. In a microwave oven, the product is processed with heat throughout the entire volume. This way the pizza bakes much better, and the dough layer can be made thicker if you wish.

From simple and affordable products, pizza is prepared in the microwave in 5 minutes. If, however, use raw stuffing, thicker dough, etc., the cooking time may increase slightly, but not significantly. The hostess spends most of her time preparing, cutting products, kneading dough, putting all this stuff into shape. The microwave also allows you to quickly reheat previously prepared and frozen pizza. Frozen pizza in the microwave absolutely does not lose freshly baked, and the convenience of this type of preparation is obvious. Everyone knows how to reheat pizza in the microwave.

To cook pizza in a microwave oven, you will need a special dough. Pizza dough in the microwave is a little different from the usual one intended for the oven. It needs to be made a little more liquid, and it also does not need to be allowed to stand, rise, etc. These are the so-called speed tests. Pizza is cooked quickly in the microwave, so the dough should quickly respond to temperature changes, and not slowly approach and ripen. Also used for pizza puff pastry. In the microwave, it behaves quite well, the pizza is original and very tasty.

How to make pizza in the microwave? You will find the answer to this question on the website. Microwaved homemade pizza is convenient for a number of reasons. For example, in such a pizza, you can use both a raw filling and a finished one. You can mix them in the desired proportion. The main thing is to follow the process, to prevent overexposure of pizza in the oven. And then you will surely get a delicious and fragrant pizza in the microwave, use any recipe, you can come up with your own by including your favorite foods in the dish. Cooking pizza in the microwave involves an element of creativity, because in a short time you need to be able to make cooking masterpiece. Look at the pictures of pizza, they are all so colorful and vibrant. Each one is a figment of the chef's imagination. Try it and you create your own unique pizza in the microwave. Be sure to show a photo of a successful product to other lovers of this dish, let them also appreciate it. Use a recipe with a photo in cooking pizza in the microwave, it’s more convenient to work with large quantity products.

And if you decide to learn how to cook pizza in the microwave, check out our tips:

Do not put metal utensils in the microwave. Use glass and foil, so it will also be easier to take out the pizza;

When using foil, make sure that it does not touch the walls of the stove;

Pizza dough in the microwave needs to be made thinner than for traditional way making pizza;

Products intended for microwave cooking do not need to be moistened;

The microwave oven must be preheated before placing the pizza;

Yeast dough for making pizza in the microwave does not need to be subjected to the “proofing” process, it can be used immediately after kneading in pizza making and put into the oven;

For even baking, place a sheet of foil under the pizza, and lift its edges a little. So the pizza will not burn, and the released fat will not leak out;

Pizza, unlike other dishes, can be taken with your hands and bite off small pieces from it. Therefore, provide napkins on the table.

Pizza can be prepared quickly and resignedly. Your kitchen won't be floury and you won't have to preheat your oven if you decide to make a specialty pizza in the microwave. You will have to make a minimum of effort and you will save precious time for yourself and your family. Remember that all microwaves have different power and some of them do not have the function of its adjustment. To monitor the readiness of your pizza, look out the window from time to time: goldenness is a clear sign of the readiness of the product. Try a few simple recipes from this article.

How to cook pizza in the microwave: the first recipe

To do this, you will need a whole list of products. Check it out below.

  • Half a glass of milk.
  • A glass of flour.
  • Butter - 1 tablespoon.
  • One egg.
  • Tomato paste to taste, approximately one hundred grams.
  • Baking soda and vinegar for extinguishing.
  • Salami and bacon.
  • One large tomato.
  • Cheese 150 grams.
  • Greens, spices, salt.

Once all the ingredients are ready, start creating the pizza.

  • Whisk milk, salt and egg until slightly foamy. If you don't have a whisk, a regular fork will work just fine.
  • Add flour, carefully sifting it through a sieve.
  • Dissolve the baking soda in a spoon and add to the dough.
  • Mix thoroughly.
  • Roll out the dough into a circle. It is important that its thickness is not less than four millimeters and not more than seven.
  • Put the dough in the microwave for five minutes at maximum power.
  • While the dough is cooking, cut everything necessary ingredients For filling.
  • Distribute the sauce over the finished cake and lay out the filling.
  • Place in the microwave for four minutes.
  • Add tomatoes and cheese.
  • Put it back in the microwave for four minutes.

You will get a delicious pizza with a well-baked crust and golden cheese. If you use mozzarella cheese, then it will be viscous and liquid, not golden.

How to cook pizza in the microwave: recipe two

A similar recipe, however, it is much faster than the previous one.

  • Knead a small ball of dough from flour, egg, milk and salt.
  • Immediately put it on a plate, roll it out on it.
  • Spread with sauce and lay out the filling.
  • Microwave for seven minutes.

Thanks to other proportions, you get a dough that can be cooked in minutes. This recipe is perfect for emergencies when there is absolutely no time.

  • 200 grams of flour.
  • One large egg or two small ones.
  • Milk will need 120 ml.
  • Two tablespoons of tomato paste or ketchup.
  • Grated cheese - 70-90 grams.
  • Spices, salt, herbs.
  • For the filling, you can take onions, sausage and tomatoes.

How to cook pizza in the microwave: recipe three

An interesting recipe that will appeal to gourmets. Its peculiarity is that the pizza does not have dough, instead of it there will be potatoes mixed with an egg, and olives, peas, sausages will go into the filling.

  • Potatoes - 2 large pieces.
  • Egg.
  • Small bulb.
  • Peas to taste.
  • One hundred grams of hard cheese.
  • Chicken sausages.
  • Olives or olives a third of the jar.
  • Salt, pepper, basil.

You will need a flat plate, a grater and a few minutes of patience. Make sure your microwave has enough power.

  • Grate the potatoes on a coarse grater and place in a bowl.
  • Mix the egg with spices with it.
  • Put the resulting mixture in a plate, preferably flat.
  • Put it in the microwave for five minutes with the grill mode.
  • Take out the plate.
  • Spread the sauce over the potato crust, if desired.
  • Lay out all the ingredients for the filling, even the frozen components will have time to cook in the microwave. Do not add just the cheese at this stage.
  • Put in the oven for five minutes.
  • Remove, add grated cheese and send for another two minutes to languish.

Remember that you can upgrade almost any pizza recipe to a microwave if it has enough power for this. AT last resort, buy ready-made cakes, they have a short cooking time and practically do not differ from homemade ones.

Try using eggs or potatoes instead of dough, experiment with the filling.

Pizza can also be sweet: mix cottage cheese with a banana and add an egg. Instead of filling, add berries, dried fruits and mint. Such a delicacy will be appreciated by your family members, as well as your figure.

Don't be afraid to open the microwave and check if the dough is ready: just stick a stick in it. If it remains dry, then the dough is ready, if it is wet and sticks, then the pizza still needs to stand in the oven.

5 minute nut cake flour and oil free


3 eggs
1 package (200 grams) ground hazelnuts (can be ground in a coffee grinder or food processor)
a teaspoon of baking powder
80 g sugar

Cream: boiled condensed milk with butter or melted chocolate


1. Mix nuts, eggs, sugar, baking powder.
2. Grease a suitable microwave-safe form (per 1 liter) with oil and sprinkle with flour.
3. Bake for about 5 minutes at 900 W or in the oven until done
4. Then cool for about 3-5 minutes.
Cake can be sprinkled powdered sugar, garnish with whipped cream and fruit or drizzle with melted chocolate...

Very very tasty pie!!

Pizza is a well known food all over the world. The history of the origin of pizza originates in Italy, the city of Naples. Before delicious stuffing prepared only with tomatoes, olive oil, garlic and oregano. All this pizza topping was simply laid out on a thin crust and baked in the oven, but a certain tradition of sprinkling cheese on pizza appeared later. Now, thanks to the many different unique toppings and bases for pizza, it can always be turned into a new, unusual, original dish.

Nowadays, filling options can be different, sometimes even the most unexpected: vegetable stuffing for pizza, meat filling for pizza or fruit. You can always create your own unique toppings by combining food options that you like. There is no need to follow strictly classic recipes just let your imagination run wild. The tastiest homemade pizza- this is the best stuffing and delicious dough made by your own hands.

Do you want to learn how to make pizza toppings? Pizzas are divided into the following categories: white, red and dessert. Each pizza topping depends on the type of pizza and has its own cooking method. Seafood fillings according to classic recipes are usually sprinkled with oregano, while vegetable and meat fillings- parsley and basil. The most important ingredient of pizza is delicious pizza dough. But in order to cook delicious pizza, you need not only good recipe dough, and a recipe for pizza toppings.

We offer you such options for pizza toppings: with sausage, with mushrooms, with chicken, with minced meat, with shrimp, with champignons, with egg, with pineapple, with seafood, with cheese, etc.

Types of toppings for pizza

Classic pizza topping

For classic stuffing you will need olive oil, garlic, tomatoes, salt and pepper. Grease the pizza crust with oil, cut the tomatoes into 4 parts and remove the seeds. Spread over the dough, then sprinkle with chopped garlic, and rub cheese on top, add spices to taste and pour a little oil.

Lenten pizza topping

The dough must be greased with mayonnaise and ketchup. Lean stuffing for your pizza you can make from any lean foods In addition, mayonnaise can be replaced with olive oil. We suggest putting cucumbers on the prepared dough smeared with mayonnaise and ketchup, then put mushrooms and grease with mayonnaise again. Sprinkle with herbs.

Easy pizza topping

Cover the dough with cheese slices. Whisk the eggs with milk, salt and pepper and pour over the top of the cake.

Filling for closed pizza

Take the ham and cut it into thin slices. Cut mozzarella cheese into cubes. Mash the ricotta with a fork and grate the parmesan. Combine all pizza ingredients and add 2 eggs, oregano, salt and pepper to taste. Put the finished filling on half of the pizza base and cover with the second half, blinding the edges.

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Sun Dried Tomatoes - Cooking in the Microwave

And it's easier than ever.
Recipe sun-dried tomatoes in the microwave

Ripe, fleshy tomatoes, medium-sized and thin-skinned.
Olive or refined sunflower oil is always available.
Salt - preferably sea, large.
And spices, basil, oregano and savory are best here, you can use a mixture of Provencal or Mediterranean herbs.

But if all the ingredients are not available, you can replace with what is in the kitchen. I think it will turn out well in the end.

Take the ratio of ingredients as you like, it all depends on how much sun-dried tomatoes you want to make.

Preparing Sun Dried Tomatoes:
Wash and dry the tomatoes, cut into 2-4 parts and lay tightly to each other on a dish with not very high edges.
Drizzle with a little oil and sprinkle with a mixture of salt and spices.

We put the tomatoes in the microwave and cook them at full power for 5 minutes, sometimes less time is enough for readiness - you need to look after them. It all depends on the juiciness of the tomatoes and the power of the microwave.

After turning off the microwave, we take out the plate not immediately, but only after 10 minutes.
Drain the released juice and oil into a container, and put the tomatoes back in the microwave for another 2-3 minutes, so that they dry out.

As soon as the tomatoes are fully cooked, lay them in layers in sterile, dry jars, sprinkle with chopped garlic and pour in oil-juice so that the tomatoes are completely covered.
We close with clean lids and put in a cool, dark place for a day. Further, it is desirable to store them in the refrigerator.
stored Sun-dried tomatoes about 6 months if not eaten sooner!

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Potato zrazy with minced meat

The secret of these zrazy is in the grater, you need to use a large one, not a small one.
It really does taste different.

- potato
- 1 carrot
- 1 onion
- chopped meat
- 1 egg
- salt

Peel the potatoes (it is better to take large ones so that it is more convenient to grate).

Grate half on a coarse grater, the other half on a fine grater.
Mix everything, salt.

Combine minced meat (it is better to take pork, as it is fatter, the zrazy will turn out more juicy), egg, chopped carrots, onions. Salt and stir.

Take a little grated potato in your hand and squeeze it well, distribute the squeezed lump in your palm. Put the filling.
Top cover a small amount potatoes (pressed).

Make the palms of the “boat” and form an oblong shape at once (the potato layer should not be too thick so that it is well fried).

Fry until golden brown.

The main thing is to fry the zrazy well, if you didn’t eat them all at once, just heat them up in the microwave.

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Snack for barbecue or meat

Maybe someone else has not tried such a sauce for barbecue or meat, then I remind you of the recipe again

The thick part of the appetizer perfectly garnishes the barbecue, and the marinade is poured over the meat when frying.


15 large Astrakhan tomatoes
15 young onions
2-3 heads of garlic
For 1 liter of marinade:
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
2 tablespoons of vinegar
2 tablespoons of sugar
2 tablespoons salt
½ aspirin
Bay leaf, peppercorns, allspice, cloves
Output: 4.5-5 liters
Wash and clean the vegetables and chop coarsely:

In clean sterilized jars, lay out tightly, alternating, a layer of tomatoes:

Garlic layer:

Bow layer:

Fill jars to the top in this way:

Boil the marinade and pour hot tomatoes with onions to the top. Put the jars for 10 minutes in the microwave or a pot of boiling water:

Close lids tightly. You can go to the barbecue the next day:

Pizza in a pan in 10 minutes

4 tbsp sour cream
4 tbsp mayonnaise
2 eggs
9 tbsp flour (no slide, to the detriment)


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Pizza in a pan in 10 minutes. Ingredients:
4 tbsp. l. sour cream
4 tbsp. l. mayonnaise
2 eggs
9 st. l. flour (no slide, to the detriment)
1. The dough turns out to be liquid, like sour cream, pour it into a greased pan and put any filling on top (tomato, sausage, pickles, olives, tomatoes, etc.)
2. Pour mayonnaise, and top with a thick layer of cheese.
We recommend a thick layer of cheese.
3. We put the pan on the stove, literally for a few minutes, do not make a big fire
4. Immediately cover the pan with a lid, as soon as the cheese has melted a little, the pizza is ready.

Cheese-mushroom mass

40g salted mushrooms
A little garlic to taste
100g melted cheese

1. Salted mushrooms must be scrolled through a meat grinder, and garlic must be pressed through a press.
2. The cheese must be slightly warmed up in the microwave.
3. Then mix cheese, mushrooms and garlic.
4. If it turns out very thick, add sour cream.
If desired, greens can be added to the mass.

Pudding in the microwave:

Curd - 200 g
Egg - 2 pcs
Sugar (without a slide) - 2 tbsp. l.
Semolina (without a slide) - 2 tbsp. l.
Vanillin (a pinch)
Salt (a pinch)

potato pizza The basis for pizza will not be from dough, but from mashed potatoes, in which you need to add a few tablespoons of flour to make it thick. Place the base on a greased baking sheet, and spread the filling on top. To prepare it, fry the head of chopped onion, add pieces of ham and a spoonful of tomato paste to it, which can be replaced with sour cream. Add herbs, spices and send the pizza for 20-25 minutes in the oven. Unusual taste Pizza will appeal to everyone who tries it.

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The simplest and delicious recipe pizza!

For the dough: 2.5 cups flour, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, ½ bag of dry yeast, 1 glass of milk, salt.

For the filling: 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste, 300 g minced meat, 1 large onion, 2 bell peppers, 2-3 tomatoes, ½ bunch of parsley, 200 g hard cheese, 150 g cheese, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, salt, ground pepper.

1. Knead yeast dough: mix dry yeast with flour, add warm milk, sugar, salt. Knead the dough constantly, add vegetable oil. Cover the dough with a towel and leave to rise for 20 minutes.

2. Darken minced meat, without frying, in a pan.

3. Roll out the dough in a thin layer, transfer to a greased baking sheet. Lubricate the workpiece with tomato paste, sprinkle with chopped onions, lay out minced meat, pieces bell pepper, greens, salt, pepper.

4. Put in preheated to 220 gr. oven for 15 min. Then put cheese slices, mugs of tomatoes on the pizza, sprinkle with grated hard cheese and bake for another 5 minutes.

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For test:
Flour - 180g
Olive oil - 4 tbsp. l. + oil for greasing dishes and baking sheets
Salt - ¼ tsp
Water - 130 ml
Yeast (dry) - 1 tsp

For filling:
King prawns (peeled) - 350g
Champignons - 300g
Cheese "Parmesan" - 300g
1 tomato
Dill and parsley greens
Olive oil for frying - 1 tbsp. l.

For sauce:
Garlic - 2 cloves
Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.
Basil - 2 sprigs
Salt - 1/8 tsp.

For the test: in warm water dissolve the salt and 1 tsp. flour, add yeast, stir and leave in a warm place for 15-20 minutes.
Sift flour, pour in water with yeast and olive oil, knead the dough, knead for 5-7 minutes, transfer the dough to a clean bowl greased with olive oil (grease the dough a little with olive oil on top), cover the bowl with the dough with a napkin and leave in a warm place for 40 minutes.
Cut mushrooms into thin slices, fry olive oil 5-7 minutes, salt, cool.
Wash parsley and dill, dry, finely chop.
Grate Parmesan on a coarse grater.
Wash the tomato, dry it, remove the seeds, cut into cubes.
For the sauce: peel the garlic, pass through a press or grate on a fine grater.
Wash the basil, dry it, tear off the leaves, finely chop the leaves.
Mix in a bowl tomato paste, basil, garlic and salt, mix until smooth.
Grease a baking sheet with olive oil, knead the risen dough, roll it out on a baking sheet into a circle 0.7 cm thick, prick with a fork, grease with tomato sauce, sprinkle with half of the grated parmesan, put the mushrooms, shrimps, tomato slices, sprinkle with chopped herbs and the remaining cheese.


Ingredients for 2 pizzas size d=30 ()

Pizza "Assorted" + fragrant sauce for pizza.

Ingredients for 2 pizzas measuring d = 30 cm, or for 1 pizza on a large baking sheet.
Dry yeast - 0.5 tsp.
Wheat flour - 300 g
Salt - 1 tsp
Sugar-sand - 0.5 tbsp. l.
Olive oil (vegetable) - 2 tbsp. l.
Water - 200 ml
Salami (I have hunting sausages) - 100 gr.,
Ham (I have boiled sausage) - 150 gr.,
Mozzarella - 150-200 gr.,
Grated parmesan (I have Lithuanian "Dzhugas") - 5-6 tablespoons,
Black olives - 10 pieces (or to taste)
Tomatoes in their own juice (or grated tomatoes) - 400-500 gr.,
Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons,
Onion - 1 pc.,
Olive oil - 1 tbsp.,
Garlic - 2 teeth,
Oregano (dried) - 1 tsp,
Fresh basil (!) - 15 pieces of large leaves,
Sugar - 2 tsp,
Chili pepper (ground) - a pinch,
Freshly ground black pepper - to taste
Salt - to taste (about 1 tsp)
Dough in a bread machine. Put all the ingredients for the dough in a bucket for a bread machine, and put it on the "pizza" mode, kneading on this mode lasts 45 minutes for me.
For those who do it manually:
Dissolve yeast and sugar in warm water, leave for 15 minutes until frothy.
Put the flour, salt in a large bowl, mix, make a well in the middle, pour in the "frothy" yeast, olive oil. Knead until you get a tight dough.
Put the dough from the cup on the table, sprinkled with flour, knead for about five minutes, until it becomes elastic and soft.
Transfer the dough to a bowl, cover with a towel, and put in a warm place until it doubles in size (about an hour and a half)
While the dough is rising, you can prepare the sauce. I usually cook it in the evening, it's more convenient for me. You can also cook more sauce and freeze it for future use. We thought up pizza like that, and you have ... voila! The sauce is ready!
In a saucepan (frying pan), sauté in olive oil finely chopped onion and chopped garlic, until golden brown, do not overcook, all this will take about five minutes.
add mashed tomatoes (I rub through coarse grater), and all other ingredients except basil and chili.
Bring the sauce to a boil, and cook over moderate heat for about twenty minutes (if you succeeded thick sauce, you can dilute it a little with boiling water, but this is at your discretion if you like thinner sauce)
15 minutes after cooking the sauce, add chili pepper (a pinch) to taste, add salt and pepper if necessary.
At the very end, chopped fresh basil, and immediately turn off the heat.
to make the sauce more homogeneous, you can punch it in a blender.
Divide the dough into two parts, and roll each into a circle with a diameter of 30 cm.
Transfer the dough into a mold, spread with a part of the sauce, put the chopped hunting sausages, ham, chopped olives, put the chopped mozzarella on top, and bake in an already heated oven to 180 gr. for 20-25 minutes.
Remove pizza, sprinkle grated Parmesan on top, and serve hot.

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Potato chips without oil in the microwave




Wash potatoes, peel and cut thinly. Place a paper towel on a plate. Put the potato discs on paper in one layer, sprinkle with salt and set at maximum power for 3-5 minutes until golden brown. Remove chips and repeat with the rest of the potatoes.

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