Cooking potato pizza in the oven - a recipe with mouth-watering photos. Delicious potato pizza: a simple recipe

potato pizza contains minimal amount flour and resembles a large crispy potato pancake with a juicy aromatic filling. The dish is high in calories, but very tasty.

Potato pizza can be prepared with any topping


Salt and pepper 1 pinch Greenery 1 bunch Hard cheese 150 grams Ham 200 grams Tomatoes 2 pieces) chicken eggs 1 piece(s) Flour 2 tbsp Potato 5 piece(s)

  • Servings: 8
  • Cooking time: 1 minute

Recipe for potato pizza in a pan

First you need to prepare the potato base for the pizza. It is made similarly to potato pancakes, only much less flour is used.

First prepare the ingredients:

  1. Peel the potatoes, grate on a coarse grater.
  2. Add egg, flour, salt and pepper, mix thoroughly.
  3. Cut tomatoes into half circles. Ham or sausage - cubes.
  4. Grate hard cheese on a coarse grater.

Spread the potato mass in an even layer on a heated pan with oil. Lightly compact with a spatula. Fry one side, turn the cake over.

Put tomatoes, ham on it, sprinkle everything with cheese and herbs. Fry until cooked under a lid over low heat.

Cut the pizza into pieces, arrange on serving plates. Serve warm with salad fresh vegetables and greenery.

oven baked potato pizza recipe

According to this recipe, the dish is completely cooked in the oven. But if you want the potatoes to turn out crispy, fry the base in a pan with butter. And then bake it with the filling in the oven.

Foundation products:

  • Potatoes - 0.6 kg.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Milk - 2 tbsp.
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt and pepper - to taste.
  • Oil grows. - 1 tbsp. (lubricate the form).

For filling:

  • Ham - 100 g.
  • Hard cheese - 50 g.
  • Mozzarella - 50 g.
  • Ketchup - 1 tbsp.
  • Mayonnaise - 1 tbsp.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Dill - 1 bunch.

Turn on the oven immediately to heat up to 200°C. And you can start shaping the pizza:

  1. Peel the potatoes and grate on a coarse grater. Add all other ingredients for the base to it, mix well. Lubricate the refractory mold with oil, you can use cast iron pan with removable handle. Bake the base for 20 minutes. in the oven.
  2. During this time, cut the products for the filling: ham and Bell pepper straws, cucumbers - thin slices.
  3. Grate hard cheese, cut mozzarella balls into halves.
  4. Remove the potato base from the oven.
  5. Let cool slightly, brush with ketchup and mayonnaise.
  6. Lay out the ham, cucumbers and peppers, sprinkle with cheese and dill, lay out the mozzarella beautifully.
  7. Bake for another 20 minutes, but watch that the cheese does not burn, but only browns.

Take out ready pizza out of the oven, carefully transfer to a platter. Serve warm, cut into pieces.

Pizza or potato pie? Decide for yourself, but in any case it is very tasty!

You will need:

600-650 grams of peeled raw potatoes
1 tablespoon sour cream 15% fat
1 egg
1-2 tablespoons fresh chopped dill
2 tablespoons vegetable oil for frying
salt and spices to taste

2-3 tablespoons of tomato paste
150-200 grams of meat (sausages, ham, etc.)
200-300 grams grated cheese
1-2 tomatoes for decoration

How to cook:

1. On coarse grater three peeled potatoes. We drive in the egg, add sour cream and dill, as well as ground black pepper, dried garlic and salt. Mix thoroughly.

2. Lubricate the pan vegetable oil, not forgetting to lubricate the sides. Lay out a layer of potatoes, pressing it down. Fry for about 15 minutes over medium heat.

3. Next, you need to turn over our base. It is necessary to make sure that the base is on parchment, which is necessary in order to quickly and easily transfer the pizza to the plate. We spread potato dough tomato paste.

4. Put some grated cheese on top of the tomato paste, then the meat - "taken apart" into small pieces beef stew. You can use sausage, ham, boiled fish and any other meat or fish stuffing.

5. Sprinkle the pizza generously with grated cheese and decorate with tomato slices, black ground pepper. Cover with a lid and cook for about 25 minutes over medium-low heat. Then you can remove the lid and hold the pizza on the fire for a little more if excess moisture is visible around the edges. We take out the pizza on a large plate along with parchment, which is torn in half and pulled out in different directions from under the bottom.

Bon appetit!

Traditionally used as the basis for pizza yeast dough. This pizza is baked in the oven, and it takes a lot of time. What to do if you really want to eat, but there is no time to wait for a long time. Of course, potato pizza in a pan in 10 minutes will help out.

Well-known ingredients also remain the filling for it: ham, sausage, mushrooms, cheese, etc. In a word, what can you find edible in the refrigerator. However, the basis of this pizza is potato mass, which is distributed in a pan in the form of a layer. And yes, it is slightly different in taste from the traditional one. But the recipe is no less delicious. Try it!

Required products:

For the base:

  • raw potatoes- 650 g;
  • egg- 1-2 pieces;
  • wheat flour - 2 tbsp. false;
  • sour cream - 1-2 tbsp. false;
  • black pepper - to taste;
  • salt - a pinch.

For filling:

  • ham - 80-100 g;
  • sausage (smoked) - 80-100 g;
  • marinated champignons -80-100 g;
  • cheese durum varieties-60-80 g;
  • parmesan cheese (grated) - 2 tbsp. false;
  • tomato paste or ketchup - 2 tbsp. false;
  • Provence herbs - to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • frying pan 26 cm.

How to cook potato pizza in a pan in 10 minutes

For the base, peel the potatoes, rinse and grate on a fine grater. Pour out the excess juice.

Add chicken egg, sour cream, wheat flour, salt and black pepper. Mix everything thoroughly. Tip: if the chicken eggs are small, it is better to use two so that the ingredients of the potato base are better bonded together.

Pour some vegetable oil into the pan. Put on fire and heat up. Lay out the potato base and flatten to form a layer. Cook over medium heat until golden brown, about 5-6 minutes. During this time, prepare the ingredients for the filling: grate the cheese, cut the mushrooms and sausage (ham).

Carefully flip the potato layer over to the other side. Brush with tomato paste or ketchup.

Distribute a portion of grated cheese on a coarse grater over the entire surface.

Cut the pickled champignons into slices and also distribute over the entire layer. Tip: You can also use olives if you like.

The next layer of potato pizza is julienned ham and sausage.

Sprinkle everything with grated Parmesan cheese.

And also fragrant provencal herbs. If desired, you can salt and pepper the whole filling.

The final layer is grated cheese. Tip: For a delicious pizza, don't skimp on the cheese.

Cover the pan with a lid and cook for another 5-6 minutes until done.

Put the finished pizza on a dish, garnish with chopped herbs or basil leaves.

  • Raw potatoes - 4 pcs (large)
  • Chicken egg - 1pc
  • fresh tomatoes- 2 pcs
  • Sausage, chicken, ham or sausages - 150-200g
  • Flour - 2 tablespoons
  • Mayonnaise
  • Cheese - 100-150g (any hard varieties)
  • Salt, pepper, herbs - to taste.

Step by step cooking recipe

    1 Potato pizza in a pan really takes 10 minutes, maybe 15. And if your children or husband help you, then even faster. We take raw potatoes, quickly peel them and rub them on a coarse grater. Husbands or teenagers do an excellent job with this work.2 Then add a chicken egg, flour, salt and pepper to taste and mix thoroughly with grated potatoes.3 Cut fresh tomatoes into slices or cubes.4 Cut sausage, ham or sausages into small cubes .5 Any cheese, the main thing is that it is rubbed - we rub it on a coarse or medium grater. 6 On the stove, heat a pan with vegetable oil, on which we spread our mixture in the form of a large pancake, slightly crushing with a spatula, and fry only on one side for 10 minutes.7 Then turn the pancake over to fry the second side for another 10 minutes. And on top of the already prepared side, grease with mayonnaise and spread the chopped tomatoes, sausage (or whatever you prefer), sprinkle with grated cheese and fresh herbs. Cover the pan with a lid and fry until tender.8 Potato pizza is ready, did you finish in 10 minutes? No, it took a little longer, but it was worth it. Remove the pan from the stove, cut into portioned pieces you can right in it, put it on plates and we can have dinner with the resulting Italian pizza in the Russian version.

Recipe cooking secrets

Potato pizza in a pan is a magic wand for working moms, or when the day has been busy and you need to cook something urgently. We prepare the ingredients together with the whole family, the dish is prepared incredibly quickly, because it is prepared not from dough, but from potatoes. Potato Pizza palatability may like it even more than the usual pizza - it is hearty, tasty, happy children are generally ready to eat only it.

Secrets and nuances of cooking salad

  • Potato-based pizza tastes better in a pan, but if you want, you can bake it in the oven or in a slow cooker and get a casserole pizza.
  • Potato dough may turn out to be watery, then the excess can be drained, or more flour can be added.
  • You can make potato pizza with minced meat, but the cooking time may be longer.
  • Mushrooms will help diversify the taste, use pickled ones for speed.
  • Not listed in ingredients onion, because we replace it with greens. If you want to add, then first lightly fry it in a separate pan in vegetable oil.
  • What is good in general any and ordinary homemade pizza that you can add any products that are listed in the refrigerator in the balance. So in this case: canned peas, corn or beans. What else was found? Olives - and we add them too. In a word - we play with the ingredients and get different tastes at least every day.

Step-by-step recipe for cooking potato pizza on video, but from boiled potatoes:

Step 1. Peel the potatoes and wash thoroughly. Then we rub on a fine grater. After that, we filter the resulting slurry through a sieve - let the excess liquid drain.

Step 2 Grate the cheese, send it to the potato mass. Here we add flour, eggs and spices. We mix everything thoroughly.

Step 3 We prepare the baking dish - for this we grease it butter. Transfer the potato mixture to this bowl. Then we send the form to the oven preheated to 220 degrees.

Step 4 We bake the pancake until a beautiful golden color. Then pull out the form and put the stuffing on the potato base. That is, corn, slices of ham and you can think of something else. Top it all with grated cheese.

Step 5 Put the mold back into the oven. And cook the pizza until the cheese is melted. Before serving, cut the dish into pieces. Serve with ketchup or garlic sauce. Happy eating.