How to cook potato chips in the microwave. Potato chips in the microwave. How to cook chips in the microwave.

Chips are among delicious foods loved by people of all ages. They are great for snacking, watching a movie or a football match. However, it is well known that they are one of the most harmful products. You can combine the enjoyment of a crispy crust and delicious taste if you know how to cook chips in the microwave.

Apple chips in the microwave

How to make microwave potato chips. Ingredients 1 or more potatoes or other root vegetables, peeled. Salt and other seasonings, extra Olive oil, optional. Slice potatoes thinly. Cut potatoes in half. Immediately place the slices in cold water. Repeat with the other half of the potatoes and any other potatoes you are cooking.

Microwave potato chips

Soak and rinse slices. Rinse the slices cold water until the water is clear. If you have time, let them soak for a few more minutes before rinsing. Dry the slices. Dry the slices between two clean paper towels or roll them into a paper towel.

The fact is that modern production of chips often involves cornmeal not potatoes. In other cases, a mixture of starches is used, which also does not result in health benefits. But do not give up your favorite treat, because homemade food will be much less harmful to your stomach and just as pleasant to the taste. Benefits of homemade chips:

Slice season. Arrange as many slices as will fit in one layer on plate lines with a few paper towels. Make sure the slices don't touch each other or they stick together. Sprinkle with salt or other spices if desired. For cleaner tasting chips, first coat the slices with olive oil.

How to cook potato chips in the microwave

Microwave slices - Microwave slices at 100% power for 3 minutes. Turn them over and microwave at 50% power for another 3 minutes. Remove any chips that start out crispy and brown. Continue to cook the remaining chips at 50% power in 1 minute intervals until crispy and golden.

  • The absence of potatoes in the composition of the goods sold;
  • At home you have the opportunity to use quality oil, while the products presented on the shelves are produced using the cheapest oil;
  • You are confident in the technology of creating chips and you can not be afraid that the 30-second rule was violated by the manufacturer and the products contain carcinogens that can lead to the development of oncological diseases;
  • No flavor enhancers (e.g. monosodium glutamate). You eat exactly as much as your body needs;
  • No trans isomers fatty acids, which can increase the chance of developing diabetes and other diseases.

From the above points, it follows that the use of such products can lead to obesity, increased blood cholesterol levels, and excessive stress on the cardiovascular system.

Repeat with the remaining batches - transfer the cooked chips to a bowl and repeat the microwave with the remaining potato slices. Storage - Chips will stay crisp for several days if stored in an airtight container or zippered bag. You can also cook raw slices ahead of time, store them in cold water in the fridge and bake them however you want.

This is for everyone you love Jalapeno. Scrub, but don't peel your potatoes, they should be thin, pliable and translucent. If your microwave does not have a plate, then use a dinner plate, but be aware that cooking times may vary because the plate itself will absorb some of the microwave energy. Check the first batch frequently until you find Right choice time for your microwave. Working in bags, place some of the salt mixture in a paper bag and add some chips, then shake gently to coat.

  • Throw the salt and jalapenos together.
  • Place a piece of parchment paper on a carousel plate in the microwave.
  • Lightly brush both sides of the potato slices with olive oil.
If you would like to use this recipe, please visit this page.

History of occurrence

There are many options for making chips. This recipe first originated in New York State in the mid-nineteenth century. Its creator was George Crum. According to the generally accepted version, the chips were invented by accident when a magnate complained that the French fries were too thick. The chef did not lose his head and sliced ​​the potatoes very thinly. Cooking joke suddenly became popular dish and allowed George to later open his own restaurant. Chips appeared on the territory of the USSR only 110 years after their invention. They got the name "Moscow Crispy Potatoes in Slices".

A quick and guilt-free way to get your daily snack. These ICs are bright, crisp and made right in microwave oven! Oh boy it's a changer if there ever was one. Want to have a handful of potato chips any time you get a craving? Let's get one thing out of the way, you'll need a slicer cuff. They let you slice whole potatoes onto countless thin pieces of paper in just a few seconds.

This is necessary, you won't be able to cut potatoes thin enough without one of them. They are super crunchy, as you would expect. They only take a few minutes, so they get instant gratification. You can actually taste the wonderful taste of olive oil, but the chips are not greasy at all.

Benefits of Microwaving

Deep-fried potatoes produce a carcinogen called acrylamide. This is due to prolonged exposure to hot oil. Microwaved chips do not contain acrylamide. If you know how to make chips in the microwave, then it is easy to understand that this cooking method takes very little time. Moreover, you always know what is actually included in your dish and can adjust the recipe depending on the weight and health status.

And if you're trying to cut down the salt, you can use a pepper or salt-free mix to drizzle. Don't be afraid to stop the car to check them out if you're having trouble seeing the door, and pull out the ones that turn brown first.

Watch out the window and when they turn into a uniform golden brown they will "complete". Stop the car to check them if necessary and take out any chips that are brown first. Repeat for the rest of the pieces and you can reuse the paper liner. To sprinkle sea ​​salt, freshly crushed pepper or any other mixture of herbs. Cooking times may vary slightly depending on the power of your microwave and how thin you sliced ​​your potatoes. You must dry them thoroughly on a clean kitchen towel before applying oil. Note that the soaked potatoes took longer to finish, about a minute longer on average for me, but otherwise they were just as good. Chips will shrink significantly as they cook, so plan accordingly. You can use a plate, but it absorbs some of the energy and the chips cook more slowly. Can you use spray oil for this? Can you make it without oil? The photo below is taken without oil or salt. Can you do it without parchment? You need something to keep the potatoes from sticking to the surface of the cooktop, not parchment, not paper towel, not anything else. clean look paper.

  • Scrub the potato and dry it with a towel.
  • Don't cleanse.
  • Slice the potatoes as thinly as you can on your sheet.
  • The slices should come out whole, but very thin and flexible.
  • Place the slices in a bowl and drizzle with ample olive oil.
Do you really want potato chips, but do you have potatoes?

Crisps dietary without salt and oil

A simple option for people who adhere to a healthy lifestyle, but at the same time do not want to deny themselves small pleasures. The entire cooking time will take no more than 15 minutes.


  • 1-2 pcs. potatoes.


Potato cutting toolPotato machineEducational or vegetable oil. Start by slicing these potatoes as thinly as you can. Lay the potatoes on a piece of parchment paper and then cover them lightly with some oil. For this you can use cooking spray, olive oil or my personal personal: truffle oil. You'll also want to add salt and pepper, or whatever you spice, usually on your chips.

Once you've finished seasoning, take the paper out of the microwave for five minutes. You want the edges of your potatoes to turn brown. Depending on how thick your chip pieces are, you may need to add or subtract a minute or two of cooking time. Keep an eye on them, especially around that 4 minute mark, and pull them out when they start getting that distinctive "chip". It's very easy for super-thin chips to get too crispy, so be diligent.

  1. Wash potatoes;
  2. Cut the potatoes into circles with a thickness of at least a millimeter (you can use a knife, vegetable cutter, large grater);
  3. Rinse immediately with cold running water;
  4. Wait until the water drains;
  5. Put on a plate or baking paper and put in the microwave;
  6. The cooking time depends on the size of your portion and the features of the appliance. It usually takes 2 to 10 minutes;
  7. Turn off the microwave as soon as the chips begin to lightly brown;
  8. It is recommended to eat immediately, otherwise the resulting dish may soften and lose shape.

Classical recipe with salt and butter

These chips keep longer than those made without oil. Traditional option leaves a lot of room for experimentation. Together with salt, you can add your favorite spices and get a unique and unique taste.

You don't even need to use oil, making these chips healthier than the traditional fried variety. The chips look very light and crispy. My family loved them, especially Nate and Kate. Nate couldn't believe they were homemade, let alone microwaved! You can pretty much use any kind of potato you like, and you can even use other vegetables.

It's easy to use, works great, and takes up far less cabinet space than the big mandolins you usually see. Another quick note: the process takes a little time. It takes several batches to cook a single potato, but while it takes a little time, the process is incredibly simple. Just prepare a book or podcast while you cook!


  • 1 PC. potatoes;
  • Salt to taste;
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil.


  1. Cut pre-washed potatoes into slices or circles;
  2. Rinse potatoes under cold running water;
  3. Put on a plate, salt, add oil;
  4. Leave to stand for 5-6 minutes;
  5. Microwave for 2-10 minutes until chips change color. Sometimes chips are called not only potato wedges With different taste, but also other round crunchy food. As an example, we give recipes using cheese and pita bread.

Cheesy crisps with ham

This dish can be cooked in the microwave or oven. It turns out a wonderful snack that can be served with tea, beer, juice, etc. It is well suited for situations when guests have arrived unexpectedly and you want to please them with something.

Lightweight household microwave chips. Believe it or not, the microwave is the secret to making clean potato chips at home! Use a mandolin to get very thin, evenly sliced ​​potatoes. You can also use a sharp knife, it will take a little patience and a little more time. After all the potatoes are cut, drain the water, fill the bowl with water and let the potatoes soak for about 5 minutes. Keep the potatoes in water until you start cooking them. Cut a piece of parchment paper to fit the glass tray in the microwave. Place parchment paper directly onto the glass tray. Place some paper towels on the table. Remove part of the potato from the water, place on paper towels and pat dry with another paper towel. Spread the potato slices evenly on the lined microwave dish so they don't touch each other. Sprinkle evenly with salt. Buy within 2 minutes. Flip the potatoes, sprinkle a little more salt on the other side, then cook for another 2-3 minutes. Watch the chips and remove them from the microwave when they turn a light golden brown. Repeat the drying and boiling process until you have used all of your potatoes, probably 3 batches in total. You can reuse parchment paper for each batch. If the paper begins to curl, simply turn it over between batches.

  • Slice one small potato very thinly.
  • You don't need to peel the potatoes at first, although you can.
  • When you cut the potatoes, put them straight into a large bowl of water.
Traditional tostada is made by toasting or frying a tortilla into a crispy flat chip that is topped with beans, cheese and other toppings.


  • 70 gr. cheese;
  • 35 gr. ham.


  1. Grate the cheese on a fine grater;
  2. Cut the ham as small as possible;
  3. Put on a plate in small portions at a great distance from each other; 4. Baking paper can be used;
  4. Put the plate in the microwave at maximum power;
  5. The process takes up to 8 minutes, it is necessary to cook until a crust appears;
  6. Let the cheese cool down before removing it from the plate, then the food will get the necessary shape.

Chips from pita bread with cheese

Homemade chips in the microwave in 5 minutes with delicious cheese flavor. The peculiarity of this recipe is that vegetable oil is not used to prepare such a dish. Therefore, this recipe will be a real find for those who monitor their health and try to stick to proper nutrition. Cooking food like this great way show your family and friends that the right and tasty chips can be made not only from potatoes.

Cheese delicacy in the microwave oven: recipe

Shulman says the microwave is the perfect place to make crispy, healthy tostadas and tortilla chips. A few years ago, when a series of soaked petals taught me what a bad idea it was to reheat cakes and pies in the microwave, it occurred to me that the microwave might be the perfect tool for making a chip that doesn't fry. This is bad for crunchy things because it draws liquid out of the center of the food so the crusts always end up raw.


  • 1 sheet of Armenian lavash;
  • 100 gr. cheese.


  1. To prepare this dish, you need to prepare a baking sleeve;
  2. Rub the cheese on a medium-sized grater;
  3. Using a glass, cut pita bread into neat identical circles;
  4. Put the resulting round pieces on a baking sleeve;
  5. Distribute the grated cheese evenly over the entire surface of the circle; 6. Put in the microwave and turn on strictly for two minutes.

Crisps with bacon

This recipe was created especially for those who want to combine the rich taste of bacon with the delicate crunch of potato chips. It's perfect hearty snack for those who want to spend an evening with family or friends.

But if you put a corn tortilla in the microwave and pour it in until all the moisture is removed from it, the result is like a chip. When you fry corn tortillas in the oven, they just become heavy, without a crispy grip. When you toast them in the microwave, you get a bite. But this method requires a little patience: Bend the tortilla for a minute and it will be raw, even damp, at the bottom. Flip it over and run it again and all the moisture will be gone.

Sometimes it takes a few turns as every microwave is different; you will have to figure out the time with yours. You have to keep a close eye on how they will burn quickly once dry. Here are a few ways to create dinner with microwave tortillas.


  • 3 pcs. potatoes;
  • 100 gr. bacon
  • Salt;
  • Vegetable oil.


  1. Peel potatoes;
  2. Cut on a vegetable cutter;
  3. Rinse the resulting slices thoroughly in water (this will get rid of excess starch and make the chips less harmful);
  4. Leave to dry on a towel for 10 minutes;
  5. Transfer to a plate, add oil and salt to taste;
  6. Mix and put on baking paper;
  7. Put in the microwave for 4 minutes at maximum power;
  8. Cut the bacon into thin small pieces;
  9. Take the chips out of the microwave and turn them over to the other side;
  10. Put bacon on top of each circle;
  11. Put in the microwave for 30 seconds. Now you have the necessary knowledge on how to make chips at home in the microwave. Enjoy your meal!

This article will show you how to quickly make potato chips at home. Here we have placed the most best recipes cooking these wonderful crunchy treats in the microwave in 5 minutes or longer in the oven.

Almost everyone loves to savor chips. But shop product has a rather dubious quality, preservatives and additives can be hazardous to health. Refusing to eat potato chips is not necessary, you can make a treat at home.

Step by step recipe with photos. Cooking chips in the microwave in 5 minutes:


Let's take a closer look at the entire cooking process delicious chips from potatoes.

We will need: potatoes, sunflower oil, spices, foil or parchment, instead of sharp knife it is better to take a special cutting device, which is convenient for making thin circles. Another important thing is a microwave (but not necessarily, and below we will tell you about different ways cooking homemade chips without a microwave).

Rinse the potatoes well, cut off the skin and rinse again. Next, you need to cut the most thin slices, with special device, which was mentioned above, this will not be difficult at all.

Now let's move on to the microwave. First you need to turn off the ability to rotate the pallet (if you don’t know how to do this, find the instructions for this technique, everything is probably described in detail there). Then we remove the glass tray and cover the bottom of the microwave with parchment (foil).

Arrange the potato slices on paper in one ball, each piece should have its own space. Sprinkle everything with salt and your favorite spices, close the oven and set the timer at full power for 5 minutes.

If there is no microwave, then you can do without it - potato chips will also turn out to be appetizing and crispy. First stage the same: wash the potatoes before and after peeling, then cut into pieces. AT this case thicker slices (3-5 millimeters) will be more convenient.

We put all the pieces of potatoes in a deep container and add vegetable oil (no more than a teaspoon). Then we mix everything. There may be little oil (depending on the volume of the product) after mixing it will immediately become visible, then add a little more. But keep in mind that homemade chips should not float in oil, it only lubricates our slices.

Next, take a baking sheet, cover with foil (it must be sprayed with a spray to prevent sticking). Lay out the potato pieces in one ball. When the oven is heated to 200 degrees - put the chips for 20 minutes. often look at the product being prepared: it should be removed from the oven when the edges of the pieces begin to wrap. After cooling, the chips are ready to eat.

Before serving, hot chips can be sprinkled with spices, which will give an original flavor, grate on top of the cheese. There are a lot of recommendations, it all depends on the mood of the cook. Surprise your guests with homemade harmless chips.