How to find and select high-quality butter on store shelves. How to distinguish real butter from a fake: how to choose a natural product

Nowadays the opinion is spreading that animal fats are absolutely harmful, it is necessary to discard them and eat only vegetable fats. Opponents of this position argue that these assertions are untenable. Let's try to figure out what quality should be butter Peasant or Vologda, to meet the requirements of GOST.

What is butter

The product is made from the milk of large and small ruminants. In Russia, it is produced by separating or churning natural pasteurized fresh cow cream. Because of high content Do not consume the fat product on your own. It is used to make sandwiches, added to cereals, in purees, in dough, it improves the taste of food. The product differs from the raw material – heavy cream – by its high fat content: from 50 to 99%.


In addition to fat, the milk product consists of milk proteins, carbohydrates, and water. Butter contains cholesterol, lecithin, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids:

  • oleic;
  • palmitic;
  • myristic;
  • linoleic;
  • lauric;
  • oil;
  • nylon;
  • capric;
  • caprylic.

The product contains vitamins: A (retinol), C (ascorbic acid), E (tocopherol), PP (niacin), group B (thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid), carotene, calciferols, as well as minerals:

  • selenium;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • copper.


Requirements for the manufacture of the product are contained in GOST 32261-2013. Such numbers, and not others, should be indicated in the labeling on the packaging of a quality product. The standard allows the content of preservatives, food coloring carotene, acidity regulators. The inclusion of vegetable fats in the product: palm, coconut and other GOSTs is prohibited. For production as raw materials, the manufacturer can use:

  • cow's milk;
  • cream;
  • buttermilk;
  • table salt.

Calorie content

Dairy product is high in energy due to its high fat content - from 50 to 99 percent. Due to the low melting point – 32 degrees – fat is easily absorbed by the body. Calorie content of 100 grams of product is:

  • 552 kcal – for 60% fat content;
  • 610 kcal – for 67%;
  • 626 kcal – for 72.5%;
  • 748 kcal – for 82.8%;
  • 892 kcal – for 99%.


According to the standard, the product must be made from pasteurized cream with or without the use of sourdough, therefore the types are distinguished:

  • sweet cream;
  • sour cream.

Within the listed groups, the production of cow fat can be carried out with or without the addition of salt, so there are types:

  • salty;
  • unsalted.

The product is distinguished by fat content; the consumer is offered the following fat content of butter:

  • Tea – 50% mass fraction;
  • Sandwich – 61%;
  • Peasant - 72.5%;
  • Amateur – 80%;
  • Vologda – 82.5%;
  • Traditional – 82.5%.

The best varieties

The requirements for Tea and Sandwich oils are not stipulated by the standard; due to their low fat content, they cannot be considered a high-quality product of animal origin. These may include harmful botanicals and hydrogenated contaminants. Rendered cow fat is obtained after evaporation of moisture through thermal processing, so it contains almost no beneficial bioactive substances and microelements, but has harmful carcinogenic free radicals.

Good qualities Peasant oil has a fat content of 72.5%. It is characterized by a special sour cream taste, because it is made using a technology different from other types - from unpasteurized cream. With a fat content of 80-82.5% (Lyubitelskoye, Traditional brands), the manufacturer does not need to use emulsifiers to achieve homogeneous consistency.

It is necessary to isolate Vologda oil. Produced according to a special recipe, according to special technical conditions, by three manufacturers: the plant named after. Vereshchagin, JSC Vologda Dairy Plant, JSC Sheksninsky Dairy Plant. Made from the milk of grass-fed cows, it is characterized by a special sweet-creamy aroma with a nutty flavor. Among domestic brands, the quality rating of butter can be arranged in the following order:

  • Vologda fat content 82.5%;
  • Traditional and Amateur fat content 80-82.5%;
  • Peasant.

Useful properties of butter

Cow solid fat is indispensable for the human body due to chemical composition:

  1. Selenium has anticarcinogenic properties.
  2. Cholesterol does not contribute to the occurrence of atherosclerosis and heart disease due to the presence of oleic acid and lecithin, which regulate lipid metabolism and prevent the accumulation of plaques.
  3. Oleic acid has anti-cancer properties.
  4. Cholesterol promotes the production of bile acids necessary for the digestion process; dairy products are included in the diet for cholecystitis.
  5. Vitamin A inhibits the secretion of gastric juice; this component is recommended by medicine in dietary nutrition for healing stomach and intestinal ulcers.
  6. Vitamins A and E are good for vision.
  7. Vitamin C helps improve immunity.
  8. Lauric acid has antimicrobial and antifungal properties, so the milk product is recommended to be consumed in medicinal purposes for colds and tuberculosis.

For the female body

The benefits of butter for a woman’s body are ensured by the content of the following substances:

  1. Cholesterol. The presence of this component helps maintain the balance of female hormones at the required level, and a deficiency leads to the disappearance of menstruation and infertility.
  2. Folic acid, lecithin. Helps improve the condition of skin, hair, nails.
  3. Lipids. Fats accumulated in cells help protect the skin from wind and frost and ensure skin health.
  4. Calcium. Relevant for pregnant women and during lactation.

For men

Food product necessary for quick energy replenishment. Animal fat can be easily absorbed by the body and help restore strength after heavy physical exertion. It is a valuable source of cholesterol, which men need to produce healthy sperm. A deficiency of the substance can lead to a decrease or loss of reproductive function.

For children

Replenishment of calcium by the body is important in childhood. The product has a valuable property - the fat-soluble tocopherols it contains ensure complete absorption of this element from milk fat. Cholesterol plays a special role in the development of a child: it is necessary for the renewal of nerve tissue and the normal functioning of the child’s brain. Excluding cow fat from the diet leads to a lack of nutrients and cholesterol, which can cause:

  • decreased concentration;
  • poor assimilation of material;
  • decreased mental abilities.

How much butter can you eat per day?

Since the product contains large percentage fat and has a high calorie content, it is necessary to comply with the norms of its consumption. Children are recommended to eat no more than 7 grams daily. For adults, consumption can be increased to 30 grams. You should not give up cow fat if you have liver and pancreas diseases, but only reduce your intake to 20 grams.

Harm of butter

Currently, the benefits and harms of butter is a topic that is the subject of debate. At proper nutrition, moderate consumption fatty varieties cow fat product cannot be harmful. The following must be taken into account:

  1. Do not use the product for frying or baking or use melted butter, because when heat treatment carcinogens are formed.
  2. Cow fat contains a small amount of protein, so allergic reactions are possible. Such cases are less common than when drinking milk.
  3. Excessive use of cow fat can lead to overweight and obesity.

How to choose butter

Which butter is better to buy so as not to harm your health? The first information can be obtained from the packaging:

  1. The presence of vegetable fats in animal products is harmful to the human body.
  2. A long sales period - over 30 days - indicates the presence of a preservative.
  3. For the consumer, the best packaging is metallized film - it prevents the destruction of vitamins.

Signs of good butter

Quality testing of butter is carried out in accordance with GOST. The standard prohibits the sale of the product:

  • with foreign taste and smell (rancid, greasy, musty, moldy, chemicals);
  • heterogeneous, crumbly, sticky, loose consistency;
  • heterogeneous color.

To be released to the consumer, the product must meet the requirements for organoleptic characteristics (taste, smell, consistency, color) and labeling. There is a rating scale on which each indicator is given a point. After summing them up, the type of oil is determined:

  • highest grade – 17-20 points;
  • first grade – 11-16 points.

If the score is below 11 points, the product is not allowed to be sold. When purchasing dairy products, you need to remember the following:

  1. You need to try its consistency - if the product is pressed when you press on the packaging, you cannot buy it, because... this is the result of the addition of vegetable fats.
  2. After refrigeration, high-quality cow fat should be solid, cut into pieces and not crumble.
  3. It is not a piece of cow fat that has a natural creamy smell, but a product that melts in your mouth.
  4. The color should not be bright yellow - this is a sign of the presence of dye.
  5. A long shelf life indicates the use of preservatives by the manufacturer.
  6. A high-quality product should melt in the mouth, not stick to the teeth, and dissolve evenly in warm water.

Poor quality oil

To produce a kilogram of product, you need from 20 to 30 kilograms of milk, so the low price of the product indicates the presence of ingredients that are not of animal origin. You can identify a low-quality product by:

  • the presence of a pronounced odor - counterfeit products containing flavorings have it;
  • bright yellow color;
  • soft, loose, heterogeneous consistency interspersed (indicates the presence of milk fat substitutes);
  • dividing into particles in warm water rather than dissolving.


Many are sure that the best butter is country butter. But even in farm produce stores there is a danger of running into fakes, and in stores you even come across butter, which can hardly be called butter

The best butter, what is it?

First of all, pay attention to how it is made and what it is called, whether “butter” is actually written on the label or whether the inscription “oil-containing product” or similar is hidden somewhere.

Choosing butter, do not forget that you should not always believe large inscriptions like: “natural”, “dietary”, “light”: they are needed, first of all, in order to attract attention.

Experts consider butter made according to GOST, and not according to technical specifications (TU), to be the best.

Carefully read the fine print of the product. Quality butter made only from cream and whole cow's milk. It should not contain vegetable fats (palm, peanut, Coconut oil, hydrogenated oils, or simply an ingredient called “dairy fat replacer”).

The shelf life of butter according to GOST is no more than a month. If the shelf life exceeds several months, the manufacturer has added preservatives, it is better not to choose such butter.

It is better to buy butter in foil. Wrapped in parchment paper, as often happens with farmer's milk, it quickly loses its vitamins and deteriorates, since parchment allows light to pass through - but oil does not like it.

Which butter should you choose?

There are two types of butter: higher(he is considered the best) and first and two categories of fat content: classic (mass fraction fat 80-85%) and low fat content(mass fraction of fat 50 -79%). The second, accordingly, has fewer calories, but many people find it not so tasty.

In addition to the fact that butter is divided into salty And unsalted, depending on the production technology, the oil can be sweet and creamy And sour cream. The first is made from pasteurized cream; almost all domestic butter is made using this technology. The second one is made from fermented cream; it tastes slightly sour; this type of butter is popular in European countries.

Which butter is better: determined by appearance

Good butter dense, dry when cut, shiny, although occasional droplets of moisture are allowed to appear. It spreads easily on bread and melts quickly.

If the oil crumbles and crumbles, this should alert you. A cut of good butter should not have a crumbled, layered consistency; this is typical for creamy-vegetable combined oils (spreads) or margarine.

By color best butter- slightly yellowish, if it is bright yellow or snow-white - or it has added vegetable fats, or is tinted.

How to check butter?

Pour into a transparent glass or half-liter jar hot water, then add a spoonful of butter to this water. Stir the oil in water until completely dissolved. If the butter has completely dissolved in water and the water has acquired a white tint, close to the color of milk, the butter is truly creamy. If there is sediment on the walls and bottom, it is most likely added to the oil. vegetable fat or other unnecessary components.

Not all butter producers in Russia, however, as in other countries, offer customers high-quality products made from natural ingredients and meeting quality standards. Unscrupulous companies often replace milk fat with vegetable fat, allow the presence of pathogenic microorganisms and other adulterations.

How to determine safe and high-quality butter?

It is very difficult for an ordinary consumer to determine which product is best to buy. Sometimes a product that looks and tastes real, purchased at a local store, not only does not provide any benefit, but also poses a potential danger to the buyer. Reliable data on product quality can only be obtained through laboratory research.

Roskoshestvo tested oil with a fat content of 82.5%. It was attended by 64 samples produced by Russian and Belarusian enterprises using the latest equipment for the production of butter. Various brands of high-quality butter were tested for six dozen parameters that affect the safety and quality of the product.

What kind of butter can be called natural?

Natural butter should contain only dairy components (fats, cream, etc.). Replacing animal fats with vegetable fats allows you to reduce the cost of production. However, according to current standards, a product with the addition of palm, coconut or any other plant component must be called “spread” or “margarine” (depending on the components contained).

According to the results of laboratory studies, only six manufacturers of butter in Russia allow falsification of the composition, including LAV, Russian milk, Rzhevushka.

Microbial danger

Natural butter - perishable product Therefore, researchers paid special attention to microbiological indicators. Exceeding permissible standards may indicate both non-compliance with sanitary requirements in production and a violation of storage conditions. Therefore, Roskachestvo inspectors made purchases at trusted retail outlets where the food storage regime is strictly observed.

It is worth noting that the most significant microbiological indicators are the content of E. coli, molds, yeast, as well as the total microbial number. As the study showed, not all brands of high-quality butter carefully monitor compliance with these standards. Thus, the products of Baltkom, Iz Vologda, Prosto, and Malkom were considered potentially dangerous based on the content of E. coli. According to the total microbial number - Meadow Freshness, Oka-Reka, Danke Anke, Malkom. According to the norm of mold and yeast - Oka-Reka, Milk style, Danke Anke.

The highest quality butter

The group of products with a quality mark includes only two brands: Lattesco and Ruzskoye. This is truly high-quality butter that even meets advanced Russian standards, the fulfillment of which is optional.

The title “High Quality Product” was awarded to 16 producers of natural butter. Among them:

  • Asenevskaya farm;
  • House in the village;
  • Farm;
  • Belorus export;
  • other.

The full rating of brands can be viewed on the official research page.

Thanks to the research, now every consumer knows how to choose high-quality butter and what brands should be given preference. This is the mission of the operator of the Russian state Quality Mark, created with the aim of creating sustainable consumer preferences in relation to manufacturers that can be trusted.

You can always see butter on the shelves of every grocery store. It is sold in packages with beautiful pictures. But is it easy to buy a real one? useful product, and not a harmful fake? Let's find out how to test butter for naturalness at home, and what to look for when buying it. Useful life hacks for the kitchen and health.

The product's name

Nowadays, manufacturers have learned all sorts of tricks. For example: It is forbidden to call the spread butter. Some manufacturers call it “Maselko” or “Maslitse” and sell it at the price of oil. Similar stories occur in the markets. Palm oil can be found in butter, which can cause cancer. How to choose the right product to avoid becoming a victim of scammers?

Real oil: what to look for

Recently, the number of cattle in the country has decreased significantly. Therefore, often on farms, and then at processing plants, various impurities are added to milk and sour cream, cream and cheese, which increase the amount of product. Only heavy cream. The manufacturing process is quite long. High-quality oil is obtained from great taste and contains many vitamins and calcium. To extend shelf life, stabilizers are forced to be added to it.

Butter containing palm oil, peanut oil or canola oil has completely different physical characteristics. The yellowness of the oil does not mean anything. Sandwich butter should have a fat content of 61-63%. This indicator is approved by GOST. The packaging of real butter should bear the designation GOST R52969-2008. If the packaging bears the TU designation, it is better not to take such a product. This is in best case scenario It will not be butter, but margarine or spread.

Related video: 5 ways to check oil quality

Watch the video to clearly show 5 the right ways butter checks. do not buy harmful fakes that destroy your health!

Checking in the store

It is safer to buy oil in the supermarket. There you can carefully read all the inscriptions on the packaging in a calm atmosphere, but you cannot print it. Its composition will tell you about the quality of the product. There should not be anything extra in the oil. It consists only of cow's milk and cream. The longer the shelf life of a product, the more preservatives it contains, which can have a harmful effect on our body. Next, you can press on the packaging. Real butter is always hard. The dent will remain in the spread..

We check on the market

When purchasing oil on the market, there are several more opportunities for quality control. You can clearly see the color and consistency of the product, smell it and even taste it (if the seller allows, of course). High-quality oil does not smell of anything, melts quickly on the tongue and leaves no trace. Real butter tastes like cream and is a little like sour cream. The color should not be bright yellow. Fat content – ​​82.5%. A shine should be visible on the cut. The spread has a matte cut color. It is difficult to talk about the price of the product, but it should be remembered that approximately 15 liters of milk are used to make a kilogram of butter. This is the cost of real oil.

Testing butter at home

We bought and brought the product home. You can check it again here. If you unpack a pack of butter, there will be no traces on the surface of the material. The spread will smear the entire package. Let's cut a piece with a knife. The knife will remain almost clean after oiling. If you leave a piece of butter on a saucer (not in the refrigerator), then after an hour it will melt, but will not lose its shape. The spread spreads along the bottom. If you freeze butter in the refrigerator, it will crumble when you cut it with a knife. Spread or margarine is cut without chipping.

It remains to check the product for solubility. To do this, you need to throw a piece into a glass of boiling water. Natural oil dissolves immediately. Only golden grains remain on the surface. The spread melts in boiling water, settles at the bottom of the glass and acquires a darkish color. But when cold it can easily be spread on bread. In a hot frying pan, natural butter foams and splatters.

Now you know how to test butter in the store and at home. Remember these signs and don’t make the wrong choice! Doctors recommend taking 10 to 30 grams of oil orally daily.

Every person's diet should include butter, as it is healthy and delicious product. Our grandparents also treated him with great respect: “Porridge is not tasty without butter,” “The cat is old, but he loves butter.” And so that the porridge is always satisfying and healthy, we will tell you how to choose oil that does not contain preservatives.

The packaging of butter must contain the following inscription: “made according to GOST standards.” The following numbers must be present: R 52969-2008 – foreign butter. GOST 32261-2013, STR - in accordance with the regulations of the Russian Federation.

For example, the following inscriptions can be used: R 52178-2003. The use of such GOST is intended only for the production of margarine and spread. It happens that manufacturers write on the packaging: “butter”, and GOST numbers are indicated for the production of margarine, so it is not recommended to purchase such a product, it is not natural.

Many types quality oil are produced according to specifications. This means that all quality requirements have been met.

The composition of butter in accordance with state standards should be as follows:

  1. Whole cow's milk.
  2. Lactic acid microorganisms.
  3. Salt (in rare cases).

There should be no other ingredients in the composition.

Also on the package there must be one of the following inscriptions:

- Creamy;

— Peasant (some manufacturers write: “Peasant”);

- Amateur.

Butter composition 82.5%

Oil fat content 82.5% is the most suitable fat content for premium butter. This ratio of fat content in butter is considered traditional.

If the packaging indicates a fat content of 61.5% or 50%, then the product is not natural and contains vegetable fats.

It is also important that the oil packaging contains the abbreviation: PAGE. If there is such an inscription, it means that all requirements according to GOST are strictly observed.

Butter with a fat content of 82.5% should contain only natural pasteurized cream.

Butter composition 72.5%

Basically, this oil is called “Peasant”. This product is considered healthy, but is not considered any dietary, despite the fact that its fat content is lower than that of traditional butter.

There is a lot of controversy that 72.5% butter is not natural. A product with such fat content is the same tasty butter, only with low content fatty acids.

In this situation, it is best to pay attention to the shelf life of the product and the composition. If the shelf life is less than a month, then it is a quality product. If it is more than a month, this oil definitely contains vegetable fats.

The composition of the butter is 72.5% - natural pasteurized cream.

Which butter is healthier: 72.5% or 82.5%?

A quality product should have a fat content of 72.5%, but not lower. The most delicious and healthy butter with a fat content of 82.5%.

Butter with a fat content of 82.5% contains the following vitamins:

  • A (necessary for improving vision);
  • D (absorbs calcium twice as well);
  • E (beauty and youth of the skin);
  • K (strong and healthy bones).

For an adult, the norm is 20 grams per day. During periods of viral infections, doctors recommend increasing the portion of butter. But daily portion should not exceed 45 grams. Don't forget butter is quite high in calories. On average, one package (200 grams) contains 1500 calories.

Butter contains 72.5% less vitamins and microelements, but it also contains all of the above vitamins, only in smaller quantities.

Butter contains 82.5% and 72.5% of the following minerals:

  • magnesium (improves the nervous system);
  • phosphorus (necessary for the functioning of the body);
  • manganese (allows B vitamins to be better absorbed);
  • copper (necessary for human mental and physical activity);
  • zinc (to maintain vitality and beauty of the human body).

Butter with a fat content of 82.5% contains more beneficial substances, so it is considered healthier than butter 72.5%.

Which oil is healthier, butter or vegetable oil?

Vegetable oil and butter are two products of completely different origins.

Butter is a product made from cow's milk.

Vegetable oil is oil that is produced from the seeds of plants.

Among vegetable oils, the most common are sunflower and olive.

If we talk about the usefulness of oil, then each oil is useful in its own way. For example, in vegetable oil There is less vitamin K, and there is more of it in cream. There is also more vitamin E in vegetable oil than in butter.

Which oil to use depends on consumer preferences, but it will be better if two types of oils (vegetable and butter) are always included in the diet.

Which butter is healthier, butter or ghee?

Ghee is made using heat treatment. Thanks to this processing, the fat level increases, but the vitamins are preserved.

Ghee is very popular in folk medicine and is used for the following diseases:

  1. Frequent migraines. You need to take 5-10 grams of the product and rub it into your temples with slow movements.
  2. Joint pain. Rub 5-10 grams of ghee in places where pain is localized.
  3. Respiratory diseases. For prevention, you need to rub your palms and feet.
  4. With severe weakness. You should consume 10-15 grams of the product before going to bed.

The only big advantage of ghee is that it can be stored for a long time.

It is believed that butter is healthier because it contains less harmful fats, including bad cholesterol.

You can always buy fresh butter, since the shelf life is much shorter compared to ghee.

How to choose butter?

Selection of butter in packaging:

  1. Buy butter in foil, as such packaging prevents the destruction of vitamins.
  2. Shelf life up to 35 days. If the shelf life is longer, it means that the oil contains preservatives. If butter is frozen, its shelf life increases to 7 months.
  3. The packaging must bear the inscription: GOST R 52969-2008, 32261-2013, TU.
  4. The fat content of butter exceeds 72.5%.
  5. Butter should contain whole cream from cow's milk.
  6. good and delicious oil should be hard. If the oil is soft in the package, this indicates the presence of herbal additives.

How to choose butter on the market?

  1. To taste. Natural butter melts in your mouth.
  2. The color of the oil should not be yellow.
  3. Frozen butter should crumble when cut.
  4. Natural oil has no distinct odor.

How to use butter to benefit rather than harm?

Butter causes harm when there is too much of it in a person’s diet. And too much butter means excess weight and high cholesterol.

How to benefit from butter:

  1. Use butter in moderation. The norm per day is 15-20 grams.
  2. The fat content of the oil must be at least 72.5%.
  3. Butter should contain natural whole cream.

The benefits of butter for children's bodies

For children and adolescents, butter must be present in the diet. Firstly, it is a natural source of energy. Secondly, the bones become strong, Thirdly, the vitamin D contained in it contributes to the full growth and healthy development of the child. Fourthly, thanks to manganese, the child’s cartilage and bone tissue develops correctly.

The oil is also good for the brain. Thanks to its use, the child remembers better and absorbs information faster.

Children do not develop rickets and osteoporosis if they constantly consume butter.

A natural product made from whole cow's cream can already be given to children from 7 months, making the first complementary feeding (add to porridge).

But everywhere a measure is necessary. Butter is harmful when there is too much of it in the diet. For children over 7 years old, it is recommended to consume 15 grams per day, for children under seven years old – 5-10 grams.

The benefits of butter for women.

Butter provides a woman’s body with the following substances:

  1. Folic acid. During pregnancy, it promotes the full development of the fetus.
  2. Vitamin A. This vitamin promotes skin rejuvenation.
  3. Calcium. It is essential for strong and healthy bones.
  4. Cholesterol. Normalizes the balance of female hormones.
  5. Vitamin E. Protects the woman’s reproductive system from negative influences.

The benefits of butter for women are very great. Don't be afraid to use butter because it can add up. excess weight. Yes, you can get better from it, but if you use it excessively.

The benefits of butter for men.

Butter should be present in the diet of men who do heavy lifting. physical activity. It has a high calorie content and therefore compensates for all the energy spent. For athletes, oil is an indispensable product.

Thanks to fatty acids, vitamins and microelements, the human body (women's, men's or children's) is enriched with the necessary substances for health and well-being.

How much butter should you eat so as not to harm your body?

The optimal option for consuming oil per day is 15-20 grams. Thanks to this proportion, extra pounds will not be gained and obesity will not occur. “Everything useful in moderation.”

Butter can harm the body if consumed in excess.

How to identify fake or low-quality butter when purchasing?

How to identify a low-quality product:

  1. Butter must contain whole cow's milk.
  2. The color should be soft milky “creamy”.
  3. Price policy. Good butter costs from 100 rubles per 200 grams.
  4. Shelf life. The longer its shelf life, the more preservatives it contains.
  5. Hardness. Natural butter is hard. It does not stick to the knife, and its surface is smooth and hard.
  6. Fat content. The oil must have a fat content of at least 72.5%.

Of course, identifying natural butter is difficult, since this is the very product under which various kinds of preservatives and dyes can be well disguised. Using such simple and affordable methods, it becomes possible to purchase a high-quality and tasty product.

Butter in folk medicine recipes.

This tasty and healthy product has found its use in folk medicine. It is mainly added to various ointments and mixtures.

Examples of recipes if there are no suitable medications at hand.

  1. For bronchitis. Heat 200 ml of milk so that it is not too hot, add a teaspoon of honey and 10-15 grams of butter. This cocktail will soften inflammation in the bronchi.
  2. For burns, lichen and urticaria. A small amount of apply to the affected area.
  3. Dry and chapped facial skin. Apply a night mask to your face.
  4. Boosting immunity.

To do this you will need:

  • aloe juice (50 ml);
  • honey (50-70 g);
  • butter (75 g);
  • walnuts (100 g).

Leave the ointment for two days. Take 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before meals.

To summarize, it can be noted that choosing natural butter is difficult, since this is the very product under which preservatives can be well disguised. But, with a little care and using such simple methods, it becomes possible to purchase a high-quality, tasty and healthy product for the whole family.