How to salt yellow milk mushrooms. Salted mushrooms with garlic and spices

In traditional Russian cuisine, milk mushrooms occupied an important place, although they are considered inedible all over the world. Salads, appetizers, soups and pies were prepared from them. To preserve mushrooms for the winter, most often they were salted. These mushrooms have enough unusual taste. In addition, they are useful as they contain protein.

dry mushroom

The breast has a large funnel-shaped hat. Dry milk mushroom differs from its relatives in that it lacks the milky juice characteristic of other species.

These mushrooms are fried, boiled, baked, but salting reveals their taste best. Salting can be done in two ways - cold and hot. There should not be a long gap between picking mushrooms and processing them, it is best to deal with them immediately.


Salting dry mushrooms begins with the process of cleaning them. This stage is the most difficult. You will need a dish sponge and an unnecessary toothbrush. First of all, the earth and foliage are washed off the mushrooms. After that, you need to change the water and do a more thorough cleaning. To do this, you need to go through all the dark places with a sponge or brush, constantly changing the water. In addition, it is important to get rid of all darkening, rot.


You can choose any recipe for salting dry mushrooms. But in any case, you can not do without soaking. Mushrooms are laid out with hats down in a suitable container and poured cold water. They must be kept there for at least three days. In this case, the water should cover them completely, for which you can use a small press. At the very end of soaking, the water needs to be slightly salted.

You can determine the correct soaking of the breast using folk method. You need to take a piece of the mushroom, cut it and try the cut on the tongue. If the mushroom is properly soaked, then it will not be bitter.

Hot salting

Hot salting of dry mushrooms makes them soft, without a characteristic crunch. But this method of salting helps to preserve the original shape of the fungus and its color.

Fresh milk mushrooms are cleaned of debris, washed in water, changing it several times. After pre-training boil the mushrooms for 20 minutes, then use a slotted spoon to put them in a wide bowl.

For salting, you need to prepare a brine, for which 2 tbsp are taken per 1 liter of water. l. salt, black and allspice (10 peas each), a few bay leaves, currant leaves.

Boiled mushrooms are lowered into boiling brine with a slotted spoon and boiled for about half an hour. Then horseradish root and a head of garlic are added.

After the pan is removed from the heat, it is necessary to put oppression on the mushrooms and leave them like that for 3-4 days, then put them in jars, cover with cabbage leaves on top and cork with lids. Mushrooms will be ready in a month.

Hot salting of dry mushrooms for the winter in jars

For a kilogram of mushrooms, you need to take 3-4 cloves of garlic, two tablespoons of salt, 10 black peppercorns, 10 blackcurrant leaves, dill.

Salting dry milk mushrooms in a hot way for the winter begins with their preparation. Thoroughly washed mushrooms are placed in boiling salted water and boiled for five minutes. Too large mushrooms can be pre-cut into pieces.

Banks are sterilized, poured into the bottom not a large number of salt, put two peas of pepper. A little salt, 2 peppercorns, dill, blackcurrant leaf are poured onto the bottom of the sterilized jar, then the mushrooms are laid tightly in layers, sprinkling each with salt and spices. Pour in the water in which the milk mushrooms were boiled. Banks are closed with boiled polyethylene lids. After they have cooled down, put them in the refrigerator. You can try in a month and a half.

cold ambassador

Salting dry milk mushrooms in a cold way is a little more difficult. Mushrooms are thoroughly cleaned and washed, cut into slices and laid out in a suitable container. Pour running water and put under oppression for three to five days. The water is changed every day.

After the specified period, the mushrooms are taken out and sprinkled with salt. Then they are laid out in a dish for salting in layers with salt, adding horseradish and garlic. The dishes are closed with gauze, on which they spread. This is used so that the mushrooms do not become dark. Milk mushrooms are put under oppression, they must be completely covered with brine. A month later, the mushrooms are transferred to sterile jars and poured with brine. Cold salting dry mushrooms makes the mushroom more fragrant and juicy. In addition, after such processing, it will remain clean and snow-white.

Salting in a barrel

Consider the recipe for salting dry mushrooms in a barrel. For ten kilograms of mushrooms, take 0.5 kg of salt, garlic (4-5 heads), dill stalks, horseradish, cherry and currant leaves. In addition, sterile gauze is needed to cover the barrel, the circle of wood and oppression.

After soaking and washing the milk mushrooms, they are placed in a barrel. Mushrooms are sprinkled with salt, adding spices and leaves, covered with horseradish leaves on top. Sterile gauze is laid out on top of the barrel, on which a wooden circle and oppression are placed. In the event that the brine is not allocated enough, you need to pick up the oppression heavier. Mushrooms are infused in the cellar for about a month, after which they can be tasted. If necessary, the salting period can be extended.

If a layer of mold has appeared on the surface of the barrel, it must be removed entirely, the gauze must be changed, the circle and oppression sterilized.

Salting in a jar

Salting dry milk mushrooms for the winter in a jar is not much different from salting in a barrel. Mushrooms are thoroughly washed and placed in an enamel pan, poured with water. A wooden circle or plate is placed on top, on which oppression is placed. The weight should not be too heavy. Dishes with mushrooms are cleaned in a cool place. Mushrooms are soaked for three days, while the water must be constantly changed.

After the specified period, the mushrooms are sorted and cut, if necessary. glass jars for salting, they are thoroughly washed and doused with boiling water. It is best if the jar has a wide mouth.

Milk mushrooms are laid in layers, rubbing each mushroom with salt. In order not to oversalt the mushrooms, the amount of salt should be about three percent of the weight of the mushrooms. If there is too much salt, then the mushrooms will have to be washed before eating.

Layers of mushrooms are shifted with horseradish and garlic. On top of the last layer of mushrooms, a clean, rough cloth folded in half is placed, a horseradish leaf, cherry and currant leaves are placed on it. Then they put a circle and put oppression.

A container with milk mushrooms should be stored in a cold place for a month. After the salting time has elapsed, greens and cloth are taken out of the jars, covered with lids and put in the refrigerator. If the top layer of mushrooms is covered with mold, then they must be washed with running water.

So that salting dry milk mushrooms for the winter does not turn out to be an unsuccessful experiment, you need to choose the right dishes. You can use a wooden, glass and stainless container, which must first be thoroughly washed. For salting, use a large one. Sending milk mushrooms for salting, it is advisable to lay them with their caps down. At the same time, the shape of the fungus is preserved.

If the salting of dry mushrooms was a little unsuccessful and the mushrooms turned out to be oversalted, they are soaked in milk, while the delicate structure of the fungus is preserved. take required amount mushrooms and placed in milk for two to three hours. If this was not enough, the procedure can be repeated by taking fresh milk. You should not be alarmed by purple or green tint, which at the same time can acquire a breast, this is due to a chemical reaction. Mushrooms soaked in milk are washed with running water. When soaked in water, the mushroom may lose its consistency, in addition, this negatively affects their taste.

Salting dry mushrooms is a great way to preserve mushrooms for the winter. Milk mushrooms, salted in any way, can be added to soups, salads. Or you can serve it as an appetizer by adding onion and sunflower oil.

Milk mushrooms are the favorites of mushroom pickers. They are juicy, fleshy, have a special smell. Salting of mushrooms is most often carried out in a hot way, but other methods of salting delight mushroom eaters with a delicious aroma and unsurpassed taste. You need to figure out how to properly salt the gifts of the forests, and take note of some of the best recipes.

Each mushroom picker worries about how to pickle white milk mushrooms in such a way as to remove their bitterness and specific smell. Since these mushrooms are conditionally edible, the method hot salting mushrooms are the best way to remove their natural bitterness and get rid of a specific smell.

Salting milk mushrooms in a hot way is very simple, for this you will need:

  • white milk mushrooms (1 kg);
  • salt (60 g);
  • garlic (4 cloves, you need to take larger ones);
  • leaves black currant(10 pieces);
  • dill (3 overripe umbrellas);
  • black peppercorns (10 peas).

Now step by step recipe pickles:

  1. Thoroughly clean the mushrooms from plant debris, which sticks to them very well, especially on hats.
  2. Cut off the legs, at the base should remain no more than 1 centimeter. You should carefully examine each mushroom, cut out rotten areas and wormholes, if any.
  3. It is good to wash the mushroom caps in water, not the slightest debris and dirt should remain on them.
  4. Smaller specimens can be left whole, while larger ones must be cut into two or large quantity parts according to their size.
  5. Put the prepared mushrooms in a saucepan and add water, you can salt it. Then bring to an intense boil and hold for another 5 minutes. The foam formed during the process must be removed.
  6. Catch the mushrooms in a colander and rinse thoroughly with cold water: this way they cool faster and drain better.
  7. At the bottom of a sterilized jar, pour a little salt, then 2 peppercorns, 1 dill umbrella, 2 blackcurrant leaves and lay out the first layer of mushrooms. Then repeat the ingredients again: salt, pepper, dill and so on. It is worth paying attention that the mushrooms should be laid tightly.
  8. Pour the contents of the jars with mushroom broth, which remained after they were cooked (in no case should it be poured out). Wait until the air comes out. This will become noticeable when the bubbles begin to rise to the surface of the jar.
  9. Cork jars, cool and rearrange in a cold place for storage. It is important to note that metal lids are not suitable for the hot method of pickling mushrooms.
  10. Mushrooms should stand for more than 1 month: this way they will be well salted and will delight with their taste and aroma. This method is also possible and salting dry milk mushrooms.

cold method

Unlike the first, hot method of pickling mushrooms in jars, cold method excludes their heat treatment.

How to salt milk mushrooms in a cold way without cooking? To do this is quite simple. The recipe for salting milk mushrooms in a cold way is distinguished by the duration of salting, which takes more than 2 months at a certain temperature (no more than 10 degrees).

The preparation of mushrooms is similar to the first method: they are cleaned, washed, cut, and carefully examined for spoiled ones.

To the bottom enamel pan laid out:

  • allspice peas;
  • horseradish (it is better to take both roots and leaves);
  • Bay leaf;
  • cherry and blackcurrant leaves (you can also take blackcurrant twigs);
  • dill;
  • carnation;
  • caraway;
  • garlic.

All ingredients are added to taste, but it is important not to overdo it with their quantity, so as not to interrupt the taste of mushrooms.

The next step is based on laying out the mushrooms with their caps up. table salt it is necessary to fill up each separate layer. The approximate amount of salt per 1 kg of milk mushrooms is 50 g. Cover the contents with a non-synthetic cloth, then cover and put oppression. If salting milk mushrooms in a cold way is done in jars, instead of oppression, you can use a simple bottle. Every day, milk mushrooms under oppression will increase juice and settle. Therefore dry or raw mushrooms you can constantly report to the pan in layers until it is completely filled.

How to pickle milk mushrooms in a cold way according to other recipes? There is another proven method of cold salting. Salting dry mushrooms is similar to cooking fresh ones. It involves sprinkling every 2 - 3rd layer with spices and salt. When all the milk mushrooms are placed in a saucepan, they are poured with boiled, pre-chilled water. Then a circle and oppression are laid on top. It is important to ensure that each mushroom is completely in the brine: this is the only way to salt all the milk mushrooms.

When the mushrooms begin to settle, you can report fresh ones. Close container tightly and refrigerate.

Exists great amount recipes with the addition of salted white milk mushrooms. They can be served as a separate dish with sunflower oil, onions, potatoes, sour cream. Soups with the addition of pickled mushrooms, previously fried in a pan, are also very tasty. Any dish with their participation will be tasty and fragrant.

Incredibly delicious recipe

Every lover of canned and delicious should know several options for how to properly salt milk mushrooms at home. Having several ways of salting in stock, you can always give preference to one or another and delight your guests and loved ones with delicious dishes on long winter days. The following recipe will tell you how to salt milk mushrooms without spices and spices, using only salt.

This recipe for pickling mushrooms is the most economical. It only needs 5 kg fresh mushrooms and about 300 g of salt.

It is necessary to pickle mushrooms, adhering to the following rules:

  1. Clean and wash each mushroom. You need to do this with great care, paying close attention to the hats. Then cut large specimens into pieces.
  2. Well-prepared mushrooms are placed in a container (it can be a bucket or a basin). Fill contents with cold water. Because water is heavier than mushrooms, they will float. Therefore, you need to put something flat on top and press everything with a heavy object so that all the milk mushrooms are under water, but at the same time they are not pressed down. When the mushrooms are completely hidden in the water, the process of soaking them will begin.
  3. Soaking lasts 5 days, and it is necessary to change the water daily. This should be done as foam appears on the water, which indicates that it is time to refresh the liquid. If this signal is ignored, the gifts of the forest will simply turn sour and their further use will be impossible.
  4. After 5 days, the soaking process ends. The only thing: a slice of the mushroom still needs to be tried on the tongue to make sure that all the bitterness is gone.
  5. Salt the milk mushrooms well and put them in a basin. It is important to know that you cannot use iodized salt for pickling mushrooms, otherwise they will turn black.
  6. Put a circle on the pelvis and place the heaviest object on it so that the mushrooms are under good pressure. This process takes 3 days, once a day, milk mushrooms must be stirred. During this time, the gifts of the forests will release juice, which, mixed with salt, forms a brine, where they will be salted.
  7. After three days, the mushrooms are tightly laid out in jars. Caps can be used both with screw thread and polyethylene.
  8. The blank must be stored for at least a month.

That's the whole secret of how tasty it is to pickle milk mushrooms for the winter.

Altai salting method

The oldest recipe from the Altai Territory will tell you how to salt milk mushrooms in a barrel. This salting method is very simple, although the soaking takes quite a long time.

How to salt white mushroom in a barrel? To do this, use the same classic ingredients, as for the previous salting methods. Here you will need:

  • fresh mushrooms (the amount will already be impressive - 10 kg);
  • 400 g of salt (necessarily non-iodized);
  • green dill (35 g);
  • chopped garlic (40g);
  • horseradish root, grated (20 g);
  • 10 bay leaves;
  • allspice (40 g).

Salting process:

  1. Preparation of mushrooms (everything is exactly the same as in the previous methods).
  2. Put the prepared mushrooms in a basin, where they fill with cold water.
  3. Soak for about 4 days, changing the water at least once a day.
  4. After soaking, the mushrooms must be placed in a sieve or colander so that all the remaining liquid is glassed.
  5. The barrel must be prepared in advance: rinse well, pour boiling water over and dry.
  6. Layers of mushrooms, spices and salt are laid out until all the ingredients are in the barrel.
  7. The top layer is covered with a clean cloth, an underpressure circle is placed on top and a heavy load is placed. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that if the load is not heavy enough, then the mushrooms will not release juice.
  8. During salting, the contents of the barrel will gradually decrease, so mushrooms can be added if desired.
  9. After 25 days, the dish will be at the complete disposal of those who wish to taste deliciously.

This Altai recipe is quite simple to prepare and, thanks to the large number of mushrooms, makes it possible to enjoy their great taste longer.

You can prepare milk mushrooms for the winter by many methods: salting milk mushrooms in a hot way, cold, according to the Altai recipe. All of them will delight you with a delicious taste in the winter season and will decorate any table. The main thing is to follow all the rules mentioned above.

Until frost sets in, the mushroom theme is very relevant. Milk mushrooms are late mushrooms, the collection is in full swing until frost.

It is not always possible to salt mushrooms in a bucket or in a saucepan, this can be inconvenient, and it is problematic to find a cool place in the apartment to put a bucket. Mushrooms can be prepared immediately in jars. The technology for preparing mushrooms for the winter in jars is the same, and they will be salted for a month and a half, but it is much easier to attach a jar in the refrigerator.

You can salt milk mushrooms for the winter in jars both in a cold and hot way, most importantly, they must be stored in a cool place. I like the first way better. In the second case, milk mushrooms must be boiled until tender.

Milk mushrooms must be soaked. We clean the garlic. Let's prepare jars for pickling milk mushrooms. We wash them well, it is not necessary to sterilize them.

Cut the garlic into slices.

In a saucepan, mix milk mushrooms, salt, garlic, bay leaf and peppercorns.

Mix gently so that all the mushrooms get salt and spices, leave for half an hour.

After half an hour, we will decompose into prepared jars. We put it tighter. Pour the juice from the mushrooms on top.

We send mushrooms for storage in a cool place (refrigerator, balcony, cellar). Milk mushrooms for the winter in jars are ready. In a month you can start trying them ...


Hot salted mushrooms- this is one of the oldest Russian snacks, which a person from any stratum of society could afford. In ancient times, there were no special tricks in the recipe for preparing these mushrooms for the winter. I went to the forest, picked mushrooms, threw a little dill from the garden, salted it - that's all the preparation. But still, each hostess gets her own special taste and aroma.

Now the best is considered to be raw white mushroom - the most beautiful and fragrant among the whole family of mushrooms. Unfortunately, now he is considered an extremely rare guest on our tables, because every year it is more and more difficult to find him. Sometimes even the most experienced mushroom pickers unable to find this mushroom. But its close relative, dry milk mushroom, is widely distributed in deciduous and pine forests. Mushrooms grow in whole families located close to each other.

Dry mushrooms can simply be fried, which is especially delicious with the addition of sour cream. But pickled or salted both cold and hot milk mushrooms are no worse. Just a huge number of dishes exist with the addition of already salted milk mushrooms, for example, mushroom soup, salads, pies and many others.

In general, this type of mushroom is good in everything, the only thing is that you will have to make a little effort before cooking to wash the milk mushrooms from the ground. Therefore, before cooking, the mushrooms must be soaked for some time in water, and then the dirt will be easy to remove with an ordinary sponge.

The effort spent is worth it, because the taste of salted mushrooms will be remembered for a long time. Our step-by-step recipe with a photo will tell you more about cooking hot-salted mushrooms in jars.


  • (4 kg)

  • (3 tablespoons)

  • (3 l)

  • (4-5 cloves)

  • (4-5 pieces)

  • (4-5 pieces)

  • (4-5 pieces)

  • (4 umbrellas)

  • (16-20 pieces)

  • (8 stars)

  • (4-5 pieces)

Cooking steps

    First, pour our mushrooms in water and leave for half a day.

    Then we take each mushroom and wash it under cold water, removing the ground from it. Mushrooms of large size are cut into several parts so that they fit in a jar.

    Let's prepare the brine. We add about 3 liters of water to the pan, pour salt there (3 tablespoons) and put a bay leaf, horseradish leaves, cherries, currants, dill, cloves. We put the pot with the ingredients on the stove. After the water starts to boil, put the mushrooms there. Boil the mushrooms for about half an hour. After half an hour, the mushrooms will begin to sink to the bottom of the pan, and the brine will become transparent. We take out the milk mushrooms and lay them out on any surface, allowing them to cool.

    While the mushrooms are getting cold, we begin to deal with lids with jars. At the beginning of the process, lightly wash the jars with lids baking soda. Then we sterilize the jars, and boil the lids a little. Mushrooms can be preserved with both iron and plastic lids.

    In the prepared jars we put a few peas of black pepper, chopped pieces of garlic in advance, and then a large number of mushrooms so that they fit snugly against each other. If you wish, you can repeat the process in the middle, putting a few more peppercorns and garlic. Pour brine into each of the jars, but without spices and herbs.

    We close the jars tightly with lids and send them to brew in a cold place (a refrigerator is best). Such hot-salted milk mushrooms according to this recipe can be served at the table after 25 days, or you can close them for the winter. For serving, we recommend adding sour cream, onions and herbs to the dish.

    Enjoy your meal!

The end of the summer season and the onset of autumn is the beginning of an active harvest, not only for those lucky ones who own a personal garden.

After all, nature makes it possible to enjoy its gifts to everyone who has the patience. So, during these seasons, you can visit the suburban forest and stumble upon many varieties of berries and mushrooms.

It is mushrooms and dishes derived from them that are the decoration of any holiday table. After all, there are quite a few types of mushrooms, as well as ways to cook them, and everyone who is picky can find their favorite mushroom dish.

Milk mushrooms have been held in high esteem for a long time traditional cuisine Russia, and if they are salted, then the taste of such mushrooms will be revealed in a special way. The main thing before you start cooking salted milk mushrooms to learn all the nuances of this process.

Below we will tell you how to properly prepare for salting, and also describe the recipes for salted milk mushrooms, which are most popular.

Preparing mushrooms for salting

It is known that any recipe without careful preparation of the ingredients. When salting milk mushrooms and any other mushrooms, this rule is no exception, because the final taste of the mushroom dish largely depends on the thoroughness of the preparation.

After harvesting, it must be properly sorted out, because you can stumble upon milk mushrooms that are not at all suitable for further consumption. So, it is important to avoid mushrooms with dark or yellow spots, wormy or rotten products.

After careful selection of mushrooms for salting, you can proceed to their purification from greenery, branches and dirt. Pieces of earth should be cleaned from the legs either manually or using an unnecessary toothbrush.

If an unhealthy spot or hole is noticed on the stem or cap of the mushroom, then you can not rush to throw it away, but cut off the spoiled part. After cleaning the mushrooms, rinse them well with water and blot excess moisture with napkins or a kitchen towel.

Most housewives do not prefer to use legs for salting, because they are best consumed fried. The legs of the mushrooms can be cut off and set aside in a separate container.

The most important stage in preparing milk mushrooms for salting is their soaking. This process continues for several days, so it is advisable to start preparing the mushrooms for salting in advance. This procedure is necessary in order to remove caustic substances from the composition of the mushrooms.

So, you need to take a spacious container (basin) and put the mushroom caps upside down in it. Pour cold water and leave for 3 days, while every day it is important to change the water to clean.

After the measures taken, you can either immediately proceed to the process of pickling mushrooms, or boil them first. If you lower the cooking step, the mushrooms will turn out to be more aromatic, but will leave a slightly bitter aftertaste.

In addition, salting milk mushrooms will continue for a couple of months.

If you are not too lazy to boil the mushrooms in boiling water for 15 minutes, then the bitter taste will disappear, and it will take no more than two weeks to pickle.

Also, after selection, washing and soaking, milk mushrooms must be weighed using a kitchen scale. It is in this way that you can accurately determine how much salt is needed to prepare a snack. The norm is 40 g of salt per 1 kg of soaked milk mushrooms.

Salted mushrooms: a quick recipe

After careful preparation of the mushrooms, you can proceed to the process of salting them. In cooking, there are two main methods of salting milk mushrooms: hot and cold. But for those who do not want to go into the details of preparation salted mushrooms, there is a quick and universal recipe.

It requires ingredients such as:

  • Milk mushrooms - 4 kg;
  • Salt without iodine - 160 g;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Currant leaves - 10 pcs;
  • Cherry leaves - 10 pcs;
  • Dill - 7 branches;
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc;
  • Black peppercorns - 3 pcs.

Three-liter and five-liter jars are best suited for pickling mushrooms. It is important to pre-sterilize them so that the mushrooms do not deteriorate for a long time. However, in the photo we will show you the salting process in a large saucepan.

Sprinkle a small layer of salt on the bottom of each jar. Put cherry and currant leaves, dill sprigs, finely chopped garlic cloves and black peppercorns on top. Then put a layer of mushrooms on top, sprinkle with salt and repeat the process of completing the greens and mushrooms again.

This should be done until the jar is completely filled. It is important to cover the last layer with currant or cherry leaves, as well as bay leaves.

A piece of gauze should be placed on the topmost layer of leaves, and a small load (stone / oppression) should be placed on it. Wrap the resulting design with a plastic bag so that dust and dirt do not penetrate into the jar, but there is the possibility of air circulation.

Remove the jar for salting in the refrigerator or cellar. Since mushrooms were not blanched after soaking, salted milk mushrooms will be ready no earlier than 2 months later.

The main recipes for cooking mushrooms for the winter are the most popular among housewives

As noted earlier, experienced housewives prefer the main methods of salting mushrooms for the winter, such as cold and hot. Such cooking processes differ from each other in a number of properties:

  1. The hot method, unlike the cold one, involves blanching the mushrooms after soaking them;
  2. Thanks to the boiling process, hot-salted mushrooms do not express a bitter aftertaste;
  3. But they are less fragrant than salted milk mushrooms made on the basis of cold salting.

cold way

To pickle milk mushrooms using the cold method for the winter, the following ingredients are needed:

Now in detail about how to cook salted milk mushrooms in a cold way for the winter. Prepare the leading ingredient of the pickle in accordance with all the necessary rules: selection, cleaning, washing, drying, cutting off the stem and soaking.

For further cooking, it is better to use glassware, namely, three- or five-liter jars.

Sprinkle the bottom of each jar with a layer of salt, put the leaves of berries, horseradish, pre-chopped garlic cloves and dill sprigs with umbrellas on top. After completing the mushroom caps with the leg up.

Re-lay a layer of greens, adding black peppercorns as well. Lay out the mushroom caps, and repeat the process until the jar is full.

Remove for salting in the basement, cellar, balcony or refrigerator. Milk mushrooms, salted precisely in the cold way for the winter, will be ready for use no earlier than after 2 months.

We invite you to learn more, No more preservatives, all homemade and natural!

Read on for tomato recipes. tomato juice for the winter.

You can quickly and tasty pickle beets for the winter if you know some tips and use our website.

hot way

The cold method basically differs from the hot method in the speed of cooking. However, when using it salted mushrooms may have a bitter taste, because milk mushrooms contain some caustic substances.

The process of blanching mushrooms, that is, their preliminary boiling, will help get rid of them. So, the appetizer will lose its aroma a little, but it will acquire more pleasant taste qualities.

To use the hot salting method, you will need:

  • Milk mushrooms - 4 kg;
  • Salt - 160 g;
  • Horseradish - 1 root;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Currant leaves - 10 pcs;
  • Cherry leaves - 10 pcs;
  • Black peppercorns - 2 pcs;
  • Dill - 8 sprigs.

The recipe for hot salted mushrooms for the winter is a little more complicated than the previous one, but everyone can handle it if they wish.

After carefully sorting the mushrooms, they should be cleaned of dirt, if desired, separate the caps from the legs, rinse and soak repeatedly, not forgetting to change the water during this process.

Then boil water in a saucepan and immerse the mushrooms there for their subsequent blanching. Keep for 15 minutes.

Upon completion of boiling, remove the milk mushrooms from the water and dry. Prepare the jars in which the mushrooms will be stocked, and also lay the following several layers in them: salt, herbs (horseradish, berry leaves, dill), garlic, pepper, mushrooms.

Alternate layers until the jar is full, while the final layer should be green.

Cover the jar with a lid and put a small weight on top, put it in a cool place until full cooking. Salted breasts will be ready in a couple of weeks.

Salted white milk mushrooms in cabbage leaves

Any greens used in salting add a special aroma and taste to the mushrooms. Housewives especially appreciate the recipe for milk mushrooms in cabbage leaves for the winter.

To prepare it, you will need ingredients such as:

You should prepare porcini mushrooms, based on the above instructions. Blanching can be done on request. Greens are also important to wash before use. Each leaf of cabbage must be divided into several fragments.

In a three- or five-liter jar, lay out a layer of mushrooms no more than two hats in height. Sprinkle them with salt, and put some greens and chopped garlic on top. So, alternate mushrooms, salt, garlic and herbs until the jar is full.

Cover the dishes with lids, and place a load on top. Leave jars in a cool place until completely salted.

The salting time depends on whether the mushrooms were blanched or not.

Salted mushrooms are great option snacks for a festive or weekday table:

  1. Preparing for salting and picking together take no more than 1-2 hours;
  2. You can choose from two basic methods of cooking for the winter at will;
  3. To add flavor to the mushrooms will help the use of various herbs in the recipe;
  4. Blanching helps to reduce the time of pickling mushrooms;
  5. Salting can be stored all winter, subject to all the rules.