Salting tomatoes in a jar in a quick way. How to salt tomatoes for the winter in jars


Any gourmet admits with confidence - it's hard to imagine winter snack Better than canned tomatoes.

On the shelves all year round a wide range of pickles and canned food is available, however, home-cooked vegetables are a special taste and benefit, multiplied many times over.

Caring housewives salt tomatoes every autumn. This requires skill, knowledge, patience and free time. Why do the majority choose home product, ignoring the goods offered by the market? The reason is simple: not a single chemical additive will make the preparation tastier than homemade. And vegetables cooked according to a proven recipe are a guarantee of product safety all year round.

Salting technologies can be radically different from each other. But for each of them there are basic rules that should be taken into account.

  1. Experienced housewives know: ripe fruits are fragrant and tender. But such specimens require especially careful handling, as they are easy to wrinkle. However, it is better to choose vegetables that are pink or milky, because they are not injured. Rolling green fruits into jars is widely practiced.
  2. The ideal container for salting is glass jars with a volume of no more than 10 liters. If you cook vegetables in large containers, it is likely that the lower ones will crumple under the weight of the upper ones.
  3. Among all varieties suitable for canning, the most successful are:
  • Novelty of Transnistria;
  • Humbert;
  • De Barao;
  • Yermak;
  • Buffalo;
  • Titanium;
  • Lighthouse.
  1. Tomatoes contain a lot of sugar. Therefore, salt (only large should be taken) for their preparation will require a little more than for cucumbers. On average - 500-800 g of salt per ten liter jar.
  2. For cooking, parsley, dill, tarragon, celery, cherry or oak leaves, blackcurrant (leaves), as well as garlic and red pepper are used.
  3. The preparation period is 1.5-2 weeks. It will take 2-3 months for the treat to become more fragrant and the brine richer.
  4. Delicacy can be prepared in plastic buckets, glass jars, aluminum saucepans and wooden barrels. A popular method of salting in plastic bags.

Container with finished product must be stored between 0 and 2 °C. It is not recommended to open the vessels earlier than after a couple of months.

A simple recipe for salting in jars

Not everyone likes to mess around with canning for a long time, sorting through all kinds of recipes. There is a universal and simple way to harvest fruits. You will need:

  • about two kilograms of red tomatoes;
  • red hot peppers;
  • a couple of sheets of blackcurrant;
  • 100 g dill;
  • other spices to taste (in our recipe it will be tarragon, celery and parsley).

We will make a brine from one and a half liters of water and 150 grams of salt.

  1. Let's prepare some jars. They will need to be sterilized.
  2. We dilute the existing salt in Not in large numbers liquid (hot). Then we supplement the solution with the rest of the water.
  3. Wash the vegetables well and remove the stems. For this recipe, tomatoes at least pink ripeness are suitable.
  4. Wash greens and place on a clean towel to absorb excess water.
  5. We put the third part of the spices on the bottom of the containers. Then we place the tomatoes in a container alternately with seasonings. Carefulness is important here ripe tomatoes didn't hesitate.
  6. We fill the vessels with brine. It's too early to roll them up, for starters, just close nylon lids and put in a dark room with a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C.
  7. After 2 weeks, the slightly fermented brine is drained. Then pour fresh. Fruits should be pre-rinsed.
  8. Banks are rolled up and placed in a cool room. You can store them in the refrigerator.

Quick salting

An express recipe for lightly salted vegetables will come in handy if a feast is planned soon. Such a treat will be ready in a day.

  1. We wash 1 kg of vegetables and herbs under running water. Currant leaves, dill umbrellas and horseradish leaves work well for this recipe.
  2. We clean 4 cloves of garlic. We cut each. We also divide the dill, but leave the currants and horseradish in their original form. We put all this in a pre-sterilized three-liter jar.
  3. We put tomatoes on the herbs.
  4. Preparing the marinade:
  • pour a liter of water into any convenient pan;
  • add 50 g of salt, 1 tsp. sugar and 3-4 peas of allspice;
  • liquid must be boiled for 3 minutes. after boiling.
  1. We are waiting for the brine to cool. As soon as its temperature reaches 60 ° C, fill the fruit with liquid.
  2. Close the container with a lid and leave room temperature for 24 hours.

Recipes for salted tomatoes for the winter

Experienced housewives follow their proven technology for preparing canned tomatoes.

Recipe with carrot tops

  • we wash the fruits and carrot tops (for a three-liter container you will need 3-4 greens of carrots);
  • sterilize the vessel, boil the lid;
  • half of the tops are placed on the bottom;
  • we put vegetables, put greens between them;
  • boil 1.5 liters of water and pour;
  • wait 10 minutes, drain the liquid into the pan, add a couple of tbsp. l. salt, 7 tablespoons of sugar and a spoonful of 9% vinegar, bring to a boil again;
  • pour the brine into jars, roll up the lid using a special machine;
  • turn the container upside down so that the lids do not break off, let it stand for several hours until the workpiece cools down;
  • pickles can be removed in the cellar or refrigerator (it is recommended to open the snack no earlier than after 2 months).

Canning without vinegar

You will need:

  • 3 kg of fruits;
  • clove of garlic;
  • 80 g of coarse salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • four bulbs;
  • peppercorns to taste.


  • wash vegetables under running water;
  • onion cut into half rings, placed on the sides;
  • we send pepper there;
  • put two liters of liquid on fire, add sugar and salt, boil for a couple of minutes;
  • pour the brine, roll up.

After cooling, the workpiece is removed in a dark, cool place.

Cold salting

  • We put 5 liters of water on fire, add 1/2 tsp. red ground pepper, some currant leaves, 40 g of salt and 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • boil the brine for a couple of minutes, then let it cool, add 1 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar;
  • put spices in sterile jars, then tomatoes;
  • pour everything with cold brine, roll up the lid (store in the refrigerator).

Hot cooking

  • we wash one and a half kilograms of ripe brown fruits;
  • cut big Bell pepper, remove the core, cut into strips;
  • peel 2 cloves of garlic, wash hot Bell pepper, cut;
  • in the prepared vessels we put several sprigs of dill, currant leaves, celery and parsley (you can add a couple of bay leaves);
  • then place the tomatoes alternately with garlic and spicy vegetables;
  • pour boiling water over it, boil the lids in advance and cover the containers with them;
  • drain the water back, add 2 tbsp. l. salt, bring to a boil, pour again;
  • roll up the lids, turn to cool.

Salted cherry tomatoes

  1. Prepare the brine: boil water with the addition of 100 g of salt, peppercorns and two cloves of garlic.
  2. celery and Bay leaf put on the bottom of the container.
  3. We lay the red fruits, pour the marinade. Top with a couple sprigs of cilantro.
  4. We close with clean lids (you can use polyethylene), store at room temperature. Cherries are ready in 7 days.

Tomatoes for the winter - "Lick your fingers"!

The name speaks for itself - it is very difficult to break away from such an appetizer. For cooking:

  • cut dill and parsley;
  • we sterilize the jars, put the greens first;
  • cut hot pepper, put on the greens in a small piece;
  • roast in a clean pan vegetable oil and add 1 tbsp. l. for each container;
  • wash red plants onion cut, halves of red vegetables are laid alternately with onion rings;
  • bring water to a boil, add 1 tbsp. l. salt, three times more sugar and a little peppercorns, let cool and pour 50 ml of 9% vinegar;
  • with a slightly cooled (but still hot) brine, pour the vegetables, twist the jars;
  • turn the workpiece over until it cools completely.

Lick Your Fingers can be stored at 15 to 25°C.

Tomatoes for the winter without salt

  • wash the fruits and make one hole with a toothpick (if you do not pierce them, the skin may burst during cooking);
  • prepare the marinade: boil 4 liters of liquid with the addition of 200 g of sugar and 1 tbsp. l. vinegar;
  • we sterilize the vessel, put 3 bay leaves on the bottom, a couple of onions, cut into half rings, straws from two carrots and a large sweet pepper;
  • then - tomatoes, fill with brine;
  • wait for the liquid to cool, roll up.

Salted tomatoes with plums

The recipe may seem unusual, but it is definitely worthy of attention. This dish has a special taste.

  1. into the sterile glass container put chopped parsley, horseradish leaf, 2 cloves of garlic and a few black peppercorns.
  2. Add red vegetables along with chopped onions and plums.
  3. Fill with boiling water, wait 20 minutes.
  4. Transfer the liquid to a bowl.
  5. There also - 50 g of salt and 3 tbsp. l. granulated sugar.
  6. Boiling brine is sent to jars. Roll up, turn over and cover with a towel. As soon as the pickle has cooled, turn it over and put it in a cool place.

Recipe - "Under the snow"

  • put the tomatoes in a sterile vessel and immediately pour boiling water;
  • make a marinade: put 1.5 liters of liquid on fire, add one and a half tablespoons of sodium chloride and 100 g of sugar, bring to a boil;
  • drain the brine from the vegetables, put grated garlic on top of them (you will need 7 cloves);
  • pour the marinade, you can add 1 tsp. vinegar, but then the appetizer will be sour;
  • roll up, turn over, cool and clean in the underground.

How to salt tomatoes with mustard for the winter

  • We collect a liter of water in a saucepan, add 2 tbsp. l. (without a slide) salt, 50 g sugar, boil;
  • carefully place clean ripe fruits in a sterile jar;
  • 5 cloves of garlic and half a chili pod finely chopped;
  • send 2 bay leaves, pepper and garlic to red vegetables, add a sprig of dill and 10 g of dry mustard;
  • Pour the ingredients with brine (boiling), roll up, turn over, cover with a towel and wait until it cools.

Salted tomatoes without sugar

  • at the bottom of the prepared glass container we put a dill umbrella, 3-4 cloves, a couple of peppercorns, a small piece of hot red pepper, 3 cherry leaves, a horseradish leaf and a parsley;
  • put tomatoes on top, pour boiling water and wait 15 minutes;
  • drain the liquid, add 30 g of salt and 20 g of vinegar to the jar, pour boiling water again;
  • roll up, put the lids down and let cool.

One of the recipes for salting tomatoes for the winter can be seen in the video.

What can be salted tomatoes

Harvesting can be done not only in glass jars. There are several more suitable containers.


They say that pickles prepared in this way have a unique taste. The longer they are preserved, the richer the flavor becomes. It is convenient that such tomatoes can be tasted for 2 weeks, because they are not rolled up with a lid. However, then they still have to be transferred from the bucket to smaller containers and sent to the refrigerator to increase the shelf life.


A method that has been used for years. The main disadvantage is that the ripe tomatoes of the lower layers do not withstand the oppression of their counterparts and crumple, losing their appetizing appearance and often spoil the taste.

In addition, checking the readiness of such an appetizer is not very convenient, and it is often difficult to find a good wooden barrel or tub in the city.

Plastic bag

Such salting - perfect option for those who want to get a treat quickly. Vegetables can be cut into rings or slices, add your favorite spices. But this preservation will definitely not survive the winter.


Salting in a saucepan is similar to the bucket method. It is used as an alternative to cooking in barrels and tubs. If the choice fell on a pan, an enameled container should be preferred.

Salting tomatoes in slices is almost as popular as canning whole fruits. The main advantage of this preparation is the juice released during the process. However, you should only roll large slices, otherwise you can end up with an incomprehensible dish.

Not everyone likes to mess around with sterilizing dishes. You can do without this process, but only for recipes with vinegar and garlic.

Before cooking salted tomatoes it is better to pierce them with a toothpick. These tomatoes are ready in 3-4 days.

An ideal place to store conservation is a cellar. If it is not in the house, the jars are placed in a dark, cool place, for example, in a pantry.

In small apartments, it is also possible to keep pickled tomatoes for a long time by placing them on the balcony (provided that the temperature is not lower than 0 and not higher than 10 ° C). If all of the above options are not suitable, you should choose a place away from radiators and windows.

The variety of recipes for harvesting is so great that every housewife will find a method to their liking and make a delicious treat. Moreover, this does not require special cooking skills.

Generous gifts of autumn - ripe, ripe tomatoes are harvested for the winter in a wide variety of variations. The taste of homemade preparations cannot be compared with those offered for sale on store shelves. This rich in vitamin With organic acids, minerals, vegetable culture surpasses other gifts of nature in the number of preservation methods. Consider the most delicious recipes harvesting tomatoes for the winter and the secrets of their preparation.

Recipes for salting delicious tomatoes in jars

What types of containers are not used so that preservation is different, simple, fast, useful! The test of time has passed wooden barrels, in which pickling tomatoes is just as convenient and tasty as another valuable vegetable crop - cucumber. Tomatoes are preserved in enameled tanks, buckets and well-known glass jars. The latter differ in volume, which contributes to diversity when harvesting vegetables for the winter.

To obtain delicious preserves, use these secrets:

  • When harvesting tomatoes for the winter, choose fruits harvested in dry weather, sort them out, laying them out separately according to the degree of ripeness.
  • Do not mix when preserving. different varieties or tomatoes that are very different in size from each other.
  • For salting, use medium or small tomatoes, and make tomato juice from large ones or preserve them in slices.
  • Prick the stalks with a wooden stick or a toothpick to prevent cracking.
  • You can even harvest fresh green tomatoes, only diseased or damaged fruits are not suitable for preservation.
  • Before canning vegetables, thoroughly wash liter glass jars, sterilize with lids for at least a quarter of an hour.
  • On preparatory stage of any recipe, wash the vegetables thoroughly.
  • Depending on the recipe, cover the tomatoes either whole or cut into slices.
  • As preservatives for homemade preparations, use vinegar, aspirin, brine with citric acid, in rare cases - .

Pickled cherry tomatoes and garlic with vinegar

A delicious treat at the dinner table - small pickled tomatoes with an incomparable aroma and taste. For the preparation of sweet cherry tomatoes, liter glass jars with screw caps are ideal, and vinegar acts as a preservative. Even a photo or video is not needed to imagine how appetizing pickled cherry tomatoes look. This method of harvesting tomatoes helps to preserve their appearance, and in winter, sweet cherry tomatoes will be a wonderful snack.

Ingredients for harvesting (per liter jar):

  • 600 g cherry;
  • 1 PC. pepper (Bulgarian);
  • 50 g of greens (dill, parsley);
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 peppercorns (allspice);
  • 2 leaves of lavrushka.

We prepare the marinade based on 1 liter of water:

  • 25 ml of vinegar (table 9%);
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of spices (sugar, salt).

The process of making pickled cherry tomatoes:

  1. In a sterilized glass container, put two cloves of garlic, allspice, chopped herbs.
  2. Cherries punctured in the stalk area should be placed in a jar, starting with larger fruits. Shift the fruits in layers with lavrushka, bell pepper to the very top.
  3. Boil the marinade by adding water and spices. Pour into conservation, leave for a quarter of an hour. Then pour back into the pot and boil again.
  4. Boil the marinade, pour the vinegar into a jar of cherry tomatoes, then roll up the lid.
  5. Turn the preservation over, put it on the lid, wrap it with a warm cloth until it cools completely.
  6. Pickled cherries have a sweet and sour taste, and you will be able to taste them in a few weeks.

Salted tomatoes in a cold way without sterilization

Tomatoes are harvested for the winter and in a cold way, and in order to preserve the maximum of nutrients, the fruits are rolled up without sterilization. cold ambassador will require some free time, but when the time comes to try salting, you won’t want to break away from the treat. Consider one important nuance when salting tomatoes: store the preservation in a cool place. The recipe (based on a liter jar) provides for the presence the following ingredients:

  • 500 g of tomatoes;
  • 15 g of salt;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 30 ml of vinegar (table 9%);
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sugar;
  • greens (dill umbrella, celery);
  • 3 peas of pepper (allspice, black);
  • 1 aspirin tablet;
  • spices (to taste);

Step by step process salting tomatoes in a cold way:

  1. Put greens, peppercorns, garlic, parsley, etc. into the prepared glass jar.
  2. Fill the container with whole, ripe fruits, stacking them tightly to each other.
  3. Prepare a brine from cold (filtered, settled, well) water and spices (sugar, vinegar, salt). Mix thoroughly, let stand for a couple of minutes and pour the tomatoes with brine.
  4. Crush an aspirin tablet, pour it into a jar on top so that the homemade preparation does not become moldy.
  5. Close the tomatoes with a nylon lid, put until cooked and store in a cold place.

A simple recipe for pickling green tomatoes

Even green tomatoes are suitable for salting for the winter. If pick up good recipe, in terms of taste, this option for home preservation will turn out to be no less appetizing. The advantage of unripe fruits is their denser structure, so green tomatoes are easy to pickle, both whole and in slices. A simple version of the recipe suggests that salted green tomatoes are preserved. cold filling. Even tap water works for this.


  • 0.5 kg of green tomatoes;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of salt (coarse grinding);
  • 500 ml of water;
  • greens (twigs with cherry leaves, dill umbrella, currant leaves);
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 0.5 teaspoon mustard (powder);
  • horseradish (to taste).

Cooking process:

  1. Dissolve coarse salt in water, mix thoroughly, wait until the impurities settle to the bottom of the container.
  2. Fill a sterilized glass jar to the top with green tomatoes, pour brine (without sediment).
  3. latest in homemade mustard is poured, after which the ambassador is closed with a lid, leaving it for storage in a cold place.

canned sweet tomatoes

Sweet tomatoes can also be tasty, appetizing, fragrant. Rolling a tomato in liter jars will only benefit from the implementation of this recipe, especially if you have to preserve the fruits for the first time. Fans of original homemade preparations will be able to replenish their stocks with dessert tomatoes, for which they will need to select small-sized fruits.

To make the tomatoes sweet, prepare the following ingredients for canning (per 1 liter jar):

  • 500-700 g red, ripe tomatoes;
  • half an onion head;
  • 20 ml of vinegar (table 9%);
  • 700 ml of water;
  • 30 g of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • spices (black peppercorns, cloves, bay leaf) to taste.

Preservation process:

  1. Put spices in a sterilized glass container at the bottom.
  2. Lay the tomatoes tightly on top, adding chopped onions as the jar fills.
  3. In another container, boil the brine, dissolving sugar and a little salt in it. At the very end, before removing the pot of brine from the stove, pour in the vinegar.
  4. Pour the tomatoes with the resulting marinade. Sterilize the preservation by first covering it with a lid (no more than a quarter of an hour).
  5. Then roll up the jars, turn them over and put them upside down until they are completely cool.

Pickled tomatoes, like barrel

In fasting or even as a dish holiday table the table will be decorated pickled tomatoes. A recipe that will allow you to taste tomatoes like a barrel over time is easy to master. Choosing a container convenient for fermentation, it is better to store such a homemade preparation in a glass jar. If you do not know how much salt per 1 liter jar of tomatoes, whether to add sugar, essence or other ingredients, use the recipe below.

To make pickled tomatoes like barrel tomatoes, take:

  • 1 kg of tomatoes (medium size);
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sugar;
  • 1 bunch of celery;
  • dill (a bunch or 1 tablespoon of seeds);
  • 25 g salt.


  1. Cut the stem off the tomatoes. This must be done carefully and shallowly.
  2. Put dill, celery, garlic, tomatoes in a pickling container (place with the removed stalk up).
  3. Prepare the brine by boiling water with spices, let it cool a little, pour it into a jar of tomatoes.
  4. The salting process lasts about 3 days until bubbles appear on the surface. If the acid pickled tomatoes suits your taste, you can close the jar with a nylon lid and put it in a cold place. The tomatoes will be ready the next day.

Tomato salad "Lick your fingers"

Harvesting tomatoes for the winter caring hostesses prefer even in the form of salads. Unforgettable taste is combined with special aesthetics, because for such preparation of tomatoes, other gifts of nature are used along with them. Delicious homemade preserves are prepared according to simple recipe but preparation will take some time. But the result will please, and in winter such a salad will be in great demand.


  • 400-500 g of tomatoes;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • greens (dill, parsley) to taste;
  • 25 ml of oil (vegetable);
  • 25 g sugar;
  • 300 ml of water;
  • 15 g of salt;
  • 2 leaves of lavrushka;
  • 40 ml of vinegar;
  • 2-3 peas of pepper (black, allspice).


  1. Greens, onions, garlic cut. Put in a sterilized jar, pour in vegetable oil.
  2. Place tomatoes on top. When the jar is full, start preparing the marinade.
  3. Add spices, pepper residues, bay leaf to the water, bringing the brine to a boil. Pour vinegar at the very end.
  4. Cool the prepared marinade slightly, pour into a glass container, cover with a lid. Set to sterilize for about a quarter of an hour, then roll up.
  5. After that home preservation turn it over, let it cool, put it away for storage. Tomato salad for the winter You're ready to lick your fingers!

Assorted tomatoes and cucumbers

How to diversify the menu in winter? Those zealous housewives who, during the harvest period, mastered the recipe for preparing assorted valuable vegetable crops, do not think about this. It is more convenient to roll tomatoes and cucumbers into large jars, but liter ones will work too. Following the recipe, follow a few important nuances: take cucumbers and tomatoes in equal proportions, you can roll other vegetables with them, but only as a decoration.


  • 300 g of cucumbers, tomatoes (as an option, gherkins and cherry tomatoes);
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • dill (umbrella);
  • horseradish (root, about 3 cm);
  • 20 g of salt;
  • 5 peppercorns (black);
  • 0.5 teaspoon of essence (70%);
  • 25 g sugar;
  • onion, bell pepper, carrots for decoration.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Cut off the tips of the cucumbers, soak in cold water for a couple of hours.
  2. Cut horseradish, carrots, sweet peppers, onions.
  3. Dill, black peppercorns, garlic lay on the bottom, from the top layers to the top tightly fit cucumbers, tomatoes, chopped vegetables, horseradish.
  4. pour boiling water, leave for five minutes, drain the brine into a saucepan, where to add spices. Boil the marinade, pour back into the jar.
  5. Lastly, add the essence, roll up with a tight lid, turn over, leave to cool completely.
  6. Preservation assorted tomatoes cucumbers are well suited to meat or potato casserole.

How to pickle chopped tomatoes

If the vegetable harvest is rich, why not diversify home-made preparations for the winter with a preservation recipe from chopped tomatoes? You can even use liter jars. This method is suitable for those who are wondering what to do with large tomatoes. Option for harvesting tomatoes in own juice or sliced ​​​​tomatoes - these are the most suitable recipes. lovers spicy snacks the second method will do.

How much vinegar per liter jar? Is it necessary to use it during conservation, if there is a desire to salt the tomatoes not whole, but sliced? in different step by step recipes will have their own ways of harvesting tomatoes in this form for the winter. Without sterilization, in a cold way, lightly salted, in glass, wooden, enamelware or even in a package - all twist options are worthy of implementation.

The second half of summer is the most right time for preparing food for the winter. During this period, housewives pay special attention to canning tomatoes. Pickled tomatoes go well with a variety of ordinary and festive dishes, which contributes to the creation of numerous recipes for their preparation.

100 g of canned homemade tomatoes contain about 109 kcal.

The easiest pickling tomato - step by step photo recipe

If you decide to do conservation for the first time, then choose suitable recipe out of all the variety it will be quite difficult.

We bring to your attention classic way blanks, which has been used by thrifty housewives for many years. The recipe below is quite simple and will not cause difficulties even for those who are doing it for the first time.

You can add the main ingredients with slices of bell and bitter pepper, finely chopped onions and celery. Determine the amount to taste.

Cooking time: 45 minutes

Quantity: 1 portion


  • tomatoes (in this case plum variety: about 1.5-2 kg
  • Salt: 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar: 3.5 tbsp. l.
  • Bay leaf: 1-2 pcs.
  • Vinegar 9%: 3 tbsp. l.
  • Allspice: 2-3 mountains.
  • Black polka dots: 4-5 pcs.
  • Dill umbrellas: 1-2 pcs.
  • Horseradish: a piece of rhizome and a leaf
  • Garlic: 3-4 cloves

Cooking instructions

Preform without sterilization

To prepare one three-liter jar of canned tomatoes without sterilization, you need:

  • tomatoes of the same size and ripeness - 1.5 kg or how much will fit;
  • salt - 30 g;
  • 70 % acetic acid- 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 60-70 g;
  • greens (horseradish leaves, currants, cherries, dill umbrellas) - 10-20 g;
  • peppercorns - 5-6 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • bay leaf - 2-3 pieces;
  • how much water will go in.

How to preserve:

  1. Tomatoes selected for conservation, wash and dry.
  2. Rinse greens. Chop coarsely with a knife.
  3. Peel the garlic.
  4. Take a pre-prepared jar. At the bottom put 1/3 of the greens, bay leaves and peppercorns.
  5. Lay 1/2 of the tomatoes and add 1/3 of the greens. Fill the jar to the top and lay out the rest.
  6. Heat about 1.5 liters of water. Its exact amount depends on the packing density of the tomatoes and will be determined after the first filling.
  7. When the water boils, pour into a container with tomatoes. Top with boiled lid.
  8. Keep for 20 minutes.
  9. Carefully pour liquid into a saucepan. For convenience, a nylon cap with holes can be put on the neck.
  10. Add salt and sugar to the pot. Heat everything to a boil and boil for about 3-4 minutes.
  11. Pour the brine into a jar, add acetic acid and roll up.
  12. Carefully place the container upside down and wrap it with a blanket. Hold until cool.

After that, return to its normal position and keep it in a visible place for 2-3 weeks, after which it can be moved to a storage place.

A simple recipe for pickling green tomatoes

To prepare one jar of 2 liters of delicious green tomatoes, you need:

  • unripe tomatoes - 1.0-1.2 kg;
  • horseradish leaves, cherries, currants, dill umbrellas - 20-30 g;
  • garlic - 4-5 cloves;
  • water - 1.0 l;
  • salt - 40-50 g.

What to do:

  1. Boil clean water, add salt, stir. Cool down completely.
  2. Wash tomatoes and greens for pickling. Dry.
  3. Peel the garlic cloves.
  4. Chop coarsely with a knife or simply pick greens with your hands and lay half on the bottom of the container. Add half of the garlic.
  5. Fill to the top with green tomatoes.
  6. Put the remaining herbs and garlic on top.
  7. Pour in cold brine.
  8. Dip the capron lid in boiling water for a minute and immediately put it on the neck.
  9. Remove the workpiece to a place for storage, it is desirable that the temperature there be not lower than +1 and not higher than +5 degrees.
  10. After 30 days, salted green tomatoes are ready.

Tomato slices

For this recipe, it is advisable to take large and fleshy tomatoes with small seed chambers; irregularly shaped fruits are also suitable.

To prepare five liter jars you need:

  • tomatoes - 6 kg or how much will take;
  • water - 1 l;
  • vegetable oil - 100-120 ml;
  • salt - 30 g;
  • vinegar 9% - 20 ml;
  • sugar - 60 g;
  • fresh dill - 50 g;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • onion - 120-150 g;
  • laurel - 5 leaves;
  • peppercorns - 15 pcs.

Process step by step:

  1. Wash the tomatoes selected for conservation. Then carefully cut into slices. Small ones can be cut into 4, and large ones into 6 parts.
  2. Peel the onions and cut them into half rings. Place the bow on the bottom.
  3. Peel the garlic and place it whole in jars.
  4. Add parsley and pepper.
  5. Wash and cut dill. Send to the rest of the components.
  6. Pour a tablespoon of oil into each container.
  7. Fill to the top (not too tightly) with chopped tomatoes.
  8. For the brine, boil water in a saucepan. Pour sugar and salt, wait for dissolution. Add vinegar to last turn.
  9. Carefully pour the resulting marinade into the jars so that 1 cm remains to the top. About 200 ml of brine is taken per liter container.
  10. Cover with lids on top. Carefully place the filled container in a basin of water and sterilize for a quarter of an hour.
  11. Roll up, turn upside down. Cover with a blanket and let cool completely.

Tomatoes in jelly - simple and delicious

The calculation of products is given per liter jar, but usually brine is obtained for about three jars, therefore it is better to take vegetables immediately in triple quantity. For one serving you need:

  • the smallest tomatoes - 500-600 g;
  • onion - 50-60 g;
  • garlic - 4-5 cloves;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • gelatin - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 25 g;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tsp;
  • bay leaf;
  • peppercorns - 5-6 pcs.

Action algorithm:

  1. Wash tomatoes, dry.
  2. Peel the onion, cut into rings.
  3. Peel the garlic.
  4. Put the onion, garlic and tomatoes in a jar.
  5. Pour the contents with boiling water and cover with a lid on top. Leave for 10 minutes.
  6. Separately, boil a liter of water with bay leaf, pepper, salt and sugar. Add vinegar.
  7. Drain boiling water from the jar, add gelatin and pour brine.
  8. Roll up the lid. Keep upside down under a blanket until completely cool.

Salted tomato with garlic

To quickly pickle tomatoes with garlic you need:

  • tomatoes - 1.8 kg or how much will fit in a 3 liter container;
  • garlic - 3-4 medium sized cloves;
  • vinegar 9% - 20 ml;
  • sugar - 120 g;
  • salt - 40 g;
  • water - how much will go.

How to preserve:

  1. Wash the tomatoes and put them in a jar.
  2. Pour in boiling water. Cover with a lid on top.
  3. Withstand 20 minutes.
  4. Drain the water into a saucepan. Boil
  5. Peel the garlic, push through a press and put in tomatoes.
  6. Pour salt and sugar directly into the jar.
  7. Pour the contents with boiling water and lastly pour in the vinegar.
  8. Turn upside down, wrap with a blanket and let cool.

With onion

For three liter jars of tomatoes with onions you need:

  • tomatoes - 1.5 kg or how much will go in;
  • onions - 0.4 kg;
  • salt - 20 g;
  • sugar - 40 g;
  • oils - 20 ml;
  • vinegar 9% - 20 ml;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • peppercorns - 6 pcs.

What to do:

  1. Wash tomatoes. At the tops make an incision with a cross. Drop into boiling water. After a minute or two, catch the fruits with a slotted spoon and put in ice water.
  2. Carefully remove the skin and chop sharp knife into circles 6-7 mm thick.
  3. Peel the onion and cut into rings of the same thickness.
  4. Fill jars with vegetables, alternating layers.
  5. Boil water with pepper, parsley, sugar and salt.
  6. Pour in oil and vinegar.
  7. Pour brine over tomatoes. Cover with lids.
  8. Sterilize in a tank of water for a quarter of an hour.
  9. Roll on covers.
  10. Turn upside down, wrap with a blanket. Keep like this until completely cooled.

with cucumbers

To preserve a tomato along with cucumbers, you need to take (per 3 l):

  • tomatoes - about 1 kg;
  • cucumbers no longer than 7 cm - 800 g;
  • pickling greens - 30 g;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • salt - 20 g;
  • sugar - 40 g;
  • vinegar 9% - 20 ml;
  • water - 1 l.

Step by step process:

  1. Soak cucumbers in water, wash well, dry and cut off the tips.
  2. Wash the selected tomatoes, dry them.
  3. Pickling greens (as a rule, these are dill umbrellas, currant and cherry leaves, horseradish leaf) rinse with water and shake well.
  4. chop on large pieces knife.
  5. Peel the garlic cloves.
  6. Put half of the greens and garlic in a sterile jar.
  7. Place cucumbers vertically.
  8. Arrange the tomatoes on top and lay out the remaining herbs and garlic.
  9. Boil water and pour into a filled jar. Put the lid on top.
  10. Soak vegetables in boiling water for 20 minutes.
  11. Drain water into a saucepan.
  12. Add salt and sugar.
  13. Heat to a boil. Pour in the vinegar.
  14. Pour the vegetable platter with boiling brine.
  15. Roll on the lid using a seaming machine.
  16. Turn the jar upside down and cover with a blanket. Keep in this state until completely cooled.

Simple assorted tomato and vegetables

For 5 liter jars beautiful assorted need to:

  • yellow and red tomatoes - 1 kg each;
  • the smallest cucumbers - 1.5 kg;
  • carrots - 2 medium root crops;
  • garlic cloves - 15 pcs.;
  • sweet multi-colored pepper - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 40 g;
  • vinegar 9% - 40 ml;
  • salt - 20 g.
  1. Wash tomatoes and cucumbers. Cut off the ends of the latter.
  2. Clean the carrot. Cut it into slices or sticks.
  3. Peel the garlic.
  4. Remove the seeds from the peppers and cut them into long strips.
  5. Pack all vegetables approximately equally in jars.
  6. Heat about 2 liters of water to a boil and pour over the assortment. Place lids on top.
  7. After 10 minutes, drain the liquid into a saucepan. Boil it again.
  8. Repeat filling.
  9. After 10 minutes, drain the water again and bring to a boil. Pour salt, sugar. Stir until completely dissolved and pour in the vinegar.
  10. Pour the assortment with boiling marinade and roll up.

Turn the rolled jars upside down, then cover them with a blanket and keep until cool.

Homemade tomato preparations will taste better if you follow the recommendations below:

  1. It is advisable to choose oval or elongated tomato varieties with dense skin for pickling. Well suited "Novice", "Lisa", "Maestro", "Hidalgo". The fruits must be in the same stage of maturity.

Salting vegetables has always been the best way prepare them ahead of time. Due to the large amount of salt and lactic acid, vegetables are well preserved. long time, because it is salt that kills many putrefactive bacteria, due to which vegetables in normal conditions spoil.

Almost any vegetables are salted: cabbage, cucumbers, eggplants, zucchini, tomatoes.

The technology for pickling some vegetables - for example, cucumbers and tomatoes - is almost the same. But there are some features that housewives should be aware of.

Subtleties of cooking

  • Plum-shaped tomatoes are best suited for pickling - such as Fakel, Humbert, Novelty of Transnistria, De Barao, Mayak, Titan, Volgogradsky, Ermak, Gribovsky, Bison. These tomatoes have a dense skin, they are fleshy and are not so deformed when salted.
  • Ripe tomatoes produce excellent quality products, but they are often deformed during the salting process, so such tomatoes must be handled very carefully.
  • Pickles from tomatoes of pink degree of maturity and blunge are not injured during salting and are very tasty when ready. Often salted green tomatoes, as well as the fruits of milky ripeness.
  • Unlike cucumbers, which can be pickled in large barrels, it is advisable to pickle tomatoes in a small bowl. In it, they will not crumple under their own weight. That's why the best container for pickling tomatoes are glass jars with a capacity of 3 to 10 liters.
  • The technology of salting tomatoes is the same as that of cucumbers. But due to the fact that tomatoes contain more sugar, they require a little more salt for pickling. For ripe tomatoes, a brine is prepared at the rate of 500-700 g of salt per 10 liters of water. For brown and green tomatoes 600-800 g of salt are taken per 10 liters of water.
  • Calculating the number of tomatoes and brine is simple. With dense packing of tomatoes in a jar, half of its volume remains for the brine. For example, 500-600 g of tomatoes and 500 ml of brine are placed in a liter jar, in three-liter jar fits 1.5 kg of tomatoes and 1.5 liters of brine. Of course, there may be an error of 100 ml or 100 g in one direction or another. It all depends on the size of the tomatoes and the packing density.
  • Tomatoes have a pronounced taste and aroma, therefore, for their salting of spicy greens, it takes half as much as for cucumbers. The most commonly used dill, garlic, red pepper, leaves black currant, celery, parsley, tarragon. Together with this herb, cherry or oak leaves, rich in tannins, are added. Thanks to them, the tomatoes are strong and resilient.
  • Tomatoes, especially unripe ones, contain solanine, so fermentation is slower than that of cucumbers, and at a temperature of 15-20 ° ends after about 2 weeks.
  • Recipes salted tomatoes a lot of. They can be spicy, mild, with sweet pepper, garlic, with cherry and blackcurrant leaves. They are salted in tomato juice, with mustard, cinnamon and even sugar.
  • Salted tomatoes are stored in glass jars in a room with an air temperature of 0 to 2 °. Tomatoes are ready in about 1-1.5 months.

Salted tomatoes in jars: classic

  • red tomatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • red pepper - a pod;
  • blackcurrant leaves - 2 pcs.;
  • green dill - 50 g;
  • celery, parsley, tarragon - 15 g.

For brine:

  • water - 1.5 l;
  • salt - 50-60 g.

Cooking method

  • Prepare clean jars.
  • Make a brine. To do this, in a small amount hot water dissolve the salt. Mix with the rest cold water. After the brine has settled, strain it through a linen cloth.
  • For pickling, select firm red or pink tomatoes of the same size. Rinse thoroughly in a basin, changing the water several times, or under a faucet. Remove the stems.
  • Wash all greens well. Let the water drain.
  • Put 1/3 of all greens at the bottom of the jar. Pack the tomatoes tightly, layering with spices, being careful not to crush them.
  • Fill with brine. Put the jars in a room with an air temperature of 15-20 °. Close with capron lids. Leave for 2 weeks. During this time, lactic acid fermentation will occur: the brine will become cloudy, part of it will be absorbed into the tomatoes.
  • Free the surface of the tomatoes from mold and foam. Pour fresh saline up to the neck of the jars.
  • Seal the jars tightly with sterile lids and put them in a cold room or refrigerate.

Tomatoes with garlic mild in jars


  • tomatoes - 10 kg;
  • horseradish root - 20 g;
  • garlic - 150 g;
  • tarragon - 25 g;
  • hot peppers - a few small pods according to the number of cans.

For brine:

  • water - 8 l;
  • salt - 400 g.

Cooking method

  • Prepare the brine ahead of time. Dissolve salt in water, let the brine settle. Strain.
  • Select firm tomatoes. Wash in cold water. Remove the stems.
  • Peel the garlic, rinse in water. Cut large cloves in half.
  • Peel the horseradish root from the skin, wash under running water. Cut into slices. Wash the herbs and peppers.
  • Pack the tomatoes tightly into jars, layering with herbs and spices. Put one pepper in each jar.
  • Fill with brine and close with capron lids. Leave in a warm place for 12 days.
  • Then remove the mold and foam from the surface of the tomatoes. Pour fresh brine into jars. Hermetically roll up or close with ordinary lids and lower into the cellar.

Note: To make the tomatoes spicy, increase the amount of horseradish, and put the pepper in jars cut. It is recommended to put dill greens in such tomatoes: 200 g of dill will be required for 10 kg of tomatoes. For 8 liters of water, take 600 g of salt.

Salted tomatoes with sweet peppers in jars


  • tomatoes - 10 kg;
  • garlic - 30 g;
  • dill greens - 150 g;
  • sweet pepper - 250 g;
  • hot pepper - a few small pods according to the number of cans.

For brine:

  • water - 8 l;
  • salt - 500 g.

Cooking method

  • Make a brine. Dissolve salt in water. Let the brine settle, then filter it through a cloth.
  • Prepare clean jars with lids.
  • Choose ripe, firm tomatoes. Wash. Remove the stems.
  • Peel the garlic from the husk, wash it.
  • Wash bell pepper, cut in half, remove seeds. Cut the halves into long slices. Rinse dill with cold water.
  • Put the tomatoes in jars, layering with herbs, garlic and slices of pepper.
  • Fill with brine. Leave for 10-12 days in a warm (up to 20 °) place.
  • After lactic acid fermentation is over, remove foam and possible mold from the surface of the tomatoes. Fill the jars with new brine. Close the lids, put in the cellar. Or seal it tightly.

Salted tomatoes in tomato juice in jars


  • tomatoes - 10 kg;
  • black currant leaves - 250 g;
  • tomato puree - 10 kg;
  • salt - 300 g;
  • dry mustard - 1 tsp

Method of use

  • Choose firm, ripe tomatoes. Wash well, remove the stalks.
  • Prepare the tomato paste. To do this, take overripe, cracked tomatoes. Wash them. Scroll through a meat grinder. If you want to get puree without skin and seeds, rub it through a sieve.
  • Prepare clean jars with lids.
  • Wash your greens.
  • Mix salt with mustard.
  • Put currant leaves at the bottom of the jars. Lay down a layer of tomatoes. Sprinkle with salt mixture. Put the currant leaves again. Put tomatoes on them. When half of the jar is filled, fill the tomatoes with tomato mass. Repeat layers with leaf, tomatoes, salt.
  • Cover the top layer of tomatoes with currant leaves. Fill the jar to the top with tomato paste.
  • Close the jars with lids and leave for 6 days at an air temperature of 15-20 °. Then top up the jars with tomato. Close with capron lids. Remove to a cold place.

Salted tomatoes with cinnamon in jars


  • tomatoes - 10 kg;
  • bay leaf - 5 g;
  • cinnamon - 1.5 tsp

For brine:

  • water - 8 l;
  • salt - 500 g.

Cooking method

  • Prepare the brine ahead of time. To do this, dissolve salt in water. When the brine settles, strain it.
  • Select red, firm tomatoes. Wash them. Remove the stems.
  • Pack the tomatoes tightly into the jars, but do not crush. Place a bay leaf and cinnamon in each jar, distributing evenly over the entire number of tomatoes.
  • Fill with brine. Close with capron lids. Leave for 10-12 days in a room at an air temperature of 15-20°.
  • After this time, remove the foam and possible mold from the surface of the tomatoes. Fill jars with freshly prepared salt solution. Remove to a cold place.

Green salted tomatoes in jars


  • green tomatoes - 10 kg;
  • dill greens - 200 g;
  • black currant leaves - 100 g;
  • sugar - 200 g.

For brine:

  • water - 5 l;
  • salt - 250 g.

Cooking method

  • Prepare the brine ahead of time. When it settles, strain.
  • Select green tomatoes, wash them. Remove the stems.
  • Wash your greens.
  • Dip the tomatoes in small batches into boiling water and blanch for 1-2 minutes. Cool quickly under running water. Can do without heat treatment, but in this case, the tomatoes will be harsh.
  • Place cold tomatoes tightly in clean jars, shifting greens. Pour sugar into each jar.
  • Fill with brine. Leave in a warm place to ferment for 6-7 days. Top up with fresh brine. Close with capron lids. Remove to a cold place.

Salted tomatoes in their own juice in jars


  • red tomatoes - 10 kg;
  • currant leaves - 30-40 pieces;
  • tomato mass - 10 kg;
  • salt - 500 g.

Cooking method

  • Wash ripe tomatoes, remove stems.
  • Rinse freshly picked currant leaves in clean water.
  • Put currant leaves at the bottom of clean jars. Put in the tomatoes. Sprinkle with salt. Put the currant leaves again, then the tomatoes. Sprinkle with salt again. Thus, fill all the banks.
  • Prepare a tomato mass from overripe tomatoes, which are pre-washed in cold water. Fill it with tomatoes.
  • Close the jars with lids and keep indoors at 15-20 ° for about 6-7 days. When fermentation is over, transfer to a cold place - in a cellar or refrigerator.

Salted tomatoes with cloves in jars

Ingredients (for a three-liter jar):

  • tomatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • dill - 2 umbrellas;
  • parsley - 2 branches;
  • black pepper - 5 peas;
  • allspice - 2 peas;
  • cloves - 2-3 buds;
  • cherry and black currant leaves - 3 leaves each;
  • mustard seeds - 1 tsp;
  • hot pepper - 1 pod;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves.

For brine:

  • water - 2 l;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 1 tsp

Cooking method

  • For pickling, select red ripe plum-shaped tomatoes with thick skins. Wash thoroughly. Remove the stems.
  • Rinse generously cold water dill, parsley, cherry and currant leaves.
  • Peel the garlic, wash. Wash the pepper pods, cut off the dried part of the stalk. Do not damage the pulp, otherwise the tomatoes will turn out spicy.
  • Prepare clean jars with lids.
  • Put some spices in the bottom of each jar. Then fill the jars with tomatoes. Insert pepper between fruits. Cover the top layer of tomatoes with herbs. Sprinkle mustard seeds.
  • Pour water into a saucepan, put salt, sugar and bay leaf. Boil the brine for 5 minutes. Take it off the stove and let it cool.
  • Pour cold brine over tomatoes. Close with plastic lids.
  • Put the jars for 3 weeks in a cool place.

Note to the owner

You can change any of these recipes to your liking by taking another instead of one spicy plant. But do not reduce the amount of salt, otherwise the tomatoes may turn sour. Also, do not neglect the rules of sanitation. Fulfilling all the requirements, in the end you will get delicious salted tomatoes.

For many housewives, the end of summer is the time to prepare supplies for the winter: all sorts of pickles, jams and other things. Of course, this does not surprise anyone, because at the end of summer there is an abundance of vegetables and fruits. The need to make preparations lies in the past, when it was difficult for housewives to get factory-made pickles and other things.

Despite the fact that the shortage of stocks disappeared over time, negligent producers somehow bypass the recipe, reduce their production costs, thereby causing decline taste qualities. This phenomenon became especially noticeable during the abolition of the GOST standard and the introduction of flavor substitutes.

Useful properties of pickled tomatoes

Summer, sparkling vegetable tomato, both fresh and pickled - lovely dish. Its taste, in any form, is excellent.

Logged tomatoes do not have acetic acid in their composition, which means that they do not harm the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, does not stimulate appetite, and in cooking they are simple.

To pickle a tomato, you need to choose the right fruit. It should be quite hard - not too "oak", but not soft, especially - not damaged and crumpled. As a rule, a variety like "Cream" is suitable for pickles.

Salting a tomato can mean both ripe fruits and green ones. However, the latter require a very careful attitude, as they may contain a substance such as solanine. This is a very poisonous substance. When salted, it is partially neutralized.

If we talk about pickles, then vegetables should have the same maturity, which means that they should be sorted not only by size, but also by maturity.

Those that are more ripe - red, should be hard so that in the end you do not get porridge from tomatoes

Salting involves not only tomatoes, but also spices and seasonings. As a rule, for pickles they are unified, these are:

  • Tarragon.
  • Dill.
  • Parsley.
  • Hell leaves.
  • Garlic.
  • Leaves of currant, cherry.
  • Savory.
  • Rosemary.
  • Celery.
  • Pepper - black and red.
  • Carnation.
  • Allspice.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Mustard.
  • Salt.
  • Sugar and more.

How to choose and prepare a vegetable?

Vegetables must be selected and sorted very carefully:

  • First of all, the vegetable should not have cracks, damage and stains. Before salting, all vegetables are thoroughly washed.
  • For salting, the tomato should be small or medium in size, the skin should be elastic.
  • Before salting, vegetables need to be chopped in the area of ​​​​the stalk, thereby allowing them to be better salted, and in order for the salting to be the best, you need to cut them into pieces.

Tomatoes must be stored in a cellar or refrigerator at a temperature of 1-6 C. Or they must be preserved.

Note! To do this, 5 days after the fermentation process, drain the brine, rinse the vegetables with herbs under hot water and sort into clean containers. The drained brine is boiled and poured into a container with tomatoes.

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive a large harvest with large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get the desired result.

Often plants lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase yield by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get good harvest even on low-fertility soils and in adverse climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

Salting tomatoes for the winter - recipes

Tomatoes can be prepared in several ways:

  • hot brine;
  • cold brine.

The first option requires pouring a hot mixture over the tomatoes and then leaving them for a period of 3 days to 7 days. This option suggests that the peel of the vegetable bursts, but their salting is more thorough.

The second option involves cooling the brine to 30-40 C. With this option, the vegetables are left to pickle for 2-4 weeks. Readiness is checked by the consistency of the brine - as soon as it begins to become cloudy. During this period, tomatoes "play". You can stop the process by moving them to a dark place.

Classic recipe

Pickle for classic recipe requires the use of clean water, preferably from a sub-filter.

Salt is needed in an ordinary dining room, in no case should you use iodized or crushed salt, as the vegetable will be bitter, and fermentation will be completely absent:

  • Salt is taken at the rate of 1 liter of water requires 4 tablespoons of salt. At the same time, you should not be afraid that the tomatoes will be too salty. As practice shows, a tomato will take as much salt as necessary.
  • Salt must be dissolved in boiling water, cooled and smashed into jars. For a 3-liter container, up to a liter of brine will be needed.
  • Next, you need to remove the salt for 3 days in a warm place to activate fermentation. The process can take up to 2 weeks.
  • At the same time, at the end of three days, it is necessary to check the vegetables - as soon as turbidity appears in the brine, it is necessary to tightly cork the container and lower it into a cold place.

Quick Recipe

To prepare a tomato "quickly" you need:

  • Wash the fruits thoroughly, prepare the garlic, peel and cut into layers, squeeze a little and squeeze out the juice.
  • Add a little salt to the water (1.5 chandelier), soak the dill. Currant leaves - for 30 minutes.
  • Then put garlic on the bottom in a jar, then dill and currant leaves on it. Top with water, in which currant leaves and dill languished.

Note! Brine to quick tomatoes is prepared from a mixture - 1.5 chandelier of water, in which salt, sugar, cinnamon and vinegar are stirred - 100 gr. The mixture is boiled and poured into the previously laid out tomatoes in a jar, it is immediately necessary to cork the container. Already after 6 hours, the tomatoes are ready to eat.

Stories from our readers!
“I am a summer resident with many years of experience, and I started using this fertilizer only last year. I tested it on the most capricious vegetable in my garden - on tomatoes. The bushes grew and bloomed together, the harvest was more than usual. And they didn’t get sick with late blight, this is the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives more intensive growth of garden plants, and they bear fruit much better. Now you can’t grow a normal crop without fertilizer, and this top dressing increases the number of vegetables, so I am very pleased with the result."

Salted Siberian Tomatoes

Siberian tomatoes are prepared in this way:

  • it is necessary to put dill, 6 currant leaves, cherry sprigs, 5 cloves of garlic, horseradish root (3 cm) and 2 peas of allspice in jars of 3 liter volume.
  • Tomatoes are poured with boiling water, defended for 15 minutes.
  • The brine is prepared at the rate of 60 gr. 1 liter, then boil. Boiling water is drained from the jars and poured with tomatoes.
  • Then the jars are tightly sealed and turned upside down.

Salted tomatoes

Lightly salted tomatoes are known to all. It's by everyone favorite treat, which does not require much effort in preparation. A great appetizer for a summer menu.

In order to cook tomatoes according to this recipe, you must:

  • sort out the fruits and prepare the garlic - chop it into slices.
  • Make a brine - dissolve salt and sugar - 3 tbsp. l. for 1 tbsp. Sahara.
  • Then put dill, half of the cooked garlic, black pepper (peas), bay leaf - a few leaves and horseradish root into the pan.
  • All this is covered with tomatoes, the remnants of dill and garlic are laid out on top of them.
  • Everything is poured with hot brine and left for 3 days at room temperature.

Note! Summer is remarkable not only for the sea and the abundance of the sun, but also for the abundance of vegetables and fruits that zealous housewives use in their preparations. There are many options for blanks that have been tested and loved for years, so the question of how to cook will not arise.

Tomato vegetable preparations are very tasty and healthy, and most importantly, it is not difficult to cook tomatoes using proven technology.