Pickled cucumbers in cold filling. Lazy Preservation: Pickled Cucumbers

Every year I cook for the winter not only pickled, pickled, but also pickled cucumbers. Pickled cucumbers have a special spicy taste, vinegar is not added to them, lactic acid formed during fermentation serves as a preservative, and salt in this case is a flavoring agent.

You can pickle cucumbers in wooden barrels, enameled buckets or in glass jars. Since we are not harvesting much now, we will just talk about harvesting cucumbers in jars. For pickling, I take medium-sized or small cucumbers, pour water and leave for 4 hours. This is done with the aim that the cucumbers are not bitter, and if the cucumbers are not from their garden, then also so that nitrates come out.

Pickled cucumber recipe

In prepared glass jars to your taste, you can put dill umbrellas, horseradish leaves, blackcurrant leaves, peeled garlic cloves on the bottom, and then spread the soaked cucumbers. Next, pour chilled boiled brine and leave in the room for 3-4 days for fermentation. As soon as fermentation is over, you need to drain the brine, strain and boil.

Rinse the cucumbers in warm water so that there is no white coating and put them back in jars. After pour hot brine, leave for 30 minutes. Then drain the brine, boil and refill the jars and close hermetically. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a warm blanket and leave until the next day. Store in a cool place.

Ingredients for preparing the brine:

  • water - 1 liter;
  • salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • greens and seasonings - according to your preference.

Pickled crispy cucumbers for the winter

Put cucumbers in enameled (without chips) or glassware, salting them with salt and spices. Pour cold water(preferably filtered), close with an inverted plate, put the load. When foam appears in 3-4 days, remove the load, remove the foam, remove the cucumbers and put them neatly in jars.

Put blanched greens on top in the same proportion, except for horseradish and oak or cherry leaves, adding 1-2 cloves of garlic for each jar. Drain the old brine into a saucepan (without old herbs), boil and pour into jars of cucumbers to the very top, leaving no empty space. Roll up the jars, turn them over on the lids and cool under the covers. Store in a cool place.

Ingredients for each 1 kg of cucumbers:

  • water - 1 liter;
  • blackcurrant leaves - 1-2 leaves;
  • tarragon sprigs - one sprig;
  • dill umbrellas - 1 umbrella;
  • horseradish leaf - 1/2 leaf;
  • oak leaf or 4-5 cherry leaves;
  • salt - 1.5 tablespoons.

Pickled cucumbers can be served as an additional side dish, can be added to salads, vinaigrette, sauces, pickle, etc. Cook, I think you will really like it!

Everyone Bon appetit! Write, I will answer all questions.

The hot season is coming. Cucumbers open the season first. I offer cucumbers on sourdough bread, cucumbers in own juice, tap cucumbers, quick salted, proven recipes and well-kept cucumbers.

Cucumbers can be fermented with white or brown bread. The principle of salting remains unchanged. Wash, cut off the ends and soak for 2-3 hours in cold water. In order for the cucumbers to be ready as soon as possible, they are pricked with a pin. Put cucumbers tightly in a jar, lay with dill sprigs, grape or cherry leaves, peppercorns and mustard seeds. Lay pieces of white yeast bread(on leaven).

Bread can be wrapped in gauze. Pour a warm solution of water with sugar and salt. Cover the jar with a linen cloth, tie it up and put it in a room with an average temperature of 20 ° C. As soon as the cucumbers begin to turn sour, that is, when the filling becomes cloudy, transfer them to a colder room. Fermentation lasts 1-2 weeks. During fermentation, you need to add filling and remove the film that forms on the surface. To keep the cucumbers for a longer time, they are transferred, after rinsing with water, into a clean bowl and poured with a pour: 10 g of salt per 1 liter of water. Sterilize for 30 minutes at 80°C.

Pickled cucumbers "on white bread"
Cucumbers - 2 kg, white bread - 200 g, sugar - 1stl water - 1.5 l, salt - 75 g.

Wash the cucumbers, put them tightly in a jar, placing them as vertically as possible. Before that, put on the bottom of the container White bread cut into pieces. Boil water, dissolve salt in it, pour hot brine over bread and cucumbers so that they are completely immersed in the solution. Put oppression. After 2-3 days they can be eaten. Cucumbers of this salting are unusually tasty and fragrant.

Cucumbers in their own juice - in grated cucumber porridge.

Grate on coarse grater 7-8 large ripe cucumbers, add to grated cucumbers stack of salt without top -100 gram glass a teaspoon of salt - mix everything, let it stand for a while so that juice forms in the porridge.

Cucumbers, medium, large, small, wash what you like, and be sure to dry.Divide the cucumber porridge into 3 parts.

To the bottom three-liter jar put one part of the "porridge", coarsely chopped dill, horseradish leaves, 2 cloves of chopped garlic, peppercorns. Lay or put cucumbers, apply a second layer of "porridge" on this layer of cucumbers, then cucumbers again, then a little dill with horseradish and on top of the third part of the "porridge", pourin a jar ofcucumbers, the remaining yushka (if there is not enough liquid, rub another cucumberov and slightly salt, let stand and add this liquid to the jar. If you do not have a basement or cellar, put the jars in a dark, cool place, place plates under the jars, the cucumbers will ferment. You can immediately cover the cucumbers with plastic lids. Cucumbers ferment for 12-15 days, after the cucumbers stop fermenting, you can roll them up with iron lids.

If there is a basement, close the cucumbers with a nylon lid and put them in the cellar until winter, in the cellar they slowly roam preparing for the winter, they turn out like sauerkraut while the cucumbers roam, excess liquid flows out. All voids between cucumbers should be filled with grated mass.

The second way cucumbers in cucumber porridge: Put the cucumbers in a bowl mixed with herbs, garlic, spices and porridge. Place a porcelain saucer and oppression on top - the cucumbers should be completely covered with juice.Leave at room temperature until lactic acid fermentation begins. After that, transfer the container with cucumbers to a refrigerator or cellar with a temperature of 1~3°C until full ripening. Ripening occurs on 10~15 days.

If during fermentation the liquid level in the cucumbers has dropped, add brine to the brim (ratio: 65~75g of salt per 1 liter of water).

And another recipe for cucumbers in their own juice with herbs.

Two types of cucumbers are needed: some are small - for salting, others are large, overripe (only not sour) - for mashed potatoes.
large cucumbers pass through a meat grinder into a separate bowl.
Cucumbers should be washed, but dry (otherwise they will turn sour). At the bottom of a dry 3-liter jar, put a part of a horseradish leaf, blackcurrant leaves, dill (you can also use dill umbrellas with seeds), cherry leaves and two or three cloves of garlic (better cut). Greens should cover the bottom of the jar. On the greens, put one tablespoon of salt (not iodized!) A little bit with a slide.
Then lay the mashed potatoes, and place in it small cucumbers in such a way that mashed potatoes and cucumbers fill half a jar. Then put the same greens as listed in one layer, and again a tablespoon of salt on top. Then again mashed potatoes and small cucumbers. The puree should completely cover the cucumbers. Then on top again - greens (dill, garlic, currant leaves, cherries). A sheet of horseradish should lie on top - it does not allow mold to germinate. Place the third (and last) tablespoon of salt on top of the greens. Close the jar with a plastic lid. It is better to make the jar a little incomplete so that there is room for fermentation.
By spring, cucumbers may turn a little sour, but they can be revived by placing them in a fresh solution (3 tablespoons of sugar per 1 liter of water). Cucumbers are fragrant, tender. Puree can be used in salads or for pickle.

It turns out very useful pickled cucumbers, you can eat ulcers, small children are all natural. You can also drink pickle from these cucumbers to cleansebody.

I will offer you one morerecipe - pomath cucumbers, cut on both sides, in three liter jar put coarsely chopped dill, horseradish and garlic on the bottom, then fold the cucumbers, pour water into a jar of cucumbers from the tap / this is so that you know how much water you need / then pour the water into the pan, add a 100 gram glass of salt without a top - that's it mix, and again pour into a jar of cucumbers - let them stand in the apartment for 3 days, after 3 days pour the water from the jar into the pan, wash the cucumbers, choose everything elsepour, put horseradish, dill, garlic, washed cucumbers in a clean sterilized jar, boil the brine that you poured into the pan,boils for 5 minutes then pour cucumbers with hot pickle, roll up iron lid, turn over, wrapate - the next day you can put it in the pantry, it turns out exactly the same as in the cellar - and still natural without vinegar.

No problem and no hassle. Very good recipe. I found on the Internet I don’t know whose salt according to this recipe for 2 years. Cucumbers are incomparably crispy.

Wash cucumbers well. In glass jars at the bottom I lay out the inflorescence of dill, chopped horseradish leaf, cut into halves 2-3 cloves of garlic, black peppercorns, currant leaves, red capsicum. Put the washed cucumbers on top; do not cut the tips of the cucumbers.

In the warm ode we breedsalt 100 grams per 1 liter of water and with this solution we fill the cucumbers to the top of the jar, then sprinkle half a teaspoon of dry mustard on top. We cover the jars loosely with light lids (from jars of purchased sour cream). We put the jars in containers so that the brine does not spill over the surface of the table, shelf or window sill during fermentation. Cucumbers are salted for 4-5 days (you can not put in a cold place). We follow when the "fermentation-salting process" has come to an end - first fermentation cloudy brine becomes more transparentsome sediment has formed on the cucumbers - it's time to prepare the cucumbers for seaming. We take right amount lids, wash under cold water. We take a jar of cucumbers, cover with a palm and wash the cucumbers so that there is no sediment left. Pour cold water from the tap and repeat the procedure until the contents in the jar are completely clean. From the source: Then we put the jar under the tap with cold water and fill it up to the "meniscus", i.e. as much as possible. (I fill it with spring water) We check that there are no bubbles between the cucumbers, we tap on the jar so that all the bubbles rise up. poured outand there is no air! We roll up the lid. And EVERYTHING. Banks do not need to be flipped. Leave the jars under control for a few days - if suddenly there is air left there due to our oversight, then the fermentation process will swell the lid. In this case, I remove the lid, "correct the mistake" by adding water to the maximum and roll it up with a new lid. But my 20 years of experience has already saved me from that. So be careful! Cucumbers stand in a closet in an apartment for a year, two, three. All the trick of pickling - crispy cucumbers, like from a barrel, excess salt went into clean water, the brine becomes very tasty. Well, the pickle turns out to be a classic

And a very simple and always successful recipe: Lightly salted cucumbers

Cucumbers in a bag Wash cucumbers, cut them on both sides, dip each spout of the cucumber in salt, do not spare her dear, then put it in plastic bag and fall asleep with finely chopped herbs, whatever your heart desires: dill, parsley, green beamTo; tie the bag and shake it vigorously ... 3 minutes and put it in the refrigerator That's it! After 2.5-3 hours you can enjoy))) checked)))

Another kitchen secret:

It happens that you open a jar of cucumbers, and they are too salty or sour. In a word, tasteless. How to be? In this case, I do this. Without pouring the cucumbers out of the jar, I wash them with cold well water, then I dilute 3 tablespoons of sugar in cold water (based on 1 liter of water) and fill the cucumbers with this solution. After a few days, cucumbers will not be recognized, they will be unusually tasty.

The conservation season is in full swing, so let's not waste time and make delicious homemade preparations for the future! Now the peak of the sale of cucumbers, and in a couple of weeks it will be possible to close the tomatoes. Therefore, today I propose to make pickled cucumbers for the winter in jars (without vinegar), and a little later I will share delicious recipe tomato rolls.

By the way, cucumbers can not only be fermented ( cold way) or roll up in a sterilized container ( hot way), but also make quick marinated ones, literally in half a day!

And pickled cucumbers for the winter, according to my recipe, turn out to be very crispy, well saturated with brine and spices, but not oversalted, just in moderation.

They are very, very easy to prepare. Perhaps this is the easiest option of those blank recipes that I know. At the same time, the cucumbers turn out to be what you need - not oversalted and not too sour. In general, in winter, such preparations are very useful!

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:

  • Cucumbers - 2 kg
  • Dill branches with inflorescences - 3-5 pcs.
  • Currant and cherry leaves - 5 pcs.
  • Garlic - 5-6 cloves
  • Horseradish leaves - 3-4 pcs.
  • Salt - 100-gram pile

How to prepare cucumbers for the winter without vinegar

Cucumbers are better to take medium-sized. So, fill them with cold water for 3 hours. Then wash them well.

We also wash the greens, clean the garlic.

At the bottom of a clean three-liter bottle, we put half of the cooked greens: cherry leaves, currants, garlic, dill branches, horseradish leaves.

This is what it will look like at this stage:

We tightly stack the cucumbers to half the jar.

Then we throw the remaining garlic and herbs.

And fill the jars to the top with cucumbers.

Fill a 100-gram stack with salt.

We take a half-liter jar, pour cold water into it and stir the salt.

Pour it into a bottle with cucumbers.

And fill it to the top with cold water. Salt is a natural preservative, so twisting can be done without vinegar.

Cover with a regular plastic lid. We turn the bottle over several times in our hands. And send it to the basement to wait for winter. In the basement, they themselves reach the desired condition. The brine will become cloudy - but there is nothing to worry about - it should be so. The only point is that in a couple of weeks you will need to add a little cold water - about half a glass.

That's all, delicious pickled cucumbers for the winter are ready!

If you don’t have a basement, then 3-4 days after you poured the cucumbers with water and salt, and by this time they have already become lightly salted, this water must be drained into a saucepan, brought to a boil and be sure to remove the foam formed during boiling! Next, add 1.5 tbsp to a 3-liter bottle. vodka so that 100% cucumbers do not explode and simply pour cucumbers with this boiling brine and cork.

Bon appetit in winter!

Last year I mom's recipe with the addition of vinegar. So it happened, for reasons inexplicable to me, half of the jars bounced off the lids, I had to re-prepare the brine and close them again, which helped them stand for a long time. cold winter. But, when preparing the second brine, I forgot that salt should not be added, because the cucumbers successfully absorbed it from the first one, and it turned out that I, thus, salted them. Well, but when preparing the famous olivier or pickle, you didn’t have to salt the dishes at all.

This year, I decided to cook sour cucumbers for the winter without vinegar according to the recipe of my mother-in-law. All my family members really liked them. Can you say something against the whole big family? Of course not. Therefore, I undertook to intensively study the recipe on how to make sour cucumbers and that's what happened.

For cooking we take:

- cucumbers - how many bought,
- water,
- two tablespoons of salt per 1 jar,
- black peppercorns,
- sprigs of dill flowers,
- horseradish leaves,
- garlic cloves,
- tarragon,
- vodka,
- acetylsalicylic acid - 1 pc. for 1 bank.


I am not considered to be a supporter of adding pills to preservation, as I do not consider it useful. But on old recipe how to pickle sour cucumbers, you have to do it.
First you need to thoroughly wash and sterilize the jars, then wash the cucumbers and cut the tails on both sides. Next, we put horseradish leaves, dill sprigs, black peppercorns, garlic, tarragon, two tablespoons of salt on the bottom of the jar. We lay the jar with cucumbers, fill it with cold water, cover with a lid and leave the jars for three days so that all the bitterness comes out, and the cucumbers are saturated with brine. Banks should be placed in bowls, because water will certainly flow out. And yet, salt can be thrown into water, and then poured into jars, although this is at the discretion of each hostess personally.
And so, after 3 days, we carefully pour the brine into a saucepan in which we will boil it. We do this carefully so that the sediment formed at the bottom of the jar remains. Then, while the brine boils (we don’t add anything to it), we wash the cucumbers in a jar under running water. Yes, and be sure to set the lids to boil. We throw one aspirin tablet into jars and pour 1 tablespoon of vodka.

Fill with boiled brine and screw on the lids. We send all sour cucumbers to the cellar until winter. Although if you wish, you can already try one jar now. But in general, they still need to stand for a while, then they turn out to be simply excellent.

The classic version of cooking cucumbers for the winter is pickling in oak barrels. The taste of such an appetizer cannot be compared with any other preservation. However, not everyone has the opportunity to keep such a large capacity in the apartment, but there are recipes that allow you to canned cucumbers tasted like cask.

pickled cucumbers

For harvesting cucumbers, it is better to take medium-sized fruits and unripe ones. Dishes can be used enameled, wooden or glass. As a rule, housewives, due to the limited area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartments, use the latter option, but, despite the fact that such dishes do not meet the requirements of the classical recipe, you can cook at least tasty dish. How to make sour cucumbers at home:

  1. Brine for canning vegetables is prepared in a day, while it is better to take water from high level rigidity.
  2. The amount of salt is selected taking into account the size of the cucumbers: for pickling small fruits, a smaller amount is needed than for large ones. The finished marinade must be filtered with double-folded gauze or clean burlap.
  3. Since the preservation of cucumbers is not complete without the formation of mold, the walls of the dishes are rubbed with garlic. Horseradish leaves, cherries, black currants, spices are placed at the bottom of the container.
  4. Cucumbers are laid vertically, not horizontally: it is believed that then the vegetables are better and more evenly salted.
  5. If you decide to prepare canned fruits open way(without clogging with lids), it is worth periodically removing a white film from the surface of the brine. To prevent the formation of mold, it is better to store homemade in a cold room and add a little mustard powder to the marinade.

Harvesting cucumbers for the winter in an open way

Traditional option canned cucumbers does not involve spinning pickles on banks. If you are preparing a snack in glass container, it can be covered nylon lids, the barrel is loosely covered with a wooden plate. To prepare sour cucumbers for the winter, you will need:

  • dill - 800 g;
  • medium, fresh cucumbers- 10 kg;
  • horseradish leaves - 100 g;
  • cherry leaves- 100 g;
  • horseradish root - 30 g;
  • Chile;
  • purified water - 10 l;
  • garlic - 200 g;
  • salt- 750-850 g (if the fruits are large, add 100 g more salt).

How pickled cucumbers are prepared:

  1. Cucumbers are soaked in cold water for no longer than 6 hours. The rest of the ingredients are washed, dried, cleaned if necessary.
  2. Dill should be cut into 15-20 cm sprigs.
  3. The barrel is rinsed with a concentrated decoction of walnut leaves and rubbed with crushed garlic (a couple of cloves are enough).
  4. Ready greens, seasonings are divided into 2 parts, the first of which is placed on the bottom of the barrel, and the second is placed on top of the vegetables.
  5. The barrel should be filled with fruits very tightly so that the concentration of lactic acid produced during fermentation is high. This will ensure long-term preservation of the snack.
  6. Next, the vegetables are poured with cooled brine, prepared from 10 liters of water and 750-850 g of salt.
  7. From above, the workpiece must be covered with cotton material, a wooden lid and pressed down with oppression. On top, you should also cover the barrel with material so that dust does not get inside the container.
  8. For several days, it is worth keeping the pickle in the room, then transfer it to a cold room with a temperature of 10 degrees or lower.
  9. Make sure that pickled cucumbers are constantly covered with brine during the cooking process. If the liquid level drops, it is worth preparing an additional portion at the rate of 20 g of salt and 10 g of citric acid for 1 liter of water.

You can cook if you want. pickled snack and with a saucepan. In this case, the cooking process will be almost the same. Instead of a wooden lid, you can use an ordinary plate, and a bag filled with water will serve as oppression. After about 2 weeks of pickling cucumbers in a cool room, fermentation will end and, if desired, they can be distributed in jars. How to roll up cucumbers? The fruits are laid out in a sterilized container, filled with brine and closed with nylon lids.

Recipe for cucumbers for the winter in jars

pickled vegetables differ in taste from pickled ones in that the role of marinade in them is not acetic, but lactic acid produced naturally in the process of fermentation. Due to this natural component, the pickle of cucumbers turns out to be cloudy, and the taste is bright and rich. To prepare pickled cucumbers in jars for the winter, you need the following ingredients:

  • chili - ½ piece;
  • dark green cucumbers, fresh - 2 kg;
  • cherry, currant leaves;
  • dill - 100 g;
  • bay leaves- 5-7 pieces;
  • allspice - 10 pcs.;
  • garlic cloves - 5 pcs;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.

How to close cucumbers:

  1. Cucumbers soaked for 5-6 hours will crunch, so this item should not be neglected.
  2. Spices are prepared: washed, cleaned. The jars are sterilized, half of the prepared greens and seasonings (except salt) are placed on their bottom.
  3. Cucumbers are packed into jars so that the vegetables fill about 2/3 of the container volume. Put the remaining spices on top.
  4. A brine is prepared from a liter of water and two tablespoons of salt, with which the fruits are then poured. Pickled cucumbers should be infused for 3 days.
  5. After the specified time, the brine is poured into the pan and boiled. In this case, the cucumbers do not need to be taken out of the cans.
  6. The boiled brine is returned to the jars, they are loosely covered with nylon or tin lids and sterilized in a water bath. It takes 20-25 minutes to process a 3-liter container, 15 minutes is enough for a liter container.
  7. After sterilization, jars with pickled cucumbers are corked, turned over and covered with a warm cloth. Further, it is better to store the twist in a cool room.