Cloudy brine in pickled cucumbers. Why cucumbers in jars become cloudy after seaming and explode: reasons

Sometimes the long labors of gardeners go down the drain, and they face complex issue: if the cucumbers are cloudy, what to do? Cucumber is a wonderful vegetable with a mass useful properties. Experienced gardeners grow green fruit in order to enjoy its taste in winter. Several procedures are performed with cucumbers: they are frozen, salted, canned. And in the cold season, you can get an excellent addition to a side dish or cosmetic. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is to throw away the spoiled product. But, there is another outcome in this situation.

What to do if the brine in cucumbers is cloudy?

Not every person dares to eat cucumbers that have been in a cloudy solution for a long time. It is impossible to leave the product in this state, otherwise it will not have a completely positive outcome. muddy water - this is the first sign that the bank is about to explode. Another option is that the water will soon acquire a light shade, but after that the cucumbers will dramatically change the taste and they can only be used to make pickle. In order not to spoil the long-awaited fruits, you need take action as soon as the marinade turns cloudy:

  1. The jar containing the cucumbers needs open and neat extract from it all the contents. If there is no time for this procedure, then it is enough just to drain the solution;
  2. Cucumbers need Rinse boiling water. If they remain in the bank, then you can rinse them warm water right in it;
  3. Further capacity is required fill with boiling water and leave it like that for 5 minutes;
  4. After five minutes, salted water must be drained into a saucepan, after which you can make the marinade again;
  5. The resulting liquid must be drained again into a jar and roll up the container with a lid.

It is not necessary to throw away cucumbers if the solution becomes cloudy in it. You can save the product, and in a simple way.

Canned cucumbers are cloudy - what to do?

Situations arise when it is not the solution that has become cloudy, but the canned cucumbers. This is a normal sign if it happened the first day after their salting. However, if this effect lasts more than 4 days the product is considered to be defective. First you need to taste them. Naturally, this must be done in a small amount. If cucumbers are bitter, then it is better to throw them away, otherwise, when eating them, you can harm human health. In the event that the taste is normal, then you can try them oversalt. This requires:

  1. Open a damaged jar;
  2. Drain the marinade from it into the pan;
  3. Get cucumbers;
  4. Rinse them with warm water;
  5. Fold back into the jar;
  6. Pour over heated marinade.

Sometimes the reason for the turbidity of cucumbers is the preparation of the wrong marinade. Therefore, to improve the effect, it is desirable to prepare a new brine.

Why do cucumbers get cloudy?

Cucumbers don't just go cloudy. This happens only if the process of their preparation technology is violated. There are several main reasons:

  • Utensils for cooking cucumbers are chosen incorrectly. Banks need to take high-quality, suitable for use. Even if there are minor cracks on the neck, then salting in them can no longer be done. They must first be washed with warm water with a small addition of soda. Then the container must be thoroughly rinsed;
  • Another reason is the lack of sterility. Here we are talking about the brine itself and the jar in which you are going to preserve the cucumbers. Before you start salting, you need to hold the jar over boiling water for several minutes. A jar is considered ready for use only when evaporation drops begin to appear on its bottom. Each cucumber and spice also needs to be washed thoroughly;
  • In most cases, clouding occurs due to loose closure of the lid. This work is beyond the power of a fragile girl, so it is better to entrust it to a man. It is necessary to roll up the lid so strongly that not a single microorganism can penetrate into the container;
  • Even if all the points are met, cucumbers can still become cloudy. The reason for this is the wrong cooking recipe. For example, acid and vinegar were not applied. As a rule, the purity of the solution itself depends on them. Even improperly selected salt can affect the quality of the product;
  • The last important factor is proper storage product. If pickling occurs in the cold season, then the cucumbers should stand in the room for no more than three days. The storage itself should be carried out only in those rooms where the temperature is up to 7 degrees.

If all the rules were followed during pickling, then the cucumbers will be usable for several years.

You can watch a video in which Elena will tell the pickling recipe delicious cucumbers in the bank:

Experienced housewives claim that if all microbes are first removed from the container, then the cucumbers will not become cloudy. To do this, completely fill the jar with boiling water and close it with a lid for 10 minutes. All the bacteria that were in it will die.

You should also check each cucumber before pickling. If at least one rotten fruit falls into the container, then the entire marinade will quickly become cloudy.

Also, culinary experts say that it is necessary to select a recipe for each variety of cucumbers, only in this case you can get a tasty, crispy product.

The benefits of canned cucumbers

If you managed to pickle cucumbers correctly, then in winter you can get an indispensable source of vitamins. This product contains lactic acid. It is this substance that improves digestive processes. It can also lower blood pressure and remove lipids from the human body. Therefore, pickles are not only a dish of amazing taste, but also a source of vitamins.

Thus, it became known if the cucumbers became cloudy - what to do in this case. It is important to follow the recipe for the preparation of the product correctly and maintain the sterility of each component. If everything is done correctly, then the hostess will be able to show off her magnificent homemade preparations to her friends.

Video about canned cucumbers

Many housewives preserve cucumbers for the winter to please their loved ones. There are many different recipes and conservation technician. But sometimes it happens that after a while the pickle of cucumbers became cloudy. To understand why canned cucumbers in jars become cloudy, you need to know and follow many rules and features of conservation.

Salting technology rules:

  • Purity- all components of the recipe that you put in a jar must be clean;
  • Banks, lids, dishes - rinse before sterilization baking soda. Since it is poorly washed dishes that can start the fermentation process of the product. Check the necks on all cans, they should be intact, without chips;
  • Do not change the components indicated in the recipe for others - the most common mistake in this is to replace regular salt on iodized salt, extra or sea;
  • Lack or complete absence of vinegar– can provoke the process of fermentation.

Cucumbers with cloudy brine most often have to be thrown away. Because a spoiled product can cause dangerous diseases in the body. V best case It will just be indigestion.

Why do cucumbers grow cloudy in jars?

If all the components were washed, and you did everything according to the recipe, but the brine and cucumbers still began to become cloudy, the following factors should be considered:

  1. Ready jars of cucumbers should be stored in a cool place. Storage, for example, under the bed, is completely unacceptable;
  2. Be sure to soak the cucumbers before salting, the water replaces the air that is in the cucumbers. If this is not done, then most likely the cucumbers will be cloudy and your work will be lost;
  3. Poorly sterilized jars will ruin the whole process. Take the time to sterilize jars and lids. Otherwise, the covers will explode at the most inopportune moment;
  4. To prevent air and bacteria from entering, jars must be tightly rolled up. When buying lids, pay attention to the rubber seal, it should be undamaged and of good quality.

White tin lids lacquered or stainless steel are the best. Thanks to them, fermentation and turbidity of cucumbers does not occur, provided that they are correctly performed technological processes for preparing and laying cucumbers.

If the recipe contains aspirin, vodka or lemon acid Don't be afraid, feel free to get to work. These additives will help to avoid fermentation of the brine. Cucumbers should not be overripe and not empty, without damage and yellow growth.

Fermentation in jars can occur from improperly selected vinegar or the wrong amount of it. When canning, you must strictly adhere to the recipe. If 9% vinegar is indicated, then this is exactly what you need to use.

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If, after a long and careful cooking process, your cucumbers in jars become cloudy - do not be discouraged. Analyze your actions during conservation. Think about what you did wrong. Write down your thoughts in a notebook and next time take into account your shortcomings. It is known that with proper observance of the cooking process, preservation lasts all winter in excellent condition.

Conservation is the pride of every housewife. Pickled cucumbers, pickled tomatoes, lecho, caviar, confiture. List a variety of household canned vegetables and fruit is impossible. But yesterday, the jars stood beautifully in the cellar, but today they have become cloudy. What to do if the cucumbers become cloudy? This is what we have to find out.

We are looking for the root cause

Why are cucumbers cloudy? What to do? Many housewives are interested in this question, even with ten years of experience in canning these green crispy vegetables. It seems to have done everything as usual, only this time the brine has become cloudy and the cucumbers are not visible at all in the jar. The liquid became like a silty swamp.

Before deciding what to do with a cloudy jar of cucumbers, let's find the reason. There may be several of them:

  • Cucumbers were poorly washed before conservation. As a result, harmful microorganisms began to multiply and provoked the development of a putrefactive process.
  • Left on the surface of the jars detergent or they were not sterilized before preservation.
  • Additives, spices, currant and horseradish leaves have not been properly processed before canning.
  • Sea food or iodized salt was used for pickling cucumbers. Such salt can be the culprit in the turbidity of the brine.
  • The lids were badly sealed. As a result of contact with air, the brine became cloudy, and the cucumbers became unfit for human consumption.

So, we found out why pickled cucumbers turned cloudy. What to do in this case? Salvation is, but not always. Sometimes cucumber pickle may become cloudy for reasons beyond the control of the hostess. Do not rush to reproach yourself. Perhaps the vegetables were so laced with chemicals and other additives that it was simply impossible for them to survive in brine.

Canned Cucumber Rescue Service

And then you noticed - the brine in the cucumbers has become cloudy. What to do? Try to determine the cause right away. There is always a causal relationship. Only then can conservation be rehabilitated.

Not always such cucumbers can be eaten. Sometimes it's better not to risk your health and throw them away. And if the cucumbers have not lost their shape, have not softened, and a specific putrefactive smell does not come from them, try to save them. You can do this in several ways:

  1. This method can be used only if the brine has become cloudy literally 2-3 days after preservation and the lid is not swollen. Open each jar and drain the cloudy brine. Pour boiling water over cucumbers. Now you can go the following way: boil the cloudy brine, add table vinegar and roll up the jars again. But it is better to prepare a new brine and repeat the canning process.
  2. Often, lactic acid can be the culprit in the turbidity of the brine. In this case, place a jar of cucumbers in a cool place, better fridge and watch it for a week. As practice shows, the sediment will remain at the bottom, and the brine will again become transparent. Such cucumbers will have a specific taste, so they can only be used for making pickle.
  3. If the lid is swollen on the jar, immediately open it and discard the cucumbers. They cannot be eaten. The presence of a swollen lid indicates that bacteria and harmful microorganisms have settled in the jar next to the cucumbers. Once in our body, they can become the culprits in the development of ailments of the digestive tract.

Note to the owner

Do not try to try all the recipes for canning cucumbers that exist in the culinary world. Through trial and error, derive the ideal conservation formula for yourself. Experienced housewives share their tips on how to avoid cloudy brine:

  • canned cucumbers will be stored longer if two tomatoes are put in a jar;
  • spicy capsicum and horseradish leaves will not allow bacteria to multiply;
  • instead of table vinegar with 9% concentration, it is better to use vinegar essence or mustard.

Of course, do not forget about the sterilization of jars and lids. This process must be approached with all responsibility. Such simple tips will help you keep the preservation, and the brine will remain clean and transparent, like a tear.

Pickling cucumbers correctly

We offer you a recipe for canning cucumbers. The taste of such pickled cucumbers will pleasantly surprise you. The vegetable will retain its crunchiness, and the blend of currant and cherry leaf aromas will win the hearts of gourmets.


  • 2 kg of cucumbers;
  • 2 ½ st. l. granulated sugar;
  • 2 ½ st. l. salt;
  • 1 d.l. vinegar essence with a concentration of 70%;
  • 10 pieces. black peppercorns;
  • 1 inflorescence of cloves;
  • garlic cloves;
  • horseradish leaves;
  • cherry and currant leaves;
  • dill sprigs;
  • sweet bell pepper;
  • 1 tsp grain mustard.


  1. Let's go through the cucumbers and eliminate spoiled vegetables.
  2. Rinse the cucumbers thoroughly, put them in a deep container and fill with water.
  3. Soak the cucumbers for several hours so that they absorb as much liquid as possible.
  4. If this is not done, the cucumbers will absorb the brine. As a result, they will be dry, like a fish out of water that has washed ashore.
  5. We immediately sterilize the jars and we can proceed.
  6. We wash the cherry leaves thoroughly and put them on the bottom of the jar.

  7. Next, we send currant leaves to the jar.
  8. We cut the dill sprigs and also lay them on the bottom of the jar.
  9. Thoroughly wash the horseradish leaves, chop them and add to the jar.
  10. Add peeled garlic cloves.
  11. We clean the sweet Bulgarian pepper from the stalk and seeds, chop it with plates, add it to the jar.
  12. Next up are the spices.
  13. We fill the jar with cucumbers.
  14. Pour granulated sugar and salt into each jar according to the above proportions.
  15. Now fill each jar to the top with boiling water.
  16. Cover the containers with lids and leave for 20-25 minutes.
  17. Pour the brine into a heat-resistant container, bring it to a boil.
  18. Add the specified amount of vinegar essence to the jars.
  19. Pour the cucumbers with boiling brine and roll up the lids.
  20. We put the jars upside down, wrap them up and leave to cool completely.
  21. Now you can move the cucumbers for storage in the cellar or basement.

Crispy, juicy, just right salted cucumbers so wonderfully complement our daily food: potatoes, cereals, meat. Prepared with the addition of cucumbers wonderful dishes: pickle, vinaigrette and many others. But sometimes it happens that the brine in the jar becomes cloudy. Cucumbers at the same time become soft and wadded, often peroxide.

There can be several reasons why this annoying phenomenon occurs.

Causes of cloudy brine:

Poorly washed containers and ingredients

To prevent pickled and pickled cucumbers from becoming cloudy, all jars must be treated with a soda solution before preservation. Simply washing them under running water is not enough.

Also, before rolling vegetables, all ingredients, including horseradish and garlic, must be washed well. Poorly washed components can lead to cloudy brine and damage to cucumbers.


If the cucumbers are inserted whole and poured several times with boiling water, then it is not necessary to sterilize the jars with cucumbers. But the lids in any case must be sterilized.

This process should take about 30-40 minutes. If the lids are from last year, then they can be sterilized less.


This is because the vinegar is taken in the wrong direction or in not enough. In any preservation, you must strictly adhere to the recipe. If it says that the vinegar should be 9%, that's what you should take.

If there is no such vinegar, then it is better to do with lemon. Otherwise, the cucumber pickle in the jar will become cloudy.


Another reason why canned cucumbers look unappetizing and spoil is cracks in the glass. Glass is a hazardous material and precautions must be taken when working with it.

Before washing the jars, they must be carefully examined for cracks so that during the washing process, do not cut your hands. If the hostess did not notice the cracked throat and rolled up the jar, then there can be no talk of her tightness.

To check the rolled up jar for leaks, you need to wipe it and, turning it over, put it on a dry surface. Do bad closed jar Moisture bubbles will appear at the base of the lid. In this form, preservation cannot be left.


It turns out that not all cucumbers can be closed. Cucumbers of lettuce varieties, from greenhouses and greenhouses, behave poorly. Also, do not preserve yellow-skinned cucumbers.


Having dealt with the causes of turbidity and taking note of what is wrong with salting, you can be sure that there will always be juicy and crunchy pickles and pickles on the table.

Probably, every family has its own signature recipe for pickled or pickled cucumbers. And every housewife is sure that it is according to her recipe that they turn out to be the most delicious and crispy. But even for the most experienced and skillful pickle in a jar can lose transparency. What to do if the cucumbers become cloudy, should they be sent to the bin?

Is it possible to eat cucumbers from cloudy brine?

If all the stages of harvesting are completed correctly and the lids are not swollen, and the brine is cloudy, this only means that fermentation has begun, during which lactic acid is formed. This often happens with salted vegetables, and not pickled, that is, with those for which vinegar is not added.

Lactic acid is a natural preservative, and is also very useful for human body. It improves blood circulation, lowers blood pressure and controls blood fat levels. Thus, if a precipitate appears, but the lid is intact and there are no air bubbles in the liquid, the product can be eaten.

If the water is cloudy and the lid is swollen, such vegetables, unfortunately, cannot be saved. A swollen or already torn off lid can be a sign of the presence of botulism bacteria. Of course, this cannot be determined without laboratory tests. But is it worth the risk if there is a chance of contracting such a dangerous disease?

What to do with a cloudy jar of cucumbers?

Even if the hostess knows that it is quite acceptable to eat the workpiece, she may wonder what to do if the pickle in the cucumbers has become cloudy. Is it possible to somehow return them to their previous state or interfere with unwanted processes? Experienced housewives advise rearranging the jars from a cool place so that all the dregs settle to the bottom. Such cucumbers, most likely, will no longer crunch pleasantly, but they will not cause any harm to the body either.

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In vegetables preserved in vinegar, the likelihood of milk fungus formation is much less. But, it may also happen that pickled cucumbers become cloudy. What to do in this case? There are several options.

  • Roll out, cover nylon cover and leave for a couple of days in a cool place. Thus you get salted cucumbers ready to eat.
  • Open and roll up again. The water must be drained and boiled, vegetables and spices should be washed and put into re-sterilized jars.

The most reliable way to save the product is to prepare a new marinade by increasing the amount of vinegar. In this case, cucumbers should be washed and poured with boiling water 2-3 times. It is desirable to replace greens and spices with fresh ones.

  • If the cloudy fruits have already salted enough, but turned out to be soft, tasteless or too sour, this is not at all a reason to throw them away. You can significantly improve their taste if you pour tomato juice and leave for three days room temperature. This method corrects even the most hopeless specimens, the cucumbers will become crispy and very tasty.

Why blanks lose transparency?

Why did the cucumbers become cloudy and what should be done to avoid similar situations in the future? In the process of conservation, there are many nuances and rules, the violation of which can lead to such unpleasant consequences as damage to the product. In most cases, this happens precisely because of a violation of technology. Here are the most common canning mistakes.

  • Vegetables, herbs, spices or jars were not washed well. Particles of dirt and dust can contribute to the development of the rotting process in an already rolled product.
  • presence of nitrates. Of course, ideally, for seaming, you should take cucumbers grown by caring summer residents, but in the realities of a big city this is not always possible. When choosing vegetables, try to at least buy them during the high season, that is, at the end of June and July. Take fruits of medium size, dark green color, dense, crispy.

Before starting the pickling process, be sure to leave the cucumbers in cold water for a few hours, or better - at night. Such a simple process will not only remove nitrates, but also make vegetables more crispy.

  • For preservation, sea or iodized salt was used. It is certainly more useful than ordinary cooking, but it is completely unsuitable for salting. First, sodium chloride pure form is an ideal preservative, and various additives degrade the preservative properties. Secondly, iodine can give vegetables an unpleasant aftertaste, and also disrupts the fermentation process, which can cause the lid to swell and become cloudy. In addition, vegetables marinated in iodine-fortified salt will not be crispy and may taste bitter.
  • Jars and lids were sterilized incorrectly or not at all. Now, in many preservation recipes, it is advised not to subject the container to such processing - supposedly it is enough to thoroughly rinse it and fill it with hot brine. However, this only makes sense if you are confident in the quality of the products and make the marinade with large quantity vinegar. For seaming vegetables without adding it, sterilization is required.
  • The seal was broken. Containers for seaming should be chosen without chips and cracks, the lids should be new. It should also be taken into account that a crack could form during sterilization or pasteurization. To avoid this, follow temperature regime, that is, do not pour hot brine into cold dishes and do not place hot jars on cool surfaces.

How to prevent the appearance of "suspicious" sediment?

  • A large amount of spices and herbs can provoke the appearance of a cloudy sediment in seamings.
  • Do not fill jars too tightly. During conservation, the fermentation process will occur, and if there is not enough space for this, the water may become cloudy and even rip off the lids.
  • To keep the brine transparent, you can use one trick. After the fruits and spices are packed into jars, they need to be poured twice with boiling water and only then with marinade. This process will take longer, but the chances are significantly increased that lactic acid will not begin to form.
  • Cucumbers rolled up with bell pepper, do not become cloudy and have a piquant taste.
  • After spinning, the jars must be turned upside down and left to cool completely in heat. Better yet, wrap them in a blanket. Firstly, the method will allow you to immediately notice the lack of tightness. And secondly, due to the fact that the jar will cool slowly, it will undergo additional heat treatment.