How to break a coconut at home. Storing Coconut: Solving a Difficult Question

Coconut is doubly interesting. First, imitating the natives of an exotic geography for us, we must drink it. And then - eat (and also save, dry, freeze for cooking many popular dishes).

For example, these:

How to open a coconut, how to peel, break, split a coconut

Step 1. Pay attention to the eyes of the coconut. You can get inside only through one peephole, the other two are “closed” and are pseudo-holes. Having found, pierce the first with a knife and, if possible, expand. If the water does not come out well, open the second peephole: hole it with a screwdriver, corkscrew or drill it with a drill.

Have a drink coconut water straw or pour into a glass. You can freeze it immediately in a plastic freezer bag.

Step 1 can be skipped, with sleight of hand the coconut water is extracted differently.

Step 2. Now you need to break the nut. Holding it over the sink, take a hammer and start tapping along the middle line ("equator"). Or "draw" the crack with the blunt side of a large knife. Do not do it too hard, the coconut will split in half along this line.

Step 3. When the coconut has opened, substitute a glass in which you will collect water, if you have not already done so. Then wash both halves to remove pieces of the shell.

Step 4. To extract the pulp, chop sharp knife white coconut meat on shreds. The extracted pulp can be eaten or turned into shavings by rubbing the pieces on a grater.

Place the coconut for 10-15 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 C, it will become softer and easier to peel.

There is a natural fault line in the center of the coconut, if you find it, then split it coconut can be done with a few strokes of the knife.

The coconut is a fruit of exotic origin exported from India, southeast Asia and the Caribbean. If you have purchased a whole coconut for the first time, you will undoubtedly have difficulty opening it.

Here are a few practical advice how to open a coconut easily.

Extracting water from coconut

Before breaking a nut, it will be useful to empty it first, so as not to lose the water contained inside the coconut and to facilitate subsequent manipulations to open the nut.

Position the walnut on a hard and flat surface: a wooden cutting board is the ideal solution. Each coconut has three small "eyes" (similar to the 3 holes in a bowling ball) that are fragile enough to be perforated with ease. Use a screwdriver or corkscrew to poke holes (men can use an electric screwdriver or drill).

Turn the nut upside down for a few minutes to allow the water to glass.
Save coconut water, it is a great thirst quencher and can be used in cooking.

Let's move on to the main methods for opening nuts

Hit and spin method

If you haven't emptied the nut yet, take a container and position it under the coconut so no water is lost.
Take a coconut in your hand (as shown in the photo) and with a heavy, but not sharp, knife, individualize the center line of the coconut (you can even draw it in chalk). Imagine that a coconut nut is the planet earth, hit it exactly on the equator. Spin it around in your hand and hit it again.
Keep hitting and spinning the coconut until it pops open. If you did everything right, you will get two flawless halves.

stone age method

"pouch" method

Heat-cold method

The coconut shell will separate from the pulp easily if exposed to heat or cold.
You may decide, therefore, to preheat your nut in the oven (90° for 15 minutes), or alternatively chill it in the freezer for the same amount of time.
After 15 minutes, take a hammer and, holding a coconut in your hand, hit it along an imaginary center line, rotating it around itself after each blow.
Continue until the coconut opens.
Now it is not difficult to separate the pulp from the shell.


  1. It is very important to empty the coconut before placing it in the oven to avoid dangerous explosions.
  2. Be careful if you decide to open your nut with a knife, if you are unsure and afraid of cutting yourself, choose an alternative opening method.
  3. Whichever method you choose, be very careful.
  4. Examine the coconut first; it must be absolutely mature - if it is foul-smelling, or if the pulp is not dense, it is not worth even starting to open it.
  5. In no case do not try to crack the nut with your teeth.

Visitor question:

People, tell me how to open a coconut?
The child begged in the store, but I never spoiled myself with this overseas nut.

We figured out how to get to the milk - we opened two upper holes with a knife, inserted a tube into one. It’s good that the coconut milk turned out to be fresh, according to my feelings, otherwise I don’t know how to choose coconuts.
But we want to make a small house for a hamster out of a coconut shell with a child, respectively, we need to pull out the pulp from there. How to do it carefully so that the shell does not break?

And by the way, what can be done from this coconut pulp?

There is little to surprise modern man. Especially it concerns exotic fruits. On the shelves of the supermarket you can find any curiosity brought from anywhere in the world. Coconuts have long ceased to be something unusual and rare. Have you ever thought about their benefits? In fact, coconut is rich useful substances, it contains vitamins B and C, glucose, sucrose, fructose, calcium, iron, potassium, sodium and mineral salts. Coconut has restorative properties. It is used to treat diarrhea, cholera, impotence, beriberi, diseases genitourinary system and Coconut helps improve eyesight, controls blood sugar, improves insulin secretion, and this helps prevent diabetes.

How to split a coconut at home

So, knowing the usefulness of this product, you decided to purchase a nut. However, immediately after the purchase, the question arises - how to split the coconut, because it has such a dense peel. Many try to open it with a hammer, knife, file and other improvised means available on the farm. Probably, many have seen on TV how deftly the residents of hot countries know how to open coconuts. However, you still can’t cope with the shell and get to the filling. So, how to split a coconut at home.

As you know, in addition to the pulp, coconut contains useful things. Therefore, the first thing to start with is to extract the liquid from it so that it does not spill when the fruit is opened. To do this, you need to make a hole in the coconut. To do this, take some sharp object - a drill or a thick nail. Lay the coconut on a hard surface with three dark circles facing you. It is in them that you need to aim to make a hole, since they are the most tender parts of an exotic nut. Attach the tool to one of the stains and hit it with a hammer. Without much difficulty, you will get a hole in the coconut. You can make two more holes in the remaining areas, or you can drain the milk through the hole already received.

How to split a coconut at home after draining the liquid? It turns out to open this exotic fruit- not such a difficult task. You only need to know the right technology. There is one secret line on the coconut. If you beat on it, then the coconut will quickly and easily crack. This line is located on the side of the dark eyes. It is she who will help us open the coconut.

The photo shows on which part this cherished line is located. Now take a knife or hammer. By tapping the tool along this line in a circle, you will notice how a crack will go along the coconut.

So, you already know how to split a coconut at home. Now the last step remains - to separate the peel from the pulp. This is much easier to do if you put the coconut in the refrigerator for several hours or a couple of minutes in hot oven. After these simple manipulations, the pulp will easily exfoliate from the peel.

Now you just have to choose a recipe for cooking a dish using delicious and useful pulp coconut!

Until relatively recently, the vast majority of the population of our country saw coconuts only on TV screens and enthusiastically dreamed of trying coconut milk, reading about how delicious it is in the novels of Mine Reed and Jack London. Some of the curiosity was quenched after the sale began to appear chocolate bars"Bounty". Unusual taste they give an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcoconuts, but this is still far from the same.

With the development of supermarket chains, coconuts appeared on the shelves, from where naturally moved first to carts, and then to the houses of Russians. And this is where the problems started. About that, at home, few people have a clue. Having first tried to pick the shell with a knife, you can quickly come to the conclusion that such a delicate tool cannot be opened for anything in the world, even if you donate this very knife. The next tool that logically comes to mind for every Russian person is an ax. Knowing how to open a coconut at home, we can safely say that an ax is quite suitable as a “opener”. But using it in a city apartment can cause partial damage to the floors, and, more sadly, to the limbs.

Skillful Russians suggest using a drill, followed by a saw, then a chisel and a hammer. Desperate to find out at home, many unlucky buyers simply beat them with all their might on the floor or on the wall. As a result, the coconut can really crack, flooding the floors and walls with its famous milk, and particles of the hard shell will scatter throughout the house.

But there are also more gentle methods. Let's find out at home quickly and without losing expensive content.

First you need to learn how to choose coconuts. Let's start with the fact that in fact the fruit has nothing to do with nuts. It is called so simply out of habit. Since Europeans are simply not used to such a hard peel of fruits. The coconut shell is actually the skin, the milk is the endosperm, and the flesh is the seed. The longer a coconut lies on a supermarket shelf, the more it dries out, and if stored in a damp room, it can become moldy. In order not to acquire such a spoiled fruit, before buying it, you must carefully examine it from all sides in search of traces of mold, smell it and shake it a little. If splashing is different inside, then feel free to buy.

Now about how to open a coconut at home. Examine it carefully. See the three dark spots on its surface? This is where you need to start taking action.

Try poking them with a knife or a large nail. You can do this quite easily. Two holes are enough and the third spot can be left alone. It merges through them. Do not be alarmed if, instead of a thick white stream, a transparent liquid pours into the substituted cup. That's exactly what it looks like. It would be more logical to call it coconut juice by analogy with birch juice, but it happened historically.

Now let's move on to how to open a coconut. The photo shows that you need a hammer for this. Also, grab a towel. In a towel, you wrap the coconut so that the shell fragments do not scatter all over the house.

Place the wrapped fruit on the floor and hit it with a hammer. Coconut will open for sure. You can choose juicy pulp from it, and make exotic saucers or ashtrays from large fragments of the shell.

Becoming a lover of tropical exotic fruits is very easy. One has only to try once, for example, real coconut milk or pulp melting in the mouth, which is under a hard peel - "gourmet" is guaranteed! For lovers of bananas, oranges or kiwis, it is much easier to be content with delicacies - just peel it off. But not everyone knows, especially if not special devices at hand. This will be discussed in this article.

How to properly break a coconut to keep delicious milk?

Before dividing the nut into pieces, you need to drain the liquid inside. Usually for this, holes are punched in a dent on one of the ends of the fruit. As a rule, this does not require much work and effort. Just press it inside with some hard object - and the makeshift milk can is ready. But not everyone succeeds in making a hole and extracting juice without loss. Then you have to start splitting the whole fruit. To get the most careful collection of milk, you can act in one of the following ways:

Holding the nut in the palm of your hand, place a wide cup under your arm, into which milk will pour after splitting the fruit;

Put the coconut in plastic bag and tightly tie it up - this will turn out a miracle container in which milk will collect.

Breaking the nut after draining the liquid

Let us assume that the stage of obtaining coconut milk passed successfully. Now you can safely proceed to the breakdown of the nut. To do this, it is better to use a wide and rather heavy hatchet sword as the most successful tool (photo 3). Pre-apply a transverse mark on the nut with the sharp side. Then wrap the scalloped edge around the coconut. How to break a coconut quickly and safely? An important condition is not the force of hitting the nut, but the sharpness and clarity. It is because of the jerky dissection that the peel will split. Such a small crack will be enough to separate the nut into two parts, spreading them apart with your hands. For greater convenience, if the milk is drained through the hole, place the fetus firmly on a firm surface, and only then proceed. It is worth remembering that the use of sharp objects is very dangerous, because they can jump off on the hand with which you hold the nut. Therefore, safer methods are most often preferred, especially if they do not know how to break a coconut at home.

Below are some not-so-ordinary ways to split a coconut into pieces and useful, sort of secret tips.

What other ways are there to divide a nut into parts? If you can’t punch holes in a dense shell with ordinary sharp objects, an electric drill will come to the rescue. First, drill one hole from the end to drain the milk, and then several more (with a smaller diameter) along the previously marked transverse line. The distance between the points should be no more than 1.5-2 cm from each other. After that, apply a sharp blow to the marks with a sharp object (a hatchet or a heavy knife) - and the nut will immediately split into pieces. Is it possible and how to break a coconut without a hammer and other devices? Try not quite the usual way, providing for a short heat treatment of the fetus.

Opening coconut with bare hands: secrets

It turns out that there is a fairly simple but effective way to divide a nut into two halves. And you don't need any equipment for this. It's all about pretreatment coconut. You just need to warm it up, after which the shell will spontaneously or under a little tapping give an initial crack. So, turn on your oven to medium heat. Place the walnut on the wire rack and place in the oven for 15 minutes. A similar heating can be carried out using microwave oven. But at the same time, the coconut must be already without milk. Put the warm fruit on a wooden board and apply a light blow in the form of tapping. Coconut will crack easily. After pressing on the burst area, the nut will crack. The originality of the idea is that you should not turn off the oven. Its thermal properties are still useful - for processing the fleshy part of the fetus.

Feast on the pulp

How to remove the hard top layer and make the mass under the shell softer? There are some special secrets here. An oven or a microwave oven, which have already been used previously to open the fetus, can serve as assistants in this. Place the halves there and reheat. After heat treatment the peel is easily separated from the pulp in the form of a single layer. And the inner aromatic mass will become much softer. Cut it into cubes and boldly serve it on the table!

So, put into practice all the tips received, and you will not have problems with how to break a coconut. And then dividing the nut into parts will become as easy as cracking the seeds. Eat a tropical delicacy to your health!