How to choose a name for a cafe. How to name a cafe so that it makes a profit: practical advice

This is the development of the brand name and one of the key points of positioning.

The importance of a well-chosen name is difficult to overestimate. The consumer's perception of the product, its positioning in the market and all subsequent promotion depend on this.

Small companies often try to take over this work. At the same time, the naming process is reduced only to brainstorming and the subsequent selection of the most liked names. This is a fundamentally wrong approach, since the development of naming is a complex step-by-step process that requires the involvement of experienced specialists.

There is no simple answer to the question of what to name a restaurant. This is the painstaking work of a group of experts.

Naming development, main stages:

1. Studying competitors.

Here it is important to understand the following:

  • How do competitors position themselves in the market?
  • What are the most commonly used naming conventions?
  • What brand positioning strategies work best.

The main goal of the study is to stand out from competitors, and at the same time choose a name that will not scare away the consumer with its dissimilarity.

2. Studying the target audience. When researching consumers, it is important to highlight the following points:

  • product or service selection factors
  • favorite brand names
  • emerging associations with a product or service.

3. Choice of positioning strategy. At this stage, you need to decide how you want to present your product or service. It depends not only on the quality of the product, but also on the current state of the market. The main positioning idea should resonate with its target audience.

What is meant by main idea? For example, for one restaurant it can be delicious homemade food and cozy environment. For another - a famous chef and a wealthy public.

4. Name generation. Only after passing the previous three stages, you can proceed to the development of the name. Here we come up with the maximum possible number of options that correspond to the main idea of ​​positioning.

5. Choosing the most successful names. At this stage, a team of marketers and copywriters, together with customers, select several of the most suitable options.

6. Checking the title with focus groups. The last step is to check the titles together with the target audience. What needs to be checked here?

  • The euphony of the name
  • No negative associations
  • Brand alignment

7. Final approval of the name. Based on the results of the focus groups, the most successful name is selected.

How to name a restaurant: basic requirements

  1. Difference from competitors. The name of the restaurant should not duplicate existing names and be noticeably different from them.
  2. Nice association. Regardless of the chosen brand concept, the name of the restaurant should evoke pleasant associations, best of all, those associated with food.
  3. Ease in memorization and pronunciation. These requirements are optional if the compound word has a strong association with something pleasant.
  4. Conformity. The name of the restaurant should reflect its main qualities: type of cuisine, service, design, etc.

The main mistakes when choosing a name

How to name a restaurant: successful examples

« honey"

"Honey" is a cafe specializing in French desserts. The design of the institution is made in warm yellow colors and attracts with its brightness, and at the same time with a cozy homely atmosphere.

The name of the cafe has two meanings at once:

  1. Honey in the meaning of "honey". Causes associations with sweets, which are widely presented in cafes.
  2. Honey in the meaning of "dear, dear". Cause warm associations associated with the house, loved one.


The Burger is a restaurant specializing in classic American burgers. The restaurant's menu includes 15 different burgers, as well as potatoes, salads and drinks.

The simple name fully meets the requirements of the brand: it emphasizes the type of cuisine (American) and reflects the main specialization of the restaurant.

The design of the restaurant is made in the classic style of American eateries, which once again reminds of its specifics. The target audience of the institution is young, active people who appreciate Tasty food and warm atmosphere.

In addition to meat burgers, the restaurant also offers fish and vegetarian burgers, which allows you to further expand the circle of consumers.


Restaurant "Ikra" positions itself as the best fish restaurant in Ukraine. The main "feature" of the institution - fresh caviar, Fish and seafood.

The name of the restaurant reflects its main concept - exclusivity and high quality. The target audience of the institution is wealthy clients, many of them are regular guests.

The restaurant is divided into three halls with different design and interior for every taste.


"Bigoli" - restaurant Italian cuisine, whose main dish is pasta, as well as pizza, risotto and Italian desserts.

Bigoli is the view Italian pasta made from buckwheat or wheat flour.

The name of the restaurant reflects the concept of Italian cuisine, as well as the atmosphere of home comfort.

The establishment has two large halls and a summer terrace. All interior items are custom-made specifically for the restaurant and create a warm homely atmosphere.

All the above examples have in common that their names reflect the main concept of the restaurant, and at the same time are easy to remember and sound good. This once again proves that the choice of name is one of the key success factors for a restaurant.

If you don’t know what to name a restaurant, Koloro branding agency specialists will be happy to help you with this. Contact us and we will select a name that will bring success and recognition to your restaurant!

Where to invest small amounts? One of the easiest and most profitable options is to open your own cafe. Such an institution Catering and recreation in some aspects is similar to a restaurant, but it has a limited assortment, it can work in different formats, for example, self-service, confectionery, coffee shops, etc. In addition, it requires less investment to open, and lower requirements for the level of service are put forward. When choosing a name for a cafe (it doesn’t matter where it is located - in a big or small city, village), you need to consider the basic criteria:

  1. Do not cause ambiguous associations, unpleasant emotions.
  2. Easy to remember and pronounce, be sonorous.
  3. Harmonize with interior design, customer service form, service level.
  4. It is desirable that the name reflects the concept of the institution.

These parameters are also relevant when choosing a name for a clothing store. To quickly choose a beautiful name for your cafe, you can use the following approaches:

  • use a foreign word with suitable semantics depending on the format of the institution or a Russian word, one syllable of which should be made in Latin transcription;
  • display the name of the concept, format of the establishment, interior, service features, assortment;
  • the creation of neologisms - words or phrases, you can combine the Russian and foreign bases;
  • choosing an easy-to-pronounce, short name without a heavy semantic load;
  • playing around with words that mean opposite concepts;
  • play on words.

When choosing an original name for a cafe, it is better to avoid using personal names (Lydia, Anna) and words that have a strong emotionality (Happiness, Dream, No worries). It is worth choosing very carefully names that are tied to historical figures (cafe Stirlitz, Dovbush, Pasternak, Pushkin, Landrin), movies or works of art(At the Protection Gate, Gentlemen of Fortune, Cherry Orchard, Moby Dick, Hero of Our Time, Hatiko, Turandot), geographical areas, city names (Toronto, Tibet, Tel Aviv, Windsor). It is advisable to do this only in case of 100% combination with the concept of the institution, so that the original name does not seem too pretentious and does not harmonize with the atmosphere in the cafe. It is also important to choose a name that is harmonious in meaning (for example, Chalet Beryozka - in our opinion, the semantic combination of the word for an alpine rural house and the already boring name Beryozka is not a very good solution. More examples: Old House, Soprano, Revolution, Olive Beach, Mu-Mu, Cat and cook, Spark). And, of course, you should not choose banal, boring names: Troika, Birch, Barberry, Marzipan, Yunost.

Advice: choosing a beautiful name for a cafe (including fast food), you need to make sure that it is not occupied by competitors, not patented. You can view the list of existing institutions on specialized portals.

Cafe naming examples

The name of the cafe should become a brand for its owners, visitors, easy to remember and evoke positive emotions and associations. Usually, such a task is entrusted to professionals in the field of naming, but if you wish, you can choose the original name yourself. We provide the following options beautiful names for a cafe (many positions are also suitable for fast food establishments):

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Advice: if you can’t open your own fast food restaurant, you shouldn’t despair, there are many more interesting and easily implemented ideas. For example, the creation of a mobile cafe on wheels, a business for the procurement and sale of herbal tea, making handmade soap, growing mushrooms (the price of a truffle in Russia reaches $500-1000 per 1 kg).

When choosing a beautiful name for a cafe, it is important to feel the fine line that you should not cross, otherwise the name will not be in harmony with the institution, it will be positively perceived by visitors (bistro Seven cockroaches, Hannibal, Los Vegas cafe, diner You Uhu Eat?, Clockwork eggs). You should not opt ​​for double-valued options or those that can cause ambiguous understanding: Paradise Hell cafe, Herase Japanese pub, Children of barbecue. When creating a neologism for the name, you also need not to overdo it (Night Dozhor, BuhenNaus, Drunken traffic cop, Deep Throat, KhZ cafe - stands for “good institution”, but causes ambiguous associations).

Opening a cafe from scratch is not a very simple, but exciting process. When choosing a beautiful name for it, the owner should remember that it must be interesting, memorable, and different from other names. But it is also impossible to get too carried away with this process, because going to extremes, one cannot choose a good name. If necessary, you can always seek help from professionals in the field of naming.

Have you read? Now check out Jack Ma's 10 Rules for Business Success
His wife and friend helped him raise his $20,000 start-up capital. He is the first businessman from mainland China to be featured on the cover of Forbes magazine. He is the richest person in China and the 18th richest person in the world. His fortune is estimated at 29.7 billion dollars. His name is Jack Ma and he is the founder of and here are his 10 rules for success:

When creating your own business, the choice of an original name for a business is often put almost the last item on the list of tasks. Of course, the most beautiful name of the cafe will not be able to compensate for flaws in the organization of work, the development of methods for attracting customers. But if you choose it correctly, you will be able to avoid many problems and improve the effectiveness of the advertising campaign, promoting your services.

Café name selection criteria

One of the easiest and most profitable options is to open your own cafe. In some respects, such a catering and recreation establishment is similar to a restaurant, but has a limited assortment, can work in different formats, for example, self-service, confectionery, coffee shops, etc. In addition, it requires less investment to open, lower requirements for the level service. When choosing a name for a cafe (it doesn’t matter where it is located - in a big or small city, village), you need to consider the basic criteria:

  1. Do not cause ambiguous associations, unpleasant emotions.
  2. Easy to remember and pronounce, be sonorous.
  3. Harmonize with interior design, customer service form, service level.
  4. It is desirable that the name reflects the concept of the institution.

These parameters are also relevant when choosing. To quickly choose a beautiful name for your cafe, you can use the following approaches:

  • use a foreign word with suitable semantics depending on the format of the institution or a Russian word, one syllable of which should be made in Latin transcription;
  • display the name of the concept, format of the establishment, interior, service features, assortment;
  • the creation of neologisms - words or phrases, you can combine the Russian and foreign bases;
  • choosing an easy-to-pronounce, short name without a heavy semantic load;
  • playing around with words that mean opposite concepts;
  • play on words.

When choosing an original name for a cafe, it is better to avoid using personal names (Lydia, Anna) and words that have a strong emotionality (Happiness, Dream, No worries). You should be very careful when choosing names that are tied to historical figures (Cafe Stirlitz, Dovbush, Pasternak, Pushkin, Landrin), films or works of art (At the Pokrovsky Gate, Gentlemen of Fortune, The Cherry Orchard, Moby Dick, Hero of Our Time, Hatiko, Turandot) , geographic areas, city names (Toronto, Tibet, Tel Aviv, Windsor). It is advisable to do this only in case of 100% combination with the concept of the institution, so that the original name does not seem too pretentious and does not harmonize with the atmosphere in the cafe. It is also important to choose a name that is harmonious in meaning (for example, Chalet Beryozka - in our opinion, the semantic combination of the word for an alpine rural house and the already boring name Beryozka is not a very good solution. More examples: Old House, Soprano, Revolution, Olive Beach, Mu-Mu, Cat and cook, Spark). And, of course, you should not choose banal, boring names: Troika, Birch, Barberry, Marzipan, Yunost.

Advice: choosing a beautiful name for a cafe (including fast food), you need to make sure that it is not occupied by competitors, not patented. You can view the list of existing institutions on specialized portals.

Cafe naming examples

The name of the cafe should become a brand for its owners, visitors, easy to remember and evoke positive emotions and associations. Usually, such a task is entrusted to professionals in the field of naming, but if you wish, you can choose the original name yourself. We give the following options for beautiful names for cafes (many positions are also suitable for fast food establishments):

Advice: if you can’t open your own fast food restaurant, you shouldn’t despair, there are many more interesting and easily implemented ideas. For example, the creation of a business for the preparation and sale of herbal tea, the manufacture of handmade soap, the cultivation of mushrooms (reaches $ 500-1000 per 1 kg).

When choosing a beautiful name for a cafe, it is important to feel the fine line that you should not cross, otherwise the name will not be in harmony with the institution, it will be positively perceived by visitors (bistro Seven cockroaches, Hannibal, Los Vegas cafe, diner You Uhu Eat?, Clockwork eggs). You should not opt ​​for double-valued options or those that can cause ambiguous understanding: Paradise Hell cafe, Herase Japanese pub, Children of barbecue. When creating a neologism for the name, you also need not to overdo it (Night Dozhor, BuhenNaus, Drunken traffic cop, Deep Throat, KhZ cafe - stands for “good institution”, but causes ambiguous associations).

When you say "Irish", what do you think of?

If you say "Lola", who do you see?

Which establishment has better coffee - "Bull Frog" or "Cow Cafe"?

Where is it better to cook - in "Quick and Easy" or in "Crazy"?

When opening a cafe or restaurant, choosing a unique, memorable name is an important part of the business planning process.

The name you give your cafe or restaurant can have an impact on its success. Every word has meaning, and words create stories that are backed up by visual stereotypes.

Let's look at the features of the naming of a catering establishment.

Simplename for a fast food cafe

How beautiful to name a cafe or restaurant: stages

  1. Study of the market and competitive environment. This is necessary to understand how competitors position themselves and what the owner needs to stand out in the market.
  2. Target audience analysis to determine what customers expect from you and what influences their choice.
  3. Positioning strategy development- this is a way to correctly present the features of the institution.
  4. Name generation. Using the previous three steps, you can narrow the search for the optimal name. Having studied all the nuances, experts will select the most beautiful names for a cafe or restaurant.
  5. Bestoptions tested in focus groups. With their help, they choose the optimal name for the institution.

Branding agency KOLORO will conduct market and target audience analysis. Also, the company's specialists will study the competitive environment in order to identify possible risks and minimize them.

How to name a cafe

  1. The name reflects the atmosphere. You should not call the cafe "Egg" if, apart from the omelette, eggs are not used anywhere.
  2. When using your own name, it is worth considering how this will affect SEO. For example, naming a cafe "Lamonosov" would cause the restaurant's website to not appear on the first page of Google search results (after correcting it to Lomonosov).
  3. The name of the establishment should be easy to remember. For example, "Swallow", "Sreda", "Bank" (restaurants in Moscow).

Popular cafe namewhich is easy to remember

  1. It is important to consider the cuisine that is offered to visitors. You should not call the restaurant "U Ashot" if the menu is only sushi.
  2. It is worth checking how the name sounds in conversation. The answer "I'm in Ikra" to the question "Where are you?" sounds better than "I'm in the Groove."
  3. The name must be unique. Using someone else's name will cause unpleasant consequences.

At the KOLORO branding agency for a cafe or restaurant, they will suggest the best one and create your establishment.

Original spelling of the restaurant name

What is the best name for a cafe: options

  1. Title generator. On the Internet, you can find dozens of name generator sites for establishments of any caliber. All you need to do is enter a name, the type of products you plan to sell, location, and the robot will pick up the name of a cafe or restaurant. Many restaurant name generators simply combine similar sounds or random words. This is the easiest, but not the most successful way of naming a cafeteria.
  2. Thinking about the name of the cafe, first imagine how it will look, for example, on a cup or clothes of a waiter. If the potential name does not fit or looks awkward, you should choose another one. For example, The Laughing Goat is a fun name for a coffee shop in the USA, which was chosen in this way.

Cafehe Laughing Goat("The Laughing Goat")

  1. Experiments with the word: add letters or remove, swap or connect two words. For example, celebrity chef Wolfgang Puck named his very first restaurant Spago. There is also a restaurant "RGO" ("Russian Geographical Society") - for those who like to travel.
  2. When naming a restaurant, you can use a significant date in your life or a favorite place. So it was with the Attika restaurant in Melbourne (Australia), which was recognized best restaurant countries in 2017.
  3. Brainstorm with creative people to get a list of original titles. Thus, the name of the coffee house Cofax appeared. This is an abbreviation of the phrase "coffee in Fairfax" (Los Angeles area, USA). The name came about during a discussion about the Dodgers (Los Angeles baseball team). The creators of the coffee house realized that if we combine the phrase "coffee at Fairfax", we get Cofax, which coincided with the theme.

Learn how naming docks work from KOLORO branding agency. To do this, just look at the . We know how to name a cafe so that it makes a profit.

creative cafe name

How to come up with a name for a cafe or restaurant: popular ways

When choosing a restaurant name, consider the impression it will leave on customers. Will it be unforgettable? Can they say the name or write it down?

  1. The cafeteria can be named after its location. This was done with The French Laundry (eng. "French Laundry" Napa Valley, California, USA). This is one of the most popular restaurants in the country. The restaurant building housed a French laundry during the 19th century. The building was once a brothel, but the owners of the restaurant refrained from using such names.
  2. original name for a fast food cafe - the name of the main dish. Thus, customers will know that, for example, in Pelmennaya they will enjoy the taste of stuffed dough dishes (vareniki, dumplings, khinkali), and not Peking duck.

Family restaurant name

  1. A cafe or restaurant is the brainchild of the owner, so the name of the owner or people dear to him can be used in the name. The oldest catering establishment was opened in 1725 in Madrid. Then it was called Botin, and the Botin spouses owned it. While waiting for a decision on admission to the Royal Academy of Arts, the artist Francisco Goya worked as a dishwasher in the tavern. In the XIX century, the nephew of the last owners became the owner of the restaurant, so the name was changed to Sobrino de Botin. Under this name, it is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. The restaurant has become one of the most visited places in Madrid.
  2. Using numbers in the title is another option to distinguish yourself in the market. For example, the restaurant of Caucasian cuisine "5642 height". This figure is the height of the highest point in Europe, Elbrus.
  3. The name depends on the format of the institution. For the name of the anti-cafe, words related to time are suitable, for example, “Dial”, Local Time. In the name of a children's cafe, you should use the names of fairy-tale characters, sweets, images from the world of children's fantasies: Orange Cow, Totya Motya.
  4. Contact the specialists of the KOLORO branding agency. We have created a corporate identity and a unique name for the restaurant.