What to do with garlic arrows for the winter. Preparing snacks with nuts

Everyone is used to seeing garlic in the form of heads, but not many people know that garlic arrows are no less useful. Not everyone will use them in their original form. However, if you marinate this product, it will be impossible to tear yourself away from it! Consider how you can prepare garlic arrows for the winter to please your guests with an unusual snack.

Garlic is useful not only during flu and cold season, but also for daily use. It strengthens the heart vascular system and serves as a source of vitamins and minerals.

In cooking, they use both the garlic roots themselves and young shoots - garlic arrows (“pipes”). They are added to salads, used in sauces and soups, to give spicy taste. Sharp arrows go well with meat dishes and vegetables. Garlic paste, twisted through a blender, is good for sandwiches.

Pickled garlic arrows

Pickled shoots can be served as independent dish and as a snack. Cooking without sterilization.

  • Fresh garlic arrows - 1 kilogram,
  • Salt - 30 grams,
  • Sugar - 20 grams,
  • Acetic acid 70% - 15 milliliters,
  • Bay leaf - 5-6 sheets,
  • Allspice peas - 5-6 peas.

You can use other spices - cherry leaves or currant leaves, horseradish

Before cooking, you need to prepare garlic arrows. To do this, they need to be washed. cold water and cut. Initially cut off tops-umbrellas - they are not usable. The arrows can be cut into pieces of the desired size or marinated whole.

To remove all the bitterness from the product, pour boiling water over it and after 4-5 minutes, put it in a colander and leave to cool.

Pure glass jars need to be sterilized, put on the bottom Bay leaf and a few peas of pepper, then tightly lay the garlic arrows on top and cover with a lid for twisting.

It remains to prepare the marinade. Bring a liter of water to a boil, add sugar, salt and vinegar. Cook for 3-4 more minutes.

As a last step, pour the marinade into the jars to the brim and roll up the lids. Banks should be placed in a cool place, turned over on the lid, until cool, after which they can be put away in a home cellar or refrigerator.

Pickled garlic arrows can be consumed no earlier than a month after preparation. The snack is tasty and crispy. Bon appetit!

Interesting information! On sale (especially on the market), you can often find canned garlic arrows under the name "ramson", although these are two different plants from the Onion genus.

Therefore, garlic arrows, like wild garlic, are the usual arrows in the marinade. They even have specially shaped jars!

Video recipe from Other cuisine

Other ways to harvest garlic arrows

Freezing garlic arrows for the winter

There are several ways to freeze garlic arrows for the winter - the easiest way to harvest them.

with dill

  • Young arrows of garlic;
  • Dill and parsley greens;
  • Silicone molds or containers for freezing ice.

cut off upper part(unopened bud) and rinse under running water several times. Cut the arrows and greens into small pieces. We put it in molds and send it to the freezer.

So that the greens do not darken, after re-freezing, add to the forms a small amount of water.

With butter

This recipe produces a kind of garlic oil that goes well with mashed potatoes.

Wash and cut the garlic cloves into small pieces. We pass through a meat grinder several times to get the consistency of gruel.

Mix with butter until homogeneous mass(Butter does not need to be melted.) Pour into molds and freeze.

In the same way, you can freeze garlic arrows for the winter with the addition olive oil.

With salt

Twist the garlic arrows with a blender or chop finely. Add salt, pepper and vegetable oil to the resulting mass to taste. Transfer to a container and refrigerate.

Use as an addition to soups and main dishes.

If desired, you can add mayonnaise or sour cream. It turns out spicy sauce from garlic arrows.

Garlic paste and sauce

Arrow pasta is a great appetizer! Especially good on sandwiches rye bread.

With vegetable oil

  • Arrows - 750 g;
  • Salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • Oil - 2.5 tbsp. spoons.

Chop the washed garlic arrows and pass through a blender. Add salt to the mixture and vegetable oil.

Garlic paste is ready!

with mayonnaise

Rinse and chop 300 grams of sprouts with a food processor. Add a pinch of salt and 100 grams of mayonnaise, mix.

With lard

Skip the washed arrows along with salted fat through a grinder. Transfer the resulting garlic paste to a container and refrigerate.

Video recipe

Ingredients: 0.2 kg shooters, dill and arugula - 50 g, walnuts- 0.5 tbsp, juice and zest of 1/2 lemon, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, salt and pepper to taste.

Adjika from garlic arrows

There is just great amount recipes for this dish! They cook adjika even with gooseberries and nettles. Appetizing, spicy - many will like it. Below is a simple recipe for you.

  • arrows - 500 g;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 6 pieces;
  • tomatoes - 500 g;
  • oil - 4 tablespoons;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Rinse the arrows, tomato and pepper with garlic under water and chop in a food processor or scroll through a meat grinder. Simmer the resulting mass for 40-60 minutes.

Enter granulated sugar, salt and boil for 2-3 minutes. Add table vinegar.

Put the finished adjika into sterilized jars and screw on the lids for conservation.

Garlic arrows in Korean for the winter ("Appetizer for vodka")

Great spicy seasonal dish large quantity spices. It is recommended to cut the arrows for this dish when they have already become large enough, but have not had time to harden.

  • "pipes" of garlic - 1.5 kg;
  • Korean dressing (liquid) - 1 package;
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • Vinegar essence - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • Vegetable oil - 5 liters.

Put arrows in a frying pan with oil and sprinkle with salt and sugar. Simmer for 40-50 minutes. Enter Korean dressing, stir. Enter vinegar essence.

Transfer to sterile jars, roll up the lids and place in a warm place.

Instead of ready-made Korean dressing, you can use a mixture of spices, as in the video below.

Garlic arrows for the winter with tomato paste

This treatment is perfect for meat dishes as a side dish. Tomatoes define the taste of this dish. Pasta can be replaced with, then the dish will turn out more tender.

  • Garlic arrows - 750 g;
  • Oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Tomato paste (sauce) - 500 g;
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • Black pepper - to taste;
  • Water - 1 l;
  • Vinegar essence - 4 tbsp. spoons.

We wash and cut arrows 7-10 cm long.

Add to boiling water tomato paste, pepper, salt and sugar. Boil the marinade for 10 minutes. We introduce vinegar essence and leave to languish for a couple more minutes.

Put arrows in ready-made sterile jars and roll up the lid.

Winter is the season for colds and infections. At this time of the year, garlic arrows should be used as a prophylaxis against SARS. For cooking, try to choose young shoots of garlic.

A useful video on when to pick arrows from garlic

For the winter, you can cook a variety of very tasty and healthy preparations. An excellent find for such culinary experiments can be various plants from the garden, including very common ones. So, many housewives, with an unshakable hand, send garlic arrows to the trash, and in fact they can become the basis for a delicious delicacy with a wonderful spicy aroma and surprisingly. spicy taste. Also, such a component can be used to prepare salads, sauces and seasonings, it will feel great in vegetable stew, first and second courses. Today we will talk about cooking garlic arrows for the winter. Consider using a meat grinder in recipes.

Garlic arrows for food should be harvested shortly after the plant releases them. They should retain all their tenderness and juiciness. In the event that the bud that has arisen on the arrow is still closed, it's time to cut it off. If it has already blossomed into a flower, then you are late. Such an arrow can no longer be used for food and used for blanks.

simple recipe

To prepare a simple and very delicious preparation, you need to prepare a minimum of components - the garlic arrows themselves and salt, while salt should be used about a fifth of the mass of greens, in which case the proportion will be ideal.

Greens should be thoroughly washed and dried. Next, pass the arrows through the meat grinder. Next, they need to be salted, stirred well and left for a while so that juice stands out from them. After the resulting mass should be decomposed into small jars, covered with nylon lids and sent for storage in a fairly cold place - in the cellar or in the refrigerator.

Garlic seasoning with dill

To prepare such an appetizer, you need to use garlic arrows, as well as dill in equal proportions. Also, use some salt according to your taste preference.

Wash and dry the prepared components, then turn them through a meat grinder. Salt and mix well. Put the resulting mixture in a suitable container and send it to the freezer.

This seasoning can be used to prepare most different dishes both the first and the second. If you add it to the sauce, it will make it especially fragrant. In addition, this mixture can be combined with soft butter and used to make sandwiches, like a spread.

Recipe for garlic arrows with herbs

To prepare garlic arrows for the winter, it is worth stocking up on seven hundred grams of garlic arrows and three hundred grams of mixed greens (thyme, basil, parsley and dill). Also use six tablespoons of all-purpose vegetable seasoning.

Wash and dry all prepared greens. Then turn it through a meat grinder. Combine the resulting mixture with seasoning, arrange in clean and dry jars, tamping a little. After corking such a blank and send it to storage in the refrigerator. In principle, such a mixture can be frozen. You just need to pack it into ice molds, freeze, and then put the garlic cubes in a bag and store.

Garlic arrows with gooseberries and cilantro

To prepare such a preparation for the winter, readers of "Popular about Health" need to prepare half a kilogram of garlic arrows, the same amount ripe gooseberries, one bunch of cilantro and the same amount of dill. In addition, use three tablespoons of vegetable oil and a couple of teaspoons of salt.

First of all, sort out the gooseberries, rinse them and dry them. Also wash and dry the garlic arrows and cilantro. Pass the gooseberries through a meat grinder and garlic arrows. Chop the prepared greens smaller, mix with the rest of the ingredients. Salt the resulting mixture, add vegetable oil to it.

Mix a well-prepared snack, arrange it in pre-sterilized glass jars and seal with nylon lids.

Additional Information

Preparations for the winter from garlic shooters completely preserve everything useful qualities, since they are not served heat treatment. They are really able to benefit the body, because they contain many useful components. The consumption of garlic arrows helps to strengthen the immune system, helps the body cope with viruses and bacteria. Delicious and healthy snack It has a positive effect on the activity of the digestive tract and helps to remove "bad" cholesterol from the body. There is evidence that the systematic and moderate consumption of garlic arrows helps to reduce blood pressure, prevents thrombosis and reduces the likelihood of strokes and heart attacks. In addition, some components of garlic shooters are actually able to prevent cancer.

But in no case should you get carried away with this delicacy beyond measure. It is also worth remembering that garlic shooters are not indicated for people with diseases of the digestive tract (gastritis, ulcerative lesions, etc.) and with anemia.

In fact, cook delicious and useful blank for the winter from the arrows of garlic is not at all difficult. Use your favorite recipe... Ready meal sure to please you with a pleasant aroma and excellent taste.

One of the most delicious recipes harvesting garlic arrows for the winter is an appetizer passed through a meat grinder. In this article, we present three different options cooking arrows of garlic through a meat grinder, but as bonuses we will tell about others great recipes winter harvest this product.

Heads of garlic are widely used in cooking and it is difficult to imagine a dish that can be cooked without them. But garlic arrows are not a by-product, if desired and with the right approach, they can also be used as food, they are as healthy and tasty as garlic itself.

  • It is important that they are of medium size and still have a thin skin, hard arrows are no longer suitable for food, because they are too fibrous to taste.
  • You can cook only arrows cut off a maximum of a week ago: if the product lies for a long time, it loses and taste qualities and useful items.
  • For preparations for the winter, choose small jars so that the snack can be eaten quickly after it is opened.
  • Do not spare the coarsened part of the arrows of garlic and cut off.

Recipes for garlic arrows for the winter

Through a meat grinder

The easiest, fastest and most common way. You will need to take the arrows of garlic, salt (salt is taken by weight by 20% of the number of arrows used). Rinse the greens and dry, pass through a meat grinder and immediately salt. Stir, let stand for half an hour and then you can lay out in jars. Roll up for the winter with tin or nylon lids.

Pasta with tomato

For this seaming, the ingredients are taken by eye. Pass the washed and dried arrows through a meat grinder, add a little tomato sauce. Consistency finished pasta should not be too liquid. Arrange in sterile jars, cover nylon cover and put in the refrigerator. Eat within a month because this seaming is not stored for a long time.

with dill

This recipe for garlic arrows through a meat grinder for the winter differs from the previous ones in that you just need to add finely chopped pasta to the pasta already made in the standard way. fresh dill, add salt and mix everything well.

Advice! Dried coriander will add dill, then 100 grams of salt and a few pinches of ground coriander are taken for 500 grams of pasta.

With herbs without salt

To make the snack as healthy as possible, you need to stop using salt. Such a garlic dressing in winter will become great snack by itself, but it is also actively used as a spicy dressing for borscht. For cooking, you need a kilogram of arrows, 400 grams of dill and parsley, basil and thyme.

Pass all greens, including arrows, through a meat grinder. You can add seasonings to the mass as you wish, then mix everything and send it to storage in jars in the refrigerator. Alternatively, the pasta can be safely frozen.

in Korean

Under strong alcoholic drinks, this appetizer comes in perfectly. However, it will complement meat or boiled potatoes. For cooking, you need garlic arrows, three cloves of garlic, a small spoon table vinegar, soy sauce and sugar, a large spoonful of seasoning for Korean carrot, bay leaf and sunflower oil.

Cut the arrows into 5-6 cm, chop the bay leaf. Saute garlic cloves in hot vegetable oil until soft. Put the product in jars, add bay leaf and sugar, soy sauce and vinegar. Simmer the arrows with the sauce so that it becomes thicker. In conclusion, add the cloves of garlic, passed through the press and leave the salad for at least an hour so that all the ingredients are marinated.

With redcurrant without vinegar

You need to understand that vinegar is a preservative and it is for this reason that it is most often used in home-made preparations for the winter. But vinegar can be replaced with other acidic preservatives, such as red currants.

From the ingredients for this seaming for two kilograms of arrows, 0.3 kg of red currant, 0.7 liters of water and 100 grams of sugar, 50 grams of salt and dill are taken.

Finely chop the arrows, boil for a few minutes in boiling water and immediately arrange in jars. Put a sprig of dill in each jar and cover with a lid. Boil the currants in boiling water for three minutes, then rub it through a sieve and put it into the broth. Add salt and sugar to the broth, bring to a boil. It remains to pour the marinade into prepared jars with pipes and roll up.

As seen, various recipes help to prepare useful product for the winter in completely different ways. We hope you find yours unique recipe cooking garlic arrows, and through a meat grinder or not - this is up to each hostess to decide personally.

Many gardeners, when shooting garlic, simply cut off unnecessary arrows and throw them away. However, this "garden waste" can be used as a spice during cooking. various dishes. Moreover, this can be done not only in the spring, but also in winter time if you pre-prepared garlic arrows.

Some of the most popular ways to harvest arrows include:

  • freezing;
  • salting;
  • making garlic butter out of them.

For harvesting for the winter, it is necessary to use only young garlic arrows. They are more fragrant, in addition, they have a soft and juicy texture.

Frozen garlic arrows

Freezing is the easiest and fast way make winter stocks of garlic arrows. To do this, they must be washed under running water, cut off the tops with seed boxes and finely chopped (obliquely). Pour the crushed arrows into a bag, let the air out of it and tie tightly.

Pickled garlic cloves

First of all, you need to prepare the arrows. It is better to cut them coarsely so that it is convenient to process. Then grind with a mixer or pass through a meat grinder using the finest mesh.

For 1 kg of chopped arrows, you need 0.5 kg of salt. Mix the mass thoroughly and arrange in containers. Keep refrigerated

For salting, use only rock salt(not iodized).

Arrows passed through a blender or meat grinder can also be frozen without adding salt to them.

garlic oil

From garlic arrows it turns out unusually tasty and fragrant oil. It can be consumed almost immediately, or it can be prepared for future use by freezing. spice oil with garlic arrows will give spicy taste potato dishes and more. By the way, this oil is prepared not only from the arrows of garlic. Paprika, hot pepper, dill and other spices for every taste - you can literally use everything individually or combine the ingredients.

Butter in the amount of 200 g pre-soften to room temperature. Add to it 2-3 tbsp. l. with a slide of chopped garlic arrows, mix well with a fork. Put the resulting mass on cling film or foil in the form of sausages, twist and wrap the ends.

Butter must be good quality for a truly delicious appetizer.

Harvesting garlic arrows - video

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At the beginning of summer, winter garlic releases arrows, on which air bulbs (bulbs) later ripen - seed material. To provide planting material for several beds, it is quite enough to leave 3-4 arrows in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe most powerful plants.

The remaining arrows are broken out in order to increase the size of the bulbs by preventing the outflow of nutrient compounds to the inflorescence. You can read in detail about why gardeners remove garlic arrows, and how they are used in the future.

Experienced housewives never throw away garlic arrows, knowing about their undoubted culinary, insecticidal, fungicidal and medicinal properties. Arrows are marinated, fried, added to preservation, stewed, boiled. There are many recipes of Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Ukrainian, Caucasian and Russian cuisines for cooking green garlic shoots.

One of the most simple ways prepare arrows for the winter - make a fragrant green seasoning. Even a novice cook can cope with the task, since the technology for preparing seasoning is as simple as possible, and from additional ingredients, except for the arrows themselves, you only need homemade vegetable oil and ordinary salt.

What dishes are seasoned with garlic arrows?

Grated and frozen green-garlic mass is added to any dishes where the presence of garlic is appropriate. Seasoning of garlic arrows will emphasize the taste of all types of meat, poultry, game, rabbit, as well as fish and vegetables. It is added to stews, marinades for portioned and whole pieces of meat, pilaf, vegetable stew, borscht, soups, fish soup, cabbage soup, pickle, kharcho, shurpa.

White and red homemade sauces acquire a unique taste and aroma if, during their preparation, a teaspoon of garlic seasoning is added to the mass. A blank of arrows is also suitable as an additive to butter, spicy cottage cheese salad, any spread on sandwiches, for example, salad from processed cheese with mayonnaise.

Well, the most popular way to use spicy pasta- twisting together with lard. Sandwich with black rye bread, spread savory snack, – the perfect complement to pea soup, Ukrainian borscht or spicy kharcho.

Making garlic paste

  1. Rinse a kilogram of arrows under running water and remove the coarsened part, which itself breaks.
  1. Put spice on kitchen towel to dry and remove residual moisture.
  1. Cut the arrows into small pieces and put in a blender (food processor). In the absence of the necessary kitchen appliances use a regular meat grinder.
  1. Add a large teaspoon table salt(for increase useful properties dishes, you can use sea food or iodized salt) and three tablespoons (40-45 ml) of corn or sunflower oil (homemade unrefined is healthier and more aromatic).
  1. Grind all the ingredients until an emerald green homogeneous paste is formed. Mix thoroughly when using a meat grinder. green puree with oil until the salt is completely dissolved.
  1. Transfer the mass to a dry, clean container or jar, close the lid and put in the freezer.
  1. A small amount of pasta can not be frozen, but used for culinary purposes for a month, provided that the spice container is stored at a temperature not exceeding +3°C.

In a frozen state, the seasoning can be stored for up to a year and a half, but usually garlic paste is not stale by real chefs. If necessary, use seasoning, the container is removed from the freezer, opened, removed with a teaspoon right amount(the frozen mass is easily divided into portions) and sent to the place.