Adjika recipe from apples and tomato paste. Spicy adjika with apples and zucchini for the winter

Delicious adjika with apples and tomatoes for the winter will be great addition to meat and fish dishes, side dishes and appetizers. You can make it slightly spicy or spicy if you like. Apples for adjika should be taken sour or sweet and sour, tomatoes should be ripe and fleshy. When grinding hot peppers, be careful - wash your hands, knives and boards thoroughly after contact with it, in no case do not rub your face. You can use a meat grinder to grind the ingredients - this will allow you to achieve a certain "grain" of adjika, but if you use a food processor, then do not overdo it and do not turn the vegetables into puree, turn on low speed and turn it off after a couple of minutes.


For 6 liters:

  • 3 kg tomatoes
  • 2 kg sweet pepper
  • 1 kg apples
  • 1/4 stack. salt
  • 150 g sugar
  • 150 ml table vinegar 9%
  • 150 ml vegetable oil
  • 2-3 hot peppers
  • 1 stack garlic


1. Wash all the vegetables thoroughly, remove the core from the apples, cut the tomatoes into several pieces, cut the stem from the pepper and remove the seeds. Remove the husk from the garlic.

2. Grind vegetables and apples with a food processor or meat grinder in this order. First apples, tomatoes and Bell pepper, pour into a saucepan.

3. Put the pan on the fire and wait for it to boil, then cook over low heat for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

4. In a blender, chop the peeled garlic and pieces of hot pepper, you can with the seeds, but without the stalks.

5. After 15 minutes of cooking adjika, add vegetable oil, it is desirable to take one that is odorless.

6. Now pour in 9% table vinegar, add sugar and salt, stir.

7. After 5 minutes, add the garlic-pepper mass to the adjika, mix gently and cook for another 3 minutes.

8. Pour hot adjika into sterilized jars.

9. Tightly screw the jars with blanks with sterile lids, turn upside down and wrap until completely cool. Adjika is perfectly stored in a cool dark place.

Note to the owner

1. Apples passed through a meat grinder will immediately begin to darken. It is not necessary to take emergency measures by sprinkling them with any food acid: they will still change color after mixing with the rest of the ingredients and due to heat treatment. For the safety of their vitamins, it is also pointless to do this.

2. In enamel saucepan adjika can be cooked if there is confidence in the complete integrity of its coating. Kitchenware, used for at least six months, necessarily has microcracks on the enamel. When interacting with the components of this workpiece, a reaction will occur that is undesirable both for the dishes themselves and for the products. In this regard, modern cermets are absolutely safe, moreover, during the languishing of ground vegetables, the thickening mass does not burn to the bottom and walls of such pots and stewpans. Many stew complex vegetable mixtures in cast iron braziers, which is quite acceptable.

3. If the garlic-pepper liquid, splashed from under the screw of the submersible blender, gets on the skin, a noticeable burn can be easily avoided by immediately rinsing the affected area under a cold stream. It is much worse when a burning drop is on the mucous membrane of the eye, and this happens. The first measure is again washing, the second is the laying of "Oftagel" under the eyelid or the instillation of "Systein".

What is adjika in its original sense, everyone seems to have forgotten. incompatible not only with apples, bell peppers and carrots - even with tomatoes! Meanwhile, culinary liberties often give interesting results, so we seem to have agreed: yes, adjika is spicy dish, which includes salt, hot pepper and garlic. Yes, everything else is recipes based on the famous Caucasian sauce. But let's call them adjika for convenience, shall we? It's been said and decided.

Today we will try fruit adjika. Apples, leaning sour taste(tomatoes and vinegar) to the sweet spectrum (bell peppers, carrots) create a new balance and the perfect accompaniment to meat and lenten dishes. The variety of apples can be any, but do not be afraid to take sweet fruits - this will not spoil the adjika.

Other ingredients of the recipe are tomatoes, bell peppers and carrots, hot peppers and garlic. To them, you can add horseradish root and celery stalks, as well as herbs. Apple adjika very good red basil, celery leaves, parsley. Salt and sugar make the taste richer, do not neglect them!

On a note

  1. To make adjika with apples and tomatoes thick for the winter, choose a tomato variety that is not juicy, but fleshy. If there are none, you can first boil the tomato for 20-30 minutes, and then, when it thickens, add all the other ingredients.
  2. Hot pepper can be added to adjika in two ways. Or throw its halves without seeds directly into the pan (as I did) and cook together with other vegetables until tender, then discard the pod that gave up its juices. Or - grind the pepper in a meat grinder along with all the products.

Preparation time: 1 hour / Yield: 3 cans of 0.5 l


  • tomatoes - 1.2 kg
  • Bulgarian pepper - 500 g
  • carrots - 300 g
  • hot pepper - 1-3 pcs. (taste)
  • apples - 500 g
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.
  • vinegar 9% - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • salt about - 1 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • garlic - 1 head

How to cook adjika with apples and tomatoes

Wash all vegetables thoroughly. We cut into pieces that will be convenient to grind.

Pass vegetables through a meat grinder or chop in a food processor.

We send the mass to the pan. We put the hot pepper cut in half and cleaned from the seeds. The amount of pepper depends on your love for spicy taste. Only you know how spicy the seasoning should be. That's exactly how much pepper and use.

Add salt and sugar to the pot. Pour vegetable oil. Garlic and vinegar will be sent to the pan at the end of cooking.

Put on medium heat and bring adjika to a boil. Then reduce the heat and boil the mass for about 1 hour. All vegetables should be soft and thick.

At the very end, add vinegar and garlic, passed through a press. Boil for 2 more minutes. Be sure to try to adjust the taste: does it have enough sharpness, acidity and sweetness?

We prepare jars with a volume of 0.5 liters or less in advance. We steam them, boil the lids. Fill the container with hot vegetable mass. We cork and turn over. Adjika with apples should be quite thick. If you have it liquid, cook it until it thickens.

After the jars have completely cooled, we put them in the pantry or cellar for long-term storage.

Adjika is a collective recipe, every nationality, but what is there, almost every village in the Caucasus and Transcaucasia is proud of its own, truly the right sauce.

There is nothing strange in this, there are, perhaps, no less shish kebabs and pilafs. They are often served with spicy seasoning.

Adjika from tomatoes and garlic with apples - general principles of cooking

A spicy sauce of tomatoes and garlic with apples is prepared by chopping vegetables and fruits with or without further boiling.

It is preferable to take vegetables and apples that are well ripened and not overripe, without signs of spoilage and rot. Rinse well and dry thoroughly before use. Those requiring cleaning are washed again after that.

Grind vegetables and apples in a meat grinder, grater or food processor. This is done before or after cooking.

Hot pepper gives spiciness to any adjika, it is usually used without seeds, but if you want to get more spicy sauce- Seeds are not removed.

Garlic saturates adjika with its aroma and gives additional sharpness. It, like other vegetables, is crushed and added 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking. If you do this earlier, the aroma will disappear when boiled.

Spices are laid along with garlic so that they have time to open up. They are added to taste or according to the recipe.

Adjika from tomatoes and garlic with apples can be stocked up for the winter, if it has passed the appropriate heat treatment. The boiled sauce is still hot packaged in sterile jars of suitable volume and rolled up with boiled lids, while observing all the rules of conservation. Raw adjika has a short shelf life. Even storing such a sauce in the cold will not save it from souring.

Thick homemade adjika from tomatoes and garlic with apples - "Spark"


Five kilos of ripe tomatoes;

2 kg of sweet pepper;

1 liter of lean, frozen butter;

Capsicum bitter (red) pepper - 300 gr.;

2 kilos of carrots;

300 gr. peeled garlic;

2 kilos sweet and sour apples.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the tomatoes in half. Often inside the tomatoes you can see a light hard pulp - you need to remove it as well.

2. Cut the sweet pepper lengthwise, remove all the insides from the peppers along with the seeds, rinse each half again to wash off their remnants.

3. Treat hot peppers in the same way. But, if you want adjika to be more spicy, leave the seeds, cut off only the stalk.

4. Peel carrots and apples. Cut the root crops into medium-sized pieces, and cut the apples into four slices and remove the seeds from them along with the seed box.

5. Grind all prepared vegetables with a meat grinder, and, shifting into one large container, mix.

6. Push through the press into vegetable mix garlic, add oil and table salt. Stir well again and place the container over medium heat.

7. As soon as the vegetable mass boils, lower the heat a little and cook with a slight boil for the vegetable mass for 2 hours. Don't forget to stir otherwise the sauce will burn.

8. Without cooling adjika, pack in sterile glass containers and tightly seal with seaming lids, rolling them with a special key.

Adjika from tomatoes and garlic with apples and herbs without cooking


Half a kilo of ripe tomatoes;

One kilogram of fleshy sweet pepper;

A small bunch of parsley;

Three pods of large hot pepper;

Three small heads of garlic;

A bunch of dill;

Two large apples.

Cooking method:

1. Cut off the stems of sweet and hot peppers. Then cut the peppercorns in half and carefully select the seeds from them. Rinse the halves under running water and dry well.

2. Cut off the coarse stems of the parsley and dill. Sort the greens, wash cold water each branch separately and spread on a towel so that they dry well.

3. Peeled apples cut into slices and remove the middle with seeds.

4. Pass all vegetables through a large grate in a meat grinder. Mince the garlic in the same way.

5. Finely chop the dill and parsley with a knife or also twist in a meat grinder.

6. Mix all the crushed ingredients in one large container, adding salt to your taste.

7. Spread adjika in clean, preferably sterile containers and close with boiled polyethylene lids. Store seasoning only in the refrigerator.

Adjika from tomatoes and garlic with apples and vinegar


Antonovka apples - one kilogram;

Ripe large tomatoes - 2.5 kg;

One kilo of carrots;

200 gr. garlic;

Seven hot peppers;

200 gr. Sahara;

A glass of ordinary 9% vinegar;

Refined sunflower oil - 1 tbsp.;

A kilo of fleshy sweet pepper;

A quarter cup of salt.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the peel from carrots and apples, peel the husk from garlic. Cut the carrots into medium-sized rings, crush the garlic cloves or grate into the smallest chips.

2. From both varieties of pepper, remove the seeds by cutting the peppers in half lengthwise.

3. Cut the tomatoes into large slices. Remove the stalks and white firm flesh, which is often found in tomatoes.

4. On large slices cut the apples and remove the seeds, do not remove the peel.

5. Chop apples, carrots, hot and sweet peppers with a meat grinder. Mix the vegetable mass well and boil it over low heat for one hour.

6. After that, cool a little, add salt, chopped garlic, granulated sugar, mix.

7. As soon as salt and sugar dissolve well, pour vinegar with vegetable oil into adjika. Mix well again and pack in clean jars. Pour a little high-quality sunflower oil on top of each and close the lids, but do not seal them tightly.

Spicy adjika from tomatoes and garlic with apples and wine for the winter


Green sour apples - 4 pcs.;

One peppercorn sweet fleshy pepper (red);

Ten fleshy tomatoes;

Hot pepper- 1 PC. or a spoonful of spicy pepper sauce(for example, "Chile");

head of garlic;

A glass of sugar;

A glass of dry wine;

Three tablespoons of salt, without a slide.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the sweet peppercorns from the seeds and cut them into pieces together with the tomatoes.

2. If you add fresh hot pepper, also chop it with a knife, rub the garlic with small chips.

3. Peel and cut the apples into large slices, cut out the seeds from them. Then transfer the fruit to a deep saucepan and pour over the wine so that it almost completely covers the pieces. Simmer on a small fire apple slices until they soften, i.e. about 7 minutes.

4. Temporarily remove the pan from the heat and puree its contents with a blender. You can simply grind with a fork or knead with a crush.

5. Add to applesauce all chopped vegetables along with garlic. Pour in the sugar, stir thoroughly and, after salting, return the pan to medium heat.

6. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly, and after boiling for 25 minutes, remove from heat. Cover with a towel and leave for a quarter of an hour.

7. Kill the vegetable mass with a blender until it is clearly “smooth” and put it on fire again. Stirring constantly to form as little foam as possible, boil for 25 minutes.

8. Cork hot adjika in sterile jars and put it under the covers until completely cooled, turning the containers over onto the lids.

Adjika from tomatoes and garlic with apples and nuts for the winter


300 grams of hot pepper;

ripe tomatoes- 2.5 kg;

A kilogram of juicy sweet pepper;

420 gr. walnut kernel;

A kilo of carrots;

300 gr. very spicy garlic;

A kilogram of apples;

White lettuce - 1 kg;

300 gr. fresh parsley and dill.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the husks from onions and garlic, cut the stalks from the peppercorns and select the seeds. Cut the apples in half and cut out the core from the halves. Peel the carrots, wash the greens, cut the stems and dry thoroughly.

2. Cut all the prepared ingredients into small pieces and chop in a meat grinder along with nuts and herbs.

3. Add salt to taste, stir well and put on medium heat. As soon as the vegetable mass boils, lower the heat and simmer over low heat for two hours. Stir the vegetable mixture from time to time so that it does not burn.

4. Put the boiled, thickened adjika into sterile containers and seal tightly with metal lids.

Vigorous adjika from tomatoes and garlic with apples


2 kg of large tomatoes;

Five large carrots;

A kilogram of apples, any sweet and sour variety;

Kilogram bell pepper;

Five bulbs;

Three medium horseradish roots;

5 gr. dry savory and marjoram;

80 gr. fine salt;

9% table vinegar- 80 ml;

100 ml of refined oil;

Garlic - 100 gr;

300 gr. hot pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the vegetables, remove the seeds and wash well, dry and cut into medium-sized pieces.

2. apple pulp cut into centimeter cubes, be sure to remove the seeds.

3. Grate the horseradish with a medium grater, and the garlic with a fine one.

4. Pass the tomatoes, carrots, onions and peppers through the middle grate in a meat grinder or smash with a food processor, mix.

5. Put the tomato-vegetable mixture on a small fire and pour chopped apples and horseradish into it. Stirring occasionally so as not to burn, boil for an hour at a slight boil.

6. After that, salt, add sugar and all the spices. Stir thoroughly and continue to cook, boiling down to the desired density.

7. Five minutes before readiness, add crushed garlic and pour in vinegar, stir well.

8. Without removing the containers from the fire, lay out the finished adjika in the prepared glass containers and tightly roll up the lids. Leave the jars upside down until cool. Then turn over, shake the containers slightly so that the mass settles to the bottom, and put them in a storage place.

Adjika from tomatoes and garlic with apples - cooking tricks and useful tips

When handling the pulp of hot peppers, wear gloves. This will help prevent burns caused by accidental contact of juice-dampened hands with the eyes or other delicate parts of the body.

past heat treatment adjika can be prepared for long-term storage. To do this, pack the sauce in sterilized jars and roll them up with canning lids.

Cooked adjika turned out not spicy enough? Add ground red pepper to it and bring the sauce to the desired spiciness.

For adjika prepared without cooking, only high-quality vegetables and fruits should be taken, they should not be overripe. The surface should be smooth and even, without any damage and traces of rot. If there are even minor affected areas, put such vegetables and fruits aside or cook sauce from them by boiling.

Uncooked adjika from tomatoes with garlic and apples is stored only in a refrigerator or a cold cellar. At high temperatures, it quickly turns sour.

Now such days have come that you can not miss a single one. The time for preparations is in full swing, and today I will give a selection of the best cooking recipes homemade adjika with apples for the winter. Love delicious seasoning, especially from vegetables grown by me personally, under the gentle summer sun. It turns out especially tasty. In winter, it’s nice to spread it on bread or use seasoning with meat.

Adjika with apples for the winter - the best cooking recipes

The recipes for making boiled adjika at home for the winter are simple, and I will describe the cooking process briefly, because it is usually familiar and understandable even for beginners. You will find some more of the best recipes.

Almost everywhere the set of products is the same. True, this fact does not prevent the output from having the seasoning of the different taste, because how the amount of these same ingredients changes. Take more hot pepper or garlic - spicy lovers will enjoy. Love softer - increase the dose of tomatoes and carrots. And another tip: sour apples are more suitable for adjika, better than green or antonovka. From sweet apples it doesn’t work at all.

It should be said: adjika cooked with apples is not a traditional version of spicy seasoning. The real one, Abkhazian and Georgian, is prepared not only without apples, but also without tomatoes. AT classic version coarse salt and various seasonings.

Adjika with green apples - you will lick your fingers recipe

A wonderful seasoning from the category of those that they say: you will lick your fingers.

You will need:

  • Bulgarian pepper, green apples and carrots - take 2 kilograms of each product.
  • Tomatoes - 5 kg.
  • Hot pepper, garlic - 300 gr. everyone.
  • Salt - 3 tablespoons.
  • Oil - liter.
  1. Grind vegetables in a meat grinder, with any other available aggregate.
  2. Salt and pour in vegetable oil. Boil for two hours and close hot in sterilized jars. Voila, adjika is ready!

Adjika with apples and tomatoes for the winter

This recipe is one of the best, with a well-balanced composition of components.


  • Carrots, sweet peppers - take 1 kg each.
  • Apples - 1 kg.
  • Hot hot pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 3 kg.
  • Vinegar 9%, oil and sugar - only 1 glass each.
  • Salt - 5 tablespoons.
  • Garlic - 200 gr.


  1. Chop vegetables. I sometimes like just very finely chopped, and not passed through a meat grinder, but there is too much fuss and I am mostly lazy. Put to boil for 45 minutes.
  2. Pour in vinegar with sunflower oil, add salt, put sugar and then cook for another ten minutes.

Add garlic (chopped) and boil adjika for five minutes. Arrange in pre-sterilized jars.

Adjika with pepper and apples - a simple recipe

You will need:

  • Sweet bell pepper - 500 gr.
  • Bitter - 1 pod.
  • Parsnip root - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 200 gr.
  • Apples - 2 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 2 kg.
  • Dill - but necessary.


  1. Grind the ingredients in a meat grinder. Remove the skin from the tomatoes first (scald to make it easier).
  2. Seasoning is cooked for two and a half - three hours. Unroll and roll up immediately, while still hot.

Super-tasty adjika without vinegar

The most delicious adjika from apples, peppers and onions

The recipe was offered to me by my girlfriend and the characteristic tasty preparation gave: lick your fingers. I consider it one of the best recipes.

You will need:

  • Sweet peppers, apples and onions - take 1 kg each.
  • Garlic and carrots - 0.5 kg each.
  • Hot pepper - 4 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 5 kg.
  • Sunflower oil - 200 ml.
  • Table vinegar 9% - 100 ml.
  • Salt and sugar - take 100 gr.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Grind vegetables in any way possible, ideally, in a meat grinder, blender.
  2. Put in a container for preparation and put the rest of the ingredients provided for in the recipe, except for the garlic.
  3. Boil for two and a half hours. If you want - more, the longer you cook adjika, the thicker the seasoning turns out. Ten minutes before the end of cooking adjika, add garlic.
  4. unfolds finished product in pre-sterilized jars. Then it remains to roll them up and wrap them up.

Spicy adjika without cooking - recipe

Adjika with apples according to this recipe does not involve cooking. At all. But this makes it especially attractive, since the vitamins in it are apparently invisibly intact. Keep it at least at home until spring, but in the refrigerator all winter. By the way, it differs from other recipes, in addition, by the fact that it is without tomatoes.

You will need:

  • Bulgarian pepper - 3 kg.
  • Hot hot peppers, carrots and garlic - take half a kilogram of each product.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon.
  • Apples - 0.5 kg.
  • Sunflower oil - half a liter.
  • Cilantro - a bunch.
  • Salt - take to taste, but do not need much.
  1. Scroll both types of peppers in a meat grinder. Coarsely grate the carrots with apples, chop the garlic finely.
  2. Send the vegetable components to the pan and put the rest of the ingredients.
    Mix well, put into jars. Close with ordinary nylon lids. They will keep the workpiece perfectly.

Adjika from zucchini for the winter with apples

super tasty squash adjika, of those that are talked about - you will lick your fingers. If you want it sour - put sour apples.

Would need:

  • Apples - 500 gr.
  • Zucchini - 2.5 kg.
  • Carrots and paprika - 05 kg each.
  • Hot pepper - 200 gr.
  • Garlic - 6-8 cloves.
  • Vegetable oil - 250 ml.
  • Apple cider vinegar - 100 ml.
  • Salt and sugar to taste.

Step by step preparation of adjika:

  1. Grind all the vegetables with a blender, put in a saucepan and cook over low heat for an hour.
  2. 10 minutes before the end, add the chopped garlic, pour in the oil and season with spices. Finally, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Arrange in jars and cork preferably immediately.

Boiled adjika from antonovka - a super tasty recipe

miraculous winter preparation, almost a classic of adjika recipes, the basic version.

  • Tomatoes - 2.5 kg.
  • Antonovka - 1 kg.
  • Carrots, bell peppers - per kilogram.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • By the glass vegetable oil and 9% vinegar.
  • Garlic - 200 gr.
  • Hot pepper - 3-5 pcs.
  • Salt - 3 large spoons.

How to make adjika:

  1. Prepare vegetables and antonovka for work - clean, remove seeds and core.
  2. Cut into two or four pieces and mince everything except the garlic.
  3. Stir until smooth and start cooking.
  4. After boiling, add the spices and continue to cook over low heat for 30 minutes.
  5. Remove from the burner, put the garlic, chopped into gruel, into the adjika. And stir quickly.
  6. Pour and cork in any way. Lately I've grown fond of jars with screw caps - very convenient. Keep cold.

Homemade adjika for the winter with apples

Enjoy boiled adjika with apples, cooked at home for the winter and not only, my dears! You deserve your hard work. In winter, you praise yourself for hard work. There is another recipe on the video, I looked, and you ask if you suddenly like it. With love… Galina Nekrasova.

In cooking, there are many dishes that, having become unusually popular, have changed significantly. One of these dishes is adjika. The initial composition of the spicy Abkhazian seasoning was rather ascetic. This can already be judged by the name: in the homeland, adjika was called adzhiktsattsa, which means “salt pounded with something”. And they rubbed salt with red pepper, herbs and garlic.
Authors popular dish, as in the case of Hungarian goulash, there were shepherds. In order for the sheep to eat better and gain weight, they took salt with them, which they mixed with animals in food to stimulate appetite. Shepherds soon noticed that salt mixed with spices, pepper and garlic is quite tasty, and began to use the dish in addition to meat, soups, etc.
Spread around the world, the famous culinary product enriched with ingredients that were not previously included in its composition - bell peppers, apples, tomatoes, etc. New adjika recipes also appear. To summarize, adjika can now be called any spicy dish, which includes garlic and pepper. So, recipes for adjika from zucchini, pumpkin, beets, plums, etc. are known. This recipe for adjika with apples for the winter includes bell peppers, tomatoes, carrots, apples, and, of course, garlic and hot peppers.

Taste Info Sauces for the winter


  • red tomatoes - 2.5 kg,
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1.2 kg,
  • carrots - 0.8 kg,
  • green sour apples - 1 kg,
  • garlic - 180 g,
  • hot pepper - 80 g,
  • sugar - 1 cup,
  • salt - 0.25 cups,
  • vinegar - 1 glass,
  • vegetable oil - 1 cup.

How to cook adjika with apples for the winter

All components of the dish must be thoroughly washed, cleaned (as needed). Peel the apples and cut into slices, do the same with the tomatoes.

We also clean the garlic.

Remove the center from the bell pepper.
Hot pepper can be used whole, except for the tail.
We also clean the carrots.

Next, pass all the ingredients (except garlic) through a meat grinder or chop with a blender.

Put in a large saucepan or bowl, add sugar and salt.

Cook the mass for one hour from the beginning of the boil.

Then add the garlic squeezed through the garlic press, vegetable oil, vinegar.

Cook another 25 minutes.

Then hot pour adjika with apples into sterile jars and roll up with boiled lids.

canned adjika can be served with barbecues meat dishes, some add it to pasta, shawarma, also cook kharcho soup, pilaf and borscht on its basis. Nuggets, french fries and other dishes are also eaten with adjika.

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Recipe number 2. Spicy adjika with apples, tomatoes and horseradish

Adjika is a snack that is often prepared from hot peppers, tomatoes and herbs. Usually it is used in addition to meat dishes. In addition, it is in perfect harmony with soup, borscht or vegetable salad. And lovers hot spices simply spread adjika on fresh crispy bread over butter.

The authorship of the recipe is disputed by Abkhazia and Georgia. According to legend, when the shepherds took the sheep to the mountains for pastures in the spring, the owners of the flocks gave the shepherds salt for grazing animals. The thirsty sheep began to actively eat grass and drink water. Due to this feature, they quickly gained weight. But shepherds did not always use salt for its intended purpose. They began to add garlic, dill and other herbs to it. This is how this famous spicy appetizer - adjika - appeared in Abkhazia.

There are many recipes for making adjika. To date, it is difficult to single out a single classic version.

I offer one of the ways to prepare spicy adjika for the winter from apples, tomatoes, horseradish, bell and hot peppers, with the addition of spices and herbs.


  • tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • sweet red pepper - 1 kg;
  • green apples - 350 grams;
  • hot red pepper - 150 grams;
  • horseradish root - 250 grams;
  • carrots - 500 grams;
  • garlic - 15 cloves;
  • parsley - 30 gr.;
  • purple basil - 30 gr.;
  • salt (coarse, preferably sea) - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • coriander (seeds) - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • vinegar - 1 stack.

A step-by-step recipe for making adjika from peppers, apples and tomatoes:

Hot pepper must be placed in water for 5 hours. After this time, the seeds are removed from the pods. Perform this task very carefully. It is advisable to use gloves.
Parsley and basil should be washed, separated from the stems and left on a towel to dry.
Peel sweet pepper and cut in half.

Cut the tomatoes into circles.

Peel the garlic and divide into cloves.

Wash apples and cut into slices, removing the peel and seeds.

Grind the pods of hot peppers and herbs through a meat grinder or in a blender.

Crush the coriander seeds in a mortar and then add to the rest of the mass. Salt is also added there and everything is thoroughly mixed.

After that, mince sweet peppers, apples, horseradish, carrots and tomatoes through a meat grinder. Mix everything and combine with other chopped ingredients.

Now proceed to the process of cooking spicy apple-tomato mass. It is advisable to use an aluminum pan for this. This will avoid burning.
After boiling, boil for another hour. Then add salt, sugar and vinegar. Boil for another 15-20 minutes.

Be sure to try adjika. If the taste is not strong enough, add a pinch of sugar or salt.
The finished mass is laid out in pre-sterilized jars. Roll them up with metal lids and put them in a dark place until they cool completely. The next day, transfer the adjika jars to the refrigerator or cellar. Banks that are going to be consumed immediately can simply be closed with plastic lids.

Sometimes housewives try to bring something new to this spicy snack by adding eggplant to its composition, walnuts and other ingredients. Don't be afraid to experiment and surprise your family members with new adjika recipes!