How to make delicious croutons. How to cook black bread crackers in the oven

IN Food Industry breadcrumbs are called rolls, white or rye bread, cut into even pieces and subjected to drying in special ovens. This method increases the shelf life bakery products, avoiding financial losses in the process of selling products.

Reference: Due to the long shelf life, dried slices are traditionally included in the diet of military personnel.

What kind of bread is used to make croutons?

All crackers that exist today are divided into two categories: simple and rich. Simple croutons are made from any kind of bread. IN last years many varieties of beer appeared on sale from rye bread. There is a small assortment of beer snacks made from white rolls. Crackers for soups and salads are usually made from large-pored breads.

Butter crackers are made from sweet buns, Easter cakes and other pastries. For about 15 years, miniature dried sticks of white bread. This product is great for an afternoon snack.

Why dry bread?

It would seem, why turn such wonderful fresh and soft bread or buns into hard crackers. For a long time, there was an opinion among the people that only old stale bread should be dried. However, in our time, a lot of recipes have appeared that use crackers made from fresh pastries.

If you decide to try to make them yourself, then cooking knowledge will come in handy in such cases:

  • if there is a lot of bread or rolls in the house that are at risk of spoiling;
  • when you need dried cubes wheat bread add broth or soup;
  • as a salad ingredient;
  • when urgently needed good snack for beer. Rye croutons with garlic or tomato sauce fit perfectly;
  • if you want something simple and quick for tea, for example, sweet vanilla crackers;
  • run out breadcrumbs, which are easy to make from ordinary white bread;
  • I want to supplement banal dishes in an unusual way, for example, with crumbs fried in oil with spices and garlic, you can sprinkle pasta, boiled potatoes or steamed vegetables.
  • production is planned homemade kvass, which means you need to dry the strips of rye bread.

Important: Dried bread is much healthier than fresh baked bread. Rusks help many people with intestinal disorders, because they have a fixing effect.

Variety of forms

When cooking, you can give your products any shape you want. The most common options are:

  • Sweet crackers, as a rule, repeat the shape of the pastry from which they were made. It can be oval or round large pieces.
  • Medium-sized cubes are used for soups.
  • Rectangular crackers can be used in salads and beer.
  • Dried long crackers (7-10 cm) are also very well suited for beer gatherings.
  • Crackers cut from white bread sticks have an oval shape.
  • You can give products and a triangular shape.

Cracker Recipes

Despite the ease of making dried bread slices, there are a lot of recipes. The result depends on even the smallest nuance. Let me tell you about my favorites.

Homemade white croutons in the oven

This recipe can be safely called a classic - it is this cooking principle that is most often used when you need to make a portion of crackers.

Recipe Information

  • Cuisine:Russian
  • Type of dish: appetizer
  • Cooking method: in the oven
  • Servings:10-12
  • 30 min
  • Nutritional value per 100 g:
    • Calories: 350 kcal


  • white bread - 1-2 loaves.

Cooking method:

Cut the bread into slices about 1 cm thick.

Cut each of them lengthwise into equal parts.

Cut the resulting long slices of bread into short strips or cubes.

Spread the bread evenly on a dry baking sheet and bake at 140 degrees for about 35 minutes. The baking time can be reduced by increasing the temperature, but then the crackers will have to be carefully monitored so that they do not burn.

A variety of sauces will be a great addition to homemade crackers: garlic, and so on. Well, if you couldn’t eat all the cooked crackers right away, then chop them into crumbs and use them as breadcrumbs.

  • Bread for making crackers can be taken both fresh and stale, the main thing is that it is not moldy and does not have an unpleasant odor.
  • The taste can be varied by adding certain spices to them before baking. The choice of spices depends on personal preference. You can use Italian herbs, suneli hops, paprika, ground dry garlic, or you can do without any aromatic additions and limit yourself to salt.
  • You need to cut the bread for crackers into small enough pieces, as large ones can remain soft inside. If you plan to serve them with the first course, then it is better to cut them into cubes, and if with sauce, then into long strips.

Simple black bread croutons

Such a simple product is very good to cook for children. They will crunch with pleasure with useful cubes or sticks. You will need a loaf of rye bread. It is necessary to cut off the entire crust, as it becomes very hard when dried.

Cut the bread into small pieces of the desired shape. If the bread is large-pored, then do not try to make cubes or sticks that are too small, so you will not succeed in anything other than a mountain of crumbs. It is desirable that the thickness of the products does not exceed 1 cm.

Features: Yesterday's bread is cut much easier than fresh.

Put the prepared bread slices in one layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment, lightly sprinkle with water. Preheat the oven to medium temperature, and then place a baking sheet with bread in it. Bring the crackers to the desired degree of crunch, stirring occasionally.

Croutons with garlic

Garlic flavor makes ordinary rye or wheat croutons incredibly appetizing!


  • 1 loaf black or white bread
  • garlic - 7-8 medium sized cloves
  • refined vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  • salt - to taste.

Squeeze the peeled garlic through the garlic press and combine it with sunflower oil and salt. Let the mixture brew for 20-30 minutes. At this time, cut the bread into small slices. After the specified time, place the bread in a clean plastic bag, add the prepared garlic mixture and shake well until the dressing is evenly distributed.

Dry the crackers in the oven, setting it to 100-120 degrees, until a crispy effect is obtained.

Crackers with salt

Such crackers are convenient to cook from a baguette. Cut it into slices, 1 cm thick and arrange in a baking dish. Drizzle the pieces well with vegetable oil and salt to taste. Then place the mold in an oven preheated to medium temperature and wait for browning. The dish is ready.

For Caesar salad

If you want to cook your favorite Caesar salad on your own, then it is desirable that the croutons for him also be homemade.


  • loaf or white bread - 1 pc.
  • sesame oil - 1 tbsp.
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp.
  • onion - 1/4 pc.
  • apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp.
  • garlic - 3 pcs.
  • curry seasoning - 1/3 tsp
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • black ground pepper
  • Italian herbs.

Cut the bread into equal even cubes. Preheat the oven to 120 degrees. Place the slices of bread on a clean, ungreased baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes.

In the meantime, pour olive and sesame oil into a preheated pan, add vinegar. Grind garlic with onions in a blender or push through a press. Transfer them to the pan and bring to a light golden color. In a separate bowl, mix salt and all seasonings. Add this mixture to the skillet with onions and garlic. Place the sliced ​​bread in a deep bowl and pour over the hot sauce from the pan. Stir. Then put the croutons on a baking sheet again and bake them for another 10-15 minutes at 200 degrees.

Croutons for beer from black bread

Salty homemade rye bread crackers with a spicy aftertaste are very delicious to serve with beer.


  • black bread - 1 loaf.
  • sunflower oil - 4 tbsp.
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • garlic - 5 cloves
  • red pepper - 0.5 tsp
  • dill, parsley - to taste.

Cut the bread into small sticks or squares. Mix vegetable oil, chopped garlic, red pepper, salt and herbs. Fold the future croutons into a new plastic bag and fill with the spicy mixture. Seal the bag and shake vigorously so that the bread absorbs the dressing. Lay the slices on a dry baking sheet and bake in the oven until golden brown.

Crackers with cheese

Cheese crackers are a real delicacy. You can make them from any kind of bread. The main thing is to choose a delicious hard cheese - it depends on how appetizing the appetizer will turn out.


  • black or white bread - 9 slices
  • hard cheese - 80 g
  • salt - to taste
  • black pepper - to taste
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml
  • mayonnaise - 100 g.

Cut the bread into small cubes or bars.

A mixture of pieces from different bread. Mix mayonnaise, oil, salt and pepper. Pour the resulting sauce into a large bowl and roll the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bbread in it. Arrange the slices on a baking sheet and sprinkle the finely grated cheese on top.

Sweet croutons for tea

To create sweet crackers, white bread or a loaf is suitable. Better yet, if you have stocked up buns with various fillings, because they can simply be cut into small pieces and baked without additional additives.

There is also a very simple recipe. delicious treats from bread. For sweet crackers, take a loaf, 250 g of sour cream and 2 tbsp. sugar. Cut the loaf into strips of medium thickness, and then into squares. Place sour cream and sugar in two separate bowls. First dip each piece of bread in sour cream, and then roll in sugar. Put the prepared product on a dry baking sheet so that the slices do not touch each other. Bake sweet crackers in the oven at 200 degrees for 5 minutes.

Features of cooking crackers in the microwave

Delicious croutons can be prepared in microwave oven. That's just without certain skills and knowledge, you run the risk of getting "pebbles" from bread or rancid coals. Use the following tips to make croutons delight with an unsurpassed taste:

  • Try to cut identical pieces otherwise they will lose moisture unevenly.
  • Don't be alarmed if your croutons are darker on the break than on the outside. In the microwave during cooking, they lose moisture first from the inside, and then at the edges. Take this into account when checking the degree of readiness.
  • In a microwave oven, crackers are cooked in stages and at maximum power, turning the oven on and off and turning the slices over.
  • While you have not yet mastered cooking crackers in the microwave, carefully observe the process without leaving the dish.
  • Crackers can be greased with vegetable oil and sprinkled with seasonings.

Tips for making the most delicious homemade croutons

You can try different recipes creation of dried bread slices: both sweet, and salty, and spicy, and sour. Remember to adjust the spiciness and salinity, depending on the destination. For example, soup can be made more spicy crackers.

In order for each new experiment to end with success, you need to remember a few general rules:

  • It is very difficult to determine the exact cooking time for crackers, because it all depends on the thickness and porosity of the bread. During cooking, periodically glance at the crackers so that they do not burn.
  • This is such a product, with the help of which even a “stale” bun can be transformed into a delicious snack. But, of course, it should not be moldy or rancid.
  • If you cut the bread into relatively large pieces, do not be lazy to stir them regularly during cooking so that all slices are evenly baked.
  • In order for the crackers to be evenly and completely covered with seasonings and sauce, it is better not to pour or pour all this on them in turn, but mix all the ingredients with vegetable oil, and then mix the bread slices into the mixture.
  • Before serving, the crackers must be cooled to room temperature so that their crispy qualities are at the highest level.

How and how long to store dried bread?

A few tips about the rules for storing homemade crackers:

  • This product is stored in a dark and cool place (from 0 to +15 degrees), in any container.
  • If during storage you notice insects in a bag or box with crackers, then it is better to throw everything away immediately.
  • If you store crackers next to fresh bread, then the shelf life of both products will be significantly reduced.
  • The qualities of crackers that are placed in cloth bags or paper bundles are best preserved.
  • Dried pieces of bread with the addition of raisins, cumin, sugar, etc. cannot be stored for a long time.
  • If you didn’t dry the crackers, but fried them in a pan, then they will not be stored for a long time, because hot oil greatly reduces the shelf life of bread products.
  • Butter crackers can be stored and eaten for 15 days.
  • In the breadbasket, crackers spoil faster.
  • Sugar crumb at room temperature it is suitable for use within a month, but if you place it in the freezer, the shelf life will increase significantly.

Crackers without additives can be stored for several months, and the maximum shelf life of crackers with any inclusions is 7 weeks.

Making homemade croutons is even easier than buying it in the store. Moreover, you will be 100% sure that in the created crispy culinary masterpiece there are no harmful additives. Well, while I was describing all the recipes, I thought about the taste of crackers so much that I went and cooked garlic croutons in a frying pan, as in this video:

The deliciousness is incredible!

"Dry crackers!" - in this phrase, at first glance, not the most positive meaning is hidden. And if we judge in our opinion, then crackers should be given their due not only as a means of salvation from hunger, but also as a witty and delicious snack, an addition to the most various dishes. A handful of crackers added to a broth or salad will turn an ordinary meal into a true culinary masterpiece!

And how the hostesses will rejoice at their own prudence, whose hands simply do not rise to throw away dried bread, which can be put to good use! Besides, why buy a crunchy treat in the store, if it is quite possible to cook it at home, knowing for sure that nothing harmful has got there? In a word, it was decided: we are preparing croutons!

Recipe for croutons for beer without using the oven


  • Bread (any) - 700 g
  • Mayonnaise - 50 g
  • Spices (any) - 15 g.
  • Onion rep. - 1 PC.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Oil rast. - 2 tbsp. spoons.

How to cook croutons in a pan:

  1. In this case, even the oven is not required, crackers are fried right in the pan. Strictly speaking, the dish may well qualify for the role of an independent snack, it is quite satisfying, and most importantly, tasty.
  2. So, salted, seasoned with a mixture of black and red pepper (as an option - curry or dry garlic) bread cubes are fried together with onions in an oiled pan. As soon as you achieve a crispy "tanned" crust, put on a plate and season with mayonnaise.
  3. If you're in favor, use soy sauce, only it will need a little more - 100-150 grams. Read more

How to bake bread with crackers

If you want to do everything yourself, starting from the basics, i.e. bread, you will need:


  • Wheat flour - 150 g
  • Plum oil. – 30 g
  • Cheese (grated) - 100 g
  • Sour cream - 100 g
  • Salt, red pepper - to taste

Bread recipe for croutons:

  1. We knead a tight dough (depending on the density of sour cream, it may take a little more or less), roll it out well, cut it into diamonds. We bake until crispy, but do not overdry until a brown crust forms - they may start to taste bitter.
  2. If all the supplies do not come up right away, you can pour them into a tin box: such crackers are perfectly stored.

Recipe for homemade garlic croutons


  • A third of a loaf
  • Chili pepper - 1 pod
  • Garlic - 1 pc.
  • Olive oil. - 5 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt pepper

How to cook croutons with garlic at home:

  1. We crumble the roll or rub it into a grater, crush the garlic. We spread it on a preheated frying pan and fry together with pepper in oil until golden brown. excess fat remove by placing the finished crumbs on a paper towel.
  2. Pangratta can be sprinkled on any dish, giving it sophistication and spicy taste. However, as an independent snack, it is also good. Help yourself!

Crispy crackers in the oven

These savory croutons have a special taste due to the natural spices that are used in the cooking process. Try to make them according to our recipe, and the result will exceed all expectations.

How to cook croutons:

  1. Take one loaf of white bread, cut it into cubes and send it to dry in a preheated oven for ten minutes. Heat up a frying pan and pour three tablespoons of olive oil and a tablespoon of sesame oil into it.
  2. Send a spoonful of vinegar, a quarter of a finely chopped onion and three chopped cloves of garlic there. Separately, mix together one pinch of curry, coriander, ginger and ground hot pepper. Add to them a teaspoon of salt and a mixture Italian herbs. When the onion becomes golden, add the spices to the pan, stir and immediately remove from the stove.
  3. Take the croutons out of the oven, put them in a bowl and pour over fragrant oil. They should be thoroughly mixed so that each piece can be soaked. After that, send the crackers back into the oven. In a few minutes, you will have at your disposal a wonderful addition to first courses or vegetable salads.

Rye croutons

Here is the recipe for you original croutons from black bread with mushroom flavor. This snack from natural ingredients you can serve with drinks or chicken broth.

How to make homemade crackers:

  1. Cut rye bread into strips and place in a deep container. Any Forest mushrooms(dried) grind into powder. For this purpose, use a coffee grinder, and finished product put in a jar and close the lid.
  2. Also grind dried garlic with a coffee grinder. Sprinkle future croutons with powder on the basis that one loaf of rye bread will have two tablespoons of mushrooms and the same amount of garlic. Salt the bread rolls, sprinkle them with vegetable oil and put them in a preheated oven for a few minutes.
  3. If desired, butter can be replaced with sour cream - you will also like the result very much.

Crackers with mustard in the microwave

Fortunately, modern kitchen appliances can always help us out in difficult times. So, if, for example, unexpected guests came to you and brought drinks with them, you can quickly prepare an original snack for them.

Spicy bread croutons will be ready in ten minutes:

  1. Cut white bread into cubes and dry it for a minute and a half in the microwave. In a suitable bowl, combine mustard and bouillon cube (plain salt can be substituted). The amount of spices depends on the amount of bread.
  2. So, for three slices you will need one cube and two tablespoons of mustard. Pour crackers into a bowl with spices and mix. After that, the snack should be sent to the microwave for another two minutes. While cooking, keep a close eye on changes in the color of the bread, as it can burn at any time.

Cheese croutons

These beautiful soft croutons go great with all types of beer and disappear from the table in no time. Therefore, cook them twice as much as you planned, and invite your friends to visit.

How to cook croutons with cheese:

  1. Mash 150 grams of butter with a fork and combine with 150 grams of sifted flour. Stir the food until it turns into crumbs. Grate 150 grams of hard cheese on a fine grater and add it to the rest of the products.
  2. Pour four tablespoons of mineral sparkling water into a bowl, add salt, a teaspoon each of dill and rosemary, two teaspoons of sesame seeds and half a spoonful of cayenne pepper and ginger. Knead a dense dough, roll it into a ball, wrap in cling film and refrigerate for an hour. When the right time has passed, the dough should be rolled out into a layer two millimeters wide and cut into pieces.
  3. Keep in mind that the thinner the dough, the crunchier the croutons will turn out. Transfer the blanks to a baking sheet covered with baking paper and place in a preheated oven. After a quarter of an hour, when the dough rises and browns, the treat can be taken out and put on a dish.

Fish croutons

Nowadays, you can buy any snacks in the store, but your guests will appreciate homemade crispy crackers much more. And this is not surprising, since homemade snacks are much tastier.

How to make crispy croutons with fish flavor:

  1. Cut 250 grams of rye bread into slices and dry in the oven. Take one salted herring, gut it, remove the skin, remove large and small bones. 150 grams of butter and prepared fish fillet cut into pieces.
  2. Transfer the products to the blender bowl, add a clove of garlic and grind until smooth. Add some salt and ground pepper to taste. Brush the slices of bread with the resulting fish sauce and cut them into long strips. Grate 100 grams of cheese on a fine grater. Put the bread on a baking sheet and bake it in a preheated oven for ten minutes.
  3. After that, crackers should be taken out and sprinkled with cheese. Bake the appetizer in the hot oven for another five or seven minutes.

Crackers Homemade

This recipe will help you prepare delicious snack for tea. You can also serve it with any soup or broth.

And we will prepare crispy crackers as follows:

  1. Two chicken eggs grind white with 200 grams of sugar. Add to them three tablespoons of fermented baked milk and half a teaspoon slaked soda. Grate 200 grams of frozen margarine, combine with 500 grams of sifted flour and grind the food until crumbs. Mix the prepared products and knead the elastic dough.
  2. Divide the finished product into several parts so that you can make crackers with a special taste from each. So for example you can use mac, vanilla sugar, sesame, candied fruits, dried fruits and much more. Roll out a piece of dough, put the filling on it and knead them together with your hands. Do the same with other products. Form small loaves from the blanks, place them on a baking sheet and place in a preheated oven to bake for 20 minutes. When the right time has passed, remove the bread, cut into slices and send to the oven again.
  3. After ten minutes, turn off the stove and wait the same amount more. After that, the crackers can be taken out, put on a dish and served with tea or hot milk.

Crackers with raisins

If you want to enjoy a delicacy familiar to everyone since childhood, then carefully read the following recipe.

Crispy croutons with raisins are prepared very simply:

  1. Beat two eggs with a mixer with a glass of sugar. Melt 200 grams of margarine on the stove or in the microwave and then combine with the egg mixture. Dilute a few drops of vinegar in half a teaspoon of water and add to the rest of the products.
  2. Send half a teaspoon of slaked soda there. Beat the ingredients again with a mixer. Sift three cups of flour and combine it with the dough. Add also a glass of raisins (it can be replaced if desired with poppy seeds or dried apricots). Knead the dough, divide it into three parts and roll each into a "sausage". Bake the bread in a preheated oven until golden brown.
  3. After about half an hour, remove the "sausages" from the oven, cut them into slices and send the blanks back into the oven for ten minutes. If you plan to serve a treat with tea, you can sprinkle it with powdered sugar first.

Dough croutons mandalas


  • Flour - 1.75 tbsp.
  • Salt - ½ tsp
  • Soda - 0.75 tsp
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - 1.5 tbsp.


  1. Sift the flour. Mix it with baking soda and salt.
  2. Whisk eggs with vegetable oil. Pour the mass into the flour and knead the dough.
  3. Roll out the resulting dough into a strip 0.5 cm thick. Cut the dough into pieces 1.5 cm wide.
  4. Grease a baking sheet with oil, put the chopped dough and put the baking sheet in the oven for 15 minutes.
  5. Stir crackers periodically. Ready crackers can be added to soup and other dishes.

Green crackers at home


  • Mayonnaise - 50 g
  • White bread - 300 g
  • Vegetable oil - 30 g
  • Greens - 50 g


  1. Cut the bread into random slices.
  2. Put it on a baking sheet previously greased with vegetable oil.
  3. Place the baking sheet with the sliced ​​bread in the oven. The snack should dry out a little.
  4. Lubricate the finished crackers with mayonnaise.
  5. Finely chop the greens and sprinkle over the appetizer.
  6. Green crackers are ideal for beer.

Garlic homemade croutons


  • Olive oil - 70 g
  • Bread - 250 g
  • Garlic - 3 z.
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Black pepper - to taste


  1. Cut the crust off the bread.
  2. Cut the bread into equal cubes.
  3. Peel the garlic and pass it through a press.
  4. Mix olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic in a bowl.
  5. Preheat oven to 200 degrees.
  6. Place the sliced ​​bread into the bowl with the prepared butter seasoning. Mix everything thoroughly.
  7. Put everything on a baking sheet and put in the oven for 15 minutes.
  8. Garlic croutons are perfect for beer, tea or for preparing various salads.

City crackers at home


  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Flour - 750 g
  • Butter - 120 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Yeast - 20 g
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Water - 350 ml.
  • Vegetable oil - 10 g


  1. cook yeast dough. Sift the flour. Pour it into a bowl of sugar. Add 1 egg, water, yeast, salt and butter. Knead the dough.
  2. Cut it into pieces of 25 g. Roll out pieces of dough 8 cm long.
  3. Put the pieces on a baking sheet previously greased with vegetable oil.
  4. Brush the dough pieces with the egg.
  5. Put the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 240 degrees. When the dough is baked, remove the baking sheet from the oven.
  6. After a day, cut the product into slices and put it in the oven to dry for another 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.
  7. When one side of the croutons is golden brown, flip them over to the other side.

Loaf croutons in the oven

How to make crackers in the oven, cooking recipe:

  1. We cut the bread as thin as possible into sticks with a thickness of no more than 1 cm, and put it on a baking sheet (I always use baking paper, so the croutons burn less) if possible in one layer.
  2. In an oven preheated to 150 degrees, put a baking sheet with crackers for 7-15 minutes, depending on the thickness of the pieces and the initial degree of staleness of the bread.
  3. In a small bowl, mix vegetable oil, mustard, garlic squeezed through a press, salt and water.
  4. We check our crackers, and if they have already thoroughly “grabbed”, that is, the edges of the pieces are confidently hard to the touch, even if the middle of the crackers is pressed through, we take out the baking sheet.
  5. Slowly, so as not to burn yourself, spread the garlic mixture on top of the layer of crackers, or spray it as evenly as possible over the entire area of ​​​​the baking sheet.
  6. We mix the croutons on the baking sheet with a spatula, level them on the baking sheet for better drying, reduce the oven to 100 degrees and wait for a maximum of 5 minutes more. The garlic aroma should float with unimaginable brightness. Do not let it turn into the smell of burnt garlic and turn off the oven in time, ventilate it if necessary.
  7. Leave the croutons to cool completely in a closed oven. At the same time, it is not forbidden to slowly carry crackers “for testing”.

Spicy croutons with white bread

The taste is very similar to store-bought ones, although only natural spices are used.

You will need:

  • White bread loaf - 1 pc.
  • Olive oil - 3 tablespoons
  • Vinegar (7%) - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • Onion - ¼ onion
  • ground coriander
  • curry powder
  • Ground red pepper
  • ground ginger
  • Ground black pepper
  • Provencal herbs.


  1. Preheat the oven to 120 degrees. Baton cut into cubes. Read more
  2. Send the sliced ​​loaf to the oven for 7-10 minutes.
  3. Pass onion and garlic through a garlic press and send to a pan with heated olive oil.
  4. Mix seasonings (take each seasoning on the tip of a knife). When the onion begins to take on a golden color, pour the seasonings into the pan and mix everything. Take the seasoning off the stove.
  5. Put the dried croutons in a cup and fields with oil and spices. Gently mix so that each piece is saturated with oil.
  6. Put the croutons back on the baking sheet and send them to the oven for 10-15 minutes so that they are fried.

And about something crispy and spicy, without which the first courses are not so tasty, and many salads are simply impossible. And for some, this dish is associated with beer. As you may have guessed, these are homemade croutons. Previously, I simply dried finely diced bread in a pan or on a baking sheet in the oven and called it croutons. But now I cook homemade crackers in a different way, it turns out not just better, but incomparably better. These homemade crackers are practically indistinguishable from those sold in stores, and you create their taste yourself. Today I will cook homemade croutons with the taste of salt, pepper and garlic.


  • 1/2 loaf (can be slightly stale)
  • 4 tablespoons sunflower oil
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1 teaspoon salt (no slide)
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 4 garlic cloves

Croutons in the oven. Recipe with photo

So, I propose to cook such homemade crackers from a classic white loaf. He has the perfect density for this. Of course, it is most logical to cook homemade crackers from slightly stale bread, but if you really want to, you can also use fresh bread. We cut the loaf into cubes or give the future croutons any other shape, this will in no way affect the success of the final dish.

Warming up large frying pan and send our future croutons to lightly fry. Although this is an oven baked croutons recipe, the roasting step is necessary and I will explain why. Bread, even if it has managed to get a little stale, after mixing with butter (this is the next step), it threatens to partially turn into porridge, but we don’t need such an effect. We want to get whole beautiful crackers. It is in order for the bread cubes to retain their shape that we will dry them in a pan. It will not take much time for this step, about 5 minutes, subject to strong fire and frequent stirring of croutons in a pan.

So we have reached the step where we will prepare the “taste” for our crackers. The basis will be made up of two types of oil - sunflower and butter, and we add to the oil everything that, in our opinion, should be present in the taste of croutons. I have this time just fresh, passed through the press, garlic and ground pepper. Well, salt. You can also use ground paprika, turmeric, dry garlic, dried herb mixtures, and so on.

Adding spicy oil to the crackers and mix well. Then we spread the crackers on a baking sheet (if desired, you can cover it with parchment) and send it to the preheated oven to dry again and fix the taste. Bake croutons for 15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

That's the whole recipe. All ingenious is simple, and simple is ingenious. Just imagine, we turned yesterday's bread into a wonderful snack that will refresh and complement soup, borscht, brighten up the evening at the TV, you can also cook with crackers great salads(for example, Caesar). Bon appetit!

teaser network

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

If you are tired of eating ordinary bread, then I suggest you cook delicious white bread crackers in the oven. A very convenient recipe with a photo, according to which you can easily cook a simple snack at home. Use the usual yesterday's bread, some spices and you will have a wonderful snack in the form of crackers on your table. Also, such crackers are convenient to eat on the go, and you will perfectly satisfy your hunger. The trip will not seem so boring and long.

Required products:
- 300 grams of white bread;
- 1 teaspoon l. chicken seasoning;
- a little salt;
- 2-3 cloves of garlic;
- 50 grams of vegetable oil;
- a little ground black pepper.


I prefer to use yesterday's or the day before yesterday's bread for croutons. Nobody usually eats such bread, so it must be used for other purposes. Crackers are perfect for this. I cut stale bread into cubes. Stale bread slices easily and does not crumble.

Now, in order to give the crackers a certain taste, I sprinkle them with chicken seasoning. You can use any seasoning: for fish, for meat. The main thing is to give the bread the right flavor.

Since my seasoning was without salt, I salt the bread a little. If I use seasoning, and it already contains salt, then do not add salt.

Sprinkle crackers with freshly ground black pepper.

For extra taste I squeeze the garlic to the crackers and stir a little so that the bread is saturated with the aromas of garlic.

I pour oil on the bread, leave it to soak for 5-6 minutes.

I lay out the crackers in a pan along with all the seasonings and spices. I put it in the oven to bake until golden brown. Crackers should dry well in the oven and become crispy.

I take out the browned croutons from the oven. I let them cool down a bit.

I spread crackers in any form and serve to the table.

These white bread croutons, cooked in the oven, can be eaten if you are hungry and do not want to wait for dinner and just want to have a snack. I also often serve such crispy bread with hot soups. Then the soup becomes tastier and ordinary bread is not needed, because there are delicious and fragrant crackers that are soaked in oil, spices and garlic. It is also easy to prepare

Most sophisticated housewives know how to properly dry bread crumbs in the oven. Truly tasty and crispy products can be added to salads and soups, served with tea, used as a quick snack. The product will be more aromatic if seasoned with spices.

In order to get mouth-watering crackers, stock up

Cut the loaf small cubes. Next, the garlic should be chopped using a special device, and the cheese should be finely grated, mixed with butter and a little salt. Pour over the bread cubes fragrant mixture so that all the pieces are evenly fed.

Now line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place the snacks on it in 1 layer. As mentioned above, the temperature for baking white bread should not exceed 170 ° C, you need to cook the product until a golden crust appears on it.


In stores today you can find crackers with any taste and aroma, but in addition to monosodium glutamate, they are full of other chemistry. Therefore, we suggest that you learn how to make crackers in the oven from bread different varieties to get natural and healthy snacks.

Crispy white crackers in the oven, the recipe of which is offered below, is perfect for chicken broth, sauces. They can also be used to make salads. If you grind snacks to crumbs, then you will get excellent breadcrumbs. The cooking process will take 20-30 minutes.

The best crackers from bran bread, the benefits of such bread are enormous


  • white bread (preferably a long loaf) - 2 loaves.

On a note! For the manufacture of crackers, both fresh and stale bread are suitable, the main thing is that there is no mold on it and it does not emit an unpleasant odor.


Advice! Do not leave crackers unattended, as they can quickly burn.

Healthy snack: recipe for rye croutons

Instead of chips and other dubious "goodies", offer the children healthy cubes of toasted rye bread. Here classic way how to dry crackers in the oven.


  • a loaf of rye bread.


How to cook salty "crunchies"?

Cubes of salty dried bread are the best "company" for watching your favorite movie. But do not rush to run after them to the store. We will tell you how you can make salted crackers in the oven from bread in your own kitchen.


  • baguette or bread - one piece;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • spices (optional)


Do-it-yourself delicacy: cheese breaded croutons

If you have bread (any kind) at home and hard cheese, then you can treat yourself and your family by preparing a real delicacy - crackers with cheese in the oven. For such a dish, both elite Parmesan and regular cheeses- Dutch, Russian.


  • bread - 400 g (loaf);
  • cheese - from 70 to 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - 4 table. spoons;
  • salt - the third part of a teaspoon;
  • a mixture of peppers;
  • garlic (optional) - 2 cloves.


How to make delicious garlic croutons: detailed instructions

It's very easy to make this delicious treat at home. It will turn out unusually fragrant and spicy, and no flavors of synthetic origin and flavor enhancers!


  • loaf of wheat flour(you can - yesterday's) - 1/2 piece;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • ground chili pepper and turmeric powder - one pinch each;
  • vegetable oil - 2 table. spoons;
  • paprika and oregano - 1 tsp. spoon.


In stores you can buy crackers for every taste, manufacturers offer a lot of options. But, as you know, there is little useful in them. We will tell you how, using only natural spices, to make bread croutons at home.

Bread croutons


  • white bread - 300 g;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • spices.


Bread cut into cubes of the desired size. We combine chopped garlic, salt, spices (you can take any), pour in vegetable oil and mix. Pour the resulting mixture into a plastic bag, pour the cubes of bread into the same place.

The package is slightly inflated, upper part twist and shake it so that the garlic mass is evenly distributed over the slices of bread. Pour the contents of the package onto a baking sheet and send it to the oven, heated to 200 degrees, and dry to the desired state.

Recipe for white bread croutons with dill and tomato flavor


  • white bread - 400 g;
  • tomato paste- 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • water - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • dill - 30 g;
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt pepper.


Mix tomato paste with water, add salt, pepper, olive oil and chopped dill. We mix everything well. Lubricate slices of white bread with the resulting mass, and then cut into cubes. Put them on a baking sheet and dry them in the oven.

Delicious white bread croutons with cheese


  • white bread - 5 slices;
  • hard cheese - 40 g;
  • salt.


Cut the bread into cubes, sprinkle them with salt and put them on a baking sheet. Three cheese on a fine grater, sprinkle them with slices of bread. At a temperature of 120 degrees, dry the crackers for about half an hour, stirring occasionally.

Bread croutons in the oven


  • a loaf of white bread - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • vinegar - 10 ml;
  • olive oil - 30 ml;
  • onion - 30 g;
  • salt, red and black ground pepper, curry, ground coriander, ground ginger, Provencal herbs- taste.


Baton cut into cubes. We mix all the spices. We pass the garlic and onion through a press and put it in a pan with preheated olive oil. Fry for about 2 minutes, and then pour the spice mixture, mix. Put the croutons on a baking sheet and keep them in the oven for 10 minutes at a temperature of 130 degrees. Put the croutons in a deep bowl, pour over the mixture of oil and spices and mix gently. We cover the baking sheet with paper (it will absorb excess oil) and spread the soaked croutons, again send them to the oven for 15 minutes.