Delicious bread in a bread machine from different flours. Making rye bread in a bread machine

Bread is the head of any Russian feast. The respectful attitude to bread in Russia was expressed in the fact that in the absence of an icon they prayed for it. We serve it with first and second courses, and sometimes it can replace breakfast and afternoon tea. Cook easy crispy bread in a bread machine - simple and tasty recipes are presented in this article.

Rye bread in a bread machine

We will need:

  • 80-100 g of fresh pasteurized milk;
  • 300 g wheat flour;
  • rye flour add less - 250 g;
  • 1 tsp yeast;
  • 1 glass of drinking water;
  • salt and sugar to taste.

When cooking rye bread you can also use coriander, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, cumin, small nuts, etc. An ingredient such as malt makes rye bread very fragrant and tasty.

Next, load the ingredients in the order in which it is recommended for your oven model. You need to load dry ingredients first (flour, salt, sugar, malt, yeast, spices), then liquid ones (milk, water), or vice versa.

After all the components have been sent to the container, it must be installed in the body of the bread machine and the “French bread” mode must be selected. Cooking time - 4 hours. Instead of this mode, you can choose another one, but it must also be long in time.

While the dough is being kneaded, it is necessary to control the process. During the first kneading, the dough should be plastic and absorb all the flour. If flour remains, then pour a little water into the container. When, on the contrary, the dough spreads, add a little flour.

At the end of the kneading mode, be sure to close the lid.

Yeast-free cooking recipe


  • 600 g of rye flour (or 400 - wheat, 200 - rye);
  • a handful of bran;
  • 300 ml sour milk(warm up slightly, but so that it does not curdle, if desired, milk can be replaced with water);
  • a third of a glass of unrefined oil;
  • soda on the tip of a knife;
  • add salt and sugar to taste;
  • 2 tbsp sesame, which can be replaced with cumin, pepper.

How do we usually select yeast? Many simply look at the date of manufacture and make a choice between dry and pressed. The type and quality of yeast will undoubtedly affect the dough and final result. Let's figure out what's what - which yeast is better to use for a bread machine, and which for the oven. And after each reader will receive a recipe for rye bread in a bread machine, and also learn how to cook a simple delicious White bread with paprika.

What is the best yeast to use in a bread maker?

Pressed. Require storage mode (+4 C), if it is violated, they acquire bad smell and smearing consistency. They are used in almost all methods of preparing dough (they are not used (!) When delaying the start of the bread machine).

Dry active yeast allow you to quickly form a gluten frame of the dough, get an elastic crumb and a richer flavor. Before use, you need to activate by dissolving in warm water with a small amount flour or sugar (just in water they can die). You can store for a long time. If your bread maker does not start mixing immediately, or if you are using the delay start program, they are not suitable.

Fast acting dry yeast activation is not required, they are immediately added to the flour. Ideal for bread makers. In case of violation of the packaging, they are used within 2 days. The opened package is stored for several weeks in a tied bag in the freezer.

Remember: any dry yeast in contact with cold water(below 15 C) lose their activity for 1.5-2 hours.

The dough won't run. Yeast dough actively rose, and you need to leave? Cover the container with the dough with sheets of paper well moistened with water - and it will stop rising.

Successful experiment

Somehow, out of curiosity, I replaced 2 tbsp. wheat flour (from the total volume) for the same amount of buckwheat. The result is a delicious and fragrant bread.
With flax seeds. I often use flax seeds in dishes - it is useful and I like the nutty note in taste. And once, when kneading dough for bread, I replaced a small part of the flour from the general norm with flax seed, after first not very finely tarring it. They sprinkled the loaf with them. Very delicious crust turned out!

Recipe for rye bread for the oven

Mix 20 g pressed yeast, 100 ml warm water, 20 g flour and a pinch of sugar. Put on the rise "to the cap." Then add 200 ml of warm water, 10 g of honey and malt, 5 g of salt, and 20 ml of vegetable oil, 20 ml of 9% vinegar (I have apple cider vinegar), 170 g of rye flour and 250 g of whole grain wheat. Knead slightly sticky dough. Let rise, knead, shift into a greased form with vegetable oil. Then again let it rise well (I sprinkled with coriander seeds). Bake at 240 degrees. 15 minutes. "with steam", then reduce to 200 degrees. - and another 30-40 min. without steam. Let cool on a wire rack.

My advice:“with steam” - either I put a pan with water, or in the first 15 minutes. baking three times I spray the walls of the oven from the sprayer.

Recipe for rye bread in a bread machine

Take 300 ml of warm water, 10 g of honey, 10 g of malt, 20 ml of vegetable oil, 1.5 tsp. salt, 1 tsp sugar 20 ml. vinegar, 170 g rye flour 270 whole grain wheat and 2 tsp. fast acting dry yeast. Add all the ingredients to the bowl in the order indicated and set the program for whole grain bread.

Delicious white bread with paprika

800-900 g flour, egg, 50 g pressed yeast, 1 tbsp. sugar and salt, 2 tbsp. paprika, 4 tbsp. flaxseeds

Sift flour, mix with salt. Pour in 0.5 l of warm boiled water in which to dilute sugar and yeast, mix. Add a beaten egg, as well as paprika and flax seeds, knead with vegetable oil-lubricated hands for 10-15 minutes. Cover with a towel and leave for an hour. Punch down, shape the bread into any shape, let rise for 30 minutes. First 15 min. bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees, then another 25-30 minutes. - at 175 degrees.

You can buy paprika and many other spices and mixtures in the Good Kitchen online store

More bread and pastry recipes.

Rye bread in Russia began to bake in the 11th century. It is not only satisfying, but also useful. WITH

A bread maker has become an indispensable attribute in the kitchen for many. With it, you can easily cook delicious and fragrant homebaked bread from natural ingredients.

Rye bread "Borodinsky" in the Panasonic bread machine

This is a bread made from rye flour with the addition of malt. It takes about 4 hours to prepare.

In a Panasonic bread maker, it is necessary to bake in mode 07 “rye”.


  • 2 teaspoons of dry yeast;
  • 470 gr. rye flour;
  • 80 gr. wheat flour;
  • 1.5 teaspoons of salt;
  • 410 ml. water;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of malt;
  • 2.5 st. spoons of honey;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of oil;
  • 1.5 st. spoons of apple cider vinegar;
  • 3 teaspoons of coriander.


  1. In 80 ml. water, brew the malt and leave to cool.
  2. Pour yeast with rye flour into the oven bowl, then add wheat flour With salt.
  3. Put malt, oil and honey, vinegar, coriander to the ingredients. Pour in the rest of the water.
  4. Turn on mode 07 and leave the rye bread to cook in the bread machine for 3.5 hours.

Rye-wheat bread with dried fruits

If you want to make bread from rye flour in a bread machine more useful, add dried fruits to the dough.

The total cooking time is 4.5 hours.


  • 3 art. spoons of raw oatmeal;
  • 220 gr. wheat flour;
  • 200 ml. water;
  • two teaspoons of yeast;
  • a cup of dried fruits;
  • 200 gr. rye flour;
  • one teaspoon of salt and sugar;
  • a tablespoon of oil rast.


  1. Mix both types of flour with yeast in a bowl.
  2. Pour water into the bowl of the stove, dilute salt and sugar in it, add oil.
  3. Pour flour with yeast, turn on the " sweet bread", add the program " golden brown". Leave the dough to cook for 2.5 hours.
  4. Cut the dried fruits in half and add to the ingredients along with the oatmeal and continue cooking in the indicated modes.

The bread is tasty and fragrant, with a crispy golden crust.


  • 300 gr. rye flour;
  • 200 gr. wheat flour;
  • 400 ml. water;
  • one and a half st. spoons of oil;
  • 0.5 teaspoons of salt and sugar.


  1. Mix all the ingredients with a mixer - this will speed up the cooking process and the dough will turn out lush. If your oven has a kneading mode, use that.
  2. Cover the dough with a lid and leave it warm for a day. When it rises, punch down, put in the oven and sprinkle with flour. Bake rye-wheat bread in a bread machine for two hours.
  3. After an hour of baking, check the condition of the dough and carefully turn the bread over.

Rye bread on kefir in the Redmond slow cooker

Bread baked on kefir is obtained with a delicate crumb.

Cooking takes 2 hours and 20 minutes.


  • 2 tbsp. spoons of oil;
  • a tablespoon of honey;
  • one and a half teaspoons of salt;
  • 350 ml. kefir;
  • 325 gr. rye flour;
  • two teaspoons of yeast;
  • 225 gr. wheat flour;
  • 3 art. spoons of malt;
  • 80 ml. boiling water;
  • 50 gr. raisins;


  1. Combine the ingredients and knead the dough in the fastest mode, this is the “Dumplings” mode. The dough is kneaded for 20 minutes.
  2. Oil the bowl and put ready dough, flatten.
  3. Turn on the "multi-cook" program by setting the temperature to 35 degrees and the cooking time for 1 hour.
  4. When the program turns off, press "keep warm / cancel" and the program "baking" for 50 minutes.
  5. At the end of the oven, turn the bread over, turn it back on to the “baking” mode and set the time to 30 minutes. Delicious rye bread in the Redmond bread machine is ready.

Whole wheat bran bread

Bread is made from whole grain wheat and rye flour with the addition of bran.

My family is very fond of rye-wheat and rye bread, i.e. those in which the content of rye flour is from 60 to 100 percent. Such breads are baked somewhat differently than wheat breads. And it is about the technology of baking such breads in a bread machine that I want to tell.

A few years ago, having bought a bread maker, for a long time I remained in a state of shock from the abundance of information and my own helplessness. It seemed like I would never be able to figure it all out. The advice of experienced people often contradicted each other, and the goal - to bake delicious and beautiful bread, seemed out of reach. But, by nature, I am a man - stubborn to the point! And that's what worked in the first place. ;)

So: Rule One! Never give up! Do not give up, but keep looking for YOUR bread again and again!

I warn you right away: for someone, the path to their bread will be long and difficult. But, only by stuffing your own bumps, you can learn something!

Therefore - Rule Two: take a handwritten notebook with you to the kitchen, and each time write down your comments on each recipe in it.

It must be firmly understood right away that not a single recipe is an axiom!

Even in GOST recipes, for example, the exact amount of water is not indicated. Remember? In old cookbooks often in recipes there was a phrase: flour - how much dough will take! After all, flour is different! Even flour of the same variety differs in moisture content. Therefore, it is difficult to specify the exact amount of flour or water in recipes. But we will talk about this a little later and in more detail.

It was not for nothing that I gave at the beginning links to the journals of two luminaries of baking. Read them! Let, at first, it will seem like books from the 1000 and one nights series! After all, luminaries bake rye bread exclusively on sourdough, and this very sourdough at first seems like a terrible beast. And if a hare also lives in your soul, which every time goes into a panic, then you and I are on the way! Let's go side by side with small steps from simple to complex ...

In the topics of the breads that I baked, people ask the same questions, so I decided to collect all the answers together. And, sorry. Here .., but I will focus only on my recipes, because it is always better to talk about what you know and can do. :)

It was a saying ... Let's move on to a fairy tale ...

We immediately determine the stages of the path, guided by the same principle - from simple to complex!

1. First, learn how to bake bread with dry yeast. Then - on the "wet". Then I baked bread on a piece of old dough (self-fermented) -. And only then ripened for sourdough.

2. Gradually increase the content of rye flour in the dough. First learn how to bake bread with 60% rye flour.

This was my first bread. At that time, I still did not know much (in particular, that in rye dough there is no gluten, and, therefore, he does not need a long batch, there is nothing to develop there!), Therefore, the technology of Darnitsky and subsequent breads with b O higher content of rye flour:,, differs from later breads: and. There is not much rye flour in Darnitsky, which is why the technology with a long batch came up. After all, at the same time, wheat flour worked, developing gluten. So, by a lucky chance, my first experiment turned out to be successful!

3. Bake bread in the oven.

So it was with me... But everything can be different for you... if you are braver and more talented...

So we've got the recipe. Collected everything necessary ingredients and dishes on the table. Then everything was filled up, poured into the oven and sent the dough to knead. Remember that rye dough does not require a long kneading. We just need to mix all the ingredients well. (An important point! Because of a poorly mixed dough, the bread may turn out to be "gummy"!) For myself, I chose a batch on the Pizza program, equal to 15 minutes. Next on the program is a pause before the second batch. Well, at this moment I turn off the program with the Stop button. And I leave the dough to rise (raise) in the switched off oven with the lid closed until it increases (rise) by 2 - 2.5 times. This can happen after 40 minutes or 4 hours depending on room temperature and yeast strength. Why Pizza? Well, I just love this program. On Dumplings, the dough clobbers more ...

What should be a rye bun?

It shouldn't be liquid. More like matte. It is denser than wheat, but more moist. It sticks to your hands (and generally to anything! Cheerful). The more rye flour, the more sticky.

When kneading, the dough under the kolobok is slightly smeared with a small puddle circle.

The circle under the bun will be much smaller in case b O higher content of rye flour.

Dough after proofing. It's time to turn on the baking!

But there is not enough water in this kolobok. The roof may be cracked. I would add 10 ml.

My advice: when baking rye bread, do not add water (liquid) to the dough in full, written in the recipe. For example, the recipe says 420 ml of water. In this case, I immediately pour 400 ml into the bucket, and I have 20 ml in a glass at the ready, just in case. Nearby is a bag of rye flour. When the kneading takes place, I figure out what exactly he wants according to the state of the kolobok ... If I add something to the kolobok, then for the time of kneading I cover the bucket on top lying (flat) with a plastic bag (someone covers it with a towel, but I do with a bag, I don't mind throwing it away...)

It happens that during kneading the dough does not want to gather into a bun, but spreads over the bucket and sticks to the walls. We must help! ;) We pick up a silicone spatula, and push the dough to the center. Try another option, you might like it: add half of the vegetable oil included in the recipe towards the end of the batch, about five minutes before the end of the process. Then the bun will stop sticking to the bucket and will be shiny and round.

Sometimes, after the formation of the bun, it turns out to be angular. Then, immediately after kneading, before proofing, we moisten our hands in warm water and smooth the tuft to it. We try to do it affectionately and gently, while you can whisper something good to him, because “an affectionate word is also pleasant for a cat!”


Often there are "special additives" in the recipes for rye bread. And the question arises: why the hell are they needed and is it possible to do without them? Oh yes, easily! You just need to figure out which additive - what gives and try to find a suitable replacement.

Panifarin (gluten) or gluten it is added to all rye breads from two to four teaspoons, depending on the amount of rye flour in the recipe, for better raising the dough and fluffiness of the bread, because this gluten is not in rye flour.

Dry sourdough:

Extra-R- with taste of malt, gives to bread more saturated color and malty sweetish smack. Added in a quantity of 1-1.5 tsp.

Agram- white sour dry sourdough, gives rye bread this very "sourness". Add one teaspoon, and then the vinegar is not needed. Let's try the bread, and decide for ourselves - maybe we need a little sourer. Next time we will add another half a teaspoon (and in order not to forget - write it down in a notebook!). But these two additives are simply called dry sourdough, in fact, in fact, they are just flavoring additives and they cannot replace a real sourdough.

Malt, Well, the taste of malt is well known to many ... Kvass, dark beer, bread: Borodinsky, Riga and Zavarnoy. In addition to the pronounced rye taste, it is he who gives the rye bread a dark color.

Panifarin gives rise to bread. You can replace part of the psh. flour for semolina, but not more than 50 gr. This is for pomp. Agram gives sourness, instead of vinegar or lemon juice, or ascorbic acid (and ascorbic acid gives an additional lift), even grated sour apple you can add (acid plus rise), even jam. You can replace water with potato broth - also for lifting. Maybe for serum. You can use kefir or fermented baked milk (it is better to dilute them with water beforehand). You can mix 50 grams of cottage cheese with water - and go! Extra-r gives extra color. If you take buckwheat honey or brown sugar instead of sugar, it will be the same. Malt can be replaced with dry and liquid kvass and kvass wort. Instead of liquid, you can take dark beer, which includes hops and malt. Just read the ingredients of what you are replacing. If there is sugar in the composition, then in the recipe it must be reduced.

Now a little more about proofing. If you want to achieve a beautiful and convex roof, you also need to be very careful here! Time for proofing will take not an hour or two, but as much as necessary in each case! Landmark - an increase in the test by 2-2.5 times. It is important not to miss the moment! For poorly risen bread will be unbaked inside, and the dough that has rested will look like a sponge - with holes that are difficult to fix, and after Baking the bread will turn out to be with a concave roof.

advice from Andreevna:


after 1.5 hours (didn’t look there) I went up under the roof and was all nostril, obviously stopped. I besieged him maleho (turned on the pizza literally 2-3 turns of the spatula to deflate the dough) and left it to rise again, but then I already looked at him. It rose a little above half the bucket, and I turned on the pastries. Everything worked out, the bread turned out!

Therefore, we will periodically look in and check - how is our dough? This must be done very quickly so that a draft does not blow on the risen dough, otherwise it will settle. Rye dough very tricky!

Tip: If the room is cool, the bread will take longer to rise. To speed up the process, you can get a bucket of dough from the HP, cover it with a film and send it to the oven with the light on for the proofing time. (The oven itself is turned off!).

The dough has risen. You can put on baking. But for beauty, before baking, you can grease the roof. Bread is smeared quickly and gently, without pressure, using a silicone brush, either with a beaten egg or yolk - for me, this best options... And also warm milk, paste, egg + sour cream, egg + milk, egg + tbsp milk + tbsp. oil growth...

Then the top crust will be shiny and dark...

Using the timer button, set the baking time to 60-70 minutes. The more rye flour, the longer it will take to bake. Well, accordingly, 600 grams of flour takes more time than 400.

Can rye bread be baked on automatic programs? Of course it is possible. But in this case, we get a "pig in a poke" at the exit. After all, no one brought beauty to bread and did not put their soul into it ... What has grown, has grown!

Warm rye bread cannot be cut! It is necessary to let it cool completely on a wire rack, covering it with a linen towel, because right up to the very end of the temperature drop inside the bread, the process of ripening goes on!

And finally...

Taste is a delicate matter! Feel free to change something in the original recipe to your liking.

You have baked and tasted your bread... Do you like it saltier? Write down in a notebook that next time you need to add half a teaspoon of salt more. Do you like herb bread? Feel free to pour, without asking anyone! Change everything to your taste .. but a little bit, do not overdo it! Good bread to you! :)

P.S. This article deals mainly with baking yeast rye bread in a bread machine. Sourdough bread and bread baked in the oven or slow cooker have their own "secrets".

From an article on Bread in the Concise Encyclopedia of the Household, 1960.

Cutting the cooled loaf good bread, you can see the same small pores - this is fine-pored bread. If the dough is not sufficiently fermented, poorly kneaded, or the flour was of poor quality, then the bread is obtained with large uneven pores, and sometimes the dough does not fit at all. If the dough is not sour or sour, rotten flour, or if freshly baked bread has been crumpled, the crust lags behind the bread.

The right ratio flour and water in the dough (i.e. the normal consistency of the dough) determines the quality of the bread. The baking process will go wrong with both thick and excessively weak dough: in the first case, the bread crumb will be dense, with cracks, quickly stale; in the second, the crumb of bread turns out to be moist and sticky.

The readiness of the dough or dough is determined by the height of the rise, the elasticity of the dough, and the fermentation time. The quality of the dough can be judged by its elasticity: if the dough is lightly pressed with a finger and released, then if the fermentation is insufficient and the dough is not ready, the hole from the finger quickly levels out; during normal readiness, the hole levels out slowly, and with excessive fermentation of the dough, the hole remains.

Well fermenting dough has a convex shape, strong alcohol smell and good porosity. Flat surface, sour and bad smell indicate abnormal fermentation of the dough.

(I also came across this advice: In order to find out if the bread has risen enough, you can make a test: put a piece of the prepared dough in cold water. A piece first serves to the bottom, and if it floats to the top, then the dough is ready.)

The surface of the baked bread should be lightly moistened hot water, then cover the loaf with a clean, dry linen napkin. In this case, the crust becomes softer.

Bread is the basis of human nutrition. It is known all over the world in one form or another and is the most revered and respected product. It should be noted, however, that currently there is great amount recipes for it. Each specific type flour product can be prepared using various methods heat treatment. For example, rye bread in the oven, the recipe of which involves the use of one type of flour, can also be baked in the oven, in the oven or in the slow cooker. At the same time, its recipe remains unchanged, since it involves manual kneading. However, when it comes to talking about such a device as a bread machine, then rye bread should be cooked a little differently.

Mixing problems

The fact is that with automatic kneading using household devices, some problems may arise. For example, rye bread in a bread machine, the recipe of which is based on one type of flour (peeled rye), simply cannot be cooked correctly, because the components simply cannot mix properly. Rye flour does not have the same gluten as wheat flour, which means it cannot be turned into dough by automatic kneading. Therefore, additional components designed for a specific device are added to such bread.


Recipes for rye bread for a bread machine are based on the addition of wheat flour. Therefore, for cooking you will need:

- wheat flour 2 grade - 200 gr;

Peeled rye flour - 400 gr;

Dark malt - 2 tablespoons;

Molasses - 1 tablespoon;

Dry yeast - 1.5 tsp;

Water - 300 ml;

Salt - 1 tsp;

Sugar - 1 tablespoon;


Recipes for rye bread for a bread machine require the correct bookmark. This is the only way to ensure correct mixing without user intervention. First pour some water. Then salt is dissolved in it. The next step is loading wheat flour. It contains gluten and will help the dough mix well. After that add molasses and sugar. They can be mixed with flour a little with a silicone spoon. Recipes for rye bread for a bread machine suggest that at the initial stage, salt will be separate from yeast, so they are mixed with rye flour and fall asleep after sugar, along with malt. Only after that the water is poured.


After all the components are stacked, the weight of 900 g is set on the device. and mode for crust. Some recipes for rye bread for a bread machine require additional ingredients. Therefore, when the device beeps, raisins and cumin are added to the dough. After the time allotted by the program, the baking will be ready. In this case, the bread will get a crispy crust, which not everyone likes. To make her soft ready product do not take it out of the oven immediately, but let it brew for a while. Thus, the crust of bread will be steamed and will be soft. At the same time, do not wrap fresh pastries in plastic bag because then it will ban. It is necessary to wait for it to cool completely.