Gooseberry jelly recipe for the winter. Paradox: jam without cooking

Gooseberries are loved for their refreshing taste and easily recognizable delicate fragrance. They make jam, prepare compotes and jams. Due to the presence of natural pectin, gooseberries produce delicious jams and jelly.

The only drawback of fragrant berries, which significantly reduces the pleasure of consumption various products based on gooseberry a large number of hard seeds. Therefore, the basis for future desserts is carefully rubbed through a sieve or manually selected from the berries using a small spoon. Thus, berries are prepared for jam with walnuts.

As mentioned above, gooseberries contain pectin, so it gives many blanks a jelly-like texture. However, when preparing jelly in the composition of the recipe in without fail include gelatin, pectin or agar-agar. They stabilize the structure of the jelly and make it more rigid. This dessert has a longer shelf life.

Gooseberry jelly is prepared on the basis of fresh or frozen berries, jam. What needs to be done to please relatives with original low calorie dessert, detailed below.

Jelly from fresh berries

Classical summer dessert with pulp, prepared on the basis of gelatin.

List of ingredients:

  • Gooseberries of any variety - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 200 g.
  • Water - 300 ml.
  • Mint, cream for decoration.

Cooking method:

  1. Several large berries leave for decoration. Grind the rest with a sieve and mix with sugar. Let stand for about an hour.
  2. Pour in two glasses of water. Boil 15 minutes.
  3. Dilute gelatin and mix with slightly cooled berry mass.
  4. Pour into portion molds and leave until completely solidified.
  5. When serving, garnish with berry halves, mint leaves and whipped egg whites.

Gooseberry juice jelly

"Raw" jelly based on unpasteurized juice. Usually this is how it is prepared for combination with other types of jelly - milk, strawberry, sour cream, cherry, etc.

List of ingredients:

  • Gooseberries frozen or fresh - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 300 g.
  • Water - 600-800 ml.
  • Gelatin - 1.5 kg. product.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak gelatin and achieve complete dissolution. Strain.
  2. Grind the gooseberries through a sieve. Squeeze the juice from the resulting pulp by passing it through a juicer or placing the puree under the press in a gauze cut.
  3. Mix "raw" juice with gelatin and sugar. Pour into molds and refrigerate until set.
  4. If the mixture is boiled, you get a simple, not too dense jelly for harvesting for the winter. However, it should be borne in mind that jelly-like products are stored for only 1 year.
  5. Ripe pear and gooseberry jelly

    Very tender, loose jelly with pulp. It is well suited for filling sweet tartlets and decorating cakes, harvesting for the winter.

    List of ingredients:

  • Gooseberries - 1 kg.
  • Ripe green pear (Komis, Conference) - 700 g.
  • Sugar - 500 g.
  • Gelatin per 2 kg. product.
  • Water - 500 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel very ripe pears and cut them into cubes. Sprinkle with sugar and set aside for 4-6 hours. After the specified time, the sugar will completely dissolve in the pear juice.
  2. Sort the berries, grind with a sieve. Mix with pear mass. Boil for half an hour over medium heat (after boiling).
  3. Cool to 35-40 degrees and mix with diluted gelatin.
  4. Divide into jars and cover with lids.
  5. The shelf life of the blank is 1 year.

We have already prepared for the winter currant jelly, now it's the turn of the gooseberries. So here it is gooseberry jelly we will prepare for the winter a little differently. But I assure you that the dessert will turn out excellent and in winter it will be great to open a jar of fragrant sweet treats with a pleasant sourness.

Berries, as usual, need to be sorted out and washed. Well, this process, how to do it very quickly, is described in the recipe.

We transfer the washed berry to a colander so that the extra water is glass, you do not need to dry it, because we will add water anyway.

In the process of cooking dessert, it is necessary that all the water that we use evaporate and the finished product is reduced by a third.

AT this case we will use a minimum of water.

For cooking I used:

  • 3.5 kg of gooseberries;
  • sugar 2 kg;
  • Glass of water.

We prepare gooseberry jelly for the winter

We weigh the berry, pour it into the basin.

I already have 3.5 kg of clean berries, and this is a 5-liter bucket. Add a glass of water. We put on fire. Let's wait for the boil. We reduce the fire. We steam the berries in this mode until they are completely softened. The gooseberry is limp and let the juice out, now you can turn off the fire and crush the berry well.

In a deep pan, wipe the hot softened berries through a sieve.

To make it easy to determine the volume of squeezed juice, it is better to use a pan with volume markings applied from the inside.

Put the pulp of the mashed berries in a bowl.

If desired, you can skip the cake through cheesecloth to better squeeze the berries and get more juice. I didn’t do this, but from the whole meal I cooked compote for 4 liters of water and 1.5 cups of sugar. Left to infuse, cooled and strained it. Can be drunk immediately chilled.

Pour 2.5 liters of squeezed juice (I got so much) into a basin, bring to a boil.

Add sugar, stir until completely dissolved. Sugar will need 800g per liter of juice. In my case - 2 kg.

Cook at low heat for 40 minutes, stir, remove the foam.

After 30 minutes of boiling our jam, you can put the jars to be sterilized.

When the abundant appearance of foam stops during boiling and the jelly boils down to about a third, you can complete the process. Or check the jelly for readiness in the way we already know. We drip a little jelly onto a very chilled plate and when cooled it should thicken and not spread.

Fill sterilized jars with hot gooseberry jelly, cover with boiled iron lids, roll up, turn over and put upside down for half an hour. After we return the jars to their normal position. Let them cool down. If you want thicker - cook for up to an hour and a half.

And this recipe for the winter just surprised me:

If you have a good gooseberry crop, then try to cook this gooseberry appetizer for the winter:

Bon appetit and delicious homemade preparations.

P.S. Did you like my recipe? Having difficulty preparing? Ask questions - I will answer all.

Gooseberry is a unique berry. Depending on the variety, the berry may differ in size, color and taste. Some fruits are very tiny and covered with thin villi. Others are plum-sized and have a glossy finish. People use the berry for cooking culinary masterpieces. There are many recipes for gooseberry jelly for the winter. The berry has not a bright color and a mild taste, and therefore it is ideally combined with other products.

Gooseberries are different from other berries. Under the transparent skin is a pulp that looks like jelly. It is used to make compote, jam and jam. The most suitable harvesting method is jelly.

Features of the preparation of gooseberry blanks:

  1. To prepare the dish, it is necessary to select only ripe fruits, without visible damage and stains.
  2. Gooseberries have a delicate aroma, which can disappear altogether when cooked; adding acid helps to prevent this.
  3. When cooking, light seasonings are used: vanilla, mint, cardamom.

Product selection and preparation

For jelly, only ripe fruits are needed, which they managed to accumulate during ripening. useful substances and natural gelling agents.

The berries are red, black and green. Any jelly will do. The color of the fruit gives the finished jelly a certain shade.

Picking berries is necessary in dry weather. If they were bought on the market, they must first be sorted out and the fallen leaves and twigs removed.

Discard fruits that are damaged and also have visible spots.

Cut off the dried whisk and tail with scissors.

How to make gooseberry jelly at home

Gooseberry blanks are tasty and healthy. Jelly will appeal not only to adults, but also to children.

Without cooking

For any heat treatment fruits and berries, a large amount of useful substances is lost. You can save a maximum of vitamins by preparing raw jelly.

List of ingredients:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 500 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Pre-prepare, wash and dry the fruit. Excess liquid is inappropriate.
  • Put the gooseberries in a container and sprinkle with sugar, pour water and leave for a day.
  • Bring the mass to a boil over low heat, but do not boil. As soon as the water boils, turn off the fire. Cover with a lid and chill.

  • Repeat the procedure the next day.
  • Continue like this for 5 days. The pectin released from the gooseberries will make the syrup jelly-like.
  • Pre-prepare jars and lids. easy way- Warm up in the oven.
  • boil last time and put into prepared jars.
  • Seal hermetically.

With pectin

List of ingredients:

  • berries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • pectin - 20 g.
  • vanilla.

Performance step by step instructions:

  • Pass the prepared fruits through a meat grinder.
  • Add sugar, mix and put on fire.
  • Bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes, stirring.

  • Cool down.
  • In a separate container, mix pectin, sugar and vanilla.
  • Bring the cooled jelly to a boil and cook for another 10 minutes.
  • Distribute and roll up.
  • Let cool under a warm blanket. Banks must be placed on the lid.

with orange

Additional ingredients can be added to enhance the taste in gooseberries.

Grocery list:

  • berries - 1.5 kg;
  • orange - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 2 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Carefully sort out the fruits, discarding leaves and small debris.
  2. Wash oranges and pat dry with a towel.
  3. Pass berries and citrus fruits through a meat grinder.
  4. Mix puree with sugar and put on fire.
  5. Boil jelly. To do this, stir the mass periodically for half an hour and remove the foam.
  6. Pour into containers and seal.

with gelatin

To get a good result, many people use gelatin. It is important not to overdo it, it will affect the taste.


  • gooseberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • gelatin - 40 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Turn the berries into a puree state in any convenient way.
  2. Pour in the sugar and mix well.
  3. Gelatin pour boiling water and give time to swell. How to dilute and in what proportion is indicated on the package.
  4. Bring the puree to a boil and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes.
  5. Cool slightly and pour in gelatin. Keep stirring over low heat, avoiding boiling.
  6. Cook for 2 minutes.
  7. Fill jars and let cool.

Through the juicer


  • berries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • water - 1 l.

Cooking method:

  1. You can get juice by passing it through a juicer.
  2. Juice can be with pulp, but cleared of seeds and a peel.
  3. Add remaining ingredients and stir. Use a wooden spatula to make jam.
  4. Bring to a boil and cook for 40 minutes.
  5. Let cool and boil again for 10 minutes.
  6. Fill containers and seal tightly.

In a slow cooker

If you need to quickly prepare mashed potatoes, a slow cooker will help. Cooking lasts for two hours, while the process does not need to be controlled.


  • gooseberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the berries in any convenient way.
  2. Place the puree in a multicooker bowl and add sugar.
  3. Set the "extinguishing" mode, time - 2 hours.
  4. When the puree boils, be sure to do the following: remove the foam and close the lid.
  5. The sound signal indicates the readiness of the jelly.
  6. Pour into prepared containers and roll up with metal lids.

With redcurrant


  • gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • red currant - 1600 g;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • gelatin - 100 g;
  • sugar -1200 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort the berries, wash and dry.
  2. Squeeze the juice using a juicer, or grind through a sieve.
  3. Sprinkle with sugar and spread it evenly over the mass.
  4. Introduce gelatin, mix and leave to brew.
  5. Cook, stirring constantly, without letting it boil.
  6. Pour into containers and seal.

Through a meat grinder

The easiest and most affordable way to make jelly is through a meat grinder. This recipe was used even by grandmothers.


  • berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. First, wash the fruits and cut off the tails.
  2. Then twist in a meat grinder.
  3. Pour sugar and put on fire.
  4. Bring to a boil and boil for half an hour. The last ten minutes must be continuously stirred, preventing the jelly from sticking.
  5. Cooking time may take less or more. It all depends on the desired density.
  6. Readiness of jelly to check drop by drop. If it does not spread, the jelly is ready.

With mint

Get tasty and fragrant jelly You can add mint when cooking.

Required products:

  • gooseberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • mint - 6 leaves.

Cooking method:

  1. Pass peeled, washed and prepared berries through a meat grinder.
  2. Add sugar and mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Put on fire and boil for 45 minutes.
  4. Mix the mass periodically.
  5. When the jelly is ready, add the mint and leave for a few more minutes.
  6. Pour into containers and roll up.

With lemon

The workpiece cannot be heat treated, it is a storehouse beneficial vitamins that the body needs in winter.


  • gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • lemon.

Cooking method:

  • The ideal option is burgundy, sweet gooseberries.
  • Sort the gooseberries and remove the tails. It is more convenient to use scissors.
  • Rinse several times, the last water should be clean.

  • Remove excess liquid, lay out in one layer on a towel and allow to dry.
  • Wash the lemon, cut into pieces. If there are bones, they must be removed.
  • Twist the berries in a meat grinder first, and then the citrus.
  • Mix everything well and leave. Pour a layer of sugar on top - 0.5 cm. Cover with plastic lids or cover parchment paper and tie.



  • berries - 2 kg;
  • sugar;
  • water - 1 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare the fruits, put them in a saucepan and add water, boil.
  • Make a small fire, cover with a lid and steam until the berries release juice.
  • Crush the berries with a crush.
  • You can get pitted jelly by grinding through a sieve.
  • Squeeze out the resulting waste again with gauze.

  • Measure the amount of juice. Half a liter of juice requires 400 g of sugar.
  • Add sugar and mix everything well.
  • Boil for 40 minutes, removing the foam.
  • The jelly should double in size. The foam should stop forming.
  • Fill the prepared container and seal.

How much and how is jelly stored

If at the time of closing the jars all the rules of preservation were observed, then the jelly can be stored for 2 years.

With the onset of summer, housewives start preparing sweet fruit preparations for the winter. This is jam or jam made from cherries, strawberries, currants, apricots, apples or other berries. Sometimes you want to move away from the usual dishes and cook something new. To diversify the assortment on the shelves, in the cellar or pantry, gooseberry jelly prepared according to different recipes will help.

Such a dessert has a delicate and weightless structure and retains a slight aftertaste of berries. Preparation of preservation does not take much time. Yes, and there are no special rules that will be unbearable for the hostess. All that is required is to follow certain nuances so that gooseberry jelly becomes a regular guest on the table.

Features of making gooseberry jelly for the winter

Jam and jelly are two types of harvesting berries for the winter, which should not be confused. The sweet is often called jam because it has a thick consistency. The presence of individual berries will only make it more interesting. In addition, this feature is liked by cooks and those for whom they cook.

To prepare gooseberry jelly, cooking must go through several stages. Heat treatment changed several times by complete cooling. As a result, the mass is slightly less than initial stage cooking. In order not to spoil the taste of jelly, during cooking, remove the foam and cook over low heat.

Product selection and preparation

Green gooseberries are different from other berries. From it prepare compotes, jam or freeze. It is suitable for use in fresh. The most suitable way is to prepare gooseberries in the form of jelly. This option practically does not change the structure of the berry.

To make jelly, you must follow a number of rules:

  • The use of unripe berries adds a sour note to the mass. In this case, add a little more sugar or honey, depending on the recipe.
  • Spoiled berries are not suitable for jelly - damaged or with a cloudy film.
  • With the help of scissors, a dry corolla and a green stalk are removed.
  • In order for the gooseberry not to lose its taste and aroma, it is shaded with various ingredients. It can be other fruits and berries with sourness.

Strong spices are not recommended to use, so as not to disturb the taste balance. You can also make from red and black gooseberries. The variety is the last thing to think about. Gooseberries must be ripe so that they contain a large amount of vitamins and other beneficial substances.

How to make gooseberry jelly at home

Gooseberry blanks for the winter at home are a process that even a beginner can handle, without missing a single nuance in cooking. There are many recipes for cooking. The cooking method affects the taste. The jam contains classic ingredients- water, berries and sugar, as well as spices and seasonings - cinnamon, cloves, mint and more.

Without cooking

To preserve the taste of berries and a unique aroma, you can do without boiling. The absence of heat treatment also guarantees an almost complete composition of useful substances. To make jelly, you will need the following ingredients:

  • gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Instead of sugar, honey is added, the taste is no worse. Without boiling, the dessert will become even thicker and healthier. To eliminate small midges, dust and dirt, gooseberries are soaked in water. After selection best berries allow excess moisture to evaporate.

Then the fruits are crushed in any convenient way and mixed with honey or sugar in a saucepan. The mass is left for 10 hours to completely dissolve the sugar, stirring no more than 1 time per hour. As soon as the jelly will remind homogeneous consistency, it is laid out in jars and sent to the refrigerator.

Storage containers must be sterile. If stick given condition you can extend the shelf life.

With pectin

For better thickening of jelly for the winter, you can use pectin, a thickener of natural origin. It does not affect the quality of the final product, as it has no smell or taste. How to use it is indicated in the step-by-step instructions on the back of the package. But when preparing gooseberry jelly, it is added after cooking to a warm mass.

with orange

For good storage of jelly, a large amount of sugar is added during cooking. Despite this, not everyone likes overly sweet foods. To remove excess sweetness, while not reducing the amount of sugar, you need to cook a dessert with an orange. Moreover, the ingredient is used in the preparation of raw jelly. A medium-sized orange is enough for one serving.

with gelatin

Gooseberry is a berry that can be used to make jelly-like jam. Sometimes you want it to be even more dense. To achieve the desired result, you have to use the trick - add gelatin. Under the influence of this substance, the jelly solidifies well and obtains the necessary consistency. Before adding gelatin, the mass is boiled and allowed to cool slightly. Then boiled with a portion of gelatin, and then rolled into jars.

Through the juicer

This device is necessary to obtain juice from which jelly is made. During processing, the berries are separated from the peel and grains. It turns out only liquid with a small amount pulp. To make the juice more liquid, it is passed through the juicer several more times.

In a slow cooker

You can make gooseberry jelly for the winter using a slow cooker. Some models include the "Jam" function, which facilitates the cooking process for housewives. To do this, you need to pour crushed berries or juice into a bowl and add the rest of the ingredients. After cooking, the finished mass is poured into jars and rolled up.

With redcurrant

Certain varieties of gooseberries lose their barely noticeable taste during the cooking process, and the color becomes cloudy. In this case, it is recommended to combine berries with other ingredients. Jelly acquires a bright color and sourness after adding red currants. During the cooking process, a few currant berries are added to the juice, which makes it even more interesting.

This device is available in the kitchen of every housewife, and when preparing gooseberry jelly, it simplifies the work. Using a meat grinder, the berries are crushed and covered with sugar, leaving for 3-4 hours. During this time, the gooseberries will have time to give the juice, and the sugar is almost dissolved. After that, they start cooking to bring the mass to readiness.

With mint

Gooseberries may lose their taste during the cooking process, because it is very thin, and the aroma is barely perceptible. In this matter, mint will come to the rescue. Just a few leaves will make the jelly fresh and fragrant. Jam turns out tasty and fresh, which is so necessary on cold winter evenings.

With lemon

The taste of gooseberries is devoid of excessive acidity and sweetness. It is tender, and in the process of cooking it becomes too sweet after adding sugar. The lemon will help take the sweetness out and add a sour note to the jelly-like mass. Gooseberry jelly with lemon unusual taste, which will definitely please not only the household, but also the guests. In addition, it brightens the jam, which is also nice.


The gooseberry is covered with a skin that stores tender pulp and barely noticeable seeds. To get a pitted and peeled jelly mass, various devices are used - a juicer, gauze or a sieve. You can grind the berries with a meat grinder, and then use gauze. Lightweight fabric, collected in several layers, will not allow stones to get into the jelly.

How much and how is jelly stored

Raw dessert is stored in the refrigerator door. The allowable period is 12 months. If gooseberry jelly has gone through the cooking process, you can store it in the basement, pantry or cellar. The duration of storage depends on the amount of sugar. It is not recommended that jars of gooseberries stand in a cellar or other room for more than 2 years.

Nowadays, on almost any personal plot, you can find shrubs on which berries appear in summer, sometimes strewn with small coarse bristles. People find different uses for them, but gooseberry jelly is the most delicious.

Simple procedure

Some believe that berries are only suitable for jam. Therefore, during the summer harvest season, housewives stock up on sugar, and a tedious process begins, as a result of which buckets of fresh fruits turn into a fragrant sweet mass. But gooseberries are not like other berries. Under its thick skin, it is not juice that is hidden, but a frozen gelatinous mass, tender and pleasant to the taste. Various jams and marmalades are made from it. But gooseberry jelly is considered the most delicious. It is very gentle and not at all cloying. It only takes three basic ingredients to make this delicious treat:

per kilogram fresh berries 800 grams of sugar and 0.8 liters of water.

The process is quite simple and does not require special training:

  1. Gooseberries must first be sorted out and washed well. This procedure requires special attention. On some fruits there is a plaque in the form of a film. It must be removed or set aside such a berry.
  2. Transfer the prepared products to a basin and fill with plain water.
  3. Place the container on the stove. Bring the contents to a boil. Then the fire should be made a little weaker and the mass should be cooked under these conditions for 20 minutes.
  4. Then the resulting mixture should be filtered. To do this, it is best to use the usual gauze, folding it into 3-4 layers. The berries remaining on the fabric can be slightly squeezed out.
  5. Pour the liquid fraction back into the same basin, put it on the stove, and continue to boil until its volume is halved. During boiling, add sugar in small portions.
  6. Pour the finished gooseberry jelly into a sterilized dish and roll up.

In an airtight container, it can be stored for a long time.

Alternative way

Some housewives, not wanting to waste time on long-term boiling of the product and straining the hot mass, use another option. It is much easier and saves a lot of time. Gooseberry jelly is made in minutes. In this case, additional equipment will be required to work. First, clean berries must be passed through a juicer. At the touch of a button, the pressed pulp remains in the tray. Further, all operations will be carried out with the participation of two components: gooseberry juice and sugar in a ratio of 1:1. First, the liquid must be boiled and boiled a little over high heat, constantly removing the foam. Then add sugar and continue boiling for 10 minutes without reducing the intensity of the flame. On the final stage hot jelly should be immediately poured over glass jars and seal tightly. It is better to use, of course, metal lids. They provide maximum insulation and complete product safety.

Blanks for the future

At home, as a rule, gooseberry jelly is made for the winter. This is a great opportunity to save a piece of solar heat for the whole year until next summer. Each hostess has her own special method for this. One of the most common options includes:

for four kilograms of berries, one and a half glasses of water and two and a half kilograms of sugar.

The process is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. It all starts with the preparation of the berries. They must be sorted out, and then carefully cut off all the branches with scissors.
  2. Pour the processed gooseberries into a clean basin, pour water over it. Leave the products in this position for 40-45 minutes.
  3. After that, the water must be drained, and the fruits rinsed and dried.
  4. Pour the prepared berries into a wide container and put on fire.
  5. Add water and wait until the mass boils.
  6. Reduce the heat and heat until the berries begin to open and release juice.
  7. Next, remove the container from the stove and mash the gooseberries in it, using a simple pusher for this. Pass the resulting mixture through a sieve.
  8. Pour the remaining liquid mass into a saucepan, add sugar and cook over low heat for 30 minutes.
  9. At the end, pour it into the prepared container and seal.

It turns out a very delicate gooseberry jelly. For the winter, such a product can be placed in the cellar or stored at room temperature.

Various recipes

By itself, gooseberries have a neutral taste. It does not have a pronounced sourness or special aroma. Therefore, most often this berry is used in a mixture with other fruits. Currant is the best for this. The result is not only tasty, but also very healthy gooseberry jelly. You can take any recipes and ratios of products. For example, an option when you need:

for 600 grams of gooseberries, 1.1 kilograms of sugar, as well as half a kilogram of black and red currants.

This jelly is made as follows:

  1. Wash all the berries separately and remove their existing ponytails and processes.
  2. Put red currants in one container, and gooseberries with black berries in another. Knead the products well, using the means convenient for this.
  3. Squeeze juice from red berries with gauze, and rub the rest of the fruits through a very fine sieve.
  4. Combine the resulting products together, add sugar to them and cook the mixture for 40 minutes at a low boil.
  5. The finished product is packaged and rolled up.

With this ratio, you get a pleasant sweet and sour mass. It is good to spread it on bread and just eat it with a spoon with tea. If the amount of sugar is slightly increased (by half a glass), then as a result the jelly will be thicker and sweeter.

"Raw" dessert

To cook delicious fruit and berry dessert, products do not have to be heat treated. There is a recipe by which you can make wonderful gooseberry jelly without cooking. Sometimes among themselves culinary specialists call such a dish " raw jam". And to taste ready meal was not empty and cloying, you can add some citrus. In this case, the following ratio of products will be optimal:

per kilogram of gooseberries 1 whole orange and 1.1-1.2 kilograms of sugar.


  1. Wash gooseberries, dry and remove all stems. And peel the orange and leave only slices without partitions (“fillet”).
  2. Grind products in a meat grinder and pour the mass into a saucepan.
  3. Add sugar, mix and leave in this state for 12 hours.
  4. Then transfer to a sterilized dish and close with ordinary nylon lids.

You can store such jelly only in a cold place. In urban areas, a refrigerator is suitable for this. If the ratio of fruit and berry mass and sugar is 1: 2, then the jelly will retain its freshness for a long time at any temperature.