How to make bread at home. Bread with walnuts. How to make homemade yeast bread - a classic recipe.

Baking bread in the oven is not a simple, multi-step, painstaking process. The cook who has mastered it is rightfully considered an ace. Let's try and we learn this useful thing.

To bake bread at home in the oven, you need a clear plan of action. First you need to determine what kind of bread in the oven we want to see: Rye bread in the oven, bread in the oven with yeast, yeast-free bread in the oven, sourdough bread in the oven, wheat bread in the oven, garlic bread in the oven, kefir bread in the oven. But the most important question is whether it will White bread in the oven or black bread in the oven. Depending on the option chosen necessary products, make up dosages, measure portions.

Bread at home in the oven will turn out only when all the rules are followed. Sift flour in time, accurately heat water or milk, knead the dough correctly, etc. Bread without yeast in the oven is also possible, but its taste is somewhat inferior to the traditional one, although experts do not deny its benefits. The Right Recipe bread in the oven at home involves the use of yeast. Homemade bread in the oven, recipes with photos are presented on our website. Use the advice of experts, and you will succeed delicious bread in the oven. Let it be simple bread in the oven first. The training will do its job, and you will gradually learn how to cook bread at home in the oven. The next recipe you mastered should be homemade rye bread in the oven. It is very appetizing and fragrant, decorates any festive table. The recipe for rye bread in the oven is worth studying first. Over time, rye bread at home in the oven will become " highlight of the program» your holidays.

To bake bread in the oven, a recipe is required, because. the dosage of components is provided very exact. Even the simplest bread recipe in the oven consists of exact numbers and technological steps. Bakery products homemade bread in the oven according to strict instructions - a mandatory requirement.

When you learn how to make your own bread, when you are satisfied with your work called “bread in the oven”, recipes with photos should be shown to others. Will be especially helpful step by step recipes bread in the oven, as they are clear and understandable to beginners. The best way to remember how to cook bread in the oven is with a video.

People who adhere diet food, will be interesting recipe unleavened bread in the oven, bread crumbs in the oven. Study our tips, practice, try and you will not only know, but also teach others how to bake homemade bread in the oven.

The taste of bread largely depends on the products, their freshness, quality, exact adherence to the recipe and dosing. Adding components "by eye" is unacceptable.

Liquid ingredients (water, milk, whey) should be warm, and flour should be sifted, because in this way the dough is enriched with oxygen.

Forms for baking bread should be filled with dough by half or two-thirds of the volume so that it has room to rise. If you bake without molds on a baking sheet, you can put a large cabbage leaf, as they did in ancient times, baking bread in ovens.

Bread should be stored in wooden bread bins, enamel pots covered with a towel or cloth. But it is better to store it in a ceramic sealed container.

Approach the preparation of bread should be with special respect, slowly. At the same time, our ancestors read prayers, asked for blessings from God, and only then they got to work.

We no longer need to be convinced of the obvious fact - the foods that manufacturers offer us are dangerous to health. Even bakery products cause concern, so we will take a closer look at the recipe for homemade bread in the oven - delicious and fragrant bread. Flour products from the store quickly become stale, mold appears in them even faster and bad smell, and their taste often disappoints us.

Beginning cooks have misconceptions about baking bread at home. They think that it is a very laborious and long process. You will see the opposite once you learn how to bake your first homemade loaf. So, let's start studying all the subtleties of technology.

Homemade wheat bread in the oven - recipe


  • 400-450 g or 3 cups+ -
  • - 25 g + -
  • Serum - 250 ml + -
  • - 2 tsp + -
  • - 1 tbsp. l. + -
  • - 1 tsp + -


We knead the dough in a non-dough way - it's faster that way. But, before implementing the recipe, we must be sure of good quality yeast.

  1. In a slightly warm whey, dissolve the yeast, add butter, sugar and salt there and stir.
  2. Sift one and a half cups of flour over a wide bowl and pour the prepared liquid into the flour. Stir well with a wooden spoon (the dough does not like metal).

* Cook's advice
Whey gives the bread a very pleasant sourness. But you can, without losing the quality of baking, replace it with filtered tap water. Real bakers do not recommend using boiled water.

  1. We begin to gradually interfere in batter flour and begin kneading the batch with your hands. The more time we knead the dough, the better the bread will be. On average, it takes 15-20 minutes.
  2. We form a ball from the kneaded dough, place it in a bowl with a floured bottom, cover with a linen napkin and put in a warm (draught-free) place for fermentation - for 1.5 hours. If you have electric oven, then set the temperature in it to 30 degrees and put the batch inside for 50-60 minutes. To maintain humidity in the oven, place a bowl of water on the lowest floor. The dough should rise in volume by 2.5-3 times.
  3. We knead the risen batch well, knead again for 5 minutes and form the shape of bread - under your molded dishes. If there is no special form, then the bread turns out beautiful and in a high frying pan.
  4. We grease the form with vegetable oil, sprinkle with semolina and put the dough into it. For beauty, you can make several parallel cuts on its surface.

* Cook's advice
If you are not sure that ready product easily leaves the baking dish, then line the bottom of it with baking paper. This is a guarantee!

  1. We bake our homemade loaf in two stages: the first 40 minutes - at an oven temperature of 50 degrees. We do this to safely bake the product inside, as well as to give it beautiful shape. At the second stage, we increase the heat to 200 degrees and keep the product in the oven for another 30 minutes.
  2. We take out the finished bread from the mold, shaking it slightly. The loaf slips out on its own. We spread it on a wooden stand, grease with clean water and cover with a linen napkin. Withstand 30 minutes.

* Cook's advice
Don't eat hot bread! Doctors forbid it, since it is almost not digested by gastric secretion, which means that fermentation processes develop. This can lead to dysbacteriosis, gastritis and other digestive disorders. Discomfort, cramps and pain in the stomach, bloating and heaviness - these are the symptoms of food indigestion.
You can eat freshly baked bread only 2-3 hours after taking it out of the oven, i.е. completely cooled down. Best of all, the next day!

How to bake rye bread at home

Rye bread is baked from two types of flour - wheat and rye. Rye flour does not have the desired baking characteristics, so it must be mixed with flour with good gluten. We will cook the rye loaf in a sponge way.

  • Wheat flour - 200 g or 1.5 cups
  • Peeled rye flour - 200 g
  • Milk - 1 cup 250 ml
  • Pressed yeast - 20 g
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Cumin - 2 tbsp.


  1. We prepare the dough: slightly heat half a glass of milk (up to 30 degrees), dilute the sugar and yeast in it, add a tablespoon of flour and set aside the dough in a warm corner. We wait until bubbles appear on the surface of the mixture. Usually you don't have to wait longer than 30 minutes.
  2. Pour the dough into a large bowl, the rest of the milk, salt and half the volume of flour, put according to the recipe. Mix all the ingredients well and again place in a warm place for fermentation for 1-2 hours. The kneading should add in volume by 2-3 times.
  3. When the yeast has become very active, add the rest of the flour in parts, constantly kneading with your hands until smooth - at least 10-15 minutes. We form a ball, cover with a cloth and leave at room conditions for proofing for 2-3 hours. The batch should double or triple in volume.
  4. Punch down the risen dough, sprinkle with cumin, knead again for 5 minutes and divide into two parts (if necessary) and lay out in oiled forms. We distribute the dough throughout the volume of the forms, level the surface. And put on the second proofing for 1-1.5 hours.
  5. We place the rye bread batch in a cold oven, turn it on and heat it up to 170 degrees. We bake bread from the beginning of heating oven 50 minutes, then add heat to 200 degrees and bake for another 10 minutes.
  6. We take our bread rolls out of the molds, put them on a wooden surface, moisten the top of the baking with water and cover with a towel.

Bon Appetit!

* Cook's advice
If you decide to bake bread at home on an ongoing basis, we recommend that you buy an electric dough mixer. This is a very handy kitchen appliance that will come in handy not only for kneading dough for bread, but also for any pastries and dough products.

We hope that you will use our bread recipe, both wheat and rye, and bake loaves at home - for the joy of your family. Remember that synthetic yeast is used in bakeries, which slowly but surely take away the health of our digestive system. Take care of yourself!

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Have you noticed that since the small cozy bakeries filled with the smell of fresh pastries disappeared in our cities, the bread itself has lost some of its romantic halo? Pushed into the corners of huge supermarkets, bread stopped breathing, fresh rolls no longer tease our taste buds and smelling the unforgettable smells of childhood, and buying plastic bag with bread slices has become a routine. People, come to your senses, this is the loss of an entire cultural layer, the ancient art of baking the most noble and vital element for the worldview - Bread. Our Western European neighbors, who long before us flooded their shopping complexes with an abundance of products, managed to preserve the old bakery craft and recipes passed down from generation to generation. And they are not stored in automated bakeries. We, it seems, have to rely only on ourselves, try from time to time to recall the experience of our ancestors and bake bread at home. At least sometimes, let it be for a holiday or in the mood, but its own - spirited and unique. Unfortunately, there are much more recipes for baking bread at home, if we consider various national preferences, than housewives who are ready to use them. And yet, we urge you to choose a day when the soul sings, there is nothing to occupy your hands with and you want to please yourself and your loved ones with something unusual, for example, freshly baked homemade bread, since this is not so difficult to do.

How to make homemade bread: a simple recipe

The main ingredient for baking bread at home is a good mood. Only in this case, your future loaf will become truly magnificent, baked and “with a crust”. For the rest you will need:
  • Flour - 4 tbsp; which one to choose, decide for yourself, but if you want to bake healthy bread, give preference to rye or 1 grade;
  • Water - 1.5 - 2 tbsp (exact amount experienced hostess can be determined by eye by the consistency of the test);
  • Dry yeast - 2 tsp;
  • Sugar - 4 tsp; salt - 2 tsp
First of all, sort out the yeast you have. Dilute the sponges in warm water, add a little sugar and leave for 10-15 minutes until bubbles appear (fermentation begins).

At this time, sift flour through a sieve to give your future loaf airiness and porosity. Add sugar, salt to the sifted flour, pour in the yeast and gradually water, kneading the dough with your hands. No spoons, combines and other devices. Homemade bread should feel the warmth of your hands and your love. Cooking utensils should be chosen larger than the volume of kneaded dough by about 3 times. Now the bowl with the dough must be covered with a towel or napkin and put in a warm (draft-free) place for 1.5 - 2 hours. If the yeast did not let you down, then during this time the dough will increase in volume by 2-3 times.

After that, we move the dough into the prepared (greased with vegetable oil and sprinkled with flour) form, cover and let it “rest” for a while. The surface of the workpiece can also be sprinkled with flour to prevent overdrying of the bread. We place the form in an oven preheated to 220 degrees for 35-40 minutes. Under no circumstances should the oven be opened. In the middle of the baking process, the temperature can be reduced to 180-200 degrees. All: baking tin bread completed at home.

Homemade bread recipe in the oven

Prepare yeast starter (1 tsp) as in the previous recipe. Take 250 g of rye and 250 g of wheat flour, sift it through a sieve into the prepared dishes, add 1 tsp of salt and pour in the yeast that has begun fermentation and about 200 ml warm water. Carefully, what does it mean with soul and with a song, 15-20 minutes, knead the dough with your hands, cover it with a clean towel or cling film and leave to reach 2-3 hours in a warm place. Gently squeeze the risen workpiece again, then dip your hands in vegetable oil and form a loaf, at the same time lubricating it. Put the future bread on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour, and put to rest in a warm place for another 1 hour.

Preheat the oven to 220-230 degrees and only after that send the baking sheet there. Homemade bread will be baked for 35-40 minutes, after 20 you can reduce the temperature to 180 degrees. To do this, it is necessary to control the cooking process, but in no case interfere with it. After that, the loaf can be released into the wild. Sprinkle homemade bread baked according to this recipe with water and cover with a cloth napkin. If you want a crispy crust - let it breathe freely. Once it cools down a bit, you can eat. Some housewives use their signature recipes for cooking, adding various spices, dried aromatic herbs, onions, garlic and God knows what else to homemade bread. Taste qualities baking changes significantly from this, but the basis remains the same, so it will still be your Bread made own hands. Try it at your leisure, maybe this is your calling!

Some people think that it takes a lot of time and effort, but it is not. According to the recipe that I will tell you today, the bread dough does not even need to be kneaded. In addition, for the preparation of such bread you need a minimum of ingredients. This recipe is the merit of two famous chefs Zoe Francois (Zoe Francois) and Jeff Hertzberg (Jeff Hertzberg).

The bread really turns out to be very tasty, it has a thin crust and a rather delicate structure with large pores. You can talk for a long time about the advantage of this recipe, it's better to just take it and bake it yourself delicious homemade bread.

Recipe for homemade bread in the oven.


1 glass of warm water

0.5 tablespoon dry yeast

0.5 teaspoon salt

2 cups whole wheat flour.

How to cook homemade bread in the oven?


1. Take a deep bowl, mix warm water and yeast in it. When yeast dissolves, add flour and salt. Mix all the ingredients using a spoon or spatula. The dough should be sticky.

2. Cover the dough with a lid and leave to rise at room temperature for 2 hours.

3. After 2 hours, the dough will increase by about 2 times and many bubbles will appear on its surface.

4. Then put the bowl covered with a lid in the refrigerator. Leave the dough in the refrigerator overnight (8-10 hours).

5. Remove the dough from the refrigerator in the morning. Dust the dough and the table with flour. Take the dough out of the bowl. To make the dough less sticky, grease your hands with flour.

6. Form a ball from the dough. To do this, fold the edges inward, as if slightly stretching the dough.

7. Put the dough on floured paper or foil and let it rise for another 40 minutes. There is no need to cover the dough.

8. While the dough is rising, preheat the oven to 200C⁰. Place an empty baking dish in the oven. It is better to use cast iron cookware with a thick bottom.

9. After 40 minutes, the dough may spread a little, but don't worry, it should be so. When the bread is baked in the oven, it will increase by 2-3 times and acquire the desired shape.

10. Flour the dough and use sharp knife make two cuts 1 cm deep at a distance of 5-6 cm.

11. Put the finished test piece together with paper / foil into a mold and place in the oven. Place a baking sheet with water on the bottom of the oven.

12. Bake the bread in the oven for about 40-50 minutes.

13. When the bread is browned, remove it from the oven and let it cool.

Here is such a delicious homemade bread you should get!

Bon Appetit!

Bread in the oven is the standard of fresh home baking, which is many times superior in taste to any purchased option. Since ancient times, its preparation has been considered a special ritual, with which many traditions and beliefs are associated to this day. Despite the absence of a Russian oven, making delicious, fluffy and fragrant bread at home is not so difficult. At the same time, such a culinary feat will immediately add a few points in favor of any hostess.

All types of flour are used to make bread in the oven.: wheat, oatmeal, rye, whole grains, etc. In order for the pastry to rise well, yeast or various starter cultures are added to it. Yeast can be fresh or dry. As for starter cultures, there are more than a hundred of their varieties. They are cooked on kefir, barley, hops, raisins, wheat, etc. Some sourdough starters turn out to be quite “fast”, while others have to be prepared for several days. The use of sourdough allows you to keep it in bread beneficial features and extend the shelf life up to several weeks.

Bread cooked in the oven contains vitamins, organic acids, enzymes, pectins, fiber and many minerals. It is recommended to eat it for everyone from young to old. However, it is better not to overindulge in pastries, as the calorie content of homemade bread is very high.

Secrets of making perfect bread in the oven

Bread in the oven always turns out much more magnificent and tastier than purchased. It is enough just to try any of the recipes once, and homemade baking will quickly become a must-have list of dishes for every day. It is not so easy for novice cooks to figure it out the first time, how to bake bread in the oven, so it is better to turn to professionals for secrets:

Secret number 1. Before baking bread, it is recommended to let the dough rest in a baking dish for 40-50 minutes.

Secret number 2. After cooking, you need to sprinkle the bread with water, cover with a towel and let it brew for a while.

Secret number 3. The bread dough should be elastic and not stick to your hands at all. Otherwise, you need to add more flour, more than the specified amount.

Secret number 4. In order for the bread to bake evenly, before cooking, preheat not only the oven, but also the baking dish.

Secret number 5. For a crispy crust, leave the bread in the oven after switching off for another 15 minutes directly on the wire rack.

This recipe is quite simple and not as long as many of its "colleagues". Bread will quickly fill the house with the aroma of freshly baked bread, which will create a very warm and cozy atmosphere. After cooking, the flour from the bread must be swept away with a brush, and the loaf itself must be cooled.


  • 4 cups flour;
  • 2 tsp dry yeast;
  • 4 tsp Sahara;
  • 2 tsp salt;
  • 2 glasses of water.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat water, dissolve sugar and dry yeast in it.
  2. After 10 minutes, add salt and sifted flour.
  3. Knead a sticky and thick dough.
  4. Preheat the oven to 35 degrees and put the dough there, covered with a lid.
  5. When the dough has tripled in size, transfer it to a greased baking dish.
  6. Flatten the dough, lightly sprinkle with flour and let rise again.
  7. Cook bread for 15 minutes at 220 degrees, then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees.
  8. Bake another 30 minutes, then let the bread cool.

Interesting from the network

Garlic rye bread will be a great addition to any first or second course. Yeast is better to take fast-acting, so as not to delay the already long baking process. The baking sheet should be greased only lightly, using no more than 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.


  • 300 g rye flour;
  • 400 g wheat flour;
  • 400 ml of water;
  • 2 tsp salt;
  • 5 tsp Sahara;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tsp dry yeast;
  • 3 art. l. vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Dissolve yeast in 200 ml of water and dissolve sugar.
  2. Remove the resulting mixture in heat for 25 minutes.
  3. When the yeast rises, pour the remaining water and vegetable oil into the dough.
  4. Salt mixed with sifted rye flour and gradually fall asleep to the yeast.
  5. Sift wheat flour and gradually add to the dough.
  6. Chop the garlic and add to the total mass.
  7. Knead the dough, cover and leave it in a warm place for an hour and a half.
  8. Knead the dough well again and transfer to a greased baking dish.
  9. Bake bread for 50 minutes in a well-heated oven at 220 degrees.

Despite the absence of yeast, the bread according to this recipe turns out to be very lush and rises well. Before cooking, you can make 3-4 cuts along the loaf. This will allow it to bake better and give it a more presentable look.


  • 500 g wheat flour;
  • 150 ml of kefir;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 1 tsp salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour kefir into a bowl and add 75 g of flour to it, mix.
  2. Cover the bowl with cling film and leave overnight.
  3. Sift the rest of the flour into a deep container, add the resulting sourdough.
  4. Add salt and gradually pour in water, kneading the dough with your hands.
  5. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and sprinkle with flour.
  6. Shape the dough into a loaf and place in a mold.
  7. Cover the top of the loaf with another sheet of parchment and a towel.
  8. Put the mold in the turned off oven for 2.5 hours, then knead the dough with your hands and shape the loaf again.
  9. Leave the dough under the parchment for another 30 minutes.
  10. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees and bake the bread for 15 minutes under a closed lid or foil.
  11. Remove the lid (or foil), continue baking for another 20 minutes.

Sourdough bread has always been considered more beneficial to the body than yeast-based baking options. Moreover, for harvesting you need only water and Wheat flour. Sourdough for one preparation will need about 70 grams. The rest can be stored in the refrigerator.


  • 300 ml of water;
  • 500 g wheat flour;
  • 130 g whole grain flour;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • 1 st. l. vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat 50 ml of water a little and pour into a deep bowl.
  2. Pour 100 g of flour into the same bowl, knead the dough.
  3. Transfer the starter to a plastic container and cover with cling film.
  4. Leave the container for 3 days in a warm place.
  5. After three days, remove the film from the container and discard the top half of the resulting mass.
  6. In the remaining dough, add another 50 ml of warm water and 100 g of flour.
  7. Knead the dough, cover again with foil and leave for 12 hours.
  8. Remove the top part of the dough.
  9. At 70 g finished sourdough add 100 g of flour and 100 ml of water, also slightly warmed up.
  10. Mix the dough a little and leave for 1 hour.
  11. Add the remaining water and vegetable oil, add salt and sugar.
  12. Gradually introduce the rest of the flour (both wheat and whole grain).
  13. Leave the dough again for 1 hour.
  14. Divide the dough into two parts and form long loaves (like a loaf or a baguette).
  15. Put the prepared dough on a baking sheet, previously covering it with paper.
  16. Make several transverse deep cuts on each loaf.
  17. Bake for 15 minutes at 200 degrees, then 35 minutes at 160 degrees.

Now you know how to cook bread in the oven according to the recipe with a photo. Bon Appetit!