What kind of bread is good for human health? Bread on a diet: to eat or not to eat.

Many diets involve a complete rejection of flour products and bread as well. However, this approach may not have the most pleasant consequences. The exclusion of bread is completely unnecessary and even harmful. It contains important substances for the body, alimentary fiber. Moderate consumption will help you feel better.

Read in this article

Healthy bread: basic properties for the body

Bread is very high-calorie product containing fast carbohydrates. Most of all "claims" from nutritionists to the white. However, other species are not so harmful, although they can also spoil the figure if used excessively.

Often experts in healthy eating offer not to completely abandon bread, but to include products made from wholemeal flour, durum varieties wheat and bran. The negative attitude belongs only to white varieties and all kinds of buns. Since 100 grams of the product contains 240 kcal, and more than 400 kcal in rich pastries.

Vitamin and mineral composition of bread

Rye, whole wheat bread healthier and less caloric. They are best included in the diet. diet food.

So, bread has the following beneficial properties for the body:

What can you eat

There are many varieties of bread. Each has its own benefits. It is difficult to immediately and unequivocally answer which is the most useful.

Black or white

These are the most common varieties. Both types are baked from cereals, but rye is used for black bread, and wheat for white bread. Some time ago, the first one was more popular, because this culture is less whimsical and grows well in the northern regions. White bread was a rarity for a long time.

In terms of calories and carbohydrates, both varieties are almost the same. 100 grams of white contains approximately 230-240 kcal, and black contains about 200 kcal. Also, there are almost 40 carbohydrates in both varieties. The main difference lies in the value of the glycemic index.

White bread greatly enhances appetite. After a short time, the person wants to eat again. Therefore, for dietary nutrition, you need to abandon sliced ​​loaves, baguettes, buns and other things.

For baking, refined wheat flour of the highest grade is used, which is inversely proportional to usefulness. It contains fast carbohydrates that immediately break down glucose. She does not have time to spend and begins to accumulate in problem areas, and the person feels hungry and eats again.

Therefore, from this point of view, black will be more useful. But it is not necessary to completely abandon white. To do this, you can choose products from wholemeal flour, and also has additives in the form of flax seeds, pumpkin, sunflower, oatmeal.

You can also find black on store shelves, which has similar characteristics.

About which bread is healthier - black or white, see this video:


This type of bread is also called gray. In terms of calories and carbohydrates, it does not differ much from white and black. But him glycemic index the lowest. In addition, it contains a lot of lysine. It is an amino acid that is very important for the establishment normal functioning body systems. The best choice with a diet will become rye. They can be eaten in a variety of ways.

But there is a contraindication in the use of gray bread for people who have a high acidity of the stomach, since lactic acid bacteria are used in its manufacture. Therefore, it has a slightly specific taste. It is best to replace it with mixed flour bread - rye and wheat, it will be less "aggressive".


It is very similar in its properties to products made from white flour. But Borodinsky has an admixture of rye, and wheat is used second-class, and it is also sprinkled with coriander, anise. They have useful substances. Therefore, a piece of Borodino bread can be eaten in the morning, combined with something low-calorie.


Some believe that the use of such species is much more beneficial. But it is not so. It's not much better in terms of calories. But its main advantage is that no yeast is used in baking. And these are fungi, which, when the immune system is weakened by diseases, taking antibiotics, and regular stress, can cause various ailments that are difficult to treat. It also increases the acidity in the stomach.

Therefore, you can temporarily switch to yeast-free, but a panacea for a set excess weight he will not if he uses it without knowing the measure.

With bran

This type of bread contains a lot. It prevents the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, prevents atherosclerosis. In addition, the product with bran is rich in fiber, proteins, vitamins. All this helps to strengthen the immune system, improve bowel function, promote muscle growth.

With buckwheat flour

You can rarely find this type of product in stores, but it's worth a try. It contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, dietary fiber. In addition, buckwheat bread has nutritional properties. If you eat it with low-calorie meals, then the feeling of hunger will not appear soon.


Composing diet menu, it is important to consider the number of calories in the type of bread. When choosing, you need to remember not only about useful properties. Thus, you can understand how much and what kind of bread to eat so as not to get better.

That's why best time to include bread in the menu - this is the first half of the day, then the energy will have time to be spent.

Is it worth giving up bread completely?

Experts believe that you should not completely exclude products from the diet, at least for the reasons described above. It improves mood, prolongs the feeling of satiety, supplies the body with proteins, vitamins and fibers. Nutritionists recommend eating at least 50 grams of the product every day, preferably from rye, buckwheat flour or with bran.

Of course, this does not mean a "green light" to the uncontrolled consumption of bread. But in moderation, it will not harm the harmony of the figure.

What can be replaced when it's hard to resist

For many, bread is already a tradition; it will not be possible to refuse completely. And besides, it's not particularly useful. But there is a very worthy replacement. First, it's bread. But the choice must also be approached wisely. Often, manufacturers began to make the usual "yeast loaf" or under their guise. There is no benefit in this.


In order not to be mistaken, it is important to pay attention to the composition. It should not contain flour, except for coarse grinding, but rather just grains, as well as yeast, sugar, and artificial additives. Only soda and salt are allowed.

It is necessary to follow the method of manufacture. Suitable only for extrusion. Appearance such loaves are not the most appetizing, but they have a rich and healthy chemical composition.

Secondly, biscuits will be a good alternative. These are bread products that are shaped like cookies. But the composition of the biscuits is only flour and water. There are no foreign components in them. You can store them for a long time, while beneficial features are not lost anywhere. Flour is used to make different types: wheat, pea, rye, barley, bean.

Losing weight with bread continues for two weeks, then there is a fixing period of exit from the diet. During this time, each time you need to gradually replace a couple of slices with the following types of products:

  • a glass of boiled beans;
  • 250 grams pasta from durum flour;
  • two-thirds of any cereal porridge;
  • one boiled potato;
  • one ear of corn;
  • a couple of spoons in the morning.

It is not necessary to exclude bread from the diet, it will not bring benefits. It is important to remember that gaining weight due to the large number on the menu. Whole grain bread saturates the body with energy and vitamins, provides food for muscle growth. A couple of pieces in the morning will charge you with energy for the whole day, provide a feeling of satiety for a long time.

Useful video

About the bread diet, see this video:

More than 70% of people who drastically eliminate bread from their diet lose weight within the first two weeks. Bread has been incorrectly placed at the base of the food pyramid that children learn in school from an early age. Some of these kids may become professional nutritionists in the future and preach the same bullshit about bread. The processed grains that make bread are unnecessary and even sometimes dangerous for some types of metabolism. And that's why:

1) Whole grain bread can raise blood sugar more than a Snickers bar

Whole grain bread does not actually contain whole grains. Flour is made by grinding grains into powder. It is thanks to the powdered form that it is easier for the body to digest bread and allow the resulting glucose to enter the bloodstream. This raises the fat synthesis enhancing hormone known as insulin. Whole grain bread has a higher glycemic index even than chocolate bars such as Snickers.

Elevated blood sugar levels can cause glycation at the cellular level, when blood sugar reacts with proteins in the body, which is part of the aging process.

This is the flip side of the high-carbohydrate diet so often promoted by ill-informed sources.

2) Bread contains a lot of gluten

Wheat contains a large number of a protein called gluten.

Gluten consists of substances that resemble glue in their consistency (from the English glue - glue), due to which the dough becomes elastic-viscous.

According to the latest data, a significant part of the population is sensitive to gluten.

When we eat bread that contains gluten (wheat, spelled, rye and barley), the immune system in the digestive tract begins to "attack" gluten proteins.

Gluten sensitivity is often associated with some cases of schizophrenia and cerebellar ataxia (both serious brain disorders).

Most likely, gluten is dangerous for most people, not just those diagnosed with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease.

The only way to test if you're sensitive to gluten is to cut it out of your diet for thirty days and then start consuming it again and see if you have any side effects.

3) Modern wheat is dangerous

The most popular cereal in the world is also the most deadly. According to cardiologist and leading wheat specialist Dr. William Davis, modern wheat is not wheat at all, "an excellent, permanent poison."

As soon as agro-industrial enterprises began to grow high-yielding grains, wheat became so hybridized that, in its genetic code, it does not at all resemble the wheat that was grown in ancient times. The entire nutritional value of modern wheat in its natural unprocessed state has been devalued by 30% compared to the genetic data of its predecessors. The balance and ratios of useful elements in wheat, created by nature itself, have been changed. And the human body and psychology cannot adapt to new changes so quickly.

4) Modern bread contains preservatives and chemicals

Like most modern processed foods, most modern breads contain sugar or corn syrup With high content fructose.

Most grains also contain phytic acid (this is one of the main problems with soy). Phytic acid is a substance that binds minerals such as calcium, iron and zinc that are important to the body and prevents them from entering the bloodstream. Proponents of soy consumption consume much more than the allowable allowance for phytates (salts of phytic acid) through soy milk, tofu cheese, cereals and many others food products subjected to technological processing. Soybean oil and soy lecithin are quite common in bread.

Dough leavening agents, consisting of azocarbonic acid diamide, have only recently been called into question.

Here is the composition of most modern types of bread:

"caption on image"

Ingredients: Whole wheat flour, water, wheat gluten, high fructose corn syrup, honey, molasses, yeast. Contains 2% or less of: wheat bran, soybean oil, salt, calcium sulfate, raising agents (sodium stearoyl lactylate, ethoxylated mono and diglycerides, calcium dioxide and/or azocarbonic diamide), soy flour, nutritional supplement for yeast growth (ammonium chloride, ammonium sulfate and/or monocalcium phosphate), vinegar, calcium propionate (to keep the product fresh), whey, soy lecithin. Contains wheat, milk and soy.

5) Bread is not a nutritious food

There are NO nutrients in bread that you can get from other foods in much more large quantities. Whole wheat bread can even slow down the absorption of nutrients from other foods. Gluten, damaging the intestinal mucosa, slows down the process of absorption of other nutrients by organisms.

Despite the number of calories, whole grain bread contains fewer nutrients than, for example, vegetables.

Wheat fiber can make your body use up your vitamin D stores faster, thereby causing vitamin D deficiency, which in some cases can lead to cancer, diabetes, and even death.

6) The link between wheat and diabetes

Sousbury, Connecticut Traditional Medicine Clinic Director of Medicine Dr. Andrew Rubman says wheat consumption (especially gluten, which is found in wheat, rye, and barley) can cause diabetes among people at genetic risk for the disease. He also adds that eliminating gluten from the diet may be beneficial for people who already have diabetes. Dr. Rubman suggests following a gluten-free diet for four to six months and seeing if blood sugar levels improve. If the answer is yes, then such a diet should be followed for life.

7) Genetically Modified Enzymes

Enzymes (often genetically modified) are added to flour and dough so that the loaves of bread are larger and remain soft for several days or even weeks. However, according to recent studies, one of these enzymes is transglutaminase, which is used in Food Industry and baking, can turn some gluten proteins out wheat flour into substances that are toxic to some people. Even organic bread made in large industrial plants can contain such substances.

Manufacturers often sell so-called "elite" breads containing omega-3s, inulin, folic acid, etc. But if you do not follow the ingredients in the main composition of the loaf of bread, then our diet will resemble just industrial waste with nutrients.

Bread and diet are seemingly incompatible concepts. Weight loss experts advise to exorcise all flour from your table, like demons. However, not everyone is ready to give up bakery products for the sake of harmony. Are there diets that do not prohibit starchy foods?

Experts disagreed for a long time and probably for a long time. Some say that bread is the most terrible product that prevents people from losing weight and is instantly deposited on the sides. Others recall that it is rich in B vitamins, iron and other goodies for our body. It's not a sin to remember the slender Italians who love to feast on ciabatta and focaccia with salads and wine. And nothing - do not get fat! So, does bread have any chance during the diet?

Bread calories actually not far from the calorie content of the cake - 226 calories per 100g. Inventor separate power supply Shelton generally considered the consumption of bread "one of the great curses of modern life."



Made from cereals, mostly refined, containing salt, soda, yeast, lard and other additives, subjected to high temperature treatment, and then consumed daily 3-4 times a day, and even in large quantities, moreover, in an indiscriminate combination with others products,- bread is one of the most harmful foods.

Whole grains (flour) do not contain vitamins and minerals, minerals are found in the skin of the grain, but not in bread. When threshing and turning grain into flour, organic salts are removed. No "enrichment" of flour will return natural vitamins to it.

Bread is an important source of valuable vegetable protein containing a number of essential amino acids.

Bread is an essential source of B vitamins. It serves as a daily source of plant fiber.

Finally, bread is a source of minerals necessary for the body, namely potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, and iron.

Of course, in ordinary bread you will not find so many vitamins and minerals! Choose whole grain bread unleavened bread, loaves and bread from sprouted grain.

Harm of bread in combination with other products

It is known that the consumption of too much bread, even without other products, destroys health. But combining it with meat causes even more harm!

The benefits of bread in combination with other products

Bread goes well with dairy and fermented milk products, for example, with kefir, milk or hard cheese.

And, of course, perfectly harmonizes with vegetable dishes and soups.

Harm of yeast bread

yeast bread reduces immunity, thereby causing various diseases.

By consuming yeast bread, we turn our gastrointestinal tract into a battlefield between the yeast contained in it and the natural intestinal microflora. And this can lead to dysbacteriosis.

Benefits of unleavened bread

Unleavened or hop bread- good alternative yeast bread with dysbacteriosis and fungal infections of the intestine, when excess microflora is undesirable and sometimes fatal. And bread that does not contain salt is a way out for hypertension and kidney disease.

Harm of white bread

Shelton says that before the age of two children should not be given bread and cereals in general!

Wheat- the most harmful cereal in terms of acidity. Excess acidic foods deprive the body of calcium.

White bread is the main cause of tooth decay. If you want to have healthy teeth for you and your children - exclude White bread and cereals from their diet.

Studies have shown that peoples whose diet does not include cereals have teeth and mouths in perfect condition.

The benefits of bran bread

Eating bran bread useful not only for its energy properties, but also cleansing.

large pieces grains are a natural "peeling" for the gastrointestinal tract.

Bran is not added to bread energy value, and are excreted from our body in an undigested form, playing the role of a purifier. In addition, bran creates volume in the stomach and provides a feeling of satiety.

Bread is of little value

Bread is of no value to a person and is not necessary for health and life.

Cereals can only be consumed in their raw form.

Cereals and bread are not the basis of nutrition, as previously thought. Look today.


There is also such a product, unique in its qualities, as cereal bread.

There is also fitness bread, bran bread with nuts and seeds. If you eat bread with seeds, then it is better to refuse seeds on this day.

Bread is hard to digest

It is a heavy food for children and adults, bread ferments easily and causes a lot of gas and intoxication.

Benefits of Sprouted Grain Bread

Eat unleavened sprouted wheat bread- there are carbohydrates, and minerals, and vitamins!

Wheat sprouts, grind it in a meat grinder, mold a cake 0.5 cm thick and bake it in ghee. In the middle it remains raw - it is both tasty and healthy!

Do you eat bread?

The truth is in the middle: what matters is the quality of the bread, the freshness and, of course, your attitude. There are ladies who themselves are sure that they will immediately get fat from the eaten roll. And this attitude is read by the body as a guide to action: the brain said to get fat, so we will get fat. Others do not see any harm in eating a slice of Borodino at dinner - and their confidence in caloric infallibility is again reflected in the consequences.

Before deciding whether to eat bread during a diet or not, decide on a side. What role bakery products play in your life? If the world is not sweet to you without a piece of your favorite grain, why endure such hardships? It is important to take into account all subconscious throwing and, if necessary, do auto-training. Read in the morning like a mantra: "I will not get fat from a piece of bread."

Why do you want bread so much?

It is not only a matter of habit and the fact that bread is a unique, almost never boring product. Craving for flour can be caused by a lack of certain trace elements. Our body demands reparation: in the case of wheat bread it desires, as a rule, glucose. And we dream of a rye loaf when the body lacks iodine, iron, nicotinic acid and B vitamins.

How much bread can you eat on a diet?

The daily norm, which does not lead to trouble, is about 150 grams. This is your maximum. Piece by piece comes out about three slices. The best time to consume is morning or lunch. You can make sandwiches with soft cream cheese, cottage cheese, herbs, scrambled eggs or avocado for a nutritious and healthy breakfast.

A sense of proportion in the case of bread with a diet is the most important point. If you are afraid not to resist and gobble up half a loaf - give up tightly from any temptation.

What kind of bread can be on a diet?

  • Here nutritionists have no doubts - only from whole grain flour or containing bran. Variants with flax, sesame and sunflower seeds are very useful. But wheat loaves made from premium flour are the first enemy of all those who are losing weight, and the cat cried vitamins in them. Experts call them "calorie bombs" - useless and destructive.
  • The second gradation - purchased or homemade? The answer is already clear from the question - naturally, hand-made products are higher both in quality and in usefulness. And they have less chemicals!
  • If you really live you can’t live without bread, get a bread machine and create your own masterpieces. Pay special attention to the choice of flour - take peeled and wholemeal, preferably marked "bio" (it was grown naturally). Some eco-foodists grind their own flour from grain bought in farm shops. To fortify the product, add flax or sesame seeds, nuts, herbs, onions or carrots to the dough.

Do the kids need bread?

Bread has its opponents and defenders. Once, one mother at the playground objected to me that "they say, how do you not give bread to your child? Bread is very healthy!" To which I remained silent. Meanwhile, bread leads to tooth decay! And vitamins and minerals cannot be obtained from ordinary flour. There is a more worthy choice - cereals, fruits and vegetables. By the way to harmful products you can also include various buns, pizza, cookies, ruziki, ready-made breakfasts. Of course, I'm not trying to exclude flour products from the child's diet at all. But at least I limit it! My family sometimes eats bran bread and crispbread. Do you eat bread?

For centuries, bread has been an integral part of the diet of many peoples. Today, however, the feasibility of its use is often questioned. From all sides we hear: “Bread makes you fat, and in general it contains gluten!” What will our experts say? Let's honor!

Questions about the benefits or harms of bread are answered by: Fabrice Renault, chef-baker of the Volkonsky bakery chain; Andrey Mosov,head of the expert direction, "Roskontrol"; Vincenzo De Simone, Head of Eataly Bakery

Bread is the head of everything: is it so?

“Bread is the basis of human nutrition,” says Andrey Mosov. - This is confirmed by many proverbs and sayings in which bread is synonymous with food and the main condition for human life. Modern nutritionists recognize important role bread, placing it on the first, largest, floor of the "nutrition pyramid". Therefore, it is hardly worth seeing it as a source of potential danger. And if, according to research by Roskontrol, problems with the quality of bread occur periodically, then there are almost no problems with its safety for health. In our practice, there have been several cases of detection of bread infected with potato disease. However, it is hardly worth considering it as a serious danger to the consumer: it develops in bread with improper storage, and the product, which has become really dangerous, is simply inedible. Another thing is if we are talking about the dangers of excessive consumption of bakery products. In relation to the diet, any excess is not useful, and this applies to absolutely all products.


Stick to a daily portion of bread no more than 150-200 g. Prefer made from flour lower grades and whole grains, and limit the consumption of loaves and buns made from premium flour.

What bread to choose?

Progress does not stand still, and, of course, flour production technologies have changed a lot. However, it is not always in favor of the consumer. For example, in the manufacture of premium flour, the grain is cleaned of the most useful components - the germ and shell - and finely ground. It remains, in fact, only a starchy substance - fast carbohydrate. Products made from such flour, if consumed excessively, can lead to weight gain. Also, to give white color and better baking qualities, improvers are often added to flour, and preservatives and other undesirable substances are often added to bread.
“Both a small bakery and a large bakery have in their assortment different varieties of bread. Some of them are more useful, others less so, says Andrey Mosov. - Many large industries have mastered the production of products with increased nutritional value- enriched with vitamins and various biologically active additives. In addition, it is easier for a large bakery to ensure the stable quality of its products. But a small bakery has the opportunity to produce small batches of premium quality bread, as well as various exotic products.”
“Customers are increasingly looking for products made from natural ingredients that are beneficial to health,” says Fabrice Renault. - Therefore, the main goal of our bakery is to develop the assortment in this direction. To produce not only high quality, but also healthy foods. For example, among the various technologies for making bread, I would note cold fermentation. Bread made using this technology is fragrant, with a soft crumb and a thin crispy crust. Although in general, to make tasty and healthy bread, you just need to combine quality ingredients and exclude any improvers, preservatives and colorings.
“We prefer millstone flour,” says Vincenzo de Simone. - The grain does not get very hot during maceration, and the flour does not lose its useful components. it salient feature, which distinguishes it from ground in electric mills. For the production of bread, we use only organic flour and Enkir flour, which is rich in beta-carotene. Our bread is baked in a wood fired oven and made using only natural products and sourdoughs of long infusion: bread turns out to be more saturated and nutritious. Thanks to lactic acids, vitamins and minerals are more easily absorbed by the body, and in addition, the likelihood of intolerance to gluten (gluten) is reduced.


If you prefer bread from large bakeries, read the label carefully and choose a product without unnecessary additives (preservatives, improvers, fats and dyes). In small bakeries, be interested in the composition and cooking technology.

Gluten: what is it and how bad is it?

Today there is a lot of talk about gluten, and it seems that it is a harmful and unacceptable ingredient in bread. “Gluten is a protein in rye and wheat,” explains Andrey Mosov. - Mankind has been eating rye and wheat bread since time immemorial, and we are all adapted to such a diet. Therefore, gluten is only harmful to those who have been diagnosed with gluten intolerance (gluten enteropathy, or celiac disease). For everyone else, it is one of the main proteins in our food. Of course, it is not as complete as the protein of milk, eggs or meat, and one cannot eat bread alone. But in a varied diet, this deficiency is balanced by the proteins found in other foods.”
However, the amount of gluten in our diet can be very high. The fact is that food manufacturers really like the properties of gluten, which give the consistency of a wide variety of products uniformity, plasticity, tenderness and even fibrousness (which allows, for example, to replace part of the meat in semi-finished products), as well as its high conservation qualities. Manufacturers successfully isolate this protein from grains and add it to many foods. And when too much gluten enters the body, it accumulates in the intestines, glues its villi, preventing the absorption of beneficial substances, thereby disrupting its work.


Even if you do not have gluten intolerance, pay attention to its content in the products you buy. This will give you an idea of ​​how much you are consuming.

An alternative to traditional white and black bread

Today, the assortment of bread is very wide, and in addition to the usual white and black bread, you can find grain, with bran, yeast-free, with the addition of seeds, nuts, dried fruits and many other varieties. Modern customers are demanding, so both large factories and small bakeries try to diversify their range of products and bake bread that meets their wishes.
“Our assortment includes, for example, gluten-free rice and buckwheat bread. He underwent research in a laboratory certified by Rospotrebnadzor, the results of which confirmed the absence of gluten in the product, says Fabrice Renault. - This bread pleasant taste buckwheat and seeds containing omega acids. They have a beneficial effect on digestion and human health in general. Plus, the product retains its taste characteristics for a long time.”
“When it comes to breads with excellent nutritional properties, I would choose the Mediterranean bread from our range,” notes Vincenzo de Simone. - It contains seven types of seeds (sunflower, sesame, poppy, pumpkin, millet) and consists of three types of flour (zero milling, whole grain flour from Manitoba wheat, rye flour). This bread is perfect for breakfast or as a healthy snack.”


It happens that bread is positioned as whole grain or bran, but in fact it is only sprinkled on top with these ingredients. High-quality bread with bran should contain at least 30% of them in its composition, and grain bread should be made from whole grain flour (coarse grinding).

How long can bread be stored

“The shelf life of bread depends on its composition and technology. Bread with high acidity, enzymes and preservatives, as well as in the package, is stored longer,” Andrey Mosov explains.
“In the range of our bakery there is a bread called “Otto” (translated from Italian - eight), because it stays fresh for up to eight days! says Vincenzo de Simone. It is baked with raw burato flour, which takes its name from the machine it is made with. This flour with unique taste and properties that allow bread to be stored longer.


The usual shelf life of bread is 24 to 72 hours. Bread without packaging is stored for no more than 48 hours. Long-term preservation, most likely, indicates the presence of preservatives in the composition. So that the bread does not spoil ahead of time and retains its taste qualities, do not keep products from different types of flour together. The best way storage of bread - wrap in a cloth and put in a dry place.

Homemade bread as an alternative to store bought

If you want to keep everything under control, you can cook your bread in the oven or bread machine. " Homebaked bread can be appetizing, tasty and healthy if you use high quality raw materials, confirms Vincenzo de Simone. - In our market there is a large selection of organic flour, as well as bread mixes that contain only natural ingredients so all you have to do is decide how much time and creativity you want to put into making your own bread.”


It is better to knead the dough yourself, with warm hands, and for at least ten minutes. Also make sure the bread is well baked. Raw, as well as hot bread "only from the oven" is unhealthy.

Today, no one can name the exact date of the appearance of bread in the human diet, but most scientists believe that people got the first bread by chance, more than 15,000 years ago. Once, in search of food, people turned their attention to grains of cereals. At first they collected them and ate them, then they noticed that the grain that accidentally fell into the ground germinates, and much more grains are obtained. So people began to grow cereals and eat them.

Gradually, people learned how to grind grain, cook cereals, cereal mash and stews, and then cakes and bread. According to archaeologists, baked bread appeared about 7,000 years ago, when part of the cereal mash accidentally spilled onto the stones of the hearth and baked.

Thousands of years have passed since then, and today baking bread is a real art. More than one book can be written about the history of bread, and there are so many varieties of bread in the world that it is easy to get lost in their abundance. After all, only in Russia there are several hundred of them, and new ones appear all the time: Russians have always considered bread to be their main food, and not just food, but a symbol of prosperity and well-being. What is worth only one Russian custom - to greet dear and honored guests, respected people, new settlers and newlyweds with bread and salt. With bread - always happiness.

However, in last years they began to write a lot and talk about the fact that bread is not so useful, and even advise to exclude bread from your diet.

Let's try to figure out what this opinion is based on? Wheat grain is a product unique in its composition, which has collected almost the entire periodic table. It contains many vitamins: A, E, F, vitamins of group B and others; a large number of minerals: copper, selenium, magnesium, cobalt, zinc, chlorine, sodium, silicon, manganese, potassium, iodine - it would take a long time to list.

However, all these substances useful and necessary for a person are contained only in the shell of the grain and its germ. Unfortunately, in the process of modern grain processing, it is this most valuable part of it that goes to waste, and what remains is mainly starch and calories, which make up the highest grade white flour, which is considered elite.

Soft and fluffy white bread is baked from this flour, as well as rolls and other delicious products that look so beautiful on our table. From all contained in raw grain hardly 30% of vitamins and minerals remain in such flour, and they become practically inactive after two weeks. As a result, empty calories and starch, which have no nutritional value, begin to predominate in our diet. life force, however, contributing to the accumulation of excess fat in the body.

Most doctors and nutritionists believe that many diseases arise and develop precisely due to the use of white bread from high-grade flour. If we take into account what other food products have become today, as well as the fact that we are all used to eating with bread, it becomes quite clear what the opinion about the dangers of eating bread is based on. People who constantly eat white bread and products made from premium flour are much more likely to develop and worsen cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, endocrine and oncological diseases.

In one of the developed countries, a study was recently conducted in which more than 60,000 middle-aged women took part. The results of the study showed that in women whose diet was dominated by white bread and products made from premium flour, diabetes developed almost three times more often than those who included in their diet foods rich in fiber and containing few easily digestible carbohydrates.

It was noted that the factor of heredity, motor activity and body weight did not affect the development of the disease in any way - everything depended only on the diet. In short, we can say that the constant consumption of white bread leads to serious disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, the consequence of which is the development of type II diabetes.

Fortunately, today, as noted above, there are a lot of varieties of bread, so we have plenty to choose from. The main thing is to learn how to choose the right bread. Bread with addition rye flour- gray bread, digested more slowly, and contains more useful substances than white bread. Therefore, it does not have such a harmful effect on our health.

However, the healthiest bread is bran bread.. Bran has the ability to absorb toxins and allergens, help strengthen the immune system, supply our body with fiber, valuable proteins and vitamins. People who prefer bread with bran are much less likely to suffer from gastrointestinal diseases, overweight and atherosclerosis, since this bread contains a lot of nicotinic acid, which is necessary for the body to prevent these diseases.

Bran contains healthy dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, and therefore nutritionists often prescribe them as a supplement to medical nutrition patients with hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and cholelithiasis, constipation and obesity. Bran is added to cereals, meat and fish meals, soups, and also prepare a decoction of bran - valuable vitamin drink. You can use bran and in kind, after frying them in the oven and steaming with boiling water.

Unleavened bread is also very useful for hop starter . It has a mild sleeping pill, as well as anti-inflammatory, choleretic and expectorant effects, helps to increase appetite and normalize the menstrual cycle in women.

How to choose the right bread? Of course, first you need to pay attention to it appearance, color and shape. Bread should be even, without cracks, of normal color: for example, Rye bread should be an even dark brown color, and white buns should be golden; the shape of the bread must be correct, and the bread itself must not include foreign undesirable formations, such as black soot containing carcinogenic substances.

The label must indicate the expiration date and information about the manufacturer. Try to buy bread and bakery products from well-known brands with a good reputation in the market. In this case, you can be sure that not only the composition of the product, but also the entire production process, and the personnel of the enterprise are carefully checked and controlled.

Remember what can cause bread defects. If you once bought a low-quality product, try not to buy bread from this manufacturer again. So, an extraneous taste and smell of bread can be caused by both impurities and non-compliance with the rules for storing products: flour, yeast and fats. If the bread has a pale crust, and the crumb is sticky and creased, then, most likely, flour was used for baking that did not have the necessary baking properties.