Benefits and harms of peanut butter. Harmful properties of the product

Peanut butter is very popular in America, but in our country it also began to gain an army of fans as soon as it appeared on store shelves. What it is? This is a pleasant-tasting mass made from crushed roasted peanuts dream large quantity salt and sugar (some manufacturers). Our discussion today will be devoted to this product. So, what is peanut butter, what is the calorie content of the product? Also let's say if harm is possible peanut butter and how is it useful, and also, what is it eaten with?

The chemical composition of the paste

What is remarkable chemical composition peanut butter? In fact, this product is rich in vitamins, trace elements, fatty acids, protein and fiber. These components together provide the body with the elements necessary for health.

Fatty acids are the basis of all processes in the body, thanks to them cell renewal takes place, the work of all body systems is improved. The product contains vitamins - C, D, E, A, B. A wide variety of trace elements and minerals are present - calcium, fluorine, zinc, potassium, iron, iodine, bromine, molybdenum and other valuable substances.

Coarse dietary fiber is another component that ensures the normal functioning of the intestines and plays a role in its cleansing of toxins. A product with such a composition is undoubtedly of interest to people who care about their health. Want to learn more about the health benefits of peanut butter?

Benefits of Peanut Butter

Those who have already tried beneficial features peanut butter, speak positively about it. First, it has a high nutritional value. If in the morning you eat a piece of bread smeared with a nut mass, then the feeling of satiety and good health remain for a long time.

This product allows you to digestive processes, cleanse the intestines of toxins. It promotes the removal of bad cholesterol, cleansing blood vessels. That's why it is good to eat it (in small quantities) for people with diseases of cardio-vascular system. Peanut butter regulates hormone levels and exhibits excellent antioxidant properties. It is useful to include it in the menu for beriberi, especially when it comes to a lack of vitamin D in the body.

This product has a beneficial effect on liver cells and helps to normalize the outflow of bile. For people who adhere to vegetarianism, this product will replace meat, because it contains so much protein. With reduced immunity, it is also worth eating this delicacy.

Depressed and people with medical conditions nervous system Peanut butter will help too. The high content of antioxidants in the product contributes to the prolongation of youth, and the presence of folic acid makes it useful for women. All the benefits of this delicacy are evident. But he also has negative qualities, let's see what.

Can Peanut Butter Be Harmful to Your Health??

Despite such a wide variety of useful properties, peanut butter can be harmful for some people. Why? This is an allergenic product. If you have already had an allergic reaction to nuts, most likely to peanut butter, you will also have it.

The second reason why this delicacy is somewhat harmful is the high calorie content. It is not advisable for overweight people to eat it, except perhaps just a little bit. If you suffer from gout, arthritis or arthrosis, you should refrain from this delicacy.

calories in peanut butter and nutritional value

We remind readers of "Popular about Health" that peanut butter is quite nutritional product. Its calorie content is almost 604 kcal per 100 grams. The content of carbohydrates in the product is about 15 percent, fat - 48, and protein - 22.5 percent.

Athletes really appreciate the high-calorie and protein-rich product and use it every day. High nutritional value nutty snack, perhaps, its only drawback, because after eating it once, you want to eat more, but no one needs excess calories.

What do you eat peanut butter with??

If you are a fan of peanut butter, you should know that without harm to health, it is allowed to use it in the amount of one tablespoon per day. This is just about as much as you can put on one piece of bread. More than that won't do any good. They eat this delicacy, mainly with toast or fresh bread. Dieters eat pasta spread over rye bran briquettes. It turns out very tasty and healthy!

Some people add this product to baked goods such as muffins or cookie dough. And the most daring chefs even add nut mass to the pan while frying the fish so that it does not stick to the bottom. It is put in milk porridge, in smoothies, in casseroles, in various sauces when they want to give them an unusual nutty taste, as well as in dressing for vegetable salads. In fact, there are many variations on how to eat peanut treats. For example, those who make it at home on their own add garlic to the product to make it savory snack. They say it's very tasty.

You can also experiment by adding this product to different dishes, or eat it with bread or fruit. Most importantly, remember daily dose- no more than a tablespoon a day. Although, it's so hard to stop if you have an open jar of nutty treats in front of you!

Peanut paste- juicy and fragrant dessert, made from dried and roasted . Studies have shown that this dessert is incredibly healthy for those who consume it every day. This is especially true for homemade peanut butter without added sugar, salt or fat.

Unlike expensive nuts such as, and, peanuts are inexpensive, and their benefits for our body are similar. This nutritious yet high-calorie food can be a healthy addition to almost any diet if eaten in moderation.

Useful and medicinal properties

Many mistakenly believe that the peanut is a nut, but it is a plant belonging to the family. This is where the advantage of peanut-based products lies. In addition to their wonderful palatability, peanut butter contains vital nutrients that are needed by the body.

Regular use leads to results:
  • reducing the risk of diabetes;
  • absence of heart disease;
  • reducing the occurrence of cancer;
  • absence of degenerative nervous diseases;
  • control of Alzheimer's disease;
  • reduction of hypertension;
  • reduced risk of contracting viral and fungal infections.

First of all, the beneficial properties lie in the incredibly nutritious composition of peanut butter. For example, this product contains a large amount of protein. Our body uses the amino acids found in protein foods to build and repair muscle tissue.

Protein-rich foods such as peanut butter, maintain a feeling of satiety longer. Nutritionists recommend drinking a glass of milk in addition to peanut butter, because the paste contains an incomplete set of amino acids.

It's a nice addition to breakfast. reduces cholesterol levels because the fats in peanut butter are almost equal to those in olive oil. These unsaturated fats are well absorbed by the body, positively affecting the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

The unsaturated fats in peanut butter lower bad cholesterol levels and increase circulation of good cholesterol. In addition, unsaturated fats improve insulin sensitivity. Studies have shown that a higher intake of peanuts and peanut-based products reduces the risk of type II diabetes.

Peanut butter contains enough fiber to help supplement your intake of this nutrient from other foods. Fiber helps regulate the digestive system to promote healthy bowel movements, and like protein, fiber helps keep you feeling full longer between meals. Fiber also helps in the fight against heart disease, diabetes and obesity.

Chemical composition and calorie content of peanut butter

People who consume peanut butter on a regular basis supply the body with high content protein, fats (polyunsaturated and monounsaturated) and fiber. Although this product is considered to be very high-calorie (576.4 kcal), these figures do not affect the figure in any way.

How much in peanut butter proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU)(in grams per 100 g of product):

Peanut butter contains a decent amount niacin- a water-soluble vitamin. The body needs niacin because this vitamin is necessary for the functioning of the digestive system, the health of the nerves and the skin. Nicotinic acid also helps convert food into energy and improves blood circulation.

vitamins(mg per 100 g of product):

Among the minerals, peanut butter contains a lot of potassium, an element that maintains electrolyte balance in the body. At the same time, potassium, unlike sodium, does not affect the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Minerals(mg per 100 g):

This is why pasta is a valuable addition to a balanced diet when eaten in moderation.

How to use for weight loss

Due to its high content of protein, fiber and healthy fats, peanut butter has become a favorite product. losing weight and athletes. This product, rich in all essential nutrients, allows you to keep the body, brain and nervous system in shape.

There is even diet dedicated to this product, which allows you to enjoy the sweet taste every day, while satisfying the feeling of hunger, supplying the body with everything necessary and eliminating the need for sweets.

Of course, food doesn't magically make you lose weight, but if you add a couple of tablespoons of peanut butter to your current meal plan, then those extra pounds will slowly leave the body. At the same time, it is necessary to change eating habits, reducing portion sizes and focusing on lean proteins, whole grains and fresh vegetables.

How to make peanut butter at home

To get a healthy and tasty peanut dessert, just mix the products in a blender in the following proportion:
  • peanuts - 200 g;
  • salt - 0.5 g;
  • - 2 tablespoons;
  • - 3 tbsp.

In the store, you can buy already roasted peanuts without salt or cook it yourself.

The cooking sequence is simple:

  1. Put the washed and peeled peanuts in one layer on a baking sheet and put in the oven for 7 minutes.
  2. Place the cooled peanuts in a blender and grind to a powder.
  3. Turn off the blender and scrape the powder off the sides.
  4. Add salt, honey and oil and grind again to a paste.

If the product turns out to be too thick, you can safely add water to it and mix again. If you make the mass too thick, then you will no longer have a paste, but peanut butter.

What do you eat peanut butter with?

Sandwiches with peanut butter– a healthy classic breakfast, especially if present whole wheat bread. However, this dessert is not only spread on bread, but also added to all kinds of dishes. Since it is recommended to consume peanut butter directly in the morning, it can be added to or any other cereal.

All kinds of fruits and berries are perfectly combined with this product: banana, grapes, apple and pear. Also, peanut butter is perfect for snacking with fresh vegetables such as cucumbers, celery or carrots.

Pasta can not only eat but also drink. If you mix a little peanut butter, milk and frozen bananas in a blender, you get a very tasty and satisfying cocktail.

How to choose a good product

Peanut butter prepared with minimal addition of other ingredients has a red-brown color, a characteristic nutty taste and a sweetish aroma. However, not every store-bought peanut butter is created equal. Dietitians strongly recommend study the composition product before buying or make your own pasta at home.

How to use the product

No matter how tasty and healthy pasta is, you should not exceed the daily intake. Nutritionists recommend eating up to two tablespoons pasta in the morning.

Features of storing peanut butter

So that the paste continues to keep its useful qualities, it must be placed in the refrigerator, tightly closing the lid. This is how it is stored no more than two months.

Harm and contraindications

Allergy on peanuts and, accordingly, peanut butter is one of the main risk factors associated with the use of this product. Allergy symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, anaphylactic shock, asthma, and angioedema.

In the absence of timely treatment of anaphylactic shock, the result can be fatal. According to a study, about 3 million people are currently allergic to peanut butter.

All in all, peanut butter is great for those planning to drive. healthy lifestyle, seeks to lose weight or get a lean body through regular exercise. The minimum set of contraindications accompanies the safe use of this product.

Do you buy peanut butter or do you prefer to make it at home? Do you like this variety of healthy and sweet dessert or do you prefer other products?

Nuts are a very valuable and almost indispensable product for people trying to maintain their health in good condition. They are also the basis of nut butter, which can be easily and simply prepared at home. In this article, we will learn more about the beneficial properties of pastes from different types nuts, as well as options for their preparation.

Our ancestors of the era of gathering appreciated the beneficial properties of nuts. Each type of this product has unique properties, but they are united by their saturation with a huge amount of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium and protein (16-25% of the composition).

One of the popular uses of nuts in food is nut butter. Nuts in this dish main ingredient, therefore, its quality depends on them. In order not to spoil the taste of the pasta, it is better to take fresh nuts without any foreign smell, not fried, but dried. Such a dish will not be stored for a very long time, but it will retain all the useful substances.

Nut butter has the following useful properties:

  1. The product is quite high in calories, so able to saturate the body with a large amount of energy. For this reason, people with overweight Desserts should be kept to a minimum.
  2. Nut paste is great way prevention of possible diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  3. This delicacy is the source a large number protein. Regular use of the paste can positively affect muscle tone, so it often becomes a true friend of athletes and people leading an active lifestyle. Also, according to scientists, nut paste with frequent and regular use has a positive effect on the production of testosterone, which provokes burning extra pounds and turn them into muscles.
  4. Nuts consist of substances capable of qualitatively and quickly converting fats and carbohydrates into energy, which ultimately conditionsweight normalization.
  5. Nut paste is excellent remedy for people who restore their strength after a protracted illness.
  6. Nuts are double the calories wheat bread. Regular use is excellent prevention of atherosclerosis, beriberi, salt deposition.
  7. Nuts have high level fiber, so favorably affect digestive system by normalizing the metabolism.
  8. pasta from walnuts favorably affects brain activity, therefore, it is especially useful to take it before the upcoming mental work.

Composition of nut butter

As already mentioned, nut butter is a unique product and its composition is extremely useful for human body:

  • A huge amount of vegetable protein. Compared to animal protein, there is no bad cholesterol in this form.
  • A large amount of fiber, which favorably affects the digestion process.
  • Nut paste contains many vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, E, PP, B2, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, zinc. For this reason, the paste is especially useful for pregnant women and women with problems in the reproductive system.
  • Elements that rejuvenate the body and purify the blood.
  • Nut paste can boost immunity.

Features of the preparation of nut butter

In connection with unique taste this product, there are many in the world different options recipes for this dish. We will try to figure out how to make nut butter as healthy and unforgettably tasty as possible.

This dish is prepared from various types of nuts:

  • peanut
  • almond
  • pistachios
  • hazelnuts
  • cashew nuts
  • pecan
  • walnut
  • pine nuts

There are options for mixing several types, frying, drying or processing nuts - it all depends on preferences and the desired effect on the body.

Usually, the main and common action for all recipes is grinding nuts in a blender to a state homogeneous mass. Flavorings and sweeteners, often found in the purchased version of the dish, add a special taste and aroma. The following additives can make the taste brighter and richer:

  • cinnamon
  • cocoa or chocolate
  • orange and lemon peel
  • vanilla sugar
  • sesame
  • coconut
  • pumpkin seeds or seeds
  • maple syrup
  • cardamom

All these ingredients go well with nut butter, complement the taste, and therefore are an excellent object for culinary experiments.

Another ingredient in the paste is different kinds vegetable oil:

  • coconut
  • olive
  • sunflower
  • rapeseed

Harm of nut butter

Despite the benefits of nut butter, there is still a cohort of people who can be harmed by this dessert to some extent. Of course, low-quality nut butter from the store, stuffed with harmful additives, dyes and flavor enhancers is harmful to everyone.

Also contribute harmful effects the following properties of the paste can also affect the human body:

  1. In connection with the addition of vegetable oil to the pasta and a fairly rich amount of fat in the composition of nuts, the pasta is very high in calories and fatty. With regular excessive use, it can cause the appearance of extra pounds and related health problems.
  2. A large amount of sugar contained in the paste with nuts.
  3. Nuts are a very allergenic product, so you need to eat it with caution.

Optimal daily rate of this dessert - about 6 teaspoons a day - will protect you from possible negative consequences.

Chocolate Nut Butter: Recipe

For the inveterate sweet tooth, we offer a recipe in which the taste of nuts is complemented by chocolate. Hazelnut, almond and chocolate paste can appease the desires of even the most demanding!

We will need:

  • Hazelnut - 350 g
  • Almonds - 120 g
  • Milk - ¼ cup
  • Cocoa - 120 g
  • Honey - 100 g
  • Vegetable oil - 2 teaspoons

Cooking process:

  1. We put the almonds and hazelnuts to dry in an oven preheated to 160 degrees
  2. Grind them with a blender to the state of butter
  3. Pour in honey, previously melted over low heat
  4. We fill the mixture with vegetable oil and rub it with a blender for a few more minutes.
  5. Pour boiled milk, cocoa and continue whisking
  6. Pour in the remaining milk, mix and leave in the refrigerator

Healthy and appetizing delicacy is ready!

Homemade Peanut Butter: Recipe

Peanut butter at home differs from purchased options in knowing the composition, as well as the ability to experiment with proportions and ingredients. For example, sugar-free peanut butter is suitable for losing weight, and the stevia plant or other proven dietary sweeteners can serve as a useful substitute.


  • Peanuts - 300 g
  • Salt to taste
  • Olive oil - 35 ml
  • Stevia - 2 g

How to make peanut butter:

  1. We put the peanuts in the oven preheated to 160 degrees until it becomes dry. You can also dry it in a pan. We clean the peanuts from the film and grind in a blender.
  2. Refueling olive oil and keep on beating.
  3. Add salt to taste, stevia and grind until smooth. Leave the dish to chill in the refrigerator.

Peanut butter is ready! There are a lot of options on how to make peanut butter, depending on the desired taste and calorie content. Performing similar operations, while adding sugar, chocolate, honey, cinnamon, the taste of the delicacy will change slightly. Don't be afraid to experiment until you get the best result!

Peanut butter calories

The recipe presented by us is quite dietary. The energy value product: about 600 kcal per 100 g of product.

The composition of peanut butter per 100 g includes:

  • about 25 g proteins (17%)
  • 51 g fat (76%)
  • 11 g carbohydrates (7%)

Peanut butter: benefits and harms

This type of delicacy is saturated with many vitamins and minerals, including:

  • B vitamins (B9, B5, B1, B2)
  • choline
  • RR, K, E
  • selenium
  • sodium
  • magnesium
  • phosphorus
  • iron
  • calcium

Pasta is able to quickly saturate the body with energy, reducing the feeling of hunger. It is especially useful to eat this dessert for breakfast, saturating the body for a long time without harm to health.

Pasta can have a negative effect on the body in cases of use by overweight people, patients with gout, arthrosis or arthritis. To prevent its negative impact on the body, it is worth adhering to the daily norm: 30 g per day, that is, one tablespoon.

Almond Paste: Recipe

Almond paste has earned the title of one of the most delicious among such pastes. At the same time, it is done quite simply and consists of a small number of products.


  • Almonds - 2 cups
  • Egg white - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Oil - 4 tbsp. l.

Cooking process:

  1. We peel the almonds dried in the chosen way. Grind nuts and sugar with a blender. Grind until the mass becomes a powder.
  2. Beat in the resulting mixture of protein and softened butter. Continue whisking until smooth.
  3. Leave the dish in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Pasta is ready!

Cooked almond paste at home will surely delight you and your loved ones with its unforgettable taste and beneficial properties!

Almond paste: benefits and harms

Useful properties of the paste include:

  • the ability to quickly saturate the body with energy
  • the presence of vitamins of groups B, E, A, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, folic acid
  • a large amount of protein
  • complete absence of cholesterol

Harmful due to huge amount fat in the composition - about 50% (10% of which are considered harmful to the body), it can be for diabetics and overweight people. It is also worth considering: the calorie content of almond paste is much higher than that of others, and is about 500 kcal per 100 g of product.

Cashew Paste: Recipe

The cashew nut, even in its natural form, is able to strike on the spot with its unforgettable delicate and sweet taste, and the paste made from it has a more saturating taste, reminiscent of butter cream. Consider one of the fast and delicious options making this dessert.


  • Cashew nuts - 400 g
  • Coconut shavings or pulp - 200 g
  • Coconut milk and water - optional


  1. Grind pre-drained cashews in a blender to a paste.
  2. Add coconut pulp, shavings or water to the paste (it is better to give preference to the pulp, which can quickly bring the mixture to a pasty state). You can also add coconut milk as a liquid.
  3. Grind until cooked and put in the refrigerator, where it should be stored.
  4. A simple and delicious delicacy is ready to delight your stomachs!

Cashew paste: benefits and harms

This nut has the following beneficial properties:

  1. The fatty acids contained in nuts are able to normalize the cardiovascular system.
  2. It differs from other types of cashew nuts in saturation with a large amount of B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on metabolism and blood cholesterol levels.
  3. The composition of cashews includes many vitamins and minerals (iron, calcium, phosphorus, zinc), which contribute to the fight against anemia, digestive problems, hypovitaminosis.

So that cashew paste does not harm the body and does not appear with extra pounds on the body, you need to eat it moderately: the daily norm is 50 g. Also, this product is allergenic, so if you have alarming symptoms, you should stop using the paste and consult a doctor. Cashews are not recommended for people with liver and kidney disease.

Nut paste will become an indispensable product in your kitchen, and possible options its preparations will make the delicacy varied, which will never bother you and your loved ones. This product is also capable of not only sweetening homemade cakes and add flavor to salads, but it will also be a great gift for no reason, the value of which is doubled, because it is prepared with your own hands!

Video: Chocolate Peanut Butter Recipe

Peanut butter is a high-calorie and highly nutritious product that is very popular in the Americas. With a vegetarian lifestyle, it is a worthy alternative to meat.


Peanut butter is made from roasted peanuts, a peanut from the legume family. The cultural homeland of peanuts is South America. It is authentically known that pasta was invented in 1890 by an American dietitian who was looking for an alternative diet for vegetarians. It turned out that peanuts are rich in proteins and vitamins necessary for the body. Soon the product gained such popularity that it was mass-produced.

Then the technology for making peanut butter was different from the modern one: the nuts were ground after they were boiled, which led to the loss of the characteristic flavor of the paste. After obtaining the first patent for the manufacture of paste, special crushers for grinding peanuts appeared on sale, which made it possible to make paste at home.

K. Sumner, a large merchant who owns large trading floors in St. Louis, took up the mass promotion of pasta to the market. He introduced the product in 1904 at the National Universal Exhibition. By 1922, the pasta production technology had changed somewhat, its shelf life increased to one year. This led to its spread outside of California. Soon, several more subspecies of this product appeared, among which, to this day, the popular “crunchy” pasta, to which sugar and finely chopped pieces of peanuts are added after cooking, and the classic creamy paste.

Today, the United States is the main exporter of peanut butter, and its production takes half of the country's total crop. Only Chile and Argentina can compete with America in the production of peanut butter.

Depending on the duration of grinding the mass, you can make different types peanut butter. classic pasta is a mixture of peeled ground nuts, a small amount salt and sugar, vegetable oil and all kinds of additives that ensure the stability of the consistency. Now on the shelves you can see pasta with the addition of candied fruits, coconut flakes, chopped nuts, cream pastes, pastes without sugar or salt, etc.

According to statistics, about 40 million Americans consume peanut butter every day. A high-quality paste should have a uniform creamy texture, with a characteristic aroma and taste of freshly roasted peanuts. Its color can vary from light brown to brown. Depending on the manufacturing technology, its shelf life is from six months to a year at a storage temperature of up to 20 degrees Celsius.

Traditionally, peanut butter is spread on bread or toast and eaten for breakfast along with milk, coffee or tea. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are popular in America. In cooking, it is used for making muffins and confectionery, it is also added to sauces and risotto to give them a nutty flavor.

Composition and benefits of peanut butter

In terms of nutritional value, peanuts are not inferior to such legumes as beans and peas. It contains a lot of vegetable protein, completely devoid of cholesterol, as well as vitamins PP, A, B1, B2, E. Peanuts contain folic acid, which promotes cell renewal and growth, fiber, macro- and microelements (zinc, iron, iodine, phosphorus , calcium, cobalt, potassium). It also contains antioxidants - substances that protect the cells of the body from the adverse effects of free radicals. This is what makes peanuts one of the most effective means in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. According to this indicator, it is on a par with blackberries and strawberries, yielding, perhaps, to the undisputed leader - a grenade. According to recent studies, regular consumption of peanut butter (within reasonable limits) reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by 15-20%.

The product undergoes cold processing during the manufacturing process, due to which the benefits of peanut butter are the same as those of peanuts. In it, just like in the nut itself, all the vitamins, fiber, macro- and microelements that are necessary for the full functioning of the body: the heart, liver, nervous system and other organs are preserved.

It is believed that the benefits of peanut butter is also to increase testosterone, which helps burn fat and build muscle tissue. A large amount of protein is an alternative to meat in a vegetarian lifestyle.

Among the stars of the modeling and show business, a peanut diet is popular, which enhances the feeling of satiety.

Harm of peanut butter

The first harm of peanut butter is its allergenicity. If a person suffers from allergies to certain types of nuts, then the paste must be consumed with great care.

The second harm of peanut butter is its high calorie and fat content, so it is not recommended to consume more than 3-4 tablespoons of this product per day.

When buying pasta, it is advisable to carefully study the composition of the paste so that it does not contain artificial flavors and harmful hydrogenated fats. Real peanut butter is a completely natural product.

- This is a high-calorie and very nutritious product, and its benefits for the human body are undeniable. Today I want to tell you, dear readers of my blog, why is peanut butter so useful? What is its harm, and is there any at all? Is it possible to use peanut butter for weight loss? And how to distinguish natural peanut butter from a fake? Well, let's get started.

Benefits of Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is made from roasted and crushed peanuts. This is the so-called "classic peanut butter". But most often you can find peanut butter with added sugar, salt and other ingredients ( coconut flakes, sugar syrup, honey, candied fruits, chopped nuts, etc.), so that everyone can find a paste for the soul. About additives and their effect on health benefits of peanut butter we will talk a little later, but now we will go directly to the consideration of its benefits.

Peanut butter contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals and other useful elements, and now we will find out what these substances are and how they affect our body.

1. Polyunsaturated fatty acids

100 g of peanut butter contains 38 g of polyunsaturated fatty acids which are essential for every human being.

Linoleic acid helps fight the development of sclerosis, lowers the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and protects the cells of the body from negative effects.

Folic acid contained in peanut butter is responsible for cell renewal and growth.

Omega 3/6/9 strengthen joints and accelerate the regeneration of joint tissues, improve brain function, act as a strong anti-inflammatory agent, improve anabolic and lipolytic processes in the body, etc.

2. Protein

Peanut butter is a high protein product that is great for vegetarians and vegans who do not consume animal protein. 100 g of peanut butter contains about 22-24 g of vegetable protein, which makes it a favorite of many athletes and professional athletes. Protein from peanut butter is perfectly absorbed by the body and goes to the structure of muscle tissue.

3. Vitamins and minerals

Benefits of Peanut Butter undoubtedly depends on the content in it of a large amount of vitamins of groups B, PP, E and K, as well as the presence of such minerals as: potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, cobalt, etc. (Fig. 1)

Rice. one The nutritional value peanut butter

Due to the high content of magnesium and zinc, peanut butter is very useful for people involved in sports, these minerals help strengthen the immune system and increase the body's endurance. And the iron content improves the body's metabolic processes and blood pressure.

4. Antioxidants

Polyphenols contained in peanut butter have a beneficial effect on the heart, reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Antioxidants also protect the cells of the body from the harmful effects of free radicals, and the aging process is much slower (girls should take note).

Here are some other health benefits of natural peanut butter:

- it increases the level of testosterone in the blood, which favorably affects both the process of losing weight and fat burning, as well as building muscle mass.

- it prevents deposition excess fat in the organs (with moderate consumption)

- it is a good tool for the prevention of diseases such as: hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, cholelithiasis, nervous disorders and etc.

Well, now let's move on to the other side of the coin and consider what harm such a super useful product like peanut butter.

Harm of peanut butter

In fact, there are very few disadvantages of peanut butter:

  1. High calorie content (and even then this is not always a minus);
  2. Product allergenicity
  3. Poor quality composition

Let's go through each item in more detail.

1. High calorie content

Peanut butter, as I said, is quite a highly nutritious and high-calorie product.

100 g of peanut butter contains 587.5 kcal!!! Of these, 24.1 g (~ 91.7 kcal) falls on proteins, 50 g (~ 458.8 kcal) on fats, and 21.6 g (~ 37 kcal) on carbohydrates.

Energy ratio (b|g|y): 15.6%|78.1%|6.3%

This indicator suggests that people who are obese or very overweight need to be extremely careful with the use of peanut butter.

2. Allergenicity of the product

Real harmful peanut butter May cause nut allergy. If you are allergic to all nuts or only to peanuts, then this product is contraindicated for you.

3. Low-quality composition

Well, the last point that we will consider, and which is really indicator No. 1 in determining the beneficial and harmful properties of peanut butter, is COMPOSITION. It is by the composition that we can say for sure whether this product is useful or harmful.

Let's compare two formulations of peanut butter from the same company:

Peanut butter "Edite bibite"

As we can see, in the first composition there are only 4 ingredients: directly peanuts themselves, salt vegetable oil and corn syrup . Such a composition is quite acceptable, and most importantly safe. All components, except for corn syrup, are natural, and therefore such peanut butter can be safely consumed without fear of harming your body.

But the situation is completely opposite with paste No. 2. In its composition, we already see 8 ingredients in the composition, and this is exactly 2 times more than in the previous version. I will not list the recurring ingredients, but the new ones that have appeared are still how.

So, the composition contains hydrogenated oils: rapeseed, cottonseed and soybean . It is these ingredients that should alert you and cause you to refuse to use this paste. All the benefits of peanut butter that we talked about earlier do not belong to this instance! This paste is not only not useful, but SUPER HARMFUL and even TOXIC. At regular use such peanut butter, which is 50% hydrogenated oils, serious health problems will begin over time. O harm palm oil and I wrote to him like him, you can, if you wish, familiarize yourself.

Maple Syrup and Natural Flavor (whose name, by the way, is not indicated, which raises doubts about its naturalness) add another +2 points to the harmfulness of this product.

It turns out that peanut butter No. 2 is not even close to peanut butter No. 1 of the same manufacturer. I think it will not be a secret for anyone if I say that pasta No. 2 costs 2 times cheaper than pasta No. 1. This is due precisely to its unnatural composition, which significantly reduces the cost of producing peanut butter, making it more accessible to the general population, and also extends the shelf life, which only plays into the hands of manufacturers. And that such a paste can stand in a supermarket for 24 months with room temperature and nothing will happen to her. REPRESENT 2 YEAR SHELF LIFE!!! Though natural peanut butter, made only from roasted peanuts, with possible addition vegetable oil, salt, sugar or honey, can be stored up to 6 months at a temperature not higher than +8 and only 2 months at room temperature. The difference, as you can see, is simply colossal! And natural peanut butter without added sugar and salt is even less - only up to 2 months in the refrigerator.

Examples of Good Peanut Butter Ingredients

(pictures are clickable)


What is the optimal serving of peanut butter per day?

1 st. l.- for those who lose weight.

1 st. l. + 1 tsp. - for those who maintain weight.

2 tbsp- for gaining mass.

In 1 tablespoon of peanut butter 35 grams. Of these, 8.8 g is protein, 17.9 g is fat, 3.7 g is carbohydrates.

In 1 teaspoon - 12 grams.Of these, 3 g - protein, 6.1 g - fats, 1.3 - carbohydrates.

When and with what is it better to use peanut butter?

Benefits of Peanut Butter, as we found out earlier, is rather big for the human body, which is why daily use it is only welcome in small doses.

Best of all, peanut butter is suitable for morning and afternoon intake.

Eating 1 tbsp / tsp for breakfast peanut butter, during the day you will be less drawn to carbohydrate and high-calorie food. Due high content in it dietary fiber and protein will keep you full for a long time.

In the morning, peanut butter can be added to your oatmeal or spread on bread and eat such a sandwich with tea or coffee.

Peanut butter is also good for a snack. It can be combined with fruits, simply by spreading it on a slice of apple or peach, it is also very convenient to spread it on toast or pita bread, add any fruit or avocado on top if desired and savor such a yummy with tea.

Here are a few options for pairing peanut butter with:

For dinner, peanut butter is not recommended for people suffering from excess weight, it is still quite high-calorie and contains a lot of fat, and in order to lose weight, fats (even healthy ones) are better not to be consumed at a later time. Those who are gaining weight can use 1 tbsp. add paste to low-fat cottage cheese so you get and healthy fats, and the cottage cheese will be absorbed better.

visual test

Natural peanut butter without the addition of "doubtful" oils and preservatives should have an even consistency (no lumps), the color can vary from cream to light brown. If cocoa or chocolate is added to the paste, then a dark brown tint is possible. On the top layer of the paste there should be no crust or peeling.


If the temperature regime for storing peanut butter (even natural) is not observed, natural exfoliation of the top layer of vegetable oil is possible.

How to make peanut butter at home?

Well, now that we have learned so much about benefits and harms of peanut butter, I suggest you learn how to make this delicacy yourself, especially since the cooking process does not require any serious costs and equipment on your part.


  • 500 g raw peanuts
  • 2 tbsp ground flaxseed or sesame seeds
  • 1 tbsp any vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the peanuts and turn on the oven to 180 degrees
  2. Spread the nuts evenly on a baking sheet and place them in the oven for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally
  3. Let the peanuts cool and remove all the husks (grind the nuts between your fingers)
  4. Pour peanuts and flax/sesame seeds into a blender and grind until fine crumbs (beat 1-1.5 minutes)
  5. Add to peanut mixture Coconut oil and continue to beat 2-3 more times for 1 minute, giving a little rest to the blender.
  6. After the peanut butter has reached the desired consistency, put it in a jar (preferably glass) and close the lid. Pasta is ready =)

You can store homemade peanut butter in the refrigerator (shelf life 2 months) or in a kitchen cabinet where the sun's rays do not penetrate (shelf life 1 month).

To add some flavor, you can add one of the following ingredients during the cooking process (step 6):

- honey - 1 tbsp.

- salt - 1 tsp

- agave syrup - 1-2 tbsp.

- cocoa - 1-2 tbsp.

- bitter chocolate - 20-30 g.

So you can experiment on your own different tastes, and each time to make peanut butter with a new taste.

But if you don't want to bother with this cooking process natural peanut butter, then you can always buy it in the shops of your city or online store. In my city it is very difficult to find really good natural peanut butter without the addition of hydrogenated vegetable oils, all supermarkets are littered with samples like the peanut butter number 2 discussed above. But for myself, I found the best way Option - I make my own peanut butter. You can watch my homemade peanut butter recipe in this video:

It seems everything! I hope I didn’t miss anything and told about all the nuances that are important when choosing real natural peanut butter. Now you know, is it possible to use peanut butter when losing weight, what are the harms and benefits of peanut butter, as well as how to make peanut butter at home. I hope these tips and tricks are helpful to you. If you liked this article, I would be very grateful if you share it with your friends =)

Sincerely yours, Yaneliya Skripnik!