Shaped bread (brick) according to GOST recipe with photo. be in shape

I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty tired of the plastic bread that is sold in our stores. Claims are not only about the taste of store-bought bread, I suspect that the composition of this bread is far from being as harmless as indicated on the label. I still remember the taste of the bread that was baked at bakeries according to the old state standards without the use of improvers and other additives.

While searching, I tried several recipes, including everyone's favorite, and found mine. perfect option. it shaped bread according to GOST prepared by sponge method.

The taste and texture of the crumb are very similar, to be more precise, identical with classic tin bread. The only thing that I could not repeat the form. But here everything is much more complicated. The fact is that special cone-shaped forms are used at bakeries for baking panned bread. This is how she looks

I don’t have such a mold and I use a non-stick rectangular mold with a volume of 1.5 liters. This size is perfect for this recipe. Since bread in the process of proofing and baking increases by almost 3 times.

To find out the volume of your form, pour water into it. The amount of water is equal to the volume of the mold.

Recipe for pan bread according to GOST


For steam:

250 ml warm water

220 g premium wheat flour

4 g yeast

For test:

280 g flour + 50 g for punching

100 ml warm water

For lubrication bowls of 3-5 ml vegetable oil

How to cook pan bread according to GOST photo recipe

1.Let's prepare the steam. Mix sifted flour and yeast.

Flour must be sifted, this will enrich it with oxygen and help the dough rise better, and the use of sifted flour will prevent foreign particles from entering the product.

2. Pour warm water into dry ingredients (water temperature 36 - 38⁰С). In order for the dough to knead without lumps, you need to add liquid to the flour, and not vice versa.

3. Knead batter, cover with a film or towel and leave in a warm place for 3.5 -4 hours. During this time, the dough will fit and increase in size by 2-3 times.

Ready dough

4. Making dough. Dissolve the salt and sugar in the remaining water. Add sugar-salt solution to the fermented dough, mix. Next, add the remaining flour and knead the dough.

5. Put the dough on a table sprinkled with flour and knead it until it stops sticking to your hands. A well-kneaded dough will return to its original shape when pressed lightly.

6. Grease a deep bowl vegetable oil, put the kneaded dough there and cover with a film. Leave it to rise in a warm place for 30-60 minutes. The dough proofing time depends on the room temperature. The dough will be ready to be molded when it has doubled in size.

Dough after proofing

7. Forming bread. Ready dough remove from the bowl to the table and let it rest a little, about 5 minutes. To prevent the dough from sticking to the table, the table can be greased with a small amount of flour.

Avoid using a large number of flour, as in this case, the finished bread will delaminate when sliced.

8. Roll out the dough into a 2 cm thick layer.

Roll up.

Place the shaped dough piece into a baking dish. If you don't have a non-stick pan, grease it with a little oil.

9. Leave the bread to rise for another 30 minutes. If the room is cool, the proofing time can be increased to 60 minutes. As a result, the dough piece should increase in size by almost 2 times.

Approached test piece

When the dough rises, it will form a beautiful cap. If you cover the dough with foil or a towel, the top of the dough will rest against the towel and beautiful shape may not work. To avoid this, I do not cover the dough, but so that its top does not wind, I put it in a cupboard.

10. Preheat the oven to 220⁰С and place a bowl of water on the bottom. The water from the bowl will evaporate and steam will form in the oven, which will provide our bread with a crispy crust.

11. We bake bread. After the dough piece has come up, put it in the oven and bake the pan bread for the first 20 minutes at a temperature of 220⁰С. Then reduce the heat to 200⁰С, remove the bowl of water and bake for another 20-30 minutes. The baking time depends on the characteristics of your oven.

Ready pan bread according to GOST It will be light in weight, and when tapped, make a hollow sound.

Enjoy your meal! I hope you enjoy this recipe.

pan bread

Alternative descriptions

. (korovai) in East Slavic mythology and rituals ritual round bread with decorations and a mythological creature, a symbol of fertility

Big round skate

Korovai, ritual round wheat bread among the Eastern Slavs. (ethnographic)

Large round bread

It is this word that some linguists associate with the ancient Indian expression "sacrificial bread", while others with the Russian word "cow"

. “between the Pechora mountains lies a liver bull, and in the belly the poppy is crushed, and in the side the knife is sharp” (riddle)

A bread product that has a birthday right of choice

Birthday cakes

A bakery product that is not advised to open your mouth

Bread for welcoming guests

counter bread

Birthday treat

. "we baked..."

Birthday gift

birthday bread

Pie as a birthday gift

Don't open your mouth on him

On someone else ... do not open your mouth

Russian round bread

Large Russian round bread

Bread baked in a Russian oven

Ritual dish among the Eastern Slavs

Another name for the Russian carpet

Guests were greeted with him in Russia

Bread in the form of a circle

Round Russian bread

As we baked on our birthday ...

. "choosing" bread

Baked for birthday

birthday bread

Large round bread

shaped bread

In Slavic mythology, a creature, a symbol of fertility

. "Choosing" bread

. "On someone else's ... do not open your mouth"

. "we baked..."

. "between the Pechora mountains lies a liver bull, and in the belly the poppy is crushed, and in the side the knife is sharp" (riddle)

Or korovai m. in general, unopened, whole bread, or kolob, kutyr, round lump. Loaf of bread, loaf of cheese, bacon, etc. Own. wheat bread in milk, with eggs and butter, baked in a loaf m. in a bowl with a wedge. Karavay, tamb. devichiik, because the loaf is served at a bachelorette party. Ryaz. unleavened bread, flatbread. Simb. novg. round chicken pie. Volzhsk boulder; or rounded pitfall. Loaf, loaf, loaf, loaf will diminish. the loaf is contemptuously, the loaf is enlarged. Karavaets m. tul. steep porridge baked in a bowl, patch and thrown out. Loaves of ryaz. wheat pancakes. Karavashka m. arch. bread made from a mixture of rye and barley flour. My loaf into the oven as a quail, from the oven as a stalk! i.e. more; sentenced at a wedding feast when a loaf is taken out. Good and honor and glory, and better than that lard loaf. Earned hunk is better than a stolen loaf. Loaf is not on the snout. Pie in front, loaf in back, double-humped. Don’t sing your mouth at someone else’s loaf (don’t pout your lips), but get up early and rub your own (start). Children playfully bake loaves of sand. Start a loaf of bread from the head, from the protruding edge. Loaf, related to the loaf. Karavaechnik m. caravan worker m. who bakes loaves, sells them. Karavaychenok m. old. caravan assistant. Loaf, wedding rank, who wears a loaf. The loaves, which are either dissolved, loosened, kneaded and bake a wedding loaf, with rituals, songs. Karavayka sandpiper; the black sandpiper, the Ibis bird, or the seaside sandpiper Tantalus fascinell. Karavaikin, she belongs

It is this word that some linguists associate with the ancient Indian expression "sacrificial bread", while others with the Russian word "cow"

How we baked on our birthday

", I sent the recipe for Stolichny bread there too.

“Stolichny” is another rye-wheat Russian bread according to GOST of our blog, 2017 version. This bread is traditionally baked in a hearth and pan. We'll start with a simpler form option.

The recipe according to GOST contains a small amount of yeast, but we will use only homemade rye sourdough spontaneous fermentation.

Bread tastes very pleasant and quite neutral, well suited for everyday use.

At the end of the text of the post - VIDEO, filmed by us according to this recipe.

In our family, we love this bread very much and bake it often.

Two loaves of Stolichny with spelled: in the foreground is a photo of bread with sifted whole grain flour, bread in the background is on white spelled (flour bran is screened out by the manufacturer):

According to GOST, Stolichny bread is baked from rye peeled flour and wheat flour of the 1st grade, their percentage ratio is 50% to 50%. With this ratio, the effect of wheat flour gluten on the behavior of the dough is very large.

The name of GOST sounds like this: "GOST 26984-86". The weight of finished loaves according to these specifications, hearth and molded, is recommended to be the same and ranges from 850 g to one kilogram.

If we recall what other domestic varieties of bread exist with the same percentage of rye and wheat flour, we can list:

- “Table” with 50% peeled rye and 50% wheat flour of the 2nd grade,
- "Kievskiy" with 50% seeded rye flour and 50% whole grain wheat,
- "Ukrainian New" with 50% peeled rye and 50% wheat flour of the 2nd grade,
- “Ukrainian” 50% peeled rye and 50% wheat whole grain.

Bread "Table" differs from "Ukrainian New" only in 3% of added sugar in relation to the weight of flour.

Against the background of these varieties, “Capital” is the most “delicate”, thanks to minimum quantity bran in peeled rye flour and wheat flour 1st grade included. This type of bread can compete in this quality only with “Kievskiy”, the taste of which is also softened by tea leaves.

Our innovation is that instead of wheat flour of the 1st grade, we use sifted whole-grain spelled flour, but you can also take flour spelled white.
These types of flour can be domestic and imported type or ITALIAN WHOLE GRAIN spelt, or German DINKEL 630 spelled flour, or Swiss SPELTA type 720 flour, or French WHITE SPELL type 70.

Spelled flour domestic for this bread recipe (even sifted) according to GOST Stolichny with 50% white flour, we use DO NOT RECOMMEND , the loaf of such rye-spelt bread will turn out to be too low, and the crumb and crust are very rough.

Soon on the Culinary blog (a link will be given here, sorry, lack of time, this shortened post about baking on wheat flour will be released at the end of April) there will be an abbreviated version of the post with other photos about Stolichny baking only using wheat flour of the 1st grade " Divinka".

Spelled and spelled contain more minerals, trace elements, proteins than wheat, and the protein in their composition is easier to digest due to the fact that it is water-soluble. And also these types of cereals are hypoallergenic, so replacing wheat flour with them is expedient, from our point of view.

The evolution of the wheat cereal has led to the fact that wheat has acquired the qualities that it has today; this happened mainly in the 20th century due to breeding work (breeders gave wheat qualities that were by no means the best for both digestion and human health in general, breeding was aimed at enhancing only the baking qualities of wheat flour), so replacing wheat flour with spelled or spelled does not carry any deep contradictions, only when using these slags in their existing variety, it is necessary to make the right choice.

To implement the recipe in the video and in the post, we used organic spelled flour with bran screened by us from the Black Bread manufacturer, Whole grain spelled flour.

Calorie content and composition per 100 g of bread.:

150.89 kcal

Proteins: 8.62 gr

Fats: 0.90 gr

Carbohydrates: 28.85 gr

Added Sugar: None in this baked goods

So, in total for 2 loaves weighing 850-900 grams, we need:

530 gr rye flour

530 g of wheat flour of the 1st grade or spelled whole grain flour with screened bran

16 gr salt
- 32 g of sugar (sugar was not introduced in the baking option on the video)

700 gr water


190 gr on peeled rye flour 100% moisture


190 gr mature sourdough with 100% moisture content on peeled rye flour

308 gr peeled rye flour

288 grams of water

Total: 786 gr


786 gr sourdough

128 gr peeled rye flour

530 g wheat flour of the 1st grade or spelled flour with sifted bran, or white spelled

318 gr of water (+40+60 gr) for tin
- 32 g of sugar

16 gr salt

Total: 1778 gr

From the equipment we need:

Cooking Scales

Household thermometer

Teflon spatula

cling film

Nylon extra fine mesh sieve

Plastic dough divider with rounded edge

2nd baking molds L6 or L7

At the stages of dough fermentation, we need 2 bowls:

For sourdough - not less than 1.5 l

- for dough and dough - not less than 5 l

We will also need: either underfloor heating, or a proofing cabinet, or a heater to maintain the temperature regime.


If you are fermenting at a low temperature, as we are doing it, at 16-18 degrees. C, spend several cycles of its refreshment.

For example: 3 hours at 30 degrees. C - 1 time per day (20 g of sourdough: 40 g of peeled rye flour: 40 g of water);

3 hours at 30 degrees. C - 1 time in the evening (20 g of sourdough: 40 g of rye flour: 40 g of water);

9 hours at 25 degrees. C - 1 time, from night to morning (30 g of sourdough: 90 g of peeled rye flour: 90 g of water).

You should end up with 190g (210g total) STARTERS at the peak of activity.

1. It is possible not to refresh the starter with the above method in several stages, if we are doing it in the summer or at room temperature.

To start the starter the night before, mix all the ingredients according to the recipe (last step of the scheme). Dilute starter in water, add flour and stir with a spatula.

We leave sourdough on 9 hours at temp. 25 deg. FROM or 12 hours at temp. 22 deg. FROM . First you need to close the bowl with the sourdough with cling film.

2. Knead in the morning SPARU. To do this, mix all the ingredients of the recipe. Dissolve the starter in water, then add the flour and mix thoroughly with a spatula or a large spoon. If necessary, continue kneading with your hands.

Leave the brew for fermentationfor 3.5-4 hours at temp. 28-30 degrees. FROM . It is necessary to cover the bowl with the dough with cling film.

During this time, the dough should increase by about 2 times, and the first bubbles should appear on the surface.

3. When the dough is ready, knead DOUGH.

To do this, you need to combine all the ingredients of the recipe. If you are using spelled flour with sifted bran instead of white spelled, sift it through a fine nylon sieve ahead of time.

Dilute the dough in water, and then add flour and salt to this liquid. Stir a little with a spatula, then continue kneading with your hands. Knead the dough with your hands for 4 minutes, or in the HP for 8 minutes, or with a dough mixer at medium speed for 4-5 minutes.
During this time, gluten should develop, the dough should gather into a lump, if this does not happen, then let the dough rest for 10 minutes, and then knead with your hands again, laying it on the board. When kneading, set aside a little flour for dusting the board during molding, only 25-30 gr.

4. leave DOUGH on the risefor 3-3.5 hours at a temp. 28-30 degrees . FROMin a bowl covered with clingfilm. The dough should double in volume. Keep an eye on the volume of the test, it may come up earlier.

5. Sprinkle the working surface with flour, we have this flour set aside even before kneading the dough, only 25-30 gr.

It is also better to sprinkle your hands with a little flour. You can mold the dough on any work surface, the main thing is not on metal or tile (they will greatly cool the dough).

I have a special wooden board 60 * 60 cm in size for molding. If you often bake bread, it makes sense to get one.
You can also lay a silicone mat, then dusting it with flour is not required.

6. FORMING dough in the form of a bar (this approach in shaping rye-wheat bread allows us to realize gluten from wheat flour): to do this, put the dough on the work surface using a rounded plastic dough divider from a bowl, knead a little " light hand"the dough in the form of a thick cake, then collect the edges of the cake" in a circle "in the castle" with literally six movements, you will get almost a ball of dough, stretch it into a bar equal to the width of the form with rolling movements.

Lay the bar in the form of a cylinder, seam down, in a mold previously greased with a thick layer of butter or ghee, pork fat (in lean version making bread grease the form with peanut butter or special professional baking grease for forms!!!).

If the workpiece lay unevenly in the mold, it can be slightly molded with a spatula, it is not necessary to wet the spatula.

Spray the workpiece with water.

7. BAKE at a temperature230 deg. C with steam 15 min., 45 min. at temp. 180 deg. FROMwithout steam on the pizza stone, on the middle rack of the oven.

Preheat the oven for 40 minutes. at a temperature of 230 degrees. FROM.

To get steam inside the oven, I pour a glass of boiling water into a saucer and place it on the bottom of the oven. After 15 min. I take out the tray.

Attention! If the volume of your oven is small, then it is better to start baking at the highest temperature ( 250-280 deg. FROM) and do not give steam, but then the volume of the loaf is not the maximum possible. Also, when steam is supplied, there is a possibility that the crust may turn out with significant cracks at the junction of the top and side surface.

8. Cool the finished bread on a wire rack for the first 2 hours without shelter, then wrap it in a linen towel. You can store in the refrigerator or just in a dry, ventilated area, wrapped in a linen towel in two layers. Also, bread can be frozen by cutting into pieces and collecting several pieces in blocks in cling film.

________________________________________ ____

The video contains a version of the recipe for one loaf, in the post - data for two loaves.

Regarding the humidity of the starter, you need to say separately.

We make this bread without yeast on sourdough with 100% moisture, it turns out to be of great taste, with good, moderately pronounced acidity and sufficient volume. The GOST recipe variant provides for baking the “Capital” variety on sourdough with a moisture content of 186%, that is, on a very liquid sourdough.

Do we need to transfer our homemade sourdough to a sourdough of this moisture content?

We believe that such an additional complication of the process is completely what, since any bread baking at home is still an adaptation of industrial baking methods, and if with a minimum set of techniques, good quality bread with the desired taste, then there is no need to complicate the process. In industrial baking, a leaven of this high moisture content is used so that it can be conveniently pumped through pipelines when fed into kneading vats.

R Let's talk a little about the benefits of rye sourdough.

By her own leaven- this is symbiosis of lactic acid bacteria and wild yeast in the form of colonies that feed on the flour and water you feed them. People have been using sourdough to raise dough since antiquity. Sourdough was in use until industrial yeast was invented in the late 19th century.

The cycles for maintaining yeast and sourdough dough are very different: yeast dough lasts no more than 2-4 hours, and starter - 5-8 hours.

Due to long-term fermentation, under the action of sourdough, processes of partial splitting of flour components occur, they are very similar to those that occur in the human stomach and in its digestive tract. That is, sourdough bread contains partly split proteins, they are much easier to digest in the human body.

Also, with a long test, phytic acid has time to break down (in rye starter - by 100%, unlike wheat starter), which is contained in the shell of most cereals. This acid, when baking bread, retains its activity, and, getting into the human intestine, enters into reaction with its content: forms salts on the basis of many macro- and microelements contained in partially digested food masses located in the intestine, thereby human body does not receive these useful material, and they, in turn, are necessary for many metabolic processes and to maintain immunity.

In addition, while working yeast and lactic acid bacteria sourdough vitamins are formed, with which the sourdough additionally enriches our sourdough bread, these are mainly B vitamins, as well as B9, B12 and others.

Thanks to the volatile alcohol substances produced by sourdough bacteria, the taste and aroma of sourdough bread becomes much richer and richer than the taste of sourdough bread. yeast bread quick reference on artificial yeast.

Sourdough also produces natural antibiotic substances that are stored in bread after baking and which, when eating bread, protect us from pathogenic bacteria.

It turns out that sourdough bread is much easier to digest, enriched with vitamins, it is healing, and, among other things, it is much tastier than bread made with artificial yeast.

And provided that if you bake it with organic whole grain flour, the aspects of its benefits are even more enhanced.

Variant on spelled with sifted bran on the cut from the video:

These types of flour are used in baking, and "Weekend Spelled" flour was also used - this is the same whole grain flour from spelled, but with bran screened out by the manufacturer:

Rising dough:

The dough laid out on the table, I will mold it on a small amount flour:

Molded workpiece:

Preparation before lifting:

Workpiece after lifting:

Capital on spelled whole grain sifted (it has a residual amount of bran), the height of the loaf is 8 cm, the baking was with steam, so there are several cracks on the crust:

Stolichny at "Weekend Spell" of domestic production, this is white spelled (there is almost no bran in it), finer porosity than on sifted whole grain flour, loaf height 8 cm, baking without steam:

Capital with the use of wheat flour of the 1st grade "Divinka", pores more oblong than spelled, horizontally oriented, unlike spelled crumb, loaf height 9 cm, baking without steam:

The horizontal orientation of the pores on wheat flour of the 1st grade is clearly visible:

Slicing bread slices on whole-grain spelled sifted and on wheat flour of the 1st grade, 8 cm and 9 cm, respectively, the height of the loaves:

Comparison of slices of bread on spelled whole grain sifted and white spelled, 8 cm and 8.5 cm, respectively, the height of the loaves:

Video about Stolichny baking on spelled, the author and performer of the video is Nastya's daughter:

COLLAGE "DEFECTS when baking molded Stolichny on spelled":

1 - the dough is not fermented, that is, the fermentation period is too short, so the crust turned out to be torn; also a lot was "steamed" as a splashing of the oven walls, so big cracks at the junction of the top and side crust
2 - the loaves were burnt on top, the height of the oven was small and after 30 minutes. it was necessary to cover the blanks with foil
3 - there was too high humidity of the test on sifted spelled, so the pores of the crumb turned out to be large and uneven
4 - the humidity of the white spelled dough was too high, so the pores of the crumb turned out to be large and uneven
5 - spelled flour was used, so the pores turned out to be too large and the upper crust is uneven and bumpy, and the crumb tastes rough, the loaf is low (only 7 cm). No technical means could overcome these defects; that's why FLOUR SPELLED we DO NOT RECOMMEND used for baking this kind of bread, spelled flour for the experiment was taken with the highest baking qualities of domestic production.



Tver distances at the end of March (night shooting mode):

First minutes after sunset:

The night has fallen:

Pan bread is bread that is formed from several pieces of dough and baked in a mold. The shape can be rectangular or round. Today I want to show you panned bread, which I really like both in taste and in appearance. It would seem very simple ingredients, but what a handsome man it turns out - soft and fluffy! Let's cook!

Pour into a bowl warm water and kefir, add sugar and yeast. Leave for 15 minutes until the yeast foams.

Sift 500 g flour and salt into a bowl. Mix with a spatula.

Then, adding more flour, knead a non-sticky dough. Cover the bowl with a towel and leave to rise for 1 hour.

After an hour, add a little flour, knead the dough and roll koloboks out of it, tearing off a piece. The number of koloboks does not matter. Cover the form with parchment and lay out randomly all the koloboks. Leave the dough for another 1 hour.

When the dough rises, brush the top of the bread with beaten egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds, if desired. You can use herbs or flax seeds.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, put the bread in it and bake for 20-25 minutes. Then remove the bread from the mold and cool on a wire rack.

The bread breaks perfectly with your hands, the texture is just wonderful! We serve bread to the table for the first or second courses.

Enjoy your meal!

An almost legendary thing, fanned by the spirit of antiquity and fairy tales, is hearth bread. What it is, however, not everyone knows. Most people have a vague feeling that this is something tasty, homely, with a touch of comfort. However, it is believed that baking such bread requires the real one, so in modern realities, they say, it will not be possible to try. Unless someone has a grandmother left in the village, where gas has not yet been reached, and where master stove-makers have remained.

Let's just say: this is a culinary delusion. You can even at home in a normal gas stove bake the same legendary hearth bread. What it is and how it is done, we will tell in this article. Moreover, we will offer a choice of several recipes, having mastered which, you will no longer remember about store-bought loaves.

Hearth bread - what is it?

Those rolls and loaves that we buy every day are officially called "tinned bread". The name also contains a clue to the way it is prepared: the dough is laid out in special forms, in which it is sent to the oven. As for the hearth bread, it does not need forms: it is baked on a flat surface, and it gains volume and forms its own appearance. In those days, when Russian stoves were the only devices for heating and cooking, their floor, on which dough pieces were laid out, was called under. Baking also received the corresponding “name”.

Properties of hearth bread

Compared to molded bread, “old” bread was denser. With this method of baking, the dough gave off water in a larger volume. Accordingly, it was the hearth that had great nutritional value with calories from this point of view, for modern people it is somewhat doubtful: everyone is losing weight, counting calories and dieting. However, you can limit yourself to a smaller slice, but get a lot of good things with it: the hearth loaf is rich in antioxidants (and they have a beneficial effect on the skin and digestion), macronutrients (sulfur, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus) and microelements (zinc, iron, manganese, copper). In addition, it lowers blood glucose levels and helps in cell repair. nervous system. In addition, hearth bread stays fresh much longer.

How it was baked in the old days

There were a lot of bread secrets and sacraments that were inherited. Some are lost forever, some are in the public domain. Here is some of them.

  1. The arch of the oven was fundamentally important: low and rounded, it allowed the loaf to rise steeper and roast better. This secret became known, and now hearth ovens are made low, with a steep vault and a ceramic floor.
  2. Wheat billets were cut (sometimes with a net), and rye or from a mixture different flour pricked. Thanks to such tricks, excess air from the dough simply evaporated instead of tearing the crust or puffing up the bread, making it hollow inside.
  3. Real hearth bread should be fragrant. And the housewives lined the stove floor with leaves, most often cabbage or oak, or spicy herbs.
  4. The key to successful baking of hearth bread is a well-heated oven. It is required to heat it up to two hundred degrees and only then plant blanks there.

Having such small tips before your eyes, even without a special stove, it is quite possible to cook delicious and fragrant homebaked bread hearth. What it is, we told, it's time to move on to practice.

mustard bread

If this is your first time making hearth bread, take the easiest recipe to start with. And let the flour for the first time be the most familiar - wheat. And for piquancy and home spirit, replace the water with brine from pickles (preferably your own salting, without vinegar). If you have a bread maker, there will be no problems with kneading at all. A quarter of a kilogram of flour, a spoonful of live yeast, two tablespoons of mustard (it makes the bread even more delicious) and a little more than half a glass of strained brine are put into the apparatus. When the bread machine finishes the kneading process, the dough is laid out on baking parchment, which is covered with a baking sheet, and sent to a slightly heated (not higher than thirty degrees) oven for proofing. In the summer, when the kitchen is hot, you can leave the future loaf just on the table. After an hour, its shape is corrected, if necessary, the temperature in the oven is brought to 180 degrees, and the bread is put on baking. You can get it in an hour. But it is better to try bread the next day, so it will become even tastier.

with bran

This is just a godsend for those who prefer to eat right and healthy. The only hitch is to find wheat bran, but the persistent will easily cope with it. One and a half kilograms of this valuable product salted with two tablespoons of large, sea, salt, something covered and put in heat. Two yeast cubes are crumbled, poured with water (a little), supplemented with a quarter kilogram of flour and a spoonful of sugar, and wander for half an hour under the lid. Then the starter is poured into the bran along with the rest of the water (its total volume is a liter), and everything is whipped together until bubbles go. The bowl is covered again and left warm for three-quarters of an hour. Then the dough is kneaded, two are formed, which are transferred to a lined oven sheet and again come up for half an hour. Then shallow cruciform cuts are made on the loaves, the tops are smeared with milk, and the workpiece is sent to the oven for 50 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees Celsius. This recipe for hearth bread allows you to get very lush and healthy loaves.