Sour cucumbers for the winter in jars. Pickled cucumbers for the winter in jars, without vinegar - a step by step recipe. Pickled cucumbers with zucchini or squash

If there is a cool place for storage, then pickled cucumbers in barrels. And in the conditions of a city apartment, they manage with a large pot or bucket. In order not to peroxide in brine, after pickling, cucumbers must be preserved in much the same way as pickled vegetables: they make three hot fillings and roll them up. pickled cucumbers for the winter in banks they can stand for a year or two, they do not deteriorate and do not lose their palatability.

Conversely, sugar should cause undesirable and completely unacceptable softening of cucumbers. It's a bit of alchemy and one of the fierce arguments in the recipe shootouts. Sugar, boiling in an acidic environment, decomposes into glucose and fructose, which then "manipulate" the water from the cucumbers and free them from brittleness. The same effect, however, has on cucumbers and salt, so sugar is probably innocent in it. In any case, without salt and sugar, this is impossible, artificial sweetener is the subject of passionate debate - previously it was impossible to do it, it has already been rejected.

- small dense cucumbers - 3 kg;
- hot peppers pod - 1 large;
- garlic - 1 head;
- fresh dill (umbrellas);
- currant and cherry leaves;
- celery (greens) - a bunch;
- horseradish leaves;
- table salt non-iodized - 90 gr. per liter of water;
- water room temperature- about 3 liters.

Note that so far we have been talking about pickled cucumbers, something quite different than fast cheeses or, if you like, pumpkins. In their case, we move technologically in a completely different way, and the resulting taste effect and consistency are completely different. Well, it's not easy with cucumbers.

Recipe: Znojmo pickled cucumbers. This recipe is one of many he tried and loved. It does not take into account the artificial sweetener, but the result is quite crunchy. Add 2 cups of onions, 5 carrots, 5 pieces of horseradish, a piece of dill and a celery tortilla. Gently straighten the jars into the cucumber, add the chopped vegetables and herbs in between, and pour over the brine.


For pickling (fermentation), we choose medium-sized cucumbers, dense, juicy, without damage. To make them crispy, immediately after purchase they need to be washed, placed in a bowl with cold water. Leave for 5-6 hours. During this time, we change the water once or twice, as it becomes warm, and we need to keep the cucumbers in cold water. Then we wash each cucumber. Now they are ready for pickling.

Garlic clean, cut large slices plates, small ones are left whole. We cut hot pepper into rings.

Be sure to wash all the greens in running water, and we also keep the leaves of horseradish, currant and cherry in a bowl of water so that all the dirt gets wet.

We take a large deep container. It could be enamel pan without chips on the walls and bottom, a plastic bucket or bowl of a suitable size. We lay a layer of spicy greens down, pour a little garlic and pepper.

We spread the cucumbers in one or two layers, but not all at once, but about half or a third of the entire batch.

Then we lay it with greenery, place the cucumbers again and alternate until we have laid all the cucumbers. We cover them with dill, horseradish, celery and throw a little garlic and pepper on top. We make a brine: we measure three liters of water, heat it up a little, throw 90 grams of salt for each liter. We use exclusively culinary rock salt otherwise the cucumbers will not ferment. Stir, filter through cheesecloth to filter out all impurities. Pour hard salt brine cucumbers.

On top we put an inverted plate of a suitable diameter, it should press down the cucumbers. As an additional load, we put a jar of water. Cucumbers will ferment for three to four days at room temperature.

Around the end of the second day, a noticeable smell of lightly salted cucumbers will appear, but it is still too early to put them in jars. You can already try, just do not get carried away, otherwise nothing will remain in the winter! After another day or two, the cucumbers will darken and taste sour-salty. Do not ferment them to the characteristic taste of pickles, they will reach readiness in jars already rolled up for the winter.

We lay out greens, garlic and pepper in clean jars. You can take any volume, depending on the size of the cucumbers.

First lay out a layer of cucumbers vertically. Then a layer of greenery and fill the jars to the top, laying the cucumbers at an angle or horizontally.

Drain the brine into a saucepan, filter it through cheesecloth. As soon as it boils, the foam will rise - we remove it with a slotted spoon. Pour boiling brine into jars with cucumbers, cover with lids and leave for 20-25 minutes until they cool to room temperature. We put a special lid with holes on the jars and pour the brine back into the pan. Boil it, make the second filling. We leave for 15 minutes. For the third time, as soon as the boiling brine is poured, we twist the jar with a typewriter. Turn over, cover with a blanket, jacket and leave to cool slowly for two days.

After they have cooled, we rearrange the cucumbers for storage. If there is a basement, we take it out to coolness, if not, we put it in the pantry. Cucumbers will reach readiness in a week or two, they need some time to finally salt and acquire a characteristic sour-salty taste. Good luck with your preparations!

Author Elena Litvinenko (Sangina)

Pickled cucumbers are a product that we know very well. They serve as the base for salads, cucumber soup, or a healthy snack. Chilled ground cucumbers acquire new properties that enrich vegetables with valuable nutrients. Depending on the sucking time, we may end up with a lightly glazed product or popular winter treats.

Pickled cucumbers are nothing but freshly sown green cucumbers. Flooded salt water various additives undergoes a siphoning process. This process is based on lactic fermentation, which is carried out by lactic bacteria not only by preserving food, but also by providing cucumbers with an interesting, characteristic, sour taste and nutritional value. The result of the sling process is the decomposition simple sugars, which are found in plant cells on lactic acid.

Barrel cucumbers are primordially Russian cuisine, exactly those crispy fruits that our grandmothers treated us to in childhood. Just do this winter preparation unfortunately, it's not easy at all. Pickled cucumbers can be pickled in a small amount, just eat. And you can pickle pickled cucumbers for the winter in jars. Consider both the recipe for delicious pickled cucumbers.

Cucumbers are recommended vegetables for weight loss diets. Pitting facilitates digestion and complete nutritional value, not only helps in the process of weight loss, but also strengthens the body, strengthening it. They are also great for detoxifying the body. They have properties that minimize swelling and remove accumulated water in the body. They improve digestion and accelerate intestinal motility, increasing the production of gastric juices.

Important silage, as well as pickled cucumbers, thanks to the content of vitamin C, improve the condition of the whole body, prevent infections and strengthen immune system. Pitting is a process that preserves food, allowing it to be stored longer without the onset of nutrients.

Pickled cucumbers like from a barrel

Why do cucumbers “like from a barrel” fail?

The main problem of hostesses trying to just pickle cucumbers in jars for the most common nylon caps that they are not saved. This can manifest itself in different ways:

The fill becomes cloudy;

The fruits become soft, jelly-like and literally spread;

Harvesting cucumbers for the winter in an open way

The presence of probiotic bacteria regulates the composition of the normal bacterial microflora, which contributes to digestive process and intensifies. In addition, silage contains antioxidants that scavenge free radicals, and many researchers point to the antidepressant and mood-enhancing effects of the substances they contain.

Pickled cucumbers not only taste good, but are also great snack for many dishes, but also enriched with valuable nutrients in relation to fresh cucumbers, which provide big influence on the state of the whole organism. In addition, silage contains a source of youth and is beneficial for the blood clotting process. Recipe for Pickled Cucumbers.

Large voids form inside the fruit.

Such preparations are no longer suitable for food. So how do you cook real delicious cucumbers With barrel taste so they don't get spoiled?

Recipe pickled cucumbers for the winter

This method has been tested by many gardeners over the years. Cucumbers really turn out “like from childhood”, and not just pickled. And at the same time without problems stand all winter!

Pickled cucumbers on white bread

Preparation: Cucumbers are thoroughly washed and tightly placed in a prepared jar. Add all ingredients and place heel on top. Then pour over the cucumbers cooked with water. Postpone for 3 days. Before picking cucumbers, you must throw away the soaked heel on the bread.

Do the same for preparation. winter preparations, but do not add the heel with bread, and the jars are tightly closed and set aside in a dark, cool place. Pickled cucumbers are a very good alternative fresh vegetables that can be eaten all year round. They have a high dose of vitamin C, which is especially important in winter.

Pickled cucumbers on white bread

Preparation: Cucumbers are thoroughly washed and tightly placed in a prepared jar. Add all ingredients and place heel on top. Then pour over the cucumbers cooked with water. Postpone for 3 days. Before picking cucumbers, you must throw away the soaked heel on the bread.

1. Stage one - fermentation

Choose not overgrown fruits, wash well and put in a pickling container. Add spices there. Choose any spices you like! It can be dill, horseradish, currant leaf, peppercorns. A little bitter pepper, as well as a clove of garlic, will not hurt.

Then prepare the filling. It is done simply: 2 table. spoons of salt without top dilute in 1 liter of water, boil the brine, and then cool.

Pour the cooked cucumbers with cold (cooled) brine for 2-3 days. Do not forget to put the container in a wide bowl or basin - foam may flow out during fermentation. Top with a metal lid.

2. Stage two - conservation

After the required time, pour the filling from the cucumbers into the pan and bring to a boil.

At the same time, in another pan, heat clean water to about 40 degrees.

Transfer the cucumbers from the pickling container into jars, and fill them with this water to warm up. A jar of 1 liter - for 5-7 minutes, a three-liter - for 15 minutes. Then it is necessary to drain this water, shaking the jar thoroughly to drain all the cloudy sediment.

Next, heat the water again, this time to about 70 degrees. Pour cucumbers a second time with seventy-degree water for 5-15 minutes, depending on the size of the jar, then drain this water again, shaking the jar thoroughly.

And now you need to return to the brine, which was drained originally. The one in which the cucumbers fermented and which you must boil. Quickly fill the fruits with boiling brine, immediately roll up the jars (sterilize in advance) and put them in a cool place.

All! In winter, you will enjoy delicious "barrel" cucumbers. The first stage will give the fruits a unique taste of real pickled cucumbers, the second one will not allow them to deteriorate.

Pickled cucumbers with salted bread (not for the winter)

Salted cucumber is the most favorite food of all Slavic peoples. In every family we can see how crunchy “poses” on the table. salted cucumbers. Nowadays culinary art has gone so far that there are a certain number of ways to prepare crispy cucumbers! Spirited, crunchy lightly salted cucumber, and asks to be eaten. We recommend that you cook quick pickled cucumbers, and the trick is to add a slice rye bread. It will give a pleasant aroma and some sourness, and will also help speed up the fermentation process. Such cucumbers can be served both with meat and with fish dishes, as well as to any side dish and add to salads. In addition, such cucumbers are the best food. holiday table. Freshly salted gherkins with rye bread increase appetite and speed up metabolism. This pickle recipe is a must have for everyone. good hostess. According to this recipe, you can cook salted cucumbers at any time and very quickly. In order for everything to work out as it should, take the cucumbers and dip them in icy water for a while so that they become poured and crispy.


  • fresh fruits of cucumbers 700-800 g;
  • water 1 liter;
  • salt 2 tbsp. l;
  • granulated sugar 1 tbsp. l.;
  • rye bread 1-2 slices;
  • dill 4-5 sprigs;
  • coriander;
  • black peppercorns.

Cooking process:

1. Take any deep container (jar, large tray, enamel pan) and put all the spices and washed greens into it.

2. Be sure to cut the tails on both sides, so that the cucumbers will soon be salted, and lay them tightly to black pepper and coriander.

3. On top of the cucumbers, “shelter” dill and a piece of rye bread wrapped in gauze.

4. Prepare the brine in advance.

5. Fill a saucepan with water and add salt, sugar and mix everything well. It remains to bring to a boil and pour our cucumbers.

6. You need to put oppression on cucumbers. If they are in a saucepan, you can put a smaller lid and place a jar of water on top.

7. Leave the cucumbers to marinate for one day in a warm place.

8. Take away the bread, and put the pan with cucumbers in the refrigerator in order to stop the fermentation process.

9. On the second day, you can enjoy delicious and fragrant freshly pickled cucumbers.

Tips: Gherkins will be more sour if they are left for another day in a warm place so that they are still well sour.

And for a good pickle, it’s good to choose fragrant herbs, according to your taste. It is advisable to take large rock salt, because if you take sea or iodized salt, then your cucumbers will lose their elasticity.

With the exception of dill, you can add currant, cherry and horseradish leaves, they will give them elasticity. Hell won't hurt.

The amount of spices and herbs can be increased if desired, this will add spice to the dish.

Recipe author: Xenia.