Pickled cucumbers with mustard and sauerkraut recipe. Quick pickled cucumbers with mustard in a couple of days

For pickling, use fresh cucumbers small and medium size. Do not use large overgrown vegetables, as there is a chance that they will be empty inside. Place the cucumbers in a deep bowl cold water. Rinse well. Drain dirty water and refill with fresh water. Leave for 2-3 hours. If you want the vegetables to ferment faster, cut off the tails on both sides.

For pickling, use large saucepan, bucket, basin or three-liter jars. Pre-wash dill umbrellas, currant leaves, cherries. Dip the prepared spices into a marinating container. Umbrellas dill can be cut into pieces. Peel the garlic cloves, move them to the rest of the spices.

Rinse cucumbers and place in prepared container. Add larger fruits to the bottom, smaller ones to the top. Add mustard seeds to it too. Bay leaf, black peppercorns.

Now that all the ingredients are prepared and placed in a container, it's time to prepare the saline solution. Pour salt into cold water and mix with a spoon until all the crystals are dissolved. Water can be taken purified, boiled or from a tap. Depending on what container you will use, the brine may take more than a liter. Pour the contents of the container with cooked saline solution. Take a flat plate of the desired diameter and lay on top of the cucumbers. Place a small weight to dip the cucumbers in the brine.

After 1.5-2 days, foam will begin to form on the surface and a sour smell will appear. This is normal, which means that the cucumbers have begun to ferment. Continue to ferment until the desired result.

Taste after 3 days. If it fermented well and the taste of cucumbers satisfies you, then pickled cucumbers with mustard are ready. If not, let them sour a little more.

Move the finished cucumbers to a suitable container, fill with brine and send to the refrigerator or cellar for storage.

  • Fresh cucumbers - 10 kg,
  • dill with umbrellas - 400 g,
  • garlic - 2 heads (this is about 50 g),
  • cherry leaves - 100 g (or the same number),
  • peeled horseradish root - 1 pc. (about 60 g),
  • if desired, you can put a couple of horseradish leaves and 1 pod of hot pepper,
  • 5 liters of brine with salt (for 5 liters of water 300-400 g of salt),
  • 0.5 cup dry mustard

Based on 10 kg of cucumbers, an approximate consumption of spices and herbs is given, and you yourself decide how many cucumbers you pickle.

Cooking process:

Before harvesting and salting cucumbers in any way, they are sorted out, washed and soaked for 5-6 hours in cold water, in order for the pickles to be dense, without wrinkles and voids (this will not save crooked cucumbers from voids).

Salted cucumber with mustard wooden barrels(tubs or tubs), in large stainless steel containers, in an enameled bucket or saucepan (you can use a stainless steel saucepan), glass jars (both in large 10 liter and 5 or 3 liter ones).

A layer of leaves is laid at the bottom of the container, on them a layer of cucumbers rammed to each other, then greens again, and so on to the top.

I salted cucumbers for the winter with mustard in a five-liter saucepan and in jars

Mustard can be poured to the bottom, or you can put it in a knot of fabric or gauze, so it will not settle on pickled cucumbers, and the brine will remain transparent. The taste of cucumbers will not be affected by how you put dry mustard.

Pour cucumbers with salted brine,

so that they are completely covered,

and cover with oppression (wooden mug or plate), glass jars simply cover with plastic lids. Under the circle in large containers for pickling, it is recommended to put a cotton napkin, and periodically rinse the circle or oppression during pickling cucumbers with water and pour over boiling water. By the way, this directly affects the taste and quality of cucumbers!

I put the mustard on the cucumbers just like that, without a bag, after a few minutes it settled, and cucumber pickle became transparent.

Store pickled or pickled cucumbers in mustard filling according to this recipe in a cool place, someone does it in the cellar, and city dwellers in the refrigerator.

And my grandma is so sour mustard cucumbers shifts the cabbage when the pickling season is coming up in the fall.

I will write here for now a simple grandmother's recipe for delicious crispy sauerkraut with cucumbers, and in the fall I will try to transfer it to a separate post with a photo report.

Grandma's recipe for pickling sauerkraut

Such cabbage can be harvested for the winter with barrel pickles.

For a bucket of already shredded cabbage, you need 1 full glass of salt.

A layer of cabbage (about 5 cm) is compacted and sprinkled evenly with a handful of salt, then a layer of cabbage comes on top again, compacted, salted, and so on to the top of an enameled bucket (if you salt in a bucket). A very important point: with such a dry salting of cabbage without brine, it is very important not to mix the cabbage with salt, but to compact it. Cabbage with salt laid in layers is covered with oppression, something heavy is placed on it, for example, a can of water. After a while, she herself will give cabbage juice, in which the fermentation process will take place. Sugar is not added according to this recipe, otherwise the cabbage becomes slippery, and the brine will be stringy.

Grandmother always salted such cabbage in large barrels in the cellar, measured all the proportions as follows: she tamped a bucket of chopped cabbage in layers with a glass of salt, distributing it evenly and so on to the top of the barrel, and, of course, shifted the cabbage with her pickles (made layers of pickled cucumbers between layers of cabbage).

I hope you enjoy our family recipes delicious pickles with mustard and crispy sauerkraut!

Sincerely, Anyuta.

For 5 l capacity:

Fresh cucumbers - 2.5-3 kg (how much will go in)

Garlic - 1 pc. (head)

Dill umbrellas - 5-6 pcs. (10 g)

Horseradish sheet - 1-2 pcs.

Salt 6-7 tbsp.

Black peppercorns - 15 pcs.

Water - 3 l

Mustard powder - 1.5 tbsp.

Cherry, currant, oak leaves - optional


pickled cucumbers it is very easy to cook with mustard, the main thing is to have endurance, because cucumbers will be salted for at least 3 days! The fermentation period directly depends on temperature regime- in heat, it happens faster, and in a cool room - longer, but in the refrigerator, neither vegetables nor fruits ferment!

Cucumbers to create a recipe according to the recipe, choose dense, young, small in size and without seeds inside. Ideally, not gherkins, but not large specimens either. I ferment them with tails, you can cut them off vegetables after washing.

Use mustard powder, not wet. If you wish, you can buy mustard seeds in bags and replace the mustard powder with them - the taste of pickled cucumbers will not change. Add cherry, raspberry, currant leaves to give the dish more flavor!

So get ready necessary ingredients and let's start cooking!

Rinse the leaves of oak, cherry, currant, raspberry. Place them on the bottom of the container. Can be used as wooden tubs and plastic containers.

Rinse the cucumbers, thoroughly rinsing the thorns and dirt from the peel. Put them in a container.

Pour in powdered mustard, peel the head of garlic, divide into cloves and peel them too. Put in a container.

Add salt and black peppercorns, put the washed horseradish leaves and dill umbrellas.

Fill with cold water, boiled, cooled. Cover with a plate or saucer on top and set oppression. Leave in this form for 3 days in a warm place. Every day it is desirable to release the air bubbles formed during fermentation.

Three days later, your pickled cucumbers will be ready! For large specimens, the fermentation time will be 5 days!

Pour the brine into a saucepan or cauldron, bring to a boil and cool. Thus, the fermentation process is stopped.

Rinse pickled cucumbers and put in jars, fill with cooled brine.

Cork with plastic lids if you store cucumbers in the refrigerator, or turnkey tin ones if you are the happy owner of a cellar or basement. You need to store pickled cucumbers with mustard in the cold so that they do not start to ferment again!

Be sure to leave yourself a sample of the finished product.

Every family has recipes passed down from generation to generation. Our grandmothers did not know about pickled cucumbers and they fermented their cucumbers and they were delicious, crispy and vigorous. I received my recipe for pickled cucumbers with mustard from my mother, and she from my grandmother, so I want to share them with you.
These cucumbers keep well. And the taste exceeds all expectations, fragile, sour, fragrant, I put them in hodgepodges and pickle and vinaigrette and just love to eat.
First, soak the cucumbers in cold water for a couple of hours, wash well.

The set of spices is the simplest: horseradish leaves, dill umbrellas, garlic.

Wash the jars, put the above spices on the bottom and then lay the cucumbers.
Pour boiling brine: add 2 tablespoons (with a slide) of salt to 1 liter of water.

Leave to ferment for 2 days.
The brine will begin to become cloudy and foam will appear, this is good, so the process is underway.
After 2 days, drain the brine from the cucumbers into a saucepan and boil.

Pour dry mustard into each jar. Based on: per 1 liter. -1 tbsp. spoon, 2 liters. - 1.5 spoons, per 3 liter. - 2 tbsp. heaped spoons.

Fill jars with cucumbers and mustard with boiling brine and roll up.
The brine in cucumbers is cloudy at first, but then the sediment will sit.

The time is indicated without pickling cucumbers for 2 days.
Thank you for your attention and good luck preparing for the winter.

Time for preparing: PT05H00M 5 hours

I know many recipes winter preparations vegetables - this is pickling and pickling, but most of all I like the fermentation process. It is so simple and so tasty that sometimes I don’t cook other pickles. After all, if you do conservation after work, then you have to choose such recipes where there is the least work, otherwise you just won’t have time to do everything. Therefore, for me, pickled cucumbers in jars for the winter with mustard are just the most suitable option. And what, judge for yourself: in clean jars I lay out garlic cloves, sprigs of my favorite herbs, then I tightly lay small cucumbers and pour cold brine, and then I put them in each jar mustard powder and shake well to mix all the dry ingredients. On this, in fact, my work ends. Next, I put the jars covered with gauze in a cold place (for example, in the refrigerator) and after a week the snack is ready. I keep it in the basement, because in a city apartment it will be too hot in the pantry, and I don’t have that much space in the refrigerator.
But the taste is simply magical, they turn out crispy, fragrant and very tasty. it great snack to meat, both for a holiday and for a home dinner.
About 3.0-3.5 liters comes out of this recipe.

- fresh cucumber - 1.8 kg,
- garlic - 1 head,
- water - 1.5 l,
- sprigs of dill - 2-3 pcs.,
- hot pepper - 1-2 pcs.,
- finely ground table salt - 2 tablespoons,
- mustard powder - 3 tbsp.

We wash the cucumbers from the sand. You can soak them for a couple of hours in cool water. If they are straight from the garden, you can not do this.
We disassemble the head of garlic into cloves and clean them from the husk.
Then we sort through the greens: throw away the wilted twigs and rinse the rest in cold water, then dry with a towel.
Cut the hot pepper pod into small pieces.
Jars for harvesting are pre-washed and steamed.
Then we put garlic cloves at the bottom of the jar (you can press them down a little with a knife so that the garlic starts juice). Then we put the chopped pieces of pepper and the selected prepared greens.

Next, lay out the cucumbers quite tightly so that there are no empty spaces left in the jar.

Then pour dry mustard powder into the jar at the rate of 1-1.5 tbsp. for each liter jar.

Prepare the brine: pour 1 liter of cold into the dishes boiled water and pour 1.5 tablespoons of salt, mix so that the salt dissolves, and pour into the jar (if necessary, then re-prepare the brine in the same proportion and add to the top of the jar).
We cover nylon lids, shake the jars so that the mustard dissolves well.

After that, remove the lids, cover the jars with gauze or parchment and put them in a cool (about 4 degrees Celsius) place for fermentation.

In a week, pickled cucumbers with mustard will be completely ready for use. They can be left in the refrigerator or moved to the basement.
No less tasty and juicy