Recipes for preparing delicious salted tomatoes for the winter. Salted tomatoes for the winter in jars according to my grandmother's recipe

How nice it is on a winter day to open canned food prepared in summer or autumn and serve it on the table with stew or fried potatoes! One of the most popular and favorite vegetables for pickling is the tomato, which is also prepared in a regular three-liter jar. How to pickle tomatoes in jars? It is important to follow the brine recipe exactly. So, we will share with you several ways to pickle tomatoes.

Pickling recipe without vinegar

This method of pickling is good because you do not need to use vinegar, that is, those who have stomach problems can also eat vegetables. We will need small-sized tomatoes for more compact placement in the jar. You also need to correctly calculate the amount of starting material.

So, for a three-liter container you need approximately one kilogram of small, fresh red-sided vegetables. Let's start covering the question of how to pickle tomatoes in jars. We need one kilogram of tomatoes following ingredients: garlic - 5-6 cloves, water - 2.5 liters, blackcurrant and horseradish - several leaves each, dill - 3-4 sprigs, salt - three tablespoons, seasonings - horseradish root and black peppercorns. For convenience, we will prepare everything you need in advance. We thoroughly wash all the greens under running water and lay them out on a towel to dry. Then we place about half of it in pre-sterilized jars on the bottom. The rest will be needed later.

How to pickle tomatoes: recipe

We lay well-washed tomatoes on top of the laid greens in dense layers, and cover the top with another layer of dill sprigs, horseradish and currant leaves. Without wasting time, add garlic, a few cloves that do not need to be cut. We begin preparing the most difficult element - the brine. It is very simple, but, nevertheless, you need to be careful and strictly follow the recipe.

Stir in a little warm water salt, three tablespoons. Keep in mind that hot water will completely ruin your workpiece, which is almost ready. Pour the brine so that the liquid reaches the edge of the neck of the jar and close with lids, for starters - plastic ones. We leave it to sit at room temperature for two to three days, and then the tomatoes need to be rolled up for the whole winter. tin lids. Store jars of salted tomatoes only in a cool place.

Hot pickling of tomatoes

There are three main methods: hot salting, cold and dry. Now we will share some information about each of them. We have already posted one recipe for hot pickling here, now we’ll tell you about another. All of them differ in different spices and brine composition. This promotes changes in aromas and taste. Let's get started. We wash and sterilize three-liter jars well. Place a pinch of ground cinnamon on the bottom of each, garlic - two peeled cloves, whole, and dill - 30 grams.

Wash the tomatoes and fill the jar to the top with them. Prepare the brine by bringing one and a half liters of water to a boil, adding salt and granulated sugar, one and a half and two tablespoons, respectively. Cook until the ingredients dissolve, then pour boiling brine over our tomatoes. Some housewives do this twice: drain the brine, bring it to a boil again and put it in a jar. Cover the jars with lids and sterilize them in boiling water for five minutes. Pour vinegar essence into each jar, one teaspoon at a time, and seal with sterile metal lids. We put them upside down and wrap them in a blanket. After cooling, place it in a cool place for storage. How to pickle tomatoes in jars? Hot way mastered by us.

Mastering cold pickling of tomatoes

This can be done in both tubs and jars. In order to use jars, you need to fill a clean three-liter jar with tomatoes, washed and pierced near the stem. During this process they are topped with currant, horseradish, cherry leaves, peeled garlic and dill. Pour coarse salt on top, three tablespoons, and granulated sugar, one tablespoon, pour cold water and add 9% vinegar.

We close the jar with a plastic lid and place it in the cellar or refrigerator. We learned how to cold salt tomatoes in a jar. Now the recipe for the tub. Place half of the prepared seasonings on its bottom, then the washed tomatoes and the remaining spices. Fill with cold brine (700 grams of salt per ten liters of water). On top there is a wooden circle and oppression. In a couple of days from room temperature move to a cold place, if necessary, add brine prepared from the ratio: per liter of water - 9 grams of citric acid and 20 grams of salt. Most likely, you have no questions left about how to pickle tomatoes for the winter

Dry method of pickling tomatoes

Wash the tomatoes and place them in any suitable container. At the same time, sprinkle each layer with coarse salt. Prepare a little more than one kilogram of salt for 10 kg of tomatoes. Cover the tub with a circle and put pressure on it. Place the container in a cool place and you can store it all winter. There are other, lesser-known ways to pickle tomatoes in jars.

For example, another option is dry pickling, in which the tomatoes need to be eaten immediately, since they are not intended for storage. Cut off the bottoms of the washed tomatoes, pour one teaspoon of salt into each of them and put one piece of garlic. Carefully place in a jar or other suitable dishes, leave it to brew for a couple of days and put it in the refrigerator.

Almost every one of us remembers the taste of our grandmother’s salted in a barrel. Their presence on festive table has already become a tradition. And, besides, it’s not often in the winter that you get to enjoy high-quality fresh tomatoes.

We have to resort to in various ways preparations for this useful . And since salting tomatoes in a barrel is not available to everyone nowadays, experienced housewives It is advised to stock up on salted ones, preserved in jars for the winter.

Despite the fact that in the modern world you can buy absolutely everything, canned goods prepared with your own hands are much more valuable than purchased ones. So, let's look at the most popular recipes pickling

The fastest way

Summer is vegetable season. But what I wanted so much in winter, in summer time V fresh It's already become boring. Fresh ones are no exception; salads with their participation no longer suit even avid supporters proper nutrition and diets.

Often you want to diversify the menu. For this purpose, experienced housewives came up with a simple and quick recipe how to salt in jars for the winter. The highlight of this method is that you can enjoy lightly salted tomatoes 3 days after harvesting and thereby add summer dishes new taste.

For the most instant cooking fermented tomatoes you should stock up on the following ingredients:

  • - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 10 tbsp. l.;
  • - 1 head;
  • salt - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • pod;
  • water - 5 l.;
  • greens (horseradish leaves).

Step-by-step instruction

To implement this pickling method, you should first select high-quality tomatoes. should be fresh and firm, since bruised or soft ones can eventually turn into slurry in the tomato shell. Most suitable look- cream.

It is advisable to select tomatoes of approximately the same size, ripeness and variety. need to be washed and dried thoroughly.
In parallel with the vegetables, jars should be prepared. Wash and sterilize the container. Then we line the bottom of the jars with herbs and cut peppers. After that, we lay them out - you can cut them, if desired, so that more will fit. Place another ball of greenery on top and...
All that remains is to fill the folded ingredients with brine. It is prepared as follows: you need to dilute salt and sugar in 5 liters of water. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes and pour it over.

Important! A very important point: tomatoes should only be filled with hot brine.

The final touch: close the filled containers with lids and leave them for a day in a room with a temperature of +20 ° C, and then take them to or put them in the refrigerator. You can enjoy lightly salted tomatoes after 3 days.
If desired, you can reduce or increase the proportions of ingredients. You can diversify the taste using different spices.

Classic recipe

Relevance classic recipe salted for the winter in jars only increases over the years. After all quality pickles- this is always a find for gourmets.

What you will need

For implementation this method When preparing pickled vegetables, you should be armed with the following ingredients:

  • tomatoes (about 2–3 kg);
  • 1 tbsp. l. 1% vinegar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2–4 tbsp. l. sugar (depending on your taste preferences);
  • cherry, horseradish, currant leaves;
  • , if desired - ;
  • black peppercorns;
  • water.

Cooking instructions

Thoroughly washed ingredients should be placed one by one in carefully sterilized jars. First, lay out the greens, peppers and leaves. Place vegetables on top of greens. Then another layer of green.
All this must be poured with boiling water and allowed to brew for 5 minutes. After this, carefully drain the water from the cans without shaking the contents too much.

Place the drained liquid on the fire, dilute sugar and salt in it and boil again. Pour the resulting mixture over the vegetables a second time. Finally, add vinegar and roll up.
The rolled product must be wrapped, turned upside down and waited until it cools to room temperature. After this, place in a cool place and wait for the right opportunity to eat.

Original recipe (salted in sugar)

If you are wondering how to pickle tomatoes for the winter in jars in order to achieve a unique exotic taste, we advise you to use a capricious pickling recipe pickled tomatoes in sugar. As a result, you will delight your family and guests with an extraordinary delicacy.

Grocery list

As with any other cooking recipe lightly salted tomatoes for the winter, the primary ingredient is tomatoes - 10 kg. In second place in importance is not salt, but sugar - 3 kg.

The list of products also includes: tomato puree- 4 kg, currant leaves - 200 g, black pepper - 10 g, salt - 3 tbsp. l. For an amateur, you can use 5 g of cinnamon and cloves.


Place washed and sorted by size and level of ripeness into a container, the bottom of which is covered with greens and. Each layer of tomatoes must be sprinkled with sugar. You should leave about 20 cm free at the top of the jar.

After this, we prepare tomato puree from prudently selected overripe vegetables (pass them through a meat grinder). Add the remaining sugar and salt to the puree. Fill the jars with tomatoes with the resulting mixture. All that’s left is to roll this yummy up tightly.

Did you know? Scientists have found serotonin in tomatoes- joy hormone: after you eat this vegetable, your mood will certainly improve.

Recipe with vinegar

This method will allow you to enjoy delicious tomatoes in winter with a sourness that will pleasantly tingle your tongue. This is an excellent, and most importantly, healthy addition to any side dish.

In Russia they like to grow green and red tomatoes. On almost every personal plot there is a greenhouse built where they will sing in. There are many varieties of tomatoes, different in size, shape and ripening time. To preserve the harvest and enjoy the taste of your favorite vegetables in winter, there are many recipes for how to pickle tomatoes correctly, which have come down to us from our great-grandmothers. How to properly pickle tomatoes at home?

To properly and tasty pickle green or sweet tomatoes, choose only the strongest and ripest specimens. The tomatoes are washed well and placed in a container prepared for pickling. The tomatoes are stacked in such a way that all kinds of spices are located between the layers. To ensure that as many vegetables as possible fit into one container, the tomatoes are lightly crushed and the container is shaken. After laying, the tomatoes are poured with brine, covered with a plate and a weight is placed on top. After 1-1.5 months, salted tomatoes can be eaten. Used as a container for pickling tomatoes enamel dishes- pots or buckets.

12 recipes for pickling tomatoes

Let's move on to recipes on how to properly pickle red and green tomatoes in a jar and barrel for the winter. Sweet, spicy and salty recipes, for every taste!

With bell pepper

  • Tomatoes – 10 kilograms
  • Dill – 150 grams
  • Garlic – 30 grams
  • Bell pepper – 7 – 8 pieces

The classic way to pickle red tomatoes

  • Tomatoes – 10 kilograms
  • Dill – 100 grams
  • Bay leaf – 10 -12 medium leaves
  • Allspice – 35 - 40 peas

How to pickle tomatoes with garlic and horseradish

  • Tomatoes – 10 kilograms
  • Dill – 150 grams
  • Garlic – 6-7 small heads
  • Horseradish – 1 medium root
  • Tarragon – 3 stalks
  • Hot pepper – 1 medium pod
  • Water: 8 liters, salt 400 grams

Tomatoes with added cinnamon

  • Tomatoes – 10 kilograms
  • Cinnamon – 1.5 teaspoon
  • Bay leaf – 23 - 25 medium leaves
  • Water: 8 liters, salt: 500 grams

Tomatoes with blackcurrant leaf

  • Tomatoes – 10 kilograms
  • Black currant leaves – 45-50 pieces
  • Dill – 150 grams
  • Horseradish – 1 medium root
  • Water: 8 liters, salt: 500 grams

Salting tomatoes in a barrel with a cherry leaf

  • Tomatoes – 10 kilograms
  • Cherry leaves – 45-50 pieces
  • Dill – 100 grams
  • Horseradish - 1 large root
  • Bell pepper – 3 - 4 pieces
  • Hot pepper – 2 medium pods
  • Water: 8 liters, salt: 400 grams

Tomatoes with nut leaf and mustard

  • Tomatoes – 10 kilograms
  • Walnut leaf – 20-25 pieces
  • Mustard (powder) – 4 teaspoons
  • Bay leaf – 30 medium leaves
  • Sugar – 150 grams
  • Water: 8 liters, salt: 400 grams

Close up of sweet tomatoes

  • Tomatoes – 10 kilograms
  • Sugar – 3 kilograms
  • Salt – 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Black currant leaves – 170-190 pieces
  • Cinnamon – 5 grams

How to pickle green tomatoes for the winter with currants

  • Green tomatoes - 10 kilograms
  • Sugar – 200 grams
  • Dill – 400 grams
  • Black currant leaves – 70-90 leaves
  • Water: 5 liters, salt: 250 grams

An old recipe for cold pickling tomatoes

No matter how interesting the new recipes are, any the old way the preparation of this or that dish always arouses interest: how did our ancestors make do with improvised means and natural products? Here's an example for you old recipe cold pickling of tomatoes.


  • water – 10 l;
  • granulated sugar – 4 tbsp;
  • coarse table salt – 2 tbsp.;
  • ground red pepper – 1 tsp;
  • black currant leaves - a handful;
  • vinegar essence - 2 tbsp. l.


First we prepare the brine. To do this, mix water with salt, sugar, currant leaf and red pepper and let the brine boil. Boil it for about 10 minutes, then remove from heat and leave to cool. When the brine has cooled, add vinegar essence to it. Of course, our ancestors did without vinegar essence, but its use significantly speeds up the pickling process, and such tomatoes are stored for a long time and without problems.

Now we take clean jars, put horseradish leaves, dill seeds, mustard seeds or any other spices at our discretion on the bottoms. However, keep in mind that it is too a large number of spices can spoil the taste of the finished product. Therefore, try to do without excesses. Fill the tomatoes with cold brine, close with metal lids and put in the cold. All! Tomatoes preserved in this way can be stored for 2-3 years.

Salting tomatoes for the winter, in a jar

Modern housewives prefer to pickle tomatoes in glass jars. They are more convenient to store, and the tomatoes do not crush under the weight of the load. They are first thoroughly washed with boiling water or hot steam. Ripe, strong tomatoes are placed in jars, spices and brine are added. The jars are rolled up with previously washed lids. The preparations are stored in a cool place. After a month, tomatoes can be eaten. And since you can pickle green and red tomatoes in a jar for the winter, here are the recipes:

For pickling in a liter jar

  • Tomatoes – 10-15 pieces (depending on size)
  • Allspice – 7-10 peas
  • Bay leaf – 3-4 leaves
  • Water: 1 liter, salt: 2 tbsp. spoons

Tomatoes in tomato juice

  • Tomatoes – 10 kilograms
  • Tomato juice – 10 kilograms
  • Salt – 300 grams
  • Black currant leaf – 90-100 pieces
  • Mustard (powder) – 1 teaspoon

This tomato recipe uses tomato juice made from irregular and crushed tomatoes. The bottom of the pan or bucket must be lined with blackcurrant leaves. Next, lay the tomatoes sprinkled with mustard. On top everything is covered with another layer of blackcurrant leaves. Tomatoes are flooded tomato juice. According to this recipe, the tomato pickles are juicy and very delicious tomatoes home-cooked.

This is how you can easily and quickly pickle red and green tomatoes for the winter with your own hands, without much effort. Bon appetit!

Pickling tomatoes – great way homemade supplies for winter period. There are many variety of options salting tomatoes, where vinegar acts as a preservative in addition to salt, lemon acid, even an aspirin tablet. The salting procedure can be carried out using the hot or cold method.

Surely you have favorite recipe how to pickle tomatoes, but there comes a time when you want taste variety. Below are presented to your attention best options pickling tomatoes.

The right tomatoes for pickling

In order for canned tomatoes to delight you with their taste and elastic texture in winter, you need to choose the right varieties for pickling. Elongated, oblong-shaped fruits with hard, dense pulp are ideal. You can salt red ones, but it is better to choose brown (slightly unripe) tomatoes. These salted tomatoes in jars for the winter look beautiful and appetizing, have the right texture, and a memorable taste.

The following spices are usually chosen for pickling:

  • seeds, umbrellas, dill;
  • garlic cloves;
  • mustard seeds;
  • leaves of parsley, cherry, black currant;
  • bay leaves;
  • hot pepper (peas, fresh rings);
  • peeled horseradish root/leaves.

Spices are not put into the jar all at once, but in certain combinations. For example, amateurs add horseradish to jars pungent taste salty tomatoes, and currant leaves have a sweet-spicy aroma.

If you are going to pickle green tomatoes, their variety and shape are not as important as their size: you should choose small-sized fruits.

Principles of salting for the winter

The process of salting vegetables in barrels and jars compared to pickling is considered more in a useful way preserving them for winter use. Boiling water and vinegar used in marinades have a destructive effect on vitamin composition tomatoes. Cold salting (fermentation) preserves their benefits and increases them due to the formation of enzymes necessary for good digestion. Therefore, a salted tomato will serve as an excellent addition to “heavy” meat and fried foods.

Vegetables and spices that go into jars for pickling must be clean - this is the key to the success of preservation.

Tomatoes should be thoroughly washed with water and inspected for defects. Vegetables with a damaged surface cannot be harvested for the winter, but they can be used for quick salting.

The jars that will be used for pickling tomatoes must be sterilized with steam (can be done in a double boiler, oven, or microwave). Metal lids are also subject to mandatory processing (boiling).

If you have to cold method pickles, then clean the containers and plastic lids well with baking soda.

Garlic and horseradish must be thoroughly peeled and washed. Leaves and greens should be sorted from debris, twigs, damaged parts, and rinsed with clean water.

Quick salting of tomatoes

When the harvesting season is just beginning, before salting tomatoes in jars for the winter, a recipe for quick salting is popular in many families. Lightly salted tomatoes stuffed with spices are cooked in brine for 24 hours; they are delicious as an accompaniment to barbecue, as an appetizer, and are usually eaten faster than they are cooked.

Lightly salted stuffed tomatoes

You will need red fleshy tomatoes the size of an egg. Cut them into halves with a knife or crosswise, cutting them to the end (it is convenient to use a bread knife). Place the filling of chopped garlic, parsley, and dill into the resulting gaps.

At the bottom of any convenient container, generously place dill umbrellas, sprinkle mustard seeds, add currant leaves, horseradish, pepper, and bay leaves.

Fill stuffed tomatoes brine (in 1 liter of boiled, cooled water, stir 1 tablespoon of salt without iodine, sugar, 1 teaspoon of dry mustard powder), press down on top with pressure. Wait one day and you can take a sample. These quick salted tomatoes are stored in a cool place for 5 days.

Salty aromatic tomatoes

By choosing this recipe you will get sweet-spicy salted tomatoes with aroma roasted peppers. You will need: a bucket of medium red tomatoes (each one needs to be pierced with a fork), 5 sweet peppers, for connoisseurs of spicy taste - 1 hot pepper, a couple of heads of garlic, currant leaves, horseradish root, dill (seeds or umbrellas), oil (favorite vegetable) for frying peppers, salt.

Fry the coarsely chopped peppers in oil until soft, cool. Divide the spices in half, spread the first part along the bottom of the bucket, place half the tomato on top, then put the peppers on them and pour out the oil, from frying, lay out the second part of the spices, add the tomatoes to the top of the bucket. Close the lid.

A day later, prepare the brine (5 tablespoons of salt, 3 liters of clean water), fill a bucket with tomatoes, pick up pressure, and place the bucket in the kitchen. After 5 days, the fragrant tomatoes are ready quickly. Keep cool.

Cold barrel salting

Using a similar technology to lightly salted tomatoes, you can prepare real salted tomatoes for the winter. Pickling recipes are usually simple, and the results exceed expectations.

Pickled tomatoes

At the bottom of dry jars (3 liters), washed with soda or scalded with boiling water, place a pinch of dill seeds, a bay leaf, and a few peppercorns. Place the tomatoes quite closely, choosing fruits with hard flesh and thick skin. Pour 1 tbsp into jars. salt (without iodine, always coarse), 3 tbsp. sugar, 1 full tbsp. dry mustard powder. Pour, covering the top layer, cooled boiled water, cover with washed plastic lids and refrigerate for 2 months. The tomatoes will ferment, acquire a harsh, slightly carbonated taste, and become barrel-like. Tomatoes salted in this way should be stored in the cellar/refrigerator.

For lovers aromatic spices in pickles you will like the following recipe.

Salted tomatoes

For the preparation you will need dense red or yellow tomatoes, tender leaves currants, cherries, horseradish root/leaves, cloves young garlic, pepper, dill, mustard (dry), sugar, salt.

It is recommended to start filling jars with leaves, dill, and spices. In a 3 liter jar it is enough to put a small amount young leaf currants, cherries, dill seeds/umbrella, peeled root, half a horseradish leaf, about 4 medium cloves of young garlic, 5 peppercorns. Place the tomatoes evenly on top of the spices. Pour 2 tbsp. l. sugar, coarse salt, dry mustard. Fill the jars with clean water (tap or bottled) and close with a plastic lid. Turn the jar over to dissolve the salt and sugar. Pickling tomatoes for the winter can a priori be considered the main event of August, and the first sample is taken in October. Tomatoes salted using this option are perfectly kept cool until spring.

Unusual salting option

Those choosing how to pickle tomatoes in an unusual way You will like this method of preparation, when the tomatoes practically retain their original fresh taste and can simply be used in food and in the preparation of other dishes.

"Juicy" tomatoes

You will need tomatoes and salt. Jars and metal lids should be sterilized before sealing.

Place ripe tomatoes with a diameter of 5-7 cm into a boiling pan of water, a few at a time, hold for a couple of minutes, and remove to a bowl of cold, clean water. Remove the skin from blanched tomatoes, put them in a 5 liter saucepan, add a whole tbsp. salt (without iodine, coarse), without water, put on gas. From the moment of boiling, wait 5 minutes. Juice will be released. Mix very carefully and continue cooking for 5 minutes. We carefully pack the tomatoes into sterilized jars, filling them one at a time, pouring the boiling juice that has been released, rolling them up, and covering them until they cool.

Worthy of attention salted tomatoes according to the hot salting recipe, they can be offered to small children. There is no vinegar, only tomatoes and salt.

Simple salted tomatoes

Any ripe red or yellow tomatoes will do. Large tomatoes should be cut into 4 parts, small ones - in half. Place in jars (1 liter is convenient). Add 1 tsp. with a slide of salt and water to the top. Filled jars must be sterilized (lay a kitchen towel on the bottom of the pan, place the jars inside. Make sure they do not reach the walls of the pan or touch each other. Carefully pour water along the wall of the pan so that it reaches ¾ of the height of the jars, put the pan on gas You need to start counting the sterilization time after the water boils in the pan: 15 minutes for cans with a capacity of 1 liter). Roll up the lids (sterile), turn them over, and be sure to wrap them up. Keep cool.

Pickling green tomatoes

Weather conditions are such that all the tomatoes never have time to ripen before frost sets in. In this case, thrifty housewives will be helped out by recipes on how to pickle green tomatoes. It is important to remember that only medium and large green fruits can be pickled.

Spicy green tomatoes

If you have a medium sized bucket of green tomatoes you should have: 7 heads of garlic, pods hot pepper(adjust the spiciness to taste), a large bunch of parsley, salt. Make a side cut in each vegetable. Prepare the filling: chop and mix garlic, parsley, pepper.

Stuff the tomatoes with this mixture. Place the remaining filling on the bottom of the pickling bucket and tightly stuffed green tomatoes on top. Fill the container with brine (boil 3 liters of drinking water, add 6 tablespoons of salt, cool). Place under light pressure. After a week, transfer the tomatoes to washed jars, use the resulting brine for filling, close simple lids, hide in the cellar.

Be patient and wait the month required to salt the green tomatoes. You can eat such fruits right away, but their taste will become rich and full after a month.

There is a simpler recipe for tomatoes, picked green, in jars for the winter.

Green salted tomatoes

Prick medium green tomatoes in 3 places with a toothpick. In 3 liter jars: dill seeds, currant leaves, horseradish, rings hot pepper. Arrange the tomatoes, top with parsley, dill, and sprinkle with chopped garlic cloves. Add 3 tbsp. salt (iodine-free, coarse), 1 tbsp. dry mustard powder.

Fill the jars cold water, seal with plastic caps. Twist the jars in your hands to dissolve the salt. Refrigerate. You can appreciate the taste of pickled green tomatoes after a couple of months.

The existing variety of recipes for preparing tomatoes (ripe and green) for the winter will allow the housewife to choose the most delicious ways pickling tomatoes to please your household in winter with natural and healthy products. Recipes for making salted tomatoes are often quite simple and do not require special cooking skills. Important condition preservation by salting barrels/buckets/jars without adding acetic, citric, acetylsalicylic acid - storage finished products in the cold.

Before starting to prepare various pickles and preserves, any housewife must first properly sterilize the jars.
The sterilization process is simple, although it takes an extra five to seven minutes. However, despite the time spent, you will protect yourself from problems with cloudiness or souring of the cans later during storage.

Today I will share this recipe with you.
In general, there are many ways to pickle tomatoes: in barrels, in jars, pickling, own juice etc. But I’ll tell you my way, the one I’m used to. For my family it is very tasty.

So, in order to deliciously pickle tomatoes for the winter, we will need the following ingredients:

- tomatoes are the same, medium size – 9-10 pieces
- salt (according to the scheme - see the recipe itself)
- sugar (according to the scheme - see the recipe itself)
- Bay leaf(3-4 sheets),
- dill seeds (a handful),
- allspice peas (6-8 pieces),
- cloves (6-8 pieces)
- garlic – 4-5 cloves
- water.

We will do the salting in two-liter jars. The fact is that sometimes in winter you get three liter jar, you open it, everyone eats a little bit, and this jar sits in the refrigerator, sour, covered with mold, until you pour it out completely.
Therefore in recent years I decided not to waste my money and my strength, but to carry out the salting in two-liter jars.

So, step by step recipe .

1) Step one.
Preparing the ingredients.

2) Step two.
Place ingredients in jars.

At the very bottom we place garlic, bay leaf, allspice, and cloves.
On top – fill the jar with tomatoes. After the first layer of tomatoes, pour dill seeds into the jar. Then we lay the next layers of tomatoes to the very top (as in the photo).

3) Step three.
Filling it for the first time.

Fill the contents of the jar with boiling water from the pan for the first time and let it brew for five minutes. Then pour it back into the pan and put the pan back on the fire.
While the pan is on the fire, pour salt and sugar into the water according to the following scheme:

The usual ratio is 2 tablespoons salt – 3 tablespoons sugar,
- if the tomatoes are sour, then the ratio should be as follows: for 2 tablespoons of salt - 8 tablespoons of sugar,
- if you want the finished tomatoes to be sweeter, then the ratio should be this: for 3 tablespoons of salt - 16 tablespoons of sugar.

4) Step four.
Fill it a second time.

As soon as our brine in the pan has boiled, pour it into our jar of tomatoes a second time. Fill to the very neck.
Finally, add two teaspoons of 70% vinegar directly to the jar.

5) Step five.
We twist it.

Cover the jar with a metal lid that has also been sterilized in advance and screw it on.
Then we turn the jar of salted tomatoes upside down with the lid and quickly put it on a blanket and cover it with a blanket (as in the photo) so that it does not cool down for a long time, so that hot pickle penetrated the tomatoes better.

So, basically, I told you the secret of how to salt tomatoes.
Fast and reliable. It takes me 30 minutes to do everything about three two liter jars.
The shelf life of pickles with tomatoes is 1-2 years in the cellar. In warm conditions - up to 1 year.