Envelopes from the leaves of young cabbage with cheese. Cabbage schnitzel with cheese Cooking cabbage schnitzels

Cabbage is a very healthy vegetable, but not everyone consumes it in sufficient quantities. An interesting recipe will help to prepare a delicious dish that the whole family will surely enjoy.

For cooking, you need a few simple products:

  • small or medium-sized head of cabbage;
  • water for boiling this cabbage.

For thick batter:

  • egg;
  • a glass of very cold water (drinking or mineral soda);
  • a glass of flour;
  • raw-pressed or refined sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  • spices to taste (recommended turmeric, cumin, dill, freshly ground black pepper);

For filling:

  • any ham or boiled chicken meat;
  • hard cheese.

There are many variations with fillings: it depends on the mood, taste and available products. Rolls will be very tasty only with cheese, and even with melted cheese. Stewed vegetables, sausage, fried mushrooms are also good.

Cooking sequence

Peel the prepared cabbage and lower it into a saucepan with pre-salted boiling water. It needs to be boiled well so that the leaves become elastic. Accordingly, the younger the cabbage, the faster it cooks - and vice versa.

While the cabbage is cooking, prepare the batter: mix the ingredients thoroughly, achieving a dough density about the same as for pancakes (but not too thick). The amount of flour is approximate: its density is different and the result must be adjusted independently. An important point: take colder water, preferably half-frozen. This is important so that when in contact with boiling oil, the batter begins to increase and the rolls turn out to be fluffy and crispy.

If time permits, prepare the filling while the cabbage is cooking. To do this, cut the components into slices of medium size - it is important that there is no small "porridge" (each piece should be felt when finished). Add fresh herbs and some spices to the filling.

  • take out the finished cabbage and, carefully cutting at the stalk, disassemble the head into leaves;
  • cut off protruding veins with a sharp knife;
  • putting the filling in a sheet, roll it up with a neat roll or a flat envelope (here for an amateur) - do this with all the leaves;
  • roll each blank in flour, then dip in the dough (crisp lovers additionally roll the envelopes in breadcrumbs or large bran);
  • fry in a pan in boiling oil (rolls can be deep-fried);
  • place finished products on paper napkins (this is important to remove excess oil);
  • put the envelopes on a beautiful dish and sprinkle with herbs;
  • serve sauce or sour cream separately.

Cabbage schnitzels are prepared in a similar way - as an option when you need an appetizer, but there is only enough food for batter. The sequence is similar, just the blanks are made with almost no filling (inside the envelope they are only sprinkled with a mixture of spices, sometimes garlic is added, a little onion and carrots are added for flavor).

The detailed process of making crispy cabbage rolls is described in the video. It also offers a recipe for a delicious sauce.

Bon appetit!

Usually this dish is made from young cabbage, but from the old it turns out no worse. Juicy, with a delicious crust cabbage schnitzels It will be very important to cook in the winter, when the choice of vegetables is very limited.


  • 7 cabbage leaves
  • 200 gr Adyghe or hard cheese (optional)
  • 200 ml sour cream
  • 3 art. spoons of flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • spices: 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper, turmeric, curry or other
  • flour, semolina (or breadcrumbs)

Preparation of cabbage schnitzels:

  1. Cook cabbage according to one of two options:
    • If you want to cook several schnitzels, then the cabbage leaves should be carefully separated from the head and boiled in boiling salted water for 7-10 minutes or in a double boiler for 15-20 minutes until soft.
    • If the head is dense and the leaves do not separate or you need to cook a large number of schnitzels, then you need to cut out the stalk, boil water with salt (you can add spices) and cook cabbage in it, periodically turning over. After 10 minutes, remove the top leaves (to do this, prick with a fork in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe stalk and lift), and let the rest boil.
    • The easiest way is to cook cabbage in the microwave. To do this, put the cabbage on a plate and put in the microwave. Cook at the highest power for 10 minutes. Then place it under a stream of cold water and remove the soft leaves, cutting them at the base. Place the rest of the head in the microwave again for a few minutes.

    Adviсe: The cabbage should be soft but not overcooked. The leaves should not tear, but bend well. It will take less time to cook young cabbage. Cabbage broth can be used for cooking.

  2. Cut off the seal from the leaves, which was near the stalk.
  3. Cut cheese into rectangular slices.

  4. If you use Adyghe cheese, then it must be fried on both sides until golden brown. You can add a little turmeric to the oil to make it yellow. Hard cheese does not need to be fried.

    toasted cheese

  5. Mix sour cream, 3 tbsp. l. flour, salt and spices.


  6. Take a cabbage leaf, put a piece of cheese in the middle and fold it into an envelope, like. The top ponytail (pictured) can be wrapped back. Small leaves will need 2-3 pieces.

  7. Roll the resulting schnitzel in flour, then in batter, and then in semolina (or breadcrumbs).

  8. Fry in a little oil on both sides.

Cabbage schnitzels are ready. They can be served with some kind of sour cream, but I like it with.

You can also freeze them. To do this, after being rolled in flour, fold them in a plastic container, close and put in the freezer. And when you want to fry, dip unfrozen schnitzels in batter, then in semolina or breadcrumbs and fry.

P.S. If you liked the recipe, you can, because there are still many delicious dishes ahead.

Bon appetit!

Julia recipe author

Do you know? I have enough for dinner - with a side dish of fresh vegetables or salad. And men, nevertheless, serve with meat. The filling in the envelopes will be cheese and ham. But you can make them with other meat products - boiled chicken or meat, boiled sausage or add fried mushrooms.

You can break the preparation into two stages: make envelopes in advance - schnitzels, and put in the refrigerator, and before dinner, bread and fry them.


hard for stuffing;

For breading
Half a glass of milk or cream;
White bread crumbs or breadcrumbs;
Salt, pepper to taste.

Cut the stalk (or just cut it), and pour boiling water over the head of cabbage, add salt - we will cook. If you plan to cook a few envelopes, then just remove the right amount of leaves from the head.

Important: the cabbage must be boiled until cooked (until soft), well, or almost until cooked, otherwise the schnitzels will crunch later. Here you will have to navigate to your taste - do you like it to crunch, or do you prefer completely soft cabbage. We will not fry the envelopes for long, and the undercooked cabbage will not have time to reach readiness.

While cooking, cut the cheese into thick slices. Lightly beat the eggs with a pinch of salt, milk or cream - for two eggs, about half a glass of liquid. Prepare bread crumbs and flour for breading.

Lightly beat off the boiled cabbage leaves along the veins, you can use the handle of a knife, or cut off the thickened parts. Put a slice of cheese on each cabbage leaf and wrap it with an envelope.

Roll the schnitzel envelopes in flour, in an egg, in crumbs - and in a heated frying pan. It is better to fry on medium heat.

From the same set of products, you can make another version of cabbage schnitzels - in batter. Let me remind you that batter is a semi-liquid dough in which almost any food is dipped before frying.

Batter. Beat 2 eggs and 1/2 cup milk or cream, add a pinch of salt and flour until a semi-liquid dough forms, like sour cream in thickness. You can add grated cheese, crushed garlic, finely chopped herbs and spices to the batter - to your taste and desire.

Boil the cabbage. Dip the cabbage leaf in the dough (on both sides), and fry in a preheated pan until browned. Transfer to a paper towel to soak up excess oil. This dish, of course, cannot be called dietary, despite the presence of cabbage. Serve with sour cream. Bon appetit!

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