Salted mushrooms in a cold way. Delicious and healthy mushrooms

Almost in any Russian forest you can find a mushroom mushroom. Collection starts in July and ends in September. Yellow with a pink tint or orange with red specimens are valuable for proteins and the presence of minerals.

You can prepare an easily digestible product using a variety of recipes. Among them are many methods on how to salt mushrooms mushrooms.

Hot pickle way

Hot technique involves heat treatment. Even stale raw materials can be used. The size of the mushrooms does not matter, both small and large ones are salted.

To salt mushrooms in a hot way, you will need to prepare: 5 kilograms of mushrooms, a glass of salt, 10 dried cloves in buds, 50 grams of blackcurrant leaves, 2 garlic cloves, 10 bay leaves and 10 black peppercorns.

To learn how to properly salt mushrooms, you need experience and the ability to properly prepare everything. Mushrooms are sorted out, wormy specimens are thrown away. Carefully clean the caps and legs of mushrooms. Each large sample is cut into pieces. When water boils on the stove in a saucepan, it will be necessary to pour forest gifts into it, which should be completely covered by the liquid. On the maximum fire mode, mushrooms boil for 2 minutes. It should be cooked for an additional 3 minutes, during the process, foam must be removed with a slotted spoon. Boiled products should be thrown into a colander, drained of all liquid and cooled mushrooms to room temperature.

Mushrooms are laid out in jars so that the hats look up. This condition allows you to get a uniform salting. Each layer of mushrooms is alternately salted and sprinkled with a mixture of seasonings. When the containers are full, they require laying oppression on top of them. For pressure, you can take a large plate and put a three-liter jar of water on it. Under the oppressive weight, it is better to put several layers of gauze or napkins.

Finished products can be stored in a cool one and a half months. It is better to remove the containers in a cellar or basement with a temperature of 0 to "plus" 7 degrees. It is allowed to put a jar of mushrooms on the lower refrigerated shelf. During storage, product supervision is required. The color of the brine should be brown throughout the entire period. The damage to the product will become clear by the black color of the liquid. When a month and a half expire, you can taste mushrooms.

Cold preparation method

For the preparation of winter snacks and long-term storage, it is better to use a cold technique without heat treatment. This is an example of how to salt mushrooms at home quickly. The method allows you to save all the nutrients and vitamin composition of mushrooms and after salting.

Before salting mushrooms in a cold way, you should arm yourself with two kilograms of mushrooms, 40 grams of blackcurrant leaves, 100 g of table salt, 30 peas of allspice black pepper, 4 garlic cloves and bay leaf in the amount of 20 pieces.

Mushrooms should be cleaned and washed in cold water, dried on a towel. They choose what they salt and preserve the mushrooms in, so that the container does not oxidize. Salted mushrooms in glass jars or enameled pans. You can use a wooden barrel. The bottom of the dish is sprinkled with spices and a pinch of salt. Mushrooms are laid so that the caps lie side up, they should be well salted, covered with gauze on top and an oppressive vessel or heavy lid should be installed. The workpiece is left for 5 or 6 hours.

After the mushroom mass settles, more forest raw materials are added until the mixture thickens. You need to preserve mushrooms at home at a temperature of 20 positive degrees, it should not be warmer. Used gauze changes after a couple of days. How much to salt mushrooms depends on the chosen technique. With cold preservation, two weeks is enough, and in order for the fungi to be saltier, it is permissible to hold them for a few more days. Salted mushrooms are laid out in clean glass jars. Cold salted mushrooms are stored for 2 years or longer.

Some housewives will wonder if it is possible to make mushrooms very salty by using more table salt? Experienced chefs have a recipe for this: a saucepan of the required size is filled with pure raw materials, which are thickly salted (about 100 grams of salt per kilogram of mushrooms) with the addition of spices to taste. Everything is mixed and salted again. The saucepan closes. The mixture is infused for about two hours, the longer, the more salty the mushrooms will turn out.

Simple cooking mushrooms in the winter

This is a waterless method when the mushrooms are cleaned very carefully. Camelina habitats are located in ventilated and clean areas, so a simple method without using water will work for them. For a kilogram of mushrooms, 40 grams of table salt will be required. Before you salt mushrooms for the winter, you need to look at them and remove the garbage. The legs should be scraped, the cut freshened, and the places where the mushrooms have deteriorated are cut off.

The cleaned products are stacked layer by layer in a container. All layers are sprinkled with salt. From above they press oppression. Spices are not present in the products; mushrooms retain their unique taste and aroma. Ten days are enough for salting, you can treat yourself to pickles. To pickle mushrooms, they prepare glass containers into which mushrooms are moved and brine is poured. Each jar is rolled up and sterilized for 30 to 60 minutes.

Winter blanks should be stored in a cool and ventilated place at zero or no higher than “plus” 7 degrees. If the brine in the containers has noticeably decreased, the jars are topped up with chilled boiled water.

Salting according to an English recipe

Among the methods of how to salt mushrooms, a quick English method stands out. For him you will need: a kilogram of mushrooms, half a glass of dry red wine, half a glass of olive oil, 20 grams of salt and sugar, 20 grams of Dijon mustard and one onion.

Salt the water and blanch the mushrooms in it for five minutes. After the water is drained, the mushrooms are washed with cold water and cut into chips.

In a saucepan, olive oil is mixed with wine, salt, sugar, mustard and onion, cut into rings. When the composition boils, add mushrooms and cook for five minutes.

The resulting mushroom caviar is stored in the refrigerator in jars or glass bottles. Two hours will be enough for the mass to stand so that it can be eaten. This way to salt mushrooms will eventually delight family and guests with a tasty and healthy dish.

Tip: In order for the fungi to retain the aroma of the forest, and mold does not appear on the mushrooms, it is good to add heather and spruce along the twig at the very bottom, in the middle and on top of the workpiece.

Every autumn in the forest you can collect a wide variety of mushrooms, and among them one stands out in a special way - camelina. The harvest can be so rich that it is more than enough to prepare for the winter. Then, at any time of the year, you can open a jar of forest gifts and cook a delicious delicious first or second course, or please guests at the festive table with home-made preparations.

Mushrooms are a unique product, from time immemorial they have been held in high esteem in Russia, they were not only dried, but also salted in large oak barrels. With this method of preservation, the taste of mushrooms is revealed in a special way. Before harvesting mushrooms for the winter, it is necessary to take into account several important nuances.

Proper preparation of mushrooms for salting

As you know, not a single recipe for a dish or home preservation is simply unthinkable without preliminary preparation of the necessary ingredients. When salting mushrooms, this rule is also no exception, because the final taste of the dish will depend on how carefully this stage was performed.

After the mushrooms have been collected, they must be carefully torn to make sure that no other species have fallen into the pile, and get rid of excess debris, remove spoiled mushrooms that are not suitable for eating. You should definitely get rid of mushrooms with rotten spots, with signs of worminess and those that have an unattractive, damaged appearance.

Now you can proceed to the next process - cleaning from dirt and earth. You can use a small brush or small knife to clean off dirt. Small damage on the surface of the cap and stem can be carefully cut off, so do not rush when sorting mushrooms for pickling.

The next step is to rinse the mushrooms thoroughly in running cool water, then dry them using kitchen paper towels.

Some housewives who regularly salt and preserve mushrooms for the winter, as a rule, do not use mushroom legs for this purpose. You can cook many other dishes with them, for example, fry potatoes or cook soup, or prepare a warm salad of salted mushrooms (you can salt the legs separately). Mushroom legs also tolerate freezing well.

Pre-boiling mushrooms does not make sense if cold salting will be done. Mushrooms after salting will be ready in about a couple of months.

A quick recipe for salted mushrooms

After the preparation for salting has been made, you can proceed directly to the harvesting process itself. Let's look at the recipe for cooking mushrooms in a cold way:


  • mushrooms without legs - 4 kg;
  • coarse salt - 165 gr;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • 10-12 currant leaves;
  • 10-12 cherry leaves;
  • 7-8 umbrellas of fresh or slightly dried dill;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 5 black peppercorns;
  • 3-4 peas of allspice.

Cooking process:

  1. For the convenience of salting by this method, you can use a large enamel pan without chips and damage. It is important that it is dry and clean.
  2. At the bottom of each container is poured not a large number of salt, currant and cherry leaves are laid on top, garlic cloves crushed with a knife, dill umbrellas and peppercorns.
  3. Mushrooms are laid out in the next layer, sprinkled with a little salt. Layers of mushrooms with salt are repeated until the container runs out of free space. The top of the container is again covered with currant and cherry leaves, and a bay leaf is added to the side.
  4. A layer of gauze is placed on top of the container, and already on it is a plank or plywood, approximately corresponding to the inner diameter of the pan, and a small oppression, for example, a weighty cobblestone wrapped in cling film. Now everything can be covered with cellophane, but not tightly, so that there is air access, and put away for storage in a cool place, for about 2-2.5 months. It can be a cellar or a refrigerator, and if the mushrooms are pre-blanched, their ambassador will happen even faster.

To enhance the taste, you can take more garlic and, cutting the cloves into slices, lay it in layers with mushrooms.

2-3 weeks after salting, mushrooms can be decomposed into glass jars and stored in the refrigerator. Currant and cherry leaves are best placed on top of the jar.

Good year - good harvest

I sincerely hope that you no longer have questions about how to salt mushrooms in a cold way to make the preparation tasty and fragrant.

Hot salting

The shelf life of any mushrooms, including mushrooms, can be extended by pickling them for the winter. This recipe provides for hot salting, which increases the shelf life of the product and fully reveals its taste and aroma.


  • 1, 3 kg of freshly picked mushrooms;
  • 700 ml of pure water;
  • 5 peas of allspice;
  • 2 umbrellas of fresh dill;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 4-5 currant leaves;
  • 2 umbrellas of carnation;
  • 3 art. tablespoons of coarse salt.

The preparation is as follows:

  1. Sort and rinse the mushrooms, changing the water, while you can let them stand and soak for a couple of hours, constantly stirring them in the container to wash away all the debris.
  2. Remove those parts at the legs that were in contact with the ground, leave small mushrooms whole, large ones can be cut in half.
  3. Pour water into a saucepan, add all dry spices and salt, and bring to a boil. The fire does not have to be large, an average level will be enough. As soon as it boils for 5 minutes and the spices give off their flavors to the water, pour the processed mushrooms into it.
  4. Boil for about 15-18 minutes over low heat, removing the foam as needed. Throw the finished mushrooms in a colander, while retaining the brine in which they were cooked.
  5. Prepare clean containers that have been previously sterilized. Arrange the boiled mushrooms in jars, laying them upside down, and pour over the hot brine.
  6. Roll up the jars and store in a cold place. If everything does not fit in the prepared container, some of the mushrooms can be stored in the refrigerator, after about 5-7 days they can be sampled by seasoning with sunflower oil and adding finely chopped onion rings.

Marinating mushrooms

It is necessary to prepare the product only in clean, sterilized glass jars; plastic and metal utensils cannot be used.


  • 10 pcs of allspice and black peppercorns;
  • 2-3 cloves of fresh garlic;
  • 1.2 kg of mushrooms;
  • 150 ml apple cider vinegar;
  • 55 gr. coarse table salt;
  • 5 currant leaves;
  • 3 bay leaves.

We do this:

  1. For cooking, freshly picked young mushrooms of a small size are suitable. Before cooking, they must be thoroughly cleaned, then rinsed and dried on a clean kitchen towel.
  2. After the mushrooms have dried, they must be laid out in clean, sterilized jars, and a little (a teaspoonful) of salt should be poured onto the bottom.
  3. It is recommended to spread the mushrooms with their caps up, and between them add peppercorns, currant leaves and bay leaves. Sprinkle each row with a little salt. It is recommended to cut the garlic cloves so that they give away more of their flavor.
  4. Boil a liter of water with the addition of apple cider vinegar, add the remaining salt there. Remove the boiling marinade from the heat, pour into containers filled with mushrooms, and roll up the lids.
  5. Each container must be turned upside down to make sure that the container is airtight, cool and put away for storage. Marinated mushrooms prepared in this way are not ashamed to be put on the table in winter.

in cabbage leaves

In addition to spices, when salting mushrooms in large volumes, some housewives add vegetables and fresh herbs to the container to give the future snack a unique flavor. Ryzhik can be stored in the cellar for a long time if they are salted with the addition of white cabbage leaves.


  • 5 kg of freshly picked mushrooms;
  • 8-10 large cabbage leaves of winter cabbage varieties;
  • 225 gr. coarse table salt;
  • 10 dill umbrellas;
  • 1 head of fresh garlic;
  • 25 leaves of currant leaves;
  • 25 cherry leaves;
  • 65 gr. fresh horseradish (root);
  • 10 peas of allspice.

The algorithm of work is the following:

  1. Prepare the cabbage - wash the leaves together with the mushrooms in running water and dry. Horseradish and garlic should be peeled.
  2. Divide all spices and herbs, seasonings into two pieces. Put one part of cabbage leaves with fruit leaves, garlic and spices in a large enameled pan on the bottom. Add some salt.
  3. Now prepared mushrooms are laid out in neat layers - they need to be washed and dried, cleaned and, if necessary, blanched in boiling water.
  4. Each layer of mushrooms is sprinkled with a small amount of coarse salt. The top layer consists again of cabbage leaves and the remaining spices and seasonings.
  5. Place a not very weighty load on top of them, and leave for a couple of weeks to salt, covering the container with polyethylene to protect it from contamination. After this time, the pan must be covered with a lid and after 1.5-2 months you can start tasting homemade preparations in a variety of dishes from salted mushrooms.
  • If a non-glass jar is used for salting mushrooms, then it is imperative to use moderately heavy oppression. This is necessary so that all the mushrooms are immersed in the brine and evenly reach readiness. Oppression, if possible, is recommended in such a form that it is possible to cover the container with a lid - it is much more practical than cling film;
  • If, when pickling mushrooms, the brine in the container turned gray, it means that the temperature in the room is high for storage, and the fermentation process has already begun. It is not worth the risk and it is better to dispose of this blank so as not to be poisoned by the product;
  • For salting, it is recommended to use only camelina caps, the legs can easily be used for other uses, for example, frying and subsequent freezing or drying.
  • When pickling mushrooms, in addition to vinegar, you can use citric acid in granules. By adding it quite a bit to the marinade, you can give the mushrooms an extra taste and piquancy, and you will get crispy pickled mushrooms, the recipe for which your guests will ask for the winter;

To thoroughly clean forest mushrooms from worms, you can soak them for 2-3 hours in sufficiently salty water. This technique will make sure that the product is pure without cutting the forest gifts.

If the year is fruitful for mushrooms, then be sure to stock up on mushrooms for the winter. They can be frozen, dried, pickled or salted. Today we will talk about salting mushrooms, namely, the hot method of salting.

When harvested in a hot way, mushrooms can be eaten in a couple of days. At the same time, their appearance (shape and color) does not change. The only rule that is relevant for both hot and cold salting is preliminary soaking (a day or two) of mushrooms to remove mucous plaque.

Salting mushrooms in a hot way: recipes

Karelian way of hot pickling of mushrooms

After soaking, the peeled mushrooms are boiled for twenty minutes in water with a small amount of salt. During cooking, you need to stir regularly and carefully remove the foam from the broth;

Boiled mushrooms to remove excess moisture are thrown into a colander and cooled;

Then spread in layers in sterile jars. Layers of mushrooms are sprinkled with rock salt.

At the bottom of each jar, you can put spices, herbs, leaves and lavrushka. Banks are covered with plastic lids and stored in the refrigerator.

Onions are not added with this method of pickling, as it quickly turns sour, changing the taste of the mushroom preparation!

How to salt mushrooms in a hot way in Russian

Mushrooms are boiled for 10 minutes in salt water (50 g of salt per 1 liter), discarded and washed in a colander under running cold water;

Pickle -

Per liter of water, you need to lay 5 peas of allspice and black pepper, 5 pieces of cinnamon, bay and currant leaves, 2-3 things each and 2 cloves. Do not forget to put salt - 2 tbsp. l.;

As soon as the brine began to bubble, half-finished mushrooms are lowered into it and boiled for another ten minutes.

In a hot state, the mushrooms are laid out in jars prepared in advance and rolled up with metal lids. There are no special requirements for the place of storage of such a blank. And you can eat mushrooms immediately after the jars have cooled down.

This is how the British cook mushrooms in a hot way

In lightly salted water, mushrooms are blanched for about five minutes, then the liquid is drained, and the mushrooms are washed with cold water and cut into strips;

Pour dry red wine and olive oil (80 g each) into the cooking container, add salt (1 tsp), sugar (1 tbsp), onion rings and parsley (to taste), Dijon mustard (1 tsp);

When this mixture boils, mushrooms are lowered into it and boiled for another 5 minutes.

Spread the mushroom mass in a jar and put it in the refrigerator. After a couple of hours you can eat.

This method of salting mushrooms is not suitable for long-term storage!

Another hot pickling of mushrooms

Soak the mushrooms for one day, periodically draining the water and pouring fresh;

After pressing, the mushrooms are poured with cold water, salted (2 tablespoons of salt per 1 kg of mushrooms) and boiled over low heat for half an hour;

Then the brine is cooled and drained, and the mushrooms are seasoned with vegetable oil and chopped onions.

If desired, dill, garlic, currant leaves are added to the mushrooms.

After 2 days of storage in a cold place to use.

Mushroom lovers always stock up on mushrooms and chanterelles collected with their own hands during the season. But after that, the question often arises of preserving the product for a long time, with which not only freezing, but also salting copes. This method allows you to instantly "preserve" all the useful substances, and also makes it possible to get a ready-to-eat product that becomes an excellent snack or addition to a number of dishes.

Home conservation has several common algorithms, but does not imply any set of rules that must be followed relentlessly. Depending on your taste preferences, the list of what is put in the container with mushrooms and the amount of these components will vary. And even to say exactly how many days to salt the mushrooms, no one can: here again you need to decide what kind of initial product you want to receive.

However, experienced hostesses distinguish as many as 3 methods, each of which is capable of having up to 10 variations in its technology. This is a quick salting, the so-called express, cold salting and hot.

The express salting method is suitable for those who want to try the finished product on the same day, and not wait until it reaches the desired condition. The disadvantage of this method, of course, is that it is not focused on subsequent storage. The mushrooms salted in this way should be consumed 2-3 days in advance, during which they will be kept in the refrigerator. But this is an ideal option if guests are expected, and you want to surprise them with salted mushrooms. In 2-3 hours, the mushrooms will be salted and will be ready to serve.

To do this, you need to collect a small amount of mushrooms, preferably medium-sized ones. They are carefully washed, cleaned and placed in a jar with their legs up. As soon as the bottom is tightly covered with mushrooms, they must be sprinkled with salt, and then a new layer is formed, which is also covered with salt. Its amount depends on your taste preferences: the classic recipe involves a thin white coating on which a new layer of mushrooms will fit. They should be left until a dark brine appears, after which they should be kept for another 1 hour in a cold place, and the salted mushrooms are ready to eat.

It should also be noted here that such an express pickling method is only suitable for mushrooms, since other mushrooms require mandatory cooking. Soak the mushrooms thoroughly enough in water, keeping them in it for 0.5-1 hour, rinse with running water to remove debris from the plates. Some recipes even offer to sprinkle the mushrooms with salt, cover them with a press and keep for only 30-40 minutes. After this period, the mushrooms will give juice and will be suitable for serving. But in this case, young and small mushrooms are needed. An approximate calculation of salt per 1 kg of product is 30-35 g.

How to salt mushrooms in a hot way

Hot salting is the most common method of harvesting mushrooms for the winter. The attractiveness of this method is that it is not necessary to select mushrooms by size. In addition, due to heat treatment, the waiting period is reduced, which is given to mushrooms for complete impregnation with salt and brine extraction. But still, it is required to cut large hats into 2-3 parts, in order to facilitate their packing into a common container.

  • Mushrooms should be washed without soaking in water, as in the fast method, passed through a flowing stream and lowered into a saucepan. Water is poured there in such an amount that it completely covers the mushroom caps. It must be brought to a boil, and for the next 2-3 minutes, allow to boil at maximum heat. During this time, it is necessary to constantly remove the emerging foam with a slotted spoon, and at the 5th minute, discard the scalded mushrooms in a colander.
  • As soon as they cool to room temperature, you need to prepare a container for pickling and start putting pieces of mushrooms into it with the legs down, separating each layer with a thin layer of salt and spices that you can choose to your taste. In the classic recipe, for 40 g of salt, there are 2 chopped garlic cloves, a torn dill sprig, 2 currant leaves and a bay leaf. If you wish, you can put a few black peppercorns and ground horseradish here: this will add piquancy to the taste, making mushrooms salted in this way an excellent addition to meat or boiled potatoes. The volumes of each component are indicated for the standard number of mushrooms in 1 kg.
  • Separately, it is worth mentioning the oppression that is imposed on the container with mushrooms: it is most convenient to cover it with a gauze or cotton napkin, and place a plate on top, which is gently pressed into the salted mass. Therefore, a plate or other flat round object is selected so that its diameter is flush with the inner diameter of the neck of the salting container. You don’t need to put any weights on top: the plate’s own gravity will be enough, otherwise there is a risk of starting to displace the liquid protruding from the mushrooms.

How to salt mushrooms in a cold way

The cold salting method does not greatly affect the taste of the final product, however, for most housewives it is attractive because there is no stage of heat treatment of mushrooms. According to the assurances of experts, any exposure to boiling water on the product destroys the bulk of its useful properties, so an increase in temperature inside is undesirable for almost any product. But due to the fact that the technology will be different from that used in hot salting, more time will be required to wait.

In addition, the amount of salt per 1 kg of mushrooms depends on the conditions in which the container with mushrooms will be stored. If they are kept in a cold place (2-5 degrees, but without a minus sign), a standard volume of 40 g is enough, but if stored in a room where the temperature is 16-20 degrees, you need to double the amount - up to 80-100 g .

Salting mushrooms in a cold way according to the algorithm of action is similar to salting with an express method. Mushrooms need to be washed and cleaned, the lower parts of the legs removed from them, put in a suitable container, sprinkling each layer with salt. Optionally, you can add your favorite spices: for example, currant leaves, black pepper and onion rings. Oppression is necessarily imposed on the mushrooms from above, and 4-5 hours are expected. After that, the mass settles a little, and you can put another 1-2 layers of fresh mushrooms on it, not forgetting to cover the container again with oppression.

How many days to salt mushrooms

The period that will be spent on salting these mushrooms depends on the characteristics of the product taken into work and the method of its preparation. As already mentioned, express methods allow you to get a finished dish in 2-4 hours, and with cold or hot, you may need to wait for 3-5 weeks. At the same time, the larger mushrooms you choose, the longer they will salt out, so it is recommended to give preference to young and small options.

It is also important to know that 2 types of these mushrooms are eaten: spruce and pine forest. Small sizes are characteristic of spruce representatives of the family, as well as bright orange-brown flesh, lowered edges of the cap and a very short stem. Such mushrooms are ideal for cold salting, while upland mushrooms can be used for hot salting, where mushrooms of any size and age can cook equally well.

At the same time, we must not forget that salted mushrooms must be completely covered with brine during their storage. If the liquid that came out of the mushrooms during the salting process is not enough, boiled hot water should be added.

Salting mushrooms, like other mushrooms, is carried out in enameled, glass or wooden dishes: it is not allowed to place them in metal or plastic. Otherwise, as you can see, the algorithm for salting mushrooms at home is the simplest of all home preservation schemes.

by the materials

How to salt mushrooms. How many days to salt mushrooms 2015-10-13T09:15:28+00:00 adminhomemade preparationshomemade preparations, salads and snacks

Mushroom lovers always stock up on mushrooms and chanterelles collected with their own hands during the season. But after that, the question often arises of preserving the product for a long time, with which not only freezing, but also salting copes. This method allows you to instantly "preserve" all the useful substances, and also makes it possible to get a ready-to-use product, ...

[email protected] Administrator Feast-online

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Not every housewife knows how to salt mushrooms, even if she knows the art of cooking at the professional level. These unique gifts of nature can be called a real delicacy, of course, under the condition of brilliant preparation. Melting in your mouth and surprisingly juicy, salty mushrooms will decorate your table and will be the perfect addition to hot potatoes with sour cream or a delicate salad. Our article contains the best recipes for salting mushrooms in a variety of ways. Hurry up to prepare pickles to arrange a real belly feast in winter.

How to salt mushrooms at home?

People begin to collect and salt mushrooms from the middle of summer. Nature gives us a crop of mushrooms until the first cold weather of October. To find it, it is enough to go into a spruce or pine forest. These mushrooms grow in a group, so it will not be difficult for you to collect a whole bucket of camelinas in just an hour.
In order not to confuse the camelina with a less tasty, but also incredibly beautiful wave, you need to pay attention to the place of the cut. The flesh should be bright orange and a reddish and slightly sweet juice is sure to stand out from it.
If you want to keep all the taste of camelina mushrooms, salt the mushrooms in wooden tubs. If this is not possible, use ordinary glass jars. It is advisable to process the harvested crop on the same day. Carefully sort and rinse the mushrooms, clearing the remnants of the earth and forest debris. Sort the mushrooms by size if you have collected a lot.

It is imperative to process mushrooms, no matter what pickling recipe you use. Regardless of the chosen method of salting, you need to store the workpiece at a temperature of 5-6 degrees in a place protected from sunlight.

Salting mushrooms in a cold way

  1. Dish type: winter preparation.
  2. Weight of the finished dish: 1 kg.
  3. Cooking time: .
  • Fats: 0.8g.
  • Carbohydrates: 0.1 g
  • Proteins: 1.9 g
  • Portion - 100 g.


  • Fresh mushrooms - 1 kg.
  • Salt - 50 g.
  • Currant leaves - 5-6 pcs.
  • Bay leaves - 10-15 pcs.
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves.
  • Pepper - 8-10 peas.

Cooking method

How to salt mushrooms in a hot way?

  1. Type of dish: winter preparation.
  2. Dish subtype: mushroom preparation.
  3. Number of servings per outlet: 10.
  4. Weight of the finished dish: 1 kg.
  5. Cooking time: 3 hours.
  6. National cuisine to which the dish belongs: Russian.
  7. Energy value of the dish:
  8. Calorie content: 22.5 kcal.
  • Fats: 0.8g.
  • Carbohydrates: 0.1 g
  • Proteins: 1.9 g
  • Portion - 100 g.


  • Ryzhik - 1 kg.
  • Salt - 50 g.
  • Garlic - 5 cloves.

Cooking method

Salting mushrooms in this way is quite simple. Mushrooms of any size will do. Large mushrooms must be cut into pieces, pour water and boil for 3-5 minutes. Then put everything in a colander and cool. Place layers of mushrooms in a clean container, sprinkling each with salt and spices. Cover with a napkin from above and put oppression. The container is kept cool for a month, after which its contents are laid out in jars.

How to salt mushrooms for the winter in jars: a simple recipe

  1. Type of dish: winter preparation
  2. Dish subtype: mushroom preparation.
  3. Number of servings per outlet: 10.
  4. Weight of the finished dish: 1 kg.
  5. Cooking time: 1.5 hours.
  6. National cuisine to which the dish belongs: Russian.
  7. Energy value of the dish:
  • Calorie content: 22.5 kcal.
  • Fats: 0.8g.
  • Carbohydrates: 0.1 g
  • Proteins: 1.9 g
  • Portion - 100 g.


  • Ryzhik - 1 kg.
  • Water - 4 liters.
  • Salt - 50 g.
  • Pepper - 1 g.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves.
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.

Cooking method

To pickle mushrooms in this way, put them in a colander and scald with boiling water. Then pour over the mushrooms with cold water, then put them in a saucepan in layers, sprinkling with salt and spices. Leave the container with oppression in a cool place for 2 weeks. After salting, you can enjoy a wonderful snack right away or store it in jars for the winter.

How to salt mushrooms raw (without boiling)

  1. Type of dish: appetizer.
  2. Number of servings per outlet: 10.
  3. Weight of the finished dish: 1 kg.
  4. Cooking time: 40 minutes.
  5. National cuisine to which the dish belongs: Russian.
  6. Energy value of the dish:
  • Calorie content: 22.5 kcal.
  • Fats: 0.8g.
  • Carbohydrates: 0.1 g
  • Proteins: 1.9 g
  • Portion - 100 g.


  • Ryzhik - 1 kg.
  • Salt - 50 g.
  • Garlic - 4 cloves.

Cooking method

Some housewives believe that it is impossible to boil mushrooms. Therefore, only such methods of salting mushrooms are used, where treatment with boiling water is excluded. Let's talk about one of them. To pickle the mushrooms, first prepare the enameled dishes. Sprinkle salt on its bottom and lay the first layer of mushrooms. Top with salt again, pepper and add a few pieces of garlic. Then lay another layer of mushrooms and process it as well. When the container is full, cover the pickle with gauze, put a plate on it and press down with something heavy. You can eat a treat immediately after the juice appears in it.

Salting mushrooms in a dry way for the winter

  1. Type of dish: winter preparation
  2. Dish subtype: mushroom preparation.
  3. Number of servings per output: 50.
  4. Weight of the finished dish: 5 kg.
  5. Cooking time: 2.5 hours.
  6. National cuisine to which the dish belongs: Russian.
  7. Energy value of the dish:
  • Calorie content: 22.5 kcal.
  • Fats: 0.8g.
  • Carbohydrates: 0.1 g
  • Proteins: 1.9 g
  • Cholesterol;
  • Portion - 100 g.


  • Ryzhik - 5 kg.
  • Salt - 250 g.

Cooking method

The basic rule for salting mushrooms with this method is that mushrooms cannot be washed before cooking. Therefore, they must be collected clean. Remove twigs and leaves of grass. Hats and legs should be cleaned as thoroughly as possible. Large mushrooms can be cut into pieces. Then salt the mushrooms in the usual way: lay in layers and sprinkle with salt. The workpiece is pressed down with a lid from the pan or other device with a large plane. You need to put some kind of load on it, for example, a jar of water. After half a month, salting will be ready. The contents of the container are laid out in sterile jars and sealed. In winter, such a preparation is served as a separate dish or used as an ingredient in hot dishes or salads.

How to cook salted mushrooms with cloves: video recipe

  1. Type of dish: appetizer.
  2. Dish subtype: mushroom appetizer.
  3. Number of servings per outlet: 10.
  4. Weight of the finished dish: 1 kg.
  5. Cooking time: 1 hour.
  6. National cuisine to which the dish belongs: Russian.
  7. Energy value of the dish:
  • Calorie content: 22.5 kcal.
  • Fats: 0.8g.
  • Carbohydrates: 0.1 g
  • Proteins: 1.9 g
  • Cholesterol;
  • Portion - 100 g.


  • Mushrooms - 1 kg.
  • Bay leaf - 15 pcs.
  • Salt - 50-70 g.
  • Cloves - 30 g.

Cooking method

In this recipe for salting mushrooms, fairly large mushrooms are used. They are placed on the bottom of the pan, add a leaf of bay leaf, a few cloves and salt. So you need to create about 15 layers. Finally, cover the pan with a plate and press down with a jar of water. Two days later, a fresh snack can already be served at the table. The entire process of its preparation is shown in the video: