A tomato snack is not for the winter. Pepper and tomato salad in honey sauce. Step-by-step instructions for the recipe for a winter hot appetizer of hot peppers and tomatoes

A tomato appetizer does not have to include only fresh juicy fruits. Do unusual workpiece for the winter it is possible from dried tomatoes and garlic. These ingredients complement each other perfectly and will pair well with herbs. The following recipe will tell you step by step how to prepare such an appetizer for winter storage.

Ingredients for preparing snacks You will lick your fingers without marinade for winter with tomatoes

  • tomatoes - 1.2 kg;
  • basil, oregano - 1 tsp;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • basil leaves - 10 pcs.;
  • olive oil- 2 tbsp.;
  • sprigs of rosemary, salt, pepper - to taste.

Photo-recipe tomato appetizer for the winter Lick your fingers with red tomatoes

Original appetizer of yellow tomatoes for the winter Lick your fingers without sterilization - photo recipe

From small yellow tomatoes and garlic, cilantro makes a wonderful appetizer that will enjoy unusual taste. Such a blank is attractive for fast and simple cooking: according to the recipe below, it is made without sterilization.

Yellow Tomato Snack Recipe Ingredients You'll be licking your fingers for winter without sterilization

  • yellow tomatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • garlic - to taste;
  • cilantro - 2 sprigs.
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • olive oil - 1 tsp

Snack recipe without sterilization You will lick your fingers for the winter cold from yellow tomato

How to prepare a tomato appetizer for the winter You will lick your fingers - a recipe with step by step photos

To make an amazing snack and delight your family and friends, you can use both ordinary tomatoes and colorful cherry tomatoes for cooking. They will create perfect combination with garlic and therefore will quickly disperse at the festive table.

List of ingredients for winter preparation of tomato snack You will lick your fingers

  • cherry tomatoes - 230 g;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • water, Apple vinegar- 1 tbsp.;
  • black peppercorns - 0.5 tsp;
  • salt, sugar - 1 tbsp.

Step-by-step recipe with a photo of harvesting for the winter tomato snacks You will lick your fingers

An unusual tomato appetizer for the winter with hot peppers - a recipe with simple instructions

When rolling tomato snacks, a combination of different fruits is allowed. For example, it turns out to be quite unusual, but very interesting delicious seaming from green and red tomatoes. To learn how such a spicy pepper appetizer is prepared, see the following recipe.

List of ingredients for cooking from a tomato winter snack with hot peppers

  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • tomatoes - 600-800 g;
  • vinegar 6% - 1 tbsp.;
  • salt - 1 tbsp;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • onion - 1/8 part;
  • dried basil, oregano - 1/4 tbsp;
  • hot peppers- 2 pods;
  • black peppercorns - 1/4 tsp;

A simple recipe for tomato appetizers with hot peppers for the winter

A simple tomato appetizer for the winter with rice - step by step video recipe

Adding to tomatoes a small amount rice while cooking winter preparations will create a snack that is perfect for everyday use. The following video recipe describes in detail the features of preparing such a seam.

Step-by-step video for a recipe for a winter preparation of a simple snack with rice and tomato

Appetizing appetizer with tomatoes and rice is easy to prepare and has amazing taste. The video below describes the process of cooking such a blank for the winter step by step.

A delicious appetizer of green tomatoes and peppers for the winter - a step by step recipe with a photo

Using bell pepper for an appetizer of green tomatoes, you can make very tender and spicy preparation. It will have a rich aroma, mild taste. How to prepare such a delicious appetizer for the winter of pepper and tomato is described in the following recipe.

The list of ingredients for harvesting a tomato snack with pepper for the winter

  • pepper - 12 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 3.5 kg;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • onions - 5 pcs.;
  • vinegar 6% - 0.5 l;
  • salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • spices - to taste.

A recipe with a photo of cooking a delicious appetizer with pepper and tomato for the winter

Reviewed recipes with photos and videos will become great helpers in creating unusual spicy snacks from red or green tomatoes. According to the instructions, they can be cooked with rice, pepper, garlic, but if desired, the hostesses can add their favorite additives: spices, horseradish leaves or berry bushes. It is also allowed to harvest seaming without marinade and sterilization. Even with simplified preparation, a tomato appetizer for the winter will have original taste and aroma, can be easily combined with any second courses.

A rich harvest from your favorite garden does not always bring joy: sometimes it is impossible to quickly eat everything that ripens in it. It becomes a shame if vegetables, in particular tomatoes, begin to deteriorate. But fresh vitamin salads they get bored with them, but it is not interesting to salt them entirely. You should not despair, because the solution to this problem exists, you just need to spend some free time on it. In this article, I would like to offer a few ideas on how to prepare the most delicious snacks for the winter from tomatoes. However, they are based not only on tomatoes, but also on other vegetables and herbs for a variety of tastes. Efforts to prepare the proposed snacks will have to be made relatively little, but in the cold season there is always something to pamper relatives and guests. Many experienced housewives should know for sure which tomato snacks for the winter (whose recipes can be finalized by them) their family will like.

Most popular cooking method

This classic snack for the winter of peppers and tomatoes is ideal for those who appreciate simplicity and do not like to spend half a day in the kitchen rolling jars. It turns out moderately thick and fragrant vegetable stew, universal in terms of combining it with other products. So, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 3 kilograms of tomatoes (ripe and red);
  • 1 kilogram of onion;
  • kilogram of carrots;
  • kilogram of bell pepper.

The cooking process is simple. Three carrots on a grater, chop the onion in half rings, and cut the tomatoes and peppers randomly into slices. We combine them together and cook over low heat, adding sugar and salt to taste, a little more than half a glass of oil (sunflower). You need to boil the appetizer for one and a half to two hours, not forgetting to add 1 tbsp at the end. a spoonful of vinegar (for blanks it is better to buy 70 percent). Arrange the finished dish in hot clean jars, roll up and put away to cool in a warm place. It remains to wait for winter to taste such a simple but appetizing assortment of garden gifts with the family.

Those who prefer more hearty snacks for the winter from tomatoes, rice will come to the rescue (long-grain steamed, as a rule). So, in the middle of cooking, add two glasses of cereals washed and boiled until half cooked. Delicious!

Tomatoes with cucumbers - the best union

Snack for the winter of cucumbers and tomatoes "Lyubava" to your attention. This salad includes:

  • cucumbers - about 2 kilograms;
  • 2 kg of tomatoes (the most ripe);
  • kilogram of sweet salad pepper;
  • kilogram of onions;
  • a bunch of greens (to your taste).

We cut all the vegetables in circles, and finely chop the greens. Add to the resulting company half a liter of sunflower oil, 1 tsp. 70% vinegar essence, five st. l. sugar and two tbsp. l. salt. We mix everything, after which we leave the mixture for half an hour, so that the vegetables release the juice and infuse. Let's cook it for an hour. We lay out the appetizer hot in sterilized jars, it is preferable to take half a liter for storage. We roll them up and leave them overnight, wrapping them in something that retains heat for a smooth cooling.

In addition to Lyubava, you can adopt an alternative and no less delicious option cooking vegetable treats. Snack (for the winter) of cucumbers and tomatoes "Lakomka" is offered to your attention.

This puff salad will remind you of a colorful and sunny summer and give you a portion of vitamins on a cold winter or autumn day. It is worth noting that it is certainly worth putting on it all that were rejected for salting. It is better to lay out the finished snack in liter or half-liter jars, depending on the number of eaters in the family. Pour into each of them vegetable oil: in liter 1 tbsp. l., in half-liter, respectively, ½ tbsp. l. IN equal proportions rings cut cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet pepper salad and onion, laying them out immediately on the banks in thin alternating layers.

Now you need to prepare the filling. For 3.5 cups of water we put two tbsp. l. granulated sugar, we also lower the generous st. l. table salt and half a glass of 9% vinegar. Bring the marinade to a boil, then immediately pour over the vegetables. About seven to ten minutes, depending on the volume of the can, we sterilize them and roll them up. We turn each jar over and take it to a warm place for a day.

Similar appetizer with gherkins

At the bottom of half-liter jars, lay out the spices with which you usually preserve food. Small tomatoes and strong cucumbers (gherkins) cut across, circles. Combine them in one dish and mix thoroughly, and then fill the jars with them. An unusual marinade is offered for them: in 1 liter of water 1 jar is to be stirred tomato paste(400-450 g), add two tbsp. l. salt, almost a full glass of sugar. Boil everything together. Without letting the filling cool down, immediately fill it with the tomato-cucumber mixture, sterilize the jars for ten minutes. Roll them up with metal lids. It turns out crazy tasty snack from tomatoes for the winter, combined with crispy cucumbers. You can also consider this option, when cucumbers and tomatoes in a similar filling are prepared separately.

- also a delicacy!

If you have never heard of salads with unripe tomatoes before and have not tried anything like this, you must definitely catch up. Below are a few recipes with this vegetable in the title role.

What is the most delicious Recipes salads "Delight", "According to the standard" and "Green light" at your service.

If there are not enough red tomatoes, and the green ones are not in a hurry to blush, we will put both of them into processing. The process of preparing "Delight" is as follows:

  • We cut into slices 2 kilos of green tomatoes and 1 kg of red ones.
  • Add 1 kg of onion, chopped in half rings.
  • 1 kg coarsely grated carrots.
  • 1 kg sweet pepper, cut into rings.
  • Sugar sand will need 200 grams, and salt - 2 large tbsp. l.
  • Pour a glass of oil (vegetable) and mix everything properly.
  • We put the future snack on moderate heat to cook for one hour, stir regularly.
  • At the end of cooking, we introduce a teaspoon of vinegar (70%) into it.
  • While still hot, we fill sterilized jars with it, close them with lids and leave them overnight, wrapped in warm clothes to keep warm.

Many have long fallen in love with this particular tomato appetizer (for the winter). "Real jam!" - so they speak of her. Unripe tomatoes in it appear moderately juicy and fragrant. Cooking plan:

  • Select the same medium-sized green tomatoes, rinse and cut each one.
  • Inside a single vegetable, place a leaf of parsley and a plate of garlic (not the whole clove). Fill them with liter jars.
  • Now it's time for the marinade. Put 1 tbsp per liter of water. l. table salt, 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar and half tsp. vinegar. Boil the resulting mixture. hot marinade pour into tomatoes.
  • Wait 15 minutes, then drain the brine back into the pan and bring it to a boil again, pour it into the jars again. It remains to roll them up, turn them over and wrap them in warm clothes until they cool completely.

Even the most exquisite salads and tomato snacks for the winter cannot be compared with the "Green Light". This dish resembles a sweet lecho, in which tomatoes give a special flavor and uniqueness to the dish. It should be prepared as follows:

  • Let's prepare the vegetables first. Grind 2.5 kg of juicy scarlet tomatoes in a blender or meat grinder.
  • We select 2 kg of greens (it is better to take the smallest ones), since they are used entirely.
  • 3 kg lettuce pepper cut into slices lengthwise and across.
  • In this recipe, hot pepper is required (the highlight of the snack) - 30 and a half grams, finely chop it.
  • We will do the same with 4 bunches of parsley.
  • Grind 300 grams of garlic. Let's mix everything.
  • Now in a large saucepan we prepare the marinade, which will require: half a liter of clean water, two tbsp. l. vinegar (6%), 4 large spoons of table salt and almost a whole glass of sugar, as well as one and a half glasses of oil (sunflower).
  • Bring the ingredients combined together to a boil and carefully lower the prepared vegetable mixture there.
  • Boil for fifteen minutes, constantly stirring. We quickly put ready-made vegetables in sterilized jars, but do not put them in heat. On the contrary, you need to cool finished product and keep it refrigerated.

It turned out quite unusual, but uncomplicated appetizer of green tomatoes for the winter. The recipes for these three methods of pickling this vegetable are the most popular and approved by many talented housewives.

On a note

Mistresses trying to find original way how to cook a tomato appetizer for the winter, you can use the following.

  1. In the filling, one liter of water will correspond to a glass of sugar, two tbsp. l. salt and four tablespoons of oil (ordinary vegetable), a tablespoon of 70% vinegar.
  2. In the boiling marinade, lay out the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bbell pepper.
  3. Cook it from the moment of boiling exactly 7 minutes.
  4. Then we take out the vegetable with a slotted spoon, put the pepper as tightly as possible in half-liter jars (previously sterilized).
  5. Add 3-4 medium-sized cloves of garlic to each, add the marinade to the very top, roll up.
  6. Banks are removed until completely cooled in heat.

And the marinade remaining after cooking the pepper is used to pour the tomatoes. We pierce each with a fork or a toothpick and put it in sterilized jars. Add cloves one by one and pour everything with the same brine, boiling it. We wait a quarter of an hour, then pour the marinade into a saucepan, heat it again on fire and fill the jars with it again. Roll up and put in a fur coat for slow cooling. Many admit that this tomato appetizer for the winter is “you will lick your fingers”, not otherwise! The brine is especially praised with its harmonious aftertaste left by the pepper.

Fragrant appetizer of tomatoes with garlic for the winter

A very simple and understandable seasoning even for a beginner in canning food. Usually all tomato snacks for the winter, the recipes of which are offered in various cookbooks, Internet forums, prescribe the use of various spices, but this one does not provide them.

  • To prepare the marinade for 3 liters of clean water, take 3.5 tbsp. l. table salt without a slide and 12 tbsp. l. sugar without a slide.
  • Insert a clove of garlic into each tomato.
  • We put the tomatoes as tightly as possible in sterilized jars, pour the marinade just removed from the fire into them.
  • After waiting 15 minutes, pour the brine into a saucepan, boil, and finally pour the tomatoes.
  • Let's not forget the vinegar. For one three-liter jar calculated 1 tbsp. l. vinegar (70%).
  • Sprinkle tomatoes on top with ground red pepper, roll up.

Perfect seasoning for dumplings

This appetizer of tomatoes with garlic for the winter should not be left without attention. By the way, in addition to dumplings, it will go well with pasta, meat dishes and even with simple bread.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • 5 kilograms of scarlet ripened tomatoes.
  • 1 kg of sweet pepper.
  • 350 grams of garlic.
  • 300 grams of dill.
  • 200-250 grams of parsley.
  • 2 stack oil (sunflower).

Separately, skip the vegetables through a meat grinder. Cook tomatoes for 2 hours. After that, pour in very hot (to smoke) oil into them. Add pepper, cook for about an hour. Pour chopped greens, boil vegetable mix another quarter of an hour. We carry out the same operation with garlic. As soon as the mixture boils, we lay it out in sterilized jars and roll it up. So, another delicious tomato appetizer for the winter will replenish your stocks of pickled delicacies.

Proven Pepper Recipes

Salad "Eating" is probably the most exemplary appetizer for the winter of peppers and tomatoes. It is versatile, as it improves the taste of any dish. In order for the seasoning to succeed as it should, the bell pepper must be red and large. And it will take 5 kilograms of it.

  • Peel the pepper, wash and cut into 4 parts.
  • Grind 2.5 kilograms of tomatoes and 300 grams of garlic in a meat grinder.
  • Add 300 grams of sunflower oil to them; add a glass of sugar and 4 good tablespoons of salt.
  • Pour chopped parsley or any other herbs, pour in 1/3 cup of vinegar (table).
  • Put the vegetable stew on the fire and let it boil, then boil for another twenty minutes.
  • Add prepared peppers. From the moment of boiling, simmer the mixture for another 20 minutes.
  • decompose ready meal into ready-made sterilized jars, add them tomato sauce to the brim, roll up.
  • So that winter snacks from tomatoes and peppers do not explode, the jars with them must be placed upside down and overlaid with warm clothes.

Fried salad "Moldavanka"

  1. Cut into thin strips 2 kg of the reddest, juiciest tomatoes.
  2. We also chop 2 kilograms of onion and 2 kilograms of sweet pepper.
  3. Separately, fry the vegetables in vegetable oil and mix.
  4. Add about 3-4 cloves of peeled and chopped garlic, salt to taste, season with ground red and black pepper.
  5. After mixing, simmer the future salad a little. We lay it out in jars (about 8 in total), sterilize for a quarter of an hour, carefully roll up.

Try to include carrots cooked according to the same principle in the composition of the ingredients.

In fact, all winter tomato snacks can be modified and adjusted to your tastes, there are no strict restrictions. Enjoy!

Tomatoes with pepper in own juice

natural and simple snack ideal for those who do not have much free time. Cut the tomatoes into slices and arrange in half-liter jars, sprinkling with bell pepper rings and finely chopped parsley and dill. Shake the jar to make the styling more dense. All that remains is to subject the jars to a 15-minute sterilization - and you can roll them up.

don't spoil it!

This winter tomato appetizer with horseradish is definitely a favorite among many others, because everyone remembers what delicious sandwiches get with her. For her, it is better to select the reddest and even overripe tomatoes. cook this spicy sauce not problematic, it will take a minimum of time. So, original snack from a tomato for the winter (with horseradish) is prepared as follows:

  1. We take 3 kilograms ripe tomatoes and scroll through them either in a meat grinder or in a food processor.
  2. We put on a gentle fire and from the moment of boiling, cook the mixture for 25 minutes, stirring regularly.
  3. Remove the top layer from the roots of horseradish, grind them in a meat grinder or blender.
  4. In the same way, prepare garlic, which will need 100-120 grams, and half a kilogram of salad (sweet) pepper.
  5. We add them together with horseradish to the company to the tomatoes, mix until smooth and cook for about ten minutes. At the end add 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, as well as 3 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, add ground black pepper to taste.
  6. We distribute the seasoning in clean jars and close with metal lids.

An appetizer of horseradish and a tomato for the winter is also popularly called "horseradish" or "horseradish". And despite such a variety of names, its taste is unchanged. In any case, it turns out to be spicy and moderately vigorous, but at the same time juicy and fragrant seasoning, which they like to spread on bread, just eat with spoons, season main dishes with it, etc. Many admit that it cannot be compared in composition and taste characteristics With shop ketchups and mayonnaise and is the undisputed leader among sauces.

Here, for example, is another option for preparing this dish without cooking. Appetizer of horseradish and tomato (for the winter) "Fire Miracle" includes the following products:

  • 6-7 roots of this plant (small);
  • ripe tomatoes - 2.5 kilograms;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • by 4 tbsp. spoons of salt and granulated sugar;
  • vinegar (9%) - 6 tbsp. l.

Cooking progress:

  • First of all, it is necessary to process the horseradish roots, washing them thoroughly, soaking them for an hour in plain water and then peeling them with a knife.
  • After that, scroll through them either in a meat grinder or in a food processor.
  • Sprinkle chopped horseradish with salt and forget about it for a while, letting it brew.
  • The queue for tomatoes: they can also be passed through a combine, you can beat them in a blender.
  • Chop the garlic.
  • Next, in a saucepan, combine the latter with tomato slurry and gruel from horseradish roots.
  • Salt the mixture, sweeten, pour the specified amount of vinegar into it.
  • Thoroughly mix the snack, leave it in the refrigerator for a day or two.

The horseradish is laid out in clean jars and closed with ordinary lids. However, it is better to store horseradish in the refrigerator, and it will stand there until winter.

A spicy tomato appetizer for the winter is one of the most popular dishes For home preservation. According to step by step recipes with a photo, they cook it with both red and green tomatoes, supplementing these components with sweet peppers, onions and carrots. For more fragrant use different kinds greens and fragrant seasonings, and the hotness is obtained with the help of bitter chili, horseradish root and garlic. The appetizer rolled under the lid is perfectly stored until winter and does not lose its bright flavors for a very long time.

The most delicious appetizer of tomatoes in jelly for the winter - a recipe without marinade you will lick your fingers

About a tomato appetizer in jelly, made according to a recipe without marinade, they will say: “You will lick your fingers” - absolutely everyone who manages to try this unique delicacy. Its pleasant, delicate taste, soft texture and delicate fragrance will make the most pleasant impression and will remain in the memory of even the most picky gourmets who do not value home preservation too highly.

Essential Ingredients for the Most Delicious No-Marinade Tomato Appetizer

  • tomatoes - 2 kg
  • Bell pepper- 4 things
  • onion - 4 pcs
  • garlic - 1 head
  • gelatin - 6 tbsp
  • sugar - 1 tbsp
  • salt - 3 tbsp
  • water - 2.5 l
  • allspice peas - 6 pcs
  • dill seeds - ½ tsp
  • ground black pepper - ½ tsp
  • Bay leaf- 3 pcs
  • cloves - 6 buds

Step-by-step instructions for preparing a winter tomato snack in jelly

Horseradish appetizer of red tomatoes for the winter "Lick your fingers" - a quick recipe on video

Spicy horseradish appetizer of red tomatoes "You'll lick your fingers" is a rather specific delicacy for an amateur. It really "pulls the throat" and burns the sense of smell with a pronounced spicy aroma. It is best to use it with dumplings, jelly or meat. These dishes soften a little. spicy taste and ennoble sharp shades of horseradish root. And how to cook winter horseradish snack with tomatoes, the video recipe below will tell. It shows in detail the sequence of actions and indicates the exact volume of products used. Conservation does not need sterilization. Horseradish root and garlic, which are part of the snack in large quantities, provide complete safety.

Appetizer of green tomatoes for the winter "Lick your fingers" - a recipe for video without sterilization

The author of this video recipe suggests cooking winter snack“You will lick your fingers” not with red, but with green or brown, slightly unripe tomatoes. They have brighter spicy taste, delicate aroma and dense texture, thanks to which they perfectly retain their shape both at the time of heat treatment and during long-term storage.

Hot tomato appetizer for the winter with hot peppers and garlic

Fans of bright colors in home preservation will appreciate simple recipe tomato appetizer with hot pepper and garlic. This preparation will turn out to be really hot and on cold winter days will enrich not only the daily diet, but also the original holiday menu with a “hot” taste.

Ingredients for Hot Tomato Snack with Pepper and Garlic

  • tomatoes - 3 kg
  • hot red pepper - 750 gr
  • garlic - 150 g
  • sugar - 9 tbsp
  • salt - 6 tbsp
  • vegetable oil - 150 ml
  • table vinegar - 150 ml
  • dill - 1 bunch

Step-by-step instructions for the recipe for a winter hot appetizer of hot peppers and tomatoes

  1. Wash vegetables and herbs in running water and dry with a napkin.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into quarters and use a blender to turn into a smooth, flowing puree.
  3. Put in a deep basin with a thick bottom, season with sugar and salt, pour in sunflower oil, mix well and bring to a boil over medium heat.
  4. In bitter pepper, carefully clean all the seeds. Do not cut the stems. Add the processed product to the tomato base, mix and simmer over low heat for about half an hour. Stir from time to time so that the snack does not stick to the bottom and walls.
  5. At the end, add finely chopped greens and garlic, passed through a press, pour in vinegar, mix quickly and cook for another 5 minutes.
  6. Pack hot in sterilized jars, trying to pack as tightly as possible, seal tightly, turn over, close with a warm cloth and leave for one day until completely cooled. Store in a cool place away from direct sunlight.

A hearty appetizer of red tomatoes for the winter with rice - the best step-by-step recipe

A thick appetizer of red tomatoes and rice, made for the winter according to this recipe, is very rich and tasty. It can be used not only as an addition to various meat and fish dishes, but also as an independent hearty, but at the same time very light, almost dietary dish.

Essential Ingredients for Canning a Hearty Tomato Snack with Rice for the Winter Season

  • tomatoes - 2 kg
  • carrots - 1.5 kg
  • onion - ½ kg
  • sweet bell pepper - 2 kg
  • long rice - 2 tbsp
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp
  • garlic - 1 head
  • salt - 4 tbsp
  • sugar - 2 tbsp
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a tomato-rice snack in a jar for the winter

  1. Soak rice in cold water for 1 hour, then rinse and put in a colander to drain all excess moisture.
  2. Wash and pat dry the vegetables on a large kitchen towel.
  3. Blanch tomatoes for 1-2 in boiling water, remove the skin, and scroll the pulp through a meat grinder with a large mesh.
  4. Peel and grate carrots. Cut off the stalk of the pepper, remove the seeds, and cut the fruit itself into thin strips.
  5. Peel the onion and cut into half rings.
  6. Disassemble the garlic into cloves and pass through a press.
  7. Pour vegetable oil into a deep thick-bottomed stewpan or cooking basin, heat it well over medium heat, add onion and fry for 10 minutes.
  8. Pour carrots and cook for another quarter of an hour. Then put the pepper and process for another 10 minutes. Then add the tomato mass and dried rice, salt, add sugar, make a low fire and simmer for 40 minutes, stirring the appetizer regularly so that it does not burn.
  9. At the end, add garlic, pour in vinegar, mix thoroughly again and boil for another 5 minutes.
  10. Pack hot in sterilized jars, cork with metal lids, turn upside down, cover with a blanket and let cool completely. For storage will be placed in a cellar or pantry.

Spicy appetizer of green tomatoes for the winter without sterilization - a simple recipe with a photo

Following the advice of this simple recipe with a photo you can cook for the winter spicy snack from green tomatoes without even resorting to sterilization. The preservative component here is table vinegar. It will provide a rich, juicy color of the workpiece and allow it to be perfectly preserved until deep cold weather.

Necessary ingredients for cooking for the winter without sterilizing a spicy snack with green tomatoes

  • tomatoes - 2 kg
  • Bulgarian red pepper - ½ kg
  • onion - 6 pcs
  • garlic - 2 heads
  • dill - 1 bunch
  • vegetable oil - 150 ml
  • vinegar - 100 ml
  • salt - 40 g
  • cayenne pepper - tsp

Step-by-step instructions on how to prepare for the winter, without sterilizing, a spicy snack of green tomatoes

  1. Carefully sort out the tomatoes and peppers and leave only whole, dense fruits without a hint of spoilage. Then rinse well in running water and dry on a paper towel.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into medium sized slices. Remove the stalk and inner seeds from the bell pepper, and chop the flesh into small cubes.
  3. Peel the onion and garlic and finely chop.
  4. Rinse the dill, blot with a napkin, and then chop with a sharp knife.
  5. Fold all the ingredients, including greens, into one deep heat-resistant container, lightly add salt and leave for 3-4 hours so that the mass releases the juice.
  6. After the set time has elapsed, place on the stove and bring to a boil over moderate heat. When the bubbling becomes active, reduce the heat to a minimum, pour in the sunflower oil, add the cayenne pepper and cook for 20 to 30 minutes. Watch carefully so that the vegetables do not burn and stir them from time to time with a wooden spoon.
  7. At the end, pour in the vinegar, mix well, boil for another 3 minutes, place hot in sterilized jars, tightly tighten with tin lids, turn upside down and, wrapped in a thick bath towel, leave until completely cooled. On winter storage send to the cellar or basement.

How to close apricot compote for the winter - photo recipe

Snacks for the winter from tomatoes occupy one of the first places in popularity among home pickles. There are many variations of their preparation. So that you do not get lost in their diversity, we have made a selection of the best recipes for you.

Tomato Snacks for the Winter: Recipes

Option number 1.


Tomatoes - 2 kg
- Bulgarian pepper - 420 g
- garlic cloves - 4 pcs.
- onion - 2 pcs.
- salt - a teaspoon per jar of 700 g
- black ground pepper
- sugar - 3 tsp
- vinegar - ½ teaspoon
- bay leaf - 2 pcs.


Prepare vegetables: wash tomatoes, peppers, peel onions. Peppercorns clean from the core, crumble into cubes. Chop the onion into small pieces. Chop the tomatoes large slices. Rinse containers. Put water on the stove, bring it to a boil, start laying the fruit. You can lay them out in layers or interspersed. Put granulated sugar, salt, bay leaf on top, pour boiling water over it, tighten the lids. Dip the container in a pot of water, pour boiling water over the shoulders, boil for 15 minutes. Take out the jars, carefully unscrew the lids, pour vinegar into each jar, screw on the lids, leave in the room to cool.

How about you? It will be a great addition to "evening gatherings."

tomato salad with onion.

Chop the tomatoes into slices, cut the onion into thin half rings. Put the prepared vegetables in jars, put the chopped greens. Shake the jar to mix the vegetables in it. Place garlic cloves on top. Make a marinade: put 5 black peppercorns in a sheet of water, 2 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar, a tablespoon of salt. Pour in a tablespoon of vegetable oil. cover the container with a lid, put in a pot of water. Be sure to put a rag on the bottom. Put on fire, sterilize the salad for 10 minutes (after boiling). After sterilization, close the jar with a tight lid, turn it over, put it away for storage.

Do not deny yourself the pleasure of trying and. We are sure that it will not leave you indifferent!

Delicious snacks for the winter from tomatoes

Carrot recipe.

Treat the container before use: wash and sterilize. Peel all vegetables (4 bell peppers, 3 medium carrots), finely chop. For this purpose, you can use a blender or an electric meat grinder. Transfer the vegetable mass to a separate saucepan or bowl, mix with 100 ml sunflower oil, 100 g sugar, 100 ml vinegar. Mix all this thoroughly. Chop greens (basil, dill, parsley). it will give the dish freshness. Do not mix with vegetables yet. Prepare the jars, put the tomatoes in them halfway. If the fruits are small, cut them into halves, and if large, into quarters. Choose fruits that are approximately the same size for a pretty appetizer. Top with vegetables and herbs. Close the containers, turn over, refrigerate for 8 hours.

Snacks for the winter from tomatoes in jars

Georgian recipe.

Take a liter glass jar, wash it thoroughly with soda or laundry soap, pasteurize in the oven or over steam. Peel a couple of carrots, cut into circles. Peel the garlic clove, cut lengthwise into several slices. Wash and dry dill greens. Rinse one sweet pepper, cut the middle out of it, cut into wide boats. Peel the onion from the husk, cut into rings. Wash and dry 700 g of ripe tomatoes. Put greens, garlic and carrots at the bottom of the jar. Place pepper, tomatoes and onion on top, pour it all over boiled water. Cover the container tin lid, leave for 20 minutes. Drain the water, prepare a marinade based on it (add 30 g of sugar, 30 g of vinegar, salt, 5 black peppercorns). Pour the appetizer with the prepared marinade, roll up the lid. Take it to a cool place.

It turns out very tasty and

Rice recipe.


Carrots, onions - 1 kg each
- sunflower oil - 520 g
- tomatoes - 4 kg
- salt - 3 tablespoons
- Bulgarian pepper - 1 kilogram
- black peppercorns
- rice - 2 cups
- sugar - 220 g

Cooking steps:

Soak rice for 6 hours in cool water. Rinse and clean, crumble them into small pieces. Prepare a saucepan with a thick bottom, heat the vegetable oil in it, put the carrots. After 15 minutes, add tomatoes and rice. Cover with a lid, simmer over medium heat (without stirring) until tender. Pack the salad in pre-prepared jars. Cover with tin lids, leave for 20 minutes. Drain the water, prepare the marinade on it, pour the snack, put it away for storage.

Snacks for the winter from tomato quickly

Horseradish recipe.

Required products:

Tomatoes - 1 kg
- horseradish root - 320 g
- vegetable oil
- salt
- garlic - 120 g

Cooking steps:

Sterilize the container. Rinse the tomatoes, cut the stalks. Clean the garlic from the husk, wash the root and clean it from dirt. Prepare a separate container and meat grinder. Crumble tomatoes and horseradish root, pass through a meat grinder along with garlic. Mix this mass thoroughly, salt. Divide the appetizer into jars, pour one centimeter thick oil on top. Roll up the containers with lids, hide in a cool place that does not receive sunlight.

It turns out very tasty and

Snacks for the winter from tomatoes: a recipe with a photo.

Green stuffed tomatoes.

You will need:

Green tomatoes - 2 kg
- hot red pepper
- head of garlic
- dill, parsley - 155 g each
- carrot - ½ kg
- coarse salt - 120 g
- water - 2 liters


Grate the carrot. Chop dill with parsley. Pass the garlic through a meat grinder. Chop the red pepper. Mix garlic, peppercorns and herbs together with carrots. Cut the tomatoes in half, but not completely. Fill the fruits vegetable mixture, put in a saucepan, fill to the top with cold brine. Cover with a lid so that oppression can be placed on top. If you have leftover filling, spread it among the tomatoes. Salt the appetizer for several days, then chop, pour over with oil and sprinkle with green onions.

Among your winter preparations should be
Georgian green tomatoes

You will need:

Tomatoes - 1 kg
- parsley - 155 g
- celery - 200 g
- dill - 120 g
- garlic - 50 g
- water - three glasses
- salt - a tablespoon
- Bay leaf

Cooking steps:

Pierce not too large and hard tomatoes in cold water, let the liquid drain from them. Cut the garlic cloves into 4 pieces. Cut the pepper pod lengthwise, remove the seeds, crumble into half rings. Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, put bunches of parsley and celery, boil for five minutes, remove greens, cool. Salt the decoction. Place the tomatoes in clean and additionally scalded jars in dense rows, filling all the gaps with sprigs of dill and parsley, as well as slices of garlic and pepper. Pour the filled containers with warm brine, cork, put in a cool and dry place.

How about you?

Pickled green tomatoes.

You will need:

celery sprigs
- large green tomatoes
- red hot pepper

For brine:

Coarse salt - 100 g
- cold water (not boiled) - 1 liter


Cut the tomatoes lengthwise, but not all the way through. Cut the garlic clove in half. put a few garlic slices and a couple of peppercorns in each tomato. Fold celery several times, put in cut fruits. Tie them with string to keep them from falling apart. Cover the bottom of the barrel, jar or pan with celery sprigs, put tomatoes on top of them, greens again. Pour in the prepared brine and put under pressure. Vegetables should ferment a little. As soon as the brine becomes transparent, and the bubbles stop appearing, then the appetizer is ready.

Acute adjika.

Required products:

Sugar - 2/3 cup
- carrots, sweet peppers - 1 kg each
- tomatoes - 2.5 kg
- hot pepper - 220 g
- apples - 1 kg
- vegetable oil - one glass
- garlic heads - 8 pcs.
- parsley, dill - 15 g each
- salt - 35 g
- hot pepper - 220 g
- tomatoes - 2.5 kg

How to cook:

1. Wash the greens, dry, tear off the sticks.
2. Peel the garlic, put in a separate plate.
3. Wash the red pepper, cut off the green stems. Leave the seeds!
4. Wash the Bulgarian pepper, remove all the insides.
5. Wash the tomatoes, remove the peel. Make a cross cut on each tomato. Dip in boiling water for 20 seconds, remove from water, quickly remove the skin. Cut into 2 or 4 parts, remove the stem.
6. Peel the apples, cut in half, remove the middle.
7. Prepare vegetable oil, salt, sugar.
8. Pass all the contents through a meat grinder. Pour the mass into a cast-iron cauldron or stainless steel pan, bring to a boil, boil for 1 hour, with the lid open. Boil the future adjika, let the excess liquid evaporate.
9. In a separate bowl, first put the greens, passed through a meat grinder, and then garlic with hot peppers.
10. After an hour, salt the mass, add sunflower oil, granulated sugar. Connect with the rest of the mass.
11. Wash the container, sterilize it together with the lids, roll up the adjika, cork, transfer to a cool place for storage.

These are so delicious and original dishes we wanted to offer you! We hope that our choice did not disappoint you.

Tomato adjika recipes - not to mention adjika without them - are several hundred, if not thousands. Among them there are recipes that involve boiling, there are also those that are prepared from raw foods.

The finished taste of the sauce depends on the quality of raw products. Therefore, when preparing adjika, you need to rely not only on the amount of ingredients indicated in the recipe, but also on the sharpness and richness of the taste of these very products.

simple recipe

Simple adjika options are not as spicy as the "real" ones. However, it is an excellent sauce for many dishes. The recipe described below is very simple but tasty, not very spicy, but also has a rich taste.

Cooking time - 1.5 hours.

The calorie content of the dish is about 50 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Tomatoes prepare, grind, put on slow fire and boil for one hour. During this time, the mass should decrease in volume by half;
  2. While boiling tomato juice, wash, peel and cut sweet pepper into very thin short straws;
  3. Dip it in a saucepan with tomato juice and cook for another 20 minutes;
  4. Then add all the other ingredients, wait for the sugar and salt to dissolve;
  5. After that, adjika is ready.

It can be rolled up in jars, having previously sterilized them. If it is not prepared for the winter, the amount of ingredients can be reduced by 5-10 times, and cooked as needed. Must be stored in the refrigerator.

Variation with apples

Such adjika can be rolled into jars. They will need to be sterilized first.

The meal takes 3 hours to prepare.

Calorie content - about 86 kcal.

How to cook adjika from tomatoes with apples:

  1. Wash apples, tomatoes, peppers and garlic. For apples, remove the seeds, for peppers and tomatoes, the place of attachment of the stalk;
  2. Grind apples and tomatoes together, put on a slow fire and boil for 2 hours;
  3. Crush the garlic, or scroll in a meat grinder along with pepper, add to the pan, also put all the spices and oil and cook for another 0.5 hours;
  4. After that, the sauce is ready. It can be rolled into banks.

From the specified amount of products, about 8 cans of adjika are obtained.

Boiled adjika with garlic and wine vinegar

This seasoning is cooked for about 1.5 hours, during which time it decreases in volume and acquires a more concentrated taste. Garlic must be added at the end of cooking - if it is cooked for a long time, it will lose its taste and aromatic properties very much.

Adjika is prepared from tomato and garlic for 2 hours.

The calorie content of the dish is about 86 units.

How to cook:

  1. Prepare onions, bell and hot peppers and tomatoes for grinding, then chop in a meat grinder or in a blender;
  2. Put the mass in a cauldron, pour vegetable oil and cook for 1.5 hours, stirring;
  3. Crush the garlic and add to adjika. Also put salt, sugar and vinegar;
  4. Sterilize the jars, boil adjika for another 5 minutes, and you can roll it up.

For storage in the refrigerator, adjika can be closed with nylon lids.

Spicy adjika with horseradish

Horseradish root greatly affects the tearing of the eyes - this must be taken into account, especially when grinding it in a meat grinder. However, it is one of the most spicy recipes of this famous tomato sauce.

The dish is prepared in 15 minutes + 1 hour.

Calorie content - about 35 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Soak horseradish in water for 1 hour;
  2. Then peel it, wash the tomatoes, cut out the place where the stalk is attached, peel the garlic;
  3. Grind everything together;
  4. Add salt, mix thoroughly. Arrange in jars and hide in the refrigerator.

This is the so-called "raw" adjika. Due to the fact that it is not boiled, horseradish root retains all useful and medicinal properties. Since such a sauce is stored for a long time, the medicinal properties of horseradish, which is part of it, can be taken into account in winter for various diseases.

Green Tomato and Pepper Seasoning

Adjika from green tomatoes differs significantly in taste from those cooked on ripe tomatoes. Such a recipe can help out if frosts come, and the tomatoes have not yet ripened, or if the child accidentally picked them.

One clarification should be made - by "green" tomatoes it is meant green, not orange or brown. Those who have already begun to sing are not suitable for adjika.

The meal takes 1 hour 30 minutes to prepare.

The calorie content of a serving is about 36 units.

How to cook:

Such adjika can be rolled into sterilized jars. It is stored for a long time, all winter.

Adjika from tomato without cooking

Cooking kills a lot useful substances, including vitamins. Cooked without cooking adjika - very useful product, but at the same time, it cannot be cooked a lot - it is stored for a limited amount of time. Seasoning prepared according to this recipe can be stored rolled up in jars all winter, as it contains natural vinegar.

The dish is prepared in 20 minutes.

Calorie content - about 60 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Since the products in this recipe are not amenable to heat treatment, you need to choose them yourself good quality wash thoroughly and remove damaged areas. Having prepared tomatoes, garlic and peppers in this way, chop them in a blender or meat grinder;
  2. Add all other ingredients to them and mix. The jars in which the sauce will be stored are best poured over with boiling water. Do the same with lids. Spilling adjika into jars, you can put it in the refrigerator.

When mixing the components of this sauce, you only need to use a wooden spoon or spatula - metal ones can oxidize adjika during storage.

Armenian fermented adjika

According to this recipe, you can cook hot sauce very quickly, then you need to insist it for a long time. However, the taste of it will be "strong" and real!

The dish is prepared in 50 minutes + 2 weeks of infusion.

Calorie content - about 55 kcal.

Recipe for adjika with tomatoes in Armenian step by step:

  1. Wash all ingredients and prepare for grinding;
  2. Grind everything without adding salt, pour into an enamel bowl;
  3. Add salt, mix;
  4. For two weeks, withstand adjika for fermentation. It needs to be stirred every day.

After fermentation, the Armenian seasoning does not need any further processing, it can be used immediately.

Preparation for the winter

It's very simple and quick recipe adjika for the winter. The number of ingredients is minimal, besides, this one does not take much time. This amount is for 2 cans.

The dish is prepared for 3 hours, taking into account the insistence.

The calorie content of the dish is about 25 units.

How to cook:

  1. Wash tomatoes, cut off rotten places, if any, cut into pieces, and grind together with peeled garlic in a meat grinder;
  2. Add salt to the tomato juice and leave for a couple of hours, it will dissolve during this time. It is advisable to mix it at least a couple of times;
  3. Sterilize jars (and lids for them too), pour adjika into jars and roll up.

You need to store such adjika with tomatoes in the cellar or in the refrigerator.

Working with hot pepper, it is advisable to wear latex gloves, especially for those who have sensitive skin - firstly, it will protect their hands from burns, and secondly, it will protect the mucous membranes of the eyes and lips from accidental touches during cooking.

When adding garlic and hot peppers, you need to focus on their spiciness. For example, if the garlic is not spicy, you may need to add up to three times the amount given in the recipe to achieve the desired flavor.

When preparing adjika without cooking, it is worth paying special attention to the freshness and quality of the products - it is unacceptable to use rotten or moldy vegetables, badly crushed or bursting, with dirt inside. If the "raw" adjika from spoiled products is nevertheless cooked, in best case"shoot" banks in the cellar, at worst - someone will be very poisoned.

Almost any seasoning can be added to adjika - coriander, cumin, suneli hops, and so on. Picking up right amount and the proportions of laying spices, you can achieve your own, unique taste adjika.

From adjika you can easily cook more gentle sauce- mix in equal parts with thick sour cream. This, more delicate in taste, sauce can be served to the table with most dishes that adjika is served with. In addition, this sauce is suitable for those who do not eat this seasoning due to its spiciness.

If you need to cook not too spicy, but sweetish tomato adjika, you can make a sauce with big amount apples and bell peppers, and do not add hot peppers at all - a little garlic and salt will add spice to the finished sauce, but it will remain moderately spicy.